Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 06, 1918, Page 10, Image 10

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To say well is good, but to do well is j
Do well is the spirit, and say. tceljJ
the letter;
PENNSYLVANIA is to be con
gratulated upon the election of,
William Cameron Sproul to the;
highest office within its gift. No
man has ever been chosen governori
with more evidence of good will and
confidence in his fitness than the
Republican candidate. He has
manifested throughout the campaign !
a clarity of vision and a singleness 1
of purpose to serve the State which
have commended hint to men of all
parties. He will assume the respon
sible duties of the gubernatorial of
fice backed by the training of years
in the Senate and in business life.
No political entanglement of any
sort will embarrass htm in the per
formance of his public duties. He j
has avoided all such pitfalls and will
• enter upon his administration with j
a clean page, so that In undertaking
the development of policies outlined \
In his letter of acceptance some
months ago there will be no hln-;
drance to freedom of action.
Great things are ahead of us In J
the reconstruction period upon 1
which we are soon to enter: and
Pennsylvania, with Its stupendous
Interests —Industrial, commercial and
agricultural—will demand the best
thought of those whom the people i
have commissioned to administer the j
offalrs of the state, A remarkable'
opportunity Is presented for con. j
structtve effort and we believe that;
Senator Sproul has un appreciation I
of the needs of our eight mlltlon i
people far beyond that of the aver- j
age citizen. In the few speeches he I
has made during the campaign he s
has Indicated his course so clearly j
that thouasnds of his fellow-citizens j
not allied with the Republican party'
gave him their votes as un expres. |
sion of their confidence In htm. But!
he must have the help and co-oper- j
ution of all the people In working
cut the big things which have been 1
outlined in his several publie ad- I
dresses, and we have no doubt whut- |
ever that he will keep In touch with
those who have a real desire to aid
him in developing the Interests of;
the State for the benefit of the
Of course, all Harrisburg will wel-;
come the £overnor-elect with open
hearted hospitality. He is no
stranger here. For years he has
been a frequent visitor and during
his service in the Senate has learned i
to know much of the aims of the
community. He has watched the
progress of the city and in every way
has encouraged the various improve
ment projects which have made Har
risburg n fit place for the seat of
government of a great common
Governor Sproul will have at his
elbow an able and experienced man
In Lieutenant Governor Beidleman,
who has been in close touch with
State affairs for many years. Sen
ator Beidieman's election was a cer
tainty from the moment of his nom
lffation. He is as well known
throughout Pennsylvania as Senator
' Sproul himself, and is well qualified
for the high office to which he has
been chosen. That the Lieutenant
Governor-elect has the support of his
home folks, as well as voters
throughout the State, is evidenced
by the splendid vote rolled up in his
behalf in Dauphin county. He is a
self-made man. having worked his
way up from grocer's-cler k through
high school, where he was gradu
ated with honors; to membership in'
the Dauphin county bar; to a dis
tinguished place among the lawyers
•of the State; to the House, where he
served two terms; to the Senate,
where he served two more and where
he was for one session presi
dent pro tempore. And now he Is
elected to the second place within
the gift of the people, of the Com
monwealth. Senator Beidleman Is
1/ *
still a young man and ho haß gono
far. His friends confidently believe
that still other honors are In store
for him.
A few days ago the Food Adminis
tration announced a reduction in the
price to be paid for live hogs and the
following day announced an increase
in the price to be paid by consumers
for ham. The reduction in the price
paid to the producer was due to the
slump in* the price of corn, which
caused farmers to rush their hogs to
market. The reason for the increase
in the price <of ham is not known.
IT it suggested that as the Allied j
armies enter a town they send j
; German prisoners ahead to test
j the various traps that are left by |
j the Huns for the destruction of their
pursuers. That would not be a bad
I idea, either from the standpoint of
i international law or of humanity,
i When a German soldier left a cane
! hanging in such a way as to attract
i attention, but left a concealed wire
attached which would explode a
mine when the cane was ttiken off
i its hook, he made it quite certain
I that some lives would be lost as a J
result. The setting of such a trap
was in violation of both international I
. law and the laws of humanity. A J
] goodly number of German prisoners j
! standing around while the traps are
sprung would soon discourage the
When President Wilson made his
unwarranted partisan* appeal to the i
voters he changed the minds of hun- '
dreds of Republicans who were about I
j to cut their tickets on prohibition and I
local issues in Harrisburg and Dau- I
1 phin county. It was some tumble '
from a leadership of a nation to boss- i
ship of a party!
J CAREFUL perusal of the Allied j
jJ\ terms accepted by Austria
I leads to the conclusion that
* Emperor Charles has been left with j
very little beside his flannel under- :
wear and possibly a winter nightie, j
and it must be admitted he'll need ;
both in Switzerland, where he ex- !
| pects to find a warmer welcome in I
i the snowclad Alps than along the i
[ balmy shores of the Southern Adri- j
! atic, where he used to spend the cold j
seasons. Emperor Joseph danced'
and Emperor Charles is paying the j
piper. It is different with Emperor I
Wiliam. William tangoed in wild
revelry all over Europe, and the j
grand orchestra of the nations is j
about to collect for the tunes it has !
been compelled to play the past four
years or more. The price will be i
high. The Emp. will be fortunate if
he gets away with a toothbrush and ,
his carpet slippers.
Returns in the city and county
j legislative fights indicate that the
j straight Republican ticket voter was
busy yesterday and that the prohibi- j
j tion issue was lost to sight by hun
; dreds of voters who were aroused i
I over the effort of the President to I
! drive them into the Democratic camp, j
The President alone is to blame where j
| normally prohibition districts went
"wet" yesterday.
| Judge Bonniwell may now return
j to the writing of judicial opinions, the
j only gratifying thought in his mem
' cries of the campaign being that he
] unmercifully trounced National Chair
] man Vance C. McCormick. !
j The war may be nearly over, but it
1 will be a long time before the boys j
j get home, and they must have their;
j wholesome recreation in peace just the
j same as in war. So give generously j
j to the War Work fund.
Senator Sproul proved yesterday j
: that the "liquor interests" are <?ne big 1
I joke, when it comes to electing Gov- ■
I ernors. The voters of Pennsylvania 1
| don't base their judgment on barroom
! arguments.
| It's a little early to discuss the
| Congressional returns, but we violate
' no confidence In confessing that those
'> New York newspaper admissions of
j Democratic defeat look good to us,
| Messrs. Beckley and Bowman, In
i Cumberland county, now realize that '
; the best way to be Insured of election !
| Is tr> be opposed by National Chairman i
! McCormick's newspapers.
Pink whiskers have gone out of
style in the United States Senate, and j
Jim Ham Lewis Is no longer a polltl- j
I oal aspirant against Crown Prince
J McAdoo.
j Germany doesn't like the bombing
planes. Always ttmld and never
brutal, the Hun Just naturally pro
tests against those American birds of !
the air.
Kaiser Bill says he would be willing I
to become the hereditary President of
Germany. His way of demanding
that all the Germans vote one way.
We wager Vice-Chairman Cummings
is wondering to-day why he let
Chairman McCormick wish that rotten
campaign job on him.
The voters of the country have
proved pretty conclusively that they
favor their democracy spelled with
I a small "d."
National Chairman Vance G. Mc-
Cormick will now be In position to
conduct a sale of damaged political
And now. folks, we can concentrate
on thoughts of the little hunting trip
that politics crowded out.
And hundreds of the brave boys are
in at the finish of what they started
in the middle of July.
"Same old "coon" turns up smiling
in the Telegraph to-night.
Young Mr. Leiby is at least a wiser
Most of the "fiu" appears to have
Good evening. Governor Beidleman'.
Ford flivvered.
By the Ex-Comniittecman
Pennsylvania voted for .uncondi
tional surrender yesterday. The re
sults of the election when studied
show that the sentiment of the
people of the state which has con
tributed almost a seventh of Per
shing's armies and enormous war
supplies and oversubscribed bond
issues allotted to it is that the men
in the field must be supported to the
limit. The Keystone state voted
neither "wet" nor "dry." It voted
for a peace that shall be lasting and
in full accord with the American
The volume of the vote seems to
have been a surprise. The verdict
in regard to congressmen will be a
surprise to the little coterie of Penn
sylvania Democrats around the
President and if the old phrase "As
Pennsylvania goes so goes the
nation" eans anything in these
days when things are changing so
rapidly the next President is going
to be a Republican.
Pennsylvania will not only have
one of the most experienced legis
lators and businessmen of the state
to be Governor the next four years,
but have experienced men, men who
knows its interests, in responsible
places in Harrisburg and Washing
—Senator Sproul's election seems
to have been as decisive as his vic
tory at the primary. The Republicans
had the usual scare over the result
and there were panic conditions last
Saturday. The results have demon
strated that there was much to that
assertion of the Philadelphia Press j
that Judge Eugene C. Bonniwell and |
the politicians and liquor men who j
backed him are "experienced j
boasters." while the remark of the j
Pittsburgh Gazette-Times, in the j
other end of the state, that the i
people of Pennsylvania will vote with
a sense of the responsibility of their j
ballots this year seems to have
summed it up.
—The Republican state organiza- j
tion has again demonstrated its!
thoroughness and its power. State |
Chairman William E. Crow and j
Secretary W. Harry Baker have
made good on everything they prom-!
ised. In spite of the fact that there i
was no campaign and that the Dein- !
ocratic candidate "gumshoed" the j
state and interests that know no J
party were noisy in his behalf and |
tilled the air with threats the Re
publican ticket has gone through as
—The plight of Democratic Na
tional Chairman Vance C. McCor
mick is something that will attract
attention all over the land. Every
thing and every man he opposed j
won out, except Judge Bonniwell, j
who was repudiated by the Palmer- |
McCormick controlled state com
mittee after being named at a direct I
primary. McCormick supported the ;
Prohibition candidate, who was a J
sideshow and got the usual consider- j
tion. He fought Sproul, Beidleman J
and other winners; he demanded;
more Democratic congressmen from
Pennsylvania and he got fewer. He j
insisted on dictating the legislative j
representatives in his own county :
and the result was as significantly j
against him as what happened to j
him at home when he was a candi- j
date for governor four years ago.
—There is little doubt but what
the Bonniwell forces will demand
an accounting and that ,the state
will be edified by a continuation of
the fight over control or the works
of the Democratic machine so that
one faction or the other shall boss
the delegation to the next Demo
cratic national convention.
—According to men aligned with
the Bonniwell faction of the Demo- ,
cratic State Committee they are not |
going to be long about "starting |
something." Open defiance of the;
verdict of a popular primary in r.e- I
gard to the gubernatorial nomination 1
would be enough under ordinary cir- j
cumstances to hale leaders before j
the state committee, but when with j
all the federal patronage at their
disposal and federal* officeholders
called upon for contributions the
facts that the state machine leaders
actually lose Democratic Congress- |
men when the President expressly j
asked more and that the Democratic j
organization is in shreds will be used
to the limit. McCormick and his
group got into power on less. They
made much noise about it, but when
it comes down to making a racket
the Bonniwell crowd has McCormick
and the windmill crew breaten by
many miles per hour.
—Congressman B. K. Focht, who
was a target for McCormick's news
papers second only to Bonniwell at
certain stages of the campaign, said
this morning that he was thankful
for his majority, of course, but
thankful that the people of the Sev
enteenth district were "next to Mc-
—The opposition to the road loan
was dazed early this morning by the
figures which showed the way people
were thinking about that issue. The
political junkers of the State Grange
and the McCormick clique did not
understand that, either.
—Judge S. J. M. McCarrell, of the
Dauphin county courts, the preceptor
in the law of Lieutenant Governor
elect Edward E. Beidleman, said to
day: 'I am proud of Beidleman."
Beidleman succeeded in time to
Judge McCarrell's seat in the Senate
and to the presidency pro tern, which
the Judge had held. Both have felt
the lash of Vance C. McCormick. But
the people have elected them every
—Writing for yesterday's Phila
delphia Inquirer about the election,
George J. Brennan made this inter
esting comment: "In the contest
which will decide to-day William C.
Sproul has the backing of the lead
ers of both Republican factions in
Philadelphia, with the Penrose co
horts vieing with the Vare hench
men V> roll up the biggest possible
majorities in their'respective wards.
In Allegheny county, Pittsburgh's
Mayor, E. V. Babcock, and his entir
l administration forces, are heartily in
line for the whole ticket and former
Senator George T. Oliver and former
Mayor William A. Magee, Jr., of rival
interests in the past, are together in
this contest. In fact, every organized
element in the party is for Sproul. J.
Denny O'Xell, who was the favorite
of some churchmen and radical dry
workers at the primaries, has been
on the stump for Sproul and Roose
velt shouters and Taft conservatives
throughout the state are all whoop
ing it up for Sprrul and the whole
ticket. As to the United Democracy"
always essentia', for the success of a
minority party nominee, there has
been no such thing in the woods in
this campaign."
—The next thing on the program
Is a session of the Democratic state
committee to "purge the party."
*-\ \ Box FOR. MC? . I I vgiLv. / . \ ICG - BOX ? /" \
- "
r 1 lakcs TVHMGS our v. rUTs IN t V \ s G QIMG TO C
f OP ics-eox TO * ROAST PACK IN
ICS Box FULL .. 8 \ > J"
(Philadelphia Inquirer)
In 1898, a war year William A. |
Stone won the election as Governor, |
with a plurality of 117,906, Stone j
polling 476,206 votes to 358,300 for I
George A. Jenks. Silas C. Swallow |
also ran that year and polled 125,746 |
votes as the Prohibition candidate, |
4,495 on Honest Government |
ticket, 2.058 as the People's Party {
favorite and 623 as the Liberty Party |
In 1902 Samuel W. Pennypaeker,
Republican, defeated Robert E. Pat
tison. Democrat, by 142,350 plural
ity: Swallow, Prohibitionist, polling
23,372 votes, and Slaton, Socialist,
21,910 votes.
Edwin S. Stuart's plurality in 1906
over Lewis Emery, Jr., was 48,364.
Stuart polled 501,818 votes on the
Republican ticket and 4,600 on the
Citize. s' ticket, while Emery receiv
ed 301.747 on the Democratic ticket,
145,657 as the' Lincoln Party candi- |
date, 9,194 on the Commonwealth, 1
3,675 on the Union Labor and 781 on |
the Referendum ticket. In that year
James A. Maurer, of Reading, polled |
15,169 votes on the Socialists' ticket I
and Homer L. Castle got 24,793 as i
the Prohibition nominee.
When John K. Tener was elected j
Governor in 1910 he had.a plurality
of 33,487 over former Senator Web
ster Grim, of Bucks county, who de- j
t'eated William H. Berry at the Al- j
lentown convention for the Demo- I
cratic nomination. Berry, however, |
ran as the Keystone Party candidate !
and in that campaign Judge Eugene ,
C. Bonniwell bolted the Democratic I
state convention nominee and j
stumped for Berry. This fact has
been emphasized by the Palmer- I
McCormick Democrats, who bolted 1
Bonniwell at yesterday's election. \
Berry in that contest received 382,- j
127 votes on the Keystone Party
ticket; Larkin. Prohibitionist, polled ;
17-,445 votes; Slaton, Socialist, 53,055 I
Governor Brumbaugh s plurality
four years ago was 134,825. He re- |
ceived 532,902 votes on the Repub- ,
lican ticket, 37,824 as the Keystone j
Party's candidate and 17,956 votes ;
were" handed to him by the Personal
Liberty Party after he had renounc
ed its organization and platform, but
too late, however, to have his name
stricken from its At that
election former Mayor of Harris
burg, Vance C. McCormick, received
313,553 votes on the Democratic
ticket and 140,327 as the Washing
ton Party candidate, a total of 453,-
880, as against Brumbaugh's total of
588,705. j
Joseph P. Allen, Socialist, got 40,- |
115 votes in that contest, the late!
Charles N. Brumm, as a Bull Moose 1
candidate. 4,031; William Draper j
Lewis, Roosevelt-Progressive, 6,035;
and Matthew H. Stevenson, Prohibi- ■
tionist, 17,467.
John Mullins, some miner! Lives
at Hemphill, Pa.
The day after President Wilson j
asked for more coal, Miner Mullins
tore in with a vengeance.
Mullins kept his mind on coal,
with a picture of the Kaiser in the ;
background. In one month after |
the President's appeal was issued
Mullins dug and loaded 691 tons.
This is said to be the world's rec- ,
ord. but Mullins wasn't digging for I
records. He was digging to help ,
win the war!
Rabbi Stephen S. Wise is working
in a Stamford (Conn.) shipyard at'
918 a week for patriotic reasons.
Derry (Ireland) transport workers|
hav# returned to work pending a set- .
tlement now being negotiated.
Most of the labor troubles in Eng
land are caused by young men ex
empted from military service.
The men *of Japan are the best
needleworkers of the world, and the
women of Persia are possibly second.
Joint action by the Winnipeg
(Canada) Barbers' Union and the
Master Barbers' Association secured
the passage of a city ordinance
which reduces the work day one
half an hour.
There are now in excess of 1,000
communal kitchens in the United
New York will employ women
street cleaners in outlying districts.
Sixty-one new lodges were organ
led or reinstated by the Brotherhood
of Railway Clerks in July,
William C. Sproul Will Be
Inaugurated Governor on
27 th Wedding Anniversary
SPROUL, governor - elect of
Pennsylvania, was born at
Octoraro, Lancaster county, on Sep
tember 16, 1870. In his early boy
hood his family moved to Chester
and he was graduated fr # om the j
Chester High School in 1887. He I
then entered Swarthmore College, ;
from which he was graduated with i
honor in 1891.
Senator Sproul may be said to |
have become interested in politics
during his freshman year at Swarth- >
more. Then .it was that he met j
his life-long friend, A. Mitchell Pal- i
mer, prominent Democratic leader ;
of the state. The men were class i
and roommates and together they j
brought about a decided change in j
the social life of the college. In j
those days before the secret fra
ternities had appeared at Swarth- I
more, there was intense rivalry be- |
tween the two literary societies, the |
Eunomian and Delphic. The Eunom- j
ian had fallen on evil days and had j
only a few members while the Del- '
phic was powerful and controlled
the college politics.
According to Mr. Palmer Sproul
came to him a few days after col
lege had opened and said to him:
•Mitchell, I have been thinking a
good bit about this literary question ,
and I've made up my mind that you j
and I should join the Eunomian. j
It isn't so big as the other society |
and if we go in and take a pretty i
good bunch of our freshmen in with ;
us we can control that outfit and |
get the offices. Besides we can
build it up and make it a big in
fluence in college.''
Sproul and Palmer College Allies
So Sproul and Palmer joined the
Eunomian and they ran it and soon
had the satisfaction of seeing it
fully equal the rival organization in
numbers and powers.
While at college Senator Sproul
took up newspaper work. He sent
news items to the Chester Tigies
and several Philadelphia papers.
In addition to this he was editor of '
the Phoenix, and assumed a leading
place and- tilled several offices in
the literary society, the fraternities
of the college and in the athletic
After his graduation Senator
Sproul immediately engaged in
business. He purchased a half
interest in the Chester Times, of
which paper he is now the presi
dent. The company also publishes
the Chester Morning Republican.
Senator Sproul had but recently
attained his majority when, on Jan
uary 21, 1892, he was married to i
Miss Emeline Wallace Roach,
daughter of John B. Roach, ship
builder, and granddaughter of the
famous John Roach, who founded
the shipbuilding business at Chester
which flourished so extensively dur
ing his life. i
In passing it is well to call at
tention to the date Senator Sproul's
wedding and to note that his inaug
uration will occur on the twenty
seventh anniversary of that impor
tant day.
For several years after leaving
college Senator Sproul gave all his
attention to his newspaper work.
In 1900 he branched out and or
ganized the Seaboard Steel Casting
! Company, now merged with the
Penn Seaboard Steel Company, of
I which he is chairman.
Sproul virtually entered on his
' political career in 1896. At that
I time, by virtue of his position us
an owner, of the most influential
newspaper in the county, Sproul
had become pretty thoroughly in
terested in the politics of Delaware
county. John B. Robinson, "Fight
ing Jack," picturesque and daring
in his political methods, was in
Congress and, with the lace Jucge
Thomas J. Clayton, was the domi
nant factor in the political affairs
of the county. •
When 26, Elected to Senate
When it came to elect a Senator
in 1896 the Robinson forces picked
Sproul as the likely candidate, and
it looked as though there might
be a lively tight, but Baker decided
to quit politics and practise law,
and Sproul was nominated and
clecterf to the Senate when he was
just twenty-nine years of age, be
ginning a career in the Senate
which has extended into six terms.
For many years Sproul was the
youngest man In years in the upper
house, and for ten years he has
been the ranking member in point
of service. Judge Johnson, leader
of the old opposing faction, is now
Senator Sproul's close friend, and
Sproul has unbounded admiration
for and confidence in Judge John
son, "whose like," he says, "you'll
never see again."
With all of his business and pol
itical activities, Senator Sproul has
found time to pay a great deal of
attention to fanning. He was born
on a farm and he has been close
to the soil all his life.
Senator Sproul has big farms, and
while he has had the experience
and is capable of doing the actual
farming himself, he employs men
to do the actual work.
Real farmers of the country
round about know that Sproul is one
of them. He is as proud, if not
prouder, of his membership in the
Brookhaven Grange, Patrons of
Husbandry, as he is' of his many
connections with some of the most
important clubs and organizations
in the country.
Throughout his legislative career
Mr. Sproul has shown sympathy
with all movements tending to im
prove conditions for farmers. With
him the idea that Jhe farmer is too
heavily taxed amounts almost to an
obsession. He was largely instru
mental in having established the
Bureau of Markets in this state,
which does such excellent practical
work in making easier and more
profitable the marketing of farm
Lives on Farm
Mr. Sproul's place in Nether
Providence, outside of the city of
Chester and within sight of the
swarmiing activity of that busy in
dustrial center, is a farm. He has
188 acres there, about twenty of
which are occupied by the grove
within which sets the historic and
beautiful old mansion which Mr.
Sproul has developed into one of
the most interesting country houses
one might find in a long search.
The remainder of it. almost 170
acres of beautiful land, is devoted
to raising grain and dairying.
Senator Sproul is greatly interest
ed in Swarthmore College, his alma
mater, and has been active on the
Board of Trustees there for many
years. A few years ago, upon the
twentieth anniversary of the gradu
atiqn of his class, he furnished the
fupds to equip the observatory at
Swartmore with astronomical ap
paratus and with dhe of the best j
telescopes in the East. The tele
scope, of twenty-four inches aper- ;
ture, is widely known, and the !
Sproul Observatory, under the di
rection of Professor John A. Miller,
is famous for its determinations.
This year an expedition from the
Sproul Observatory made very sue- |
cessful observations of the total'
eclipse of the sun. a point in Colo
rado being the headquarters of the
In 1912 Franklin and Marshall
College, in Senator Sproul's native
county of Lancaster, gave him tjie
honorary degree of Doctor of Laws.
This year he was similiarly hon
ored by Gettysburg College.
Senator Sproul is president of the
Chester Shipping Company, Ohio
Valley Electric Railway, Lacka
wanna and Wyoming Valley Rail
road, and General Refractories
Company. He is a director of the
Commercial Trust Company, Phila
delphia, Baltimore and Washington |
Railroad Company, the Penn Mu
tual Life Insurance Company and
of several other banks. He is a
' director of the Pennsylvania School
for Feeble Minded Children at
! Elwyn and is a member of many
clubs. He is president of the Union
League and a member of the Penn
sylvania Historical Society and
chairman of the Pennsylvania His
torical Commission.
Other Presidents Unafraid
We have known Presidents who
were not afraid nor reluctant to
stand up manfully in the face of any
Congress that the people saw tit to
send to" Washington, and who have
been able to do excellent work in
the presence of a Congress of poli
tical complexion contrary to their
own. —Col. Harvey's War Weekly.
On the Shelf
Lives of great men oft remind us
(Forty-seven dollars net)
That we really ought to read them
Since we went and bought the set.
i 1
■NOVEMBER 6, 1918.
(George Seymour of The Vigilantes)
Oh, the towns of France are tempt
ing and the maids of France,
are fair, stocked with booty
rich and rare,
But the air is most unhealthy, and
to linger were a sin,
So I think I'll pack my little grip
and beat it for Berlin.
You told us, Father William, when
the year was young and green,
That we should dine in Paris in the
summer of 'eighteen.
But the chance of dining anywhere
fades off to vapor thin,
So I think I'll order 'round the car
and motor to Berlin.
You've said our land was mighty,
that it didn't need a friend,
And that one more hand against us
wouldn't matter In the end.
But I've seen the Yanks a-coming
and I know we cannot win,
So I'm off to camouflage my face
and hide it in Berlin.
Our Belgian trip was splendid, and
I love to hear the ■ iueal
Of babies and old women when we
put them to the steel.
But I fear when God comes down to
judge the sort of men we've
He'll think that hell's too good for
us and leave us in Berlin.
. t *
Baker and Machine Guns
"Unfortunately," remarks the
Boston Transcript, "the 'astonish
ment' of Mr. Baker and his de
fenders will not bring back to life
the gallant dead in the Champagne
and elsewhere on the American front
where lack of machine guns
lengthens the casualty lists by many
hundreds, it may be thousands of
names. Mr. Baker was urged to
stock up with as many machine
guns as could be bought of the best
type available. He would not do
We stayed in
<? the city this sum
2. mer but enjoyed
J all the comforts
Mj of the country.
-5 fX Put a few pav
m lng stones In the
■ mattresses, re
y~(iacgtgs moved the fly
screens from the
/( ——-J-SbWia. windows, d 1 d
K •} away with mos-
Biif Jj§| | Quito nets and ate
■"f ""MTn canned meats and
The answers that fFrj ' ; W
our question
Oft fill us with B
Asked how he {jßnt .
stands, a can- | P
Will show you I
how he lies. I | f[
MkJ What do you
Hi call a man who
1 *'& runs an automo-
M f+jH+A It depends on
Mr'J ICJt' hew near he
1 I tl: co< b aeß to Ifllllng
In lover-days you > i
To carry every-
And he replied,
the heartless K/ ' l\
My spring has JS 13 B
busted since t&U y
we wed. * iw '
, u
lEirotmg (Eljat
To-duy, when Harrisburg and thi
rest of the state are studying electiot
returns and on another page will l><
found a statement of the votes cas'
in the state's capital for governor
it is interesting to note what oui
journalistic forefather, the Oracle 01
Dauphin, says about the result ol
the election for governor at which
the first state executive to officiall) S
reside in Harrisburg was chosen bj
a large majority. This election tooh M
place In October, 1808, and Simor,
Snyder, for whom Snyder count)
was named and who was long a
storm center of politics, was elected
governor. Snyder was a Northum
berland county merchant and a nuir
of the plain people. He had been
defeated by Thomas McKean In
1805, but three years later won ovet '
James Ross and was re-elected In
1811 and 1814. In 1808 he got 67,-
97,5 votes to 39,575 for Ross. The
infant borough of Harrisburg seemed
to be one of Snyder's strongholds
because it gave him 534 votes and al
lowed Ross just ninety-two. It was
while Mr. Snyder was serving his
first term and largely through the
influence of his friends that the bill
was passed to make Harrisburg the
capital, and in 1812, while ho was
serving his second term, the state
government moved rn wagons from
Lancaster to Harrisburg, and Gov
ernor Snyder took up his residence
in Front street below Walnut. That
the Snyder victory created some
stir in Harrisburg in those old days ,
is evidenced from this extract from
the Oracle of November 12.
The friends of Mr. Simon Sny
der, in Harrisburg, commemo
rated that gentleman's election
to the executive chair by a pub
lic dinner yesterday. Over 150
persons sat down to the repast.
In the evening a number of the
houses were illuminated and a
huge lantern containing a num
ber of lights, displaying sundry
emblematical words thereon,
was puraded through the
streets. .
• ~ .
"I have never known of an elec- *
tion day marked by so little betting,''
remarked a Harrisburg man familiar
with many local activities last eve
ning. "I heard of one or two bets
on the representation in the Con
gressional contests, and that's about
all. It was unusual, but this is an
unusual year. .Hen coming here
from Philadelphia say that there
has not been much betting in that
city, either"
Ono of the interesting things
talked about now when men who
travel a good deal meet is the way
they got in or out of Lancaster.
Most of them seemed to go byway
of Dillerville and the day the quar
antine was at its height men drove
into Lancaster and got out again by
roads that were apparently not
known to the State Police or which,
owing to the number of highways,
could not be patrolled as efficiently
as the big main-traveled roads,
which were roped off. This quaran
tine, by the way, was a new work
for the State Policemen, who have
had to do all kinds of things and
who do not seem to have liked the
quarantine much, although like good
soldiers they do not say so.
... fr
The Harrisburg Public Library
I has provided probably the most ex
tensive display of the United Wat-
Work posters to be seen in any place
in the city. The library has spe
cialized- in the posters which have
been issued since the war began, and
French, British, Italian and Serbian
have been displayed, while during
the Liberty Loan and other drives
the posters attracted much atten-
I tion. The library has a part in the
War Work drive, being one of the
seven, and Miss Alice R. Eaton se
cured a complete set of the spirited
posters of the Uhited War Work and
it greeted people who entered the li
brary to-day when it opened after
being closd a month bcause of the
j influenza epidemic.
—Judge John B. McPherson was
congratulated yesterday by friends
on his birthday.
—Admiral Francis T. Bowles, well
known to many Pennsylvanians, is
out with a plea not to let up in ship
building because the war is nearing
a close.
—Representative Nelson McVicar,
of Tarentum, has been put in charge
of the prosecution of people violat
ing the health regujations of the
state at Pittsburgh.
—Judge Charles L. Landis, of the
Lancaster county courts, whose ac
tion in the influenza regulations has
created some stir, is one of the au
thorities on Lancaster county his
—George S. Webster, Philadelphia
dock director, is making big plans
for expansion of that port after the i
—That Harrisburg has sur
vived muny strenuous cam
paigns when party feeling ran
high and it never had an elec
tion riot?
John Harris was frequently
called to the sessions of the council
at Philadelphia to report on condi
tions hereabouts when the town had
not even started.
The Berlin Welt am Morgan writes
under the title "Distinguished Visit
ors at the Home for the Blind":
"The East-German Press of Au
gust 20 reports a visit of the Prince
and Princess August Wilhelm of
Prussia in Bromberg. The report
also contains the description of a
visit to the war-blind in the Home
for the Blind, and stated further:
'The distinguished guests graciously
honored each blind man with kindly
words and a handshake, and pre
sented each one with their photo
graph.' "
The blind must have opened their
eyes at this princely gift, but the
Bromberg paper printed nothing
about that.
In November, 1918
Johnny, your answers are jkll
wrong! Why don't you know your
geography to-day?
Please, teacher, the map moved
while I waa asleep.
A " '