Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 07, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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[Continued from First Pago.]
had come to any branch of
the government or to any
of the Allied embassies or
war missions and diplomats
• as well as members of the
gpvernment declined to be
lieve that their channels of
information had failed so
* signally.
Then came Mr. Lansing's
announcement. That was
slower to circulate than the
premature report, and dem
onstrations continued for
hours. 3.30 o'clock Wash
ington time is approxi
mately 8.30 p. m. in France.
Captain Pratt, acting chief
of naval operations, author
ized the statement at 3.45
o'clock this afternoon that
the Navy "had received no
official information what
ever of the signing of an
armistice. This was in de
nial of persistent reports
that he had given out such
In answer to a question
at 4 p. m. as to whether the
War Department had any
confirmation of the report
that the armistice had been
signed, Secretary Baker
Baker Has No Word
"We have no confirma
tion. So far as the War
Department is concerned we
are wholly without confir
mation on the subject and
the information that we
have is that the commis
sioners when we last heard
of them were on their way
to Marshal Foch's head
quarters and it would seem
hardly probable that the
meeting could have taken
place at the time the an
nouncement was first made.
The minute the War De
partment has any authori
tative news on this subject,
I will give it out at once."
Secretary Lansing at 4
o'clock this afternoon made
public the following state
Lansing's Statement
"The report that the arm
istice with Germany had
been signed is not true.
When it reached the depart
ment this morning an in-
, f) quiry was at once dispatch
to Paris. At 2.04 o'clock
this afternoon a telegram,
in reply to that of the de
partment was received from
Paris. It stated that the
armistice had not yet been
signed and that the German
representatives would not
meet Marshal Foch until 5
p. m. Paris time, or 12 noon
•Washington time."
Garfield Recalls Order
Information reached the
fuel administration to-day
that the lightless nights
would be suspended in New
York to-night by the fuel
administrator there on the
strength of unconfirmed re
ports that the war had end
ed. Orders were given that
there- should be no suspen
sion of the regulations any
where until official inform
ation came that Germany
has signed armistice terms.
Railroad Notes
Freight movement passing Den
holm on the Middle division on
Tuesday showed 7,158 cars, which,
with 1,132 cars interchanged with
the Tyrone division, makes a total
of 8,200 cars. This was an increase
of 825 cars over the previous day's
movement and the highest for a
week. Passenger performance was
95 per cent , as against 89 per cent,
for the previous day. . Fourteen
eastbound freights were delayed by
hot boxes and shop cars or 50 per
cent. Icrs than the previous day.
Following a turkey dinner and
cigars Dr. J. D. Findley, in behalf
of the club members, presented Mr.
Smith with an emerald tie pin set in
platinum, the stone itself being sur
rounded by small diamonds. The
F'ennsy official responded and ex
pressed his i.eeb appreciation of
the gift.
Pennsylvania railroad trainmasters
have been instructed to keep data on
Prevent Influenza
with Munyon's Cold
& Grippe Remedies
SAFEGUARD yourself and avoid
the undermining disease of Spanish
Influenza by taking every hour, alt
Munyon's Cold Remedy and
Munyon's Grippe Remedy
Upon the first indication of
watery eyes, running nose and sore
ness of the throat, headache or tired
feeling, step into your neurest drug
store and purchase a 30c bottle of
80c bottle of MUNSON'S GRIPPE
REMEDY and take them according
to directions faithfully, and you will
check the unpleasant discharges and
remove the headache within a few
hours and within a few -lays all
symptoms of Influenza will disap
These simple remedies have saved
thousands of lives in the past thirty
Munyon's doctors are always at
your service. Consultations and ad
vice absolutely free. Address.
54tli and Columbia Ave. l'lilln., Pa.
the amount of milk being shipped
on baggage oars of regular Pennsy
trains on the Philadelphia and
Middle divisions and branches.
Frank W. B. Humes, supervising
agent of the Middle Division of the
Pennsylvania railroad, has been
transfer agent at the Mantua trans
Store Open FRIDAY Until 5.30 P. M. Store Open Next SATURDAY Evening as Usual Until 9 P.
I This Big* Sale Starts Tomorrow, Friday. The Entire Store Launches Its Share of Specials 1
j|j Thousands of people from all over Harrisburg and this vast, community eagerly await our Great November Sale. It is more impor- |jj
tant to you this year than ever before and the savings due to our underselling prices make your purchases very profitable for you.
Is* Children's Sleepers O O jf M
I I Hundreds Of Smart Goats, Suits and Dresses 1
79c Go Into the November Underselling Demonstration Sale I
C ™"„ n ,\r'"l c l at !„ a 69r special Purchases and Our Own Stock at the Season's Most Tempting Prices I
blue Flannelette Petticoats, ... ... - , ' Kl|
briar siitch scollop, 6to u yrs aome Manufacturers whose business was curtailed on account of the epidemic were really forced to realize some re ady cash and we accordingly made advantageous purchases ly
Flannelette Gowns
Ihi l Coats Coats j New Coats $24.50 J Coats Coats ' 9
sSSi? XTX For Women For Women 8* For Women For Women JNsLj
>oae, nign coiiar.. mm taupe, Burgundy, brown and green. Some are - \
jjw i fln " Misses and misses Sr" u l r ine( !ia < r therß half line<l Mlg plush collurs and Misses and Misses t] I
495 /Pt\ $12.50 $16.50 =============== $19.50 $32.50 %> 9
Snd n cuffs m slMii 38 l tS r 46 COUnr Atf \\ Velours and Burella 1 Wool Velours. Egyp- NCW COatS UV tO $49.50 In Velour, Egyptian In Htlvertlp Silver- \
cures, / rr , Cloth, good assortment tian Plush, Burella 1 " w * o T & .<JVJ p]ush cheviot and ton", Velour tomnoms \ \ Wl
- Khaki—a splendid style Kerseys and Broad- I K t \\
fir y D .1 r T -■ . L \ - lined; some with plain vertone, Duvetyn, Broadcloth, Crystal Cloth. An range and all the want- cloths- in black taunc f /. VI \ 1
Women S Datn Kobes *■ A I \ >.[' o- en ' s - 36 to 44 - Some Of collars, some with self , almost endless range of models, many of them ed colors. At this tempt- Burgundy, reindeer Af- m ,f '-V'. \ Nil
W %Jf U. —m tl,e smartest Coats you collars; black. Navy, one only, and in odd colors as well as the staple ing price these Coats rican brown and Pekin- 11 *•! l\ L.
Beacon Blanket Bath Robes, ~W m I V/' J rI | IR have seen at anywhere taupe, Burgundy, dark shades; beautiful collars and soft linings. are simply remarkable ' some are all lined oth- f TTT —Vn Vinß
corded trimmed, round and t%J UP Hi /II J n\ neur the price. 1 brown, green, khaki. ' allies. " I e rs are half lined J ! < K!1
square collar, sizes 38 to 46.. \J ,'j I I <' l\ 11 'il \YyMHL
Strap Purses at". ..on I* IK A c u Extra Special 14.50 Extra Special 17.50 Extra Special 19.75 —~ —— /■ f
H a kgotfd asfortnfe^t p of""ew Zi/C /' If li |\ CjUltS Wool Serge Suits Wvol Poplin Suits Wool Cloth Suits Suits Ml W
nil itvles assortment oi new *J Jjjl I I II rtll Good , models, in black and Complete size assortment in. Wool, Poplin. Wool Gabar i \\ (Cl
||U /Mil /fill C _ I Navy only; coat lined with black and Navy—most of the dine and Wool Burella Cloth c • i 1 \\
11..** ~ ' I I / 111 jpeciai guaranteed Venetian; sizes for sizes in tuupe and brown; also Suits. Copies of high-priced i3B PCIQI I 1 \ LN
n[S L3QI6S rurses Ht jI mL Hisses and women, only 18 suits. Burella Suits. suits and well tailored. " j |
VI// ¥ $34.50 „„ o/i , ,|/i_• o, • . cn $39.50 ,\ \A
II Ladies' Purses at...". iir IFf LJ \'.'s Gveatest Value in Suits at $24.50 Al i\ M
IU , ~ _ I /I navy, dark blown, tone, chiffon broad- I 111 H Jr.
Ladies' Purses in back and I ' ■ ■ aMVI taupe. Burgundy, rein- , . • cloth, duvetvne velour a 'IL ' ' ti?
Kl top strap and Hand Bags, A • )E mT deer and Pl" m many Here s the chance for the economical woman to save and at the same time get a stylish, —in all the wanted £i
I assorted styles A fl with fancy satin lin- pretty and dependable suit. Rest assured no other Harrisburg store can show anything like colors Fur and self I Ul
IM asßortea & Ma ings—others with peau these suits at *24.50. First they are made of all woo poplin. Then they are well taflored. collars —manv lined / W\ [IW
I !• mi i _ M d'eygne lining. Some And there is a complete color assortment. And all sizes from trusses' size 14 to women's size Pussy willow' Verv / A \v
nil Ladies Neckwear >i W pL have collars Of fur. 46 and good models for any age or wish. Five very smart styles to select from. exclusive styles. /J0 \ ; !
Ladies' Silk Crepe de Chine r L__— —— ——————————— - I llsl
liljl Winds<' Ties, full range of
m Ladies' Collars at... . A | Dresses 11 Dresses II & Misses' DRESSES 11 Dresses 11 Dresses Ite
S* .Ladles' Georgette Crepe Col- if* r> J. O • I Taffeta and KXTKA SPECIAL r , . . gt
1 Ses in .. Kqua : e .. am, ... rou . n<l 4,1 v Extra Special Extra Special <-,. - A Extra Special Extra Special tu
PS liiiiutioiis lii VL Bl Ijk a 1 .
47c $7.95 $3.95 jl-ZZ . $5.95 $4.95 i
U Hill n>LZ° mVn aml iS'n'S Na'vy ° and P b"ac SStty*' I
l|J Coutil Corsets, at.... — — jl!j
Ki| Ladies' Coutil Corsets, well M™ V* - , ~"
IN boned, low bust, four support-
S? ters, sizes 19 to 30
Coutil Corsets, at. ... 1 1 Q
Men's and Boys' Winter We Offer 575 Pairs Of 1000 New Waists 9oC ii
Ladies' Coutil Coraets, med- I I -w- y -m* special value Sgjj
■ * CIIDWICUIWrQ Wnmpn At Lowest Underselling Prices , _ ~ N
@CoutiiCorsets,at. ~ij oQ FURNISHINGS womcii s anoes NEW wa IS t S 1.691
I sHSk at Underselling Demonstration Sale WI(BH|L 1
I Children's Waists, at.. (-O Men's Dress Shirts 1.10 \ NEW WAISTS/ QO L2Z* 69c
IK> Beauty Waists for boys and .. 1 ._ „ „ ot [-• tV l\ / jar, I *j _ ,7,1 Vests and Pants, sizes 18 to Kl
lilt trirls assorted number \ Men s Dress Shirts, all new Tall pat j.. \ i f., \ // yr \ 30 \ mieci il vnluc
IW erf at viViiP terns, cut full, made of Madras and Per- jfJ- A ll\ kT\\ %\ r A\ Made of Crepe de Chine, white voiles, ' .*> '•> < 'uii-"" IIM
Si 1 ' alue . cale, soft or laundered cuffs. ff/J l,x\ J sfmP : S Jap silk; tuck and self embroidered pointy bmbb a a ana h, siic.
fill ___ f __ t : .Vx\
L Women s Gloves, at. Men's Dress Shirts .. \SX ,ar; 4 '°'" rs: white, fiesii, navy, maize and Misses' Union Suits . . f \ 1*;
Silk Gloves, two Clasp, dou- AC men a a/ico uuina . . fa.TtJ \ AS black; sizes 36 to 46. v| / /re hi
Hill hie tips, white, black, gray, v ! J* 0 ? 1 ' 16 , r '?F )ed *1 M a .
!S lirown, In self stitching Men's Dress Shirts, all the new up to 1 1 1 ' l———————_————^——— Un on Suits, fleece lined high
Kj the minute patterns, soft cuffs, cut full, __ ■ # . ______________________— — "Ctk. long sleeves, size 4to lb is?|
iy Women's Gloves, at. . 1 " jyiark a MU) price record in the Novem- Babv Bands at 7o n 1
H lo^'fß . a^tchT '"7 . .7 Mens Kld Gloves.. . 1.39 ber Underselling Demonstration Sale 2000 DfCSSCS B^ ,ld ß , . n nsg w ll ~<l 1 c ?" 0 S wt/C I
hjl '■ Men's Dress Kid Gloves, cape style tn years njl
(ij Women's Gloves, at , . II go'ocl' barga
nd gray, all sizes and a very | J ( Lot 2 Lot 3 FoT CHildreil 2tO 14 YfS. W Undprwpar AFf
B . b £wHHHfir"S! ** • Men's Four-in-Hands 49 c i'T "f At Underselling r. c „r.:' , s„f. , '&S\s a 97c 1
Lace Shoes, 9-inch and Black Calf Lace Kid and Calf, v , n • long sleeves ankle length
sj Women's Gloves, at.. /jyi SpUT.Aw S„,X" .Z-J SXs.JcVwuJ Demonstration Prices I
1 Men's Snappy Gloves. 75r- §*£&■*& 2ZnZ.' M Children', Dresses, at. 83c Women's Underwear .-| In Jj
' 'a Vk /* /\ a j n/v I /h rt rt/\ Children's Gingham Dresses, stripe and Ladies' Cotton Fine Ribbed I I*9 IL
Wnmnr.'. LJ„ ' . _ Men's Knit Glovea.lirown Krav or black. G! J U U It A UfJ V 1 UU check ginghams, color blup and brown, A ests and Pants, high neck, *• * v IS
women S nosiery, at. • ■ yB *POOi/ high waist models. Ages 2 to 6 years. long sleeves, ankle length K;|
sofe a and C hee 0 i. n "igh't imper- Z4C Men's Auto Gloves. . . 1.48 Children's Dresses, at. 1.43 Hi
Men's lined and tinlined Automobile Special Lot of Women's Shoes at A A ;^n gham i iresscs, higli waist lines, sur- || Women S UfllOn Suits.
Women's Hosiery, at. Oloves. gauntlet or plain; black or tan. Calf and Patent Colt Jj I II IJ plain Wu.'' aml"'pink Xmbw.*"'"a'sm fl"e2ce l 7 I C hit
J ' < //> O . _ „ „ button and lace Shoes In sizes 2. VA•vf Vr 6to 14 years. urn weight Union Suits, fleece V lh
sole heel, first quality. O/ C Mens Union Suits. . . 1.98 I "' 2 ' an<l I j Children's Dresses, at. 2.39 r- i
— " ~~ Men's Union Suits, ribbed or fleece r* ■ Gingham in stripes, plaids and shepherd BoyS Coat Sw6dt€rS . IS
Wftmon e HrtciA**r of lined in gray, ecru, tan and reindeer. All checks, high waist, long sleeves, collar at „, o r <u f Kl
!r, w, " ™ y : 129 c T,"° :' . o Petticoats at Underselling Prices SWS fteferfflrtossa |
XT. JEStr/SagSU.'.'T^.• Men s Union Suits. 3.48 MADB satkex h.,ma\ timi-k nss shimmek- Children's Dresses, t.2.95 govs' Sweaters 1 i A i
\v U__* -A M Men's Wool Union Suits, natural gray tailored flounce, lln V ; */~ IXG B, ' ACK SA " Navy Blue Serge Dresses, high waist ' • | /|j M
YVomen S nosiery, al. A* color, very good fitting garment, cut full, fll n cu t colors ! !>!. TEEN with ruffle model button trimmed and plaid silk col- Boys' Extra Heavy Cotton c ILI
, ./I>k /I all sizes, 34 to 46. Iu " cul ' L0,u,8 UH1I) KATKUX , , ' lar. pleated skirt. Age.-. 6to 14 years. Sweaters in dark oxford only, A#l VK?
Ladies' Back Fleece Lined '-fc/'ll black, navy, pur- pleated and tall- "nd pleated sec- , p. . /% /% ry very good value j*,::
( u'°' e ani he "' * WV U—II_J HO nle. emerald. Hub- ored flounce, full tonial Pouncj, full Children S DreSSeS, at iS
sizes to 101* Mens Winter Underwear.. Hoc Lian. a-i cut. an i iq cut. u i qq - a m**
, ~ lonirlhs "5C lengths wl.l" lengths w I ."> Navy Serge. Sailor Dresses, trimmed with Ih£R S lo3t oWeatCF 5 . AO K
Women's Hosiery, at. O O Men's Hibbed -nd Fleece Shirts and !•"■.... ltnfeth ' S ' len ? ths ' white ] SOii. svlie braid, pleated shirt. Ages <O. X [l ?
, "V %/* Drawers in ecru and gray, all sizes and ___ _ _ n nMnB bto 14 years browS blue Ldirav alls zes tP •AIJ Si
S'S'irS'SOOC tw Lf IFlpf A MLIIHI Ch ldren'i Dresses, at.5.89 ar ''"" '' i
w.—.." H -,i.ry -t JO Boys' Union Suits.... 1.25 H Men's Cotton Sweater, • AA i
Women S nosiery, at. A Q Boya . Rlbbed Hnd Fleece L|ned Unlon | m ** JB ] pockets, button trimmed. Ages 6to 12 Men . g Extra Heavv cotton I 9*
Ladles' Black Lisle Burson Bults. all sizes, cut full. ■ M, M Ml^feEnL 1 #! tTsl *J yeais. Sweaters In dark oxford only, * • EJ' hi
Hose, seamless, white feet, J | DEPIk'I 11 all sizes. 34 t0,44
jgjEfffiMm Rinrp Open FRIDAY Until 5.30 P. M. Store Open Next SATURDAY Evening as Usual Until 9P. M.
fer and arrived from Altoona
yesterday to assume his new duties.
S. E. McMasters, ugent at Mount
Union, becomes the successor of
Mr. Humes.
Transportaiton officials of the
Pennsylvania railroad have been ad
vised that delivery of Liberty Bonds
of the Fourth flotation has indefi
nitely been retarded owing to the
serious crippling of the organiza
tion producing and delivering the
bonds. The influenza epidemic
seriously affected the ranks of the
bond producing organization.
Because of the influenza epidemic
1,693 employes were absent from
their posts in the service of the
Pensnylvania railroad at Altoona on
Enginehouse employes have been
urged by the superintendents of the
Middle anil Philadelphia divisions
to make more thorough Inspection
|of condition of engines. Engine i
| trouble has caused more or less de
i lay to traffic and it has become nec
! essary to relieve crews on the
| Middle Division. This, of course,
has reduced the volume of traffic.
Within the past 48 hours 2<L
I crews on the Middle division wree'
NOVEMBER 7, 1918.
j relieved because of engine trouble.
Twenty-five freight trains bound for
Harrisburg and to points east were
delayed in consequence. Five west
bound trains were held up becuuse
of hot boxes. The pasesnger per
j formance dropped from 100 to 80
i iter cent. Superintendent Smith has
1 warned employes that "careless and
indifferent Inspection is a serious
detriment to train movements."
The Mifflin wrecking crew was
called to clenr the tracks a half
mile west of Bailey on Tuesday
night. One loaded enr in an
hound train was wrecked. The
train was hauled hy Engine No. 40.