Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 06, 1918, Page 7, Image 7

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    Says Huns Bombarded
Three Hundred Churches
The Right Reverend Eugene Louis
Julien, bishop of Arras, now in the I
United States, says t,he Huns not
only destroyed his cathedral, but.
bombarded three hundred churches j
in his diocese. In some cases the 1
bombs by which they blew up the j
churches were so timed that crowds'
in the editices were injured.
Drafted Men Will
Move Next Week
Train schedules for the movement i
of the more than 6,000 men called to j
go to Camps Meade and Crane next j
week have been completed at State j
Draft headquarters and the men will:
entrain on N'ovember 11, 12, 13, 14 j
and 15, several special trains being;
provided. The train schedules for,'
the Camp Greenleaf movement, ;
which was to have taken place last,
month, but was postponed have been !
announced. The quotas given for this J
movement stand and men called for i
this camp, will go at a later date. |
The call has not been canceled.
The 500 men, white and colored,
called for the Navy, will entrain Sat
urday. They will report at 1515 Arch j
street. Philadelphia. The voluntary i
period on this call expired yesterday,
but it will be necessary to draft men. |
The voluntary period on the call j
for white men for stenographers, j
typists, clerks, lumbermen, station- j
tiry engineers and firemen will expire j
on Xovember 20 and they are to en- I
train for Columbus baracks on Xo- ;
veniber 25.
Reserve Companies
to Be Maintained
Major Henry M. Stine, command- j
ant of the Harrisburg Reserves, to- j
day issued orders for the Reserves j
to resume drills at the armory on I
Friday night at 7.30. The coptains
were directed to ascertain the num
ber of men active prior to the influ
enza epidemic which caused suspen
sion pf drills at the end of Septem
ber who intend to continue drilling
and to open their commands to men
of draft age who may desire mili- ;
tary instruction.
Friday i night the work for the
remainder of the year will be out
lined as it is intended to continue the
Reserves until the end of the war for
any purposes which may arise, and 1
to arrange details for the continua- j
tion of the drills of the students of
the Harrisburg High schools. • j
The first drill at Technical will be j
next Wednesday at 9 a. m.
School Libraries
to Be Redistributed
Harrisburg's Public Library, which
resumed its work in the community '
this morning after having been
closed for over a month by the in- j
fluenza epidemic, will begin its!
school libraries on Monday in charge 1
of Miss Helen Alleman, who will also >
direct tkt story telling among the ■
The libraries have been redistrub- !
uted by Miss Alice R. Eaton, the li- j
brarian, and there will be ten in-'
stead of seven as last year. This dis- I
tribution was made to met a con- t
etantly growing demand and if funds \
nre available there will be a further j
extension. There are 745 books in j
the schol libaries.
The buildings where these school!
libraries are to be established are j
Penn, Allison, Downey, Foose, Pax- '
tang, Shimmell, Camp Curtin, For- 11
hey, Steele and Vernon. The latter
five are new.
Nick it right at the start with i
Dr. King's New Discovery
Go after it hard. Relieve it or a
cough or a mild attack of grippe or
bronchitis, promptly, pleasantly, ef
fectively, economically. Loosen the j
stuffiness, check the sinffles, the
tight feeling, the irritation, the
watery, inflamed eyes.
It takes only a little of Dr. King-s
Xew Discovery to help the usual cold
and cough discomforts if taken ac
cording to directions. A large bot
tle lasts long an dis pleasant for
young and old. Keep it handy—
colds and coughs come unexpect
cdly. suddenly. .
Stir Those Torpid Bowels
Enjoy the freedom of the regu
larity made possible by mild yet
positive acting, natural, pleasant,
comfortable Dr. King's Xew Life
Pills. Not habit-forming, but a sys
tem cleanser tfiat promotes health
ful results. All druggists.
M F ft* *1 CORNS
? i
jl IJ} jjjp 11 j 111 [J 11111} ju l) Ijl jU 111 nfN 111
(Do Your Christmas Shopping ______ Always Come Early IVJ
Now H S You Can Then Choose
You Will Save Considerable Money ■■■■l H B From a Complete Stock
Ogolden rule dept. STORE O j i
L I e 5k
BM m-ZJ the Family
I Iff Our entire stock of Ladies 9 Coats, Suits, Dresses, Waists, Millinery, Hosiery and n
jw Sweaters; Men's and Boys* Suits, Overcoats, Shoes, Pants, Shirts, Ties, Sweaters, and ■]
G | Gloves; Dry Goods, .Notions, Infants' Wear, Underwear, Groceries, Kitchen Uten- I
and many other articles-will be offered in this bij| sale at a reduction in
"W prices. Sale starts promptly THURSDAY MORNING at 9.00 A. M. K
DURING OUR BIG The ! ar S c assortment of our Winter garments and the rvfiDlimm MI
extremely low prices are sure to be a pleasing factor to you. LllJllliilj UIJ K OlfjF Wk
NEW WINTER MILLINERY jfjFrfi&fc $l5 to $2O Winter Dresses r>/\ M jf
la C!>t line Of SURGES ami oilier stylish Dresses to choose fl* A A I ZA
the most beautiful Hats r *• *J-■ *' j/&s3oi§J twSßrv from at this low price. Colors —black and Navy Jn fl *■ 1a I I £|l U. ,<|
in the city to choose Lluc. Dresses for business, street ami afternoon 11 ? *
olliri For $16.90, $18.90 and $22.90 BROOM IL HI H
™,1,, B,av,rr" s ' „„„„„ ~ vf&Jfe $25 Smart Winter Coats madettJßHß 0
Velvet, in the newest styles; the Fall shades. tfjo A*7 .11 S KHAKI CLOTHS, VELOURS, KERSEYS. (t _ Of tllG DCSt COMI Wn9E9IBHIB9HHR&B EVJ
prettily trimmed with gros- Each OO.** * (O 1 FLUSHES and other Coats for luimvdiate and fl A A wWuHIWBInBMP™™ A
grain ribbon, wings, flowers Fall Hat, made of felt and fill Aafi' B later Ln the Beason wear. excellent range of T ■ JB *III '
and leaves. Prices range velvet; stitched in silk, tai- vlir jKjHK' fi newest styles aiul colors to choose from. Many B MU ' fl ' Stfßnt^mwPnWMßLMßj
from SS.DB as low d-I QQ lored in ribbon and streamers; fiSaig .41\ Fur and Plush Trimmed inf.li'ls in this group. B M B JZZZZ J M -- ffiMjMjnMHMjM
as Navy blaek and brown. jglißr / I* ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE mßi "V W g~* 41
-T'*"' H -, $1 ', 37 MTpJm ersForsl7 - 50 ' 524 - 9 ° ands34 A * MH
fringe, each at 52.95 Velve.. faced with Georgette "lis St IB ISTPiI/ W1 Tl t Pl* RllltQ With EverV alltfl JBls'Mfflßsßlilfflß I
Stylish Hat. smart sport or Satin, in flesh or pink; f| '| e3§f,? L™ CW " XII LCI OlilLd _ vvicn j-,vciy IIUIM|||!IUnMHnV ■ M
model, made of velvet with hand-embroidered. d/i f*n W i ( fl& f. OXFORD CLOTHS, WOOL poFLixs, WOOL S A A $5.00 Purchase Thursday and Friday Only i EMI
shirred crown and neatly Each, at ° 1 SERGES are the liigli-grade Fall Suits we arc T| • B.HII . IWI
~~———————— *jß II a featuring at this special prh'e. Up-to-tlic-niinute B B wmm £— IRf
ww* _ _ f -5 'JMB. '/I styles to choose from—many haw silk-lined B W ZZZZ I 7 A ICirYIC IjM
Hosiery Notions IH'M LLd | WAISTS \m
Ladies' Silk Hose, white, Thursday and Friday Only J|> > ol } c lot of Crepe de Chine and Silk Striped Waists; 81
black and colors; 75c value;' C. Crochet 1 4r* iV . J worth lip to $3.00. £! QS Wl
Anniversary Sale a Q Cotton, 2 spools for.. ==-y Anniversary Sale, Price kP X *OO 9
-llc MEN'S SMART WINTER IjOTH I O ne °f Voile Waists, sn art designs, latest patterns; 1
ors, very serviceable, all sizes. Talcum Powder, Q „ worth up to SI.SU. QO _ wßj
Anniversary Sale 17. ca " oc ' C -J. jl Anniversary Sale Price %/uC BJh
Eovs' d 1 b 3 cakcs° llet S ° aP ' 14c JVICIIS OllltS 3,1 One lot of black Und striped Silk Waists, with sateen 1
to 94. "nnH r ersa-r Yq" Silk Th.'ead,'ail""" -ts \ I W U|| collars, neatly trimmed; worth double. d | QCH K!
Sale Price 11/ C shades,, 3 spools .... *v in either plain hrown*, gray* or aeat mix- H W B B W "T~ Anniversary Sale Price tD Xa*y <3 13 fiffj
Ladies' white Hand- o tures. Two and three-button ronto. These *ll B M _ . II B IWk
• "• 8c wwsv.jffir'viiSfs.-aift, :iis tl/lUii/v 51
Anniversary Sale Price 68c l. | ■•• • • t I SWEATERS
eppipif . T c S Young Men's Suits at /hi i AA I ji{\ I Lot of ladies'All-Wool, Sleeveless OO 1
f roin'liravy-weigh "'iiiMr rials U |'n"hro"*n n or nL B/| . LIB I ,7\ \ Sweaters |fj
'farge' Tuff les 57c C6-S0 wool nap *a qj *ll g JL J® 1 I YJ\ Ladies' All-Wool Slipovers, aU shades; QA
$2.00 fancy Flannel Ki- ' U/JL 1• V V t\ \ values to $12.00. Anniversary Sale Price 3>D. & U
trimmcd nCaMV $1.47 mixed $8 87 * 14,0 Wenc h" 1 •J I i 1 Boys' and girls' heavy wool, blue, garnet and brown an
JSME:::.'tt47 Men's Topcoats at Ain *-■ IE $1.98 H
.... , , , „ shades, yd IfC One lot of Men's and Young Men's ■ # B II B / fl ' ' .
00L hi" rum'"".. 77c ISSWSMte • J7 C "H W I / 111 I W 4 ..Lot of misses' Wool Slipovers, pink and diu-k and light js|
... iw cp. 0. 47 C * IP, 1 P , 3s r ,Hn'. Jl I £ 1 L '±fr£d we.h.d;wohp>s. 14 qq | H
Kimonos Vl•** f $1.13 ladies' and misses' brown all-wool material, in loose an.i •If ■ M WBW I- • Anniversary Sale Price qPt/0 I
!/i"uTto H °°" D " 1 no JSZi $1.17 Y • MUWi !„<,.• Skaters, all shadts, belts and dj9 I
$3.00 $1.97 65c large, extra heavy CEinviTCTn a IYT tt . pockets. Anniversary Sale Price J> 1 o3fU J]
Comforts, o ''full"''size $ 3.47 .2,50 Bed HI 77 One Lot of Boys'OA ' One Lot of Boys* <t/J QA j One Lot of Boys* *Q QA
$6.00 cotton-filled A*J Spreads • Suits, at V * i/\/ j Suits, at Suits, at iIJ I fjsi
Co ,T?. r n.r.n£ Sh l .; t "t , uT.R. h "°. $1.27 "*•■<' "J"-" \ rXi}° JtZS'XX Hi v.,... .. ...... .MM $4.00 and S4.SO $6.00 and $6.50
Comforta, f°n size $5.97 see Pillow ,Orooshew. Soil bo,. LADIES' (t OQ "7 LADIES' AAAB 21
BLANKLc SPECIALS Cases O Mens Working Socks, 39c value. 11l Men's Imitation Leather Palm 1 m SKIRTS ... / SKIRTS ... 881
a 00-70 heavy gray djo Q7 Lot of Kid Gloves, di oo Price llt | Gloves. Sale Price 1# V <je nn , c n 7 nn <tn an IWI
Cotton Blankets .... wfc." / value $2.50 u> CI4/I? A TPtnDC r ¥Tm.TTN*7i*h*i7irt a n i CJumrarTicj 55.00 and $5.50 $7.00 and $7.50 • OfJ
64-80 extra heavy striped Lot of R. &Q. Kabe Cor- ** *-iAI ElKj UNDERWEAR SHIRTS LADIES' d O Q*7 LADIES' C? CQAI Zm
$3.47 Rots ' broken $1 22 Men's Jumbo Knit Sweaters, in Men's flecce-liued Shirts QQ. j Men's Flannel Shirts, just tlie SKIRTS ... tPOti/ / SKIRTS ... tp3i/U fi 7B
nlankots Ejzcs VL.66 maroon, Xavy, gray aa.d ttO 07 and Drawers y ° C I thing for work, in blue. IQ7 |M
■ mmm brown; worth $6.00 SF • Men's ribbed Shirts and Q&s* gray and brown ———m N
$2.95 mggXSJm.. S3M *fS S hS" , ; iOP . ,C "..,. 97c Lldits . heavy , flce-lln.d, ribbed Unierwear; $l.OO 1 R
2S2."~''' $2.95 >■"" $1,47. 't' - :- ; &iVtch F*- H°. I p.?"". sriswrs 72r iST
Men's extra fine quality dress +a QA t Boys ' " Sam mie" 7Qc !n t),e seaaon ' a ltttest $2 QH est Btr 'P es ard $1 29 IWk
trousers $4.90 J ' rsey '^ c colors. ; patterns goys* Union Suits, ribbed, fleece lined-all m
s?.'aV O LLTbb.d U ;oMar '"" Cy m ' XtU '" sizes. Anniversary Sale Price D/ C 'M
""" w. L. Douglas Shoes For Men and Women 67C SI
FI IRiSI FT ID SI IT 1 ! TD Better Shoes 'than we offer in our Anniversary Sale can not be had in the city for the same L ot of girls' Union Suits. n O Wl
M- JL J. money. Thousands know this from experience. These prices are an inducement for you to make Anniversary Sale Price OoC jM
n SS^ rtn ff th ° at ® st r , s ave (t / r* a a f ' aj ** . „• Ladies' fleece-lincd Union Suits. (t <1 /+ Q &JI
to -5 ner cent • " g yOU 3 Savmg S6 50 ffj -w $4 95 A Growing Girls Anniversary Sale Price $1,6 H
__ v*ine Brown Kid Boot |c| / vniu* Brown Calf Shoe IWI
_ _ *B.OO I a I 0.00 I WA
Children s School Dresses it DRY GOODS
V V " ° UtUUUI l/IC9dCd Anniversary Sale Price, 96.50 fl I $5.00 Value ~.93.50 # - „ u ISi
All our fall school dresses for children have been re- fl \ run™ 1 1 //Sr „ * Unbleached J
duced 15c to 25c on the dollar. . // J\ Calicoes, yard $ 1 /v Muslm, yd.. |J
- ffo /Yr- r- CUVJ P A) Arj- > aiivj 35c and 40c light Per- $1 . 50 Silk Poplin, all J
Specials.in Children's Shoes That Wear S 3 J S Zetou £/$ s 2 ' 9 * Low'ZfiZ "S'' yLd d ?„ 3^ C $l.lO I
—*—' ~ Sh " £vizc.*£ I®
\ Anniversary Sale Price, Anniversary Sale Price, 93.95 ■ Anniversary Sale Price, 92.95 3Sq Cretonne, in all the yar( * 30C IS|
L "sis Extra Good Values In Men's Shoes Musun Unbl " ched 29c | yrj
{ X * 2 ' s o' . Genuine mahogany tan Scout Working Slioca— Black Calf Shoe, made ... —————————. |
,V ff 1 Anniversary Sale Price, calf shoes; 8; With clkskin uppers in Kugllßh and broad fhT rra ' TW 171"I"l71 tl I 7B
1 ™ W 81.85 v\ Aiuiivcr- Ce ran oil the Munson lust; toes; value $5.00; //*/ [ I v||( ll . fl.lw I I Hlm
\ .1 <px.oo v y\ sarj Sale.. value $3.50; Annlrer- Annlvcr- (O en JJ* J.\ J.JLJLM ||l
Child'* Blaek Kid Lore Shoe*. \\ \X sary Sale (O Cf\ sary Sale WV.OU//// I
rauBr9rwsr" •• { NK • pnee .. $2.50 \ All Groceries Reduced Ili
Anniversary Sale Price, Anniversary Sale Price, [
92.25 91.95 I tho Munaou last; value 5.50; IOC tO Oil the Dollar
'hi m R N Antilvcraary bale SJO ne '•%, 1 j I II
NOVEMBER 6, 1918.