Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 09, 1918, Home Edition, Page 3, Image 3

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Artillery and Machine Gun
Fighting Mark Drive of
Yankees in Night
AVlth tlie American Forces on the
Sedan Front, Nov. 9.—The Ameri
can army east of the Meuse contin
ued to advance to-day despite strong
machine gun' resistance. The Amer
icans went ahead in this region "both
north and south of Dnmvillers.
Along the line of the Meuse, on the
front from Sassey to Marlincourt last
night was marked hy artillery and
machine gun fighting.
The roads leading eastward from
Sedan, Stenay. Conflans and Long-!
uyon are reported by the American
aviators to be packed with cannon
and various vehicles making in the (
direction of Metz. Vehicles are
laden with everything portable.
The Americans have moved so far
forward Into the bills east of the
Meuse that their front Is far longer
than originally intended. In addl-j
tlon they have bad to protect their j
constantly lengthening right flank;
against the enemy wedge as they nd- j
vanoed on to the heights, until the;
front was abnormally long.
But now the unit has found Urno,
to swing southward In a brief, swift;
march and mop up the river hank, i
driving the Germans from their last
strongholds at the diffcult bend in
the stream. Thus the Americans!
have secured their liason with the,
Franco-American troops to the oast'l
and Infinitely strengthened the pos
sibilities of a further udvanre.
One American division east of the|
Meuse reports a gas nnd high ex- j
plosive bombardment of unusual In-;
tensity. West of the Meuse the da) |
continued to produce little activity,
save that displayed by machine gun
and artillery.
Though, ""all other developments
are oventhadowed hy the entry of)
the Americans into the western por-j
tion of Sedan, the capture of Vilosnes
and Slvry was an achievement not j
only of Importance, hut an additional!
testimonial to the value of those
troops who battled their way across
the Meuse.
Capt. Charles Snively
Dies at Williamstown
Williamstown. Pa., Nov. 9.—Cap
tain Charles Snively, aged 82 years,
died at the Central House here on
Thursday night. He was a recruit-1
ing officer and a captain during the \
Civil War, in which he served threo
years, being a member of the Ninth <
Pennsylvania Cavalry. For several i
years past he has conducted a mov- j
ing picture theater here. Ho is sur- 1
vived by one daughter, Mrs. Gil- j
bert, of Kast Orange, N. J. Captain :
Snively was a former .resident of
Millersburg;, where his wife died j
eight years ago. He has been a
resident of Williamstown for the last j
seven years. Funeral arrangements j
will not he conploted until after the j
arrival of his daughter from New j
Williamstown. Pa., Nov. 9.—A 12- i
year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. |
William IClinger, of Broad street, i
died Thursday night of influenza,
and a 17-nionth-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Wiliam Jones, of Newtown
street, also died of influenza.
Use McNeil s Pain Exterminator—Ad
Look at tongue! Remove
poisons from stomach
liver and bowels
Accept "California" Syrup ofj
Figs only—look for the name Cali
fornia on the package, then you
are sure your child is having the
best and most harmless laxative or
physic for the little stomach, liver
and bowels. Children love its de
licious fruity taste. Full directions
for child's dose on each bottle. Give
it without fear.
Play Safe —
Stick to
K. I N G
because the quality is as good as ever
it was. They will please and sacisfv
7c—worth it
Kaiser Perhaps Appearing
For Last Time as Hun Su
preme War Lord
Washington, Nov. 9.—The ques
tion of whether Germany will sur
render immediately, or wait to be
crushed between the advancing al
lied and American armies on the
west front and revolution at home,
rested late last night with an extra
ordinary conference at German great
headquarters. Marshal Foch has
given until 11 o'clock Monday morn
ing, Paris time, for the answer.
Kuiscr Defies Civilians
At the conference the Kaiser is
reported to bo, perhaps appearing
for the last tinie as supreme war
lord, and, according to German wire
less reports, defying the civilians
who ure seeking through submission
to the inevitable to save something
out of the wreck of an empire. A
courier was duo some time during
the night with the text of the Amer
ican and Allied armistice terms,
hamled to the German envoys be
hind the Allied lines hy Marshal
Foch. lie carried the word, sent
ahead by wireless, that the Allied
commander-in-chief had refused a
provisional cessation of hostilities
[Continued on Pago .]
and demanded an answer within
seventy-two hours.
The American government was
advised from Paris late yesterday of
the reception of tlie Germans ty
Marshall Foch at 10.35* o'clock in tlie
morning and its result. Secretary
Lansing immediately made tlie news
public at the State Department.
Later unofficial information of the
movements of the German courier
ynd knowledge of the difficult roads
over which he must travel for one
hundred miles after leaving the Al
lied lines, led to the conclusion that
he could not get back with a reply
before to-morrow even if not kept
waiting for a decision.
Eiul Must Conic Quickly
In the meantime tin* result Is
waited here with entire confidence
and calm. American and Allied mili
tary men say tlie end must come
quickly one way or the other; that
if the Germans are unable to agree
among themselves and accept the
Allied terms the problem will be
settled for them with no great de
that a final effort to quibble with
hostilities stopped is ended, on the
theory that even tlie Kaiser himself
must realize that unless peace is
made quickly there will be no gov
ernment in Germany to make it.
Revival in New York, and else
where of the premature peace dem
onstrations started by the false re
port of the signing of the armistice
led President Wilson to direct Secre
tary Lansing to announce that as
soon as any decision in regard to
the armistice was reached it woulld
he made public immediately by the
government and that any statement
that news regarding this event was
being withheld was utterly false.
Envoys Have Full Power
An interesting question was raised
hy the statement in the report to the
American government on which Sec
retary Lansing based his statement
that the German envoys came with
full powers. Since the delegates did
not use lull powers either to sign
or reject the terms and instead re
ferred them to Grand headquarters,
it was regarded here as certain that
they came with the hope of accom
plishing something more than the
signuture of an armistice. It was be
lieved their purpose was to inject
matters which can be considered
only at the peace conference.
It lias been made very clear, how
ever, and emphasized in official dis
patches from France that Marshal
Foch's powers were limited strictly
to the drastic military program pre
scribed by the Supreme War Coun
cil at Versailles.
News of Mifflin County
Soldiers in U. S. Service
Lewistown, Pa., Nov. 9.—Word has
reached here that C. F. Rager, of
Lewistown, is missing in action in
"Mike" Mateer, of Lewistown, who
was commended for bravery on the
Veste river in France, lias almost
recovered from shell shock and is do
ing guard duty over German prison
ers at present.
Charles Drill, of Lewistown, a pri
vate in the United States Army, has
been commended for bravery in
Strayer Stine is seeing active serv
ice in France.
Harry F. Brubaker, of Lewistown,
in France, has suffered severe in
juries to both arms caused by being
thrown from a motorcycle when the
front tire burst.
First and Very Remarkable Pho
tographs of the Great German Re
treat —Pictorial Gravure Section of
Will 1 Follow Up the Men in
' the United War Fund
Drive Next Week
i So as to make sure that not a
I rlngle person ill Steelton will lose
i the opportunity of making a con
! trlbution to the United War Work
fund a committee of women has been
appointed to follow up the work of
the men. Citizens who can withstand
the persuasion of the men in their
canvass will have to encounter tlie
I smiling persuasion of the women and
I they are determined that no one is
to refuse a contribution. The women
canvassers will be;
Front and Second streets between
Chambers and Dupont; Miss Ida
Front between Dupont and Mohn,
Mohn from Front to Second; Mrs.
11. S}. Boyd Mrs. Lawrence Kingston.
Front street, Mohn to Walnut, \\ al
nut, Front to Second; Mrs. William
Martin, Mrs. Frank Shellenberger.
Front, Walnut to Pine; Locust to
Second; Mrs. A. N. Lupfer, Mrs. Mark
M liming.
Front, Pine to Lincoln, and Pine
to Second; Miss Pearl llill. Miss Viola
Front street, Lincoln to Jefferson,
and Jefferson from Front f.o Second;
Miss Anna Chambers, Miss Catherine
Cigar factory; Miss Jennie McClure,
Miss Laura Carlson.
Glove factory; Miss Catherine Mar
Second, from Dupont to Mohn; Miss
Eleanor Shutter, Miss Addessa Klst
Second, Mohn to Swatara; Ms\
Carle lie Barret, Miss Anna McCuruy.
Second, Swatara to Walnut, and
Walnut, Front to Second; Mrs. Wins
low Miller. Mrs. Creswell.
Second. Walnut to Adams. and
Adams, Front to Second; Miss Ada
Hill. Miss Ellen McGinnes.
Second, Adams to Conestoga; Mrs.
John Conrad, Miss Ciara Lenhardt.
Third, Chestnut to I'ine: Miss Nora
Gaffney, Miss Helen Gaffney.
Third, Conestoga to Franklin;
Franklin. Second to Third; Mrs. E.
O. Kelley, Mrs. John Warnbaugh.
Lincoln. Seconal to Bailey, and Short
street; Mrs. Ed. jriershey, Mrs. J.
John Wargibaugh, Mrs. John Cassel.
Lincoln, Bailey to Reading; Mrs.
Lincoln street, Reading to ceme
tery, and Lebanon street; Mrs. Har
rison Prowell, Mrs. Geo. Boyer.
Conestoga, Bessemer to Reading
street; Mfs. John Bogner, Mrs. Wm.
Pino street; Mrs. M. Cusack, Mrs.
M. Toorney.
Harrisburg street. Pine to Walnut;
Walnut. Harrisburg to Second, and
l'enn streets; Miss Anna Gaffney, Miss
Matilda Schaedler.
Locust from Third to Harrisburg
street, and Poplar street; Mrs. E. N.
Mumma, Mrs. E. M. Pannell.
Fourth street, I'ine to Swatara;
Miss Linnie Hess, Miss Irene Davis.
Elm and Swatara streets; Mrs. Ira
Meyers, Mrs. G. S. Vickery.
Bent's row and Catherine street;
Mrs. John Rupp, Mrs. Dornblaser.
Spruce and Sixth Streets; Mrs. E.
J. Irahoff, Miss Helen Abercrombie.
South Third, from Chestnut; Mrs.
George Vanier, Mrs. James Creigh
'°South Fourth street from Swatara;
Mrs. Geo. Delaniater; Mrs. Cordon.
Frederick street; Miss Freeda Stecs,
Mrs. Ben Sellers.
Main strfet to Conestoga; Mrs.-H.
Watson, Mrs. Preston Harner.
Main street from Conestoga to
Franklin; Mrs. Norma Willis, Miss
Phoebe Shelley.
Myers to Conestoga; Mrs. John
Bethel, Mrs. Mary Morgan.
Myers from Conestoga to frank
lin; Miss Jesse Sharosky, Mrs. Ethel
Wallower. ~
Christian street and B,<le . ~s tr® '
Miss Minerva Smith, Miss Alda Mor-
Mohn street; Miss Anna Bogt, Mrs.
South Steelton; Miss Theresa Pank
ner. Miss Helen Lang.
Heagy's Heights; Mrs. Wm. Deh
ner. . ~ -
Cumbler's Heights; Mrs. C. L.
Front street, Chambers to quarries,
Mrs. Thos. Nelley.
Adams. Ridge. Bailey. Harrisburg
and Furnace streets; Mrs. Charles
Howard, Mrs. Jefferson, Mrs. Page.
Mrs. Ball. Mrs. Miller. Mrs. Steven
son, Mrs. Alvcrta Walker and Mrs.
Soldiers' Christmas Gifts
to Be Forwarded Nov. 18
Notice has been received at the
local headquarters of the Red Cross
that a postal inspector will bo in
Steelton Monday, November 18 from
2 to 5 in the afternoon for the in
spection of all Christmas parcels to
lie sent overseas to soldiers and sail
ors This means that the friends and
relatives of the boys in France must
have their Christmas parcels at the
Red Cross rooms beftye next Mon
day if they are to be forwarded. But
a small portion of the cartons have
been turned in thus far, and unless
the others are turned in next week,
there will be many Steelton boys in
France disappointed on Christmas
Will Give Illustrated
Lecture on Y.M.C.A.Work
As an introduction to the .United
War Work drive to he held next
week the pastor of the First Meth
odist Church will show a number of
pictures on the screen and lecture on
the work of the Y. M. C. A. at home
and abroad, in his church to-morrow
evening at 7.30 in place of the usual
evening service. All the churches
have announced that services will be
held at the regular time.
St. James' —The Rev. J. C.
Thompson, rector. Low Mass at 8.
High Mass at 10. Vespers at 7.30.
Sumu, rector. Muss at 10.30.
St. Anne's —The Rev. Benjamin
Sama, rector. Miss at 10.30.
St. Peter's —The Rev. L. Gladek,
rector. v Low Mass at 8.30. High Mass
at 10.30. Vespers at 7.30.
St. Mary's—The Rev. Anthony
Zuvich, rector. Low Mass at 8.30.
High Mass at 10.30. Vespers at 7.30.
St. John's —The Rev. William Huy
gen, rector. Low Mass at 8.15. High
Mass at 10.15. Sunduy school at 2.
Vespers and benediction at 7.
St. John's —The Rev. George N.
Lauffer pastor, will administer Holy
Communion at 10.30 and 7.30. Sub
ject of evening sermon, "Imitators of
God." Sunday school at 9.15 and
Intermediate Christian Endeavor ut
; Defies Steelton Police
and Pays Ten Dollars
J. W. Smith, of 1612 Catherine
street. Harrtsburg, a brakeman on
j the Pennsylvania Railroad, last
| Thursday night, was so elated over
tho rumors of victory,-that ho cele
brated in his own way. His own
way consisted of Imbibing too freely.
He then decided to take a trolley
ride to Steelton, and on the car a
] desire to smoke overtook him. and
j he promptly put his desire into
i effect. Warned by the conductor
l that he could not smoke on tho trol
ley, he became abusive while his
! language was revelation of profanity.
; In his denunciation he included every
I one on the trolley, and the com
j bined efforts of the men failed to
; eject him from car. He was taken
i us far as Front and Walnut streets,
I where the cat wa sstoppod and a
i policeman called in. Smith took
i his stand in the center of the car
i and defied any of the "olinktty
1 blank cops In the half-rate borough
Ito got him out." The officer did
; get him out, not quite so gently as
I he might have desired, but he got
I him out nevertheless and Innde him
|ln the lockup. Last night ho was
reprimanded by the burgess and
I lined ten dollars and costs. Patrol
man Ilurrel is the officer who landed
Officer Pearson last night arrested
Raffala Mnrtanes for shooting crap
at,Myers and Franklin streets. He
paid the usual fine.
Edward Inks, arrested by officer
Pearson for being drunk and disor
derly, paid the usual tin?.
Chairman of Red Cross
Makes Public Statement
Mrs. Frank A. Robbins, chairman
i of the Steelton Chapter of Red Cross,
has Issued the following statement:
"With the passing of the influenza
epidemic in Steelton. the officers of
j the Steelton Chapter of the Ameri
[ can Red Cross, feel that the public
; generally and particularly those who
I have given the chapter financial sup
port are entitled to know that on
authorization from Red Cross head
quarters, money originally Intended
for the Red Cross fund, as well as
; Red Cross supplies of various kinds
i have been used freely in fighting the
| dread epidemic, and in caring for
i those stricken with the disease,
without any guarantee that the bor
ough or state will refund any of the
money thus expended. The officers of
the Steelton, Chapter considered that
in sueli a great crisis help must be
made immediately available, and left
the question of recompense as a mat
ter of the future.
"The Chapter provided great num
bers of gauze masks for the physi
| eians, nurses and aids at the emer-
I gency hosp'lul; provided pneumonia
jackets for the patients, bedding,
[ bed shirts, pajamas, bed socks, flan
! nel caps, surgical shirts and many
i other hospital • supplies; provided
meals and transportation for the
! physicians, nurses and aids, medi
cine ifnd medical supplies.
"The Chapter desires also to thank
the many volunteers, aids, automo
bile owners and drivers, and all
j others who have helped to make
successful the work of the Red
Cross in assisting and co-operating
with those sent here by the state to
establish and operate the emergency
hospital in Steelton's time of need."
John Korcevar, of 530 South Sec
| ond street, who was hurt in the local
I plant of the steel works Thursday
night, died yesterday. Burial will
bo made from his late home on
The body of Mrs. Minnie M. Pritz
formerly of Oberlin, was brought
here this afternoon for burial In
the Oberlin Cemetery. Interment
was made at three o'clock. Mrs.
Pritz died at Wilkinsburg, Penna.,
of pneumonia, last' Tuesday.
Mrs. Rachel Holland, of 862
North Front street, died yesterday
of acute indigestion. Funeral serv
ices will be held to-morrow after
noon by the Rov. O. P. Goodwin
and interment will be made in the
Midland Cemetery.
A new department has been start
ed at the Red Cross rooms, and will
be under the supervision of Mrs. E.
R. Whipple. The department will
make surgical dressings and a class
for several thousand of them has al
ready been received for delivery in
the present month. To do this work
many new workers will be required.
Harold E. Suydam, of Locust
street, who hsa been ill for some
weeks past from iS severe case of
appendicitis, is slowly recopering
from his sickness.
Trinity—The Rev. William Charles
Heilman. rector. Holy Communion
8. Church school 10. Morning pray
! or and sermon at 11. "The Greater
Victory." Evening prayer and ser
mon at 7.30. Special meeting of the'
j vestry on Monday night at the rec
j tory.
First —The Rev. C. B. Segelken,
pastor, will preach at 11 on the sub
ject, "The Need of a Vision of God,"
and at 7.30, "And the Plague Was
Stayed." Sunday school at 9.4 5. Pre
paratory services next Friday night
at 8 o'clock.
First—The Rev. Herbert A. Saw
yer, pastor, will preach at 10.45 on
"The Perils of Victory," and at 7.30
will give an illustrated talk on the
Y. M. C. A. work at home and
abroad. Sunday school at 9.30 and
Epworth League at 6.30.
Grace—The Rev. J. K. Hoffman,
pastor. Sunday school 9.15. Preach
ing at 10.30, "The Strength and
Beauty of the Church." C. E. at 6.30.
Preaching at 7.30, "The Desire to
See Jesus."
First—The Rev. H. H. Rupp. pas
tor, will preach at 10.45 on "What
Now," and at 7.30 on "A Refuge in
Distress." Wednesday Bible study at
the home of S. W. Bauer, 313 Walnut
Centenary The Rev. Joseph
Daqghcrty, pastor, will preach at 11
on ' Tne Courageous Christian,"
and at 7.30 on "Love Contrasted
With Other Spiritual Gifts." Sunday
school at 9.45. Jr. Christian Endeav
or at 2.30 and Sr. C. E. at 6.30.
Waynesboro, Pa., Nov. 9.—The
local draft board will send nineteen
men on Monday from Greeneastle to
camp—eight to Camp Meade and
eleven to Camp Crane, Allentown.
Takes Stand He Cannot Abdi
cate in Crisis; Anarchy
Would Follow, He Says
By Associated Press
Amsterdam, Nov. 9.—A German
wireless disputch. picked up here
Inst night, says Emperor William has
declined to uecede to the demands
that he übdicule.'
To the uUJma'tum of the Social
ists the Emperor replied, through
Minister of the Interior Drews,
that he refused to abdicute vol- j
untarily on the ground that he
could not at the moment of peace
undertuke the terrible responsi
bility of handing over Germany to
the Entente and delivering up the
country to anarchy.
A Munich dispatch gives additional
details of the meeting at which the
Bavarian republic was proclaimed.
Several thousand persons were fJ.cs
ent, having come by Invitation of the
Socialist party. After fiery speeches
by numerous orators the crowd
adopted a resolution defnanding the
abdication of the Kaiser, renuncia
tion of right to succession by the
crown prince; the introduction of a
democratic regime in Germany, ac
ceptance of un armistice, no future
wars, except. for national defense,
social reforms and an eight-hour day
for workmen.
Tho speakers were received with
great enthusiasm. They all affirmed
that tho Socialist party urged neither
a strike nor revolution but desired
only complete reform.
In a procession which was formed
and which was a mile long were
many soldiers of all arms headed by
a band. The procession marched to
the royal palace and the ministries,
where the government hurriedly
posted uppeals for the populace to
remain calm.
York County Farmers Are
Storing Their Corn Crop
Dillsbttrg. Pa., Nov. 9.—Farmers
In this section are nearly through
husking corn and have stored near
ly all of their crop. A number of
new corn houses were erected to
hold the crop. Prior to this year a
great amount of the corn was mar
keted from the field and carloads
of corn ears were shipped from the
local station. This year corp drop
ped considerably in price just prior
to the harvesting of the new crop
and farmers have been unwilling to
market the product.
Waynesboro, Pa., Nov. 9.—Mrs.
Llllie Amsley has received word that
her Bon, Guy Atnsley, was wounded
in action in France. The degree of
tho wound was undetermined.
Deaths and Funerals
Funeral servh 4 i for Mrs. Margaret
Shaffner who died Thursday at the
Emergency Hospital, will be held
Monday morning at 10.30 o'clock in
the funeral pariors of the Hawkins
Estate, 1207 North Third street.
Burial will be in the HarrJhburg
Cemetery. Mrs. Shaffner Is sur
vived by her husband, her mother,
a brother and a sister.
The death of Samuel Kline oc
curred yesterday afternoon at his
home, 435 Verbeke street. Funeral
services will be held Tuesday after
noon at 1.30 o'clock, the Rev. Wil
liam N. Yates, pastor of the Fourth
Street Church of God. officiating.
Burial will be made in the Harris
burg Cemetery- His wife. Susan, and
a sister, Mrs. William Potts, Har
risburg, survive. He was a member
of Robert Burns Lodge, F. and A.
M„ Knights Templar, Pilgrim Com
mandery; Harrisburg Consistory; I.
O. O. F. Lodge No. CO, and' was one
of the active members of the Fourth
Street Church of God.
Mrs. Mary E. Dull, aged 72 years,
died October 19 at her home. 130
Linden street, after a brief illness
from pneumonia. She was widely
known and had many friends here.
! Burial was made at Fayetteville.
Funeral services for Levi Rudy,
widely known Harrisburger, will be
held at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. Harry Weaver, 544 Curtin
street, Monday afternoon at 2.30
(•'clock. The Rev. Elils N. Krenier,
I astor of the Reformed Salem
Church, wil! officiate. Burial will
be made in the Shoop Church Ceme
Reaping the Whirlwind
Washington, Oct. 29, 1918.
Fred L, Smith,
1905 Dime Bank Bldg.
Detroit, Mich.
I have engaged to ruise one
hundred thousdnd of a fund vi
tally npeded at once to elect a
Democratic house and senate. I
want you to join me as one
hundred to give a thousand each.
Important. Please wire immedi
ately care of Democratic head
quarters. Washington.
Chairman Dent. Nat. Committee.
Detroit, Oct. 29, 1918.
Vance C. McCormick,
Dem. Nat. Committee Hdqt.
Washington, D. C.
Answering you telegram of Oct.
29, I think a hundred thousand
dollars is too much for a Dem
ocratic congress. Same goes for
a Republican congress. A hun
dred thousand would be dead
cheap for ope live American in
congress who makes his one and
only job that of winning the war.
Some are born Democrats, some
achieve Democracy, and some
have Democracy thrust into them.
Some also do not know whether
they are. Republicans or Dem
ocrats until the primary elections
are past. Two members of my
immediate family being In khaki.
1 personally vote by preference
for men in uniform. Have no
Use for recent loud effects in
yellow. Why not spend a little
more than a hundred' thousand
dollars and get a good model?
Why start a second-hand garage?
Are you sure a grand jury will
not get you, say in Louisiana or
Arkansas? Sorry to disappoint,
having been a good Democrat
since 1870. Now trying to be a
good American. •
With Choir and Organist
With the services to-morrow or
gunists and choirs resume their work.
At Westminster Presbyterian Church
the quartet number will be Dudley
Buck's "Kock of Ages," and Mr.
Sliuntz will sing Asl>fold's "My TasK,"
which had been a great favorite of
the lamented pastor, toe Rev. Edwin
K. Curtis. Mrs. Ralph C. Burd returns
to her duties as organist ut this
Three anthems of dignity and
beautv wil be sung by the choir of
Messiah Lutheran Church to-morrow,
Smart's "Praise the Lord" being sung
in the morning and Costa's "Let Un
people Praise Thee" and Corbin's
"Jubilanle Deo" in tho evening.
George M. Garrett's "The Lord is
Loving Unto Every Man" is to be one
of the special numbers at Augsburg
Lutheran Church to-morrow. The
evening number is of a lighter char
acter. being the Ira B. Wilson setting
of "The Better Land."
W. K. H \nRI3M, NOW
Among the appointments, reported
in the Army and Navy Register, made
by the commanding general, Ameri
can Expeditionary Forces, appear the
names ofc two Harrisburgers: -Major
William 4F. Harrell. who was pro
moted to Lieutenant Colonel. and
First Lieutenant Samuel S. Froehlich,
promoted to Captain of Infantry.
Lieutenant-Colonel Harrell is well
known In this city having had charge
of the recruiting station here. Other
Pennsylvanians to receive promotion
were Lieutenants Charles L. Dick
son. of Berwick, and Gerald M. Tamb
lyn, of Wilkes-Burre. Botli were
promoted to captains.
About twelve couples attended the
informal dance held by members of
the University Club at their club
rooms in the Horsliey building last
night. The dance last night, the
second to be held this season, and
the first since the lifting of the
influenza ban, was one of a series
which the club has planned to hold
during the coming winter months,
about two a month of these informal
gatherings being expected to be
given. The arrangements for the
dance last night were in charge of
Edward Kendal. As the club mem
bers realize that these are war times,
the affair was altogether informal
and consisted of dancing and light
refreshments. The chaperons were
Mr. and Mrs. William Earnest.
Lightless nights have been modi
fled to a certain extent by an order
frm the national fuel administrator
reweived here to-day. The modifica
tion takes effect Monday. The regu
lations effecting Pennsylvania state
that the windows of stores and busi
ness establishments may remain
lighted whenever there is business be
ing conducted in the establishments,
and must be darkened only on light
less nights. ,
.ryv'yyvyyyTTTTTV i 1 rv▼n 'v V V'vttv vtVVt*t 'V"t Mj
. ; _<
|fin;y f/ere Not Alone Because Prices Are Lower, bat Because Qualities Are Better <
Monday Millinery Sale!
- • j
Of the Seasons Smartest j
► I
y With new arrivals in our Millinery Department every week, you are assured
y of choosing here at all times from the very newest models from the great \
y fashion centers. This sale, therefore, for Monday, is of extreme importance in
h that it offers you unlimited choice of the latest styles at specially low prices for ;
k the one day only. There are no reservations—you get your choice of
t Our Entire Stock of ;<
P Strictly the Newest and Best Models Designed For Fall and Winter—All This \
r Season's Styles—For Women, Misses and Children
r In Velvet, Panne, Beaver, Silk Velvet, Velours, Etc., in Every Conceivable Shape From the \
r Moderately Large Dress Hat to the Small Tailored Turbans, Plain and Trimmed
With Ostrich, Feather Novelties, Wings, Ornaments, Ribbons, Flowers, Etc. t
i Ladies' Untrimmed Hats, Ladies' and Misses' 2
$2.50 actual values, 07 oQ Trimmed Hats
$3 50° actuaf I values 07 Q Q s2 ' so actual values 0 7 Aft <
Monday price J •
$4 M n ond $ ay A 8 Mon^pricf...SL9Bi
$6 and $7 actual values, 0O AQ $3.50 &$4 actual values, CO AO \
y Monday price Monday price <
> $8 and $lO actual values, (PA AO $5.00 actual values, 0O QQ
Monday price Monday price
Tailored and Sport < 4B \ '
Trimmed Hats $7.00 actual values, 00 qo f
$2.50 actual values, 0 1 CQ Monday price <
Monday price • SB.OO actual values, (f/f AQ *
S3 JSc $3.50 actual values, 0 7 Q/R Monday price
Monday price • SIO.OO actual values, 0/T Q O
$4 and $5 actual values, 09 AX? Monday price
Monday price
$6.00 actual values. $3.29 VeloUT Hats i
Monday price v ;
$7 and $8 actual values, o># AO' $4 and $5 actual values, CO AO \
Monday price 'W.VQ ■ Monday price ,
SIO.OO actual values,. 0/T AO $8 and $lO actual values, 0/T QQ
Monday price Monday price ipDoZJO J,
f 2 Shi .... 25c Department Store |
\mssnamrjj Where Every Dqy Is Bargain Day i
• 215 Market St. Opposite Courthouse]
i A ■*_ A M+AA, AA AAA A, A A A -*■ " A *<
NOVEMBER 9, 1913.
I Tlie composition of a Harrisburg
writer, John S. Hoppes, "Freedom's
Song," will be rendered at the Mt.
Calvary Episcopal Mission at Camp
| Hill, to-morrow by Mrs. Guert W. Kn
. sign, who will sing it as the offer-
I tory number. The number made its
appearance only ten days ago.
At Stevens Memorial Methodist
Church, to-morrow evening, Corporal
I Humphrey J. Roberts. a wldely-
I known Welsh singer, is to feature the
| service. He has been engaged by the
I church for a series of Sunday even-
I Ing meetings.
1 There will be several absentees In
the choirs of the city to-morrow. A
I few of'the singers have not recovered
! from illness contracted during the
epidemic and last night's rehearsals
j showed the ranks depleted. In conse-
I quence. the programs arranged had
to be changed to some extent. It is
expected that another week will see
most of the singers ready to resume
their places.
Building permits were issued to
! E. N. Lobo, contractor for the Russ
! lirothers Ice Cream Company, to re-
I model the present plant of the com
j pany at 1540-42 Walnut street, and
j to. building an addition and make
; other changes at the large brick
building at Nineteenth and Manada
, streets, which Will also be used by
1 that firm. The cost of the improve-
S ments will total $2,750. During Oc
, tobcr building records in Harrisburg
took another big drop. Nineteen
permits were issued for work costing
1 $7,150, while in Otobcr, 1917, there
! were 25 permits issued for buildings
! costing $146,160.
Suburban Notes
I Corporal Miles Fink who spent a
: fourteen-day furlough here, returned
ito Camp Meude Wednesday.
Miss Ruth Hefflemun has return
i cd to Annville after spending sev
eral weeks at Camp Hill, where she
t was the guest of her parents,
i Mrs. Harvey Horst is able to be
; about again after an attack of 111-
i ness.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Hawley, of
| Horrisbprg, were visitors 4n town
| on Thursday.
John H. Powell and family moved
Ito South Harrisburg on Thursday.
| Mr. Powell has been employed at
the typewriter works for some time.
Mrs. J. 11. Hess attended a din
ner given by Mrs. Dornbaugh .at
her home in Main street, Mcchanics-
J burg, to a number of women asso
j ciated with the Dillsburg Camp-
I meeting on Thursday,
i Glenn Stough, who lost his pocket
: book containing about $37, several
days ago, has recovered the pockct-
I book and money.
Mrs. William Nelson, of Carroll
township, sustained a broken arm
I from a fall on the sidewalk here
I when on her way to the station on
Tuesday evening.
Calls Deferred by Epidemic
to Entrain Next
Week ]%>
State Draft headquarters to-day'
anounced that the 6,700 men
called for Camp Grcenleaf, Ga., and
scheduled to move in the week ofi
October 21 but deferred because of
the influenza epidemic, would en
train next week. The men called
to go to Camps Meade and CranV
will also move next week. To-day'
500 men for the Navy are on the
way to Philadelphia.
"Including the Greenleaf move
ment, there will be about 14,600
Pennsylvania men sent to three
camps next week, and the train
schedules call for the movements to
begin on Monday and continue for
five days," said Mnjor W, G. Mur-
I dock, the chief draft offlcor, to-day.
"It is short notice for the boards re.
J garding Greenleaf, but they have
, met many emergencies and the effl
| ctency of the selective service will
be again demonstrated in this state,
1 feel sure."
The railroad administration is pro
; vldlng special trains for a number
of localities and the drafted men
will wear brassards or arm bands.
All local boards were to-day di
rected to stop sending men to Syra
cuse Camp.
After two months interruption,
owing to the iniluenza epidemic, the
regular meetings of the Citizen
! Fire Corn-puny will bo resumed on
| Monday evenings, when the Novem-
I ber session will be held at the en
glnehouse, Third and Cherry streets.
How I Lost My Wife's Love—The
Secret of a Famous Divorce Reveal
A Strange Fact
About Indigestion
A strange fact about indigestion
with which comparatively few people
are acquainted, is that nine times out
hi ten pain in the stomach after eat
ing is due to food fermentation and
. acidity; which, as any doctor or drug
gist can tell you. Is almost instantly
relieved tiy taking a teaspoonful of
pure Itl-ncsla (powder form) in a lit
tle hot water immediately after eat
ing or whenever pnin is felt. Pure
Hi-nexlii Is obtalnubld of druggists
I everywhere and it everyone would
adopt this simple plan, indigestion,
dyspepsia, sour stomuch, gas and flat
ulence would soon be unknown.