Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 01, 1918, Page 18, Image 18

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Republican National Commit
tee Flooded Willi Messages
of Victory; People Stirred
W axhlnatun. Nov. I.—The RepuD
lican candidate for Congress from
Arizona is in military service
in France. His Democratic opponent
is stumping Arizona keeping politics
in continuous session. I'pon reading
Wilson's appeal the "Tucson Citizen"
wired President Wilson:
"Referring to your appeal to the (
country to return a Democratic j
Congress, can you have any possible |
objection to the election of Lieu- '
tenant Maddock, who has been serv
ing his country in France since last
May? Do you think his election;
would be misunderstood on the other
side of the water On the other
hand, would his defeat be taken
in Germany as a repudiation of our
fighting forces?"
Lieutenant Maddock is only typ- ;
leal of all Republicans. Hundreds of
thousands of them are on the tiring !
line in France, fighting against the
same thing. Their answer to Presi- 1
dent Wilson's slander of their party. )
his charge that they are unfit and ',
unsafe to participate in public afTairs. '
and his audacious appeal for the elec
tion of only rubber-stamp Democrats j
who will cringe and fawn and do his
bidding, has been instantaneous • and 1
Not only from every state north I
of the Mason and Dixon lino, but
from several southern states, solidly i
Democratic, have telegrams been •
pouring in on the desk of Chairman!
Will H. Hays assuring him that Mr.
Wilson's partisan appeal, the reply)
made by Republican leaders, and :
Chairman Hays' statement calling on
all Republicans to fight, have caused
every Republican to pull his coat off
and go to work.
The following telegram from At- ;
laitta, Georgia, is only one of sev
eral from southern states:
"Thank God for your courage and ;
wonderful reply to Mr. Wilson. |
Fight, that's the word—you have ,
said it; now repeat it daily. Fight,:
fight, and more fight without stint.
This Federal Hank district of five or j
six southern states assessed to take
one hundred and ninety millions of
Fourth Liberty Bond issue, while the |
Joint votes of all their Democratic '
Congressmen far outnumber those of
New Y"rk. w'noh alone was ■ i
ten fold more in Liberty Bond sub- I
scrlptions. Same comparison as to J
drafted men for Army and in the J
natter of war taxes, and meanwhile
me lone Texan private p tlzen runs '
:he show to the exclusion of the i
srains of the east, north, middle and I
ivestern states."
From one western state which the j
democrats have been hopeful of car- i
■ying comes a bunch of telegrams '
om bubsinessmen. farmers and ,
vorkers. saying that the Repub
licans are aroused and will carry the
Hate overwhelmingly because of the
action. In this state. j
larticularly. Republicans have been
file because they had been disposed .
n take the President at his word a ;
ew months ago when he said, "Poli- |
Irs are adjourned."
From another western state comes !
idvices from several quarters indl
svting that the President's action
sill cost the Democratic party in!
hat state not less than 50.000 votes.
Drench Army Officers
Praise War Workers
- With American Forces
Paris. General Gouraud, the
Trench commander, whose successes
in the Aisne have familiarized his
lame to American readers, has '
rritten an appreciation of the aid
endured his army by American
uencies, which has just been made
iblic in connection with the United
in r Work Campaign. A similar
r hute has been written by General
Hasan, another of France's mill- j
;<rv leaders who has won recogni- '
ion in America. General Gouraud '
irote to Emmanuel Sautter, direc
or general of the Foyers du Soldat.
hich are conducted by the French i
R connection with the American Y.
t C. A. ae follows:
r "For some time past I have seen '
!he work of your organization with j
ihe fourth army, and more highly
ippreciate each day the help and
romfort which It affords to our sol- )
jieis. assuring to them a material .
ind moral support. It is a most ad- J
wjjjxi' e work, and I take this occa- '
■ vfe' i express to you my profound !
of its benefits.
■ If wish and sincerely hope that •
14' efforts which you are putting
■Hh to enlarge the scope and more'
■yely extend your branches may be !
Hfiwned with success. I beg to as- i
lie you. Monsieur le Director Gen- j
rj|). my profound and grateful ap- ;
there were thirty-seven Amer-!
IB Y. M. C. A. workers in the!
■overs du Soldat when this wasi
Written, and as the K. of C. and 1
fa.ration Army are uniting in their
■Torts to provide comfort for the 1
French soldiers, the extent of the)
appreciation of American aid can !
be estimated. General Daugan wrote
r follows:
jjw'l beg to certify that the repre- !
pfctatives of the Y. M. C. A. have 1
fs*dered great service to the '
wfcnded of this division during the i
ItA periods of the combat. Never.
liStating to advance to the front. !
A have distributed to the wound
'■warm drinks, biscuits, randies. !
elßrets. even to the advanced posts 1
ef®ie Echelle and the Chaulun. 1
AiesH-e to signalize the bravery, mod- j
fetty and discretion which the mem- '
hers of the Y. M. C. A. have shown i
iin the accomplishments of their,
Mvitable mission."
Kid Wanted For 200,000
r Russian Captives of Huns
Coyenharp.i. Nov. I.—The Copen-|
jisgen office of the Moscow prisoners'
, a f -war relief committee asks the i
Nappelated Press to convey to i
[\rasrlca an appeal in behalf of the
linore than 2.000.000 Russian prison
ers in Germany and Austria who ap-.
R'ttor I" have been generally forgot
■ in. At least 200.000 of the prison
■rs arc Ml and death announcements
K-rnch 'be Copenhagen committee
rdaily literally in bundles.
i Mimilar committees, formerly
Iworking in latmlon, Paris, The iia
and Berne, have been forced to
their work, owing to difli
of obtaining food for the
■ruri>, llius placing everything
■■ ■!_,: 1 ..; ~ — ——
IDLEASE make selections now from the catalogs at f~\ ' _ -r* O-!■ i % ™4- can't be delayed and the Govern- M
r the Book Section if you wan, our Paris office to IJIV6S,r 017161 01] OC *31617)0.71 "srt \
make purchases for your friends overseas. * buying through this month—Start tomorrow. \
Smart Turbans and Close
Fitting Trimmed Hats
Small hats share equal honors with large models this
season and scores of stylish creations of this type arc dis
played in our stock of early Winter millinery.
Small hats owe their popularity to the fact that in addi
tion to their youthful lines and beeomingness they are the
mode best adapted for the vogue of the veil.
C hie models shown include—
Draped red velvet turban with high band of
blue beaver studded with gold braid buttons.
Dark taupe Cupid turban of tucked velvet
with brilliant in front $12.00
. Smart little hats trimmed with monkev fur.
Fur turbans trimmed with velvet flowers.
$12.00 and $15.00
Fashionable Croft Turbans $16.00
Many other styles of draped velvet turbans
at $6.50, $7.50 and $8.50
New Knox Tailored Hats
Supreme in style and quality—fashioned of finest hat
ter's plush ' $15.00 and $16.00
Overseas Hats For Boys and Girls
1 his wonderfully popular hat is shown in many styles
at * $1.50 to $4.00
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Second Floor. Front.
Medium Weight
Underwear For Men
Egyptian cotton ribbed shirts and drawers; medium
weight. Each $l.OO
Egyptian cotton balbriggan shirts and drawers; short
and long sleeves; ankle length. Each, $l.OO
Medium weight natural wool shirts and drawers. Each
Heavy natural wool shirts and drawers.. Each, j
Fall Socks: 29<* to 75c
Cotton seamless socks, black and colors 29c ■
•iilk lisle seamless socks in black and colors . .. ,39c
fibre silk seamless socks in black and colors .. . 500
Thread silk seamless socks 75c
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor
Handkerchief Readiness
For Christmas
111 0 ■ I assortment of styles
j| ' a,: 'j very complete, embracing ;
!' ust t ' ie kind of squares that
satisfy the fancy of par
. ..* Smßm ;j titular women.
There are gift handker
vsjfafiw V chiefs of pure linen, with
f hand embroidery designs, as j
/\ well as scores of styles of !
t?/ /| J / cottons at moderate prices.
' > y / Imported hand embroidery
/ / handkerchiefs,
\ \ / / 25e. 29c, 35c and 50c
/ / Irish hand embroidered hand- (
X. X-/ / kerchiefs with lace edge; 50 |
i / different patterns. Each ..35c
Fine hand embroidered pure (
linen handkerchiefs ......39c '
Plain handkerchiefs of linen and cotton 5c to 50c
Handkerchiefs with embroidered corners,
15c, 17c, 19c, 25c. 29c and 39c
Colored border and fancy embroidered handkerchiefs 19c
Crepe de Chine handkerchiefs 50c
Colored embroidered edge handkerchiefs .......35c j
Spanish hand embroidered all-linen handkerchiefs,
75c. SI.OO. $1.50 to SIO.OO
Boxed Handkerchiefs
Initial, 'i dozen \ B9c
Fancy border, 3 in box 25c
Embroidered edges q dozen 29c
Plain edge and embroidered, 1 , dozen 35c
Fancy colored edge, dozen 89c
Fancy colored edge, 'j dozen 50c
Colored hand eftibroidered hemstitched. dozen.
$1.25 and 51.50
Embroidered and hemstitched. dozen 51.25 and 81.50
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor.
When the Thermometer Drops You Will Surely
Appreciate the Comfort, Style • I
and Quality of These Overcoats "V*.
Young Men's Models Thai Embody .) \
All Youthful Essentials jjmS'
HPHE RECRUIT —a handsome overcoat, with five-seam hack and bisecting Jff \
waistline —quite the latest and snappiest style evolved for young men. yjk JwYvi// \ o !
These new overcoats have just come in for the week-end. Shown in tan, w&m&y (\ | R
brown, green, blue and mixtures, in storm cloth, vicuna and kersey— 4 \ ■) Q
$35.00, $40.00 and $45.00 |mr
New suits, too, of the same designing, at 535.00, $40.00 and $42.50. ."/ jjwfc
Fine Overcoats For Men in Many Styles |
The varied tastes of men, ranging all the way from the ultra-fashion- SMRV )
able to the severely conservative, have given the designers so broad a field
in which to work as to enable them to produce a style variety which is bovmd
to match at some point and in some particular model every possible individ- B f Y®t\
ualitv and every possible individual taste. M j
Ulsterettes Box Coats Military Models , l/J
Conservative Dress Coats ' *
Fashioned of the finest velours, montagnac, Irish frieze, vicuna, chin-T|gs§|i|r
chilla, storm cloth, silver beaver, beaver and kersey.
$2O, $25, $3O, $35, $4O, $45, $5O, $65
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Clothing. Second Kloor, • P.ear. "a - -
Special .Values in Coats For Winter
Garments of NewesiFashion:HighGradeModels
Ever.v style in this special November showing carries a mark of smartness that is self
evident —the woolens used in their making are of the finest quality and the lines are of the
j latest fashions.
j . Choose from English mixtures, duvet de lainc silvcrtone, Normandy cloth. Bolivia and suede velours.
! Some are trimnjed with collars of fur, some are velvet trimmed and others arc self-covered and stitched.
Prices Are $35.00, $37.50, $39.50, $42.50, $45.00, $47.50, $55.00
Warm comfortable enveloping coats—every one of them—and there arc sizes to meet every figure
requirement. Almost all of them are full lined and many arc warmly interlined.
Attractive Winter Suits For Women and Misses
Reproductions of Originals That Were of Higher Cost
The materials include men's wear serge broadcloth, silvertotic and vclour and the trimmings comprise
tailor stitching tucks, buttons, braid and in some cases fur. Choose from a complete range of colors and
| sizes at ' #35.00 to. $65.00
j Girls' & Children's Coats: Unmatchable Values
Specially priced coats that bring to mind January sales of former times. The materials are all of
1 high class and the styles arc all distinctive and smart. Sizes range from 2to 14 vc.rs.
Savings are from 25 to 33 1-3 per cent. •
Dives, romeroy & Stewart, Second Floor.
Two-and-a-Half Bushels Fine Quality
Potatoes, Good Size, $5.00
Uueeda biscuits, pkg he ! Prunee, meaty, thin skinned, lb., j Good laundry soap. 10 bars 41c
Red Cross beef bouillon cubes, one 17e Bicarbonate of soda, lb package
j dozen cubes in box 19c , Sunshine dainty sugar wafers, box, j '
Chicken bouillon cubes, one dozen : 5c Sugar cured hams. lb. . '. age
cubes in box 23c Sunshine Graham crackers, lb.. 19c Shoulders, lean and weil smoked
Best pearl barley. ,2 lbs 11c India and Geylon teas, good quul- j lb ~9 "
Blue Valley creamery butter, lb., ity, lb lie Fancy table syrup, 10 ib. buckets
B3c Steel cut coffee. 5 lbs 98c ' { '.
Early June peas, natural flavor. Macaroni and spaghetti, fi Pack- Fresh macaroni, 2 lbs 29c
case or dozen lots at can 18c ages 51c Pint bottle vanilla . !,.
Crlsco, for frying and shortening, i Babbitts best laundry soap, ti'-jc Quart bottle vanilla 8c
6 and 9 p3iind cans, lb ...30c Lifebuoy soap. 10 cakes 5c Clam chowder, can 12c and "5c
White flake oat meal, 10- lbs. 78c Arrow Borax soap. 10 bars, sc: Mixed vegetables for soups can
Baker's eocoanut. grated with its box 100 bars $0.25 '
original milk, can 12c , Lux soap l'lakes, 2 packages 25c j # Yellow split peas, 4 lbs 51c
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement.
Have You Completed Your Gift List For
the Soldier Friend at Camp or Overseas
1 lie Mens Stare will assist you in making up your list; in fact
est to 10 Yd'* ° U " IK ' iat e P artment almost every item of inter- v'f.YjKtt
Regular size khaki handkerchiefs 10£ and 15< SjjLflut
large khaki handkerchiefs, for muffler or pocket use, 25^
K lakj handkerchiefs with satin border and hemstitched, i
Khaki handkerchiefs contained in military calendar, J / 3 doz., $1 [flfAMßm
Soldiers' Belts, Mirrors, Games If MUY/I
Cravenetted money belts ;.s#c and 75c M' '4/ > j
< raveneted tobacco pouches and holder for cigarette papers 50c \l MM fmt i
Khaki trench checker boa'rd, can be carried in pocket 75c |\
Trench mirrors i 05,. to 59,. J" U sy gr
Enclosed in case 75c "•• P
Soldiers' Gloves, Slipovers and Sweaters
Khaki wooi ani. cloth gloves' 59c to $2.00 Khaki wool helmets $1.85 to $2.85 M
Khaki seude unlined and kid gloves $2.00 Khaki wool slipovers and vests, $2.25 nnd $3.25
Lined regulation khaki horsehide gloves, with Khaki wool regulation sweaters, some with A■
wrist strap $1.50 and $5.50 wristlet and. hood attached $0.50, $7.50 and $10.05
Khaki wcol wristlets sc to $2.00 Khaki V-neck pullover sweaters, $0.05 to 89.50 1
Dives, Pcmeroy & Stewart, Men's Wear
The Giving of Furniture Involves Careful Selection
It is not difficult to choose a Furniture giftpiece if the selection is made from the
which we have assembled for Holiday shopping.
Indeed we have never before shown so interesting a gathering. Into each piece has
built a service upon which you may depend for y 2ars-
Fiber Chairs, Settees, Davenports,. Cretonne Rockers I ™
Brown tibcr chairs and rpekers with fancy ere- foundation; upholstered in tapestry,
tonne cushions $8.95 special $19.00
Brown fiber chairs and rockers with spring Three-piece sun-parlor suite of chair, rocker and
seat and tapestry cushion seat and hack; spe- giass-tpp table, in lavend'er nnd gold; fancy cre
clal • ..$11.95 tonne upholstering to match; special $79.00
Brown fiber settees with wide arm, spring scat. Large overstuffed davenports in tapestry, $15.00.
tapestry cushion seat and hack; special... .$19.50 10 / in -,n on i 1150 00
Therc-piecc brown fiber livingroom suite with $19.00. 5.,9.00 to siu.u.
broad arm anil spring scat; line quality cushion Overstuffed bed da\enpoit in tapestry with good
! scat and back; special $14.7$ mattress .$BO.OO ,
Brown fiber davenports, 78 inches long, wittf latF§e comfortable lapestty-wlhg rockers, $19.50, j
| highrgrade tapestry cushion seat on good spring $29.50 nnd $39.00. "J I
| fourth Floor. „t.
i The New Walking Boots II
For Women li
Highly favored for'winter arc these new arrivals r>e- |
j cause of their smartness of style and their snug, com
fortable appearance. They arc made along the propcty 1
last to insure the needed essentials for those who require *
a comfortable boot.
The leathers used are of the kind that can be de
pended upon to give the utmost in service.
'Prices are very moderate.
Dives, Poiiieroy & Stewart, Street Floor
The Torpedo Shape Is Favored
in Bags Developed of Rich ! i
Chiffon Velvet
Parisian women have called into vogud silk velvet
bags with shell frames, and the torpedo shape is said to
be most highly favored. The new creations arc now on
sale in our Bag Section.
The new Liberty Bag or Canteen box Is here in green, black,
navy and rose $1.50
Chiffon velvet bags with shell frames, fitted with purse and
mirror and finished with chenille tassel $5.50
Velvet bags, with self covered frames nnd shell knob, attached
inside the purse; lined with white kid $0.50
Large velvet bags in black and colors $7.50 and $12.00
Combination velvet and tinseled silk bags, finished with hall
tassel ~$12.00 i
Knapsack bags of plain leather $1.50
Knapsack bags in morocco and mottled leather; the colors
are brown, khaki, grey and green $l.OO
Pin seal knapsack bags ' $7.50
Tapir lamb, buff alligator, pin seal and morocco purses in
colors, with back strap and top handles $1.25 to $7.50
Yeehette purses with top handles and back straps,
$2.25 to $7.00
l'in seal, crepe seal and seal cobra purses, fitted witli purse
and mirror $3.75, $5.00, $7.50, SO.OO to $ll.OO.
Dives; Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor,
Women's Autumn and Winter
White cotton ribbed vests and drawers; vests high
neck and long sleeves, Dutch neck, elbow sleeves; regu
lar sizes, $l.OO. Extra sizes, . .$1.25
White cotton ribbed fleece lined union suits; high neck i
and long sleeves. Regular sizes, $2.00. Extra sizes, i
Heavy .fancy wool golf hose in grey and brown mix
tures, : $3.50
Black cashmere hose with fashioned feet, .. ...$l.OO ]
Heavy black cotton hose with fashioned feet, . ..75£
Bronze lisle seamless hose * 59^
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Strew Floor j
For Men in the Service
Every man in camp miss- ja.
cs books, whether he was a * (J9M)
great reader before entering
the service or not —so one &MKSV
of the first gifts to buy for a *
uniformed friend is a book
Many of our book friends V.
are buying books for their sol- .
friends, then, before
they send the gift they scatter
friendly comments through the ] | nRSI 11
book. In that way little greet- f T
ings are popping up just when
the soldier least expects them. Ml
Greeting cards for the boys F_
overseas must be mailed on of
before November 15 that M
means only 2 weeks more. 1' l "" 1 .
asaortment. n ° W f, '° m * }
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Street Floor. f
Rich Brocaded Ribbons For Christmas i
They are so lovely of design and so rich in coloring I
| that selection with Christmas sewing in mind will prove
i an advantage while stocks are complete.
Ribbons into which threads of gold and silver and
| black are woven have their usefulness in the realm of
i bodices, girdles, hot crowns and arm bags.
A lovelier gathering of ribbons cannot be found.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.