Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 06, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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Brother of Market Square's
Former ls Ac
cepted Minister
At a meeting of the Carlisle Pres
bytery held In Pine Street Church
yesterday afternoon a committee was
appointed to draw up resolutions on
the death of the Rey. E. E- Curtis,
pastor of Westminster Presbyterian
Church, committee consists of
the Rev. George Fulton, pastor at
Mechanlcsburg. and Dr. H. B. AValter,
of this city, a member of Westminster
Chur fh.
The meeting of the presbytery yes
terday was a special one, and the
business was limited to the purposes
f(fl- which It had been called. The
presbytery had originally intended to
pass on the resignation of the Rev.
Curtis as pastor of the Westminster
Church, he desiring to remove to
Arizona, but his death from influenza,
October 27. changed the purposes of
the meeting, with the result that the
committee was appointed and in
structed to report to the presbytery
at a later date .
W. 1.. Sinltlr Ordained
Among other business transacted
by the presbytery yesterday after
noon was the receiving on certificate
of the Rev. Harry Voltensanger, of
the presbytery of Winona. Indiana.
The Rev. Voltensanger was origin
ally ordained by the Carlisle Presby
tery. but later removed West. He
was received into the presbytery yes
terday without a charge.
The Rev. William L. Smith was
formerly ordained at the meeting
yesterday. He is a brother of the
Rev. J. Ritchie Smith, former pastor
of the Market Square Presbyterian
Church, and formerly assisted his
brother in his work, having charge
of a Bible class. The Rev. Smith is
about 65 years old, and his ordina
tion at this age Is very unusual. He
lias charge of two congregations, one
at Great Conewago and another at
' Petersburg.
Tlie services at the Market Square
Church will begin, this evening with
the prayer service. A meeting of
be held Thursday evening. Friday af
ternoon. at 3 o'clock the postponed
the Girl Scouts of this church will
meeting of the Women's Foreign
Missionary Society will be held.
-1; Chrysanthemums
P The showiest Flowers of
I the season. The big "burst- ,
J Ing" kind, the little "baby" I
pom-poms, the single "dally-
B like' kinds—in all colors.
(We have them Fresli from
our own Greenhouses.
f Star Carpet
j Cleaning Works
I Let Us Clean Your Carpets
3 We also do general upholstering
and recovering automobile tops.
Eleventh and Walnut Sts.
liitb I'buoea
After one day's suspension we have decided to
■; ralking Machines ami Pianos
1 at 317 Chestnut Street tHHI
* for the balance of this week to give those who have not been for- NnHHfl
unate enough to pay us a visit a chance to secure a High Class In- SjjjEL
! * | strument at the very lowest prices. You can never realize what a
1 % wonderful Piano or Talking Machine Buying Opportunity this Jr^SSISS^[
I ■ unprecedented sale really offers you until you visit our ware- W (
A rooms. We positively offer the largest line and selections ever as- |
$ sembled in any sale in this community.
Ilt is impossible for mere words to attempt to convey the magnitude of this Gigantic and Overwhelming Suc
cessful Sale. We certainly want to thank the public for the wonderful response thy have paid us during the past
week. So come right in today or this evening—our store will be open until 10 P. M. Get your hat and coat. Grab
a $5.00 or $lO.OO bill or anything that looks like money and come to 317 Chestnut Street and get a Piano or Player-
Piano, or one of our beautiful Empire, Magnolia, Pathe, Stodart or Solotone Talking Machines at these special
low prices. These Machines play every make of disc
jff " record, and they can be played on these Machines with
I ' 191 i all the true-to-life beauty of expression that the original
1 artist put into it Compare with others, put these Ma- r
I y§S3 chines alongside any other Talking Machine. Compare j-jy
| the designs, the qualities, the tone values, the exclusive
I Up features, add you'll find that you have in these Machines HIT
I 9H fSfJ the best features of all the others, and not one of the kg I JJ
I Six double-face records or twelve
pieces free with each Machine cr^S
HPI)f\TTP DD AC 317 Chestnut St., Harrisburg, Pa.
I wJL JDIYv/L/l Low Prices —Out of High Rent District Daily Concerts
It Pays to Think, and It Will Pay Youto Buy Now Also Lewistown, Mifflin County, Pa.
1 - I '.=g=* i iIInI J. i. ..JJ—l.jl i
Cumberland Valley League
Postpones Event of Today
Owing to Epidemic
The annual meeting of the Cum
berland Valley League of Federated
Clubs, to have been held In Cham
bcrsburg to-day, was postponed be
cause of the prevailing influenza
epidemic. This organization com
prises twenty-four individual wom
en's clubs throughou tthe Cumber
land Valley, and its annual meetings
are looked forward to with interest
by the members.
This particular meeting promised
to be one ■of especial interest as
many prominent women closely con
nected with war work Were expected
to be present to give addresses. Full
aYaiigements had been completed
to receive representatives by Mrs.
n. W. Spessard, President of the
hostess club, and Mrs. *l5. D. War
iield .of the Afternoon Club, of
Last the annual meeting of
the Cumberland Valley League of
Federated Clubs was held in Har
risburg as guest:; of the Civic Club
of this city. The league was or
ganized by Mrs. Edward Biddle, of
. 'iriisle, during her incumbency us
President of the State Federation of
Women's Clubs. Tlio present offi
cers of the league are Mrs. Robert
il. Thomas, Jr., president, Mechan
icsburg; Mrs. Morris Lloyd, vice
president, Chantbersburg; and Mrs.
Mary Krall, secretary and treasurer,
Just when the annual meeting will
bo held, or what plans the league
lias for the ensuing year could not
•e definitely learned to-day.
Red Cross Auxiliary
Needs More Workers
Ridge Avenue Method* t Episco
pal Church will be open all day and
evening of this week for Red Cross
| workers. Every woman and girl of
| the church, as well as those in the
; community who do not work else
where, should feel It her duty to
give as much time as possible on
i Thursday. The work assigned to
this auxiliary for the mouth will re
quire many more workers than have
volunteered so far, and it is hoped
! that many will respoitd to this v urg
ent call for workers. Any one who
cannot rente during the day should
make a special effort to come in the
Miss Sara Tlarr, chairman of the
Junior auxiliary, wishes to meet all
junior members in the evening at
7 o'clock in social hall. They are
requested to bring all property bags,
i Ridge Avenue auxiliary wishes to
j thank all those who helped to make
i possible the success of the linen
| shower given last week to the Red
' Cross." Its full quota was reached
land turned over to Red Cross head
j quarters.
j Mr. and Mrs. Richard Booker, of
Lancaster, motored here yesterday
for a visit with relatives.
[Ail announcements under this head
ing must be accompanied by name
to assure accuracy.]
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Koons, of
1809 Chestnut street, announce the
! birth of a daughter, Esther Emma
Koons, Saturday, November 2, 1918.
Mrs. Kooons was Miss Elizabeth
■ Zeigler, of this city, prior to her
| marriage.
• Domestic Science, English
Review, French and Bas
ketry to Be Studied
Classes in domestic science are be
| ing organized at the Y. W.'C. A. this
week. The instructor, Miss Helen
: Wallis, a graduate of the National
School of Domestic Arts and Sciences
, of Washington, has also taken spe
j cial work at Columbia University and
; is well prepared to teach.
All these who wish to begin the
I study of domestic science will come
i to the association Thursday evening,
| November 7, at 7 o'clock. An ad
j vanced class In this study will begin
i work Tuesday, November 12, at 5.30
p. m. The time for these classes
will be decided by the majority of
class members.
For English Review
A class will be organized next
! Tuesday, November 12, at 8 p. m.,
' which will be of interest to many,
j Letter writing, spelling and gram
-1 mar will be taught in a practical way
j by Miss Mary L. Irwin, teacher of
English in Central High school. This
! class was one of the most popular
j last year, there being a large enroll
i ment in both terms.
French and Basketry
: A class for beginners in French
j will meet for the first time Thursday
I evening, November 7, at 6.30 o'clock,
i There tire twenty-live enrolled in this
| class. The udvanced class in French
. will meet Monday evening at 7.30.
j Miss May Lemer is the instructor.
A class in basketry will begin work
i on Thursday evening, November 7.
, Miss Elizabeth Watts has charge of
I the work.
Market Square Society
For Foreign Missions
The Women's Foreign Missionary
I Society of Market Square Presbyterian
j Church will hold the postponed Oc
tober meeting on Friday afternoon,
I November S. at 3 o'clock. The subject.
"India." will be presented by Miss
Caroline Pearson. Mrs. Mary Got
schall wil give a resume of the last
chapter of the Mission Study Book.
The offerings for October and Novem
ber will be received and the secretary
of literature. Miss Snyder, will re
ceive subscriptions for Women's
' Work, and the Junior publications at
tli is time,
The regular meeting of the East
I Harrisburg Women's Christian Tem
! perance Union will be held Friday
! afternoon at 2.30 o'clock at the home
j of Mrs. Mary Fackler, 1314 Derry
' street. Delegates will give reports of
the county convention and other im
portant business will be transacted.
Mrs. Charles Glass and Miss Abbte
Glass, of this city, have returned
from an extended visit with friends
in lowa, Nebraska and Ohio. While
in Ohio they visited Mrs. Herbert
Newton, formerly Miss Katherine
Blumenstein of this city.
Mrs. Eva Tetlow, of 2127 Derry
street, and Charles H. Buller, of 936
North Second street, were quietly
married Monday, November 4, in
Baltimore, Md.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wilson and
their daughters, the Misses Grace
and Aletha -Wilson started f6r their
home in Denver, Col., this morning
after spending week among relatives
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wilt, of Os
wego, N. Y., are guests of their rel
atives, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart D.
Brown, of Penn street.
Merle Harris to Serve
in Field Artillery
Merle F. Harris, of 1913 North Sixth
1 street, a young businessman of this
city, left to-day for Camp Zachary
Taylor, Kentucky, where he will.be
attached to the Field Artillery.
Harris is a graduate of Central
High school, class of 1911. He was a
member of the Argus staff for two
years, in the capacity of business
manuger, and was popular in all
social activities. Before entering
business he was connected for two
years with the Pennsylvania State
Highway Department in the engineer
ing corps.
He had a proprietary interest in the
i grocery business with his father the
pust few years.
Previous to liis selection for Officers
Training Camp lie was graduated
from Plattsburg Military Training
Camp. His application of voluntary
Induction into the service has been
pending for some time. He was noti
fied to report at Camp Taylor at once.
Mrs. J. Frances Powers left Sat
urday for Delaware, where she is
visiting her husband, who is sta
tioned at Fort Dupont, Delaware
I City.
No Deaths From Spanish
Influenza Are Reported
For the first time in many days,
not a death due to Spanish influenza
occurred at the Harrisburg Hospital
during a period of twenty-four hours.
Since noon yesterday, no deaths have
been reported, and hospital physicians
are confident that the influenza epi
demic has run Its course. Five new
patients have been admitted since
yesterday, and sfx have been dis
charged as thoroughly recovered.
Yankees Crossing Ocean
Won't Carry Ammunition
Washington, Nov. 6.—American
soldiers hereafter will carry no am
munition with them when they sail
The War Department announced
yesterday that all ammunition except
the allowances carried by officers
will be shipped in bulk, to enablo the
fighting men 'to "travel light."
To Attend Exercises
on Pennsylvania Day
A number of people from Harris- j
bilrg will attend the Pennsylvania
Day exercises at State College. Missj
Ruth Towsen, Miss Adeline Paul,
Miss Frances Brown and Miss Mari
an Towsen will be guests at the Phi
Delta Theta; Miss Mildred DcShong,
Miss Florence Rinkenbaeh and Miss
Margaret Wingeard at the Signm
Alpha Epsiion, and Mrs. Harry W.
Good, Miss Margaret Good, Miss
.Josephine Ivlopp and Miss Margaret
| Boeder at the Sigma Nu.
Dr. Hanson Is at Home
and Wiii Speak Tonight
The Rev. Henry W. .A. Hanson,
pastor of the Messiah Lutheran
Church came home this afternoon
from Wilmington. North Carolina,
and will speak this evening at the
regular Midweek service, and occupy
his pulpit on Sunday after the quar
antine restrictions.
While in the south, the Rev. Dr.
officiated at the marriage of his
brother. Louis Hanson, and Miss
Kuthryh Boilers, of Wilmintgon.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Auxiliary to the Harrisburg
Hospital will be held on Thursday af
ternoon, at 3 o'clock, ut the residence
of Mrs. Henry McCormtck, Front and
Pine streets. Attention is called to
the fact that the meeting will not he
held at the hospital, as is the custom.
Miss Marcia Wiseman, of Green
street, entertained this afternoon at
a luncheon of six covers for her house
guest, Miss Mabel 11. Jackson, of De
troit, Mich. A color scheme of yellow
and white was prettjly carried out,
witli chrysanthemums' as the flowers.
Mrs. Mercer U. Tate, of 218 North
Second street, is home alter a trip to
New York.
Miss Edna Marsh and Miss Sue
Marsh have gone home to Baltimore
| after a week's visit among relatives
ill the West End.
Mr. and Mrs. L D. Julihn, of Wash
ington, D. C., former residents of
River Road, are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
J. Harvey Fahnestock for a few days.
Miss Estelle Sliartzer, of Minne
apolis, is a guest at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. E. B. Holmes, of North Third
street, for the month.
. Howard Futrlamb went to Youngs
town. Ohio, this morning after a brief
stay with relatives in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reiber, Mr. and
I Mrs. James Reiber and sons, of Al
toona. are in town on an automobile
trip South.
Miss Elsie Nonn, of Penn street,
has gone to Philadelphia, where she
: has accepted a position at the League
Island Navy yards.
Miss Mary Estelle Thomas, of
Mechanlcsburg, will again be a stu
dent of the Seiler school, this winter.
Miss -Pamela Klngsley, of Trenton,
N. J., is visiting her sister, Mrs.
' human B. James, of Market street,
lor a we£k or two.
Mrs. James Park, of New York, is
the guest of her aunts, the Misses
Eleanore and Nancy Shunk, at their
home in River Road, Katahmont.
Miss Evelyn Eckenberger, of Lew
isburg, returned to her home after
visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Parker,
of 1403 Bumbangli street.
Mrs. S. O. Mallalieu, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Pritchard,
of North Third street, returned to
Coatesville to-day to resume her
work as teacher in the public
schools there.
| Mrs. Harriet Hauck and Miss
(Pauline Hauck, of 1614 Berryhill
street, are visiting relatives in Ken
nett Square.
Miss Margaretta Reed, of 1305
Berryhlll street, has returned home
after a visit with Miss Pauline Ilauclt
at Kennett Square.
Mrs. Edwin Cook, of 20 South
| Thirteenth street, and Mrs. Alice
Barringer, of 129 Evergren street,
1 left this morning for an extended
trip to Niagara and Buffalo.
Hostess House Broadens Plans
For Amusement of Sol
diers and Sailors
Just prior to - the influenza epi
demic and the consequent check in
week-end entertainments at the Civic
Club owing to the quafantine, a
meeting of the advisory board, of the
! Hostess House was held and plans j
j discussed for the extension of the j
j work.
' Mrs. Edward F. Dunlap, chairman,
announced to-day that here after the
Held will be a \#ider one. Not only
are the men in service invited to the
Saturday night dances and informal
gatherings Sunday, but the club
house will be open all the week to
any of them who will come and en-
Joy music, good reading material and
other homelike surroundings provid
ed by the women in charge. A fur
ther opportunity has been arranged
for men who have relatives in near
by towns and who would like to meet
them at the clubhouse, permission
having been granted for the use of
the house on these special occa
[Continued from First Page.]
Witmnn and Miss Lois Scott, girls'
secretary of the Y. W. C. A.
Dr. Downes is handling the cam
paign through the public schools, Dr.
t.udos through the Parochial schools.
Prof. Brown through the private
schools, and Miss Scott and Mr. Wit
man are heading the committee to
reach all b6ys and girls not in the
Organizations Complete
Dr. Downes announced this morn
ing that his campaign among the
children in the schools will be con
fined to three days, the canvass
Tuesday of next week, the collection
of pledges Wednesday, and the
"clean-up" Thursday.
Dr. Ludes reports that his com
mittee for the handling of the
pledges from the Parochial schools
is organized. Prof. Brown's commit
tee also is complete, and will make
a report very sopn. Miss Scott and
Mr. Witman also head an organiza
tion which Is complete in every 'do
tail. They will reach the boys and
girls principally through the Sunday
schools, and already they have sent
letters to every pastor in the city
requesting co-operation.
Each school and Sunday school
will be urged to enlist as many Vic
tory Boys and Girls as there are men
in the service from the schools. All
Victory Boy and Girl pledges will be
in multiples of five dollars. Those
who give less will not be known as
Victory Boys or Girls, but will be
classed as general contributors, and
will not be entitled to wear the spe
cial button or display the special
Victory window posters.
'''Earn and Give" Plan
The whole committee in charge
of the Victory Boys and Girls is
urging the fact that Victory pledges
must represent real sacrifice. It is
an "earn and give" proposition, and
the boys and girls are being cau
tioned not to solictt the money they
pledge, or ask help from their par
ents. ,
Five dollars will give a soldier in
the field all the comforts of the sev
en war relief organizations that
benefit by the United War Work
Fund for a period of five weeks.
Therefore boys and girls who pledge
five dollars, are pledging to earn by
their own efforts the cost of the
comforts of home for some soldier
friend who has gone from their
school or Sunday school, the com
mittee says.
It has been decided by the com
mittee. that the payment of pledges
in the schools be made either at local
scout headquarters, or at the Y.
W. C. A.
Industrial Drive Continues
The industrial canvassers under
William P. Starkey are continuing
to make satisfactory progress in
their canvass of the city's industries.
Thermometer honor emblem pos
ters for use in the campaign arrived
at headquarters in the Gilbert store
room yesterday and are being de
livered to workers to-day. These
posters provide a new and novel
for increasing the subscriptions in
the shops and factories. It is expect
ed that the firms will quickly make
use of them, as they substitute for
the ordinary one hundred per cent,
honor flag for the front windows of
the establishments.
Morgcntliuii Here To-morrow
Henry Morgenthau, former am
bassador to Turkey, is scheduled to
arrive here at 3.30 o'clock to-mor
row afternoon and make his speech
before a record-breaking crowd. in
the Chestnu| street auditorium at 8
o'clock. An overflow meeting will be
held if necessary.
The members of the executive
corfimittee of the United War Work
Campaign end ward leaders of the
homes committee, were entertained
at a meeting of the Rotary Club in
the Y. M. C. A. last evening. Mem
bers of the committee made speech
es emphasizing the needs of the
funds being raised in the city for the
benefit of seven war relief organiza
tions. The Rotary Club as a body
pledged its full co-operation as an
organization, and the members as
individuals pledged the support of
the campaign in every way.
Only Two Men Found
at Salt Lake City Post
When C. H. Matthews, of Beaver,
the Pennsylvania commissioner to
take votes of Pennsylvania soldiers
at Fort Douglas, Salt Bake City,
reached the Utah post he found that
26 of the 28 Pcnnsylvanians reported
in the military establishment had left
the day before for an eastern port.
A telegram received at the Capitol
to-day set forth that as only two
men were left the commissioner could
not organize a board and did not hold
an election.
And the state will pay ten cents
per mile for his trip to Halt Lake and
According to the fifteen commis
sioners who have filed their returns
at the office of the Secretary of the'
Commonwealth many of the Pennsyl
vania soldiers were too busy with
their training and work to vote.
There was little difficulty in organ
izing election boards as a rule, but
In some cases not more than fifty
per cent, of the Pennsylvanlans voted.
There were 126 men commissioned,
four having declined the honors.
Over thirty were sent to posts be
yond the Mississippi.
Five books showed only four Dau
phin county soldiers voting. One
man a Prohibitionist, *
NOVEMBER 6, 1918.
Standing of the Crews
Philadelphia Dtvlalon The 121
crew first to go after 8 o'clock: 126,
112, 106, 127, 119.
Fireman for 121.
Conductor for 121.
Brakemen for 121, 112, 127.
Engineers up: Steffy, Smith, Wlker,
Karr, Andrews.
Firemen up: Swartz. Reich, Myers,
Brakemen up: Kassner, Clay.
Middle UlvlMlon— The 35 crew first
to go after 4.45 o'clock: 26, 38, 30,'18,
Engineers for 26, 38, 18.
Firemen for 35, 38, 18.
Conductors for 35, 18.
Brakemen for 35, 38.
Engineers up: Gipple, Asper, Smith,
Rowe, Beverlin, Ktstler, Snyder, Nis
sley, Earley, Albright, Hawk, Kreig
er, Smith, Shelley, Cook, Wlnand,
Stone, Snyder.
Firemen up: Markel, Myers, Hertz
ler, Rumberger, Naylor, McLaughlin,
Campbell, Gingrich, Johns, Sunder
land, Over, Wright, Turnbaugh.
Conductors up: Lower, Bennett.
Brakemen up: Woodward, Snyder,
Linn, Stewart, Clouser, Forbes, Rhea,
Johnson, Neice, Dare.
Vard Hoard—Engineers for 2-7, 4-
7, 6-7, 5-15, 6-16, 30.
Firemen for 3-7, 5-7, 11, 12, 4-15,
18, 23.
Engineers up: Welgle, Lackey.
Mayer, Gettys, Barkey, Balr, Eyde, I
Firemen up: Lowery, Eckenrode,
Graham, Barnhart, Miller, Boyer, |
Garber, Snyder, Rebcr.
I'Hlladclpliin Division The 239
crew first to go after 2.15 o'clock:
238, 211, 221, 227, 248, 201, 232.
Engineer for 211.
Fireman for 232.
Middle Mivlalon—The 125 crew first
to go after 3.40 o'clock: 219, 117, 453,
240, 103, 111.
Engineers for 117, 103.
Firemen for 103. 111.
Brakemen for 125, 117 (2), 103,
111 (2).
Yard Board—l4s, 4th 129, Ist 132,
135, 137, 2d 102.
Firemen for 3d 126, 3d 129, 4th 129.
2d 104, 109, 112.
Engineers up: Zelders, Potter,
Kowell, Hugglns, Books, Myers,
Smith, Qulglcy.
Firemen up: Knackstedt, Felix,
Ready, Fisher, Miller, Fake, Kocli,
Philadelphia Division Firemen
up: E\erhart, Copeland.
..Middle Division Engineers up:
Delozier Buck, Kelley, Miller, Smith,
Keane. Graham, Kelser, Keane.
Firemen up: Colyer, Bruker, Hunt
er, Snyder, Kohr, Bortel, Stauffer,
Price, Hoffman, Beiscl, Bender, Steele,
The 54 crew first to go after 12.30
o"clock: 3, 64, 53. 69, 6, 67, 60, 14.
Engineers for 53, 54, 67, 3.
Firemen for 53, 54.
Flagmen for 54, 14.
Brakemen for 53, 54, 58, 1, 3.
(r -<n
t Dependable Mer
chandise at Right
Real Economy is Al
ways Found in Gar
ments oLthe Bet-
Oxford Suite, in plain- Stevens All-Wool Velour
tailored styles, with notch Coats, full lined—wanted i
collar, shades,
$39.75, $42.50 to $75 $35.00, $37.50, $45
Silvertone Suits, in Silvertone Coats, in
taupe, reindeer, brown, brown, plum, Burgundy
blue and Burgundy, and blue,
$38.50, $47.50 $46.50, $49.50
to $82.50 to $79.50
Practical Gifts For Christmas
Tailored Waists for Round-neck Georgette
practical wear, Blouse, in Navy, flesh and
$1.95 to $4.50 white. Special ... $5.50
Beaded, Georgette, in flesh, white, maize and
French blue and bisque. All reduced to ... $4.95
Economy Petticoats, cot- All-silk Jersey-top Pet
ton tops, taffeta flounce, all , ticoats, taffeta flounces, all
colors $2.49 colors and black .. $3.95
Fox Scarfs, in brown, Muffs, in opossum, seal,
taupe and black; large ani- coney and nutria to match
mals, with heads and tails, the coat or suit collars,
$23.75 to $102.50 $14.73 to $40.00 t
Sets of Fojc, Opossum and Lynx, in brown, taupe,
naturah and gray. From $48.50 to $175.00
——-— r. —
Dresses For All Occasions
At Prices To Suit All Purses
Taifored Wool Jersey Navy Serge Dresses, in
Dresses, •in brown, 1 apin, all-wool materials; all the
Pekin, plum * newest ideas in lines and
with touches of embroidery .
or braid and button trim- trimmings,
med $25 to-$57.50 $15.75 to $54.50
Satin Dresses, id Navy, Georgette Dresses, in
black and taupe, featuring Navy, black and taupe;
the newest modes and beaded in self color and
trimmings, contrasting shades,
$22.50 to $62.50 $27.50 to $69.75
Tricolette Dresses
Tricolettes are shown in Navy, brown, black,
bronae, beaver and Algerian, $49.50 to $85.00.
I, " jiy i .j* 1 fy i 11 ■ ■ l "*"
' Engineers up: Rlchwlne, Lackey,
1 Fireman-up: Wolse.
! Conductor up: Potton.,
Flagmen up: Crawford, Dahr, Klch
man, McKlsslck, Moss, Bowman.
Brakemen up: Anderson, Rich,
Wakemen, Cook, Thomas, Berry.
The first reservation of roomfr in
the Penn-Harris Hotel was made
this morning by William C. Alexan
der, sales manager of the Moorhead
Knitting Company, when he reserved
twenty-five rooms in the big million
dollar structure for salesmen of his
company. The salesmen will attend
a convention of the firm's force to
be held in liarrishurg next January.
City Draft Board No. 1 this morning
received orders from State Draft
Headquurters to send two -men quali
fied for general military service with
training as expert boiler makers, to
1515 Arch street, Philadelphia, No
vember 9, for service in the navy.
It Is the first definite quota which
has been assigned a city board for
the navy.
Winterdale Dances
15 North Market Square. Dancing
Tuesday, Thursday and Suturday
evenings. Sourbier's Orchestra. Ad
mission 40 and 60 cents.—Adv.
Chas H. Mauk *• 8t -
Private Ambulance Phones
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edied by correct glasses.
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