Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 06, 1918, Page 16, Image 16

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/ "
Volunteer Workers Give Serv
ices to Scores of Influ
enza Sufferers
/ After Ave weeks of untiring ef
forts in behalf of the victim* of the
influenza scourge, the Emergency
Hospital in the Open Air School, at
Fifth and Seneca street*, establish' I
hy the Red Cross. City Health I >•-
partment ami Harrisburg Hospital,
will he discontinued Frtdiij
During the live weeks ot its exist
ence. the Emergency Hospital treated
upwards of 800 patients for intlu
enzn. Fourteen deaths occurred, and
the remainder were nursed hack to
Ever? bit of the work was done i>>
volunteer workers. The nurses wire
volunteers, and city physicians volun
tarily offered their services. Mrs. 11
.1. Roth was superintendent of tlm
hospital: Mrs. Charles W. Kurtnett
volunteered Ivr services as telephone
operator, and the following x ycic
nurses: Miss Florence Heller, Miss
Marc Pass. Miss Henth. Ickesburg:
Mrs. .1. Harry Steele and Mrs. Onr
Pr. J. M. J. Raunlck was warmly
commended at the hospital this morn
ing for his untiring work in the in
terest of the institution Pr. Allen
Kitzman also came in for n large
share of the praise
The hospital was established hrl
dav. October 11. and received its first
patient Saturday. October 1-. From
' that time until now it ha* been busy
constantly attending the su k and
dving. Patients were sent from tl •'
Harrisburg Hospital. Red Cross. As
sociated Aids Society. State Er.'- rm no
Hospital front every part of the cits,
from Pa uphin. I.inglestown. No*
Cumberland. M elianicsburg and from
everv community on the \\ . st Shoie
and In the vicinity of Harrisburg.
The hospital was equipped to care
for 15<i patients. At one time 111
patients were under treatment. Ihe
hospital at all times was a model ot
cleanliness and efficiency, and was a
marvel to physicians and nurses who
visited it.
A complete reoort of the i*<;j 0, vi*
plishments of the hospital v. ill he
made within a few day*.
Huns Laid Death Trap
For Church Worshipers
On the British i'ront in France.
Xov. .—American troops who oc
cupied St Martin-Riviere during the
advance south of I.e Cateau recently
discovered in the helfry of the til
lage church a formidable charge ot
By mean* of wires the charge was
connected with the monstrance on
the high altar in such a way that if
the monstrance were moved an ex
plosion that would have brought the
church down upon tlit> heads of the
worshipers would have taken place.
The officer commanding the Amer
ican detachment made official men
tion of the matter in his report.
The monstrance is the vessel or
shrine, usually of gold, in which the
Sacred Host is exposed for venera
tion in Catholic churches.
[Continued from First Page.]
President's program, subject to these
Reservation to themselves of com
plete freedom of action in the peace
conference on the question of the
freedom of the seas, and.
The specific understanding that by
restoration of invaded territories is
meant that "compensation will be
made by Germany for all damages
done to the civilian populations of
the Allies and their property by the
aggression of Germany by land, by
sea and from the air."
The President. Germany is inform
ed. concurs in this last stipulation
which means payment by Germany
for cities, town and countrysides laid
waste or damaged: for ships sunk by
submarines and raiders and of in
demnities to the families and de
pendants of civilians killed or car
ried off in violation of the recognized
rules of warfare.
Terms of the armistice may not
he made public until their accept
ance or rejection by Germany, but
it can be stated authoritiatively that
they are no less drastic than those
imposed upon Austria, which have
been interpreted by military men
here, both Allied and American, as
nothing short of abject surrender.
Germany's spokesmen already have
acquiesced in the terms and prin
ciples as laid down by President Wil
son. By accepting the armistice they
* . agree in advance to the qualifications
made by the Allies and. consequent
ly, much of the real work of the
peace conference will have been com
pleted in advance. There will re
main the application ot the Presi
dent's program and decision us to
the freedom of the seas but the terms
of the armistice will leave no room
for doubt of the ability of the Al
lied and American governments to
impose their terms.
While awaiting the approach of the
Herman emissaries. Marshal Foch,
military men here believed, has open
ed ihe decisive battle of the war.
"how to fight
Avoid crowds, coughs and cow
ards, but fear neither germs nor
Hermans: Keep the system in good
order, take plenty of exercise m the
tresh air and practice cleanliness
Remember a clean mouth, a clean
skin and clean bowels are a protect
ing armor against disease. To keep
the liver and bowels regular and to
carry away the poisons within, it is
best to take a vegetable pill every
other day. made up of May-apple,
alios, jalap, and sugar-coated, to be
had at most drug stores, known as
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. If
there is a sudden onset of what ap
pears like a hard cold, one-should
go to bed, wrap warm, take a hot
mustard foot-bath and drink copi
ously of hot lemonade. If puin devel
ops in head or back, ask the drug
gist for .Anuric (anti-uric) tablets.
These will flush the hladden and
kidneys und carry off poisonous
germs. To control the pains and
aches take one Anuric tablet every
two hours, with frequent drinks of
lemonade. The pneumonia appears
in a most treacherous way. when
the influenza victim is apparently
recovering and anxious to leave his
lied. In recovering from a bad at
tack of influenza or pneumonia the
system should be built up with a
good herbal tonic, such as Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,
made without alcohol from the roots
and barks of American forest trees,
or his Ironttc (iron tonic) tablets,
which can he obtained at most drug
stores, or send 10v to Dr. Pierce's
Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo. N. Y., for
trial package.
Congressman Kreider's work in the National Capitol yesterday was
endorsed hy tin- voters in a handsome manner. Ho .returns to liis work in
Washington with the knowledge of united support at home.
[Continued I'rnm first l'aiir. ]
the south the French have launched an attack that lias forced the;
enemy back from three to four miles, while along the Meuse!
the Americans, in close co-operation with the French just to the|
westward, have overcome a stubborn resistance bv the enemyj
and moved still nearer the Sedan-Longuyon railroad.
German Retreat Is Disorderly
There is evidence that the Germans are not carrying out the!
orderly retreat that marked their retirement from the Marne and
Somnie salients. Batteries of field guns, with horses attached,;
have been captured and a vast quantity of munitions which could
he moved quickly under ordinary circumstances has fallen into 1
the hands of the Allies.
German Rear Guards Resist at Ghent
To the north Ghent G closely invested by the French, Belgian
and British troops. The fighting there is apparently between j
German rear guard and the Allied forces for civilians are said
to be close behind the lines, and Queen Elizabeth, of Belgium,'
watched the beginning of the assault against the city. •
Scheldt Line Valueless to Foe
The line of the Scheldt is no longer any protection to the
enemy in Belgium, ft has been crossed everywhere from Ghent
to Valenciennes, and it is probable that Allied troops have been
flung across the canal north of Ghent. Between Ghent and
Brussels there is no great natural obstacle except the Dendrc!
river, which will aid the Germans in conducting defensive opera
tions, and it seems probable that the enemy will not turn at bay
until he reaches the Namur-Brussels-Antwerp line, which is said;
to have been prepared for a grim struggle.
Americans Gain East of Meuse ,
American forces north of Verdun have crossed the Meuse;
at three places and have gained ground on the east side of the;
river. This advance is most important for it threatens the Sedan-!
Longuyon line at a new point and removes from the Germans j
the advantages of having a position on the flank of the Ameri-j
can forces advancing northward on the western side of the stream.
Sedan must be under artillery fire from the medium caliber j
American guns.
Charles Shrinks From Armistice
Emperor Charles of Austria is said to have refused to sign;
the armistice agreement with the Allied powers and turned over!
his authority of commander-in-chief of the army to Field Marshal
Straussenburg. It is rumored that the emperor has abdicated and
has -tarted for Switzerland, where King Constantinc took refuge'
after being compelled to relinquish the Grecian throne.
Wilson Points Huns to Foch
The Inter-Allied conferences at Versailles has agreed on the;
terms for an armistice. This decision was sent to President
Wilson in answer to his communication turning over to the con-j
ference the request that he notify the Allies of the desire ofi
Germany to end the war. President Wilson has, in turn, notified !
the German government that it may apply to Marshal Foch, com-j
mander-in-chief of the Allied forces, who is authorized to receive!
duly accredited representatives and submit to them the terms;
agreed upon by the Associated powers.
"Make Pennsylvania
Stronghold For World
Democracy," Says Sproul
Philadelphia. Pa.. N'ov. 6. —Con-
gralulations for Senator Sproul. Sen- j
ator Beidleman and all the Repub- j
iican stae candidates elected yester
day are pouring into the state head
quarters here. Senators Sproul and
Beidleman issued statements, as did j
Senator William E. Crow, chairman!
of the state Republican eonimitee. |
Senator Sproul said:
"The election lias resulted in' a
most complete Republican victory."
It is, of course, gratifying to me that
the figures are so decisive as to leave j
no room for explanations or excuses. !
The issues were clearly defined, and;
the line directly drawn, and there'
can be no doubt as to the intent of
the voters of Pennsylvania.
"The one outstanding feature of
this campaign has been the unity of
support for the state ticket by all of
tliose who believe in the principles
of Republicanism. The independent
voters and the so-called "regulars'
have joined hands in a way which
promises well for the. Republican
party if those of us who are trusted
shall keep the faith. I feel that the!
vote of confidence which has been
given us Is a charter from the people
for a progressive, constructive, broad
spirited administration of the state's
affairs which will meet the great
ssues of these times and
turn them to the advantage of our
citizenship in every practicable way.
"Pennsylvania is a mighty com-
J monwealth generally well ordered'
and with a government that Is very |
: highly developed in comparison with!
; that of any othsr state or nation,'
; but there are great opportunities for ;
u co-ordination of our public activl-1
I ties and a wide extension of their'
i usefulness. We arc so favored and '
so prosperous in Pennsylvania that I
jwe have the means, have the |
; will, to make this great Republican:
■ state the actual leader in real serv-
I lee among all the democracies of the I
j world. Xow let us go about doing ;
I this. With the war and its strain
now. uo hope and delleve, about
| over, let us set out tp get for our:
i people here, who have done so much j
to win the war, every advantage that:
jis to be had front this civilisation I
' and this democracy for which we've |
been fighting. I ant enlisted In that
j cause."
Beitllemaii Also Pleased
Senator Dtiward 10. Beidieman '
; said:
I "The result is very gratifying. It!
shows the confidence of the voters In !
the head of our ticket, and I am sat-[
isfled that the Governor-elect will j
live up to the highest expectations. !
"Considering the many difficulties |
under which the campaign was j
. waged, it is a testimonial to the'
patriotism of Republicans that they j
j cast their ballots in the interest ofj
i Republican principles at the most 1
'critical time in the country's history.'|
"The reconstruction period that:
will follow the close of the war will
need such a man as Governor Sproul
at the helm of state, and his bus
iness and political! experience will
be assets possessed by but few of
his predecessors in office.
"I am extremely grateful to the
people who have entrusted to me by
their ballots the office of lieutenant
governor, and F shall dlsehargo the
'obligations and duties of the same
with fidelity."
from First Page.]
' low-countrymen in a plea for more
: Democratic Congressmen.
Congressman li. K. Focht, of the
Seventeenth or ••Shoestring" dis
trict. overwhelming )' defeated Sen
ator Scott S. Leiby, of Marysvllle,
the hand-picked McCormick nomi
nee. Leiby had the full support of
ihe McCormick federal machine in
every one of the eight counties in
the district and may have lost them
all, even with the newspapers of the
i Democratic national chairman dis
tributing thousands of copies umong
j the voters. The Marysvllle Senator,
who got elected to the upper house
iiy an accident, found that the voters
thoroughly understood him at last.
The Democrats appear to have
' lost the Congressional seats in the
York-Adams, Northumberland and
• Fayette county districts. The sitting
j Congressmen who aligned them
, selves with the McCormick machine,
j seeni to have gone down in the
' crash. Congressman Arthur G. De
-1 wait, of the Berks-Lehigh district.
■ and Congressman Henry J. Steele, of
the B7aston district, who were an
tagonized by the McCormick ele
ment, were elected by the Democrats
of those districts who ore still voting
for Jackson.
Republican Legislators
; The sweep of the Republican state
j ticket, with thousands upon tltou
| sands of voters marking their bal
! lots "straight." as a rebuke to the
i President's partisan effort to force
1 them Into the Democratic party re
! suited in Republican victories for the
j Legislature in districts that other-
I wise might have been doubtful. All
; ovpr the stute the Congressional issue
| raised by the President was respon
sible tor the prohibition issue being
lost in the shuttle and "wet" candi
j dales who otherwise would have been
defeated were i 4rrled into office by
; majorities that in some cases ap
proach those of the heads of the
ticket. if the next Legislature is
"wet." us indications are that .it will
be, the plea of the President lor
Democratic votes and the resultant
indignation is responsible.
?Wovvhe:e was this better exempli
fied than In Harrisburg. On the
| other hand in Cumberland county
, where all the candidates were "dry"
but where the Republicans were
j vigorously opposed by the McCor
mick machine, Ross 1.. Beckley, of
j Lower Allen, and William C. Bovv
! man. of Lemoyne, were elected by
; tremendously large majorities for
that county, Cumberland going Ke
publican in handsome style.
Perry, Juniata. Adams. Mifflin.
Huntingdon, Lebanon. Lancaster,
Northumberland, Snyder. Union,
! Bedford, Center and even possibly
B'ulton, elected Republican members
of the House and Senators where
they were to be chosen. Schuylkill
is Republican as usual.
James H. Maurer, president of the
; State BVderatlon of Labor, and elect
, ed to the Legislature three times as
! a Socialist, was defeated yesterday
, for a fourth term by Reading voters.
: James E. Norton, formerly coroner
by Governor's appointment, was
; chosen to the Legislature to fill the
■ seat of Maurer. Norton, a Repub
lican. ran on a platform in which
prohibition and labor planks were
combined. .Maurer was a carididate
for the nomination of President of
the United States on the Socialist
1 ticket in 1916. He is the only So
i cialist ever chosen to the Legislature
! in Otis state.
goliller Vote Needed
Men experienced in politics in the
Sixteenth Congressional District de
clared to-day that returns were so
' close that l( would take the soldier
vote to determine whether Congress
man John V. Lesher or A. W. Duy
, had won. The district was carried
by Mr. Lesher. in 1914 and 1916 and
is composed of Northumberland. Co
-1 liimbia, Montour and Sullivan coun
-5 ties and it is estimated that there
are between 400 and 500 soldiers and
sailors in camp? or stations in this
■ country who are qualified to vote.
Next to the reverberating crash in
southern Pennsylvania caused by the
fall of those Democratic stalwarts,
' Congressman Brodbeck and Senator
Henry Washers, of York, which went
; heavily fop Bonniwell, by the way,
I men at the Capitol were talking of
! the re-election of a Republican sena-
I tor from that other citadel of De
j mocracy, Lehigh county. Four years
j ago when Vance C. McCormick was
,i candidate for- Governor the people
; of Lehigh county celebrated that kill
! ing by electing a Republican as a
j senator for the first time in 102 years
and yesterday in the year of thfe great
I. personal plea for Democratic Con
; gressnien they again observed the
i occasion by re-electing Senator H. W.
j Sehantz. Republican, from all ac
, (* indicates re-election.)
Philadelphia, Nov. 6.— Elections
to the State House of Representa
• tives resulted as follows:
Allegheny (All Republican)
I—Thomas Paul Geary,* Joseph
.C. Marcus.
2— William J. McCajg.* John C.,
3—John Lauler.*
; 4 —Edwajd B. Goehring.
5--Harry B. Todd.
.—William J. Mangen.* Albert K.
| Krugh. George H. Soffel.
7—Charles A. Michel,* James B.
B—Edward M. Hough,* W. F.
: Stadlandor.*
10— Carl C. Baldridge,* W. H.
Martin, Samuel J. McKim.
' 11— W. Heber Dithrlch,* J. H. W.
i Simpson,* Joseph G. Steedle, Wil
liam C. Wagner.*
12 — Nelson McVicar,* John W.
j W. Vickerman.*
Charles F. Armstrong, A. E. Cur-
I ry (R).
C. Arthur Griest, (R).
2 —D. A. Rothenbe'rger,* Wilson G.
Sarig,* Cyrus K. Brendle (D).
Charles P. Dewey. • W. Worth
Jennings* (R).
. Butler
i Victor A. Barnhart, George I.
; Woner (R).
Beaver <
j C. 11. Kennedy* (It); J. Q.
i Marshall (R).
E. It. Smith* (R).
I—James K. Norton (It); Walter
A. Itingler* (L).
I— FYed A, Bell (R).
2- — Samuel McCurdy* (R); Simon
j F. Zook. H.
I W. A. Haines (It); William Krause
' (R).
j .Harry Zanders* (It).
Harry C. Graham,* M. M. Hol
lingsworth,* George R. North (R).
I—-J.1 —-J. R. Home (R).
C. J. Goodnough* (FI).
I. L. Harvey (It).
Ross L. Beckley; W. C. Bowman.
I— Albert Millar (D); V Miller
! (R). J
2 —lr K. Utah* tR); D. J. Rech
jtold* (R).
I I—W. T. Ramsey* tit).
! 2—H. H. Heyburn* ilii; W. C.
i Alexander (R).
Ira M. Fox, It.
1.. F. Beachoff* (K>; F. S. Magill.
John Al. Flynn* tDj.
L. N. Cruni.
J. T. Davis R).
T. T. Millin. George W. Steven
| son (R).
John li. Shellenberger (R).
I—David1 —David Fowler* (It).
| 2—Hugh A. Dawson* (R).
3 —Frederick C. Ehrhart* (R).
4—Michael J. Ruddy* (R).
5—W. \V. Jones* (R).
I—Aaron B. Hess (R).
2—G. Graybill Dlehm, Joseph T.
i Evans, M. R. Hoffman,* Harry L.
i Rhoads* tR).
C. T. Hiekernell, L, S. Zimmcr
! man (R).
I — O. A. Raber.
2—S. J. Evans,
3—Albert E. Rinn* (D).
I—Conrad G. Miller* (R).
3—Patrick H. Wynne* (D).
s—Richard Powell* (R).
! 6—John McKay* (R).
I—H. C. Pike (R).
2 —Jacob Hamilton (R)).
1 3—J. T. Hnldeman* (R).
, W. K. West* (D).
E. i;. Kunkle* (D). 1
Northampton |
| W. M. Benninger.* Samuel Hutch
ison, R. H. Trach (D).
t Philadelphia (All Republican)
| I—Leopold C. Glass," John Mehr
2—C. C. A. Baldi.*
3—Nicholas Di Lemino, Julius J.
: Levis.
4—James V. Lafferty.*
3—Edwin R. Cox,* Byron A. Mil-.
I ner,* Edward W. Wells.*
6—Daniel J. Neary.*
I 7—W. C. Crawford.
B—John R. K. Scott, W. F. Rorke.
9—Herman Dilsheimer.
10— W. J. Brady,* Alex Colville.
j 11—Richard Curry.*
12— J. A. Bennett. Matthew Pat
! tet son.
13—Max Aaron,* C. A. Sowers. i
14— W. J. Hamilton.
i 15— R. A. Bucher. Edwin Scott.
16—James A. Dunn.*
17 —Theodore Campbell.* J. J![
I Ilefternan,* W. T. Wallace.
19— S. J. Ephriam, A. R. B. Fox. ,
19— S. J. Ephriam, A. R. B. Fox. |
20—Patrick Copnor,* J. H. Drink-'
| house.* |
21—James Franklin,* J. A. |
| Walker.*
22—8. M. Golder.*
23— S. J. Gans.*
24— T. S. Krause.
f 25—P. H. Crockett.
26—Philip Sterling.*
Edward L. Allunt (R); John F. j
1 Bigler (R).
John A. Fitzgibbon* (R)<; C. W. i
Catlin (RV I
C. G. Cor bin* (R).
Frank I Smith* (D).
C. M. Bower (R).
John I. Woodruff (RV
John I. Woodruff (R).
Somerset :
I P. D. Clutton, John P. Statler (R).
Frank H. Ingham (R).
Allan D. Miller* (R).
Frank E. Snyder. George W. Wil- 1
1 liams* (R).
J Harry M. Showalter* (R).
W. P. Wood (R).
Oscar D. Stark (R).
I—J. B. Goldsmith* (R); T. M. j
Whiteinan (RV
2—B. F. Bungard* (R); H. W.
Day (R); J. G. McGeary (It).
I—R. S. Spangler* (R).
2—C. K. Cook* (R).
3—T. E. Brooks (R).
4—H. E. Lanius* (D).
(• indicates re-election.)
Philadelphia, Nov. 6.—The follow- j
I ing Congressmen were elected In :
At large—Thomas S. Crago, Mah
, lon M. Garland, Anderson H. Wal-!
ters, William J. Burge (all R.).
j I—William S. Vare* (R).
2—George S. Graham* (R).
3—J. Hampton Moore* (R).
4—George W. Edmonds* (R).
s—Peter E. Costello* (R).
I 6—George P. Darrow* (R).
| 7—Thomas S. Butler* (R).
B—Henry8—Henry Winfield Watson* (R).i
9—W. W. Griest* (R).
10—John R. Farr* R.
11— E. N. Carpenter, R.
12 —John Reber. R.
13—Arthur G. Dewalt* (D).
14—Louts T. McFadden* (R).
15—Edgar R! Kiess* (R).
16—-A. W. Dey, R.. probable.
17—Benjamin K. Focht* (R).
18 —Aaron S. Kreider* (R).
19—John M. Rose.* R.
) 20 —81. S. Brook.:, R.
21— E. J. Jones, R.
22—Edward E. Robbins* (R).
23—Samuel A. Kendall, R.
24 —Henry W. Temple* (R.)
26—M. W. Shrove, R.
26 —Henry J. Steele* (D).
27—Nathan L. Strong* (R).
28— W. J. Hullngs, R'.
29—Stephen G. Porter* (R).
30—M. Clyde Kelly* (R. and D.).J
31—John M. Morln* (R).
32—Guy E. Campbell* (R and D).;
(* Indicates re-electidn.)
Philadelphia, Nov. 6. —The fol-!
lowing state Senators were elected In |
i Pennsylvania:
2 —Samuel W. Saius* (R).
3—William J. McNichol* (R).
4—Edward W. Patton* (R).
6—George Woodward (R).
x—George Gray (R).
10—Clarence J. Buckman* (Ft).
12—James S. Boyd (R).
14— W. J. Burnes (R).
16— H. W. Sehantz* (Bt).
18— W. Clayton Hackett* (D).
20—Asa K. Dewltt* (D). .
22 —Albert Davis (R).
24 —Charles W. Sones* (D).
26— W. Wayne Hlndman* (D).
28 —George Marlow (R^
29 —Robert D. Heaton (R),
30—Plymouth W. Stfyder* (R).
32 —William E. Crow* (R).
36—John 8. Miller (R).
38 —M. G. Leslie (R), {
Well! Well! Well!
See Who's Here!
40—Cadwallader M. Barr (R).
41— W. Fred Turner (R).
42—Morris Einstein (R).
4 3—William W. Mearkle (R).
4 4—W. Crawford Murdock* (R).
4 6
4 B—Marshall Phipps* (R).
4 B—J. M. Campbell. It.
Elections in odd numbered dis
tricts were to till vacancies.
Senators Elected
Alabama, J. 11. Rankhead, P.
Arkansas. J. T. Robinson, D.
Colorado. L. C. Phipps. R.
Delaware, L. If. Ball. R.
Georgia, W. J. Harris, D.
Idaho. W. E. Borah. R: J. B\ Nu
gent, P.
Illinois, M. McCormlck, It.
lowa, A. B. Cummings, It.
Kansas, A. Ctfpper, It.
Kentucky, A. O. Stanley. I>.
Louisiana, J. E. ltnnsdell. It.
Massachusetts, D. 1. Walsh, D.
Mississippi. B. P. Harrison, D.
Missouri, .1. W. lAilk. D.
Montana, T. J. Walsh, D
Nebraska, G. W. Morris, R.
Nevada, C. B. Hcndevson, D.
New Hampsliire. 11. W. Keyes. U : G.
11. Moses. R.
New Jersey, David Baird. R.; W. 10.
Edge, R. •
New Mexico. A. B. Fall. R.
North Carolina. B". M. Simmons. D.
Oklahoma. R. L Owen, D.
Oregon. C. L. McNary, R.; F. W.
Mulk.S. R
f .
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
UnlimitedVarietyMarksThisShow- *
ing of Blankets & Comforters
Al! previous veers' selling records have been ,
out distanced in our department of bed cover
ings. This happy condition is the result of an t ' fM\ \ ,
almost unlimited stock of comforters and 7'***
blankets, from the moderately-priced, depend- jj Vg 4 a
able grades to the most exquisite all-wool, V
satin-bound styles of great size. I
The showing is in the Basement and it's well
worth seeing.
Cotton blankets, in grey and tan, $2.69, $3.00 to Plaid woolnap blankets, pair $O.OO to $7.00
sl.(Mt. , Bathrobe blankets, with cords; sise 73x90 inches,
Woolnap blankets, in tan and grey, with wool $4.00 anil $5.00
finish; pair $5.00 to $6.50 Cotton-tilled comforters $2.50 to $7.50
Grey wool blankets, with blue or pink borders, Wool-filled comforters, with 9-icnh border,
$B.OO to $13.00 $9.00 to $13.50
- Wool blankets with blue or pink borders, or in Silk covered wool-filled comforters,
all white $B.OO to $20.00 i $12.00 to $25.00 :
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart.
Three Hundred Woolen Remnants
A Thursday Sale
Desirable Lengths in Colors and Black Underprice
Save ten to thirty percent, on fine quality Wool Remnants in tomorrow's sale.
Black Dress Goods Colored Wool Remnants
5>2 yards Costume Serge; 54 inches wide. 5 yards Navy Granite Cloth; 36 Inches wide.
Thursday only, $13.20 Thursday only. $3.69
4% yards French serge, 54 inches wide. Thurs- 5 yards' Copen French Serge; 36 inches
day only $9.20 Thursday only $•>
* _ r . • i. i j „ 4Mi yards Brown French Serge; 42 inches wide.
2% yards Panama, 54 inches wide. Thurs Thursday only $1.15
onl >'- •• $5.40 5 yards Navy, Serge; 36 inches wide. Thursday
3% yards Garbardine; 54 inches wide. Thurs- only $3.69
day only ...12.50 414 yards Navy Wool Taffeta; 40 inches wide.
3>4 yards Costume Serge; 54 inches wide. Thursday only $1.25
Thursday only, $B.OO 4'4 yards Copen French Serge; 42 inches wide.
3% yards Panama; 54 inches wide. Thursday Thursday only, •• • • $6.00 I
only * $8.40 4,4 yards Burgundy Serge; 42 inches wide. j
4 1-3 yards Broadcloth; 54 inches wide. Thurs- Sergei Yl inches wide.' 'Thursday i
day only $10.20
4 yards Serge; 54 inches wide. Thursday 4V4 yards Navy Serge; 4 2 inches wide. Thursday j
only $9.60 only, $10.95
4 H yards French Serge: 54 inches wide. Thurs- 2'/i yards Navy Panama; 54 inches wide. Thurs- i
day only $13.50 day only $3.40 j
414 yards Wool Taffeta; 40 inches wide. Thurs- 214 yards Plaid; 42 inches wide. Thursday
day only $4.25 only, $4.50 I
3 1-3 yards Wool Poplin; 42 inches wide. 4 yards Army Serge; 54 inches wide. Thursday I
Thursday only, ..• $6.30 only, .: $13.00
5 yards Diagonal Serge; 36 inches wide. Thurs- 2 2-3 yards Covert Clotb; 54 inches wide. Thurs- I
day only $3.75 day only 80.95
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor
i ' •
Bucilla i Pretty New Patterns in Tub
q ni j p , w „k Silks For the Gift Season j
W CkJ '1 his season more than ever before practical gifts will rule. I
and a present of a shirt or waist pattern in these rich striped , 4
__ tub silks will be greatly appreciated becauses of its beauty,
!_/ and usefulness.
Satin stripe effects, 32 inches; yard $1.50 to $1.75
Tub crepe, silk Japanese crepe de chine, 32 Inches; yatd. .. .$2.19 !
Satin stripe Habutai, 3 2 inches; yard...,. $2.00
These hats are made by White shanghai, yard ■' $2.50 and $2.73 j
If You Are Making a Muff i
, ... A —You will need a muff bed. Ihe foundations are lined ready
1 rames arc sold 111 our .rt tQ covere( ] ( an( j jt is easy to make a good looking muff
Needlework Section on the with plush or kerami. Linings, and edges are in taupe,
brown and black, 7989S $1.50, $1.75 to $3.50.
third floor. Free mstriic- The 39< and 59£ beds are unlined.
tions given. Fringe Trimmings
We show fringe In such a variety to match any shade of dress
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, or gown. All silk frtnge, 1 to 9 inches, yd 39c to $3.39
Third Floor. , Chenile Fringe In taupe, navy and black, yd., $1.65 i j
- 11
NOVEMBER 6. 1918.
South Carolina, U. B. "Dial, TV. W. P.!
Pollack, 0.
South Dakota, T Sterling, 11.
Tennessee, .1. K. Shiels, D.
Texas, W. Sheppard. I>.
Virginia, T. S. Martin, l>
West Virginia. I>. KtUlns, I!.
Wyoming, P. K. Warren. IT.
Governors Elected
Alabama. T. Klrb.v. D.
Arlitona, T. K. Campbell. It.
Arkansas. C. 11. Urough. D.
California. W. 10. Stevens. IT.
Colorado. T. J. Tynan, D.
Connecticut. M. H. Holeomb, R.
Georgia, H. M. Dorsey, D.
Idaho. I>. W. Davis, It.
lowa. W. L. Harding. IT.
Kansas, H. .1. Allen. R.
Massachusetts, C. Coolidge, IT.
Michigan. A. h. Sleeper. IT.
Minnesota, J. A. A. Burnquist, IT.
Nebraska, S. 11. McKelvie, It.
Nevada, K. D. Boyle, P.
New Hampshire, J. H. Bartlett, IT.
New Mexico, O. O. Lnrrazolo, It.
N'ew York, A. K. Smith, D.
North Dakota. S. J. Doyle, D.
Ohio. James M. Cox. I>.
Oklahoma, H. <T. McKeever, IT.
Oregon. J. Withy Combe. R.
Pennsylvania, W. C. Sproul, It.
Rhode Island, R. 1.. Beeckman. It. |
South Carolina, R. A. Cooper, D.
South Dakota, I*. Norbeck, R.
Tennessee. A. 11. Roberts, D.
Texas, T. P. Hobby. D.
Vermont, P. W. Clement. Tt.
Wisconsin, K. 1.. Phillips, IT.
Wyoming, R. D. Cary, R.
Senator Sproul
. Sweeps Schuylkill |
By Associated Press
| I'ottsvillc. Pa.. Nov. 6.—Returns '
| from 100 districts in Schuylkill,
j county give for Governor, Sproul. 1
<R), 8.292: Bonniwell. (D). 7.435.
For Lieutenant Governor, Heidic
! man, (R), 8.850; Logue. (D), 5,813. j
i For Secretary of Internal Affairs,
I Woodward, (R), 8,992; Johnson,'
i (D), 5,098.
For Congress. 12th District, Reber,
; (It), 8.953; Moran, (D). ti.500. . j
Harrisburg Library Opens
After Long Shutdown
| The large number of library pa- j
j trons. mostly women and children. |
i who sought admission at the library;
! doors in Walnut street this morning 1
j long before the time set for open- !
j ing, made the entrance to that use- '
Il'ul edifice look like the boxolfice of]
some popular theater where the!
greatest Broadway attraction is 1
holding forth. Such us the lure of
hooks, especially when the epidomio
has been heavy and long drawn out
and the thirst for knowledge has
been thwarted and left long un
When the doors did o\ien at ;
o'oloek, business was on with a ruslt
and it was ah the assistant librarians
could do to keep up with the litDe
"accounts" found on the inside backs
cover of every c!ly-l>orrowed piece'
of literature. Those that came lot
the library to-day were the first tot
admire the wonderful new collection •
of posters boosting the United War'
Work cuntpalgn. All of these are
marvels of the draftsman's art ami .
each of 'hem has a story of their
own to tell.' The five weeks sluitdow ti
enabled the library authorities lo put
in place many new hooks thut havai
lately arrived. These bear on topics'
equally divided in interest between
mature folk and" children. The full
library staff is on the job to-day,
there having been onlyone case of 111-
ness among them, that of Miss Alle
tnan, in charge of the children's 1
books and school work, who is a lata
convalescent from influenza.
Notice •
The Peoples Bank desires to notify
holders of 4 per cent. Liberty Loan
Bonds they can convert same into
4 1-4 per cent, bonds upon presen
tation of the same at the above In
stitution any time before November
8, 1918. It is to the interest, of the
holders of these bonds to give this
their immediate attention.—Adv.
Reformed Salem
Divine Services Will Be
Resumed on Sunday, Nov. 10
which is Home Mission Sunday.
Special collections will be lifted
for Home Missions at all services.
Sunday School, #.15 A. M.
Church Services. t
11 A. M., ".30 I*. M.
Holy Communion Services
Will Be Held on Sunday,
■ November 17