Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 26, 1918, Page 12, Image 12
12 I NEVER DELAY TILL TOMORROW" Wiil YOU SHOULD M) TODAY ' Vt: u>eaiDß Funeral on Monday, at ""South from her late reaidenee. m Twenty-ninth street. PenbrooK. F u neral private, interment private. UKATTV Sarah H. Beatty. on Oc- Fm?eral 4 'Mo 9 ndky. at 12 o'clock noon trom residence of Funeral Kutherford street, Paxtang. 1 uneral and Interment private. VBLT v _ Margaret F. Felty, wife of t n Lis C Felty, died Friday, Uctobei f at her ®ate residence. 153b Cedar Kemaine will be taken to Lebanon Pa. on Monday morning, wnere funeral services and interment will be held. - St tob'ei Uli^ R lTlb" B^ma^Schnidle^ Tears 0 ! iS and fday. Ftmeral on Monday nfte^ J o'clock, from hei late rwa. ;. a te. Hoerner street. arr i ß burg Ccine- Burial in the Fast Harnsouig v. tery. . k K . SS \f O XJr Mrs. Kmma Longenecker. Prfvate ocl d ock n interment in Willow Orove Cemetery. . LASW 2 ¥ rs , , B xg U^sJ > 'her *881" year, October 24. 19 18 -. '" daughter, Mrs. at the home.of her a Blre et. George W. Geide, i above ad- Funeral services a eveninK at 8 gsss & LOST AND FOUND FOUND slg Tnquhe ff it at M^riay^ KK'nm"". .! " State Capitol. -—' — LOST Solid green gold^watCt^e^t, black wrist band, on b a nd Third or between t edera d u ret urned to North Third street. fnts on Vhc'river . tween b and A djax HoadskJng night, one rt J - x Please return to Tlionipaon streets. CAKP OF THANKS MItS. HARRY smTR of New cum_ berland, desires to many klnd tives and friends ' . . during the nesses shown toward daughter, illness and death of her ajzj. beatuiful lloral tributes. HC MRS HARRY SMITH. ' ■ IXb'mtCTIOXS a START IS HALF '1 iili oiWIF Get a THOROUGH. FRENCH AND SPANI private and in class. Evenings. Harnsburg g Academy. MAß INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION In Gregg Shorthand, Typewriting. Bookkeeping. penmanship. Arilh., etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL \ EAR. ~n . .r anv time. Bell b94R, Dial 4016. THE OFFICE TRAINING jjV-HOOL, 121 Mkt. St. Chas. R. Beckley. Prln. Merle E. Kei'er. Bus. Mgr. HIT .1' WANTED—MALK_ "man"waNTED TO book orders for Nursery stock and hire a ß®P."' Big pay. Exclusive territory. Free outfit. Emmons & Company. Newark, N. Y. ' WANTED A young man for ship ping department. Inquire of Bowman ot Mell, 1347 Howard street. SALESMEN WANTED On new j line Incandescent electric lamps,! manufactured by General Electric Co. Liberal repeat commission basis; easi est lamp on the market to sell and | proposition strictly new. T. C. Smith, Co 1531 Cherry street, Philadelphia, | IL i MEN Age 17 to 55. Experience j unnecessary. Travel; make secret in-I vestigations. reports. Salaries; ex- j penses. American Foreign Detective Agency, 603, St. lxiuis. A CORPORATION manufacturing mechanical office appliances of inter national reputation offers exceptional opportunities to several young men, preferably between the ages of 21 and 30 to qualify as expert repairmen. We are anxious to reach serious inteii tioned men who desire permanent em ployment in an essential industry. Good pay during the instruction period. State in your reply your age, probable draft classification, nation-, ality, education, and whether or not vou would accept out-of-town em-, ployment. If on Government work, stay where you are. Address Elliott- Fisher Company, Harrisburg, Pa., or U. S. Employment Office. BOY Over 15 years of age wanted at Weaver's Confectionery, 29 North Second street. ANYBODY can increase their in come S2O weekly, spare time, raising mushrooms in cellars, sheds, etc. Free Illustrated Booklet. Hiram Barton, 336 West Forty-eighth street. Dept. 81, New York. MEN WANTED To learn the au tomobile business and do mechanical work on same. Thousands of men ore wanted In the United States Army for such work as driving and repair ing. Auto Transportation School, 260 South Front street, Steelton. WANTED A man. or will employ man and wife, to do janitor and housework. Apply- 1700 North Second atreet. MEN WANTED To load stone. 29 cents per ton. Can earn $25 to $35 per week. Apply Paxtang Quarries. Pax- i tang. I Small Farm Bargain We have for sale a 33-acre level, ironstone soil farm, two ; miles frpm railroad and trolley, ! which has a brick house, frame bank barn and running stream of ! water. A very desirable property. I The price is $3,000, which we con- I sider a bargain. For patriculars I address, i Miller Brothers & Co. AGENTS Locust and Court Street.- Member IHig. Hen I Estate lioni-il L_ SATURDAY EVENING. HELP \V AX TED—MALE WANTED CIGAR FOREMAN • One who speaks Hungarian preferred. All correspondence will bo treated in the strict est confidence. Apply X., 6980, Care of Telegraph. WANTED Steamfltters. Seventy five cents per hour and expenses. Ap ply at once. 430 Pefter street, from i to 9 evenings. WANTED One first-class barber. Apply Tile Barber Shop, 15 North Market Square. WANTED Painters and paper hangers wanted. Winter work. H. A. Bodmer, 826 North Third street. WANTED —Two good, strong boys to learn a trade. Apply Superinten dent, The Telegiaph Printing Co. Harrisburg. WANTED, CARPENTERS 7oc an hour. Eleven hours for eight hours' work. Double time Saturday after noon ana Sunday. Apply Uoyd House Arey Co.. Emporium, Pa. YOUNG MAN To solicit advertis ing. Permanent connection. Apply Box S„ 7512. care of Telegraph. AUTO MECHANICS FOR FORD REPAIRMEN. APPLY MAC'S GARAGE, 117 S. THIRD ST. LABORERS WANTED. 26 MEN AT ONCE. APPLY PENN-HARRIS HOTEL THIRD AND WALNUT STS. WANTED Collector and solicitor. Liberal guarantee and commissions. Permanent position for right than. Bell phones 1U54 days, 297UJ evenings. WANTED Colored boy, or man. for porter work. Apply Books Shoe Store, 217 Market street. WANTED Carpenters and labor ers. Apply at Warren Moore & Co., new Pennsylvania Freight Station, Second and Mulberry streets. HELP \Y ANTED—FEMALE WANTED Girl for general house work. Two in family. No washing. Good wages. Mrs. W. E. Seel, 218 Paxtang avenue, Paxtang, Pa. —— —; WANTED Respectable and honest j white woman tor general housework j in private family. Good home to j right party. 24 North Sixth street. WANTED Competent white wo man for general housework, plain cooking, for duration of war or longer. Family formerly from Harrisburg. Wuges, $30.00 month—room included. Expenses paid to Washington, D. C. Write Mrs. F. B. Schaeffer, 479 F street S. W., Washington, D. C. WANTED Young women, between 25 and 35 years of age, to work on mailing desk and switchboard, and other clerical work. Apply at Swift & Co., Seventh and North streets. WOMEN TO SEW Goods sent pre paid to your door; plain sewing; steady work; no canvassing. Send re ply envelope for prices paid. Univer sal Co., Desk 3, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED—First-class Stenographer. Apply to C. M. Sigler, Inc., No. 30 North Second street. WANTED, AT ONCE Female clerk, quick and accurate at figures and able to operate Underwood type writer. Must have had several years' | I experience. Good salary. Address j Box B, 6987, care of Telegraph. j WANTED Female ward attend j ant for the Dauphin County Alms- I house. Apply Mrs. J. W. Early, Post ! Office Box 286, or at the Institution, I Twenty-ninth street, near Derry. ! WANTED Young women to wait ion tables. Must be over 21 years of | age. Apply Tokyo Garden, 225 Mar j kef street. Second Floor. WANTED Stenographer. Good opportunity to right person. Call Bell 943W, or 13S4J. PATRIOTIC, steady, well-paid enp ployment in your own home. Kim urgently-needed war sucks for Us on the fast, simple Auto Knitter. Full particulars to-day, 3c stamp. Auto Knitter Company, Dept. C-821. 821 Jef leisoti. Buffalo. N. Y. | WANTED GIRLS AND WOMEN for light machine work and assembly. We offer excellent opportunities to girls and wo men to become mechanical ex perts on the manufacturing of light, interchangeable work. To those without previous ex perience, we give a prelimi nary course of training in our own machine operator school. Good pay while learning. Apply U. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE, Third and North Streets. Industrial Concern, ELLIOTT-FISHER CO.. South Cameron Street, City. ! GIRLS WANTED Learners paid . week work. Best prices and bonus | paid. All girls from 14 to 16 with certificates employed. Call at once, j Harrisburg Apparel Co.. Third Floor, | City Star Laundry Building. Sixth aim I Herr streeta. WANTED Middle-aged lady for clerical position. Ex-school teacher preferred. Apply SWIFT & CO.. Seventh and North Streets, I ' WANTED Girls over 16 years old. to work in laundry. Apply Royal I Laundry. 1354 Howard street. | WANTED —Maid tor general houae j work. Inquire at 2138 North Third. LADY Wanted immediately for scrubbing and genera! work. Apply Stonffer's Restaurant. 4 North Court street. ' r > A Willie cook, with ref erences. No evening dinners. Apply at 322 North SeeODd atreet, or call Bell Phone 646. • f HELP WANTED —FEMALE WANTED GIRLS between the ages of 18 and 28. We are In need of a number of girls for bookkeeping, ac counting and clerical work. Girls of ordinary intelligence we will train for clerical work. Excellent opportunity. Previous experience and am bition and energy only quali fications required. Good pay while learning. Apply U. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE, Third and North Streets. Industrial Concern, ELLIOTT-FISHER CO., South Cameron Street, City. WANTED Colored girls to strip tobacco. Pay while learning. Good wages are being earned by ex perienced strippers. Apply 28 NORTH CAMERON STREET. Second Floor. WANTED Girl to learn marking. Good wages to right person. Apply City Star Laundry, 1006 North Sixth. WANTED Two young ladies for waitresses. Mils' give references. Ap ply ... -'s Restaurant. 4 Nutm Court. GIRLS WANTED Experienced or inexperienced, for chocolate dippers. Good wages. Apply 331 Market street. WANTED Woman for general housework. Must sleep at home. In quire at 101 South street. lIELI* WANTED —Male and Female' SILK MILL Experienced help wanted. Expert- | enced weavers average $3.50 to 36.50 I per day. Other departments propor tionately. Beginners wanted also. Best pay. Come and earn 30 per cent bonus over and auuvu regular wages. Apply HARRISBURG SILK MILL, Second and North Streets. U. S. GOVERNMENT is appoint ing thousands clerks. Men —women— j girls 18 or over. Commence $l,lOO year. ! Easy, office positions, Washington, D. C„ or near home. 7-hour-day. V ! cations. Common education sufficient. ; Experience unnecessary. Examina | tions December 7. Very simple. Write for free sample questions and coaching lessons. Franklin Institute, Dept. 403-H, Rochester, N. Y. THOUSANDS MEN WOMEN GIRLS, 18 or over wanted immediate ly by United States Government. Easy office positions at Washington and In every large city. Experience unnecessary. slou month and up. 7- hour day. Your country needs you. Help her. Write immediately for free list, positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 403 G. Rochester, N. Y. MEN-WOMEN raise belgian Hares for us. We pay you $7 pair. Use cel lars, backyards, etc. Catalog and con tract FREE. United Food & Fur As sociation, 329 West Forty-eighth street. Dept. 35, New York. WANTED Several males or fe males for responsible positions In a general insurance office. Experience and stenography are necessary quali fications. Apply at once. Wm. S. Esslck, Union Trust Bldg. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN Big. quick profits— New Carburetor for Ford Cars. Simple, not a moving part, installed in thirty minutes, guaranteed to double your mileage and start in zero weather without heating or priming. 15-day FREE trial. Write U, &J. Carburetor Co., 505 West Jackson Blvd., Chicago. SIDE LINE Top Notch Specialty. Responsible house. Pays Big Commis sions promptly. Write to-day. Samples and sales talks free. No de lays. Erlckson Company, Des Moines, lowa. WANTED Salesman not In the •'reft nn fore to real salesmen. Our I20 Cal em.ui u... ... .....y .It.i. ./.. j maker. Write for our special war bonus contract with exclusive terri tory. Only salesmen with clean rec ords and wanting to make big money I need apply. Sentinel Printing Com i pany, Indianapolis, Ind. AGENTS WANTED COAL SHORTAGE Making oil burner men rich. Gas fire in any coal stove from kerosene. Get our big offer. Wonder Burner Co., Colum bus, Ohio. AGENTK 20x24 Gold Frame Pa triotic Pictures, 16c, sell 50c. Over the Top, Paul Jones. Colored Heroes, etc. Everybody buys. Sample Free. People's Portrait, Station D, Chicago. WANTED Men and women to take orders for our Georgia Paper Shell Pecans. Salary or commission. Write for particulars. Jefferson Farms, Albany, Ga. SITUATION* WANTED—MALE WANTED Work for a boy past 16 years old. Inquire at 2344 Logan street. WANTED Position as stationary, locomotive or hoisting engineer, boiler fireman, or would accept position of trust in city or out; strictly temper ate and steady worker; can give refer ence. Address J. C., Box 263, Lemoyne, Pa. SITUATION S WANTED—Fein a N WANTED Day's work by middle- \ aged white woman. In private family. Address Box D, 6965. care of Tele graph. j WANTED Clerical work by young woman, who has had two years' ex perience In general office work; can furnish best of references; at present employed, but desire to make change. Address Box E, 6986, care of Tele graph. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished rooms, $2.50 per week and up; warm rooms; running hot and cold water; light housekeeping and private bath. Wil son Apartments. No. 143 South Third street. — FOR RENT Nicely-furnished rooms, with or without board; private family. 84 North Seventeenth street. FURNISHED BEDROOMS FOR RENT Steam heat, electric lights and use of phone. Inquire at 131 Wal nut street. ROOMS FOR RENT. 113 Locust St —Well furnished. Conveniences. Bell phone 2907 W. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Afr REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS are much in the minds of people nowa days. A good many people are earning more money than they have earned in .the past, and the aspiration to own homes of their own has taken new life in their minds. If you have something desirable to offer you will find a ready response. j =J) ROOMS FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Unfur nished, single or communicating kitchenettes; laundry, phone and bathroom privileges; stoves furnlsned free. Weekly payments. Inquire 429 Broad street. ROOMS WANTED WANTED, AT ONCE Three or four furnished rooms, or small, fur nished apartment, suitable tor light houseKeoping. Audi-ess itilormutioii to D, 6889, care of Telegraph. T'HKKL OK FOUR uulurnisued rooms, centrally located, by young couple, bmali apartment, with bam, will be considered. Possession on or about October 1. Can furnish excel leiil references. No children. Auures* , U., Hab, care of 'Telegraph. APARTMENTS WANTED MAN AND WIFE desire furnished [ houseKeepiug upuninent in desirable neighbornoou. Address K., 6U9U, cure of Telegraph. WAFTED Furnished apartment, or livingroom, bedroom and bath 100m by man and wife. No children. References exchanged. Address Box B, 7573, care of Tetegraph. REAL ESTATE i-oit SALE I i FOR SALE Prospect street, 6 i houses, b rooms and bain eacii. Can j be bought twin *166 down and s2o | pel- month. Price, l,suu. H. u. Pea- J low, 3 south Thirteenth street. I FOR SALE Single house new corner all improvements—easy terms Thirtieth and Boas streets. Address Ervin Jonnsuii, 2111 Swatara I street. Bell phone 1897 J. $3,500 WILL PURCHASE a Camp Hill property frame house on plot 1 112x512. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. INVESTMENT PROPERTY FOR SALE Four small brick houses, with all improvements, yielding S6O monthly. Price, $6,600. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. VERY DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE Owner leaving town immediate possession well built most inodernly equipped ideal loca tion inspect it No. 803 North Seventeenth street. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. SEVERAL HOUSES FOR SALE OB easy terms. Get particulars at once as the opportunity will not last long. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build- Irig. FINE INVESTMENT or residence property on North Second street, be tween Broad and State streets. Brick, 9 rooms and bath. Lot, 24x125 to wide alley. Side and back entrances. Must be sold to settle an estate. Ad ' dress Box S. 6660. car of Telegraph. FOR SALE Two-story frama inevui loot, good condition, yard Che-P I.oine tor SI,OOO. Inquire Store, - nn .voith Third. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS 60x160 At Washington Heights, West En- I ola, West Falrvlew. Enola Terrace ■! and Midway. Price, $126 to S2OO. 1 Terms, $lO down. $5 monthly. A ' good time to start your future home site. Liberty Bonds taken I at par. SEE C. DAVIES, 204 CALDER BLDG., MARKET SQUARE. BELL 4377. 723 N. 19TH ST. 2Mi-story frame. 6 rooms and attic, in good condi.iou, aide entrunce. Price, $1,650. L W. • cassell. 1444 Reglna St. HOMES FOR COLORED FAMILIES Your boy and your girl ought to begin where you leave off, and while there are many ways to make their future secure, the following i ugges tions if carried out by you, will in ■ spire, encourage and help them to be i pome useful incn and women. BUY THRIFT STAMPS WAR SAVINGS I STAMPS AND LIBERTY BONDS. Use ' the banks regularly and buy yourself i a home. , ! The Lincoln Realty Co. Is prepared to holp y° u B et a home by allowlag I vou to make a reasonable first pay- Iment and pay the ha ance the same ! renl . For further information re garding the plan and location of our bom e 8 , jjnCOLN REALTY CO., 1129- North Seventh St. Open Evenings Until 8 O'clock. FOR SALE Single 8-room brick dwelling, with a idate roof and all improvements, in- j eluding steam heat and a lot 40x200, located on Market Street, Camp Hilt, near Bowman Avenue. The price Is attractive for this desirable location, and possession can be had on short n °2342 Ellerslie Street; • 2%-story I brick dwelling, containing 6 rooms, bath and attic; furnace heat; electric light and gas; lot, 18x110; drive alley on rear; side entrance. A desirable property for $3,200. BRINTON-PACKER CO., Second and Walnut Streets. OPPOKTUNITI ,V OWN YOUR OWN HOME on our easy-payment plan. Small cost payment or Liberty Bond. Balance as tent. A. P. DORANZ, 1225 North Sixth StreeL Member Harrlshurg Rest Estate Board. ~~A DESIRABLE HOME IN PEN BROOK A double frame house on a 90x190 fL lot. Water, gas. furnace. Address R. 7476. care of Telegraph. AN exceptionally well-built two and-one-half-story house, size 30x28 ft.; stands back from pavement 36 f, , In lot 60x248 ft.; contains eight rooms and bath. SJtu, at ed on Hamilton street. Camp Hill. Pa., short distance ■ from trolley. Built for residence, not for- specu latton. to South and Pitt Streets, Carlisle. Pa. 1 lU:.\L FSTATK FOK SALE VACANT 2-story brick, centrally lo cated, In city; 6 rooms; an improve ments ; porcu iroui una rear; slue en trance; artve alley; room lor garage; 4 years old. Easy terms. Pay as rent. Also several 3-story bricks. Possession soon. Cottage, 2 IS-story, 1 rooms, at Washington Heights, one-halt bIoCK to ttoliey, garage In rear; porcli trom anu rea. Easy terms. Possession soon. Several line suburoan Homes, single garage on, with one-naif to r acre of lauu, iruil, etc; ail improvements; one cure fare. Will conaiuer city property in exchange. Three small suburban houses, pay ing 16 per cent, clear, tor saie cheap. siuu down. Balance us rent. Or win consider tarm or city property in ex change. 0. H. COKDEU, 1722 Greeil street. Bell Phone 660 J. "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE. SEE SaNDERLIN." | DEKRY ST.. 1334— N0W VACANT, modern 10-rouni, 3-atury brick, all latoet improvements; tront anu leai porches; lavvii and back yard; r ""|" lor a privaifc garage, ideal location lor a piiysiciun, can oe nought win 3506 cash. FULTON ST.. 1627—N0W VACANT; corner property; 214-story frame, six rooms and attic; gas anu water, cuu be bougnt same as rent. KENSINGTON ST., 2030 8 ,11 improvements; very cozy home, same us rent. JEFFERSON ST., 2261 2-story brick; 8 rooms; all iinp r °vetxienta, tront and rear porches; uandy little house; same us renL CURTIN ST., 610 Three-story brick; nine rooms; bath; gas; electric lltrhts' furnace; well-built, modern house;' see this 'before buying; same as rent. SIXTH ST.. N., 2521 3-story brick; 9 rooms; all Improvements; very good value; saine as rent. SCHUYLKILL ST., 618 Corner property; 3-story brick; all improve ments; same as rent. STEELTON. PA., SOUTH SECOND ST 318 V4 —214-story frame; seven rooms; gas and water; same as rent. ROOM INSECURITY TRUST BLDG.. KOU 36 NORTH THIRD ST BKLsi' FIiUMJz 13UU, DIAL 3573. "~~Trcm SALE At bargain, 1810 RriirsH sirtei, dctftchcd corner house and garage. Very desirable location.; ?,"mediate possession. A S. Miller. Eighteenth and state streets. FOR SALE Two building lots. Or will exchange for light touring car. Call Bell phone 456 J. . WELL-PAYING KOOMINGHOUBK FOR SALE—IO7 Chestnut streeL FOlt SALE 214-story double brick house, at White Hill lO rooms each house all improvements cneap. Inquire A. Smith. Camp Hill. Pa. Ileal Estate For Sale—Suburban YOUR MONEY BACK WITH A PROFIT To intreduce our large tract. op imsite the enormous new BMttLH HEM CORPORATION WORKS, minutes by electric car from Atlantic City, a limited number of large lots, near Park, high and level. Specially 'first fifty persons biiylng dlrect. sls salesmen's commissions, credited as first payment. Balance, $45 pay able $5 monthly. Titles guaranteed Money cheerfully refunded | ner cent profit if not satisfied within 60 days Great activities indicate values will increase ten fold. Send no money. Write for full In formation and maps to-day. This may I "ENDING LAND CO.. Guarantee Trust Bldg., Atlantic City, N. J. REAL ESTATE FOK KENT FOR"RENT 9-room brick house; 1 iras- electricity; steam heal; all con veniences. Rent. SOO. inquire at 916 North Sixteenth street, or Bell phone j 2912. FURNISHED HOME FOR RENT. Front and Calder, S9O per month. Ap ply D. A. Caley. 707 Kunk.l Bldg. 8., l phone 689. READ KSTAIE —For Sale or Rout HOUSES AND GARAGES at Fifth and Curtin streets. Possession of sums of the ou inirty days notice. Fred C. Miller. 21 North Sec ond. Bell phone 307 J. MFAL ESTATE WANTED I HAVE BUYERS waiting for prop erty In any section of the city, if cheap. What have you to oiler ' Qhae. Adler. 1002 North Third streeL FARMS FOR SALE Several fine Farms close to York. Pa. For Information address E. W. Louchs. York. Pa. p. o. Box 163. i . _ FARMS WANTED To hear from owner | I having good farm for saie. C. C. Shepard, Minneapolis, Minn. FOR sALE Farm, containing 17 acits, located 3 miles east of Harris vurg, on the old Union Road. im proved by a 2 Va-story frame house, new barn and all outbuildings. Land is in good condition, suitaule fur trucking. Apply Box 114, Penbrook, Pa. . FARMS FARMS FARMS 1 11 A vi. i' AK.us ot all sizes, trom 1 to 266 acres eacii, lruiii 4 to iu miles trom Harrisburg. Terms reueouaule. C. H.' oiiuKh, 1722 Green atieel, Harrisburg. Bell aduj. FAKMs On hand; any size, with or without stock. 16 ■ Chestnut streeL FOK SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FOK SALE—Home-raised potatoes delivered to all parts ot tile city. Guaranteed to be good, ineaiy pota toes. Bell phone. A. B. Davis, Peu nruok, Pa. "CHOICE FRUITS" LARGE, JUICY ORANGES, GRAPE FRUIT, APPLBS, GRAPES, PEARS, PEACHES, QUINCES, BANANAS, HONEY DEW MELONS. MARISCHINO CHERRIES, IMPORTED OLIVES. CIGARS, TOBACCOS, CANDY AND SOFT DRINKS. A. C. GANNAM, DIAL PHONE. 923 N. THIRD ST. FOR SALE Double-heater, In good conuitlou. Reasonable price. No uealers need apply. Inquire at 1668 Oreen street. Bell phone 4749 K. PAWNBROKER'S SALE A big lot of unredeemed overcoats to be sold at tile very luwest price. NOTICE To those holuing pawn tickets for overcoats and other winter articles should please come and redeem them or tney will be sold without further notice. N. BRENNER. 1315 NORTH THIRD ST. FULL PAGE MAP Showing Lie i>sW EUROPE after the war in accoruance with President \V itson s lutu ot tile independence oi subject ieopies, with every copy ot next suiiuuy s .sew lui'K American. FOR SALE Large fox neckpiece. Excellent condition. Reasonable. Ap ply Airs. Eugene ivloyer. Potts Apart ments, Thiru and Herr streets. WO9D —WOOD—WOOD Fine woou, cut snort, oak, specially cut tor nrepiace. F. J. Marter, Beit 3a-J, steelton. FOK SALE One late model L. C. Smith visible typewriter, only sligntly Ueou, at u Very reasonable price. Ad uress Box B, 6638, care of Telegrapn. BELGIAN HARES Five does for sale, ihoiougiiuied stock. Booklet, How to Raise ..uouus, given free. 2164 sneilis street. City. APPLES FOR SAEE Grimes, Got , den, with a Baiiuna, Stayman Weln sap Jonathans, lork imperial, etc. Some ot these apples are very nue. Come and see them at it. A. Wicker sham's orchard, oue-nalt mile east of Mecnunicsuurg. Pa. Trolley car stops at Orchard. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR , — AEE MAKES KBNTEIA EXCHANGED. GEO. P. TIEEOT&ON, 203 LOCUST STREET. UPP. OR PHKUM THEATER. , BOTH PHONES. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! The Store across from Y. W. C. A. offers Biggest and Best Bar gains in Men's and Boys' Suits, Over coats, Maklnaw Coats, Underwear. Huts, Caps and Shoes. We are faiu oub tor low Prices. Give us a trial. OUTLET CLOTHING CO..' 23 North Fourth Street. FOR SALE Large quantity of used lumoer from Penu-Harns Hotel. Also 10,666 C-lnch tile. Apply Na tional Fire-Proofing Co. at Penn-Har rls Hotel. OFFICES AND S'FORKKOOMS FOR RENT Storeroom at 24 North Third street. Newly reiuqdeJed and jiew tront. Also offices for rent in same butlaing. Apply next door— ' The William B. Schlelsner Stores. FOR RENT Suite of offices. First floor; city heat. Suitable for profes sional or business. Inquire of Mrs. A. j. Miller, 15 South Third street. FOR RENT in. the Commonwealth Trust Company Building. large, , roomy offices. Apply to COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO -222 Market StreeL ' LARGE STOREROOM FOR RENT— Suitable for automobile display room I or ' other wholesale or large , retail , business. 1101-1103 North sixth streeL ! Apply lu Louis. 414 North Third. OFFICES FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished, single or ensuite of two or three rooms. Apply H. 44 U Loweiigaru, 210 North Third streeL WANTED —MISCELLANEOUS HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of Junk. Get our prices before selling. Call Bell phone 936, or drop us a postal and our wagon will call, i Keystone Iron at Metai to., Broad and Currant streets. MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris Schmertz. 1030 Market. Bell 39718. CLOTHING, SHOES. FURNITURE— Bought at highest cash prices snd sold reasonable. S. Kefkln. 407 Brosd streeL Bell phone 3870 J. EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA! L. Cohen & Co., York and Ash ave nues, have opened up a place. Whole sale and retail scraplron, metals, rub ber, and paper stock. All grades of junk and barrels boughL Pay highest cash prices. Send postal or call Bell phone S22IW. Will call. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of empty barrels and Junk. Call Bell phone 4276. B. Abrams 44 Son. 824-832 North Seventh street. MAX KMELTZ Second-hand furniture bought and ' sold. Highest oash prices paid. Call Bell 1881 or Dial 8847, or drop pos tal to Max Smelts, ruts Market streaL Will call, city or country. OCTOBER 26, 1918. BUSINESS I'ERsONALS Diamonds bought tor Cash; appraiser* tor estate. P. H. Caplan Co.. 266 Mat. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Single edge, 26c doz.; double edge, 26c doz.; old style, 26c each. Uorgus Drug Store. , WRITE A SONG Patriotic or popuiar. 1 compose music uuu guar antee publication. Send words lu-duy. Thomas Merlin, 721 Reaper Block, Chicago. QUININE —Look out tor that gnpye feeling, likely to catch you this ciiaiiacabiu „ outlier. UUU LAAAIIV'U. PHoaPHG-QUINIKE will stave it oil it taken in time. Gross Drug atoie. n9 market sueeL RELIABLE ELECTRIC ANU LGUivSMITH SHOP GENERAL REP AIRING. 1363 N. SIXTH ST. BELL 3996. DIAL 5854. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WE manufacture a carburetor for Forue.'uis union is guaranteed to give double the mileage over any oiner carburetor ever constructed regard less ot nunie, make or price. Money retunueu if fitteen-uay FREE trial uoes not prove it. Entirely new principle—simple, plain tube —not a moving part. Guaranteed to start In zero weuiiier without Heating or prim ing. Tremendous demand, thousands now in use in Chicago territory. Reliubie, energetic man, wno can guurantce sales and curry stock of 306u to $2,066 depending on demand, can secure exclusive territory and will easily net $16,060 this year. No special experience necessary. Will also furnish curbureators for other cars in about sixty days. FRANK A. UKWAN, 509 W. Jack son Blvd.. Chicago, ill. OPPORTUNITIES for Men suffer ing from prostate disorders to rid tnemseives quickly at home without drugs, diet or massage. This Is a wonuerful, elfective scientific method in use by physicians, osteopaths, law yers, engineers, bankers, businessmen, tanners, and people in all walks of life. Absolutely Harmless, soothing and restores quickly. Endorsed by hundreds of satisfied users. Write to day for convincing proofs and how you may try this wonderful appli ance In your own home at our risk. Address The Electrothermal Company, 606 Blair Bldg., Steubenvllle, Ohio. Money to Loan MONEY WE LEND MONEY in accordance with laws of STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. If you need motley iu a hurry come to see us. All business • svi'iclly confiuentiai. EMPLOYES' LOAN SOCIETY, ROOM 266 BERGNER BLDG., THIRD AND MARKET STREETS. LICENSED AND BONDED BY STATE. MONEL TO LOAN on Real Estate security in any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174, Harrisburg, Pa. WE LEND MGNEi in compliance Willi Act of June ii, ulu, lu inuiviuu als in need ot ready cash; smalt loans a specialty; business cuundenuai, payments iu suit borrowers conven ience, positively lowest rales in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CD., 132 Walnut streeL Musical IF your Talking Muehlne ueeu re pairs, just call Bell Phone 3242 J. An expert will be at your service at ouce. Or bring machine to 1213 Nortu Third streeL VIOLINS, MANDOLINS, GUITARS. BANJOS, Baud and Orcnestra instru ments promptly and carefully repair ed. oYLEKS. 14 oouth Fourth street. PIANOS ''uNisD AND Knraii.„„ bj skilled tuner only. uylerX 14 aojin round streeL TALKING MACHINES of all kinds lepaiied by an expert. All work pioinptiy uone and guaranteed, call iieli ZS64K. or 1564 Howard avenue. Hauling and Moving AUTO IIauLING Local and long distance. Furniture moving a spec ialty. 1 VACtS4 Cail lieli 623 J. GENERAL HAULING AND FAST tcr.ESS SERVICE to nearby towns with auto trucka Only experienced and caretul drivers. Cail Beit Si 26. or Dial 2268- LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Prompt service.' A. & D, Motor Express, 917 Cupuai siiceu Bell phone 1636 J. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING— Furniture moving. Prompt service. Ernest Corbln, 636 Calder street- Both phones. Bell 3S3CJ, Dial 3681. • AUTO HAULING Local or long distance. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer. 917 Capital streeL Both phones. HEAVY HAULING —Fully equipped for turnlture, freight and piano mov ing. No distance too far. Careful driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. K. Grubber's Truck Service, irvln AungsL Manager. Hersbey, Pa Bell phone 15R-8. AUTO TRUCK SERVICE Local and long-distance. F. J. Marter. Bell 39-J, Steelton. ALL KINDS of HAULING AND MOVING DDKs.. CONRAD BROS., 841 KELKER ST. BELL PHONE 628 W. DIAL PHONE 8518. HICKs & HOPKINS Local and Long-distance Hauling. 424 Rally, Both phonea Storage STORAGE —419 Broad streeL house hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable ratea Also haul ing of all klnda D. Cooper 43 Co. Bulh phonea STORAGE! —In brick building, rear 408 MarkeL Household goods In clean, private rooms. Reasonable ratea P. G. Diener, 408 Market streeL STORAGE Private rooms for household goods In fireproof wars houss. 83 per month and up. Lower storage rates In non-fireproof ware house. Huri'isburg Storage Co.. 437- 448 South Second streeL UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLER. FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 1812 Derry SL BELL 1988. DIAL 8138. DAT AND NIGHT CALLS promptly attended to. H. M. Hoffman, Funeral Director, 810 North Becoud street. RUDOLPH k. SPICER, Funeral Director snd Embalmer. 811 North Second StreeL BELL IBL DIAL 1148. CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE PROSPECT HIL CEMETERY —< Beautifully situated on Market Street east of Twenty-sixth, and on the north and east faces the new park* way. The prices of lots are Miller Bros. & Co., Agents. j WHERE TO BINE ALVA HOI'EL AND RESTAURANT. £ THE HOME OF' SATISFACTION. m \ STOUFFEK'S KwaTAURANT—Home cooking served to Businessmen and Ladies in separate dlningroom. < Cleaners and Dyers IT PAYS to have Clothes Cleaned. Pressed, Dyed or Repaired at the beet place in ti wn. Call and deliver. Goodman's, 18U6V4 North Sixth. Both Phones. , MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES INDIAN MOTORCYCLE Like new. nargaiu at s96.uu. Horst, Luig testowu. Pa. BICYCLES. BICYCLEa New auu reoulit bicycles at very at* tractive prices; guaranteed repair* ing; come here aud get a sqUarw deal. H. F. ESTEKBROOK. 912 N. Third Street. Dial 4890. HENDERSON MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE *L!&- 181# Model. 2-speed. Goou machine. Call 84 Chestnut street. Steeiton. ONE THREE-SPEED INDIAN MO* >, TORCYCLE FOR SALE —H. L. Enders, Auto Supplies, 889 South Cam* eron street. Dial 6938. BICYCLE REPAIRING ' BY AN EXPERT. ALL WUKK GUARANTEED. DORY SHANER, WITH ANDRED REDMOND. 1607 NORTH THIRD ST. INDIAN, 1916—Good as new, 8180.00. Good tires —one new. Bargain. Horst Garage; Linglestown, Pa. WE BUY old bicycles, coaster uraaes, una frames. Call Dial 99u, Ksterbrook. GARAGES ACCESSORIES, AND REPAIRS NATIONAL RUBBER TIRE EiLLER ride like air. No punctures. No blow outs. Sold ou u guarantee by C. E. Anderson, #Ol North Eiguteehtu street. Dial 6468. AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re paired by specialists. Also leuueis, tamps, en. Best service In town. Har risuurg Auto Radiator Work*, sue North Third street. WM. PENN GARAGE ' V 304-6 Mueiitu street. Limousines tor lunerai, parlies and balls; careful drivers, open day and uigut. Bell 4664. KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. All sorts oi auto tup and cusnlon work done by experts. Also repair work. Reasonable rates, lols Maraet fan SUNSHINE GARAGE Auto re pairing by experts. Road Jobs a specialty. Charges reasonable. Botu Fuuuea Sunshine Garage, 27 North LUUiTIOII HUC6L UP-TO-DATE GARAGE Expert repairing, storage space to rent. ATI accessories. Puces reasonable. Mult • Bros., uurage, 244 s. Front St. Steeiton. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE One seven-peesengSJ eight-cylinder Cadillac. Call Bell phone 4687. REO TRUCK For sale; 1914 Reo; 2-ton truck. Extra large lurnlture buoy; new tires; In good running . order. Hoover Furniture Co., 1417 North Second street. ONE NEW CONESTOGA TRUCK Covered body, l.vuu Iba capacity. A bargain. Inquire of Philadelphia quick Lunch. FOR SALE One 1917 Hupmoblle. OWner expects to be called in the ser vice. Apply Sunshine Garage, 27-19 . North Cameron street. EXIDE BATTERY SERVICE Ail makes oi batteries recharged and repaired; work guaranteed. Auto repairing; electric work a specialty. EXCELSIOR AUTO A JUATTKKX CO. 11th and Mulberry Sts. OLD AUTOS ~ Wanted; used, wrecked or oldtlmera. In any condition. See me before sac rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto Wrecking, A. Scnilunan. 21.24.24 North Cameron street. Bell 1431. OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMENT AN EXTRA SPECIAL OFFER Oakland eight-cylinder, can be dem onstrated on any hill- Unusually light and economical. A smooth-run ning and up-to-the-minute car. 3960.00. Convenient payment can be arranged. THE OVERLAND-HARRISBURG CO.. 212-214 North Second Street. "MACS GARAGE" FORD l9l6,"roadster; newly paint ed; demountable wheels; extra tire; perfect condition. FORD CHASSIS I9IT model; over hauled and painted. CHATTVIERS Roadster; 1917 model; fine mechanical condition; good tires; new battery. Bargain; must be sold at once. P ACK ARD—ROA DSTER. OVERLAND Roadster; 1917 model; new battery and all new tires, FORD 1917; roadstar; Juat painted; demountable wheela CROW ELKHART lllTi Just re painted; good condition; fine value. OVERLAND 80; new tires; engine in fine condition. FORD —Delivery; panel body; $280.00. MAXWELL 1918; B-pasaenger; ens man top: demountable wheels; extra tire; newly painted; bargain. MAC'S GARAGE, 117-119-121 SOUTH THIRD BT. BELL PHONE 8777 DIAL >4lB. Additional Classified Ada on Opposite Page