Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 09, 1918, Home Edition, Page 2, Image 2

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*■ Brethren in Christ Minister j
Will Engage in Mis
sion Work
Ladies' Auxiliary of St. Luke's
r ... Episcopal Church Plans
Week, of Prayer
Meolianlcsburg, Pa., Nov. 9. j
Prior to leaving for India, where he I
s and his "ife will engage in mission:
P work, the Rev. Amos Dick gave a |
farewell address in the Brethren in j
H' Christ Church in Marble street, on
Thursday evening. The Rev. Mr.
P Dick is a son of the Rev. J. C. Dick,:
formerly of Mechanicsburg. and is]
a graduate of the Messiah Bible,
1 ' School at Grantham.—On Tuesday
evening an interesting meeting of the j
Ladies' Auxiliary of St. Luke's Epis- j
copal Church was held at the home;
of Mrs. It. Byron Schroeder, East j
Main stroct, and plans, were made'
for a week of prayer, to be held later
in the season. —Rally Day services
will be hold in Grace Evangelical
• Church on Sunday. November l<.
when Bishop W. M. Stanford, of
Harrisburg, will be the speaker oi
the day.—At the annual meeting of
the Raker Engineering Company on
Monday, at the ofllce of the company
in South Market street, an election
of oftteers was held, which
as follows: President, George L.
Lloyd: vice-president, Roy E. ltake-,
straw; secretary and treasurer,]
Charles Eherly.—George Ruth, of
Camp Meade. Md., spent a furlough j
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob i
Ruth, of. North Market street.—Pub- (
lie schools reopened here on '1 ues- i
day, after being closed during tlie |
Influenza epidemic. Every precau- ,
tion has been tukeii to prevent the ■
further spreail of the disease, ant .
no yhild was admitted from homes
where Influenaa exists. Dr. S. E.
Mowery, board of health physician. ,
issues permits allowing children to;
attend school where the disease bus j
been in the family only when danger ,
of contagion has passed.—With tnc ;
lifting of the influenza ban, churches
will resume tlieir icsular services to
morrow and Sunday schools then ,
" i activities. —Rally Day will be-ob-i
served at *hc Presbyterian Church j
. with an enjoyable program and "h®":
cial features. —The Rev. J. K. Robb.
South Market street, is recovering
from the accident which occurred j
when ho was cranking his automo- j
bile and tlio engine backfired, and
he sustained a broken right arm, dis- I
located thumb and torn ligaments, i
W. P. Main, a former prominent j
resident of Mcchaniesburg. visited;
friends here this week. He is em
ployed by the Government as in
structor in the Auditor's Department
at Quincy, near Boston. —Robert
Ross, of Chamhersburg, was tRe
guest of Bruce Wlster, West Coover ]
street, this week. —Lawrence Eherly.:
of the State Highway Department. |
was a visitor here on Tuesday.—
Professor H. A. Surface and fam- :
lly have arranged to move to Me-
chanicsburg for the winter i
their home near town. Tliey will j
occupy the Blackburn Apartments
in West Main street.
Richard F. Wagner Goes
to Annapolis Academy
New Bloomfleld, Pa., Nov. D.—
Richard Fox Wagner, only son of 1
the Rev. Dr. Scott R. Wagner, of
Reading, now a chaplain in the army, i
has been appointed to a cadetship in j
the United States Naval Academy at
' Annapolis, Md. He is a senior in j
the Reading High School. Mrs. Pohn
Wagner, of New Bloomfield, is his .
grandmother. qorporal Harold ;
Tucker, of Newport, and Warren It. ,
' Sarver. of l'erry Valley, were among
the wounded recently reported. In
the case of Corporal Tucker it was
found necessary to amputate his left j
arm. —Miss Edith Johnsen left Thurs
day for Philadelphia.—Miss Harriet j
Motter left on Monday morning for
Wells College. N. Y.—Miss Thress
Miller left for Philadelphia on Mon
day. where she is visiting friends.— j
Miss Morrison Bower is visiting her ,
Bister, Mrs. W. W. Welcomer.—John i
Snyder, of Mechanicsbufg, spent the i
weekend with D. L. Kistler. —Horace
E. Shelbly, editor of the Advocate
Press, after ten days' illness with ,
the influenza is recovering.—United ;
Statqs Marshal James S. Magee. of ,
Scranton. Pa., was at his home bore ]
on Tuesday.—Ed. M. Smith, of Har- ,
risburg, was here this week.—Miss !
Hose Mitlcr and Sllss Edith Bern- j
heisel resumed thqir duties as teach- ,
: ers at Camden, N. J., on Wednesday, j
after the bad had been lifted on ac- j
count of influenza. —Mr. and Mrs. j
Sllfford Heiges, of York, spent over ]
j Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William S.
*" Sclbei't. —Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Humer, j
of Carlisle, spent several days with •
' relatives here. —William B. Sheibly,
'■ of Glouater, N. J., Is visiting his
j; brother, H. K. Sheibly.—J. C. Light- i
ner, of Harrisburg, was here on Tues- J
day.—Mrs. Henry Relgle and son,
1 Robert, have gone to Philadelphia,!
to stay until the Christmas holidays, j
—The Rev. Potter Hayes will preach
In the Center Presbyterian Church
at Center to-morrow morning at 10.30
o'clock. —Mrs. J. T. Alter, who has ]
been visiting Mr. and .Mrs. Theodore
K. Long sit Chicago for several weeks,
returned home on Saturday.—William 1
W. Welcomer, of Harrisburg, spent j
the weekend with relatives here.
j* London, Nov. 9.—The British i
forces have crossed the Scheldt south j
of Tournai and occupied the western
!'. part of the city. The capture of the
i> Important town of Avesnus and the
•( occupation of the western portion of 1
, Tournai, were reported in Field Mar
shal Ilaig's otiiclul communication
last night.
'v —
* Julius Scott and Ernest Giusti
i have taken over the Alva Hotel und
} Restaurant, Blackberry and Grace
, streets, which they formerly managed
up until six months ago.
o Mnhnnoy City, Nov. 9.—111, and
Eli grieving over the deuth of a rcla-
Itive, Lpuis Ochs, 52 years old,
hanged himself front a rafter in a
stable here.
Reduce Your Fat
Without Dieting
Years ago the formula for fat re
duction was 'diet"—"exercise." To
day It is "Take Marmola Prescription
Tablets." Friends tell friends—doc
tors tell their patients, until thou
sands know and use this convenient,
harmless method. They eat what they
like, live as they like, and still lose
their two, three or four pounds of fat
• week. Simple, effective, harmless
Marmola Prescription Tablets are sold
by all druggists—a large case for 75c.
Or, If you prefer, you may write
direct to the Marmola Company, 864
Woodward Ave.. Detroit, Mich. 1
Liverpool Couple Celebrate Golden Wedding
I . : -• '•••, s / •
" o * ~s
Liverpool, Pa.. Nov. 9.—Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Robison, of Liverpool,
celebrated their golden wedding anniversary quietly this week at their
home in Front street. It was the desire of the children to have li family
reunion at this time, but owing to the Spanish influenza, which has
invaded the homes of three of the family, the reunion hits been postponed.
Sir. and Mrs. Robison have a family of five children —Mrs. W. M. Chaun
ccy. Bradford; R. 1!. Robison, manager of the Globe Clothing Store at
Harrisburg; George W. Robison. of Philadelphia: E. P. Robison. of Mechan
itsburg: Miss Pucra 15. Robison, a member of the faculty at Williamsport
Dickinson Senimary. "Daddy" Robinson is 8" years old, the oldest resident
in Liverpool, a Civil War veteran and a stanch Democrat.
Haig Men Make It Impossible
For Foe to Meet New
Washington, Nov. 9.—Capture of
Maubeuge by the British, General
'March said to-day, marks the defi
nite severance of the last German
artery to that seetofr of the west
front and will make it impossible
for the enemy to shift his forces to
meet a new attack.
Summarizing the Allied successes
since the inauguration of the for
ward movement, General March
pointed out that the Germans have
been driven sixty-four miles farther
from Paris and the territory they
occupy in. France has been reduced
from 10,000 square miles to less than
The American First army under
General Pershing has advanced
thirty miles in ihe last eight days.
Denounces Fake Dispatch
General March characterized the
publication of the erroneous an
nouncement of, the armistice as
"very bad for the military program
of the United States." For instance,
he said, in New York, the stevedores
who were engaged in loading very
essential supplies for the expedition
ary forces, stop'ped work and did not
return at all on that day or the next
day and army food thus
were delayed.
In commenting on tills incident
the chief of staff made the statement
that tlie American Army will lie in
France for sonic time even when
peace Is declared.
[Continued from First Page.]
town. Pa. Front the county, 82 wifl
go to Camp Greenleaf, 28 to Camp
Meade, and 3 8 to Camp Crane.
Greenleaf Men -Entrain Wednesday
The men going to Camp Greenleaf
will entrain Wednesday morning at
11.50.-They will report Tuesday night
to their local boards. The Crane |
quota will entrain Thursday morn- i
ing at 8.30, and the Meade quota at j
11.50, Friday mornilng.
The Paxtang board to-day called i
the following men to report Wednes- |
day to entrain for Camp Greenleaf: \
Charles Rhine, Grantville,' Pa.; j
Harry Foreman, Ilersh.ey, Pa.; Ar- i
thur Yingst, Hummelstown, Pa.: I
Earl A. Howe, Penbrook, Box 253;
AarOn Shearer, Ilershcy. Pa.. R. D.!
No. 1; Harry Smith, Linglestown. I
R. D. No. 1: Bernard Laueks, Hum-j
melstown, 33 South Water street: Ira l
E. Zimmerman, Linglestown, R. D. |
No. 1; Alfred C. Myers, Harrisburg. I
1922 Briggs; Enos E. Barte, Deodate, j
Pa.; Harry Grjimbine, Union Deposit, j
Pa.; Dewey McAllister, Harrisburg
State Hospital; Wilmer J. Crone.
Harrisburg, 3355 North Sixth street;
John M. Gordon, Ilershey, Box 44;
Edwin J. Runkel, Hershey. Pa.; Ray
J. Keller, Union Deposit, Pa.; Ralph
F. Forney, Penbrook, 2627 Herr;
Harry W. Rupp, Hummelstown,
South Water street; George D.
Stilitzcum, Fort Hunter, Pa.; Ralph
B. Bixlei, Hershey, Y. M. C. A.; Elon
Jones, Waltonvillc, Pa.; Henry
Stephens, Philadelphia, Pa., * 148
North Tenth street; Ralph W. Sear
foss, Penbrook, Pa; William J. Run
kle, Hummelstown, Box 2'4.
K is the ilrst time in the war that
three large quotas have entrained
from Harrisburg in one week. These
three cntrainments will be on three
succc-sslvo days. The Camp Green
leaf call is the one originally sched
uled for October 21 and postponed
because of the Spanish influenza.
September Registrants Only
City board No. 1, will fill its' entire
Greenleaf quota with September 12
registrants. Other boards also called
upon the September 12 registrants.
In addition to these calls, local
boards this morning received notice
of a limited service call for 150 men
for service as developers. They will
be entrained for Camp Devens.
Mass.. to arrive there November 25.
The call is voluntary.
The quotas which have bpen an
nounced are as follows:
Buurd No. I's Quota
City board No. 1, Meade and Crane
quotas already announced. Green
leaf quota as follows:
Charles Frederick Yollmer, 119
Liberty; Russell "Theodore Hohn,
1072 South Cameron; William
Claude Mcßrftle, 10U2 South Camer
on: Galen Wltman Schlicter, 16
North Fourth; Jacob Toibert Den
ney, 1329 South Cameron; John
Martin Lewis Stewart, 1222 North
Front; Edward Darron Cook, 'llOB
Capital; Raymond Judkins Elrick,
133 Walnut; George BlaMie Lofcver,
Lisburn:. Joseph Felberto, 1010
Hemlock; Claude Lee Charpening.
1328 Fulton.
/ City Board No. 2
All quotas announced. John
Knouse, 218 North Fifteenth, how
ever will go to Camp Greenleaf in
place of another registrant who was
deferred because olj sickness.
City Hoard No. 15
Meade and Crane quotas an
nounced. Greenleaf quota:
Leonard John Marks, 2239 Atlas;
Charles A. Harris, 1913 North Sixth;
Albert XI. Sharp, 628 Harris; Tolbert
O. Dunlap, 223 Hamilton; Raymond
Hoover, 1528 Wallace; Ross James
Snyder, 2219 North Second; Theo
dore F. Colestock, 1323 Cowden;
Joseph XI. Gemer,, 418 Harris; Ed
ward E. Hutchinson, 1109 North
Second; Clyde W. Rife, 1616 A North
Sixth; George Williams. 1157 Cum
berland; C. Russell Phillips 2601
Lombard; Newlin N. Yontz, 2126
Moore; William H. Binkley, 500
Seneca; Gerald P. Dye, 1108 Calder;
j Edward Roy Markle, 311 Dauphin;
! Henry Coheft, 633 Boas; Harry W.
! Mathias, 1531 North Third; Bernard
j King, 634 Roily; Jay SI. Aucker,
12214 Penn; Elwood Barnhart, 1511
| North Sixth; Warren B. Lauder
i milch, 1901 North Second; Bercy M.
! Hopple, 420 Kelker; Samuel A.
: Moretz, 2314 Jefferson; Elder M.
Barker, 2028 North Seventh; Calder
iV. L. Bruner, 1837 Susquehanna;
I Harry Cohen, 628 Forster; Norman
I C. Bitting. 2501 North Sixth; Walter
IJ. Freltzer, 626 Hamilton; John
i Bartcli, 214S North Fourth; Thur-
I man Giflln, 1608 North Fifth.
County Boards
County boards Nos. 1 and 3 not
announced. County board No. 2, an
! nounced. Greenleaf <|uota as follows:
City Hoard Xo. 1
City board No. 1 this morning an
nounced the names of three regist
rants who will leave for camps un
der special inductions. John A. Jlo
ran, 106 State street, will join the
Signal Corps at Little Silver, N. J„
Tuesday; Clarence E. Colestock, 231
Boas, will entrain November 2 5 for
Columbus Barracks, for duty as a
clerk under a limited service call,
and William L. Dunleavy, 1014
South Ninth street, will go to Camp
Forest, Lytle. Ga., as a forester. He
will report there November 25.
Price of Boston Papers
Go Up at Week's End
Boston, Nov. 9. —Publishers of
Boston daily and Sunday papers
voted to-day to advance the price
next Friday to 2 cents mousing and
evening, and 6 anij 7 cents on Sun
days. To-day all the Boston evening
papers sell for 1 cent, except thqj
Transcript, which charges 3 cents,
and all the morning papers for 1
cent except the Boston Globe, which
sells for 2 cents, and the Christian
Science Monitor, which sells for 3
cents. All the Sunday papers sell
for 5 cents.
Boston is the only large city in
the country in which there still re
mained 1-cent newspapers, and the!
increase to 2 cents has been under
consideration for some time. Largely
increased operating expenses and the
jumping prlqe of print paper have
made the 1-cent paper impossible.
Youthful Thespians Give
Vaudeville For Belgians
The Keystone Entertainers, an or- j
ganization of five youthful thespians ]
residing in East State street, made
their debut in a series of entertain
ments the last few evenings at the I
"Williams Playhouse," 1723 Apricot |
street, the entire proceeds of which !
go to* the Belgian Relief Fund. A
neat sum was realized.
Interspersed with lantern pictures,
some vaudeville stunts were cleverly
presmited, a change of program oc
curring nightly. A notable feature
of Thursday evening's performance
was the human mummy doll, 27
inches high, born in Africa in 1784,
and now speaking English lluently
as it danced the latest "bunny-hug."
Last evening's .headliner was the
Capture of Sedan, three-act war
drama in miniature, showing the
several military encampments, the
forts in action, the' hovering air
planes, the gunboats plying the river
Meuse; concluding with the onrush
of the, American soldiers, the demo
i lition of the enemy fortiiications and
i the surrender of the Germans.
Those participating were Craig
1 Williams, David Chidsey, George
i Bennett, David Downin and Don
| Nlssley.
Must Fill War Chest, Even
if Peace Comes, Says Mott
New York. Nov. 9.—To guard
I against the demobilization period be
| coming one of "mental, moral anil
i physical slacknes and deterioration"
! in thc'Anie.dcan army and navy, tHe
| seven welfare organizations united
j in next week's war work campaign
; require, even more urgently than if
I hostilities continued, the full support
I of the public, John It. Mott, chair
! tnan of the drive, declared here yes
| terday at a rally of the Merchants'
i Association.
j Not merely $170,500,000 set as the
; goal of tHe campaign, but fully
i $250,000,000 will be needed to serve
! the men in k'nald and blue for the
year or more that will elapse before
they re-enter private life, ho said.
Now York, Nov. 9.—A De Havilanil
power Liberty motor piloted by
airplane, fitted with a 400-horse-
Signul Electrician Elmer J. Spencer
and carrying Mujor M. J. Boots as
a passenger, established whad he be
lieved to be a new, non-stop record
for this country in a flight from
Selfrldgc Field, Mount Clemens, to
Yonkers, N. moro'than 700 miles,
in four hours and thirty minutes.
I Leaving Mount Clemens at 11.40 a.
m., they landed at Yonkers at 4.16
I p. m.
i [Continued from Hrst Page.]
' mont. he claims, has been a satlsfac
; tor yone but he is planning now to
have the collections of ashes., made
1 oftener next year at least during the
winter months. Numerous com
.plaints have been received here,
i !t wll! cost 'he city more money,
j he sntd. but will insure much ociter
j service. The present arrangement
i which went into effect early in the
; year will cost 'he city LtO.OuO by
I the end of next mont}-. Di Mossier
J said he could not estimate what the
j bids for 'he work next vcar will be.
Behind In Schedules
At present collections are being
| made, according tc officials of the
; Hureau of Ash uhd Garbage Insptc
; tion. by a fifteen-day schedule Dur
i lng the lust month there was some
I difficulty In maintaining this ar
! r'angement thev said due to the epl
i demic of Influenza, which caused the
death of two of the collection force
J and at times had many of the other
i men at home sick. November t.
' however, the eolection gangs wiii
] start at Market street, working north
| and south as usual,
j Officials of the bureau have rc
! quested householders to provide from
j four to six receptacles holding from
one to one and one-half bushels each.
I They said_ that with collections every
two week's, one or two receptacles
would not hold the accumulation of
■ aslies. Co-operation on the part of
I the household's will be a big help
[ in meeting this condition, they said.
May Collect Rubbish
It was also announced that an
I ordinance may be Introduced in
j Council in a week or two which
Will be effective beginning January 1
j and will provide for the collection of
! rubbish and ashe3 from all build
j ings in the city. It is planned. •1*
I possitde, to remove the refuse from
j hotels and restaurants, fire company
, houses and other places not includ-
I ed in the present agreement. Wheth
er Council will approve this plan of
ficials could not say, but a number
of proprietors of hotels and res
taurants during the year have made
complaints because the ashes and
j rubbish has not been taken from
I their places.
! Another plan which may be pro
posed would be to have weekly col-
I lections for apartment houses and
I other larger buildings* where the
amount of coal used is greater and
I the ashes accumulate in larger quarr
] titles. Officials said that collections
j every two weeks for these places do
I not prove as satisfactory as collec-
I tions once each week
Mother and Girl Killed
During Peace Celebration
N'e*v York. Nov. 9.—Mrs. Louise
Thompson, widow of Howard N.
'Thompson, one-time correspondent
! of the Associated Press at Paris and
| Petrograd, and her daughter, Mar
garet, 10 years old, werfe killed at
j the height of the celebration in
j Yonkers over the l'alde armistice re-
I ports, when an automobile struck
! and hurled them under a trolley car.
They wero caught in a pocket in j
the crowd while crossing a street I
shortly before midnight. The driver
of the motorcar was arrested
chnrged with homicide.
Mrs. Thompson, who lived in Os
sining. was a violinist of more than
local repute, having studied in this
country, Prance, Italy and Germany.
She was born in Columbus, Ohio and
her daughter in Paris. Mr. Thomp
son died in Paris.
Clemenceau Greeted
as Savior of France
| Parisov. 9. —Premier Clemen
ceau appeared for a moment last
I night in the lobby of the senate after
a, sitting of that body which had de
clared him. in traditional phrase, to j
have "deserved well of his country." ,
The premier's approach to the
groyp of senators lingering after the i
adjournment was the signal for an
ovation to him. He was speedily sur- !
rounded by numbers of the senators, '
who pressed forward to shake his !
"You are the savior of France:" j
cried one.
"No, no," replied the premier, I
shrugging his shoulders, "it is the j
country which has done everything j
Battleplane Kills Two
Spectators at Scranion
j Scrnnton, Pa., Nov. 9 When a j
[ big battleplane which had alighted [
at Olyphant yesterday attempted to |
take the air it crashed into a crowd '
of spectators, with the result that j
a boy and a man were killed and !
seven others hurt. The machine was,
being driven by Lieutenant Zieg-!
man, of St. Louis. The crowd gath- 1
ered too close to the machine as It |
i started, and Lieutenant' Ziegman. j
I seeing that it would be impossible
to clear their heads, turned the
machine into the ground, wrecking
i it. It was when the machine turn
•ed turtle that the spectators were
killed und injured.
French and British
Vouch Syrian Liberty
Purls, Nov. 9.—The French and
British governments have issued a
I joint declaration assuring the peo
ples between the Taurus region and 1
the Persian Gulf of assistance in se
curing full autonomy.
The declaration says that France
and Great Britain will encourage
and aid the estabishment of native
governments and administrations
in Syria and Mesopotamia, already
liberated or In the process of being
liberated, and will give recognition
to these governments as soon us they
are effectively established.
Dnllas, Texas, Nov. 9.—A thirty-
I six-hour rain threatens damage frcun
| rloods in North Central Texus. ,Tne
I Trinity and Brazos rivers, with their
I tributaries, huve reached tlooil s age.
I Thousands acres of bottom land
i are inundated between Fort Worth
I and Handley and in the Trin.ty bot-
I toms between Fort Worth and Trin
i idad, und the crest of tlie Hood has
not yet been reached.
Dmiphfn. Pa., Nov. 9. —Members
of the Ladles' Aid Society of the Lu
theran Church which meets month
ly. were entertained ut the homo]
of Mrs. Hurry B. Ureenawalt on
I Thursday evening. After the regu
lar business meeting and a social
hour, refreshments were served to
Mrs. W. F. Heed, Mrs. Harry T. Gor
ocrich, Mrs. D. W. Seller. Mrs.
George W. Klnter. Miss Anna Hod
man and Mrs. l-iarry H- Greena
walt. ,
Net* 'orb. Nov. J. Kobert J.
I Collier, the publisher, died sudden
' ly at his home here lust night.
; a 7
rhe followiiiu (eliKrniii >vu received m noun to-dn> by* the Tele-
Krnph |POin Or. John U. Molt. liend oi the lulled War Work l)rh.
••The united coitc.uio:i Im . b.t no iniibrr lion near or box* ill*- i
lam |iern;aiu*ii iiave n:ii\ lie, the long period <f demobilisation nn
the period * illeu will preeifle (letiiol)l.kutloh nil) present greater
need t*i*ti eu-r for IHe nervuv of the aeu'ii I nltetl War Work to- I
upcrailag 1 Leivfore the request l.r an 01 erMiti*rl|- 1
tioa oi .in ie. - ccut. !■ itiost neee*tir> Our (nullum la the American
Arr>> iii.d \vj concur .11 ritia jndgaient. i hn>e eoaferred on the
AUliJect "ill; l*re.Mh.eat \i iUc a ami the War L/e|*ai tnieiit. and thee
m>iilMy eu |hi4*lxe the ucetl nt.d lii.pormiue of (bin work for the I
i I.IUU WHUH VTIII follow CE.WA(ID!I oi UoHtfiitie* I letter TTom l*rei- J
I tlettl H IIMOII will appear in two days exprcMH.up; hi* *nti*fnctlon , 1
that our plans have Dee it enlarged to reader this patriotie sen we.
"ike months iollowing the i ieloriotis emlitig ol the war will be
followed h> SIAM-IUI titttigers. We need not be as solicitous for oar
st Idler* anil shlmr* wlieu the? are drllliau aud Uglitlaa and eon-
t*e great tuiienttirr of lite ami death ab when this great
Ineiiea.i'a t is withdraw u. discipline relaxed, hours of lelfcure multi
plied and temptation* Increased. The cven orgitni/.<iti<Mis ss 111 tlieu ,
; lie more ueeai t ht.cn ever to prevent the' period of demobilisation be-
I comiii.i a per.oil of demoralization. It took two >eur* to complete ile*
ii:ob.>i/fiou niter the l- ro!ico-i'ru*Miau o"r, l* mouui* alter the Turko- ,
itiiAstaa wiii . six muti h* after die -tiauish- Aiuerlt an "nr. ten mouth*
after the Alricau wtir mid 111 a oaths alter the liuaa-Japanese
V wl ' with who.i. we hate consulted agree ti*t it will ret|Uire
one year or more to demobilise the American Ioreoj l-'or this period
el greatest dcr.Kfr the Nettn wrgnni/ntioas ur planning to enlarge j 1
great!.' t.ieir pb>slca| and social program b> presenting Ueipful counter
attractions to keep inn I com wrong practices The* tire unu launch
ing a great rttm.itiona) program involving the use ol thousands of
teachers and spending million* of dollars on test aud reference hook*.
\ t e markup I e ii'iig.otin ptvgruoi will be conducted inc.udlng the
use of the greatest religious teachers and preachers of America
Co occupy alt the inuc oi oar me a in these useful wa>* will cost ma eh
more than it hu* to he p them during frugtueuis of their time. We
rhcr* fare call upon the en*.lre \inerlcaii people to suharrihe g'en
■ r*>.txl vto the I ultcd War Work campaign in grateful recognition of
1 ut remit.'kuhic scrticc* rendered hy our nieii.
\ )
[Continued rrtim First Pogr.]
Admiral Sir Rosslyn \\ emyss, first lord of the British admiralty.
Reichstag Leaders to Know
Jt is regarded probable in/well informed circles that Prince
Maximilian, the German imperial chancellor, will to-day com
municate the terms of the armistice to a committee of Reichstag
party leaders and will himself convey their vote to authorize the
plenipotentiaries .to sign the armistice.
Germany May Use Wireless
It is probable that the German reply to the Allied terms for
an armistice will be brought back by the same courier that took
them to German headquarters at Spa yesterday. Under the cir
cumstances, it is believed the reply cannot he delivered before
the middle of this afternoon, at the very earliest.
The German government, however, may use the wireless, in
which ease the plenipotentiaries at Marshal Foch's headquarters
will have only to ratify the decision thus conveyed to them.
NewvlHe Civic Ciub to
Hear Interesting Address
Ncwville, Pa., Nov. 9.—The No
vember meeting of the Civic Club
will be held on Monday evening at
7.30 o'clock, at the home of Mis
Emma Gracey, in Parsonage street.
Mrs. G. W. Reed will deliver an ad
dress on "What Constitutes German
.Propaganda." Members and friends
are invited. A public meeting in the
interest of the United War Work
Campaign will be held on Tuesday
evening in the High School audi
torium. Several prominent speakers
will be present. The annual gath
ering of. the Ncwville Branch of the
Nec-dleworkers Guiid of America will
bo held on Friday evening, Novem
ber 15 at 7.30, in the High School
Auditorium. A short program will
bo rendered. The public is invited
to her the program and see the dis
play of garments.j— Mr. and ,Mrs.
E. S. Manning, Mrs. W. C. Wood
burn and Miss Belle K, Dunfec vis
ited Mrs. Edgar* Stratford at Camp
Hill recently. Mr, and Mrs. George
Weast, of Harrisburg, were guests at
the C. V. Hcfflcflnger home on Sun
day. William Warden, of Harris
burg, visited at the home of Mr
and Mrs. William ChrlstlielS, for sev
eral days. Miss Margaret bower
spent n week with her sister, Mrs.
Wayne Longstreth, at Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Barr Swigert vis
ited their daughter. Miss Sara, who
is taking a course in music at Balti
more. Mr. and Mrs. James Boyles,
of Chester, were recent visitors at
tlie homo of Mrs. Boyles' parents,
Mr. anil rs. W. B. Over. WUnier J.
Hoover, who had been ill in the hos
pital at Fort McHenry, Baltimore,
Mr,, with pneumonia, spent a six day
furlough with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel P. Hoover.
The opening meeting of a series
to continue through the winter,
scheduled to be. held In Fahnestock
Hall to-morrow afternoon has been
postponed because of the activities
In connection with the Unitcw War
Work drive.
Wilmington, Del., Nov. 9.—Eliza
beth, tifteen-months-old daughter of
Walter D. Pitt, was fatally injured
when sho fell from the front porch
at her home. The child's skull was
fractured and she died several hcurs
Marietta Brothers Wounded in Battle
Muri.' lta. Pa , Nov. 9.—Mr. au<l Mr*, diaries H (Tiollugpr havo received
word ii.u.l their aoiir, Kol ert ai.c we.rin HuA'h finder, both in France, lune
bc< n wounded. Tin y arc muinl* :n o° I'dmimny ('. " no Hundred
Twelfth Ktgruert. The) hare been overoeuM Heveiul uiuulba, having
vo unteered w.ien war was llrat declared.
. i Meeting in front of Capital at
pj 8.30 o'clock to-morrow afternoon.
Meeting featured by secretaries
I and representatives of seven war
relief agencies, who will act parts
; of overseas workers.
Soldiers in overseas uniforms
I I take parts of Yanks at front.
Music hy band. Liberty singers
and Middletown Soldiers Quartet.
Meeting of Interest to every
1 Harrisburger who has soldier or
i sailor fri.end or relative in the
No canvassing, no soliciting for
United War Work Funds.
Large Wild Cat Shot
in Perry County Woods
Hlain. Pa., Nov. 9.—Mr. and Mrs.
McMann, Arthur Morrow, Miss Eva
Qulgg, of Harrisburg, and Harry
Brown, of Sioux City, lowa, visited
F. A. Kern. —Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
Koons, Dr. G. M. Reed, Miss Vir
ginia Swartz and Mrs. Goodhart,, ull
of Ncwville, paid a visit to Prof, and
Mrs. W. C. Koons. —W. F. Smith, of
Jackson township, shot a large wild
[ i*it.—Loy Shumaker, of Philadel
| phla, visited his 'father, M. F. Shu
i maker.—Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wal
i ton and two children, of Kingville,
I Ghlo, are guests of J. G. Gray.—H,
| C. Henry, Ezra Harris and Zan K%n
--! nedy, killed two big fut raccoons on
Wednesday-night.—Mr. and Mrs.
• S. L. Biatline, of Pittsburgh; Mr. and
Mrs. J. S. Berr.he.sel, of Harrisburg;
Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Ppohn, "of Cam
] den, N. J ; Mrs. Amos Smith, of
j Camp Hill; Mr. and Mrs. H. B.
: lihinesmith and daughter, Miss
Mary, and Mrs. Annie Diven, of
i New Bloom field, the Rev. J. K. Mc
j Koe,' of York; Edward McKee, of
I Red Lion; David Grove, of Balti
] more, Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Mc
i Kee and daughter, IMISS Floy, of
j Newport., attended the funeral ol' D.
i P. McKee, on Monday.—B. W. Gut
| shall, tanner, of Beavertown. south
j of Blain, finished two and one-half
] tons of leathef the past month which
lie shipped to the Philadelphia mar-
I kets.
NOVEMBER 9, 1918.
\\ anhliigton—Thie Treasury Depart
p&rtnient announced to day tliut al
though the time for converting J per
cent. Liberty Roods Into 1 > per cent,
expires at midnight, such bonds mail
ed to Federal Keserve Hanks before
midnight will be accepted for conver
sion Knvelopcs must bear to-day's
London Rebellious movements are
reported in the great industrial dis
trict übout Lssen.
New lurk llobert .1. Collier, edi
tor and publisher of Collier's Weekly,
who diupped diad at his home lust
r.ight, had Just sat down to dine with
Mrs. Collier when stricken with heart
disease. He had just returned to
America, having* been engaged in
Knights of Columbus work übroud.
,\pv Vork—Democratic -workers at
national committee headquarters do
not yet concede the defcui of Senator
Shafroth, of Colorado, or the success
of Senator Full, the Republican can
didate in New Mexico.
Rome Mgr Bonaventura Corottl,
l'apal Secretary of State and former
Apostolic Delegate to Austria, will
leave next Wednesday or Thursday for
the United States.
'Washington Food Administrator
Hoover will leave soon for Europe to
direct preparations for feeding the
people of redeemed Northern France
und Belgium nnd aid In the task of
preventing starvation in Austria, Bui- j
guria und Turkey.
Ilerne The Swiss Federal Coun
cil has decided to break off ull] rela
tions with the Russian Soviet Mission.
Russian delegates have been asked to
leave Switzerland because of their
participation in revolutionary propa
rhlliidelphiii ' — Fake news reports
that the war was over led to the sul--
I elde of John V. Goodman, who was
[ found dead ut his home to-day. When
i he discovered that a cruel hoax had
| been perpetrated. Goodman, who had
a sor in the Army, ended his life after
i brooding over the disappointment, his
wife said.
Trenton, N. J. New Jersey's next
State Assembly, which is expected to
vote on the liquor question, seemingly
tnurnod Republican with ofttcial re
turns from Middlesex county, indicat
ing the election of one Republican and
two Democrats. The state's soldier
vote still is to be counted. The plat
form on which the Republican candi
dates ran in Tuesduy's elections pledg
l ed the party in favor of prohibition.
[Continued from First Page.]
vice, William Jennings; Jewish Wel
fare Hoard, a worker at Camp Up
ton, New York, whose name has not
been secured.
! The Middletown soldiers' quartet
] is composed of Sergeants PurHtt and
j Mullaney and Corporals Roberts and
j Corbin.
Only inclement weather will pre
i vent a huge turnout when the mee.t
--| Ing begins at 3.30 o'clock. Every
I Harrlsburger who has a friend or
j relative at the front or in an Army
| camp, it is thought, will be on hand
|to see how the soldiers are being
j cared for by these war belief or
A band, the Liberty Singers, and
I the Aliddletown soldiers' quartet
| will furnish music. Patriotic airs.
| mingled with popular soldier airs,
i will arouse the enthusiasm of the
! crowd.
The industrial drive is on its
last lap to-day. Already some of
the team captains have turned in
their reports, although the canvass
of Industries will continue unabated j
until Monday noon. Chairman Star
key, of the industrial committee, still
I is of the opinion that employesshould
I contribute more liberally than has
been the response In some quarters.
; In view of the high wages, he feels, j
' workingnicn are in a better posi
tion than ever to match the contri- j
j butions of their employes.
; The reports of the team captains]
jof the industrial committee will be |
I received at a meeting In the Har-;
1 r'aburg Club Monduy at noon, when |
J the industrial canvass officially ends. ;
j When the industrial totals have been 1
1 computed, they will be assigned to ;
1 the wards in which the vacous plants i
| are locatod, and then the quotus for ]
j the homes committee will be worked i
| out for announcement at. the meet
ling of the homes canvassers In the
j Chestnut street auditorium Monday i
At ward meetings held during the j
' week, the workers were instructed
!to meet in North Second street]
ibove Market parade to the]
i Chestnut street auditorium- They!
1 will bo led by u band, and the meet- i
: ing, which off the homes cun-1
vass, In expected to be featured by]
the enthusiasm of the workers. The 1
homes canvass, continuing Tuesday. I
Wednesday and Thursday, will be !
concludod'wlth another rousing mass!
meeting In the auditorium Thure- ;
day evening.
J. T. Hoffman, a Y. M. C. A. I
overseas worker who lias recently:
'returned from his strenuous duties!
I among the soldiers ulong the west- j
j ern front, will address Monday even- .
: Ing's meeting. it is expected the;
meeting will be a great boost to the |
I homes campaign-
The following ward meetings were
held last night:
First ward, C. H. leader,
62 workers reported, 30 present;
Second, A. Carson Stamm, 70 work
ers reported, 50 present; Fourth, Jo
seph Claster, 46 reported, 48 pres
ent; Eighth ward, J. E. Gipple, 65
workers reported; Eleventh, J. P.
McCullough, 100 workers, '25 pres
ent; Fourteenth, H. R. Omwuke, 18
workers, all present.
Ward meetings to-night, with
speakers and instructors, will be as
Third ward. J. W. Rodenhaver,
loader, court room No,. 1, J. Wil
liam Bowman, instructor; Flavel L.
Wright, speaker.
Fifth ward, Frank C..Sites, leader.
United States court room, third
Moor, Post Office, Paul Johnston, In
structor, Jesse E. U. Cunningham,
Three big war work meetings have
been arranged for to-morrow and
Monduy. Chairman E. K. Romber
ger and his committee, of Elizabeth
vllle, announce that there will be a
rully at Elizabethvillc to-morrow af
ternoon at 2 o'clock in the United
Brethren Church, to be addressed
by Dr. J. George ltecht, secretary
of the State Board of Education, and i
a noted orator, and another at Pll- !
Two Mtfhl bohoola; liandar. Wadnrailar. Friday IVlKbla—'Tundir,
Tburnday Mabta
1.... i.t i Rt ITtAIM.tU MIItHIL tl'l HAKKKT ST,
School Reopens Wednesday, November 6
L - L_i
Many Men and Women Em
ployed Picking Apples at .
Farm Near Grccncastle
Lieut. T. H. Gilland Ordered
to Medical Service at Fort
Ogelthorpe, Georgia
Gettysburg, Nov. 9. —C. S.
Starner, of near Aspers, in the
northern part of the county, is hav
esting the second crop of apples
from some of the trees on his place.
He has five Smokehouse apple trees,
six years old, and have, blossomed
twice this year and are now bearing
their second crop of perfect fruit,
although not as large as the first <
crop. Some of the apples are as
large as hulled walnuts and have
good color. The blossoms appeared
just as the first apples wore ripe. Mr.
Starner is also having a delicacy of
fresh green peas at this time of the
j year, having picked a half peck from
the vines in his garden for his Sun
day dinner.—l,. M. Wetzel, of Orr
tanna, Is the proud o\vner of a small
piece of a German airplane. The lit-,
tie niece of the machine was sent
to him by Harry M. Taylor, a mem
ber of the Seventh Machine Gun
Battalion in Pr ence jvho was here *
with the troops last summer and
who during the time he was in camp
was a frequent visitor at the Wet
zel home. The souvenir came across
in a letter and Taylor says ho
might have sent the whole plane if
it were not for the "strict military
regulations." To meet each other
on the battlefields of France was the
good fortune of two soldier brothers
of Adams county, John Markle, of
Abbottstown, receiving a letter from
his brother. Private Curvin Markle,
of Company B, 812 th Machine Gun
Huttalion, saying that he saw an
other brother in'the service, Private
I Percy Markle, over there, but only
for a short time, as they are in dit
| l'erent commands and only met by
I chance. —To accommodate the men
j who might want to go hunting on
the opening day of the rabbit seu
■ son, the liev. W. W. Whalen, pastor
! of St. Ignatus Catholic Church, at
' Buchanan Valley, in the heart of the
hunting section of'the county, held
an eariy mass at 6 o'clock. —Donald
Kuhn, 5-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs, C. E. Kuhn, of Cashtown, had
j a narrow escape from death. As his
i father was coming from the field
I with a load of corn his children went
j to meet him and the 5-yeur-old son
I was running along the side of the
wagon when he slipped and fell un
der the back wheel. Mr. Kuhn did
not see the boy until the wheel was
on the boy's body. A physician was
i summoned but could not find any
i indication of the lad being very ser
| iously hurt.—Clarence G. Smith, who
! for many years has successfully
j raised bees at nis home in McSher
i rystown, has decided to discontinue
| the business and dispose of the col
onies. The bees are choice Italian
stock and were formerly owned by
the Kev. Mr. Haftermeyer, at Cone
i wago Chapel, who valued them so
highly that he made disposition of
them in his will. This variety of bee
is a wonderfully active and thorough
worker, and each year the hives pro
duce an abundance of fine,
honey.—Littlestown is to have a new*
postmaster. Dr. C. P. Gettler, who
was appointed to the position in the
spring of 1916 having resigned. A
civil service examination to fill the
uosillon will be held in December.
low at 7 o'clock in the evening fn
the Lutheran Church to be addressed
by the Rev. P. P. Huyatt, of Berrys
burg, and County Recorder James
E. l.entz.'
Monday evening at S o'clock the
people of Penbrook will gather in
the United Brethren Church, where
Jesse E. B. Cunningham, former
deputy attorney general and a noted
speaker, will deliver an address.
Professor Shambaugh will speak
to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock in
the Grantville United Brethren
Church and at 11 o'clock at the
ShellßVille Lutheran Church.
What tlofgim Make*— '
(iiirgns Guarantees
the "Flu"
build up your
health with
• t
—lron for the Rloorl
—Quinine for the System
—Strychnine for the Nerves.
An Excellent Tonic For
Convalescents From Grip,
Cold and Influenza.
.Hid sl.oo^
Gorgas Drug Stores
16 N. Third St.
Penna. Station ,