Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 09, 1918, War Extra, Page 10, Image 10
10 [TSOUSANDS READ THETELEGRAPH- WANT M EVERY IGRT. ADVERTISE ETC I : : J A KI.IVK ln his 81st year, at his late residence. 435 Broad street. ; Funeral services will be held from the above address on Tuesday aft- i ernoon, at 1:30 o'clock. . to I * v s l ®'*| relatives and friends are invited to attend interment Harrisburg Cemetery. I IHOIK Mrs. Harriet Crone died; November 8, 1918. in her 89th year, at the home of her daughter. Mrs. ; C. K. Too rile >'< 3500 North Sixth; street. She is survived by three | children. Mrs. C. K. Toomey. Mrs. John Murphy and Daniel Crone. j Funeral services will be held Mon day afternoon, at 1 o'clock, to which relatives and friends are invited. In terment. private, at Hurrisbuig Cemetery. •> ; llAl M Harry C. Bauin died on No- • vember T. 1918, in his alst year, at his late home. 38 North Seventeenth * Kuner.al services will be held Mon- ; day afternoon, at J P. M.. which relatives and friends are invited to attend Interment, private, at Har- | risburg Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM IN loving memory of K :,), 'i; < ;a Given, who died November 9. 1914. ~~ ~~ i LOST AND FOUND FOUND A dog of good quality, j Owner, by calling at my lesidence ana proving property, may have the dog. , Chas. A. Zerfoss, Union Deposit, Pa. j LOgT A young FrolicU Beagle , Hound, female. Bight brown cars. | black and white spotted, i- inder will please return to 78 Disbrovv street and receive reward. I LOST Between Fourth and Mar ket and Second and Market, a child s gray fur neckpiece, on Thursday i evening. Reward if returned to Mrs. • P. M. Faslg. 1335 Thompson avenue. INSTRUCTIONS A RIGHT START IS HALF BATILK Get a THOKOLUII STANDARD course in Harrisburg s ACCREUIT ED, B u a 11; eaat"o ueg e. school of Commerce, i'.oup Building. Is Market Square. liell -iSfr. LMal 4JyJ FRENCH AND SPANISH | Private and In class. Evenings. Harrisburg Academy. CASSIO POMAR. . INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand. Typewriting. hnsnsli Bookkeeping. Pcir.anship. Arltu-. etc, DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL \ EAR. Enter any time. Bell 694 R. Dial 4016. THE OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL 121 Mkt. Sr. Chas. R. Beckley. Prin. Merle E. Keller. Bus. Mgr. I LEI P WANTED —HALE WANTED, BAKER Good job for right person. 330.uu per week, steei ton Baking Co.. 854 South Second street. Stcelton. Pa. WANTED Bread salesman, one whb has • had previous selling experi ence only need apply. Sub- j stantlal salary guaranteed. Reference required. Apply STANDARD BAKING CO.. Tentli and Market. MEN Age 17 to 55. Experience ! unnecessary. Travel; make secret in-! vqstigatlons, reports. salaries; ex penses. American Foreign Detective: Agency, 603, St. Louis. WANTED A good boy, over 16 1 years old, for delivery wagon work. Apply Grand Union Tea Co., 308 North j Second. i. MAN AND BOY WANTED Boy i must be over 16 years of age. Apply • at once. Modern Textile Company, 1823 Penn street. j WANTED White boy, over 16 years old, lor light work. Apply Don aldson Paper Co., 113 North second street. i MEN Reliable for general work around factory, steady workers can earn good wages. Apply Jackson Mtg. Co., Fourtn and Boyd streets. WANTED Thoroughly competent buuKKc. per. Wholesale house will | pay vii j goou salary to chpabie ' man. Address No. 40. care of lele-J graph. i ■ - , LABORERS WANTED, 35 MEN AT ONCE. APPLY PENN-HARRIS HOTEL THIRD AND WALNUT STs. WANTED Two competent truck i drivers. Good wages. Apply Fink Brewing Company, Forster street. WANTED White boy. 15 or 16 years old, for grocery store —one who: can ride a bicycle. Apply 1601 North Fourth street. . ! WANTED. TEAMSTERS Experi enced. for double and single delivery. Must know city and nearby towns.; Apply personally. National Biscuit | Company, 1370 Howard street. WANTED Experienced fireman for stationary boilers. Only steady., experienced men need apply. 300 Commonwealth Trust Building. WANTED Good porter, also one] that is capable of running Ford car. I Apnly C. M. Sigler. Inc.. 30 North Sec-j ond. ; DRIVER WANTED For Coal; Wagon; also several men for Coal J Yard and Quarry. Steady work. Ruth-! erford Bros.. Paxtang. Pa. ; MEN WANTED To load stone. 29 cents per ton. Can earn |25 to 335 per | week. Apply Paxtang Quarries, Pax-! tang. j r —~ s Some Bargains In Low riced Properties There has recently been placed with us by an estate the follow ing properties: The two three-story houses, Nos. 1201 and 1203 Bailey street. The lot Is 40 ft. front by 58 ft. deep. Price for the entire property 33.000. The three-story house on irreg ular shaped lot which is 17.6 ft. front and 85 ft. deep on the long side. Price 31.500. The vacant lot on the north side of Market street, and In front of | 1201 and 1203 Bailey street. The lot is 40 ft. front by about 83 ft. deep. Price 32.000. We consider these prices low, In fact bargains for properties so well located. Miller Brothers & Co. Ileal Gtfnlr Insurnnre Surety Bonds l.ocust nml Court Streets Member Hbg. Krai Estate Board SAIURDAY EVETriNn, HUM' WANTED—MALE WANTED TAXICAB DRIVERS. Apply i HARRISBURG TAXICAB AND BAGGAGE CO.. . I Strawberry and Aberdeen Sts. SALESMEN WANTED Reliable ; anu weil-established luriu paper lias opt mngs tor men to solicit uw uiiu renewal suoscriptions in tins aiivi ; other ciAituu'*. AJLeu witn car or ! picterreU, Diu not essentia*. As wc ' train our men, experience i* not uec ea>ury. Salary una expense* weekly. See Mr. Willluniaon at Crya ! tul Hotel, to-night or Sunday; 4 to I 8 P. M. ' WANTED Established fertilizer! i company vvaius two shori-ilnie sales- ' ; men. South Central Pennsylvania ler- , ; ntory. Salary and expenses. Only i men of proven selling anility need ap- 1 ply. Address (ox s. uOoli, care of ' telegraph. WANTED Experienced mechanics on automobile Work. Apply THE OVKRLAND-HARRISBUEG CO. SERVICE STATION, Twenty-sixth and Derry Sts. WANTED One first-class baroer. { i Appiy tile Barber shop. 15 North | Market .-quale. WANTED—Two good, strong boys 110 learn trade. Apply Superlnten ! uent. The Telegraph Printing Co.. i HUM I'burg. MEN WAN lED To learn 'lie au-i loioobiM bus.nesa ana do iiiechanicai • i work on same. Thousands of men ; are wanted in the United Stales Army , lor such work us driving and repair ! nig. Auto Ti atisporiuiiuii School. .'6O j j South Front street. Steelton. WANTED A man. or will employ ] man and wife, to do janitor and ; lioiseuoik Aply 1700 North secund 1 street. I WANTED Young man. 16 to IS I years, for wholesale business. Good ; I opportunity. Apply, with reference. ■ ] Address Box 11, 7463. care of lelc- : I graph. DRAFTSMAN WANTED Machine designer, experienced in handling special machinery. Must be - accurate and reliable. Also one ex- i perienced and reliable dciailer. State : fully in your application salary ex- ! pected. experience, age, etc. Perma nent positions to rignt men. FANGBORN CORPORATION, HA9ERSTOWN, Mb. MACHINISTS WANTED Who can adjust Union Special and Singer Sevv : ing Machines, in shoe factory. A. S Kreider Co:. Welt Department. Eightli and Water streets, Lebanon. Pa. GOVERNMENT Needs hundreds Clerks for Income Tax. Customs, In ternal Revonu lurrisburg exaini-f ; nations soon. aiy, 31.200-2,000. 1 Experience ur.. cssary. For free i particulars regarding examinations, j write Raymond Terry (former Civil : ; Service Examiner), 2467 Columbian j : Building, Washington. WANTED Office boyj 16 yekis or j | over. Good vvages and excellent | chance for advancement. Answer in ! i own handwriting. Address Box C, I j 6606, care of Telegraph. i MACHINISTS AND SHOP MEN j ; More money fop you. Learn to read ' : blue prints. Big Jobs open if you un- ; - derstand drawings of machinery, steel 1 | work. etc. tMM at home In a para j ! time by new, easy method. Trial les- i ! son itv Blue Print Reading FREE. | Send to-day. Chicago Technical Col lege. 1772. Chicago "Tech" Bldg., Chi- I cago. 111. j j CARPENTERS WANTED AT ONCE. APPLY TO F. C. LEW IN. PENX-HARRIS HOTEL — Hl-I.P V\ ANTED—FEMALE i WANTED A girl for waitress. ! Goou wages. Inqu.re at 198 South! I Front street, Sleeuon. WANTED Child's nurse—one to j i take care of a tvvu-ycar-oid baby. Ap- I ply 2011 North Second street. | WANTED Experienced colored | dishwasher. Apply Philadelphia l Quick Lunch. 30■ Market street. WANTED High school girl to as- j sist with general uousework in small ! apartment. Uood wages. Small family. Inquire 559 Woodbine street, or Belli phone 2016 J. i STENOGRAPHER AND ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER WANTED—At schell s | Seed Store, 1307-1300 Market street. ! ' Permanent position now and after tne war. , ; WANTED Experienced saleslady for Millinery Trimmings. Also girl for Wrapping Counter. ASTRICH'S, 303 Market St. i WANTED A neat girl to assist ' with housework, mornings, at 212 ; Forster street. Can sleep home. Ap i ply at once at porch door. I CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS [■ — Harrisburg, December 7. 12,000 l women clerks needed. Salary. 31,200. ! Experience unnecessary. Women de ! siring government positions write for I j free particulars. Raymond Terry ! (former Civil Service Examiner), 467 j j Columbian Building. Washington. ! i PATRIOTIC, steady, well-paid em- 1 t ployment In your own home. Knit 1 ! urgently-needed war socks for us on ; the fast, simple Auto Knitter. Full i particulars to-day, 3c stamp. Auto j Knitter Company, Dept. C-821. Jeffcr- j son. Buffalo, N. T. j WANTED—Two young women for ! waitresses. Must give references. Ap- I ply Stourter's Restaurant. 4 North ! Court. • WANTED ' j ! Women who would like to en -1 gage in automobile work. Ex- I cellent opportunity for those who want to do war work. Apply THE OVERLAND-HARRtSBURG CO. SERVICE STATION. Twenty-sixth and Derry Sis, |i m • llELl' H A.v Ir.I)—FEMALE WANTED Colored gins to strip tobacco. Buy while Raining. wood Wwges ale Oeihg t.i..v4 by ex perienced snippers, .vppiy 28 NORTH CAMERON STREET. Second Floor. ' I ' ' • BELL TELEPHONE OPERATORS WANTED Y'oung women. 17 to 30 years ot age, wanted to learn tele | phone operating; rapid ad vancement una exceptional opportunities tor promotion tor those displaying energy and ambition. i Salary paid while learning. Aply ut OPERATORS TRAINING DE PAUTmenb 2US Walnut Street. Between S:00 A. M. and 5:00 P. M. ' WOMAN-*-Wanted liiimedlalely for {scrubbing and general work. Apply Stoutfer's Restaurant. 4 North Court ! street. WANTED A cook and children's ; helper for dormitory. Children's In dustrial Home. Apply Mrs. C. R. Ret icle. 266 Briggs WANTED Olrl for general house work. Apply 2t6 Emerald street. : HEI.P WANTED—MaIe and Female SILK MILL Experienced help wanted. Expert- ! 1 enu-u weaver* average *o.ou tu ♦o.iu J i per da> Utiier uepA* iiiieui* prupur- , i uunuieiy. iscgiuur wauled uiau. i>es>i pay i CuUtc anu vdl U Ju UotUis uvr | ang abuvc ictiUiai waae*. Apiy HARRISBURG SIEK MILL acconu and North S reels. ! WANTED Man and woman. El derly couple preferred. Woniun us ; housekeeper, man lor general work around the pluce, 011 u suiuil, country home .ast ut .vsw Cumberland. Pieuse state where can be seen. Auuress Mrs. Daisy Eyler. New Ctinibei lanu. t'u. General Delivery. _ . SHOEWORKERS WANTED j We need experienced opera tors 111 all departments, and can guarantee steady work. All work is paid for at piece t. rates, out we guuruntee every 1 ' employe definite wages. The more woi k you produce the j inure you earn. We also have openings in all department's tor young men and women to learn u useful trade, which will be of value to them after the war. The shoe business is J i a necessary industry and is of much Importance. Get a job making goods for Uncle. Sam if you con, but if not, then consider the shoe manufactur ing trade as worth while ! learning, if interested, take I this ad to the United States Employment Bureau at Third and North Streets, and get tull particulars. HARRISBURG SHOE MFG. CO. 1402 Verrton St. THOUSANDS MEN WOMEN— j GIRLS, 18 <jjr over wanted Immediately' !by United states Government. FJaay . i office positions at Washington and in ' every large city. Experience unuec- j essary. 3100 month and up. 7-hour | 1 day. " Your country needs you. Help her. Write immediately for free list, j positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 403 G. Rochester. N. Y. ANYBODY' can increase their in- 1 come 320 weekly, spare time, raising { Mushrooms in cellars, sheds, etc. Free | • Illustrated Booklet. Hiram Barton, , j 33H West Forty-eighth street. Dept. 81.1 ! New York. ! MEN-WOMEN Raise Belgian! ! Hares for us. We pay you 37 pair, i Use cellars, backyard, etc. Catalog 1 and contract FREE. United Food & | Fur Association, 329 West Forty ■ eighth street. Dept. 35, New York. I WANTED Lady grocery clerks. Also man to Take charge of ware- I house and drive Ford truck. Salary : and commission. Polleck's Cash and 1 Carry Stores, 19 North Fourth street. V. S. GOVERNMENT wants thou sands Clerks at Washington. Men women-girls, 18 or over. 3100 month. Harrisburg examinations December 7. ! Common education sufficient, with our ! coaching. Your country needs you. Help her, and live in Washington dur ing war times. Write immediately for free list positions open. Franklin In stitute, Dept. 402-J, Rochester, N. Y. ——— SALESMEN W ANTED ! SALESMEN Big, quick profits new Carburetor for !• oru Curs. Simple, not a moving part, installed in thirty minutes, guaranteed to double your mileage und start In zero weather without heating or priming. 15-day FREE trial. Write U. &J. Carburetor Co.. 505 West Jackson Boulevard, Chi cago. • WANTED Salesmen, not in the draft. Never such an opportunity be fore to real sale.smep. Our 1920 Cal endar and Specialty line big motley maker. Write for our special war bonus contract with exclusive terri tory. Only salesmen with clean rec ords and wanting to make big money need apply. Sentinel Printing Coni ' pany. Indianapolis. Ind. i SIDE LINE Top Notch Specialty. ' Responsible house. Pays Big Commis- I sions promptly. Write to-day. Samples 1 and sales talk free. No delays. Erick- I son Company. Pes Moines. lowa. AGENTS WANTED j. AGENTS ISxPJ gold framed pa triotic pictures. 12c. sell 50c. Over the I Top, Paul Jones. Colored Heroes, etc. ! Everybody buys. Sample free. I'eo- I pie's Portrait. Station 1). Chicago. j__ | SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE ! EXPERIENCED OFFICE . MAN 1 Wants extra office work evenings and I Saturdays. Also typewriting to do at home. Address Box B. 6648, pare of Telegraph. WANTED Young man desires po sition in spare hours and days, as clerk, collector or salesman. Address Box C. 6657, care of Telegraph. SITUATION WANTED Executive Live, active man. 30 yeurs. general experience with Manu facturing and other concerns, desires new connection Bent reasons for leaving present position. Experienced purchasing agent. Understands gen eral accounting work. Address McC., Post Ottlce Box 883. Harrisburg. Pa. "KARRJSBTTRG TGSGG& TELEGRAPH i ' . HAVE YOU A VACANT STORE TO RENT? Can you not look about you and see retail establishments which would he better located than at present it" t'.iev occupied thatjstore of jours? Perhaps, somewhere in town, is a tradesman who is convinced that his location is poor. He would gladly consider a change. Advertise to him —tell him what you can offer. ' | SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe -I WANTED— Woman with child i throe years old, would like position as ! housekeeper. Address 702 Twenty , fourth street. Call 2025 M Bell phone. ! WANTED Stenographer, with ,; five years' experience, wunts a good position with 11 reliable concern; can : furnish good reference as to her abil ; ity and character. Address Box N. , 7568. care of Teiegraph. WANTED A refined, young ivo . man. with experience of und! saleslady, also knowledge of minor | :: clerical work, can give aitcrnoons for I service. Address R.. T421, care of I Telegraph. ' WANTED Young woman wishes ! position us housekeeper for widower, )in small, refined family. Address Miss ; Moyer. General Delivery, Harrisburg. WANTED Young woman wishes clerical work in office; has had two 1 years' experience and can furnish i best of reference. Addict p Box E. I 6964. care of Telegraph. i ROOMS FOR RENT ' ' i FOR RENT Furnished rooms. 32.50 pet weeK and up; warm roouis; : running i.oi anu coid water; light 1 housekeeping una priv ate bum. NV il ! son Apuruiicnts. No. 143 Soutn Third j street. 1 TWO well-furnished rooms, for ! light livAisekeeping; gas range, j kitchen cabinet, use of laundry. Cur j ner house. No children. References. I 342 South Sixteenth. j ROOMS FOR RENT. FURNISHED— j All conveniences. Bell i'ilone. |3.UU| {and 34.00 per week. Reference re-1 1 quired. Pine street, also North, ln ! quire Paul's shoe Store. 11 North , hourth. . ! FOR RENT Three furnished i rooms, in quiet neighborhood. ln- I quire 109 Evergreen street. ' I HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Utitur ! nistied, Single or communicating | kitchenettes, laundry. phone and 1 bathroom privileges; stoves turnlsiieu ■ tree. Weekly payments, inquire 43s I Broad street. ! FOR RENT Two communicating 1 first Hour rooms, and one third boor I room, all furnished, within easy vvaik- I ing distance of business district. Ap- I ply 4UB Briggs street. J FOR RENT Room, with board, I for two gentlemen. Call Bell phone 1774 M, ur 607 Forster street. 1 FOR RENT Three large, unfur- I nished rooms, located on Sixth street; 1 light heat and us of phone; no chll ! dren. Call Bell phone 3347 J. or 111- i quire 2130 North Sixth street. | NICELY-FURNISHED ROOMS 'With or without board. Private fam ily. 84 North Seventeenth street. 1 FOR RENT —One or two furnished ' rooms, with or without housekeeping ' privileges, with all modern improve ! nients. Apply at 1308 Market. ROOMS FOR RENT, 113 Locust St. I —Well furnished. Conveniences. Ben j phone 2907VV. ROOMS WANTED 1! TWO business girls desire room and 1 board In private family. References.; I Address H.. 6612, care of Telegraph. | ! THREE OR FOUR unfurnished ] ; rooms, centrally located, by young ' | couple.- Small apartment, with bam. will be considered. Possession on or I about October 1. Can furnish excel ' ' lent references. No children. Address ! j y <( 7458. care of Telegraph. APARTMENTS FOR KENT I FOR RENT Two furnished apart men! first and second lloor; Ileal, gas -' and use of bath. Rent reasonable, inquire 327 South Front street. FOR RENT Three unfurnished - rooms, use of bath, heat and light. . ! muStre at 911 North Sixth. '• { HEAL ESTATE LOR SALE I A~W ELL- PAYING ROOMINGHO USE 'FOR •- " , " 7 Chestnut street. ' ' FOR SALE Brick dweling, 1603W ■inei-ry street lu rooms and bath ' I —electric lifeht furnace—lot, " "Ixloo, with drive on rear. B e u • ! Realty Co.. Bergner Building, ' 3300 CABH NEEDED to purchase a ' three-story brick dwelling, with nine rooms aisi bath gas furnace | " nurch front drive alley on the rear., • i p r ice, 33,000. Bell Realty Co.. Berg-1 j {e,er Building. j I NOW VACANT BO3 North seven ' 1 reiitlt street, brick and stucco dwell '!inr most modernly equipped, well 1 constructed, ideal location. Key at i our office. Bell Realty Co., Bergner _i Building . .ALB 674 Schuylkill Street 5 frame seml-hungalovv with 0 rooms ' and bath other improvements, In " eluding steam, heat. Price. 32.20 U. Be j. Realty CO.. Bergner Building. FOR SALE No. 1515 State street brick house with 9 rooms and bath lot 46x90. with drive alley on the " rear. inspect It soon. Bell Kealty j Co.. Bergner Building. ' PAXTANG PROPERTY FOR .SALE fl Frame house, with six rooms and i bath gas —•electric light lot, "I 30x130. Bell Realty Co.# Bergner ' Building ! —. 1,1 AN exceptionally well-built tw u ! and-one-half-story house, size 3ux2* " ft stands back from pavement 35 r, I in'iot 40x248 ft.: contains eight room: 11 and bath. Situated on Hamilton ' S,feet Camp Hill. Pa., short di?tknc2 • trom trolley. f Built for residence not f„ r spec [ lation. I ' or^ r Sr'AFKl^ ,P South and Pitt Streets. • Carlisle. Pa HEAL ESTATE FOH SALE FOR 6ALb Two-story frame, metal roof, good conditions, yard. Cheap home toi SI,OOO. Inquire store. Jll7 North Third. FOll SALE 2 VI-story double, bi ICK house, ut While iiitl lO rooms each house all improvements i cheap. Inquire A. Siiiuii. Camp Hill,' Pa. FOR SALE 545 and 547 Norch Second street. Steellon, I'a., one double frame house and storeroom. ' Modern conveniences. Lot. 25x100. ' Reason for selling on account of | death. Louis Lacob. FINE INVESTMENT or residence pioperiy on North Second street, be tween Broad and State streets. BriOk, 9 rooms and bath. Lot, 24x125 to I wide alley. Side and back entrances. I Must be sold to settle an estate. Ad dl-ess Box S, 666 U. care of Telegraph. HOMES FOR COLORED FAMILIES Three Brick Douses. 6 rooms, waier inside. SI.BOO each. *60.00 needed ttmi unviuent. LINCOLN REALTY CO. 1129 North beventh St. "IF ITS REAL ESTATE, SEE SANDEKLIN" DERBY ST., 1334 NOW VACANT, modern 10-room, 3-story brick; all i latest improvements; front and rcur ! porches; luwu and back yard; room I for a private garage; ideal location | for a physician, can be bought with SSOO cash. FULTON ST.. 1827—NOW VACANT; corner property; 24-story frame; six rooms and attic; gas and water; can be bought seme as rent. SIXTEENTH ST. 542 2-story brick, 7 rooms, all Improvements, ce ment cellar, can be bought with $l5O cash and $25 per month. NOW VA CANT. KENSINGTON ST.. 2030 B-rooms; all Improvements; very cozy-home; same as rent. SCHUYLKILL ST.. 618 Corner property: 3-story brick: 0 rooms, all improvements, front and rear porches; good size back yard; same as rent. FIFTH ST., N., 2138—2-story brick; one side and a double house; 7 rooms and bath; all improvements; side and rear entrance; same as rent. SIXTEENTH ST., S.. 54 4 2-story brick: 7 rooms; all Improvements; ce ment cellar; can be bought with s2oo cash. STEELTON, SECOND ST.. S„ 318 H —3-story frame; 7 rooms; water gas and electric lights; a very good bar gain. Same as rent. WORMLEYSBURG. SECOND ST. N.. 202 —2',4-story frame; 7 rooms, water, gas and electric lights; lot, 2f>xluo; price right; same as rent. R i D. A. SAXDERLIN. i ROOM 1. SECURITY TRUST BLDG.. 35 NORTH THIRD ST. BEJ L PHONE 1390. DIAL 3573. OWN YOUR OWN HOME ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN Let us make you acquainted with the way it is done. Now Is the time to start, hollowing •homes can be purchased with $360 cash or Liberty Bonds: 2126 Penn. 2132 Penn. 21123 Penn. 2025 Penn. 1912 Penn. 1630 Penn. 129 North Sumniii. 2127 North Fourth. 606 Kelker. 611, 613, 615 and 61i Kel- , 1362 Vernon. We have a large number of manufacturing, freight und several good business oppor tunities to offer. Call at ' A. P. DORANZ. 1225 North Sixth. ! Member Harrlsburg Real Estate Board. i ij xRhISUUHG INVESTMENT OPPOR TUNITY EXTRAORDINARY rheVe Properties must be sold In order to close un estate. The prices are right. Let mc have your offer within reasonable limits. We know It Will be accepted; "28 Boas St.. aiyactlve. substantial home; splendid location; best of neighbors; easy walking distance to Market St. Inspection by uppolnt ""'3l and y 231V4 South St. Three-story ' brick' eight rooms.* improvements. Right In a section where there Is al ways a keen demand from buyers and renters No question as to the merits of the above properties. lam in structed to bring about a quick sale. Full particular interested. Everything In Real Estate, Vknna Building. 34 N. Second St. Member harrlsburg Real Estate Board- TWO-UTOKY BRICK HOUSES—AII Improvements, front porch bay win dow 7 rooms, nice yard drive alley, loom for garage. SIOO down, pay us rent? Also several three-story bricks. | all improvements. Three small houses, suburbs of St eel ton. slo° down " ba f" ce renl or will exchange on small ferm or city "Lnerty Liberty Bonds accepted, pioperiy. c H CORDEK 1722 Green St. Bell 660 J. UIOAI. ESTATE FOR MALE Ji'Ull SALE One 101, 25x100, lo cated on North Second street, buel lon. Act quick. Louis Lacob. FOR SALE BO7 North Second > street. Low price if sold quickly. Modern steam noul plant, new c.iceiric light sys.eiu, 12 rooms, in good con dition. limiieuialu possession. Appiy S. Friedman, Ueul Estate, Kunkel Uldg., ol- 217 Pelfer street. ; Kcul Estate* For suit— •suburban FOR SALE Urlck house. West i Maui street. MetuuiilcauUig. Sluie ! root. Bos. electricity, hut water lieat, lot, oux2ou. lin.uodiule possession. Address Box H, 'uii, care of Tele-] gruph. FOR SALE A desirable Lemoyno property; all Improvements; fiont porch. Owner desires to leave city. Price is right. Call at 1225 Norm Sixth street. CAMP 111 LI., PA. 3-story pressed brick; all improvements; spencer vapor heat; large lawn and trees. Will sell or trade o.i city property. _ p. A. Caley, 70i Kunkel Ring. Hell 586. TWO ADJOINING LOTS FOR SALE —Situated ul Camp illll. Pa. Will sell very cheap. Apply 2al Susque hanna avenue. Enola. Pa. HEAL ESTATE Hill HEAT FOR RENT 9-room brick house; gas, electricity, steam heat; Hue con dition. Rent. SSO.UU. Hid North Six teenth street. Bell 2612. FOR KENT Furnished house. I Write to Mrs. Williams, 1509 Norm I Second. HEAL ESTATE —lor Salt- or Hem HOUSES AND UARACIES at Flftn and Curtin streets. Possession ol some ol the houses on thirty days . notice. Fred C. Miller, 31 North sec ond. Bell phone 307 J. HEAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED—TO KENT We are having a number or applica tions at this tlnig tor furnished houses, apartments uad rooms. What do you have to offer? Address Mil ler Brothers & Company, Locust and Court streets. 1 HAVE BUYERS waiting for prop erty in any section of the city. If cheap. \\ nat have you to offer? Chas Adler, 1002 North Third street. FARMS FOR SALE 3-acre farm, good house, 13 miles from Harrlsburg 1750. Call 107 Chestnut street. WANTED To hear from ownei having good farm for sale. C. C. I Shepard, Minneapolis, Minn. FARMS On hand, any size from 3 to 160 acres, with or without slock. 107 Chestnut. FOH SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE White reed baby car riage in good condition. Inquire 1832 Hunter street, tirst upartment. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! The stole across troin X. W. C. A. oilers you the Uißgesl unit Best Bar gains in Men's and Boys' Suits, Over coats, Mackinaw Coats, Underwear, Hats. Caps und Shoes. W'e are fam ous tor Low Prices. Give us a trial. OUTLET CLOTHING CO., 23 North Fourth Street. FOR SALE Two oak mantels, I with mirrors over shelf, as good us I new. Address C. W. Lady, ll'j Cal der street. 191 D CALENDARS Good Assortment of Bargains. Act yulckly. For good service, order at once and avoid the rush. Sample Room for Conveni ences of Customers. MYERS MANUFACTURING CO.. Third and Cumberland Sts. Above Shoe Store. 1 FOR SALE One new six-inch Van Wle Coal Dredging Pump, com plete. Price right. Aduress Box 890, Harrlsburg, Pa. FOH SALE New heater. Used • twice. Also couch, like new; kitchen ; ! cabinet. Come this week. Sold I cheap. No dealers. Inquire 432 i Mueneh street, ut 4:30 evenings, or 7 I o'clock mornings. W OOD— WOOD— WOOD ' Fine wood, cut nhort. oak, specially cut for tireplace. F. J Matter. Bell HS'-.1. .-I eel ton. WANTED —MISCELLANEOUS OF'FICE DESK FOR SALE 4x6 FEET. FLAT TOP, OAK, AT HALF PRICE. 204 CALDEU ULDG BELL 4377. APPLES Foil SALE Grimes, Gol den, with a Banana llavor; Stuymun, Weir Jonathans, York imperial, cue. Some of these upplcs are very tine. Come and see them at H, A. Wicker sliam s Orchurd, one-half mile cast ol Mechunlesburg. Pa. Trolley car stops at Orchard. 1919 CALENDARS Good Selection. For good service, order,at once and avoid the rush. Sample Room for Conveni ences of Customers. MYERS MANUFACTURING CO.. Third and Cumberland Sts. Above Shoe Store. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR ' CASH - ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED. 1 GEO. P. TILLOTSON. ' 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE OKPHF.UM THEATER BOTH PHONES ' HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of Junk. Get our prices before ' selling. Call Bell phone 936, or drop us a postal and our wagon will call. Keystone Iron & Metal Co.. Broad and Currant streets. - GET your bargains in heaters and ' cooking stoves. We also sell general ' j household goods of all descriptions. ' We pay highest cash prices. New ' mark & Cown, 308 Broad street. MORRIS SAYS save motley buying new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris Schmertz. 1030 Market. Bell 3971 K. WANTED A small, second-hand heutlng stove —one that will burn soft coal. <'"Areas, giving full particulars, F. S„ 1918, care of Telegraph. j EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA! L Cohen & Co.. York and Ash ave nues. have opened UP a place. Whole sale and retiail scruplroti. metals, l üb ber. und rags, paper stuck. All grades of Junk and barrels bought. Pay highest cash prices. Send postal or call Bell phone 3221 W. Will call. /' \ I NOVEMBER 9, 1918: W A NTED—MI SCELLA NEOUS HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of empty barrels and Jun,k. Call Bell phone 4275. U. Abrums 58 Son. 824-8.12 North Seventh stceet. MAX SMELTZ Second-hand furniture bought and sold, liigiiist cusli prices paid. Call Bell 1381 or Dial 5847, or drop a pos tal to Mux Smoltz, 1016 Market street. Will cull, city or country. OFFICES AND STOREROOMS FOR RENT storeroom ut 24 North Thiru street. Nevviy remodeled UIIU new iron I. Also olliees lor rent in suiue ouudiiig. .uppiy next uuur The WTlliuiii U. schieisner Stolen. FOR RENT Desk room in down town otuce building. City slvuiii. electric light and iilevuiur service. Apply to P. O. Hux 851. STOREROOM FOR RENT Why not gel 111 business where the People come 10 buy goods, 1202 North Third, shelved, M-auy for business. The Best room lot the money. Gull ami see an- mi u bargain, llealed by cliy suuiii. 95 (eel ueep. J. S. Sible, 256 Heir street. OFFICES FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished, single or cnscile ut two or three luuiiis. Apply 11. & L. l.oweugurU, 210 North inird street. BUSINESS PERSONALS Diamonds nought for Cash, appraisers 10l estate. P. ii. Capiat! Co., 206 31KU 1 QULMNH. —Look out (or that grippe lecliug, HkeG 10 eaten you Mils eUuiiocuOiu v.eullier vuGit La.vATl v K Plc.oPriO-QUJNLNE Will slave it olt l if taken in tune. Gross Drug store, j 119 .Market street. I WHITE A SONG Patriotic or popular. 1 compose music and guar antee publication. Send wards lu uuy. 1 huinus Merit ti, 721, Reaper Block, Chicago. UABUU BGADRS SilAlvPluNLD single euge, 200 uuz.; douolu edge, 2oc uoz., olu sejlc, 28c each. Gurgus Ml ug store. BUSINESS OI PORT UNITIES FOR SALE , Profitai ie .vews Agency For Sale 111 thriving subuibau town. storeroom 'ln the heart of llie business Aeetion. Start a business here. The Newspaper Agency Will get you acquainted with tile peo ple. Address BOX R. 7474, , Care of Telegraph. RELIABLE ELECTRIC AND LUCESMITHSHOP. GENERAL REPAIRING 13U3 N. SIXTH ST. BELL :ia6. DIAL 6854. WE manufacture a carburetor for Ford cars which is guaranteed to igite double the mileage over any other carburetor ever constructed, re garuless ot name, make or price. Money refunded if 15-day FREE trial does not prove it. Entirely new prin ciple—simple, plain tube —not a mov ing part. Guaranteed to start in zero weather without heating or priming. Tremendous demand. Tiiousailds now in use in Chicago territory. Reliable, energetic, man, who can guarantee sales and carry stock of SoUU to 82,000, depending on uemand, can secure exclusive territory and will easly net 810,000 this year. No special experience necessary. Will also furnish carburetors for other cars in about sixty days. FRANK A. L'RWAN, SU'J West Jack son Boulevard, Chicago, 111. OPPORTUNITIES for Men suffer ing from prostate disorders to rid themselves quickly at home without drugs, diet or massage. This is a wonderful, effective scientific method in use by physicians, osteopaths, law yers, engineers, bankers, business men. farmers, and people in all walks of life. Absolutely hurmless, sooth ing and restores quickly. Endorsed by hundreds of satisfied users. Write to-day tor convincing proofs utid how I you may try this wonderful appliance 'in your own home at our risk. Ad i dress The Electrothermal Company, j 502 Blair Bldg., Bteubenvillc, Ohio. i FOR SALE A first-clusa moving | picture machine, etc., beautiful stagu, |in a town of 4,000 inhabitants, lm i mediate possession, if Interested ap ! ply to H. M. Hartz. Real Estate Broker. Palmyru, Pa. I FOR SACK Urocery store. Clean ' stock doing a good business. Reu- I son for selling on account of death. ! Inquire of Louis Lucob, Steelton, Pa. I' Money to Loan WHEN YOU NEED MONEY to meet immediate necessities, always consult this rclluble licensed, bonded institution clmi-ei cu under Pennsyl vania laws and rtnunceu uy local peo ple in ISOS to save borrowers hum uxttitlion. co . ul , J .; KA q-£VE LOAN A INVESTMENT CO.. 204 CHESTNUT ST. i""* tt STAMPB. AXU THIU " •MONEY FOR NECESSITIES" We are prepared to he4p worthy people when in need of MONEY lor immediate necessities. Call and in vestigate our system. . EMPLOYES' LOAN SOCIETY, 200 BERGNEH BLDG. t \VF LEND MONEY in compliance with Act of June 17, 1915, to individu als In need of ready cash; small loans a specialty, business confidential, pay ments to suit borrowers convenience; Dositively lowest rates in city, PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO.. 132 Walnut Street- Musical ir your Talking Machine needs re nairs lust call Bell Phone 3242 J. An t-xuei' will ue at your service at once. u* oriug uiachiue to 1213 North Third street. \ lOLI.NS. MANDOLINS, GUITARS. BANJOS. Band nnl Orchestra Instru ments promptly and r-.refully repair ed OVLEH'S. 14 South Fourth street. TALKING MACHINES of all kinds repaired by an expert. All work urumully done and guaranteed. Call Bell 2SU4P. or 15U4 Howard avenue. ' • HAULING AND MOVING AUTO HAULING Local or long distance. Furniture and piano moving la Specialty. Blue Line Transfer, Sl7 Capital street. Both phones. AUTO HAULI.NL. —Local and long distance. Furniture moving a spec ialty Kales reasonable. Prompt ser vice. Can Ueli 523J.. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAUUAU Prompt service, A. A B. Motor Express, SIT Capital street. Bell phone 1636 J. Hauling uiul Moving general hauling and fast KXHIIbSs SERVICE to nearby towns Willi uUlu trucks. (July experienced aim cureiul uilvers. call Dell 332U, ui Dim .Job. LOCAL AND LONU-DISTANCB Hauuiau-r uiniluie moving, I'ruiniJt service. Ernest Curbili, bob Culder street, Butn pnulles. Dell 3b36j, Dial uus3. HEA\ Y HAULING —Fully equipped lor lurniture. Ueiylit and piano mov ing. Nu Distance LOO lur. Careful Oliver. liaiu unu dusiproof body. J. E. oruboers truck service. Irvtn Aungsl, manager, iiersuey, p. Dell puoue ian-u. AUTO TRUCK SERVICE -- Local anu lung-uisiauce. v. J. Marior, Dell 33-J, stceitou. ALL KINDS OF HAULING AND MOVING DuND CONHAD BROS., 311 KDLKEH ST. BELL I'HONE 623VV. DIAL PllONili 3olS. WE MOVE anything anywhere, any time. Dayton Cycle Co.. 912 North Third street. Dial phone 1930. liiCKS 3c HOPKINS Local and Eong-uislunce liauiing. 421 Kelly. Do tn puooes. btorajp! STORAGE —41s Broad street, houae noto guoua. aiercliaudise. Private looms ..t reasonaoie rates. Also Haul mg ot all kiuus. L, Cooper <k Co. colli plloues. s OItAGE —In brick building, rear 11)5 Maine I. tlouseuoid goods 111 clean, private rooms. Deasonaoie rales, P. o. Dicker, sua Market street. STORAGE Private rooms for aousoiioiu goods in nreprjoi waia liouse. 13 per lnoiith and up. Lower stor.ge lates lit iiou-nreproof ware kouse. llarrisourg storage Co., 137- tta soUlu Second street. liiidurtukurs SAMUEL S. FACKLKR, r uNLit.U. Diiiodluit, 1312 Deny si. BELL 136b. DIAL 2jU3. DAY AND NIGHT CALLS promptly atteiiued to. 11. si. lloiluian. Funeral Director, 31U Norm seconu street. RUDOLPH K. SPICER, Fuueiai DUcolor anu Eiiibultner, alt Nulla seconu street. BELD 302. DIAL 2116. CKMLTKKY LOTS FOlt BALK PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Beaultiully sltuaieu on Alaiket street east ol Tweiuy-sixm, anu on Ine north and east laces Hie new puik- Way. Tile prices ol lots are moderate, inter di' Us. at Co.. Agents. Wllt'fe to Dluo ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE iiuilb Or' sATIar'ACTTON. SXOUFFEK S RESTAURANT—Horitf cooking served to Dusiuessinen and Lau.tss in separate Uilliiigroom. Cleaners uiul Dyers iT PAYS to have Clothes Cleaned, Piesseu, Dyeu or itepaireu at Hie best place in town. Can anu uelivei. ouuuinau s, lauuft Nurth sixth. Botu Fn.ulits. AUTOMOBILES ONE NEW CONESTOUA TRUCK. Co vei eu uuUy, i.vvu lbs. capacity. A uarguiu. ii.qu.re ut Pnnuueiphia tsu.cit DUUCU. FOR SALE One 1317 Hupmobile Owner expects to be caned in tile ser vice. Apply Sunsmne oarage, 2i-23 .vol tn isuiv'uu nue.ei. OLD AUTOS vVanted; useu, wrecaou or oldtlmera, •i ally nonunion. see me belore sac rincing else wnere. oneisea Auto .. .ttiuUg. A. scutlfniaii, a., 2s, to NOl'tn LnuuiuU stioet. lien 3033. TOR SALE Chalmers 6-30; closed top. extra windslneiu. Price, 3175. Auui'ea* Dux 11, lUOb, cure of Tele graph. .. x.vl'KD All kinds of used auto tires. we pay mgiiest casii prices. No Junk. n. Esteioruok, Ji2 NorUi 1 titi u Street. Dial 133 V. MAXWELL, 1317 Good tires, one eXti'u. Runs auu looks like new. A rare ourguin at 3iuu. Indian, 1316 Mouei, in good running older. Dai gam at 3 76. A. sCilli-r MAN, 22-24-26 North Cuuieron. REGAL ROADSTER FOR SALE lu .iißt-ciass condition. Must be sold at once, us owner is leaving city. Cbeup to quick buyer. Ask for Mr. St. Clair, Driscull Auto Co., 146 South Cameron street. 1311 KNOX Racing Car, in good Co.ia.UUU. 1310 Cnalmers Roadsters, in Al con dition. sutNsrllN'E GARAGE, Both Phones. FOR SALE, CHEAP 6-passenger 1311 Oakland touring car; fully elec trical equipped; light and starter; in llrsi-clesa running order; tires good, two extra. Inquire SOS North Eigh teenth street. FOR SALE Hupmobile, 1913, flve passenger. in good condition; two new tires. Price. 3300.00. Address 1120 Wulnut street. MaXWEj-L Touring car In Al s.iape. Must be sold, owner was Lafied. This car is like new. A lot of exiros. wheel with new tires. Ap ply al 126 South Eleventh -treeL SECOND-HAND MOTOR TRUCKS FOR SALE CHEAP Consisting of variety of Ford cars, with rear-end cne-ton capacity; Vims, Duick, Reo anu Mack, with power hoist, dump body AL are good bargains. Iriter - '.tionai Harvester Company of America Truck Dept., 613 Walnut street. FORD 1916 Touring Car, with all new tires. In line shape, at a bargain. Call ut 322 Blackberry avenue. MAGNETOS All types; i and 6 Bosch high tension. Eismann. Dlxey, Splltdorf, Mea. Remv and different ial en of colls, carburetors, etc. A. Sjhirtinan. 22.21-26 North Cameron street. Bell 3633. iv E Y STONE AUTO TOP CO. All sorts of auto top and cushion wurk done by experts. Also repair work Reasonable rates. 1019 Mar ket sL ~s FOR SALE Small car, In good condition, can be purchased reason ably. See Dr. Burnlte 1718 State street. i Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page