Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 06, 1918, Page 8, Image 8

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State "Pulled Out of Mud"
With 75,000 Votes to
Returns received up to noon to-day
indicate that the majority of Penn
sylvania counties yesterday in vot
ing on the proposition to bond the
state for 650,000.000 for road purposes
reversed their attitude of 1913; and
as a result the bond issue carries by
a vote approximating 75,000 to 100,-
000. The count on the amendment is
slow, of course, but William Jen
nings, treasurer of the Associated
Highways Organisation of Pennsyl
vania, at noon declared that Pennsyl
vania "has indeed voted to pull it
self out of the mud." e
The campaign to secure favorable
action on the bond issue proposition
was waged by the Associated High
ways Organization of Pennsylvania,
an association formed in this city
early last spring. The officials named
at the organization meeting were as
follows: John S. Fisher, Indiana,
president; Dr. P. T. Johnson, Erie,
vice-president; William Jennings,
Harrisburg. treasurer, and M. H.
James. Harrisburg, secretary. John
tj. Fisher is a former state senator
and was intimately associated with
the 1913 bond issue campaign. Dr.
Johnson is a prominent official of the
Perry Highway Association. Mr.
Jennings is president and Mr. James
secretary of the William Penn High
way Association.
Splendid Campaign
For the last two months the As
sociated Highways Organisation has
carried on a quiet- campaign for the
bond issue. Associated in the work
were the majority of good roads or
ganizations of the state. The asso
ciation enlisted the efforts of 14,000
individual Pennsylvanlans who
agreed to "take ofT their coats" in
the effort to get better roads for
Pennsylvania. These 14.000 workers,
enlisted by the associated highways,
were scattered in every county of the
state. In addition the individual
memberships of the numerous road
boosting associations were put to
work; and these gave an additional
15,000 hustling advocates of better
highways. Mr. Jennings and Mr.
James directed the campaign from
this city. Hundreds of thousands of
pamphlets and placards were dis
tributed from Harrisburg during the
two weeks preceding the election.
The publicity campaign, in direct
charge of Mr. James, reached every
section of the state, through the
hearty co-operation of the news
papers. In all Pennsylvania only
four newspapers criticised the bond
issue proposition—and two of these
papers were Harrisburg publications.
Motor clubs joined in the effort to
get better highways for Pennsylvania.
These clubs, the road organizations,
Chambers of Commerce, Boards of
Trade, department stores and motor
truck manufacturers paid for adver
tising space in the newspapers.
"Boiler plate" was used by hundreds
of weekly newspapers.
"It is certainly refreshing to know
that the people of Pennsylvania have
not only elected Senator Sproul Gov
ernor, but that they have testified
their confidence in him by voting at
the same time to entrust him with
the consruction of what is to be
America's greatest highway system,"
said William Jennings to-day. "That
the money will be well spent we are
all well satisfied. When the war is
over Pennsylvania will be in a posi
tion to put itself on a 365-day road
system—and use i( while it is being
paid for."
Save your hair! Double its
beauty in just a few
''Danderine" makes your hair
thick, glossy, wavy and
* beautiful.
Within ten minutes after an ap
plication of Dandenne you cannot
fiind a single trace of dandruff or
falling hair and your scalp will not
itch, but what will please you most
will be after a few weeks' use, when
you see new hair, fine and downy at
first —yes—but really new hair —
growing all over the scalp.
Danderine is to the hair what
fresh showers of rain and sunshine
are to vegetation. It goes right to
the roots, invigorates and strength
ens them. Its exhilarating, stimu
lating and life-producing properties
cause the hair to grow long, strong
end beautiful.
A little Danderine immediate'y
doubles the beauty of your hair. No
difference how dull, faded, brittle and
scraggy, just moisten a cloth with
Danderine and carefully draw it
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time. The effect is
amazing —your hair will be light,
fluffy and wavy, and have an ap
pearance of abundance; an incom
parable luster, softness and luxuri
Get a small bottle of Knowlton's
Danderine from any drug store or
toilet counter for a few cents and
prove that yeur hair is as pretty and
■oft as any—that it has been neg
lected or Injured by careless treat
ment—that's all —you surely can
have beautiful hair and lots of it if
jou will just try a little Danderine.
Storage and
Our new fireproof garage la
now ready for storage. We have
a few spaces for rent for imme
diate occupancy.
"A Real Home For Your Car'
Make Reservation Now
Wa also have a corps oh expert
mechanics for
General Repairing
of All Kind*
Brenner Motor Co.
Third? and Hamilton Sts.
Tfiok Part in. Big Attack of
September 26, and Was
Shot in the Leg
Joseph Schmidt, of Enhaut, this
morning received a letter from his
son leo, who is a corporal with the
316 th Infantry in France, telling him
of the big attack of the latter part
of September in which he took part
and was wounded. The letter fol
"X wrote you a short letter the
other day, but had very little to say
in it. I have more news for you this
time. It is not very much, but I
want you to know so that In- case
you see my name in the paper as be
ing wounded you will not worry. It
is nothing really serious, and as soon
as I get out of this hospital I will be
back in the ditch. I have been shot
in the righ leg just below the knee,
j It struck a bone, but I do not think
1 it did much damage, and I will prob
| ably be out again in a few weeks.
Now, do not think the Huns got
j the best of me, for we boys surely
did give them plenty. We had a hard
| time keeping after* them: they were
j moving homeward so rapidly, and the
; Yanks were right on their heels. 1
: will have some great stories to tell
I you when I get home.
I was in the thick of the attack
! for three days before they got me,
and I sure did my share before they
did. You have probably read of the
! big attack started on September 26.
I was wounded in that attack on the
28th, late In the afternoon, right in
front of the Huns' flrft line. It took
until Monday before I got to the hos-
I pital and was operated upon. (The
Red Cross is certainly doing fine).
That was some attack. We captured
a lot of Huns, but killed a whole lot
more. Of course, they got a few of
us, but very few in comparison to
what we did to them.
The Huns have fine dugouts, all |
fixed up as though they* had expect- J
ed to stay for some time. Plenty of i
beer In them, more titan we gave i
them time to drink. The yalso had ;
a fairly good supply of bread, which
Emergency Hospital's
Last Patient Dies
Yesterday morning at 11 o'clock.
Kick Manjaric, of 256 Main street,
was considered well enough to be
discharged front the emergency hos
pital, provided he received attention
at his home. He was discharged and
died three hours later, due no doubt
to his failure to take the precau
tions prescribed. He was the last pa
tient at the emergency hospital.
The canvas and equipment of the
emergency hospital have all been
thoroughly fumigated ang is being
prepared for shipment to any point
in the state that it may be required.
All the nurses and aids have left the
field, many of them having gone to
emergency hospitals in other towns.
Only enough mailitia men remain to
help in the packing of the equip
! inept, all of which will betaken away
| by to-morrow.
Roscoe Zeigler's
Death Confirmed
Official confirmation of the death
of Roscoe Zeigler ,of Lincoln street,
was yesterday received by his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Zeigler.
Zeigler was a private in Company F,
605 th Engineers.
About two 'weeks ago the parents
of Zeigler received a card telling of
the safe arrival of their son in
France, then came a rumor that he
had died on board ship before his
arrival. The parents immediately
started an investigation, but could
secure no official report until yes-'
Zeigler, according to the official
announcement, died aboard an Eng
lish transport on October 8, while
en route to France with his regi
ment. He was buried at sea. Details
and the cause of death have not been
furnished by the officials.
The rooms of the Steelton Chapter
cf Red Cross were opened this morn
ing with a good number of women
ready to go back to the work which
has accumulated during the quaran
tine. A special call has come for fifty
sweaters to be finished before Satur
day. and quick work must be done
to make this possible.
A special date will be announced in
the papers shortly for the return of
the packed Christmas cartons. A pos
tal inspector Is to be at the rooms to
Inspect all packages brought in.
Harry L, Maurer of the Sanitary
Corps of the 112 th Infantry, who
sometime ago was reported as having
been severely wounded in action, is
recovering rapidly and will shortly
rejoin his outfit, according to a letter
received by friends this morning. In
| his letter he says that.Waynte Jef
ferson, a member of the same com
pany, has recovered from shrapnel
wounds and has returned to his com
Captain Reider. of the new Steel
ton Reserves, has issued an invita
tion to all the members of the old
organization of both corqpanies to
attend the meeting of the new or
ganization to be held in Felton Hall
to-morrow evening, regardless of
whether they have signed for the
. new organization.
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary
Elizabeth Downes, widow of Abra
ham Downes, will be held to-morrow
afternoon at her late residence, 236
Locust street, at 3.30 o'clock. The
Rev. Mr. Daugherty. of the United
Brethren Church, will officiate. Bur
ial will be made in the Oberlin Cem
The Woman's Guild of ' Trinity
Episcopal Church, will meet to-mor
row afternoon at 3 o'clock in the
Parish House.
Mrs. Bannan's Sunday school class
of the Methodist Church, will meet
at the home of Mrs. Frank M. Ken
ney, 157 South Fourth street, on
Thursday evening.
The executive committee of the
United War Fund drive will meet thl/
evening in the offices of Frank A.
Bobbins to perfect the plans for the
drive to be held next week.
Home Nurse Reports Many
Cases of Dire Distress in
Need of Assistance
Although the Associtaed Charities
of Steclton has made numerous calls
for clothing fpr infants and children
up to 12 years of age, not half enough
has bfen received to clothe the many
childres.that have been left orphans
as a result of the epidemic.
Associated Charity workers report
many cases of dive distress which
should be attended to immediately. In
mcny homes conditions have been dis
covered much too bad for publication,
and these must receive attention im
mediately. Miss Winship. the district
home nurse,-is doing all in her power
to alleviate the distress, but the cases
are too numerous for her, and the de
mands have been so much greater
than the receipts of money and cloth
ing that but a small proportion of the
needy cases have really been attended
to. There is sore need of children's
undrwear and clothing of all kinds
for infants. Such articles, or money
with which to purchase them, wgl be
received for the purpose by Mrs. C. A.
Alden at 401 Pino street, and at Mc-
Curdyu's drugstore in the Bank build
A business meeting of the U. E.
Sunday School. wMI be held to-niglit
immediately ufter t-he prayer service.
kiM .ui.'Mfg —a
I I Extraordinary SALE Guaranteed I |||
I I Everyone Will Be Sold This Week 1 j|| 9
| I You Must Act Quickly g 1
The following list of cars represents the biggest values increasing business compels us to sell them at once; we need
in Used Cars that have ever been offered in one gigantic sale. room an< 3 are willing to sacrifice them in order to get it.
„ r , , . * , If you have the remotest idea of buying a car, this is your
| || Every one of these cars have gone through our various de- golden opportunity . In order to get the car you wan t you
partments, have been completely overhauled and painted; are mus t be on the job early, as they will go like hot cakes at the
111 in good mechanical condition and look like new. Our rapidly prices we have placed on them.
I 111 I Ford Truck IJ4 Ton Overland 80 | 111
Newwpres.s body; enclosed cab, repainted; practically All new tires, looks like new bargain. I || I
|i| Overland Roadster Crow-Elkhart 1917 I| |
Painted pearl gray; four new tires; new battery; a real Special price on this car if taken at qnce.
( 1 Ford Delivery 1914 Ford Touring 1916 |[ |
" Demountable wheels; tires new; motor just over-
Panel body; entirely rebuilt and repainted. hauled. I
I g Oakland Roadster Buick Sport Roadster 1| If
|| * Tires good; newly painted. Bargain, only ?200.00. Splendid' condition; just painted Bolles Ship gray t
I I Ford Roadster 1917 Ford Chassis With Truck Unit | ||j I
New demountable wheels; all new tires, just out of
paint shop. 1917 model. Good condition.
I 1
Extra cord tire; spotlight; bumper; motormcter. This car has not been run more than fifty miles.
I I 3777 117-19.21 S. Third St. 2443 II I
I I Ford Service Auto Storage Painting Accessories Gasoline and Oil f \
Returned to Congress by a Big
Vote in Every County
♦in District
Reports this morning from the
Seventeenth district show that Con
gressman Benjamin K. Focht, Re
publican, had defeated State Senator
Scott S. Leiby for Congress. Mifflin
county is claimed by 500 for Focht, !
Union county by 600 and with no
detinite returns available from Hunt-
I ingdon and Fulton counties, that
I part of the district is said to be car
j ried by at least 500 by Focht.
j In Juniata county, with sixteen
j districts reported, returns show 1,159 '
• for Focht and 950 for Leiby. Frank
lin county, reporting thirty-two dis
! tricts, give 2,346 to Fotht and 1,921
to Leiby. Snyder county, thirteen
districts reported, give Focht 1.040,
Leiby, 339.
Senator Leiby carried his home
town, Marysville, 218 votes being
j cast for him, while 127 were cast for
1 Focht. t
Advice to the Lovelorn
I have known a girl for the past
I four years, but not until recently have
j 1 grown to love her. She has shown
me in minor ways that she cares for
me. but how much is uncertain. .
Before I began to show my affec
| tion for her she was intimate with
j another young man, a friend of mine.
! She had a dispute with him and told
jme he was completely out of her
mind. Recently this man has started
to pay her attention again, and she is
accepting his invitations while en
deavoring to make me believe that he
| hasv not the slightest chance of be
j coming the friend he was.
' As I love this girl very much and
do not wish to lose her, I would ap- |
predate your advice.
The only direct method of ending
such anxieties as your is to tell the
girl you love her and ask her to be
come engaged to you. But I know no
other way of overcoming your dread
of your rival and your fear that the
young woman you so much admire
is playing with you.
About a year ago I met a young
man two years my senior. A month
ago he introduced me to a friend I
with whom I fell In love. They are
both 20. The lirst friend adked me to
marry him, but I did not give him any
answer. The second asked me, and I
grasped the opportunity and said
•yes." They both want me to marry
them before you go away.
If you are so deeply in love, and
are beloved in turn, and have promis
ed to marry your suitor—just what
do you wish to be advised about? I
am afraid you haven't been outspoken
enough with the first young man. and
that you now have a somewhat guilty
! feeling in regard to him. You should
I lose no time In explaining the whole
situation thoroughly to him and ac
cepting whatever blame you may
feel you deserve. The second young
| man has, however, every reason to re
: gard you as bound by your enthusias
tic promise to him, unless your pa
; rents disapprove of your marriage or
; engagement.
I am vecy much in love with a
young man. but am ashamed to go
anywhere with him. as he is very ig
• norant of etiquette. , Every time we
go on the street he walks on the in
side. He does many similar things.
He'seldom treats me and When he
does he busy cheap candy. Yet he
has good habits and does not smoke,
chew or drink.
I hate to give him up, but all the
girls make fun of me for going about
with him.
If you are truly in love, the small
things you mention ought not to
trouble you. Don't you think it's ex
tremely frivolous to think of "giving
up" a young man because he isn't fa
miliar with all social observances and
does not buy expensive candy? Try
looking at his side of the question.
Perry County Registers
Strongly For Republicans
New Bloomfleld, Pa., Nov. 6. ■—
Perry county registered a smashing
victory for the Republican candi
dates at the polls yostorday, although
both amendments failed to carry,
Sproul a majority of 1,214 over
I Bonnlwell and Beldleman 904 over
: Logue. Woodward defeated John
son to a score of 2,238 to 1,404.
Get Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets
That Is the joyful cry of thousands
since Dr. Edwards produced Olive
Tablets, the substitute for calomel.
Dr. Edwards, a practicing physician
for 17 years and calomels old-time
I enemy, discovered the formula for Olive
j Tablets while treating patients for
chronic constipation and torpid livers.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do not
contain calomel, but a healing, soothing
vegetable laxative.
No griping is the "keynote" of these
little sugar-coated, olive-colored tab-
I lets. They cause the bowels and liver to
act normally. They never force them
. to unnatural action.
If you have a "dark brown mouth"—a
bad breath—a dull, tired feeling—sick
headache—torpid liver and are consti
pated, you'll find quick, sure and only
Eleasant results from one or two little
ir. Edwards' Olive Tablets at bedtime
Thousands take one or two every
i night just to keep right. Try them
10c and 25c per box. AH druggists.
NOVEMBER 6, 1918,
Kocht with a vote of 2,293 carried
away Congressional election from
Lelby whosovote was 1,667. In the
legislative fight Bowers received a
vote of 2,353 while Gray received
1,548. In the gubernatorial re
turns, Sproul's total was 2,457, while
Bbnniwell had 1,243,
Play Safe-
Stick to
K1 H G
because the quality is as good as ever
it was. They will please aud satisfy
7c—worth it
Corporal Emery Shutter, Company 1
A, 816 th Infantry, was gassed In ail
attack September 89, according te a
report received yesterday, lie Is now
In .a base hospital and his recovery
Is said to be certain.