22 TIOUSANIS MA HE TELEGRAPH WANT AM EVERY NIGHT, ADVERTISE BIG Mo PR—-George Hope, of Camp Hill, died Wednesday ot influenza. Service* at the house at 2 I'. M. ah members of Camp-23 will meet ut i I'. .VI. at Market Square to go in body to funeral. Burial will be made in Camp Hill Cemetery. LOST AND FOUND FOUND A dog of good quality.- Uwiler, by calling at my residence and proving property, may have the uog. ('has. A. Aertuss. Union Deposit. I "• LOST —• Between Fourth and Mar ket und Second and Market, a child s gray fur neckpiece, on Thursday evening. Reward if returned to .Mrs. J*. M. Faslg, 1325 Thompson avenue. INSTRUCTIONS A RIGHT START IS HALFTHF BATTLE Get a THOROUGH STANuaRD course in Harrisburg s ACCREDITED Business College.school of Commerce. T.oup Building. J" uU ' j Market Square. Bell -igu. Dial 4"33. , INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in, Gregg j Shorthand, Typewriting. Eng.isn , Bookkeeping. Peinanship, Arltn.. etc. ; *DA V AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL V LAB. , Enttei: any time. Bell 694K, Dlal ldlb , THE OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL j 121 Mkt. S. Chus. U. Beckley. Prin. Merle 12. Keller, Bus. Mgr. ! I IK* *' WANTED—MAIK WANTED, BAKER Good job for j rigiit person. 430.00 per week. Steei-j ton Baking Co.. Soli South Secoud j street, Steelton, Pa. WANTED Bread salesman, one who has j had previous selling experi ence only need upply. Sub stantial salary guaranteed. 1 lteterence required. Apply STANDARD BAKING CO., Tenth and Market. MAN AND BOY WANTED Boy j must ut- over i years of age. App,., j ui once. Aiouern textile Company,: 1823 Fenn street. WANTED White boy, over 16 j years old, lor light work. Apply Don-| ulusoti Paper Co., 113 North Second] street. WANTED Thoroughly competent] bookkeeper. Wholesale house will j pay very gooU salury to capable I man. Address No. 411. care of Tele- ] graph. LABORERS WANTED. 25 MEN AT ONCE. APPLY PENN-HARRIS HOTEL. THIRD AND WALNUT SI'S. WANTED Boy, for light delivery.! Inquire 201 Chestnut street. WANTED White boy, 15 or 16 years old, lor grocery store —one who i ..a rice a bicycle. Apply 1601 North ' . yurth street. j WANTED, TEAMSTERS Experl- | emeu, tor uouble and single delivery, .viust know city and nearby towns.! Apgiy personally, National Biscuit' l.i,.i,iiaii.<, Uiu Howard ■ street. I WANTED Experienced llreman ! tin stationary boilers. Only steady, j experienced men need apply. 300 i Common wealth Trust Building. WANTED Good porter, also one ! that is capable of running Furd car.! Apply C. M. Sigler. Inc., 30 North Sec-I una. | • URIVER WANTED For Coal ! Wagon; also several men for Coal j lui„ a,id Quarry. steady work. Ruth erford Bros., Paxtang, Pa. ■ i MEN WANTED To load stone, 29 j tsilw gcr tun. can earn f2„ to 435 per j week. Apply Puxtaug Quarries, Pax- i tang. WANTED Young man, 16 to 18 i .years, for wholesale business. Good opportunity. Apply, with reference. I Audrcss Box H, 7463, cure of Tele-1 graph. J WANTED Riviters, shippers and lielperi. Apply HARRISBURG MFG. AND BOILER CO.. Nineteenth and Derry Sts. WANTED Experienced mechanics on automobile work. Apply THE OVERLAND-11ARU1SBURG CO SERVICE STATION. Twenty-sixth and Derry sts. WANTED One llrst-class barber. Appiy Tile Barber Shop. 15 North Market Square. WANTED—Two good, strong boys to learn trade. Apply Superinten dent. The Telegraph Printing Co.. Harri' burg. WANTED Two middle-aged men and two boys, with one day's school privileges, to do general work around grocery store. Good wages. M. Bren ner Ac Sons, Seventh and Aluench. WANTED Several men in phar maceutical laboratory. Apply Hownian Mell Ac Co.. 1347 Howard street. ' MEN WANTED To learn *he au tomobile business and do mechanical work on same. Thousands of men are wanted in the United States Army for such work as driving and repair ing. Auto Transportation School 360 South Front street. Steelton. WANTED A man. or will employ man and wife, to do Janitor and housework. Aply 1 700 North Second street. A Bellevue Park Mansion That is a Real Home )ne of the most complete resi dences in Harrisburg is the Bul litt mansion at Twenty-third and Chestnut streets. If you want to buy a home that is a real home tills is your opportunity. We would be pleased to show you the property. Miller Brothers A Co. ItEAI. I-STATE Insurance Surety Horn*. I.oi ust uuil Cuuri si reels Member Hlig. If en I l-Mulc I loan I v. J FRIDAY EVFNING lIEI.P \\ AN TEL)—MA I,E WANTED TAXICAB DRIVERS. Apply HABKJSUURO TAXICAB AXU 14AGUAOE CO.. Strawberry and Aberdeen Sts. WAX'TUU Hoisting pilglneer lot construction HOIK. Apply WnitiaKcl A: Dielii, ii Lmon Trust Kunuiiin. . CARPENTERS WANTED AT ONCE. APPLY TO t\ C. LEW IN. PKNN-HARKIS HOTEK HELP W ANTED—tK.UAI.K WANTED Demonstrutor for na tionally auvertiseu loou product. Ap piy at Y. W. C. A, ivtrs. box, between • una & in evenings. WANTED Oftlce girl, ul once. Permanent oosition. Apply Keystone Hum Co.. 1110 iviolllgoinc-ry street. WANJED A girl for waitress. Goou wages. Inquire ul IKS soutu front street, Stecnon. WANTED Cnild's nurse—one to take cure ot u ivJ. WANTED Colored girls to strip tobucco. Pay while Jeurning. Good wages are ueing earned by ex perienced strippers. Apply us NORTH CAMERON STREET. Second floor. WANTED Three white dish washers. Apply ut Davenport Lunclt, 325 Market street. WANTED—Two young women for waitresses. Must give references. Ap ply Stoutfer's Restaurant, 4 Ntith Court. WANTED \\ omen who Hould like to en gage in uutoiuoone work. Ex cellent opportunity tor loose who want to uo uar wora. Apply THE OVERLAND-HARRISBURG CO. SERVICE STATION, Twenty-sixth and Derry Sts. WANTED A good laundress to take work home, uood wages palu. Appiy 221> Emerald street. BELOL TELEPHONE OPERATORS WANTED Young women, 17 to 30 years 'of age, wanted to learn tele phone operating; rapid' ad vancement and exceptional opportunities for promotion for those displaying energy # and ambition. Salary paid while learning. Aply at OPERATORS TRAINING DE- . PARTment. 208 Walnut Street. Between 8:00 A. M. and 5:00 P. M. ! WANTED—Maid for general house work. inquire at 213"! North Third. WOMAN —Wanted immediately for scrubbing and general work. Apply Stouffer's Restaurant. 4 North Court street. WANTED A cook and children's helper for dormitory. Children's in dustrial Home. Apply Mrs. C. B. Itet lew, 266 Hriggs i WANTED Girl for general house- 1 work. Apply 226 Emerald street. 11 El.l* WANTED—MaIe untl Female! SILK MILL Experienced help wanted. Expert- I enceu weavers average 4>3.00 to y6.au ! per day Other uepai tiueuis proper- ! wonaleiy. Beginners wauled also. Best pay. I Conie and earn 30 per cent, bonus over I aiiu above regular wages. Aply HARRISBURG SILK MILL Second and North S reels. WANTED Experienced cook and ! porter. Apply State Capital Hotel. 2io | Walnut street. WANTED Man and woman. El derly couple preierred. Woman as I housekeeper, tnaii lor general work ! around the place, on a small, country I horde east ol New Cumberland. Pleuse i slate where can be seen. Address Airs. ! Daisy Kyier, New Cumberland. I'a. ! General Delivery. DIVES. POMEROY & STEWART re- ' quire salespeople in departments de voted to handkerchiefs, hosiery, un derwear, books, toys and novelties; also stock men of middle uga in house wares. j SHOEVVOHKERS WANTED i We need experienced opera tors in all uepar.inenls, and can guarantee steudy work. All work is paid for at piece i rates, but we guarantee every employe (leliniie wages. The more work you produce Hie more you earn. We also have openings In all departments for young men and wuinen tu learn a useful trade, which will be of value to them ufter | the war. The shoe business is l a necessary Industry und Is 6f i much importance. Got a Job making goods for Uncle Sam If you con, but if not, then consider the shoe manufactur ing trade as worth while learning. If interested, take this ad to the United Suites Employment Bureau at Third and North Streets, and gel lull particulars. ! - ARRIS BU KG SHOE MFG. CO. Vernon St. , HKLI' WAXTtl)—Male and Femulc ' THpUSANDS MEN WOMEN— ; GIKL.S, 10 or over wanted immediately j \by United States Government. Easy oifice poaitiuiia ut Washington and in every large city. Experience umiee ,ea.-.uiy. ( iuu month ami up. 7-huur day. Vour country needs you. Help ' her. Write Immediately lor tree list, positions open. Franklin institute, j Dept. dull c,. Rochester. .V Y. % _J SITUATIONS WA.SIi.H—MALE r ! —— - r EXPEHIENCED OFFICE MAN \Y unis extra oince worn evenings und -Jbaturuays. Aibo typewriting to do at j home. Address bux t>, 6648, care ot j 'teiegraph. WANTKu — ; Young man desires po- ' j sition in - spare hours and days, as ' | clerk, collector or salesman. Address I ] Box O, 6661, care ot Telegraph. SITUATION WANTED ! Executive Dive, active man. 30 I j y'euis. general experience with yianu- ; ; lucluriug und other concerns, desires i - | new connection. lient reasons tor I leaving piesem. position. Experienced I ■ purchasing agent. Understands gen- I ' | eral gccounllng work. Address JVIcC., ' ' i Host Ottlce Jiox Sua, llarrlsburg, I'a. 'j SITUATIONS WANTED— FemaIe I . ! WANTED Day!* work ot any I j | kind by rellanle colored woman. Ad j dress liox B, 2398, care of Telegraph. ] . I WANTED Woman with child j 11 three years old, wouiu like position as i housekeeper. Address '7(12 Twenty -1 fourth st.cet. Call 2U25M Bell phone. . ! WANTED Woman of experience j desires position lor practical nursing ■ i of attendant tor Invulid. Valuable ref i i erenccs given. Address T., 761! i, care l | ot Telegraph. . j WANTED Stenographer, with . i live years' experience, wants a good I i position with a reliable concern; can , j furnish good reference us to her abll- I ' lty anu character. Address Box N, j 7568. care of Telegraph. j WANTED —.Widow, with one child, j wisnes to keep House for a widower, j Address 318 Alucnch street. WANTED Housework by refined, young woman, in private family. Ad ; dress Box C, 2678, care of Tele | graph. I WANTED . Retined, young girl wishes to keep house tor a widower — one who has no childien preferred. | Address X., 6664, cure of Telegraph. j WANTED Young woman wishes clerical work in of lice; has had two years' experience and can furnish; best of reference. Address Box E. | j 6664, care of Telegraph. ROOMS t-OH KENT j FOR RENT' Furnished rooms, j $2.6u per weex and up; warm looms, i ; running n„i anu cord water; uglii , housekeeping and private uaih. Vvw i son Apartments, No. i 43 bouih Third I | street. I— ■ I TWO well-furnished rooms, for j j light housekeeping; gas range, j i kitchen cabinet, use of laundry. Cor- i I ner house. No enildren. References, j | 342 South Sixteenth. I ROOMS FOR RENT, FURNISHED— | j All conveniences. Bell Phone. |3.00 land $4.00 per week. Reference re- I quired. Pine street, also North, ln i quire Paul's shoe Store. 11 North ! Fourth. ' FOR RENT Two communicating I first lloor rooms, and one third boor room, all furnished, within easy walk- ! ing distance of business district. Ap- j ply 408 Briggs street. FOR RENT Three large, unfur- j nished rooms, located on Sixth street; light, heal and use of phone; no chil dren. Fall Bell phone 3347J, or in ! quire 2130 North sixth street. ! NICELY-FURNISHED ROOMS ] With or without board. Private fam-1 j ily. 84 North Seventeenth street. j ] FOR RENT—One or two furnished rooms, with or without housekeeping privileges, with all modern improve ments. Apply at 1308 Murket. ROOMS FOR RENT, 113 Locust St. —Well furnished. Conveniences. Beli phone 2307 W. ROOMS WANTED THREE OR FOUR unfurnished rooms, centruily located, by young j couple. Small upartlnent, with bath, ' w ill be considered. Possession on or i about October 1. Can furnish excel ! lent references. No children. Address j 8., 7438. care of Telegraph. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOUR well-furnished rooms, light | and airy, bay windows, oa soebnd ' I lloor; corner house; hot water heat; I gas; electricity. Uood trolley service.' jNo children. References exchanged. I j 342 South Sixteenth street/ ' FOR RENT Two furnished apart- [ ! ment, first and second lloor; heat, gas j and use of bath. Kent reasonaole. I i Inquire 327 South Front street. j FOR RENT Three unfurnished I ' rooms, use of bath, heat and light. Inquire at 911 North Sixth. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE A WELL-PAYING ROOMINGHOUSE j FOR r- Chestnut street. ! AN exceptionally well-built t Wo i and-one-ha It-story house, size 3ox2s I ft., stands back irorn pavement 36 r. | m lot 60x248 ft.; contains eigiu rooms ; and bath. &Udated on Hamilton ! street. Camp Hill. Pa., short distance i trom trolley. | Ruilt for residence, not for specu- I lation. For terms, etc. apply to PI. M. ASKIN, South and Pitt Streets Carlisle, Pa. j | FOR SALE Two-story frame I metal roof, good conditions, yard' ' | Cheap home for SI,OOO Inquire Store' ! 1117 North Third. ,e 'j j FOR SALE Brick dweling, 1603U i ! Derry street lO rooms and hath I I gas electric light furnace—lot ! 21x100, With drive on rear. B e ij j Realty Co.. Bergner Building. I I FOR SALE 2 to-story double brick house, at White Hill lo rooms ! I each house all improvements ! ! cheap. Inquire A. Smith. Camp Hill i ) Zt— j I FOR SALE 1639 Market street ' I brick; 9 rooms; bath; all improve-' i ments. look at it. Occupied bv ! ! owner. H. G. Pedlow, 3 South Thii- ' i teenth street. I FOR SALE 545 and 547 Noi h! Second street. Steel ton. Pa., on ' j 'double frame house and storeroom I I Modern conveniences. Lot. 25xl(h) I Reason for selling on account t ,r death. 1-ouls Laeob. FINE INVESTMENT or residence! property on North Second street, be tween Broad and State streets. H r(t .g 9 rooms and bath. Lot 24x126 t J i wide ally_Slfie ■> back entrances.! Must sola to settle an estate AH. i "e" no S, 6660 care of HOMES FOR COLORHT FAMILIES I Three Br' l K Houses. 8 room* WMl ' , 1 tnJta" * , ' sn r ;' lUch ,50 0U needed 1 :; aim navhient. . * " Lincoln realty co 1129 North Seventh St. HAKRIBBURG TELEGRAPH if ''V -71 I HAVE YOU A VACANT STORE I TO RENT? Can you not look about you and sec retail establishments which woultj be better located than at present if they occupied that store of ■ . yours? Perhaps, somewhere in town, is a tradesman who is convinced that his location is poor. He would gladly consider a change. Advertise to him ; —tell him what you can offer. ' ; j • L • I l * • —■Wi j REAL ESTATE FOR SALE "IF ITS REAL ESTATE, SEE SANDKULIN" DERRY ST., 1334 NOW VACANT; I modern 10-rooni, 3-story brick; all I latest improvements; front and rear I porches; lawn and back yard; room for a private garage; ideal location for a physician; can be bought with SSOO cash. FULTON ST., 1637—N0W VACANT; ! corner property; 2%-story frame; six rooms and attic; gas and water; can I be bought seme as rent. 4, SIXTEENTH ST., 542 2-story brick, 7 rooms, all Improvements, ce- I inent cellar, con be bought with $l5O I cash and $25 per month. NOW VA j CANT. KENSINGTON ST., 2030 B-rooms; J all Improvements; very cozy home; | same as rent. j SCHUYLKILL ST.. 618 Corner : property; 3-story brick; 9 rooms; all I improvements, front and rear porches; ' good size back yard; same as rent. FIFTH ST., N., 2138—2-story brfck; I one side and a double house; 7 rooms t and bath; all improvements; side and ' rear entrance; same as rent. . | SIXTEENTH ST.. S„ 541 2-story I 'brick; 7 rooms; all improvements: ce- J j ment cellar; can be bought with $250 j cash. STEELTON, SECOND ST.. S., 318% —3-story frame; 7 rooms; water, gas and electric lights, a very good bar gain. Same as rent. I WORMLEYSBURG, SECOND ST.. N„ 1202—2%-story frame; 7 rooms, water, i gas and electric lights; lot, 25x150; j price right;' same as rent. - D. A. SANDERLIN. ROOM 1. SECURITY TRUST BLDG., 36 NORTH THIRD ST. BELL PHONE 1390. DIAL 3573. i i . HARRISBURG INVESTMENT OPPOR TUNITY EXTRAORDINARY These Properties must be sold in order to close an estate. The prices are right. Let me have your offer within reasonable limits. We know it will be accepted; 228 Boas St., attractive, substantial home; splendid location; best of j neighbors; easy walking distance to | Market St. Inspection by appoint- j ment only . _ 231 and 231% South St. Three-story brick; eight rooms, improvements. | Right in a section where there is al ways a keen demand from buyers and renters. No question as to the merits , of the above properties. lam in-1 structed to bring about a quick sale.; Full particulars m interested. , Everything in Real Estate, Young Building, 34 N. Second St. Member Harrisburg Real Estate Boat d. FOR SALE Jefferson St., No. 2306 1 jcor ONE WEEK we will SLA UGH- : ITER the price of this tine dwelling' I and GUARANTEE immediate posses- j '''nos. 630 Muench, 1634 Park, 623-25 j ' Ross, 633 Emerald, 1612 Chestnut. 918 I South Twenty-first, 3219-21 North Sixth 1630 North Sixth and 2116-18 ' New Fourth St.. are attractive prop | erties at RIGHT prices. 1 On Bailey St. we have a brick row : l of dwelling that can be purchased j INDIVIDUALLY or otherwise at S3OO down; the balance as rent. This propo sition also applies to several mention- | BACKENSTOSS BROS., Rusa Building ! Member Harrisburg Real Estate Board, j FOR SALE One lot, 25x100, 10-j cated on North Second street,. Stee- i tort: Act quick, Louis Lacob. I TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSES—AII | improvements, front porch, bay win dow 7 rooms, nice yard, drive alley, room foi gurage. SIOO down, pay as rent. Also several three-story bricks, ail improvements. Three small houses, suburbs ot j Steel ton. SIOO down, balunce is rent. I or will exchange on small farm or city | nrnoerty. liberty Bonds accepted. ! pioperiy H COK , )E:r[ , 1722 Green St. Bell 560 J. _____ . OPPORTUNITY TO OWN YOUR OWN HOME ! on our easy-payment plan Small cost payment or Liberty > Bond Balance as rent. A. P. DORANZ. 1225 North Sixth Street. Member Harrisburg Real Estate Boaru j S3OO CASH NEEDED to purchase a j thrce-storv brick dwelling, with nlnej' rooms and bath gas furnace porch front drive alley on the rear. I Price. $3,000. Bell Realty Co.. Berg-1 ner Building j NOW VACANT BO3 North Seven- ! teenth street, brick and stucco dwell-! Ing. most modernly equipped, well ! constructed, ideal location. Key at l our office. Rell Realty Co.. Rergner j Building | l-'i j \I.K 674 Schuylkill street —frame semi-bungalow with 6 rooms and bath other improvements. In cluding steam heat. Price. 52.200. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. FOR SALE No. 1515 State street i brick liouso with 9 rooms and bath j lot. 40x90, with drtve alley on the! reur. Inspect It soon. Bell Realty ; Co.. Bergner Building. PAXTANO PROPERTY FOR BALEI —Frame bouse, with alx rooms and 1 bath gas electric Jlght lot. 30x130. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE BO7 North Second street. Low price if sold quickly. Modern steam heat plant, new electric light system, 12 rooms, in good con dition. Immediate possession. Apply S. Friedman, Real Estate, Kunkel Bldg., or 217 Peffer street. FOR SALE Semi-detached brunts, new. North Sixth street neur Uxfoiti, 8 rooms and bath, steam heat, electric, gas, hardwood floors, cement walk. Price low. Terms easy. D. A. Caley. 707 Kunkel "Bldg. Rell 589. Real Estutc For sale—Suburban FOR SALE Brick house, West Main street, Mcchanicsburg. siute roof, gas, electricity, hot water heat, lot, 60x200. Immediate possession. Address Box 11. 7583, care of Tele graph. FOR SALE A desirable Lemoyne property; all improvements; front pofch. Owner desires to leave city. Price is right. Cull at 1225 North Sixth street. TWO ADJOINING LOTS FOR SALE —Situated ut Camp Hill. Pa. Will sell very cheap. Apply 251 Susque hanna avenue. Enola. Pa. REAL ESTATE I OR RENT FOR RENT 9-room brick house; gas, electricity, sleuni heat; tine con dition. Rent. $50.00. 916 North Six teenth street. Bell 2912. FOR RENT Furnished house. Write to Mrs. Williams, 1509 North Second. REAL ESTATE—Ior Sale or Rent HOUSES AND GARAGES at Fifth and Curtin streets. Possession of some of the houses on thirty days notice. Fred C. Miller. 31 North Sec ond. Bell phone 3U7J. REAL ESTATE WANTED _| WANTED—TO RENT We are having a number of applica tions at tills time for furnished houses, apartments aad rooms. What do you have to offer? Address Mil ler Brothers & Company, Locust and Court streets. _____ i 1 HAVE BUYERS waiting for prop-i erty in any section of the city if i cheap. Wiiat have you to otter? Chas. Adler, 1002 North Third street. I I I I ARMS FOR SALE 3-acre farm, good house, 13 miles from Harrisburg $750. Call 107 Chestnut street. i FARMS On hand, any size front ! 3 to 160 acres, with or without stock I 107 Chestnut. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE one large and two small farms, inquire 3402 Derry street, or Lfiul 6708. 1 FOR SAI.E—MISCELLANEOUS | I FOR SALE White reed baby car riage in good condition, inquire 1832 Hunter street, ttrsl upurttnent. BARGAINS; BARGAINS: The store ucross trom 1. W. C. A. offers you the Biggest ami Best Bar gains in Mens uiiu Buys' suits. Over coats, Muckinuw Coats, Unuerwcur. Huts, Caps sun Shoes. SVe are fam ous tor Low Prices. Give us a iriui. OUTLET CLOTHING CO.. 23 North Fourth Street. FOl! SALE Two oak mantels, i with minors over shelf, as good as j new. Address C. IV. Lady, 119 Cai der street. | FOR SALE One new six-Inch Van Wie Coal Dredging Pump, com plete. Price right. Aduress Box 890, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE Chiffonier, in good condition. Ueasonubie price. Cail ut 2012 Stale street. FOR SALE Netv heater. Used' twice. Also coach, like new; kltcnen' cabinet. Come tills week. Sold! cheap. No dealers. Inquire 43-' Muench street, ut 4:30 evenings, fl ( ; o'clock mornings. \\ OOD— WOOD— WOOD Fine wood, cut short, uak, speciulij cut tor llreplace. F. J Mat ter. Belli X 9-.1. .-tee I ton. W A XTED—.MISCELLAN EOUS i OFFICE DESK FOR SALE I 4x6 FEET, FLAT TUP. OAK. AT HALF PRICE. 204 CALDEIt BLDG BELL 4377. FOR SALE Melodeon, 150 years olu, rosewood tinlsh. Good condition Makes nice antique stand. Belt phone, 100. I AVPLIvs FOR SALE Grimes, Gol den, with a Banana flavor; Stayman. Wen . Jonathans, York imperial, eac. Some of these apples are very line. Cohfe and see them ut U. A. IV icker- | sham s orchard, one-hulf mile cast ot Mechanlcsburg. Pa. Trolley cur stops at orchard. 1919 CALENDARS Good Selection. For good service, order at once and avoid the rush. Sample Room for Conveni ence- of Customers. MYERS MANUFACTURING CO.. 1 Third and Cumberland Ste. 1 Above Shoe Store. I' I WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS ! * I I FOR SALE. CHEAP To quick.! .cash buyer. "Novelty Kitchener.' | runge, No. 118, with water back, I 'boiler, and pipe, good condition, Also ■■ ■ "Quality' Gus Range. 4 burners and simmer. Call Hell phone 3757 J. He*" - i rlsburg Exchange. VYPEWRITKHS BOUGHT t'Utt | CASsn ALL lilAkiiS RENTED - ! KXCH.tAUEU. GEO. P. TILLO'IaON, ! 305 LOCcal sTULLT. oPPOSII't I OKPHKLiM THEATER DOTH PHONICS Hlti HICST PRICKS PAID for all klnos ul Junk. Get our prices before j selling. Call Bell phone 03b. or drop ; us a poqtul and our wagon will call. Keystone Iron & Metal Co., Uroad and | Cui rant streets. ! GET your bargains in heaters and ! cooking stoves. We also sell general ; household goods of ull deaci iplions. IWe pay highest cusli prices. New | mark & Cown, 308 liroad street. | MUitkbS ;AVS save money buying new and second-hund furniture here, tligli prices paid lor furniture. Morris riohmertx. 1030 Market. Hell 397 IR. WANTED A small, second-hand heating stove —one that will burn soft I c6al. Address, giving full particulars, F. S., 1918, care of Telegraph. EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA! L Cohen & Co., York and Asli ave nues. have opened up u pluce. Whole sale und retmll scrapiroti, metals, rub ber, and rags, paper stock. All grades of Junk and burrels bought. Pay highest cash prices. Send postal or call Hell phone 3331 W. Will call. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for Til kinds of empty burrels and Junk. Call Hell phone '4375. B. A brains & Son. 824-833 sorth Seventh street. MAX SMELTZ Second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 1381 or Dial 6847. or drop a pos tal to Max Smelts, lots Market street. Will call, city or country. OFFICES AND STOKEROOMS | FOR KENT Storeroom at 34 | North Thau street. Newiy remouelcu \ alio new front. Also uiiices lor lent I ill same building. Apply next uour i '1 he William U. Schteisliur Stoles. KOlt RENT Desk room In down-I town office building. City steam, 1 electric light and elevator service. 1 Apply to P. O. Box 851. | FOR RENT * In the Commonwealth Trust Company Uuilding. large roomy offices. Appiy to COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO. 223 Market Street. * j STOREROOM FOR RENT Wny not get in business where the People come 10 buy goods, 131)2 North Tliuu. j shelved, ready for business. The j Best room lor the money. Call and I see me lot a bargain. Heated by city steam. 95 feet oeep. J. S. Sible, 25b Herr street. OFFICES FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished, single or ensuite ut two or three rooms. Apply H. & L. Lowetigard, 210 North 'lhird street. BUSINESS PERSONALS Diamonds bought lor Cash, appraisers 1 fur estate. P. u Capiaii Co.. 20b AlkL | I QUININE —Look out for that grippe ! i leeinig. likely to catch you tins I ciialloeaole weather UOH LAXATIVE j pjlooPiiO-QUINLNE will stave it oil : if taken in nine. Gross Drug store, 119 Market street. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED I Siugie edge, 25c dux.; uuuoie edge, 2au ! 1 dux., old style. 25c each. Gorgas Di ug j I Store. . I ! | BUSINESS Ol POKXUNIUKS j | i —. FOR SALE Prolitai le New s Agency For Sale in thriving sdbuiban town. storeroom in the heart of j the business section. Start a business tiere. The Newspaper Agency will get you acquainted with the peo ple. Address BON R. 7474, i Care of Telegraph. | j POK SADE A first-class moving i picture machine, etc., buuuiiful stage, j in a town of 4,000 lnoauiiuius. Jm- i mediate possession. If interested up-j ■ply to H. Al. Hartx, iteul Estate; I Broker, Palmyra, Pu. j i FUR SALE Grocery store. Clean 1 stock, doing u good business. Rea- | son for selling on account of death. J Inquire of iaiuis l-acob, Steeltun. Pa. : Money to lawn WHEN YOU NEED MONEY to meet immediate necessities, always! consult this reliable licensed, bonded: nisuiuiiu.. i da. -eied dnuc-r Pelidsyi-| I vuniu laws and illianceu uy local peo- i pie in 1909 to save borrowers irum j I CXIUIIIUII. I LOAN At INVESTMENT CO.. 204 LllEoi'NLT ST. WE SELL W. S. S. AND THRIF'I ! STAMPS. ! •MONEY PUR NECESSITIES" ♦♦ . ' | We are prepared to help r orthyi : ipeopie When en need of MONEY for j immediate necessities. Caii und in j vestlgate oiii system. 1 ' FMPI/)YES'* LOAN SOCIETY. J 20b BEI'iGNEIt BDDG. ! WE LEND MUN'KY in coinpliaiice : Willi Act of June 17, 1915. to indlvidu -1 uls in need of ready cash; small loans | ! a specialty . business confidential, pay- I luents to uil borrowers con v.eineiice, : positively lowest rates in city, I PI'.N.T.- 1 LVAM A IN J ESTMR.NT CO.. 132 Walnut Street. j Mtlslcui l. vour Caiafng JUacmiie. needs re pairs, Just cull Bell Phone 3242 J. An I ; expert will oe al yoUl service at once, j 1 ci uiing uiaciliiie to 1213 Norm iuii'Ui I all eel. j ' PIANOS .TUNED AND RKPAI RED j Iby a skilled tuner only. Oyler's, 14 I South Fourtn iti'v' 1 - I *iALKLNG MACHINES of all kinds! repaired l.v an expert. All work promptly dune and guaranteed. Call Dell USU4R. or 104 Howard avenue. Huulliig and Moving AUTO HAULING Local or long- ! dlsiunce. r u uuuie and piunu moving; a specially niuc Line iTuilalel, si, ; L-p.tui street OuUi phones j AUTU tUOU.V G —Local aild long- j distance. Furniture moving a spec- [ laity. Rates reasonable. Prompt ser vice. Call Bell bx#J. j NOVEMBER 8, 1918. HAULING AND MOVING LOCAL. ANU LUNG-DISTANCE Prompt servile, A. & u. .yjuior Express, ml c-ap.ial street. iMSU ,/iiuiie HI3jJ. WE MOVE anything anywhere, any time. Dayton Cycle Co.. 'J i - Nor in Third slieei. Dial pnuue 499 U. uh.VEHAL HAULING A.ND FAST E\i IviiOa iCiSa lu Neal'uy luWua vvlLil uuc-- tiuih a Ulliy v AptMlciicctl attu ca*.Ui unvera. call uuii 64Z\), oi uini --OO tluCAw ANU lAXNG-DlbiANCfc UI niiui e mutuitf. I'l UIII|JI aervice. t* iiicak u, boo Caiuur i-lltct. butU yuullea. I>vil oobbJ, Ulul GUOti. ' * ULAN V HAULING —Fully equipped toi luriiiture. treignt and piaho mov ing. No uisiance 100 lui. Cuietui ui.vel La.'.i a.to uusipiuui bouy. a. li. 01 übuvi' a 1 ruck Service, irvin .luligsi, Juunagei. tiei'suey, ft. Bcii paone laiv-o. AUTO TItOCK SEHVICE . Local dllu iuiig-uiSvaiioe. v. J. Muriqf, bell aii-J, oaeiloii ALL KINDS OF HAL LI NO AND MOVING DUNE CON it AD BROS., 341 KELEEK ST. BELL PHONE 623 W. PIAL FHUNE 3a 16. HICKS & HUPKiNS Local and uong-uisluiice Hauling m Kelly. Both plionea. Storage STORAGE —418 Broad street, nouae lioiu guuus, tacr cllaaillae. Private rooina aL leaaonauie rates. Alao naui iub ot all kiuas. O. cooper Ac Co. Loth phone*. S UKAGE —in Brick building, rear tub Market. ttuuaenoiu gooUa in clean, private looina. Leaaoiiaoie race*. P. vj. Olener. tub Market street. SIUtuUE Private rooms for '.aa.euviu goods in nrepryot tvaie noase. >3 per niuiicn ana up. Lowei • image ia.es la uuii-ill cproot rtulo nouse. Ukil'isuulg alurage Co., 4.11- 11. ouUln scuoiJU' sti'eet. Uinicr takers SAMUEL S. FACKLER, D UiNLIvAL OllcisCLOit. 1312 Derry Si. BELL 1960. DIAL 3133. DAY AND NIGHT CALLS promptly alleuued co. il. AT. Holtmun, Funeral Director, 31U Norm aeculid street. KUDOLPH K. SPICEK, Funeiai uucciur ana Eiiioulmer, all Norlll becuuu Sil'eeu BELu 503. OiAa 31 to. CKMKTIi.ItV LOTS KUlt SALK PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Ueuuiliully siluaiea on Market street ease oi Tweiuy-sixia, and on me uurlh anil east laces ilie new pum way. ine prices ot lots are moderate, imer Bros, oc Co., Agents. \\ here to Dlno ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAUUANT. AHE HUME OP A'iHSPACTIUN. STOUFFEH'S KESTAURAN I'—Home Cooking served to BUsiiiesslnoii and NAMES IU separate uiiiingi uoni. Clcuncra and Dyers iT PAYS to have Clothe* Cleaned, Plesseu, Dyeu or Lepaireu at the Best place iu tonu. Can ana uellver. eiuuulllun b, lavV* .Vol 111 3.-113. Bum I'UVtICB. AUIUMOUILK& UaNfc; a\KW TitUCK CoVtJicu uouy, iuo. capacity. A uaieatu. . wl i'u*iauu*piua LJUtU. X'OU &ALE Une 1 iiX7 Hupmobile uwiiur expect* 10 u caned iu uic VictJ. Aiiyij dullbiiiiic Zi .wi ui cauiruu iincci. yJLuU aUTUb W allied. Uacu, Wt tcuuu oi uld inner*, .i couuuiuu. scc die ueiole *o- ciocWiiclt', cuviacd *\utO .. Giu.ui, ri- wwauilUull, iNui tu S.-4UUI JU etivvi. ueu aodJ. FOR SALE Chalmers 6-30; closed top, ox.ru winusuieiu. Price, ylio. Nuuress Box 11, i 066. care of Tele grapn. ■ .• t CjD Ail kinus ol used auto ..res. Vv e pay uigucsi casu pi ices. No Junk, xx Estei urouk, 915 Norm -a. o a.rem. mai so So. MAX WELL, 1917 Good tires, oue exII a. tvuus ana looks like new. A Into oargmii ui SIUU. Indian, uij .nouc, in good runuing oruei uaioUiu ai |m, A. aCHH'x'MAN, 22-21-2t> Norm uu.neroii. REGAL ROADSTER FOR SALE lli .i. i-eiuss condition, ivlusl Be sold at once, us owner is leaving city. Cheap to quick Buyer. Ask lor Mr. hi. Clair. Driscoll auto Co.. 115 Soutn Cameron street. iOl4 K.NUN Racing cur. in goon Cc .lUIUUU 1016 cualmers Roadsters, ill At con dition. bi.AbdlNE GARAGE, Both Pnoi.es. FOR* SALE, CHEAP 6-pussenger 1y 1 4 DuHiunu touring car; tully elec trical equipped; liglu una starter; In Misl-cluss running order; tires good, two extra. Inquire 606 North Eigh teenth s.reet. FOR SALE Hupmobilc, 1013, flve passenger, in good condition; two new tires. Price. 6300.00. Address 1120 Walnut street. FUKD TOURING. 1014. automobile Good condition Price. $376. Apply up) Emerald street. MAXWFdL touring car In Al s.iupe- Must be sold, owner was Lulled. I'his cur is like new. A lot of exirik, a heel with new tires. Ap ui' at 126 South Eleventh -ireet. .SECOND-HAND MOTult TRUCKS cub oAI.E CHEAP Consisting 01 ariely ol Koru CM.*, Willi rear-end ,nr ton capacity, i iiusa laUlck, Keu .... .uack, with power aoisu dump lod) Ai. arc goou uargaius Inler .lOiial Huivester Company ol Alliance truck UepL sis Walnut Struei - FORD 1914 Touring Car, with aIU new tires, in lino shape, at a bargain. Call at 332 Blackberry avenue. MAGNETOS Ail types; and 6 Uuecn high tension, Eismann, Dixey. Splitilorf. Meo. Remv and different lal r of coils, carburetors, etc. A fcnißnAtn. 33 24-36 North Cameron ntr*et Bell 3633. ..in toX E AUTO TOP CO. Ail sons ol auto lop anu cushion Murk uuiie by experts. Also repair wore neusuiiab.e rates, lulsn Mar ket U ■ FOR SALE Small car, In good condition, can be purchased reason ably. See Dr. Burnite 1718 State j street. j AUTOMOBILES sUNSHJNK OAItAGE Auto re paying ay experts. itoad jobs m specialty. Cuarges reasonable. Both inoiics. Suusuiue Gurugc, Zi North Gaiiieruu •nine . i USED CAR a j REAL AL i liaiOßliaE VALUES Jl ] 1916 Ford Touring car, newly palnt- I ed, 4 new tues, deniouiuabie rims, , Willi exua rim ana tire; engine lu line coxiuilion. Overland, Model SO, just out of paint shop; splendid condition; bargain. (Oakland Roadster, newly painted; barguui at $235. Buick Roadster, Just painted, motor in good shape; real bargain. Ford 1914 Touring Car, painted and overhauled. Overland Koudstcr. Ford 1916 Delivery. 31x4 tires, paint- I ed unu rebuilt. Ford Trucks, with attachments, new bouy anu cub, motor rebuilt. This 1* practically a new Job. Open Evenings. Convenient Pay men is may be urranged. MAC'S OARAGE, * 117 South Third Street. FORD TOURING CAR BODY—Want to trade It for runabout body, bchell's Seed Store, 13U7 Market street. VV Al. PKN.N GARAGE ~ • U4-6 Mueiich sirecL Limousines for lUiiarai. parucs and oulis; careful aii vers; open uay and night. Bell i all 4. FOR SALE Seven-passenger Packard Touring Car. Cheap to quick buyer. Harrisburg Taxicab and Hag gage Co., Strawberry and Aberdeen streets. SPECIAL SALE OF AUTO SUPPLIES Entire stock of Accessories and other supplies, which are ordered, will be sold al sacri licing p ices. Oas and Oil also Reduced. Special Price on Barrel Lots. H. L. ENDERS, 239 South Cameron Street. FOR SALE One 1918 seven-passenger PACKARD TOURING CAR. 7,000 miles. Excellent condi tion. Apply 204 STATE STREET. OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMENT These cars will move quick ly, for they are all marked fairly and all are excellent value*. S-passenger big four Over land touring, repuinted. Tire equipment specially good, In cluding two Slivertown Cords. • Car mechanically tine, can hardly be told from new. S7OO 2-passenger Overland with bucket seat speedster body. Tires good, mechanical condi tion fair. Owner will sacri fice for $250 5-passenger Rco touring. Mechanically good condition. Tires excellent. Repainted and offered at S2OO less than pres ent market price. 5-passenger light touring. A snappy, light economical car with lots of power. $l5O Eight-cylinder Oakland touring, In splendid condition. Unusually powreful. A late model, up-to-the-minute car. USED TRUCK DEPARTMENT Buick one-ton truck, com pletely rertnlshed. Equipped with electric lights, open ex press body and cab. Excel lent mechanical condition. Worth one thousand dolluis. Specially priced at $750 D-E 2-ton Worm Drive 1 truck, chassis only. New in May. owner needed heavier truck. Tire Payment* Can Be Arranged. THE OVEKLAND-HARRIS BURG CO., 212-214 North Second Street. ! MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES I INDIAN MOTORCYCLE —Like new. Bargain at 195.U0. Hornt. Lingles |tuwn, Pa. ! FOR PALE lndian motorcycle, with side car, 1916 model, in good epn dltion. Call 326 Mulberry avenue, Steelton. Pa. FOR SALE—Harley-Davldson cycle. 1918 Model. Will sell at once. Harry y, SEITZ. Royqlton. Pa. i BICYCLES. BICYCLES. New and reSiilt bicycles at very at tractive prices; guaranteed repair ing, como here and get a square dßal ' H. F. ESYEKBROOK. 912 N. Third Street. Dial 4990. INDIAN. 1916—Good as new, $120.00. Good tire* —one new. Barguin, Hurst Garage. Linglestown. Pa. BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT. ALL Vv Ulai GUARANTEED. DURf SHANEK. WITH ANDREW REDMOND, 1507 NORTH THIRD ST. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCI.EB , FOR SALE g • 1917 Excelsior Motorcycle, 3- speed. Presto-lite, Klaxon, new Rogers light, side car, carbide generators. In Al con dition. ai a bargain, luquire DAYTON CYCLE CO.. 912 North Third Street. HENDERSON MOTORCYCLE FOR svLE— $125. 1916 Model. 2-epeed. Good machine. Call 24 Chestnut street, steelton. !•; BUY old bicycles, coaster brake*, and flames. Call Dial 4990. E*terbrook. Additional Classified Adt on Opposite Page