Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 24, 1918, Page 13, Image 13
i TOUR CHANCE IS AWAITING YOU I TIE OPPORTUNITIES LISTED BELOW I vS. ■— - 1 == i • — • = deaths LYME Died, Saturday afternoon. Mr a. Anna T. Lyme, wife of AU. aged 54 years. Funeral services on Friday ins, at 10 o'clock, from ner late i evidence. Thirtieth street, brook. Services private. Interment East Hartiaburg Cemetery. BAPTISTI Eugene E. Baptist! died at his home, 100 South u lh ' rte ®°'£ street. Tuesday, at 4:4.i P. M„ aged 33 years. . .... i Funeral services ' Saturday. a L 1 M.. from his late residence, the Rev. Dr. Vates oflieiating. Interment at i'axiang Cemetery. , UMi\ Lottie M. Caiman, on Oc tober 33, 1018. wife of B. C. caiman. Funeral on Monday, ut 11 o clock from her late residence, -'l4 poutn Twenty-ninth street. Uenbrook.hu neral prlcatc. interment prlcate, HKATI'V Sarah H. Beatty, on Oc- Fuitera\ AlVltday. ut 12 o'clock noon lrom residence of l>avid Martin. 3 - Rutherford street. Paxtaiig. hunerai aUd interment private. TRACY Carrie S tu, .>P l'racy. wife of Joseph p. Tracy,, died luesday afternoon, at l:4u oclock, a . week's illness of in'luen/.a. • • ' survived by her htisband and father. I K Stump, and brother, E. e Stump, of Philadelphia. Funeral. Saturday, at 10 A. •. P" vate. - HAINES Mrs. Katie Hal ,ie | Tuesday in Iter soth year, at. t !\lurrav!'l Ko' th c'ameron Surviving her are one son. brothers and three JJ*rs. t the Funeral services private at 11 above address Monday aUernoon a " o'clock. Burial at East Hams burg Cemetery. "EMEUICK - Charles M Emerlck '{* f 1 On M da^ge O d 3°o yca"rs, months and 5 du>'. at 1441 Zarlcer street. p M Une i r nUrmenr 8 at Prospect Hill Cemetery. Private fuperai services will be held mains'wfuYe Pa., please copy. CAKB OF THANKS MRS. GEORGE HAIN. -IK. , wmmrn beautiful'floral tributes. "CHOICE FRUITS CIGARS. TOBACCOS, CANDY AND SOFT DRINKS. A. C. OANNAM. DIAE PHONE. 023 N. THIRD ST. LOST AND FOCKP | ~7l.OT Between 317 North Second I lAJHT Between Wen rick's Church Tire, 'inflated. ~ finder please return to Klectra Garage. Evergreen Thompson streets. ______ nn n t OST - Strayed from ware- SSSSS"' Chestnut streets , LOST A pocketbook with a Shrine card, registration card and #5. Re ward if returned to Telegraph Office. INSTRUCTIONS B^E HT - Sl Oet' T a S THOUGH. Tr.up BuUdinls 16South Market Square. Bell 435. Dial ass. FRENCH AND SPANISH Private and In class. Evenings. Harrisburg^emy.^ INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand, Typewriting. English Bookkeeping, Penmanship, Arlth., oto. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALLYBAii. Enter any ttoa BeU K. Dial 4018. THE OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL, 121 Mitt. St. Chas. R. Beokley. Prtn. Merle E. Keller, Bus. Mgr. HELP WANTED—MALE AUTO MECHANICS FOR FORD REPAIRMEN. APPLY MAC'S GARAGE. 117 S. THIRD ST. TRUCK DRIVERS AND HELPERS WANTED. We require the services of drivers, and helpers on Furniture Trucks. Ap-, ply at once to GOLDSMITH'S. 8-6% N. Market Square. YOUNG MAN to take orders. Ex perience not necessary. Earn #&-0° per day and up. Paid daily. Apply ■ Room 24. No. 9 North Market Square. . LABORERS WANTED, 25 MEN AT ONCE. APPLY PENN-HARRIS HOTEL k THIRD AND WALNUT STS. ———i■————^ For Sale The Pair of Houses, Nos. 14 and 16 Argyte Street They are modern three-story brick houses, have front and back porches and all conveniences. The lot of No. 14 is 18x80 ft., and the price is #2,000. No. 16 is 36x80 ft, and the price is *3,800. We consider both are bargains at the prices named. Miller Brothers & Co. AGENTS Locust and Court Streets Member Hbg. Real Estate Board W— 1 —> —— THURSDAY EVENING, 1L fLI- WANTED —MALE WANT ED CoUector and solicitor. ' Liberal i tuarant.ee and commissions. , Permane Qt position for right man. Bell phoi gis 1054 days, 297QJ evenings. WANTi GD Colored boy, or man. 3 for porie,J work. Apply Books Shoe - Store, 217 .Market street. - WANT! ID Carpenters and labor " ers. Appi ty at Warren Moore & Co.. 1 new Pennsylvania Freight Station, v Second an. 1 Mulberry streets, i MEN W. INTEIJ To learn the au -1 tomobile t kisiness and do mechanical s work on same. Thousands of men t are wantec liiu the United States Army for such w urk as driving and repair - ing. Auto Transportation school. 260 • South Front street, Steelton. WANTED I A man, or will employ I man and wilfe, to do janitor and . housework. Apply 1200 North Second street. " MEN WAI BTED —To load stone. 2# cents per toi I. Can earn #25 to #36 per week. Appi y Puxtaiig yuumcs. i'ux ' tang. 1 i WANTED Painters and paper . j hangers wan bed. Winter work. H. A. S ! Bodmer, 826 . rtorth Third street. 1 WANTED- -Two good, strong boys .I 10 learn a ti IMie. Apply Supertnten t dent. The 'i nograph Printing ' I llarrisburg. I 'WANTED, itARPENTERS 7OO an I hour. Eleven hours for eight hours' I work. Doubl time Saturday after noon ana Sum lay. Apply Royd House : Arey Co.. Em] >orlum. Pa. YOUNG MAI # To solicit advertls , ing. Permani flit connection. Apply I Box S.. 7512, c We of Telegraph. AVANTED CIGA li FOREMAN j One who i peaks Hungarian preferred. . ill correspondence i will be treifted in the strict j est conflden ?e. Apply NIU 6980, Care oh Telegraph. ! WANTED Experienced solicitor to travel on hou |e-to-house and store | proposition. $25 ;U0 and expenses to i .start with—mate rial increase for man | proving he can produce. Must pro i duce At reference p. This is a perma -1 nent proposition \>ipth established line I and.do not care tc .hear from floaters. Address Box B, 6050. care of Tele | graph. WANTED Oie l\rgt-class barber. | Apply Tile Barbter Shop, 15 North ; Market Square. HELP WAN 'itED —fIiJIABE , WANTED Girll for general house work. Two in family. Mo washing, j Good wages. Mr. 1. W. E. Seel, 218 | I'axtang avenue, Paixtang, Pa. GltiLS WAN'i'Ku. — Lea rue ra paiu ! week work. Best prices uind bonus j paid. All girls from 14 to 16 with certificates employe *l. Gall once, tiarrisbuig Apparel .Co., Third Floor, City star Lauuury Building, alxtn >uu Herr streets. WANTED Girl, over 18 years, for {Clerk in grocery store. Apply, between i 2 and 4 P. M., to Ua.tvin Etter it Son, I 815-81 • Cowden street. j HOUSEKEEPER • Wanted, Cook i and housekeeper; good position for the I right party; good salary; private I home; small family. Apply Sides & | Sides, 205 Market swept.. WANTE t> Middle-aged lady for clerical position. Ex-scno pi teacher I preferred. Apply SWIFT & CO., Seventh and Nortii Streets. i WANTED GIRLS IN THE FI NItUiLNG AND PACKING KOOil. AFPLY TO DEVINE & YUNGEL SHOE MANU FACTURING CD., SIXTEENTH AND STATU STRYCETS. __ I SEAMSTRESS Experienced sew ers. Good puj. Appiy Louis, *,14 north Third. WANTED Girls over 16 years old, to work iu laundry. Apply Royal Laundry, 1354 Howard street. 50 OPERATORS WANTED. AT ONCE Work lias begun on the GOVERN MENT CONTRACT, making FLANNEL SHIRTS FOR THE ARMY. Rates have been made high so that experi enced operators will oaru 83.00 to 84.50 per day and bonus. JENNINGS MFG. CO.. 2011 North Fourtji St. WANTED —Maid for general house work. Inquire at 2138 North Third. LADY Wanted immediately for scrubbing and general work. Apply Stouffer'b Restaurant. 4 North Court streot. GOVERNMENT NEEDS 12,000 WO i MEN CLERKS Harrisburg exami nations November 2. December 7. Sal ary. 81,200. Experience unnecessary. Women desiring government positions ' write for free particulars, J. C. Leon- I ard (former Civil Service Examiner), 1561 Kenois Building, Washington. LADIES With or without ex perience, for canvassing or demon : stratlng exclusive proposition that appeals to every housewife, all or part I time. Font orders per day pays 820.00 ! ' per week. Apply Mr. Cowan, Room 24, No. , North Second street. WANTED i— Middle-aged housn tkeeer for family of two. Apply at (709 North Third street. WAN TED —A white cook, with ref erences. No evening dinners. Apply ■tt 322 North Second street, or call Bell phone 646. WANTED , Colored girls to strip tobacco, Pay while learning. Good I wages are being earned by ex perienced strippers. Apply 28 NORTH CAMERON STREET. Second Floor, WANTED Girl to learn marking. Good wages to right person. Apply City Star Laundry, 1005 North Sixth. PATRIOTIC, steady, well-paid em ployment In your own home. Knit unseptly-needed war socks for us on tho fast, simple Auto Knitter. Full particulars to-day, 3c stamp. Auto Knitter Company. Dept. C-821, 821 Jef fer eon, Buffalo, N. Y. HELP WANTED-r-FEMALE WANTED Two young ladles for waitresses. MUP' give references. Ap ply Sic . r's Restaurant, 4 iN'of.h Court. * I GIRLS WANTED Experienced or inexperienced, for chocolate dippers. Good wages. Apply 331 Market street. * WANTED Woman for general housework. Must sleep at home. In quire at 101 South street. WANTED Woman to take small family washing and ironing home. Address Box V, 7491, care of Tele ggraph. HELP WANTED—.MaIe and Female SILK MILL Experienced help wanted. Experi enced weavers average #3.50 to #6.50 per day. Other departments propor tionately. Beginners wanted also. Best pay. Couie and earn 30 per cent, bonus uvtr and above regular wages. Apply HARRIS BURG SILK .MILL, Second and North Streets. MAN OR WOMAN For bookkeep ing and shorthand. One who is em ployed and wants additional evening work. Preferably one who has taught school. Inquire D., 7547, care of Tele graph. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE WANTED Position as stationary, locomotive or hoisting engineer, bbiler fireman, or would accept position of trust in city or out; strictly temper ute and steady worker; can give refer ence. Address J. C., Box 253, Lemoyne, Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Day's work by middle aged white woman, in private family- Address Box D, 6965. care of Tele graph. , WANTED Two colored girls would like positions in private family; experienced girls. Call at 1217 North Seventh. ROOMS FOR RENT NEWLY-FURNISHED ROOMS Electric lights, steam heat, running water; also private bath. Apply Hess Cigar Store, Thirteenth and Market. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR KENT— I Gentlemen only. Delightful, conveni ent location. Use of telephone and bath. References exchanged. Call ! Bell 3796 J. I FURNISHED ROOM FOR GENTLE MEN Front room, corner property, 1201 Chestnut street, $3.00 per week. H. G. Pedlow, 3 South Thirteenth street. FOR RENT For single gentle man, bedroom, sittingroom and bath, inquire soo North second. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping, first and sec ond floor; heat, gas and private bath; i centrally located. Inquire 327 South Front street. City. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, 82.50 per week and up; warm ropms; running hot and cold water; light housekeeping and private bath. Wil son Apartments, No. 143 South Third street FURNISHED BEDROOMS FOR RENT Steam heat, electric lights and use of phon*. Inquire at 131 Wal nut street. FOR RENT Third tloor furnish ed front room, between Front and Sec ond streets; gentlemen preferred. In quire 128 Walnut street, between 5 and 8 P. M. ROOMS FOR RENT, 113 Locust SL —Well furnished. Conveniences. Ben phone 2907 W. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Unfur nished, single or communicating kitchenettes; laundry. phone and bathroom privileges; stoves furnished free. Weekly payments. Inquire 428 Broad street. ROOMS WANTED WANTED. AT ONCE Three or four furnished rooms, or small, fur nished apartment, suitable for light housekeeping. Address information to Box IL 6888, care of Telegraph. THREE OR FOUR unfurnished rooms, centrally located, by young couple. Small apartment, with bath, will be considered. Possession on or about October 1. Can furnish excel lent references. No children. Address 8.. 7458, care of Telegraph. APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED Furnished apartment, or livingroom, bedroom and bath-1 loom by man and wife. No children. | References exchanged. Address Box B, 7573, care of Telegraph. WANTED Nicely furnished apart ment for two. Best of care guaran teed by responsible party. Phone Airs. Knowles, Bell 1981. WANTED v RANTED Second-hand furnace one that will heat a ten room house. Must be in good condition. Address Box B, 6649, care of Telegraph. BOARDING WA NTED, BOARDERS ln private family. Good cooking. Use of phone Inquire 431 Hummel street, or Bell phonei 2448 M. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FINE INVESTMENT or residence property on North Second street, be tween lftroad and State streets. Brick I 9 rooms and bath. Lot, 24x125 to' wide allay. Side and back entrances. I Must be Hold to settle an estate. Ad- I ijress Box S, 6660, care of Telegraph, j FOR ALE Two-story frame, j metal root. good condition, yard. I Cheap homo for 81,000. Inquire Store I 1117 North Third. j INVESTMENT PROPERTY FOR i SALE Four small brick houses, : with all improvements, yielding 8601 monthly. Price. 86,600. Bell Realty 1 Co., Bergner Building. VERY DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE Owner leaving town —i immediate possession well built —| most modernly equipped ideal loca tion inspect it No. 803 North 1 Seventeenth street. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. SEVERAL HOUSES FOR SALE On easy terms. Get particulars at once as the opportunity will not last long. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing. 83,500 WILL PURCHASE a Camp Hill property frame house on plot 1 112x512. Bell Realty Co., Bergner .Building. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS 60x150 .At Washington Heights, West En ola. West Fairvlew, Enola Terrace und Midway. Price, 8125 to 8200. l'erma. *lO down, |5 monthly, a good time to start your future hoime site. Liberty Bonda taken at \oar. SEE C. DAVIES. 204 CALDER BLDG., MARKET SQUARE. BELL 4877. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH \(r . vV * I I ; : • •• • I v ■ V • THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS carry news of opportunities, little and big, every day. Opportunities to buy, td sell, to rent, to secure positions, to secure workers, board, furnished rooms, used articles. There's not often a day when the classified columns .are lacking in personal appeal to you—in distinctive usefulness and real service to you. I • • -J) i REAL ESTATE FOlt SALE 723 N. 19TH ST. 2%-story liaise, 6 rooms and attic, In good condition; side entrance. Price, $1,660. 1. W. Casseii. 1444 Regina St. THREE LOTS AT OAK LANE, 76x 120, near Government Buildings. Close to trolley line. Price, 1200 each. Easy terms. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. Bell C6OJ. HOMES FOR COLORED FAMILIES Your boy and your girl ought to begin where you leave off, and while there are many ways to make their future secure, the following sugges tions if carried out by you, will in spire, encourage and help tlicnt to be come useful men and women. BUY THRIFT STAMPS, WAR SAVINGS STAMPS AND LIBERTY BONDS. Use the banks regularly and buy yourself a home. The Lincoln Realty Co. is ijiepared to help you get a home by allowing you to make a reqsonable first pay ment and pay the baiunce the same as rent. For further information re garding the plan and location of our homes, call at LINCOLN -REALTY CO., 1129 North Seventh St. Open Evenings Until 8 O'clock. "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE. SEE SANDEKLIN." DERRY ST., 1334—N0W VACANT; modern 10-room, 3-story brick, all ; latest improvements; front and rear' ' porches; lawn and back yard; room for a private garage; ideal location for a physician; can be bought with $51)0 cash. FULTON ST., 1627—N0W VACANT; corner propertyr 2%-story frame; six rooms and attic; gas and water; can be bought same as rent. KENSINGTON ST.. 2030 8 rooms; all improvements; very cozy home, same as rent* JEFFERSON ST., 2261 2 " sto . r y brick; 8 rooms; all improvements, front and rear porches; dandy little house; same as rent. CURTIN ST- 610 Three-story brick; nine rooms; bath; gas; electric lights; furnace; well-built, modern house; see this before buying; same as rent, SIXTH ST., N., 2521 3-story brick; 9 rooms; all improvements; very good value; same as rent. SCHUYLKILL ST., 6181 Corner property; 3-story brick; all improve ments; same as rent. STEELTON, PA., SOUTH SECOND ST 318% —2%-story frame; seven rooms; gas and water; same as rent, D. A. SA ' IN; ROOM 1 SECURITY TRUST BLDG., 36 NORTH THIRD ST. BELL PHONE 1390, DIAL 3573. OPPORTUNITY TO OWN YOUR OWN HOME on our easy-payment plan. Small cost payment or Liberty Bond. Balance 1225 North Sixth Street. Member Harrisburg Real Estate Board. A DESIRABLE HOME IN PEN BROOK A double frame -house on a 90x190 ft. lot. Water, gas, furnace. Address R, 7476. care of >'elegraph. FOR SALE At bargain, 1810 Briggs street, detached corner house and garage. Very desirable locatibn. Immediate possession. A. S. Miller,' Eighteenth and State streets. FOR SALE Two building lots. Or will exchange for light touring car. Call Bell phone 450 J. A WELL-PAYING ROOMINGHOUSE FOR SALE —107 Chestnut street. ' FOR SALE 2% -story double brick house, at White Hill lO rooms each house all improvements cheap. Inquire A. Smith. Camp Hill, pa. ; Real Estate For Sale—Suburban PAXTANG, BRISBAN STREET Brick 7 rooms, bath, gas, -electric lights', steam heat, side entrance. Lot, 120 feet deep. Price, $2,700. H. G. Pedlow, 3 South Thirteenth street. KEAIi ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT 9-room brick house; gas- electricity; steam heat; all con veniences. Rent, SSO. Inquire at 916 North Sixteenth street, or Bell phone 2912. FURNISHED HOME FOR RENT. Front and Calder. S9O per month. Ap ply D. A. Caley. 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell phone 589. - RVAI, ESTATE—For Sale or Rent HOUSES AND GARAGES at Fifth und Curtln streets. Possession of some of the houses on thirty days notice. Fred C. Miller. 31 North Sec ond. Bell phone 307 J. REAL ESTATE WANTED I HAVE BUYERS waiting for prop erty in any section of the city, if cheap. What have you to oiler?. Clias. Adler. 1002 North Third street. FARMS FOR SALE Several line Farms close to York, Pa. For information address E. W. Louchs, York, Pa. P. O. Box 163. FARMS FOR SALE Farm, containing 17 acres, located 3 miles east of Hurris burg, on the old Union ltoad. Im i ?. Ve , l,y a 2%-story frame house, new burn and all outbuildings. Laud is in good condition, suitable for tnicking. Apply Box in, Penbrook, FARMS FARMS FARMS , FARMS of all sizes, from x to 200 acres each, from 4 to lo miles trom Harrlsburg. Terms reasonable. C. H. CUKDER, 1722 Green Street Harrisburg. Bell 560 J. VALUABLE FARMS AND TOWN PROPERTIES AT PUBLIC SALE On the Premises. November 8 and • Tract No. I—Farm, 166 acres 44) acres valuable timber, some ready for market. 3 miles from Duncannon. Good buildings, fine fruit, productive farm. A big moneymaker for an en ergetic farmer. Sale at 10 A M Fri day, November 8. Tract No. 2 Uarni, 108 acres. 13 acres timber. Located in Allen's Cove, 1 mile from Covallen Station, P. It. K., % mile from Middle Cove school house. All new buildings two apple orchards, plenty of small fruit. A productive farm arid an attractive home. Sale at 2 P. M„ Friday, No vember 8. 3 and 4 Two well-located prop erties- ifi Duncannon Borough. Inter ested parties should apply to the un dersigned for complete description of these properties. Sale Saturday. No vember 9. For terms of sale and further par ticulars, inquire of STANLEY S. ZIMMERMAN. Steelton, Pa.; FRANK A. ZIMMERMAN, Chambersburg, Pa., Attorneys-in-fact. FARMS On hand; any size, with or without stock. 107 Chestnut street. FOE SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE—Home-raised potatoes delivered to all parts of tne city. Guaranteed to be good, mealy pota toes. Bell phone, A. B. Davis, Pen brook, Pa. WOOD—WOOD—WOOD Fine wood, cut short, oak, specially vut for fireplace. F. J. Marter, Bell 39-J, Steelton. FOR SALE One late model L. C. Smith visible typewriter, only slightly used, at a very reasonable price. Ad dress Box B, 6638, care of Telegraph. V PAWNBROKER'S SALE A big lot of unredeemed overcoats to be sold at the very lowest price. NOTICE To those homing pawn tickets for overcoats and other winter articles should please come and redeem thetu or they will bo sold without further notice. t {7. BRENNER, 1316 NORTH THIRD ST. • BELGIAN HARES Five dozen for sale. Thoroughbred stock. Booklet. How to Raise Rabbits, given free. 21U4 Shellis street, City. APPLES FOR SALE Gflmes, Gol den. with a Banana, Stayman Weln sap. Jonathans, York Imperial, etc. Some of these apples are very line. Come and see them at R. A. YVlcker sham's Orchard, one-half mile east of Mechanicsburg, Pa. Trolley car stops at Orchard. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED. .GEO. P. TILLOTSON, 205 LOCUST STREET. OPP. OR PHEUM THEATER. BOTH PHONES. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! The Store across from Y. W. C. A. offers you u.-- Biggest and Best Bar gains in Men's and Boys' Suits, Over coats, Maktnaw Coats, Hats, Caps and Shoes. We are fam ous for Low Prices. Give us a trial. OUTLET CLOTHING CO., 23 North Fourth Street. FOR SALE Large quantity of used lumber from Penq-Harris Hotel. Also 10.000 6-lnch tile. Apply Na tional Fire-Proofing CO. at Penn-Har ris Hotel. ————————————i CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE PROSPECT HIL CEMETERY Beautifully situated on Market Street east of Twenty-sixth, and on .the north and east faces the new- park way. The prices of lots are moderate. Miller Bros. & Co.. Agents. OFFICES AND STOREROOMS FOR RENT Storeroom at 24 North Third street. Newly remodeled and new front. Also offices for rent in same building. Apply next door— The William B. Schlelsner Stores. LARGE STOREROOM FOR RENT— Suitable for uutomoblle display room or other wholesale or, largo retail business, 1101-1103 North Sixth street. Apply to Louis. 414 North Thlrß.t OFFICES FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished, single or ensuite of' two or three rooms. Apply H. & L Loweugard. 210 North Third street. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS WANTED A Boston Bull Terrier. Inquire 1263 Perry street. Bell 3954 H. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of Junk. Get our prices before selling. Call Bell phone 930, or drop us a postal and our wagon will call. Keystone Iron & Metal Co., Broad and Currant streets. — | CLOTHING. SHOES. FURNITURE— I Bought at highest oash prices and ; sold reasonable. S. Rcfkla, 407 Broad > street. Bell phone 3S7OJ. I WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here , High prices paid lor furniture. Morris Schmertz. 1030 Market. Bell 3971 R. EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA I ! L Cohen & Co., York and Ash ave- I nucs. have opened up a place. Whole i sale and retail scrapiron, metals, rub | ber, and rags, paper stock. All grades I of Junk and, barrels bought. Pay ! highest cash prices. Send postal or 1 call Bell phone 3221 W. Will call. j HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of empty barrels and Junk. Call Bell phone 4275. B. Abrams & Son. I 824-532 North Seventh street. MAX SMELTZ ' Second-hand furniture bought and i sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call ! Bell 1381 or Dial 5847, or drop a pos ! tal to Max Smeltz, iul6 Market street, j Will call, city or country. BUSINESS PEKSONALS I Diamonds bought tor Cash; appraisers | for estate. P. H. Cuplan Co.. 206 mki. i RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Single edge, 25c doz.; double edge, 25c doz.; old style, 25c each. Gorgus Drug s tore. QUININE —.Look out for that grippe leenng, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE PHOSPHO-QUININE will stave it oft if taken in time. Gross Drug store, llil Market street. ~ RELIABLE ELECTRIC AND LOCKSMITH SHOP GENERAL REPAIRING. 13(13 N. SIXTH ST. BELL 3996. DIAL 6854. Money to Loan MONEY . WE LEND MONEY in accordance with laws of STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. If you need money in a hurry come to see us. All business I strictly confidential. EMPLOYES* LOAN SOCIETY. ROOM 206 BERUNER BLDG., ! THIRD AND MARKET STREETS. LICENSED AND BONDED BY STATE. WE LEND MONEY in compliance with Act of June IT. 1915, to individu als in need of ready cash; small loans - g specialty; business conhdential. ! payments to suit borrower's couven ( fence; positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO., IV Walnut Street. MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security in any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. o 1 Box 174. Harrlsburg. Pa. Musical IF your Talking Machine needs re pairs, Just call Bell Plioiie 3242 J. An expert Will be at your service at once. Or bring machine to 1213 North Third street. ■ PIANOS CUNED AND REPAIRED by a skilled tuner only. Oylers. 14 south Fourth street. TALKING MACHINES of-all kinds repaired by an expert. All work 1 promptly none and guaranteed, call I Bell 280411. or 1504 Howard avenue. I Hauling and Moving AUTO HAULING Local and long distance. Furniture moving a spec ialty. Rates reasonable. Prompt ser- | eice. Call Bell 623 J. GENERAL HAULING AND FAST EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns with auto trucks. Only experienced and careful drivers. Call Bell 3320. or Dial 2265. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING service. A. & B. Motor Express, 917 Capital street. Belt phone 1635 J. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING— Furniture moving. Prompt service. Ernest Corbin, 636 Calder street. Both phones. Bell 3636J, Dial I 3683. 1 AUTO HAULING Local or long distance. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Trunsfer, 917 Capital street. Both phones. HEAVY HAULING —Fully equipped i for furniture, freight and piano mov ing No distance too far. Careful I driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. iis Grubber's Truck Service. Irvin j Aungst, Manager. Hershey, Pa. Bell | phone 15R-6. • J \UTO TRUCK SERVICE Local! and long-distance. F. J. Marter, Bell 39-J, Steel ton. all kinds of i-iauling AND MOVING DONc.. CONRAD BROS., 341 KELKER ST. BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3518. HICKS & HOPKINS Local and Long-distance Hauling. 424 Reliy. Both phones. • PETS AND LIVESTOCKS FOR SALE —A pair of full-broken I •coon dogs, rabbit and fox proof. Can try before buying. W. F. McDaniel, 1418 Herr street. WHERE TO DINE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. STOUFFER'S RESTAURANT—Home cooking served to Buslnessmeti and Ladies in separate diningroom. Storage STORAGE —419 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing of ail kinds. D. Cooper & Co. Both phonee. STORAGE —In brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. G. Diener, 408 Market street. STORAGE Private rooms for j household goods in fireproof ware house. (3 per month and up. Lower storage rates tn non-fireproof ware house. Harrlsburg Storage Co., 437- 445 South Second street. ' UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 1312 Derry St. BELL 1956. DIAL 2133. DAY AND NIGHT CALIFS promptly 1 attended tor H. M. Hoffman. Funeral | Director, 310 North Second street. RUDOLPH 1. SPK3KU, Funeral Director ami F.inlMlroer, 511 North Second Street. BELL 252. DlAl. 2145 Cleaner- uiul Dyers IT PAYS to hare Clothes Cie&ipfd. Pressed. Dyed or Rrpttinwl at the best i place to t< wh. Call and deliver Uoodmuu'B. 1306% North Sixth. Both Phones. OCTOBER 24, 1918. MOTORCYCLES ANU BICYCLES INDIAN MOTORCYCLE Bike new. Bargain ul $96,00. Hoist, Liuu icdtOW 11, i'a. BICYCLES. BICYCLES. New una rebuilt bicycles at very at tractive prices; guaranteed repair ing; come Here una get a square deal. H. F. ESTERBROOK. i Din N. Third Street. Dial 4890. HENDERSON MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE 4125. 1910 Model. 2-epeed viuuil machine. Call 24 Cucsinui street. Steelton. ONE THREE-SPEED INDIAN MO. TORCYCLE FOR SALE —H. L. Enders. Auto (supplies. 299 South Cam eron street. Dial 5938. BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT A LI, WORK GUARANTEED DORY SHANEH, WITH ANDREI! REDMOND 1607 NORTH THIRD ST. INDIAN. 1916—Good as new. $120.00 Good tires —one new. Bargain. Hoist Garage, Lingleatown, Pa. * WE BUY old bicycles, coaster brakes, and frames. Call Dial *990. Esterbrook. GARAGES ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS NATIONAL RUBBER TIRE FILLER ride like air. No punctures. No blow outs. Sold on a guarantee by C. E. Anderson, 801 North Eignteentii street. Dial 6468. AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re ; paired by specialists. Also lehuers lamps, etc. Best service In town. Har j risburg Auto Rudiator Works, 996 ! North Third street. WM. PENN GARAGE 304-0 Mueuch street. Limousines for luneral, purttea and balls; careful drivers; open day and night, Bell 4664. i KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. I All sorts of auto top and cushion work done by experts. Also repair work, j Reasonable rates. 1|)19 Market St. I SUNSHINE GARAGE Auto re- I pairing by experts. Road Jobs, a specialty. Charges reasonable. Botn Phones. Sunshine Garage, 27 North Cameron street. UP-TO-DATE GARAGE Expert repairing. Storage space to rent. All accessories. Prices reasonable. AluiT Bros.. Garage. 244 S. Front St. Steelton. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE One seven-passenger, I eight-cylinder Cadillac. Call Bell I phone 4667. J REO TRUCK For sale; 1914 Red; J 2-ton truck. Extra largo furniture body; new tires; in good running oi;der. Hoover Furniture Co., 141 i North Second street. ONE NEW CUNESTUGA TRUCK Covered body, l.uou lbs. capacity A bargain. inquire 8t Philadelphia Quick Lunch. FOR SALE One 1917 Hupmobile. Owner expects to be called In the ser vice. Apply Sunshine Garage, 27-29 North Cameron street. EXIDE BATTERY SERVICE All makes of batteries recharged 1 and repaired; work guaranteed. | Auto, repairing; electric work a specialty. EXCELSIOR AUTO & BATTERY CO 11th and Mulberry Sts. " OLD AUTOS ~ • Wanted; used, wrecked or oldtimers. in any condition. See me before sac j rlflcing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto Wrecking, A. Scniliman, 22 24 26 North Cameron street. Bell 3633. ' FOR SALE lteo 6-cyllnder, 7-pas sAiger, late model, mechanically per fect, looks like new. extra tire. Price $1,100.90. Apply Saturday, after 5- P. M., 1319 Swatara street. Bell 723 M. OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMENT AN -EXTRA SPECIAL OFFER Oakland eight-cylinder, can be dem onstrated on any hill. Unusually light and economical. A smooth-run ning and up-to-the-minute car. $950.00. Convenient payment can be arranged. THE OVERLAND-IIARRISBURG CO., 212-214 North Second Street. "MAC'S GARAGE" FORD 1915; roadster; newly paint ed; demountable wheels; extra tire; perfect condition. FORD CHASSIS 1917 model; over hauled and painted. CHALMERS Roadster; 1917 model; tine mechanical condition; good tires; new battery. Bargain; must be sold at once. PACKARD—ROADSTER. OVERLAND Roadster; 1917 model; new battery and all new tires. FORD 1917; roadster; Just painted; demountable wheels. CROW ELKHART 1917; Just re painted; good condition; tine value. OVERLAND 80; new tires; engine in tine condition. FORD—Delivery; panel body; $250.00. MAXWELL 1916; 6-passenger; one man top: demountable wheels; extra tire; newly painted; bargain. MAO'S GARAGE. .117-119-121 SOUTH THIRD ST. BELL PHONE 3777 DIAL 2413. FORD DELIVERY CAR. FORD- Redden Truck, Studebaker Truck. Hudson Super-Six Sedan, Cadillac Eight, Coupes and Touring Cars. Also other makes. Apply 103 Market street. FOR SALE "Abbott-Detroit," 7- passeuger. Will sacrifice- for $225. Worth $450. Good tires. John Young, 414 Second street, West Falrview. Pa! • WILLYS SIX (Sporting Model) j' five-passenger touring car. Equipped 1 with wire wheels, two extra wheels unri tires. Car practically good as 1 new. A bargain to quick buyer. For 1 demonstration or Information call Bell 2178. | 191-1 KNOX Racing Car. in good eon- I dt'lon. I 1916 Chalmers Roadster. In Al con- 1 dlllon. SUNSHINE GARAGE. Both Phones. 13 AUTOMOBILES CHALMERS CLOSED TOP With dome light, extra -windshield, gray up holstering. Originally cost S3OO. Used one season, and must be sold' immediately at a low tlgure, as owner is leaving town. Answer to Box 31 Dauphin, Pa. ' WANTED All kinds of used auto tires. We pay highest cash prices. No Junk. Hi Esterbrook. 912 North Third street. Dial 4990. SECOND-HAND MOTOR TRUCKS FOR SALE CHEAP Consisting of variety of Ford cars, with rear-end one-ton capacity; Vims. Bulck, lteo and Mack, with power hoist, dump body. All are good bargains. Inter national Harvester Company of America Truck Dept., 619 Walnut street. AUTOMOBILE WANTED Prefer ably a Light Six Buick or Velie or one of this sort. Must be in good con dition. No dealers. Late model. Ad dress Box B, 7487, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE 1917 Dodge Touring car. in Al condition. Also an elegant safe. Will sacrifice to quick buyer Apply Mack's Dental Parlor, 310 Mar ket street. Second Floor. FOR SALE Studebaker Truck, slightly used. Elegant condi tion. Also Ford light delivery. Good condition. Crißpen Motor Car Co In ternational Truck, 103 Market street. Service Station, 29 North Cameron street. MAXWELL Touring car in Al shape. Must be sold, owner was dratted. This car is like new. A lot of extras; wheel with new tires. Ap ply at 126 South Eleventli street. FO/t SALE One 1917 Ford, run only 800 miles, with speedster body and regular body. Easily changed. One 1917 oldsmobilc, 8-45. Run 6.000 miles. In Al condition. Cord tires. Original paint. UNIVERSAL HOSIERY MILL* Marysville. Pa. FOR SALE l9ll Maxwell car la Al condition. Good tireo. Price la right. West Fairview Garage. Both phones. FOR SALE One Oakland Six. electrically equipped, new tires, de mountable rims. Jiffy curtains. Al condition, at a reasonable price. In quire Cumberland Valley Garage, Me chanicsburg, Pa. 6-PASSENGEH TOURING CAR . Very powerful. New tires. Com pletely overhauled. Good as new. Ex ceptionally fine condition. Cash or easy terms. Frank Rlttase, 1630 Nau daln street. MAGNETOS All types; 4 and 6 Bosch high tension, Eismann, Dixey, Splitdorf, Mea, Remy and different makes of coils, carburetors, etc. A. Schiffman. 22,24-26 North Cameron street. Bell 3633. FORD TOURING. 1914, automobile. Good condition. Price, $275. Apply 619 Emerald street. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE The following ordinance was pass ed by the City Council and signed by the Mayor on the first day of Octo ber, A. D. 1918, and Is published as directed by the Act of Assembly, ap proved June 27, A. D. 1913: AN ORDINANCE Regulating the parking of automo biles and other vehicles on Second street between Strawberry street and V/alnuv street, providiug a penalty for the violation thereof, and repealing City Ordinance No. 43, Session of 1918-1919, entitled 'An Ordinance prohibiting the park ing of vehicles on Secona street be tween Strawberry street and Wal nut street, and providing a penalty lor the violation thereof," and ail other ordinances or parts of ordin ances in conflict herewith. Section 1 Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Harrisburg, ud it is hereby ordained by authority of the same, Tiiat no automobile, or other vehicle, shall be permitted to park on Second street between Straw berry street and Walnut street, of the City of Harrisburg, for a longer period than thirty minutes, at any one time. Section 2. That any person, firm or corporation violating this Ordin ance shall, upon conviction thereof before the Mayor or any alderman of the city, be subject to a fine of five dollars for the first offense, ten dol lars for the second offense, and twenty-five dollars for each subse quent offense, and in default of the payment thereof, and costs of prose cutions shall bo Imprisoned in the jail of Da'uphin County for a period not exceeding thirty aays. Any po lice officer of the City of Harris- * burg is hereby authorized to arrest the owner, driver or person in charge of any said automobile or vehicle tor 1 the violation of this Ordinance. Section 3. That City Council Or dinance No. 43, Session of 1918-1919, entitled "An Ordinance prohibiting the parking of vehicles on Seconu street between Strawberry street and Walnut street, and providing a pen alty for the violation thereof," and all other Ordinances or parts of Or dinances in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed Passed the City Council October 1 1918. D. L KEISTER, Mayor. Attest: * R. ROSS SEAMAN. City Clerk. Office of the City Clerk, Harris burg-, October 21, 1918. PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGE OFFICE OF BOAHD OF COMMIS SIONERS OF PUBLIC GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS, STATE CAPITOL BUILDING, HARRISBURG. PA. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived by the Superintendent of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings at his office in the Capitol Building, Harrisburg Pa., until 12 o'clock noon, November 12, 1918, for furnishing all labor and materials for the construction of a two-span concrete arch bridge over the Aughwick Creek in Cromwell Township, Huntingdon County. Penn sylvania, as indicated fully in the plans and specifications prepared by C. E. Benson, of Huntingdon, Penn sylvania, Consulting Engineer for the Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania. Plans, specifications and bidding blanks will be furnished prospective bidders by applying to the Superinten dent of Public Grounds and Build ings, Capitol Building, Harrisburg Pennsylvania. Proposals must be. marked 'PRO POSAL FOR CONSTRUCTION /OF AUGHWICK CREEK BRIDGE"' on outside cover. GEORGE A. SHREINER, Superintendent. • L. W. MITCHELL Secretary. NOTICE Ephralm Schell et al. vs. John H. • Schell et al. ln the Court of Com mon Pleas of Dauphin CoUnty, No. 607, Equity Docket ln Partition. To John 11. Schell: THE Court having approved the re port of the matter in the above-stated 1 ease showing that the property de scribed in the original bill of com plaint cannot be divided without in jury to or spoiling the whole, and 1 that the value thereof was $1,600. It vrks ordered that you appear In said Court on Monday. October 28, 1918, at i 10 A. M.. and take, of refuse to take, ' said property at the appraised value, or show cause why the same should" not be sold at public auction. VICTOR BRADDOCK. J Master. W. JUSTIN CARTER, Attorney. claims will present them for settle ment. CORA LEE SNYDER. Administratrix. ..4