12 280 ARE KILLED ON BATTLEFIELD; 19 PENNA. MEN 1,020 Are Wounded, Accord ing to War Department Casualty Figures AA nslilngton, Oct. 2S. — Casualties among the Amerlaan Expeditionary Forces contained in- yesterday's and to-day's lists number 1.883 names. Two hundred und eighty of these were killed in act/ion of whom nine teen were Pennsylvanians. The sum mary lists follow: Killed in action - s0 I X>ied of tvounus liOj Died of accident and other causes J! 1 tied of disease j Wounded severely I'' ; Wounded, degree undetermined 484 Wounded slightly ?°? ! Missing in action 14.S i Prisoners S| Died of airplane accident 8 Total 1.883 KI I.l.Kit IN ACTION llugler Fred Argall, Pittsburgh. Prlt ales William Ford. Philadelphia. Frank B. McCormick. Towanda. John A. Millard, Xewton Hamilton, Miffiiu countj. Harry L. Myers. Tltusville. William C.. Ruth. Athol. l.ouis J. Sliusta, I.eisennng, l'ayette county. 11l Kit OF DISK ASK DIKD OF WOl Nits HKCKIVKD IN ACTION l.ieuti' mint Henry W. Hullgren. Youngsville. Corporal Edward J. Malone. Germantown, t Philadelphia. Privates William J. Brady. Pittsburgh. Joseph S. Dougherty, Pittsburgh. Corpora la Itonald McLeod, North Wales. Henry it. Sharp. Pittsburgh. Mose White. Rlairsvtlle. Victor A. Zengerl. Synwyd. AMI IN It Kit SKA KHKI.V lieutenant Charles AA'ordsworth Xevin. Phila- j ielphia. AAOI.NDKI) IA ACTION I NDETEKMINED Corporals Philip J. McDevitt, Philadelphia. | Frank L. Spohn. I'ittsburgh. Privates Alo.vsius F. Dinneen. Philadelphia. : Thomas J. Gilbert. Freestone. _ i Lawrence. A. Hohmann. AA'est A iew. AAOINItKII Sl.lt, HTI. V IN ACTION j Sergeants James AM Ferguson. Willianisport. i George T. Gillingham. Unlontown. Privates Bernard J. McKlwee. Chester. Philip Miller. Lebanon. William J. Schniucker, Greensburg. j Fred L. Sco'tt. Milan. James A. Trimble. Pittsburgh. Denis J. Foley, Pittsburgh. Miles H. AValsh. Pittsburgh. Knimett t). Gustafson, Clairton. August Voight. Greensburg. John AA'isnieski, Reading. MlsSlAti IN ACTION Corporals Frank Elmer Kelly, Carlisle. Paul Walter Kelly, Carlisle. Harrv, Miller. Biairsville. Alfred Rector. Pittsburgh. Privates Edwin Barnes. Erie. Konstant Doba, Lentfleld. , Mark McGrath Gouffer. Carlisle. John H. AVallaoe Pittsburgh. KII.I.KIt IN ACTION l.ieutenants Elbert C. Baker. Easton. Thomas A. Hoiden. Lancaster. Corporal AViiliam Taylor, South Bethlehem. Aleeliaole AViiliam R. Klper, Philadelphia. Privates Louis Emel Bollette, Carrolltown. Thomas Carr. Chester. John Rudy, Cannonsburg. Charles Behtend. AVest Philadelphia. John Smore, Fairchgnee. Anthony Tumas, Philadelphia. DIKD OF - AA HINDS RECEIVED IN AC HON l.leutenant Samuel E. Hazlehurst, Philadelphia. Corporal Raymond L. Liberie, Pittsburgh. Privates Fred J. Fudala, Philadelphia. John J. AVargo. Mahoney City. William F. Kurtz. Huntingdon. Polimando Olivteri. Biairsville. DIKD OF DISK ASK Corporal Ellsworth Vernon Lanning, Kane, took Leonard J. Stange. Philadelphia. Privates William Carter, Philadelphia. Lucian K ain't'man. Milroy. Herbert S. Lytton. Philadelphia. George S. Stout, Shickshinny. George F. Wells, Pittsburgh. AVOCNDKD SKA KKKI.A Sergeants John McConnell, Edge wood. Bucks county. Norman F. Manstleld, Jr.. Philadel phia. Corporals Joseph P. Disco. Munhall. Charles Holier! Iloeker, INIB Dunkle street, Hnrrlsliurg. William J. McCarty, Ulster. AAOINDKD t Dlit.lt Kg INDKTKII >II N Kl> i Sergeants Harry E. Daugherty. Jeannette. | Elliott A'aientine Nagle, Lebanon. Enoch Rogers, Larksville. John K. Simpson, Philadelphia. Corporals Ixiuis A. Karalta, Johnstown. Joseph Briercheck, Mount Pleasant. James J. Courdult, Philadelphia. John AA". Heimer, Norristown. Thomas XI. Jones. Ellwood City. John P. Martin, Philadelphia. Charles Schachte, Southwest, took Chauncey M. King, Wilkes-Barre. Privates Fiank M. l'lack, Philadelphia. Albert A. Hillard. iloboken. Stephen Jurella, Mount Pleasant. I l.evi J. Kelly, Spangler. Cliarles Korris. Monongahela. AA'iktot .Vlonit, Pittsburgh. Charles Murray, Philadelphia. Frank L. Pipiier, Stroudsburg. Patrick J. Smith. Philadelphia. Michael Vanislavsky, Philadelphia. ' Elmer E. AVetzill, Clarencetown. < Joseph A". De Sau. Vardley. Uivrence H. Naugle, Middleburg ! Louis A. Pollack. Philadelphia William Keilly. Philadelphia. Elwood B. Spotts. Philadelphia PRISONERS Privates Antoni facewicz, Johnston. George AA'. Johnston, Pittsburgh. ; The following casualties were is sued yesterda> : KILLED IN ACTION Lieutenants Edward Benjamin Goward, Philadel phia. Alfred H. Loney. Philadelphia. Alfred U Quintard. Philadelphia. Corporal Clyde T. Seenian. Wilkinsburg. Privates Lostor L. Zimmerman, Beaver Falls. William Kadei. Minersville. Frank Nellls. Adamsburg. AJvin F. Dilliplane, Pottstown. William J. Kehoe, Philadelphia. I DIKD OF AAOLNDS Corporal lota Harry lleshorr, 532 Harris , IPtnet, Harrisburg. Privates ; Max F. Lehmafl, Annville. George J. Druding. Philadelphia. i DIKD OK ACCIDENT AND OTHER CACSKS Private Quirto Pardini. Philadelpliia. DIKD OF DISEASE Corporal Calvin W. Decker, Philadelphia. Privates Charles R. Geary. Hamburg, Berks county. Arthur Harding. Taylor. Lanfug Johnston, Philadelphia. Donald P. Baker. AA'ashington. John Kulenych. Mayfleld. I/outs F. Michel. Parnassus. Francis J. McCaffery. Philadelphia. I Peter A. Schragen, Ashland. MONDAY EVENING. Frank Sharkey. Philadelphia. AAOINDKD SKAKHKI.A IA ACTION l.ieutenants Robert J. Doran, AYllkus-Barre. Charles U Miller. Altoona. ... , . Sergeant Edwin J. Ratio oit. Carbon. Corporals phia* ' H ' Kormb >'- Pliiladel- I Thomas Hodge, Philadelphia, j George ft. Marnelos, Mcßees Rocks, j ~ _ Alusleinn Ha■ man t. Hohl, Geigers Mills. . . Privates John G. Benson. McKeesport. T. Eberts. Weatherly. Mithavl \\ . Feeder. Pu<|uesne. I>. V klewicz. Philadelphia. I Michael J. Rinchier. Lorberry. Henry AA egman. Monongahelu. i Michael Serena. I-atrobe. 1 I Vi, iw' Tarentum. John Alton Zimmerman. Stvissvale. AA Ol ADK|I t DF.t; REE I N DETER- 1 >ll NED) ~n .r ~ '''eutennnts Olin 11. Ford, Corry. David M. Garrison, AA'aynesburg. Sergeunts George Stanley Kizie, l'ittston. i m r J T R |le !'. Philadelphia. Ralph E. Zinkham. Freedom. Jinn I Cr is well, Washington. Mic nael Nauinan, Braokenridgc. Harr> Morse. Altoona. CorpornlM i , Moore. Tyrone. t lair P. Nule, Altouna. i James B. Robinson, Uniontown. Roy It. Rothrock. Joseph Dickson. Philadelphia, riiomas AA oods, F.'xport. , Mechanic Richard K, Rutherford. l'riviites Harry Block, Greensburg. Dominic Buealo. Philadelphia. Jacob Kl pern. Greensburg. Orren L. Hann. Svkesville Floyd Granville Brooks. I'ittsburgh j i(^! as Franklin Calvert. AVest l'air- I Harry F. Dworchak. Shamokin. , Anthony Milfsky. Shenandoah, i 'i? sl,e H - Cornell. Biairsville. AA syne R. X>avid. Emanus. I William J. De A'ercaux, Philadel- I phia. Benjamin B. HofTman. Philadelphia. I F'red W. Kaesemeier. West A*iew j Joseph A. Keegan, Philadelphia. John Kravesky. Bradtlock. James H. Saint. Aspinwall. | James Salvadore, Philadelpliia. Joseph -Bonomo. Woolawn. I Paul D. Bradley, Altoona. James E. Smiley, Latrobe. It Is of7^ !Parisian Women Knox With colder weather scheduled to arrive at any moment we have planned a Novem- Juvenile Coats 8 er sa ' e women ' s su^s coats and skirts and girls' and children's coats which offers Ve^ special "prices* Supreme in Style thought for immediate selection. The logical time, therefore, for women to look into From one of America's and Quality . ' foremost designers of girls we are"pleased to their own and their daughters' wardrobe needs, is right now. . coL cl a ld Sm^c ap gco r up h " announce the arrival of coats for school and "best" the latest Knox origi- The quality of the materials from which the garments entering into this special event have been developed occasions. All together there nations in smart tai- ' are one hundred garments in i „ , . e ,11.;',. is of the highest order —of the kind only to be found in garments of genuine character —and back of their qual- sizes from 2to 16 years and ored hats ot silkiest . h in every garment is to be hatter s plush. ity stands our greatest effort to keep prices down to a satisfying basis. • found all the smart lines 'Tis not the quality *- . of big sister's clothes, alone that makes a • f • Timely Savings, These Knox creation supaeme 111 l jC ji f\f\ f€Jd'iKS? £ &&£££. -back of that qual- OUIIO Olill Id tSSZJXit ffiTrSS*. * lt\ IS a masteitul de ( $20.00 Coats, in Blbehne, wool signing and shaping . A Winter Garment Bouaht Now ■ that produces an effect A ** LillKsl \J lA.I l/tU/Cl my 11l 1 V \JIAS , November Sale Prico .. $15.00 that ic in finil elv mod . *22.60 Coats, In line duality "1 mat IS inliniieiy moa i i t T wool velour, in sizes 4 to 7, with Sshio a n n a d b.e distinctively • Will Give a Full Seajson s Wear S-mmS Knox tailored hats < • , ' • Sa sV P so° coats''in'NaVv ?iiv'et° nro shown in evrlne'vp Ihe style assortments are practically unlimited and the woolens from which they have been evolved include such high grade weaves as duotones, made in a his'h-waisted model! t • i • i i . i i*' . , , i- i , . „ , , button trlrSmed with imitation styles ill large sailor suvertones, plain velours, silvertip velours, jersey and Normandy clotus. Lach garment is unobtrusive yet full of charm. , ermine collar. November Sale effects and small and . • Pr 525.66 Coats! 'in' mdit'ary'gray" medium shnnec in n In the matter of coats the cozy, wrappy element is most in evidence. The lines are distinctively cut and the collar effects are altogether new whether with deep hood collar of red anal cs ill d cloth November Sale Price, deep, lustrous black, they are of self material or luxurious fur. • t $22.50 dark blue and seal ' _ ■ _ . L" MS-SSSS iT-'m , ... M $35.00 $37.50 $39.50 $42.50 $45.00 $47.50 $55.00 *%££?* JSZ •pIO.IHJ and •plO.Uf) ■ November Sale Price, .. $27.50 Second Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. Second Floor. ■ i Monfort S. Steeley, Easton Ftrnest O. Clayton, AA'aynesburg. | F'loyd J. Craig. AA'ashington. i Raymond F. Pecker, Altoona, I Michael Pubosky. Chester. I llarold Vere F'leichman. Oil City. AA'illis S. Gearhart. Altoona. Nelson U. Grassmyer, Juniata. Clarence Holzcr, Pittsburgh. Howard L Kennedy. Phlludelphiu. Joseph P. I.angan, Philadelphia. Henry G. Lassner. Philadelphia, latwrence J. Marshall. Powell. Judd C. Monjer, I^trohe. Ftlmer AA'. Nelson, Sheffield. James Schofleld, Philadelphia. Adam AA'arfel. Columbia. Harvey H. Alclscnbrlilcr. 13141 >u- , iiueliiinnu street. Ilnrrtsbiirg. Ftdward Scbaupp. Pittsburgh. I Kaiser J. Wansiek. Jeanesville. I Charles G. Zimmerman. Ligonier. | AAOINDKD SLIGHTLY IN ACTION ' Lieutenant ! Fklward Andrew Chotnlcky. Brad j Jock. Sergennta I Harold Abruham Butz. Allentown. Charles Leffler. Pittsburgh. I Alvln U Meyer, McKees Rocks. I Hoyt F'. Weiss. Allentown. James Anderson. Greensburg. CJeorge N. Morreil. Philadelphia. Robert It. McKowen. Alexandria. Harry Riser, Washington. George I* Smith. Clynier. F'rederick 1. Swenk, Lancaster. Michael F. AA'illiamson, Darby. Corporals F'loyd Brotlierton. Rochester. AAllhur Nelson Potter, H34 Kelly street. Hiirrlshiirg. I Henry Edward Heidler, Aork. AViiliam Frank Smith. Mayport. Flail G. FJrdell, Allentown. AA'alter A. Saling. Ligonier. Cook George McC. A"an Horn, Pittsburgh, llugler AA'alter R. Bonner. Norristown. Alrchantes Pale Wiglitman. Nlonongaheia. Clyde C. Mcllvaine. Greensburg. I'rivutes Leo J. Andrlng, A'andergrift Heighs. George A. Foster. New Alexandria. Harry Benjamin Hawk, Penbrook. Anthopy M. Hein. Pittsburgh. Thomas J. Knapik. Shamokin. John W. Leldy. Philadelphia. Stefen A. Mouges, Philadelphia. Anthony j. Parson, Philadelphia. George H. Soley, Jr., Davisville. Bucks county. Homer S. Stephens. Clymer. AA'illiam J. Turner. Philadelphia. | Robert S. Montgomery. AA'ashington.! George Ragan. Berwick. James A. Roche. Philadelphia. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Eugene J. Slevin, Philadelphia. * i Kdward E. Weaver. Allentown. I Ernest W. Peterson, Pittsburgh. Frederick H. Beers, Say re. Hoy Campbell, Vundergrift. J.aun Collins, Masontown. William E. Confer. Tyrone. George Philip Harris, Shurpsburg. Chester P. Nyeum, Everett. \\ Illlnm James Under, 11311 Iterry i street. Iliirrisltnru. George S. I'nderco, Windsor. I llarold M. Wakeheld, Homer City. ! Walter H. Feuchsel, Philadelphia. | Edward J. Fox. Philadelphia. I Merrill Joseph lloeker, It. F. D. 5, I llnrristiurg. [ James R. Hopkins, Philadelphia. John Knouse, Richtield. William Polnton, Wilkes-Barrej | Timothy J. Regan, Pittsburgh. | Carlton Chambers Wike, Hunting | don. ] Alexander Bobolis, Plains, j Christian Born, Lancaster, j Bruce H. Brown, Bedford. George W. Colbert, Uniontown. George Forest Gardner, Clarendon. Guy Edwin King, NewviUe. I Michael A. Angelotti, Erie. James Barallo. Leeohburg. Clem H. Berlin. Endeavor. Karl Bohn, Reading. Charles Bricker, Grapeville. Handy Giordani, Iselin. James J. Howley, Philadelphia, i John H. Klinestever, Columbia. Ord M. Lee, Cherry Tree. Charles K Hartzell, Ranshaw. Charles Taylor Obourn, Leechburg. Webster Queer, Mount Pleasant, j Robert C. Seggie. Garrett. I Frank Shelly. Ouryea. MISSING IN ACTION l.leiitennnt ! Warner T. Kenti Clifton Heights. Sergeant Edward L. Shannon. Miffilnburg. Corporals ! Benjamin Franklin Garman. Boiling Springs. I George Harrison Haslain, Carlisle. I Norman B. Witmer, Columbia, j John Raymond Beecher, NewviUe. Privates | Joseph C. Baker. Philadelphia. Klwood Irvln Beistline, Mecttanica i burg. Francis J. Fox. Philadelphia. I Orris L. McNeal, Tyrone. William D. Machmer, West Lees | port. | Clarence E. Monro?, Carbondale. William H. Shaffer, Dußols. i Clarence E. Weiant. Allentown. j Charles E. White, Sa.vre. I 111 Ell OF AIHPI.ANE ACCIDENT Lieutenant Richard Foulke Day. Germantown. Major T. B. Anderson Killed While Gallantly Leading His Troops The Latrohe Bulletin front lettets j ' | received publishes the story of how j i Major Thomas 11. Anderson, com- j i niander of the Third battalion (in- j | eluding Company M, Caotuin E. J. ( Stackpole) of the 110 th United . '! States Infantry, met lis death on : j Thursday, September 5. "aftjr hav- I | iiyt experienced a single day's rest I j buck of the line," says the narrative, ! ' "following sixty-seven days of con- ; tinuous service under tire the regi ment had been hurriedly summoned back to the front to participate in i .the drtVQ against the Huns who had : begun to fall back from the Veslo to ! the Aisne. The regiment was in the ! action about a mile and half north j of the Vcsle rive* in the vicinity of i Fismes. The Third battalion under I Major Anderson wits in the lend. The I Germans were being pushed back ' j steadily, but were employing their customary methods of harassing and trying to delay the advance of ' ' the Americans through the use of j [ hidden machine gun nests." . I Major Anderson decided to lead | the patrols himself against a par- j ticularly annoying nest of machine ! gunners and refused to stay back, ! replying to a protest of one of the j officers: "Do you think I would esk i my boys to do anything i would not do myself?" Turing to the ma he shouted, "Come on boys, lot's get ; them!" leading the way with a club in one hand and his revolver In the other. He led the patrol along a sunken j road for nearly 300 yards and just i after starting over the crest was hit by seven machine gun bullets. He : was carried back anil died in twenty ; minutes without speaking. COAL OUTFI T TO BE NORMAL j Pottsville, Pa., Oct. 28.—With the ; decline of the influenza epidemic, | j scores of collieries which have been j ! ployes have nearly a full comple- j operated with a short force of em- ' I inent to-day and coal shipments will i. soon become normal. U. S. Navy Shut North Sea to Submarines Washington. Oct. 28.—Secretary j .of the Navy Daniels yesterday nu- i j thorized publication of details of the I I great piine barrage which the Brit- j | ish and American navies have I j stretched across the North Sen in | i their light against German subma- : 1 lines. Although there have been intlma- i tions of this enormous undertaking, I and all the facts were to news- | | paper correspondents several weeks ' : ago, no official announcement of it ! has been permitted until to-day. Secretary Daniels declared the : construction of the North Sea mine | barrage, "designed to bar, as far as i possible," the ugress of German sub j marines from their home buses into ; the is "thW largest ordnance ' work of the kind ever undertaken," j j and an important factor in an antt- I ; submarine warfare, i "For this project," Secretary Dan i iels said, "a new and improved type of mine was Invented, many tliou | sands were manufactured and trans i ported overseas, large bases were es ' tablished abroad for assembling and ! issuance to mine planters, a tleet of j i mine layers was sent and has been i maintained in foreign waters. HUGHES MAKES AIR REPORT j New York, Oct. 28. —Ex-Justice Charles Evans Hughes arrived here , from Washington and announced ! that he had completed his report on the aircraft situation, and had given ' it to Attorney General Gregory for j i presentation to the President. He | i would not discuss his findings. ! According to a Washington dis patch published Igte In August, the report of the Senate Military Com mittee on the airplane program rep resented in a general way the na ture of criticisms to be made in the j report of Justice Hughes, for the De | partnient of Justice. This report, it | was then said, would seek to lay blame for inefficiency, extravagance and doubtful contract practices to ' individuals or interests. These will be .named in the report submitted to the President. OCTOBER 26, 1918. HEAVY TOLL OF ! LOCAL MEN IS TAKEN BY WAR j Central Pennsylvania Fighters Killed and Wounded in Battle Action ! Six Yanks from Harrlsburg figure I in to-day's official casualty lists. They ! are: Corporal John Harry Beshore, 1 died of wounds; Corp. Wilbur Nel j son Potter, slightly wounded; Prl j vato Harvey B. Meisenhelder, I wounded, degree undetermined; Pri vate William James Ruder, slightly wounded'; Private Mervln Joseph liocker, slightly wounded, and Cor poral Charles Robert Hocker, se verely wounded. I Corporal Beshore, who was 21 ! years of age, was a nephew of Mr.' and Mrs. Theodore Beshore, 352 Harris street. He had been in the cer vice three years and previous to go ing overseas had served with the , National Guard on the Mexican bor ; rter. He was attached to Company I, 112 th Infantry abroad. Beshore died on August 8. j Corporal Potter was also a mem ber of Company I, 112 th Infantry in France having served with the old Eighth Regiment, N. G. P., on tHe border before going overseas. He had been in service three years. His mother, Mrs. Annie R. Potter, 63 4 Reily street, received word from the War Department on October 19 that her son had been wounded August 24. Private Meisenhelder Is a son of Mrs. Mary Meisenhelder, 1304 Sus quehanna street and resided at 1139 I Ilerry street before entering the ser vice. Private Mervln Hocker is a son of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Hock er, R. F. D. No. 5. Corporal Charles Hocker is a son of Mr. and Mrs. George 1,. Hocker, 968 Dunkle street. Word \v.-\s received last evening by John Clendonln of Oyster's Point that his son, Private Jacob Clen denln, had dted in France from j pleuro-pneumon'ia, the news follow , ling shortly after the death of the soldier's sister, lola Clendenln, at the Harrisburg Hospital. Other soldiers hereabouts men fined In to-day's casualty lists are the following: Private Silas Franklin Calvert, West Fairview, wounded, degree un determined; Private Harry Benjamin Hawk, Penbrook, wounded slightly; Private Klwood Irvin Beistline, Me chanicsburg, missing in action; Cor poral Benjamin Franklin Gurman, Boiling Springs, missing in action; Private Max F. l.citmun, Annville, died of wounds; Private Adam War , fel, Columbia, wounded, degree un . determined; Private John 11. Kline , stever, Columbia, wounded slightly; Corporal George Harrison Huslan, ' Carlisle, missing in action; Corporal Norman B. Witmer, Columbia; mlss . | ing In uction; Corporal Raymond Beecher, Newwille, missing in action, and Sergeant Elliot Valentine Nagle, . Lebanon, wounded, degree undeter • mined. ;Y. M. C. A. WORKERS WOUNDED , j Paris, Oct. 28.—Four Y. M. C. A. ' workers have been wounded by shrapnel in* the last few days while j! serving the thousands of American troops at the front. Those wounded were Frank M. Van Epps, of Chi ' cago; Herbert N. McKee, of Fowler, . Cal.; Thomas F. .Dudley, of Rich mond, lowa, and the liev. Mnnnet ' K. Sawell, of Wynne, At-k. , The Y. M. C. A. is supplying its I men at the front with hot chocolate, s cigarets and writing paper, and also t' has its workers at all advanced sta t tions on the active front. f f \ UNDERTAKER 174."? ; | CHAS. H. MAUK * - I Private Amtiulnnee I'liouca ' V X
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