Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 09, 1918, Home Edition, Page 12, Image 12

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Famous Minister \V*l Talk at
Tabernacle Baptist Church
Sunday Evening
The Tabernacle Baptist Church, j
of which the Rev. Millard Osmore:
Peirce is pastor, is making every cf- i
fort to make the National Baptist En- ;
listment Week. Nov. 17-24. in this
\ icinity all thut the denomination j
covets for it.
The plan proposes a nation-wide j
campaign to be carried out under
the leadership of the laymen. Its 1
objective is the spiritual enlistment:
of every man and woman and their I
enrollment in definite Christian serv
ice. The method of the campaign is
the organization in the church of j
a visiting corps of men and women,
including young people, as well as I
more mature Christians, who will go. ,
two by two, into the homes of the i
members, of the constituency of the |
church and Sunday school for the i
purpose of talking with each one in
the honte about his personal rela
tionship to the Master and the part
he is taking or ought to take in the
life of the church. The visitors will
rsk each one upon whom they call
for a concrete pledge of allegiance
to Jesus Christ, to be expressed by
signing the War Roll.
To-morrow will be a conspicuous
day at Tabernacle in dealing with
the preliminaries of the campaign, j
t'ommlttees will be formulated and,
plans laid for carrying on the work..
The Rex. Dr. William G. Russell, of
Philadelphia, one of the leading di- .
vines of the denomination, will de- t
liver the address at the evening serv
ice. Dr. Russell's varied evper."nee t
weil tits him for dealing with . tosa
so large in scope as the National 1
listment Campaign. The church
choir has prepared special music lor
the occasion and the program as cut
l.ned for the day bespeaks a message
of helpfulness to all who attend.
Salem Lutheran Church
Has Big Program Scheduled
The ban being lifted from Oberlin
md vicinity. Salem Lutheran r hurclt
will open next Sunday with its post
poned Rally Day services. In the
morning at 9.30 the Sunday School
will rally. All the scholars, friends. ■
and visitors, will be greeted at the
door by a reception committee y'ho i
x. 11l present them with a beautiful
badge of "Welcome". Then will
folloxx a lively song service, the
reading of the lesson, posting of
records, special music, and brief ail:
dresses bx* the superintendent. I. 1 .
Brehtu and the assistant superinten
dent, George Schaffer. At 10.15 (
there will le a ntareh of depart
ments. Each section of the school
will march to the main auditorium
singing a x*erse of "Onxx-ard t hrist-j
inn Soldiers". Then xx'ill begin the
special Rally Dax services, with sev
eral opening addresses by children
and special instrumental and vocal
music bx- the choir and out of town
talent, after xvhieh the pastor. Rev.
J. H. Keller, will conduct an enlist
ment serxice anil an address will be
delivered by William H. Wallace,
superintendent of the organized
Adult Bible Work of Harrisburg.
In the evening at 6.30 there will be
a special rally of the Chr'atian En
deavor Society xvith special music
and addresses: and at 7.30 a rally
of all the organizations of the
t'hurch will be addressed by Prof.
L. E. McGinnis of the Steelton High •
School. The church is decorated
xvith flowers, red. xvhite and blue
crepe paper, cut in ribbons, fringed, 1
twisted, festooned, and draped in
artistic manner. In the front of the
church, above the pulpit and on
the sides are three large banners
bearing these words. "Ox'er the Top
Rally Day, Loyalty to God and
Country", "A Victory Year in Our j
I'hurch and School, We Need Y'ou !
to Win", and "What Kind of a
t'hurch Would My Ohureh Be. if:
Evorv Member Were Just Like Me?"
To Hold Rally Day Services
At Qlivei Presbyterian
The Rally Day exercises of Olivet j
Presbyterian Church and Sunday j
School which were planned for
t tctobei 13th will be held Sunday.
November 17. and will be an All
Day service. Communion Sunday
will be observed tontorroxv at 19.30.
and will be conducted by Rev. James
It. MacClure, who will also preach
in tile evening at 7.30 on the subject.
• Victory". A special musical pro
gram will le given by the choir. An
Evangelistic campaign is being
planned tor increased activities along
nil lines of church work.
The Sunday School services will
be held at 2 beginning with the com
ing Sunday.
Xl'Gfltt KG Ll'THklt AX
Morning—Prelude. "Concert Overa
ture In K Ulat," Faulkers: uotnem.
"They I.oril is I.oving Unto Ever
Man." Georg • M. Garrett: offertory.
Adagio. (Symptliony II) Wldor: so
phrano solo, i selected). Miss Keeney:
postlude. "Festival Toceato," Fletcher.
Evening—Preluude. "At Evening,'"
Dudley Buck; anthem. "That Better
Hand." Wilson: offertory, •breams."
Oullmant: alto solo, (selected). Mlsa
Kbncr; postlude, "Doric Toceato." J.
S. Bach: J
Edwin B. Ware, organist and chor
Has Christianity
I Rare and Realistic
War Pictures, Free
The noted lecturer. Arthur
IG. Daniels. recently from
abroad, who has been Ailing
the largest houses in the land,
has been secured to deliver his
stirring lecture on "The Tri
umph of Christianity in the
World War"
AT 8 P. M.
Many remarkable war pic
tures tnken front the battle-
Melds will be thrown upon the
screen, illustrating the power
of Christianity and showing
the 'mighty awakening that
must follow the war.
Admission and Seats
Are Free
Church. Directory
St. Augustine's—The Rev. Wil
loughby M. Parchment, rector. 11.
Thanksgiving service, sermon and 1
Holy Communion; church school
after morning service; evensong and
sermon. 8.
St. Paul's—Memorial communion; j
preaching at S and 11.
St. Stephen's—The Rev. Koliin A. j
Saxvyer. 8. Holy Communion; 19.
Sunday school; 11, Holy Commun
ion; sermon on "our Knowledge of!
God Incomplete"; 7.30 evening
prayer and sermon, "Life's Changes."
St. Andrew's- -The Rev. Henry A. >
Post, rex-tor. 8. Hol> Communion;
9.45 church school; 11. morning
prayer and sermon on "An Enlight
ened Faith"; 7.30. evening prayer
and sermon.
Market Square—The Rev. George
Edward Hawes. The Rev. Hoxx-ard]
Kodgcrs. assistant. 11, morning;
worship. "The Great Events x>f These
Days"; 7.30. "The Gospel of God."
Olivet—lo.3o, preaching service
xvith communion; 2. tlrst session of
Sunday school in afternoon; 7.30,
Pine Street —The Rev. I.ewis S. !
Mudge. 10.30. sermon by the Rev.]
Dr. Henri Amet. of France; 7.30.
"Backing at Home Our Boys
Division Street Chapel—The Rev.
H. ti. Ra'dwin. 7.30. "Pocano Re
ports"; 3. Sunday school.
Covenant —The Rev. Henry Klaerr. j
10.30, "Serving Our Own Genera-1
tion": 7.30. "Confessing Christ"; 2. j
Sunday school.
Capital Street —Tlx 5 Rev. B. M.
Ward. 10.45, "The Transformed
Life"; 7.30. "Blessings Through Af
flictions": 12.15. Sunday school.
Immanuel—The Rev. H. Everett
Hallman. 10. morning worship,
"The Preparation For the King—
The Forerunner"; 11.15. Sunday
school; 7.30, "Alene. Mene. Tikel.
Bethany—The Rev. John M. War- ;
den. 7.30, "Passing Through"; 9.]
Sunday School.
Market street —The Rev. W. S.
Dunlop. 10.30. The Rev. William
Russell, of Philadelphia, xvitl speak;
7.30. "Seeking After Goxl"; -11.30,]
Sunday school.
First —The Rev. William J. Look
hart. 10.30. "Thoughts on tlie ■
Words. 'Unto Christ' 7.30. "Un
conditional Surrender"; 1.4 5, Sundayi
Second—The Rev. Albert Jijsiah
Greene. 10.30. "Sitting With Christ
in Heavenly Places": 7.30, "Btoxv ,
the Trumpet in Zion"; 12. Sunday :
Tabernacle—The Rev. Millard Os.
more Pein e. 11, preaching service; I
7.30. serman by the Rev. Dr. W. G.
Russell, of Philadelphia; 9.45, Sun
day school.
St. Paul —The Rev. E. Luther
Cunningham. 10.30. "Our Un- j
Changeable Leader": 7.30. covenant j
meeting and communion; 12.30.!
Sunday school.
Second—The Rev. Albert Nexin,
Sayre. 7.30. "Jesus' Teaching .on the
Sonship of Man": 1.45, Sunday]
school. •
Reformed Saleni —The Rev. John
C. Bowman, president of Theologi-,
col Seminary. Lancaster, xvill preach 1
at 11 and 7.30: 9.45. Sunday school. 1
Fourth —The Rev. Homer Skyles,
May. 10.45. "Within Thy Gates":
7.30. "Withal Taking the Shield of
Faith"; 9.30. Sunday School.
Harris Street—The Rev. A. G. j
Flexer. 10.30. "Conditions of B'ess
ing": 7.30. "What Is Man?" 9.30. 1
Sundax- school.
Park Street—The l Rev. A. E. Han
gen. Sunday school and church]
service combined at 9.30: subject.
'"Alt Old Testament Instance of 'Lift-j
ins the Ban'.''
St. Peter's. Highspire—The Rev.!
Ernest L. Pee. 10.45, "God's King- j
(lorn Come Nigh';: 7.30, "What;
Wait I For?": 9.30. Sunday school. ]
Memorial Lutheran—The Rev. L.:
C. Manges. 10 and 7.30. Holy Com
munion: pleaching in the ex-enlng by
the Rev. Edmund Manges, cf York;
2. Sunday school.
Trinity—The Rev. R. L. Meisen-i
! belder. 10.30, "The Sheep": 7.30.!
The Value of One Man"; 2. Sunday :
1 school.
Christ—.The Rev. Thomas Rcisch.
10.30, praise service: 1.30. "Fitted!
For Responsibilities": 2. Sunday
Bethlehem—The Rev. J. Bradley
Markxvard. 10.30. "An Invitation
Gladly Accepted"; 7.30, 'When God
'iaiughs": 1.45. Sunday school.
Redeemer —Tile Rev. M. E. Shafer.:
Preaching at 10.30 and 7.30; 9.30. j
I Sunday school.
\ Shiloh —The Rev. E. E. Snyder, i
3. communion service: 2. Sunday!
' school.
St. Matthew's —The Rev. E. E.
Snyder. 11. communion service;]
7.30. "From Defeat to Victory"; 9.45.'
: Sunday school.
Messiah —The Rev. Henry W. A. |
Hanson. 10.30. "The Joys of Wor-1
.ship": 7.30. 'The Christian and the
Coming World Peace"; 2, Sunday]
] schoo'.
Augsburg—The Rev. A. M. Sta- [
i mets. 10.30. "Rest Unto Your
Soul"; 7.30. "The Plague Stayed";
2. Sunday school. '
Holy Communion —The Rev. John
Henry Miller. 10.45. "The Shepherd
and His Sheep": 7.30. "The Means
. of Grace": 9.30, Sunday school.
Colvary—The Rex\ Edward H.
, Paar. 11. "Walking Wi.-sy"; 7.30,
"Recent Divine Visitations"; 10. Sun
| day school.
Gospel Hall—lo.3o. "Breaking of
Bread"; 7.30, Gospel preaching; 2.30. j
Sunday school
Christian Science. First Church—l
111. "Adam and Fallen Man"; 7.30.1
preaching; testimonial meeting at %:
o'clock Wednesday; free reading:
room, Kunkel building. 11.30 to 5,
: daily.
Bethesxla Mission —John Fulton. |
superintendent. Meetings every night I
]at 8; good singing: short testimo
nials and simp'e Gospel messages.
Brethren —11, "Anointing the
Sick With Oil"; 7.30. "The Pale
J Horse's Rider"; 9.45, Sunday school.
Paxton —The Rev. Harry B. King.
Preaching. 11 and 7.30. Sunday
! school, 10.
] Trinity. New Cumberland—The
; Rev. A. R- Ayres. 10.30, "Gratitude
;to God For Untold Mercies"; 7.00,
, "The Victory Song of Moses and
! Miriam"; 9.30, Sunday school.
First United—The Rev. W. E.
Daugherty. 10.30, "The Whole
i Family in Heaven and Earth"; 7.30.
j "Bread Upon the Waters"; 1.45, Sun
] day school.
St. Paul's. Wormleysburg The
| Rev. A. B. Mower. 10.45, "Christian
(irace Methodist to Be Scene
of Big Meeting Tomor
row Night
Grace Methodist Episcopal Church. ;
State street, near Third, will he the j
scene of a United War Work service
on Sunday evening at ".80 o'clock, j
Dr. Hubert Bagnell. pastor of the
church, will, for the first time, give j
his address entitled "At the Sign of i
the Red Triangle."
Pr. Bagnell saw the seven organi
zations of the United War Work
Campaign in action on the various
fronts. "Over there" and in England
and France. He will be able to give ;
his audience firsthand information
anjl will relate many interesting and:
thrilling incidents that he witnessed.
At the close of the service Sunday I
evening. l>r. Kagnell will leave for
Chicago, where he will spend the
week in delivering this address and I
others of similar character, to the '
people of Michigan.
Dr. Buguell will appear for the'
Brst time in Grace church. In his
overseas uniform, and will continue j
to wear same during the entire Uni- |
ted War Work Campaign.
Special patriotic music will be ren- j
dared by the Grace church chorus,
choir under the leadership of Prof. |
John W. Phijiips. and it is antici- j
pated that the meeting will be equal j
to former patriotic servic '8 held in .
Grace church.
In the morning at 10.30 o'clock, j
Communion will be observed. Sunday
school will resume its* services, after I
the close down, at 12.10. and all other
activities will go on Just as usual. j
Greeting": 7.30. "According to Yourj
Faith": 0.30, Sunday school.
Ncidig Memorial. Oberlin —The ;
Rev. H. S. Kiefer. 10.30. "An 1m- j
perative Challenge": 7.30, "The;
Effects of Prayer"; 9.30, Sunday:
Sixth Street-—The Rev. J. Owen !
Jones. 10 30, "Our High Calling":
7.30. "The Group Ministry"; 1.45,:
Sunday school.
Otterbein—The Rev. S Edwin ;
Rupp. 10.30, "A Day of Reform-j
ing": 7.30, "Answered Prayers"; 2.00,!
Sunday school.
Derry Street —The Rev. J. A. Lyter. I
10.30. "Man. an Unwilling Subject:
of Jesus Christ"; 7.30, "The Fading
Leaves"; 2.00, Sunday school.
State Street—The Rev. S. C. Er.ck
will speak at a combined Sunday
school and preaching service; 7.30.
evening service; 9.30, Sunday school.
Enoia—The Enola U. B. Church
wii! resume regular services next j
Sunday with the following schedule:
9.30, i 0.30 and 7.30. preaching-
Xugle Street —The Rev. Elnier E. ,
Kauflman- 10.30. "The Same
Things"; 7.30. "The Object of Paul's
Life": 1.30. Sunday school.
Maelav Street —The Rev. William :
S. Houek. 11.00. "True Wor- j
shippers Shall Worship"; 7.30.,
"God's Presence in the Dark Hour"; |
9.45, -Sunday school: G.OO, Jr- C. E. i
Fourth Street —The Rev. William
X Yates. D. D. 10.30, "The Need •
of the Hour"; 7.30. "The Lessons of'
the Day"; 1.40. Sunday school rally!
day- j
Fenbrook —The Rev. S. N. Good.
10.30 and 7.30. preaching: 9.30, Sun-1
dav school.
Pleasant View—The Rev. George )
W. Harper. 9.45. Sunday school: j
10.45. "Have Our Afflictions Drawn
Us Closer or Farther Away Front \
God'.'": 7.30, "What Shall the End |
He of Them That Obey Not the Gos- j
pel of God?"
Greeen Street —The Rev. •H. S. i
Hershey, pastor. 10.30. "The Be-,
liever as a Son": 7.0, "Jacob Turning
Homewards";.2.3oo, Sunday school.:
Camp Curtin Memorial —The Rev. ;
John H. Mortmer. Morning, "Faith s
Crucial Test": Evening. "The Stew- j
ardship of Intercession"; 2.00. Sun-;
day school. '
Epworth—The Rev. J. D. W. De
cevee- 11.00, "Stewardship of
Prayer"; 7-30. "Stewardship of
Souis"; 10.00. Sunday school.
Marysville—The Rev. S. B. Bid- j
lock. 9.30 and 7.30. "Our Boys in j
France": (illustrated); 9.30, Sun-j
day school. „ ;
Camp Hill—The Rev. Joseph E.
Brennemnn. 11.00 and 7.30. preach
ing; 9.45, Sunday school.
Wet Fairview —The Rev. Charles ;
F. Berkheimer. 7.30, "Our Greatest
Source of Power"; 1.30, Sunday'
school. _ , _
Riverside—The Rev. Charles F. |
Berkheimer. 10.30. "Stewardship of
Prayer": 2.00, Sunday school.
St Paul's—The Rev. William
Moses. 10.30 and 7.30. preaching;]
1.45. Sunday school. , i
Fifth Street —The Edwin A. i
Pyles. 10 30. "That Which Never!
'Fails"; 7.30. "Unanswered prayers"; j
I 2, Sunday school.
Ridge Avenue —The Rev. H. R.
Bender. Morning. "The Lord on Our j
Side"! evening, "Blessed Results of j
the War"; 10.00. Sunday school-
Grace —The Rev. Robert Bagnell.
10 30. Sacrament of the Lords Sup
per; 7.30. "At the Sign of the Red
A. M. E.
Bethel —10.30, the Lord's Supper;
I 7.30. the Rev. H. 11. Cooper will
preach on "Gratitude."
Harris —The Ref. R. L. Briscoe.,
11. "Faith in God"; 8. "Draw Nearer]
to God"; 1.30. Sunday school.
Wesley Union —The Jtev. Stephen
A McNeil'. 10.45. "The Refuge
and Arm of the Eternal God ": 7.45,
•Where is Christ?"; J. Sunday
There will be Sunday School in
the Progress Church of God, on
Sunday at 9.30. Preaching at 10.30
a. nt. by James M. Waggoner.
There will be Sunday School in
i the Linglestowq Church of God at
| 9.30. Preaching
Boyd Memorial Director to
Preach at Westminster
' The Rev. Merton F. Fales. director
of Boyd Memorial building atcivlties.
will fill the pulpit of Westminster
Presbyterian Church on Sunday
naming anJ eventng.lt is customary
in the case of a vacancy In the pas
torate. by death or resignation, for
prosbx-tery to officially declare a pul
pit vacant. This will be done at to
morrow's services The Rev. Mr. Faies
came to Harrisburg about a year ago.
He is a graduate of Princeton Univer
sity and also of the theological semi
nary and has been In the ministry' for
about-twelve year*, coming here from
Cambridge. N. Y".
The music at Westminster to-mor
row iwll incliiuje the singing of "My
Task" and liarnby's "Crossing the
Bar." the latter probably the most
dignified ->f the numerous settings to
the Tennyson poem
The chicken supper which was to,
j have'been siven by the Deacons' Ale"
| Society of the St. Paul's Baptist i
] Church, at 108 Balm street, on Octo- I
WAH WKKIvI.Y tut Out aul Mali to lour .loldlrr VAH tVKKH.I'
Vol. 1. \o. 11. H VIIIIISIH Kti. I* v.. NOV. 2-S. Our lank Edition
Maybe This Will Take the Taste For War Out of His Mouth
Saturday, November 2.
Crystal Restaurant fined SIOO tar.
serving too much sugar. Money goes
: to Red Cross.
i State celebrates •'fire prevention" [
! day at request of State Fire Mar- J
, i shal's •tttee.
j The obliging cashier of the Palmyra
bank who cashed a 1500 check for
two 12-year-old boys now is asking
the police to nelp him look for the
Hoy Springfield, 17. of West Ches
ter. kills his brother while hunting j
J. C. Bixler sells Fisherville shirt
•I factory to Branneman Shirt Company,
I .itkes-Barre.
' New blast furnace at Steelton
ready to be put Into service.
Week of November 10-16 set aside
; as week of prayer for victory.
Word received that Lewis S. Gib
bons, Company 1. 112 th Infantry, was
wounded five times by bursting
i shrapnel.
E. S. Gerbericli, Middletown. is
' named chairman of Dauphin county
' for Fnited War Fund drive.
I Hunters near Blain find many wild
| cats and coons in mountains.
I Monday, November 4.
j The Rev. Dr. Robert Bugnell tells
! of soldiers' life at work and at play j
at opening of great United War Work j
i fund drive for which Harrisburg has
' been asked to raise SIBO,OOO for the i
i V. M. C. A.. Knight's of Columbus, '
Jewish Welfare. Salvation Army. etc. |
When little Bobby Reiff sets fire to
bedroom with matches with which he
! was playing S3OO in Liberty Bonds ;
I were bilrned.
| Acting Health Commissioner Royer j
I and Judge Landts. of Lancaster ;
1 County Courts have row over Royer's
quarantining Lancaster and prohibit
-1 ing trains from stopping at that city
I because of the influenza epidemic,
j Eugene E. Davis. Keystone Divi-
I sion, reported dead of wounds in
i France.
Word of the death in action of j
j Sheridan Sharp. Marietta. arrives
' during funeral services for his moth
! er. who died last week.
Triple funeral services is held at I
, Marietta for Isaac Shrelner. his wife
and child, all of whom died of intlu- ;
! enza.
Francis Naughton. 112 th Infantry,,
\ dies in action. War Department re- I
j ports.
I Sergeant K. R. Murray, member of ,
j the old Eighth, reported dead on field j
I of battle.
I Calls for more than 300,000 men to i
1 go to camp this month already is- ;
j sued by Provost Marshal General j
Horace Wiggins, manager of new j
Penn-Harris. arrives and plans to 1
open hostelry New Year's Day.
Sergeant H. W. Johnson. Eleventh
Supply Companv. reported dead of
pneumonia in France.
Private Harry Fisuman. wounded
in battle for Chateau Thierry, re
turns home.
William A. "Shorty" Ziegler, wins
Fred P- Harry cup at Reservoir Park
Golf Club.
Tuesday, November 5.
Auxiliaries to Harrisburg Red Cross
get much credit for splendid work in
aiding all tasks set by war's demands.
Influenza quarantine laid on city
business because of influenza epidemic
is lifted by state and city health auth
orities. Motion picture theaters open
again and soda water fountains once
more may be patronized. Emergency
liospltal is to be closed soon as other
agencies can take care of decreasing
number of new victims.
Ralph Sipe, Middietown, who acci-
I dently shot two companions while
the three were going hunting is dis
charged by police. His companions
are in a serious condition and Sipe
has collapsed from shock.
Hykens Emergency Hospital is
i closed. 26 deaths occurring there.
Restaurants permitted to serve
I more sugar to patrons and' house
r wives permitted to purchase three
I pounds per month for each member of
| famtlv.
Council holds short session to per
mit city commissioners to vote.
! Mrs. J. Frank Ritter. well-known
i woman, dies.
I Miss Catherine Wemyss, graduate
nurse, dies of influenza after tiring
i /elf by nursing Ave dtners.
! The upper end of Rauphln county
' is to be frsed Saturday of the in-
I fluenza quarantine.
' Mummers decide not to hold New
! Year's parade until after the war.
W Brooke Moore, trainmaster of
i Middle division, celebrates 70th birth
day. and plans to take up residence
J in ' Camp Hill.
Patriot Printing Company crlt
; clsed by soldiers for refusal to give
j Harry Mann, returned soldier his old
' Job.
i ber 10. will be Riven next Thursd v.
evening. November 14. Nt the same
address from to 9 p. m. All person.-
1 holding tickets dated October 10. arc
: notified "that the tickets will be gbod
( for the supper. November 14.
Wednesday, November 6.
, Republican* carry the cbuntrv ir
annual election yesterduy. Wllllair
) C. Sproul, Chester, and 'E. E. Beidle
man, Hirrllburf, elected Governoi
| and Lieutenant-Governor, respective
ly. Congress passed to control 01
Republican party by large majoritj
| itouse and small margin in Sen
; ate. Judge Kepuart and Justlci
Simpson are elected to Supreme Court
Ramsey Black is defeated for re'
election to Legislature.
Hundreds of boys and girls enlist
ed for work in United War Wort
drive for benefit of soldiers.
l">r. C. M. Rickert. Millersburg. re
j signs us assistant chief medical in
' spector of State Health Department
Washington reports Herbert L
Hazlett, Carlisle, and Emory W
Bretz, Boiling Springs, are in enemy
■ prison camp.
1 J. K. Rounaley cashier Millerstowr
i National bank and prominent busi
nessman. dies.
City churches open for midwest
prayer services for tirst time in tivi
weeks because of influenza quaran
Ira N. Mltchel. of near Lewistown
fined 550 for shooting a black bear a
Hetty thieves annoy Mechanicsbur?
housewives by stealing pennies fron
milk bottles.
William L. Smith ordained ministei
by Carlisle Presbytery in his 66tl
year, an unusual distinction at thu
, age.
Congressman B. F. Focht defeati
j Scott S. Leiby for Congress in crosi
i river contest.
City's housewives contribute mucl
> linen for use of military hospital:
1 overseas.
Thursday, November 7.
Senator E. E. Beidleman, Lieuten
ant-Governor-elecl, received greal
| ovation on retuin from Philadelphia
First Lieutenant Harold Fox. sor
' of the Rev. Dr. John D. Fox, formei
I pastor of Grace Methodist Church
I reported killed in action.
Four more influenza patients ad
' milled to Harrisbuig Hospital.
Former Ambassador Morgunthau
who handled the alfuirs of the Al
- lies in Turkey the first two yeari
| of the war. makes splendid plea foi
nited War Work fund at great rally
le'd in Chestnut Street Auditorium
Harrisbuig is thrown into delirium
of joy over the false report of peace
* carried by the Patriot Com
pany's evening edition. Thousands
jf persons paraded, bells were rung
I and whistles blown as a result u!
i t.ie fake dispatch. The fact thai
(Secretary Lansing denied the story
I had little effect 011 the crowd as the
i newspaper In question continued tc
I us. out edition after edition carry
; ing the faste.
Lieutenant Wilmot Ayres, son ol
the Rev. A. R. Ayres. New Cumber
! land, wins British military cross foi
! service in Flanders.
The Rev. Harry fl. Beidleman, Get
tysburg and Harrisbuig. and Miss
Katheiine Human. Gettysburg, wed,
Whole state pays tribute to mem
ory of William Penn.
Reports from France tell of wound
ing of Henry Cocklln and gassing ol
Charles Cocklln, cousins. Bat. E.
lostli Field Artillery.
Mrs. Rose Morgan Faster dies, mak
ing sixth death In family in 16
Captain R. D. Jenkins, commander,
i Company 1. 112 th Infantry, rejoins
regiment after slight wounding in
Friday, November 8.
The Harrisburg Pipe and Pipe
Bending Company contributes $5,001
to United War Work fund; First Na
tional bank. .Merchants National bank
Central Trust Company and Common
wealth Trust Company contribute
♦ ant) each.
Twenty-one wounded and shell
| shocked veterans of the A. K. F. giver
splendid reception here for five hours
on passing through city. Provided
with meals and taken automobile
CJovernor-elct William C. Sprou
thanks residents of Harrisburg fot
telegram of congratulations sent or
election saying: "Harrisburg Is Just
like home."
Harrv C. Baum, former President
of Common Council, dies after long
illness: was assistant divisional oper
ator for Pennsylvania railroad fot
many years.
J. WUliant Rlckenback, Knols
brakeman. ground to death undet
draft of cars when new shoes cause
him to slip off train.
George W. Relly again elected
president of Harrisburg Benevolent
W. R. Faust, cashier of Penbrook
National bunk for ten years resigns
He ia succeeded by I. U Unger.
Sergeant F. S. Morrow reported
dead in action.
Another cent is added to cost of
milk whether bought by pint ot
quart, new price being 7 and 17
Harrlsburg's fighting men will noi
be forgotten at Christmas If the num
ber of parcels gotten ready for the
mall at the Red Cross headquarters
lis any crlterlor
Divine Services Sunday After .
Lifting of Influenza Ban
From City Gatherings
These ure glad days for Father!
Harris! With a broatl smile lighting
up his face and his new Autumn suit
to make him look dressy, he will
gather his family and proceed to dl
vine services In local churches to- 1
morrow after more than a month's
Following the lifting of the ban '
occasioned by the ravages of influ
enza the doors of churches in this
city will be thrown wide open to all 1
who wish to enter to-morrow morn
ing. Beginning with morning scr- j
vices, the regular schedule of wor- ;
ship will be observed in virtually
every church although in some
churches there have been slight
changes in the hours of certain meet
Many rally day services will be
held. After many weeks absence
get-together services will be a fea
ture In numerous churches. There
will be much nancsttaking!
•Ministers of the city expect throng
ed auditoriums for both morning and
evening services and choristers have |
prepared especially delightful musical ;
programs to tit in with the exception- i
ally splendid sermons which the |
clergymen will deliver.
The first meetings in churches fol- \
lowing the lifting of the Acting ;
Health Commissioner's ban', were '
held Wednesday night in many J
churches when prayer meeting gath- ;
erings nttrncted crowds of worship- i
pers. In churches whose creed does '
not include holding of mid-week
prayer services. Thanksgiving scr- j
vices were held at that time. In the j
First Church of Christ Scientist, the |
local Christian Science Church at
Front and Woodbine streets, a test- '
imonial meeting was held when testl- I
menials of healing were given. In
other churches the prayer services ,
was combined with a service of 1
praise and thanksgiving to the Al- ,
mighty who has taken away the j
epidemic with its attendant perils.
"It will not be hard for Harrisburg •
to resume chureh-golng." a prom!- ]
nent member of the clergy said. "1 '
believe that our parishioners have ]
enough of religion stored in them to
last for a few weeks. But the min- 1
isters and clergymen of Harrisburg
will be liappy to welcome the wor
shippers back again to the 'churches
where they can. worship their Go|d!" |
Rev. E. E. Kauffman Opens
Second Year of Pastorate
The opening sermon of the second
year of his pastorate at the Nagle I
Street Church of God will be delivered •
to-morrow morning at 10.30 o'clock
in the church edifice by the Rev. K. j
E. Kauffman. He will speak on "The.
Same Things."
Prof. J. A. Sprenkel. of New Cum
berland. will speak at Rally Day ser- !
vices of the Sunday school. The pas- !
tor will speak on "Paul's Object in ,
Life" at the evening service, opening
at 7.30..
Home Coming Services
at Augsburg Lutheran
Augsburg Lutheran Church will
be open and invited all her mem
bers and friends to the home com
ing services on Sunday. Tlie
church has been fumigated and all
Is in readiness to welcome the people
again into the House of the Lord.
The subject for the morning will
be "Rest Unto Your Soul." The j
pastor will speak in the evening on
"The Plague Stayed."
Rounds Out Eighth Year
as Pastor of Fourth Street
The eighth year of his pastorate
at the Fourth Street Church of God
will he rounded out to-morrow by
the Rev. Dr. William X. Yates.
Widely known here as a fearlests foe
of evil and a champion of the right j
at all times, Dr. Yates has a wide !
circle of friends, who extend to hint
every good wish on the opening of
the ninth year of his service.
The Rev. Mr. Hangen to
Discuss Ban Lifting
On Sunday evening the pnstor of-
Paik Street United Evangelical;
Church, (he Rev. A. E. Hangen.
will have for h's subject, "An Old
Testament Instance of Lifting Ihe
Han Off the Church."
The morning services will consist
of a combined Sunday school and
church meeting, at 9.30. when the
Sunday school will meet in the
church auditorium. An interesting,
varied program will he rendered.
Miss Leah Hangen will sing "Lay
Thine Hand Upon Me," a very ap
propriate selection for the present
time of chastening of individuals and
nations. The pastor will teach the
Sundry school lesson of the-day, re
viewing therewith tho lessons of the '
quarter missed, to the whole school.
'Thanksgiving" and "reunion" will
be prominent fentures of this morn
ing service. Teachers and officials
and ushers will form n welcoming
"committee" to the scholars and
members of the church.
The week end and preparatory serv
ices of Zion I utheran Church will be
combined on Friday evening at 7.15
o'clock. The Holy Communion will be
administered on Sunday morning at
10.15 o'clock nr.d at 7 o'clock Sunday
evening. The Sunday evening service
nt 7.30 will lie addressed by Dr. Auet
upon the subuject "The Religious
Conditions in France and Belgium."
Tho W. H. F. Missionary Society
meeting will be postponed until nest
Morning—Pre'uude. "Prelude in A, '
Ouilnuint. offertory, "Novelette," Sml
ly: anthem, "Praise the Isird," Smart:
postlude. ' Postluude in O." Wagner.
Evening—fui "Fantasia." Mllligun'
(b) "Melody and Intermezzo," Parker:
anthem. "Let the People Praise Thee."
Costa: offertory. "Ariettn," Horeitor
anthem, "Jubilate Deo." Corbin: post
lude. "Allegro Movement." Calkin.
Morning—Prelude "Cantllene In F
Minor," Marohunt: anthem. "My Soul
Doth Magnify the Lord." Alfred
Woolcr; offertory, "Cradle Song,"
Grieg: postlude. "Postlude," Butistee.
Evening—Prelude. "The Curfew."
Horsmnn; anlhein, "The Lord Is My
Shepherd," I Trim.an Wolcott; pjai
luude, "Poatlyude," Lout
NOVEMBER 9, 1918.
Vnticipatc That Church Will :
Be Filled When It Is
When Market Square Presbyter- i
an Church opens its tloors tomorrow j
morning it is expected that a large,
congregation will assemble. The j
people have been deprived of church :
privileges so long thai they, will j
!to with gladness into the house of i
the Loid. All the regular church I
goers will come back with joy. The!
Irregular ones will make good their j
cows. And the people who haven't j
been in church for months, or even j
rears, have realized the loss. Many ]
of them will come with the people
who delight in God's house. The |
minister's subject for the morning j
is one in keeping with those great i
days, the greatest days in the his-!
Tory of the world for centuries. The i
collapse of nations, the sweep of l
the pandemic over the earth, are
enough to make the thoughful'
pause, and the careless to think.
All services which can will be re-'
sumed, and will go forward as us- [
ual. The communion which was
stopped by the placing of the ban j
will be held on the Inst Sunday of!
November. Children will he hap- j
tlaed the lirst Sunday of December, j
After that it is hoped that the !
church will be in its usual order. 1
An appeal is made for fifty more;
women to work in the Red Cross.!
Dr. Hawes is asking for two vie- [
trolas, and records without limit, i
for use ut Middletown.
Interesting Schedule of
Services For Camp Hill
At the Camp Hill Presbyterian
Church the pastor. Rev. Raymond
A. Ketehledge. will preach on Sun
day morning at eleven o'clock on
the subject "Spiritual Accoustics",
and at 7.30 in the evening he will
deliver a stereoptican lecture en
titled "Jesus the Helper". The
Sunday School, which meets at 9.*5
will begin the use of the Westmin
ster Graded Series of Sunday School
lessons. During the summer the
Sunday evening and mid-week ser
vices were held ut eight o'clock, but
beginning with the service of this
Sunday, the old hour of worship,
7.30, will he resumed. At the mid
week services the pastor is deliver
ing a series of lectures entitled "How
We Got Our English Bible."
Ridge Avenue C. E. To
Hold Special Service
The Epworth League service of
Ridge Avenue At. E. Church will be
held at 6.30 on Sunday evening with
Miss Rosa Santee as leader. ARss
Santee is in charge of the Methodist
Deaconess work in this city and will
speak on Home Missions, her sub
ject being "Frontiers, Old and New."
Special music will be an added at
traction at this service.
~"The Church With The Chimes" 7 i
THE Lord's Supper will be celebrated to
morrow at 10 a. m.
Every member of Zion Church is urged to
be present and partake of this Sacrament. This
is absolutely essential to the proper worship of
our Saviour.
Our Fall wc. : has been greatly hampered by the
epidemic, but we can make up the loss by a greater
and more earnest effort. Remember the success of
the Church rests upon you, the responsibility is yours
—we must have your co-operation.
Sunday School at 1.45 P. M.
Zion Lutheran Church
South I'ourth St.. near Tlnrket
Dr. S. \V. Hcrniun, Pastor
Come Tomorrow To
Green and Cumberland Streets
10:30 A. M.—"An Invitation Gladly Accepted."
1:45 P. M.—Sunday School.
7 :30 P. M.—"When.God Laughs."
The Evening Sermon Will Have to Do With
World Conditions of Today
Good Music—Helpful Services
P '' PR I
Third and Pine Streets
•'; J Sunday, November 10,1918 p
10:30 A. M. |
Come and Rear Rls Wonderful Story
7:30 P.M. II
• Preacher, REV. L. S. MUDGE, D. D., Pastor |-J
—United War Work Campaign Appeal—
Come and Heat It —Go and Obey It
I Be 100% Patriotic
Slevenns Memorial Church to,
Pay Tribute to Sergeant
Johnson, Deceasel
Corporal Humphrey J. Roberts, tie
j widely known Welsh soldier singer,
i of New York City, is scheduled to ap
j pear on the program to-morrow even
[ ing at 7..10 o'clock in the Stevens
Memorial M. E. Church, Thirteenth
; and Vernon streets. Recauuso of the
.- plendid work of Corporal Roberts in
entertu|nlng I nele Sam's soldiers. Dr.
j Smucker has engaged him for a series
iof Sunday evening meetings. The
I gathering to-morrow night will be
j the lirst of tlie very interesting series.
' An interesting and impressive feature
of the service Sunday evening will be
the recognition of the lute Sergeant
1 Ray kdlson Johnson. Sergeant John
! son, who was only 23 years of age
' at the time of his death In France.
was a member of the 11th Supply
| Company. A letter from his captain.
| received,by Mr. and Mrs. H. W. John-
I son. 1127 Herryhtll street, last week,
stated that his body now rests in
j France near Paris. Stevens Memorial
church service flag now curries 90
I blue stars and one Red Cross, one of
| which will be changed to gold Sun
j day night. Dr. Clayton Albert
; Smucker will give the memorial ad
, dress.
Within the last ten days more than
j a hundred men have been busy In the
1 Stevens Memorial Church looking aft
: er the welfare of the fourteen hun
j dred members in tills big parish. In
: vWations have been delivered to the
! membership for the Holy Communion
' and Over-the-tep-day meetings to be
' held Sunday morning and evening* Al.
1 . Thomas is to have charge of tiio
I program during the Sunday school
j hour, at 10 a. m. Holy Communion
' and reception of new members will
j follow this gathering at 11.15 a. in.
! The Rev. William Swartz and Dr.
j Smucker will conduct the communion,
i In the evening at fi.3o o'clock. Charles
I Storey Is to direct the young folk in
I a special meeting.
All organizations of the church and
Sunday sohool have resumed activi
] ties. The full schedule for the week is
I to be given out to-morrow morning
I by Dr. Smucker.
' '
Division Street Chapel
to Hold Interesting Meets
j The Sunday services of the Divi
sion Street Chapel will be resumed
| with the opening ct ine Sunday
! school at 3 o'cjock to-morrow. Aside
from the study of the lesson, a spe
, cial opening exercise has been ar
i ranged, following which will be held
| promotion exercises.
In the evening the service will be
I given over to the Christian Endeavor
! Society for the celebration of its first
I annual anniversary. After the elee-
I tion of officers, reports will be given
of tlie Pocono conference by a num
i! her of delegates. Those giving ro-
I ports will be Miss Ethyl Mummert.
| Miss Miriam Ilines and Miss Edna
i Forrer. Mrs. J. Frank Palmer, ex
j pert in young people's work, will
| give a talk. The hour of the evening
i service will be 7.30, instead of 7.45.