Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 23, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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    Flying With Shaffer
v_ : >
Escadrllle Spad 38.
Sccteur Postal 12, G. C. 22
Sept. 15, 1218.
Dear Mother:
Well, 1 had my wish at last, for yes
terday wo were shooting up barracks
♦Tid railroad trains. The French were
•taking an attack In our sector and
we were sent out in full strength to
protect some big French planes which
were going to shoot up things in gen
eral on tho Boche side of tho lines.
Hot water
Sure Relief
Get your upholstering done
direct by the ma., who does
the work.
We do general furniture
repairing. All work guaran
We pay highest cash i
prices for second-hand furni- j
308 Broad Street
- - . - - -—— . . ■■ . . - - ——.
Furniture of the Better Kind
| Stoves, Heaters, Ranges and Lamps
In these days of strictest economy, the thrifty buyer looks upon
this Store as the really large and satisfactory place for home necessities. And
now that we are at the threshold of Winter, these lines are vitally important to every
home. The vast quantities we buy at one time, the immense storage facilities we have,
and our Lowest-Price basis of selling naturally have made this the Largest Furniture
J Store in This Section of the State.
| Three Large Pieces Special Fireside Rocker |
. , • With "Wing" Back
$0.50 i
k I\ote the simple, attracthc especially well-built I
! lines. Finished fumed oak, We will place on sale Rocker, with large roll arms j
' with imitation brown Spanish Electric 0 and "cas Port- an( * t ' lat comfortable, head- |
leather. This Suit is one of aJe "Tamps, suitable resting wing-back. The up- j
the most practical living room for home use or Rifts holsteiy is of imitation brown |
| . . for Christmas. ♦ The Spanish leather. One of the if
|am 1 tary sui s you can pu ahades are hexagonal, most practical and acceptable t
j into your home. The Daven- ln a variety of colors.- of „ ift £ . F
j port Suit has .become popular. The pede stals are met- We have a complet e I
The Davenport can finishes. 86 *™ 1 Pol>U ' m line of Library and Fire
| quickly and easily be con- side Rockers at moderate
I verted into, a full-size bed. prices.
1 Two Coal Savers & Heat Givers IjjTl lil I 1 1 I
vf Burns' Vale Oak
] J$ HEATER, $45 p
Double heating Oak Stove, yy '
f .self-feeder, equipped with large i\ @
magazine. Radiates a powerful jl|
heat and is economical to run.
Necessary heat and smoke pipe
IlSmßi ln °' Uded "Happytime" Bassinet
Burns' Fair Ringold For the "Boss" of Home
HFIATFR ' A dainty and strong bed for the llt
v' 0I M—Jjn. x J-J xv, r" * tlest "ruler" in your wofld. The bed
is white enameled. Complete ou'tflt
All-nickel base burner, with includes mattress. Easily ('wheeled"
all nickel parts removable. A from one room to another,
plain design that is easily kept ,
fm wf dean. Will give great heat at PtMPP f)0
M "mail cost. This is a very fine v /
$ stove and an exceptional value,
T .
| .a,
In short, we were to act as a cushion,
I or shock absorber. If any Boche came
down after tho biplane.
A Heal Job
Not a job for any hanker
after, believe mo, as we flew at an
altitude of 1,000 meters and under
that sometimes. Tho big planes flew
at a much lower altitude naturally, in
order to see better, while we circled
around overhead—six of us, simply
pie for 'Archie" and even for machine
gun tire; incidentally being in the
middle of the barrage lire of the heavy
artillery from both sides of the fence,
a fact, strange to say, that never oc
curred to mo at the time. And yet,
with all thoso big "Berthas" sizzling
back and forth It's strange, indeed,
that some of us did not get carried
along with one, but I have yet to hear
actualy of a plane being brought down
In that way while doing this low level
work. Fortunately, the steady roar
of one's motor drowns nearly all other
sounds, or it's quite likely I would
have been one scared little boy.
Follow the I.ender
As it was, we had explicit orders to
follow our leader wherever ho went,
and that kept me busy enough, 1 can
tell you, for there was one member
of the patrol who sure was one
mighty restless bird, ho nearly run
ning into me twice, which made me
rather sore, for there were so many
interesting things to watch under
neath—the bursting of the big shells,
the smashed villages, the clouds of
gas loosed by the advancing troops.
All these things were new to me, and
We replate and repair auto
lamps, radiators, band instru
ments, silverware, Jewelry ana
all other metal goods.
We do the best work at the
most reasonable prices, and dc
it promptly, too.
A phono call or post card
brings our representative to
your door, to estimate on any
work you may have to be done.
as It was very clear that morning It
was Indeed quite a spectacle. So, you
can bet that even though I had to
watch that 1 didn't get bumped off by
one of my comrades, keep in my placo
and watch for attacking Boche planes,
I still found time to watch tho scen
ery. As a movie thriller, It couldn t
bo beat, and hero 1 was taking a per
sonally conducted tour in a grand
stand scat. Take it from me, I wasn t
blind to the privilege as wo flew up
and down our beat, for you know wo
had a regular beat. Just like a cops.
And wo kept flying between these two
little towns with a regularity and
number of times that even impressed
the geography of the country on me,
who always did have trouble reading
tt map. Strange to say, "Archie did
not perform In force as lie usually
does, and the few shells he did chuck
up were not worth dodging, and it
was not until we had flown over our
heat twice that he even barked, and
even then he went at it very sleepily.
There's n Reason
This absence of bombardment puz
zled me for a moment, and then look
ing up I beheld the reason, far away
in the distance coming towards the
French lines full speed were ten (10)
tiny specks, and it did not require a
telescope to see that they were a pa
trol of the crack "chasse" plane of the
Boche—the Fokker. That accounted
for the sudden awakening of "Archie,
for you know, anti-aircraft fire is not
used so much to destroy planes as to
show the enemy where they are. It
is a cinch the little black puff balls
had us marked, and the Boche even
from their altitude high overhead—
tliey were at some 3,000 meters
against a blanket of clouds —could not
help but see us. "We're sure In for It
this time," and "Here's where we get
ours," were the thoughts that flew
through my head —and I moved up a
little closer to the leader, even though
1 had been pretty close as it was.
All llnnds Stick
But orders were that no matter how
many Boches attacked us were were
to stick, also we were to stick to the
leader and follow him wherever he
went. Many are the pilots who get
balled out for not following close
enough to suit the leader, and to pre
vent this happening to me I have my
own pot position right behind the
leader, so that if there Is anything
idoing, or we get In a fight I'm second
'in and he has no trouble seeing me.
This saves a lot of explaining after
wards. and since my knowledge of
French Is limited you see the why
and the wherefore besides doing my
dutji Anyway, when we saw the ten
Boches I was in my favorite place,
and while keeping there I kept an eye
on the Boche, too, for if they were
going to attack, they were going to
find this little bird one lively target.
But either our camouflage saved us
from being seen or they bad other
business on hand because they did not
attack. It must have been because
tliey were doing protection duty, too,
because at a lower altitude and some
what ahead of theso ten black-crossed
birds was a much bigger speck, which
on closer Inspection proved to lie a bi
plane, probably doing "relage" work.
IVe were at the end of our beat then
and as we turned towards our lines
again. I saw the ten Bodies enter the
clouds, a thick layer of which covered
all the sky, and although I kept a
lookout above during the rest of the
time we were there I saw them no
Spraying the Huns
Not long: after they entered the
clouds our leader must have declaea
that the danger from above was over,
for ho started to do some shooting up
on his own account. We were rignt
between the two villages at the time,
some three miles in the Boche lines.
I guess, when the game of follow tne
leader became a llttlo more compli
cated—and interesting, for suddenly
he dove at a steep angle, and I being
right on his tall followed suit. 1 didn t
see what we were shooting at until
we had fallen some 500 meters and
then I saw we were headed for a
small clump of forest in which were
numerous barracks. I had no more
than seen the manner of target we
were going to use than the lieutenant
opened tire. 1 could see Ills tracer
bullets going into the. buildings as he
swept down behind his trail of bullets,
and then he pulled up and It was my
turn. Unfortunately, I was using an
other plane with only one gun, as
mine was undergoing repairs to a
broken "Becky." How I did wish for
my old warhorse. and especially for
Its balloon gun. With its flaming bul
lets I surely would have set some
thing afire. I had no fault to Una
with the gun I had however, for it
worked great, never jamming once,
and 1 sprayed those barracks quite
thoroughly. So thoroughly that i
awoke an angry retort from a ma
chine gun and being less than a hun
dred meters high when I pulled out
of the dive.
Now For the Gas
I didn't have any trouble seeing
those smoking bullets going past me
—for they were using tracers- —I even
thought I heard one rip through a
wing, but this must have been Imagi
nation for on dand'ng I could ilnd no
holes. Incidentally, we must have
gotten the owner of that machine Kun.
for when we came around the secona
time I missed the smoking "confetti.
And that second time gave me some
uneasiness, because as we swung
around into the Boche lines again I
noted that the French had let loose
an enormous quantities of gas. Clouds
of it streamed all along the line, and
what was more to the point, some or
It was rising—'and we were headed
that way. Remember, we were then
flying at an altitude of 300 meters, a
mighty risky height to fly at any
where with a "chasse" plane, let alone
over a smoking battlefield. Haying
gauged the heighft of that white cloud
of vapor with ours very closely, l.
heaved a sigh of relief for we would
pass over it, if we continued at the
same height we were traveling. I
say I felt relieved because knowing
nothing whatever about gas. I natur
aly have a healthy fear of it. But we
did not continue on our even yv*y.
for the lieutenant seemed to think
that bunch of forest and barracks
needed spraying again—and the gas
cloud was between us and it. But
there was the lieutenant going down,
and orders were orders, and they were
to follow. That we would pass
through that cloud there would be no
doubt, seeing that there was not any
question as to whether I wanted to go
or not, I decided to hold my breath as
I swept thru the cloud: but I got so
interested shooting at those buildings
that T forgot to hold my breath. In
fact, I never even noticed the cloud,
wether 1 went thru it too fast to no
tice, for I was making some time, or
whether it was orfly the smoke of
battle I don't know.
Bunging Rattier*
Anyway, I'm still able to breath
quite freely und remember in all as a
mighty interesting; flight—Oh no!
that wasn't all! for we came around
again, only this time the Lieutenant
used a bunch of cars for a target.
There were quite a string of them
on a track, altho I did n6t see them
until I saw where the Lieutenant's
bullets were going. We sprayed
them pretty thoroughly also, but in
my opinion it seemed a waste of bul
lets, for when I got down close to
thein it looked as if the bigger guns
had been using them somewhat
roughly also, for there were numer
ous big holes in the roofs, and some
were not all there. Still one never
can tell. They might have been in
habited. It's a cinch if any of the
inhabited ants were home they will
stay home, for I sprinkled a liberal
supply of lead thereabouts. These
cars happened to be rather close for
an aviator to the barracks we had
been shooting up—and the Lieutenant
had no more than pulled out of his
dive than he turned and dove again—
at the barracks—inhabited forest, the
others and I after him.
Got Scnre of His Life
This time I went down closer than
I had before trying to pick out some
thing living to shoot at, especially
one of those guns who had tried to
get me with a machine gun, but no
such luck. Either my eyes were bad
or there were no Boche around, for
all I could see were barracks, which
I venti "tres bien". Naturally, when
I pulled out of that dive, I was pretty
close to the ground, and right there
I got the scare of my young life, for
as I pulled on the gas and the
"stick" and pointed my nose toward
my future home —I hope—l looked
down one wing to see what was go
ing on below Something was and I
didn't look for it long either . Golly!
one of those big guns went off right
under me, and what concerned me
more—right at me. Holy smokes!
From the size. It must have been one
of those they were shooting at Paris
with, for a spout of lire and smoke
shot out as big round as a bushel.
Never did I think that some day I
would look into the mouth of a can
non and live to tell the tale. But
here I am, and if that wasn't a can
non I would like to know what it was.
True, I did not actually see the gun.
but I did see what happened when
it went oft and "man! thinks I at
the time," I sure-hope you don't come
my way! Why I was not carried
back to France aboard a big "Bertha"
will always remain a mystery to me,
for altho it all happened in an in
stant I fully expected at the time to
be blown to bits. Wasn't I looking
straight into the flaming discharge?
And yet the next instant I was climb
ing serenely after my leader won
dering what in Sam Hill I had seen,
and what It was blew up under me.
Judging from the bumps I was get
ting they were still blowing up under
me, above and on both sides, for
"archie" had opened up again, and
from the feel of some of those bumps
they were not made by nature.
Watch Your Step!
And thus passed two of the most
interesting hours I have ever spent—
except perhaps several times when 1
watched the moon come up. But
there! I must not begin mixing girls
and war, for their fascinations are
entirely different.
That evening I started out on an
other expedition of the same kind,
pleased at the praise of my leader
for following him so faithfully, and
looking forward to repeating the per
formance, but my motor thought
otherwise—l was flying my own two
gun plane—and refused to work, so T
had to come back. They changed all
the spark plugs and still she wouldn't
work. She worked this morning tho.
but nothing of Importance happoned.
Thinking the motor was working at
last I started for balloon at 4 V. M.
and she quit on me again. Golly! I
thought that motor would fall apart
In the air so much did it vibrato. This
time they could not flx It, and now
I will get a new one.
To Prevent Grip and Influenza
taken in time will prevent Grip and
Influenza. E. W. GROVE'S signature
on box. 30c.
Y. M. C. A. Helped Build
Up Morale of Balkan Army
Pnrl* —General Franchet D'Esperey,
commander-in-chief of Allied opera
tions In the Balkans, whose whirl
wind drive forced Bulgaria out of the
war and brought a victory over the
Central Empires neare-, was enabled
to win through the strengthened mo
rale of his forces. General D'Esperey
was decorated In honor of his achieve
ment. He gave enthusiastic endorse
ment to fhe morale-strengthening in
fluence of the Foyers du Boldat, the
organization for soldier welfare built
up in the French Army with the co-
I operation of the American Y. M. C. A„
one of the seven agencies Joined In
the United War Work Campaign.
French military authorities are en
thusiastic in their gratitude for the
expenditure through the Y, the K. of
C„ Salvation Army and others of Am
erican dollars In behalf of the French
In a letter to the Director General
. —— _____
Store Closes Regularly Store Closes Regularly
On Saturdays at Six Saturdays at Six
■ i
—— -4'
Navy and Black /jA
it sm, a Velvet Dresses JK
and^Labor ================ Mm|,
This request is being made rp, i , £ , • * ~ , , . s£3s}BHs^.
from coast to coast. It con- lie velvet fabrics are among the most popular this sea
cerns every store—every man, son. This is quite in keeping with the conservation move-
W(^?? an ~ nd chlW - , . ment, as this rich fabric is not in any demand by the Gov- 83BBral||
lhe Government is asking , rp, . , , , , , , . . , at&fcj
stores to serve the public in ernment. 1 his permits the most fashionable attire with- ffl|
less number of hours to save out being showy.
fuel. It requests stores not to
to™ tikVc?™ o h nh"ci°rS V'T Dresses T sho , wn here in exce P tionall >' love 'y jflßk
rush. Styles that in every detail measure up to the highest stand- /{
With still shorter hours ards of material and workmanship. &//[
probable, and .millions of sol
ridZ the usuaf number 'ofrelT- th f^ B ' ack Drses ' P*"
lives and friends at home, it is J cc ,_ cnd finisllcd with ' sUI T,a SS eI edge ™ d f ""A'?To2T a ™I 'Tj 7' "?h '
necessary to request the co- , •• . ... ' ? enas at back; loose panel at back, with
operation of the public. f blouse embroidered with silk soutache sanie dcsi as fr J new round neck
Heed Uncle Sam's suges- b ™ ,d '"fancy Pattern; silk fringe on with narrow fo , d o{ whke satin sleeyes ,
tions and seffcet Christmas gifts cd ? c °' tU " IC: b f ! ack fancy bu . tto " s °" are trimmed with buttons of same, the [
now. All gifts intended for £r s * that continues on skirt in front. skirt giving straight lines, $39.50.
abroad must be shipped before
November 20th, and all parcel Navy bluc and black vclvet Drcss , witb Mada Rass ' a " trimmed th
post and express packaccs for ncw roun d . neck, wide crushed black rows of silk Hercules braid; rows of but
llus countiv must be sent be- satin girdle; row of jet buttons down tons, diagonal front and back; new wide
rp, P cccni ' )er fifth. back; the skirt has panel sides; rows of sleeves, trimmed with silk braid; heavy
. "s means that you must buttons 011 sleeve to the elbow. $29.50. silk cord at waist, $25.00.
buy Christmas gifts one and
two months earlier than usual. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor.
Why not begin now? The
stacks here are complete. J zz
Furnishings For
% \
Men and Boys'
"A The utility kinds for cv
eryday wear and Winter
"X c/' comfort. Also the dress kind
///jand the many suitable fur
g '* ts tbat be pur "
jS chased at this time, as
wT the Government forbids hir
ing of extra help for Christ-
mas rush.
Men's heavy ribbed Union Suits, fleece lined; in all sizes,
•Men's Hose, high spliced heels, double soles, in black, cor
dovan and gray. Pair, 29c.
Men's outing flannel Pajamas, $2.00 to $3.00.
Men's wool top Shirts, $2.00 to $7.00.
Men's wool Shirts and Drawers, $2.50 to $3.50 each.
Munsing wool Union Suits, $4.00 and $4.50.
Munsing cotton Union Suits, $2.00 and $2:50.
Meh's Dress Shirts, starched and soft cuffs, $1.50 to $2.00.
Men's Sweaters, $1.98 to $10.50.
Boys' Sweaters, $1.98 to $3.98.
Men's Dress Gloves, $2.00 to $3.75. ,
Men's Auto Gloves, $2.00 to $13.50.
Paris and Brighton Garters, 25c and 50c.
Men's Suspenders, 50c and 59c.
Men's Belts, 59c, 79c, SI.OO and $1;50.
Men's and Boys' Woolen Gloves, 59c, 75c, 79c and $1.50.
Men's Leather Gloves, 69c, 75c, $1.25, $1.39 and $2.00.
BOWMAN'S-Main Floor.
Hair Goods
Moderately Priced
For immediate selection we arc offering an unusually attrac
tive lot of extremely handsome Wavy Hair Switches, in all
shades except gray, at $1.24.
Having effected large purchases of high-grade Hair Goods
in advance of the present increase in price, we are now in a
position to offer hair pieces at prices that cannot fail to inter
est prospective buyers. • t
BOWMAN'S—Third Floor.
Women's Hosiery
Ladies' Silk Stockings, in black, white and the new
shoe shades, wide garter tops, high spliced heels. Pair,
Ladies' Silk Lisle Stockings, in black, white, brown
and gray. Pair, 69c. k
Ladies' Silk Lisle Stockings, in black and white.
Pair, 39c.
• BOWMAN'S —Main Floor.
of the Foyers, General D'Esperey re
cently wrote:
"It gives me great pleasure and sat
isfaction to testify my appreciation
to the work that is being accom
plished by the Foyer du Soldat or the
Franco-American Union. whiMi Is un
der your direction. In extending your
OCTOBER 23, 1918.
activities to the Army in tho Far East
you are accomplishing a noblo and
useful work. Thq soldiers who are
separated from their country even
more than tho soldiers who aro fight
ing -on yieir own soil, appreciate the
service which you have rendered In
co-operation with tho Y. M. C. A. in
The New Lasts In
Fall and Winter Shoes
Point No. 1, in favor of -fjsr.—• a
these shoes is the comfort- \ ijoV/
able foot-ease they give to \ ■ O J'
Point No. 2, is the fact
that they are made of good
leathers and are, therefore,
sturdy and shape-retaining.
Point No. 3, is their natty W
style, gracefulness and at- // \V Uv fj **
tractive appearance. // 'Ok 11 flf
All sizes for women and a V
children. Choice of the most W [
popular leathers is offered. MA |\
Patent vamp, cloth or kid I
tops, with high heels; welt |1
and turn soles, $3.49. v •"■■■■-■■■==ims= a £fc
Women's tan calf Shoe, with military heel, high lace, $8.50
Tan calf Shoe, with turn sole, Louis heel, $12.00.
Gray Shoes, with mflitary and French licels, cloth and kid
tops, $9.00 to $15.00.
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. ~)j
Flannelette and Knitted
Garments For Comfort
Ladies' flannelette Nightgowns, in pink and white, blue and
white and plain white, with or without collar, regular an<|
extra sizes, $1.50 to $3.98. I
Flannelette Petticoats, in pink and white, white and blu%
79c to $1.50.
Knitted Skirts, in plain cotton and all wool, plain colors and
stripes, 75c to $5.50.
Pajamas, in pink and white, blue and white, in
also white in one-piece, $2.25, $2.75 and $2.98.
' BOW'MAN'S—Second Floor. J ,
Buy Your Christmas
■ Toys Now •
'There are many toys that will be sold out long r J, j
before Xmas. Your shopping now helps the Gov- \Hg\| fd
crnment. The Government orders are that we Jf n
* can not engage any extra help for the Holiday * &
. BOWMAN'S—Basement.
* 'l
Plaid Silk Waist
In Navy blue, with colored stripes; also black and
white. Some have "V" necks, others can be worn high
or low. $5.95, $6.95 and $7.95.
BOWMAN'S— Third Floor.
establishing these Foyers du SolAata
where the soldiers are able to coma
together for rest and recreation. I
am assured that the results which
you already have achieved will en
courage those who have already aided
you in this patriotic call to respond
again to your appeal In this nex|
financial campaign."
— A