Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 23, 1918, Page 12, Image 12
12 MARKETS By Associated Press Xc*v York, Oct. S3. Wall Street. --Peace and war stocks were higher for the most part at the active re sumption of trading to-day, shippings and rails continuing to feature the advance at gains of 1 to 3 points. I >ivitlciid paying transport...a..* , again were favored and some of the minor rails added fractions to recent j advances. Baldwin Locomotive, in dustrial Alcohol and Mexican I etro li'Utn were strong at the outset, the letter, however. Immediately losing its two-point advance. Metals were irregular, although American Smelt ing displayed marked strength. United States Steel made a slight in- | itiul gain hut soon reacted under : pressure. I tails, shippings and equipments i and oils continued to feature-the trading of the morning. Early CTins I were irregularly increased, Mexican ; Petroleum rallying live points. Im provement was only tetuporary, how ever, prices breaking sPwrply before noon on heavy selling which started with United States Steel and effected reversals of one to almost three | points in other leaders. Mexican Pe- j troleuni added to the confusion of that period with a decline of thir teen points. The setback was ascrib ed to prospects of tighter money and the tone of the German chancellor's speech. NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Brothers and Company. | members of New York and Philadel- ; pltla Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar- ; ket Square, Harrisburg, 336 Chestnut | street, Philadelphia; 34 Pine street. ' New York—furnish the following 1 quotations: Open. 2 p. m. | Allis Chalmers 29 28% j American Can 45% 43 j Am Car and Foundry .... 88 88 % Atner Loco 67 Ta 67% ] Arner Smelting 89% 87% | American Sugar ill ll't% j Amer Woolens 52 52 . Anaconda 72 is 71 Atchison 96% 96 I Baldwin Locomotive .... 84% 88% i Baltimore and Ohio .... 58% 57% | Bethlehem Steel 71% 71 %•! Canadian Pacific 171 170 I Central Leather 66 665 Chesapeake and Ohio ... 61% 61% Chicago K I and Pacific . 29 28% Chino Con Copper 41% 41% j Corn Products 15% 41 Crucible Steel 57 55% , Distilling Securities .... 48% 47% | Nrie 18% 17% General Motors 127% 128 Goodrich B F 34% 54 Great Northern pfd .... 96% 95% , Great Northern Ore subs 33% 33 Hide and Leather 16 15% Hide and Leather pfd ... 82% 82% I Inspiration Copper 55% 53 1 International Paper,.... 35% 35% I Kennecott 38% 38 | Kansas City Southern ... 21 21 | Lackawanna Steel 76 75% , Lehigh Valley 63% 62% Maxwell Motors 33 32% Merc War Ctfs ... 31% 30', Mere War Ctfs pfd ...... 122% 122% Mex Petroleum 155 152% Miami Copper 28% 28% Midvale Steel 47% 47% New York Central 82% 81 N Y N II and 11 41 % 4f% Norfolk anil Western ... 11l 110% | Northern Pacific ' 95% 94% Pennsylvania Railroad .. 49% 48% Kay Con Copper 24% 24% Reading 36 93% Republic Iron and Steel . 86% 85% Southern .Pacific 104% 103% Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE The following ordinance was pass ed liv the City Council and signed by t le 'Mayor on the first day of Octo ber A. I>. 1918. and is published as erected by the Act of Assembly, ap proved June 27. A. D. 1913: AN ORDINANCE Regulating the parking of automo biles and other vehicles on Second street between Strawberry street and Walnut street, providing a penalty for the violation thereof, and repealing City Ordinance No. |3. Session of 1918-1919, entitled An ordinance prohibiting the park ing of vehicles on Second street be twecn Strawberry street and Wal nut street, and providing a penalty lor the violation thereof," and all other ordinances or parts of ordin ances in conflict herewith. Section 1 Be It ordained by the Council o£ the City of Harrisburg, sid it is hereby ordained by authority ..f the same. That no automobile, or other vehicle, shall be jjermltted to park on Second street between Straw berry street and Walnut street, of the City of Harrisburg. for a longer period than thirty minutes, at any one time. Section 2. That any person, firm or corporation violating this Ordin ance shall, upon conviction thereof betore the Mayor or any alderman of the city, be subject to a fine of five dollars for the first offense, ten dol lars for the second offense, and twenty-five dollars for each subse quent off"i>se, and in default of the payment thereof, and costs of prose cutions shall be imprisoned in the Jail of Dauphin County for a period not exceeding thirty days. Any po lice officer of the City of Harris burg is hereby authorized to arrest the owner, driver or person In charge of any said automobile or vehicle tor j the violation of this Ordinance. Section 3. That City Council Or dinance No. 43. Session of 1918-1919, entitled "An Ordinance prohibiting tlie parking of vehicles on Second street between Strawberry street and Walnut street, and providing a pen alty for the violation , thereof," and all other Ordinances or parts of Or uinances In conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed the City Council October 1, 1918. D. I. KEISTER, Mayor. Attest: R. ROSS SEAMAN. City Clerk. Office of the City Clerk, Harris burg, October 21, 1918. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Notice Is hereby given that on the Sth day of October, 1918. the llarris burg-York Mausoleum Company filed in the Court of Common Pleas for Dauphin County. Pennsylvania, its pe tition. praying for a decree of disso lution. and that a hearing upon said application for dissolution has been fixed by said Court for the 11th day of November. 1918. at 10 o'clock A. M., when and where all persons may at . tend and show cause against the granting of the prayer of the said pe tloner. if they so desire. E. M. HERSHEY. ' NILES & NEFF. Solicitors for Petitioners. ESTATE OF ORDAN NEJDOF Letters of Administration on th< Estate of prdan Nejdof. late of the Borough of Steelton. Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to Taschko Dundoff, residing In said borough, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands will make the same known without delay. TASCHKO DUNDOFF, Administrator, 542 North Front Street. Steelton, Pa. WICKERS HAM .ft METZGER, Attorneys. Proclamation in Divorce In the Court of Common Pleas of Dau phin County ln Divorce No. 161 March Term, 1918. Cora C. Jacobs vs. Thomas F. Jacobs. To Thomas F. Jacobs, Respondent: Sir: You are hereby notified that the above-stated case. In which yon are the respondent, will be heard In the said C'ourL In the Court House. Har risburg. I'™, on Monday, the 28th day of October, 1918, at 10 o'clock A. M„ when and where you should appear, and make defense, if you see proper so to dd R. S. CARE. Attorney for LlbellanL . Harrisburg. Pa., Oct. L 6, 1918. WEDNESDAY EVENING, Southern Ry 31% 30% Studebakcr v' 63% 63 Union Pacific 136'% 134% IT S I Alcohol 107 106% U 78 Rubber 66 65% U S Steel 111% 109% U S Steel pfd 112% 112% Utah Copper 90% 90 Virginia-Carolina Cheni . 56% 66% Westinghouse Mfg- 44% 45 Willys-Overland 23% 23% Western Maryland 13% 14 CHICAGO CATTLE By .Issocioted Press Chicago. Oct. 23. (U. S. Bureau of Markets). Hogs Receipts, 19,000; market slow: about steady with yesterday's average; good heavy packing grades dull and weak, al most unsalable. Butchers, $17.00® 17.63: light. $16.25® 17.60; packing, $14.30® 16.25; rough, $13.73 ® 14.25; pigs, good to choice. $14.50® 14.75. Cattle Receipts, 13,000; medium and westerns 25c to 40c higher: good cows and heifer,- steady to 23c higher; others and calves steady. Sheep Receipts, 20,000; mostly ; steady to strong; some fat sheep and i yearlings higher. TO LOOK AFTER TREES IN'DUE TIME' [Continued from First Page.] have two old trees removed down \ in Race street. They have grown out ' over the street and if an auto truck j or lire apparatus would attempt to pass them with a street car on the other side of the street it would be I impossible for the machines to get ( through." Oilier Cuuneilmrn Know Investigation showed that Commis sioner Gross lias these facts right , even if he had fofgotten just what his powers and authority were as j park commissioner. The two trees j extend over the highway .and some | of the liark has been peeled off by ; trucks scraping them in passing be- j tween the street cars and the curb. Other members of Cotincil paid little attention to Commissioner Gross' in quiry about who might have juris diction over the shade trees as it was certainly apparent to them that those matters were not in their de partments. So they suggested that Commissioner Gross have the trees removed and replace them with young ones from the-city nursery. Indefinite -Due Time" When this will be done Is a ques- ] tion. Commissioner Gross has shown ■ so much luxlty in shade tree matters I that after repeated promises during j the last few months he lias to this i date never introduced an ordinance j in council creating a Shade Tree Com- j mission. Other members of Council i have time and again called his at- j tentioti to conditions in the city and | in his usual manner he has promised ' to take action but has never done so. ! Commissioner Burtnett, in particular, j several times reminded Gross of his duty. On one of these occasions the 1 park official replied, "We'll take care j of that in due time.". That time , hasn't arrived yet, if one may judge | from Commissioner Gross' inactivity. ! Yesterday Commissioner Burtnett | again complained remarking that a branch front a tree had struck him , in the face the evening : missing one of 'his eyes by barely i an inch. "I-'ences" \l Trees During the summer with the ex- ' ceptlon of attention to some of the j trees In city parks, other shade trees ! were entirely neglected. In a few ! instances private residents took suf- j flcient interest in their trees to get a permit from the park department for trimming or spraying but thou sands of other trees received no at tention. During the spring of 1917, almost two years ago, Commissioner Gross thought he would soon have the Shade Tree Commission ordinance ready for Council. It wasn't intro duced that year. Residents of the city think Gross may have been so busy getting votes for re-election that he didn't have time to concern himself about preserving shade trees. This year the same promise was forthcoming from Mr. Gross and now the leaves are nearly all on the ground, soon there will be snowflakes in the air, and the ordinance has not even been read in Council. I'll OF. SUCCEEDS PROF. Professor Jesse Reese, 1854 Re gina street, has been appointed as sessor In the Ninth Ward by the County Commissioners to succeed Professor 1_ K. Knauss, resigned. PUBLIC .HALL AUCTION HALE SATURDAY, NO VEMBER 23, at Navaro Hotel, Worm leysburg, Pa., at l:3u P. Al., Hand and Coal Fleet, consisting of steamboat and equipment; one pump and equip ment; six fiats; two horses and har ness; two cans, one wagon: block and falls, and other tools too numerous to mention. Terms Cash. C. WILSON SWAKTZ, EDWARD F. DOEHNE. VICTOR BRADDOCK. Attorneys, i MAXY7ELL S. HITE. Auctioneer. . LEGAL NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGE OFFICE OF BOARD uF COMMIS SIONERS OF PUBLIC GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS, STATE CAPITOL BUILDING, HARRISBURG. PA. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived by the Superintendent of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings at his office in the Capitol Building, Harrisburg, Pa., until 12 o'clock noon, November 12, 1918. for furnishing ail labor and materials for the construction of a iwo-span concrete arch bridgo over the Aughwick Crek in Cromwell Township, Huntingdon County. Penn sylvania. as indicated fully in the plans and specifications prepared by C. K. Benson, of Huntingdon. Penn sylvania, Consulting Engineer for the Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania. Plans, specifications and bidding blanks will be furnished prospective bidders by applying to the Superinten dent of Public Grounds and Build ings, Capitol Building. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Proposals must be marked. 'PRO POSAL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF AUGHWICK CREEK BRIDGE" on outside cover. GEORGE A. §HREINER, Superintendent. L. W. MITCH BILL Secretary. NOTICE In Matter of the Estate of Flora M. Lichtenberger, late of the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Penn sylvania, deceased. To All Persons Interested in the Aforesaid Estate: YOU are hereby notified that the ap praisers appointed on the Bth day of July, A. D. 1918. by the Orphans' Court of Dauphin County, aforesaid, to appraise and set apart out of thp Estate of the said Flora M. Liehten ' berger,'unto Chester A. Lichtenberger, surviving spouse, the real or personal estate to the value of Five Thousand ($5,000) Dollars, under the Act of As sembly in such ease made and pro vided do report that they have ap praised and set apart all of the Es tate of the said Flora M. Lichten berger unto the said Chester A. Lich tenberger, which report Is now on file In the Office of the -Clerk of the said Court, and will be presented to the aforesaid Orphans' Court of Dau phin Cbunty. for absolute confirma tion on November 11, A. D. 1918,' at 10 o'clock A. M., and all persons object-j tng to said appraisement and setting apart as aforesaid, are requested to file their exceptions and on said day appear and show cause. If any, why the same should not be conflrnsed ab solutely, and if you fail thereof the same will be confirmed absolutely on ■aid da>- E HERSHEY. Attorney In Said Matter. Seven Big War Work Agencies, United In Relief Army, Take Care ofOurßoys From Home Camps To Trenches _ Activities of Organizations i Which Have Joined in Drive For $170,500,000 So Varied That Uncle Sam's Fighting Men Can Find Clean, Whole some Amusement in Every Camp and at the Front What Your Money Is Doing. HOME follows the soldier wher ever he goes through the seven great organizations that Join hands to_ help every Doy who leaves home be kind. His first rlee o camp from home" Is In a troop-train wherf a Y. ML C A. secretary always abroad, al ways cheering lonely, homesick, boys. As soon as he gets to camp he finds that the V. M. C. A., the K. of C., the Jewish Welfare Board, or the Salvation Army have the "huts" that have made them famous. There he can write letters home, play games, see motion picture shows, hear lectures, attend' relig ious services, and keep up his studies In classes conducted regu larly under the best of teachers and professors. Can Meet His Friends There, too, he finds the Hostess House of the Y. W. C. A., where his mother or sweetheart or his sis ter may come to see aim, and the urunch ot the American Library As sociation where he can borrow books to read. When the boy has a few days leave and goes into a 3trange city to spend It, he finds there the War Camp Community Service, ready and willing to direct him about the city, to tell him of the amusements and accommodations he -will find. When the time comes to start over there, the boy finds a Y. M. C A. secretary op the troopship. He supplies writing paper, organ izes games for the idle hours, and usually has moving-pictures which help out the evenings. The boy is sorry to ieave him when they dock, but the first person he meets on GREAT TASKS CHEERFULLY UNDERTAKEN BY RED CROSS WORKERS OF HARRISBURG Demands of the Army Are Met on Time and Slill Women Bmtl Time to Meet Emergencies at Home; Many Help Great Organization Hail to the Harrisburg Red Cross workers! With the first chajiee in three weeks to take a # full breath, to-day the order went out that 7,000 pairs of socks and 4,000 sweaters must be produced by this chapter before February 1, not to mention 3*>,OoU pads and many other necessities. The great institution under the management of such women busi ness managers as might put to shame a Schwab or Hoover, knew to-day in looking over the record of its magnificient co-operation in the in fluenza, that it had made good, and there was an air of intense satisfac tion for the call was a stupenduons one. As Mrs. Lyman Gilbert recall ed, the very first toscin sounded when the dread disease made its ap pearance here. It came from the Mid dletown Aviation plant: "In heaven's name can the Harrisburg Red Cross supply us with some nurses, bath robes" and hospital garments?" It was then that the six-cylinder system of our local establishment showed its speed and efficiency. In a jiffy the motor maids were winging to the stricken camp with nurses' aids and all sorts of essentials for use in pneumonia hazards. Finding that many colored men were among the sufferers, an appeal was made to the Colored Emergency Aid, headed by Bertha Zedricks, and this organ ization responded instantly so that the colored men victims at Middle town had the very best of attention and service. Two physicians, Cramp ton and Marshall, were very active in this feature of the great human drive to save lives in our own vicin ity. Unlike many another industry, the Harrisburg Red Cross Chapter, was not capsized with the sudden demand to convert its resources from the usual routine to one Entirely new and unexpected. Among Hehetlds of this organization are Miss Anne McCormick and Mrs. Mercer B. Tate, who grasped thp situation in stanler, and Mrs. Tale, who guides the producing part of the factory dropped all war work immediately and set her forces to local efforts. Big Demand For Masks Far and wide came the requests tor face masks and the record to day showed that ten thousand of these were made, the volunteers often sticking to the job all night, and thus were supplied Harrisburg Hospitals and those in twenty out side places. Pneumonia jackets were one of the greatest boons supplied by this chapter, a soft, comfortable affair which eased the sufferer trj niendously*. System was the cry, and so the work was partitioned out, covering such activities as nursing, house-to house visiting, food and supplies and transportation. In the latter Mr. Burtnett, of the National Defense Council, made himself so useful that the Red ('ross women say he may have a permanent job there. Here was a crisis which illustrat ed the vision and preparation of the local fchapter, for nearly 250 girls hud been graduated as nurse aids and the heroism displayed by this band will be part and parcel of Hur risburg's gallant war record. Hos pitals and private homes for a radius of miles were supplied with these capable girls, many of whom had thrilling experiences. The visiting of destitute families and there were many, fell to the mangership of Miss Rlngling, who proved herself most competent. The State Emergency Hospital, but more especially the City Emergency Hospital, established at Fifth and Seneca streets, found themselves greatly indebted to the Red Cross for their nurse quota. Dr. Itaunick paid the aids highest compliment. Food and nourishment to suit a pneumonia patient, was the next call and a hurry call, too. Mrs. "William Jennings knew precisely how to handle this and in a very short time hundreds of matrons, high and low, were making good rich eoups, bullion HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH I French fcoil is another secretary. K. of C\. or Y. Af. C. A., or J. W. 8., who tells him where he can go and what he can do in foreign city. Go Right to the Front At the front, perhaps, tfie great est work is done. Hero a real taste 'ot HOME, the thing the hoy craves ; more than any other one thing, j comes with the hut erected by the; friendly helpers. Here when there! is no warm, dry spot in 'camp, he! ] finds warmth and cheer, smiles, ; songs, a place to "est. writing paper, hoi drinks, cigarettes | In the trenches, the Salvation j 'Amy, the K, of C., and the Y. M. I .and fruit desserts. The motor nie6- (sengers hurried these delicacies in some instances to points twenty miles from town. Red Cross enlisted the help of the Catholic Sisters who did a noble part in visiting the sick and supplying needs. A committee form ed of Mrs. Edwin Herman, Mrs. E. jj. Stackpole and Mrs. Knisely, look jed after "cookery for the sick" and j they wore able to keep up to the de mand so that visiting nurses were al |vvays provided with broths and cus tards when they made their trips of mercy. Many Do Bit I A much appreciated co-operation ■ was that of the Poor Directors who Idid all they could to obviate any i one being buried in Potter's Field, 'ni as far as the law permits. Here jthe Red Cross showed its facility for | handling an emergency uncommon, ! for on two occasions, itpaid enough [cash to save victims from this dis j grace. i The Red Cross organization was a i life-saver to physicians who soon ! found that they cou,ld get almost any [kind of help there. Nurse aids were 'called out at all hours of the day 'and night to take over cases, admin ister stimulants, thus releasing the 'doctor for other duties. An odd task Iwas that which Miss Watts set her self, looking after the well. Her job was to help before the disease jattacked and she accomplished Auuch good. | Mrs. Gilbert wished to have it known how generous the stores, the State Capitol and, in fact, all em ployers were in permitting nurse aids to leave their employment and help in the epidemic. Even small girls did their bit, un der a systematic regime which kept them visiting homes where children were to be toted about in baby car riages, the motlaer and family being down with the flu. Surprising was the response from rich and poor. One day an ill-dressed man came to the door and insisted on giving a five-dollar.hill. They tact fully suggested that he must need it himself, but he insisted, saying, that he gave because he sympathized j with the unfortunate. Many other similar incidents were recorded, so that the Red Cross in this dilemma [assumed the attitude of a great 1 benevolent institution, fulfilling all [sorts of demands. Necessarily, all war work c eased, [and hence the emphatic call now for return to the muking of stockings, sweaters, surgical wrappings and all j things needed in the military hos ipitals. Women of the city have shown perfectly splendid spirit, comnijnt ! Ed Mrs. Gilbert to-day. There are no class lines whatever, and many of jthe best workers are women With Ismail income and much responsi bility. I More power to Harrisburg Chap iter, American Red Cross. • WALTER I'. MAGI IRK SLIGHTLY IMPROVED i The condition to-day of Walter P. ' Maguire. of 5 South Front street, who j has been seriously 111 with pneumonia at bis home since last Monday a week, irf reported by a member of his family to Ve slightly improved. "Holding his own," was the word sent Icy the latter over the phone this afternoon when inquiry was made by the Telegraph concerning the cool merchant's con dition. The Test For Peace The test of every plan of peace 16 this: Is it based upon the faith j of all the peoples Involved, or j merely upon the word of an am | bltlous and intriguing government, | on the one hand, and of a group ' of free peoples, o # n the other? This is a test which goes to the root ! of the matter; and it is the test j which must be applied. PRESIDENT WILSON, . August 27, 1917. I V J C. A. follow to the front line Boys who come out ot the front line, cold and dead-tired, meet a cheery smile and get a smoke and cup ot hot chocolate That is the nearest approach to home that a ma_ in Lie trenches finds. Even to the prison-camps the sec retaries go. taking what cheer and i comfort they can to the thousands of boys whq are interned—both Al ilied and German Make Women Comfortable The Y. W. C, A. has its huts for I nurses, telephone girls, and for mu-1 j nition workers, in addition to the j I lostess Houses which arc replicas i BAN TO REMAIN ON AMUSEMENTS ' [Continued from First Page.] street, and Lillie Foster, 632 Reily street. I Since late yesterday afternoon tiie I local Bureau of Vital Statistics re | ceived reports of nine deaths from I influenza and two from pneumonia, j Yesterday there were thirteen deaths | front influenza and six from pneu i moniu: , t The report that a local physician ! charged exorbitant lees for medical i treatment has been submitted to I representatives of the Daupliin ! County Medical Society, it was | learned to-day, and official action may be taken soon. , j Physicians in the city who have I refused to treat patients during the j present epidemic other than those upon whom they call regularly, have | been severely criticised by Health j Officer Raunick, who said to-day he I has learned of a number of instances ;in which doctors refused medfeal at tention to persons who called at their I offices. ! One case of this kind was cited by ! Dr. Raunick and the man is now !In a serious condition at the Emer- Igency Hospital. He eanie there last j night and had a temperature of 104 'degrees, with all symptoms of in , iluenza. When asked why he had %ot i called on a doctor, the man replied he had seen a downtown physician, [whose name he gave, and the patient said the physician refused to give any treatment, referring him to the hospital. To Make Investigation ; Dr. Uatinick declared that all such cases will be investigated by him. | What action will be taken to stop [this dangerous refusal to treat per [sons who are ill has not been decid jed, but the health bureau may find ;a way to deal with such physicians, the authorities said, j Unly a few cuses of the disease (were reported yesterday, but the ban iclosing amusements and other places where large crowds congregate may ibe enforced for several weeks yet, as Dr. Raunick said it would be unwise (to lift it too soon and have a second ; outbreak of the disease. Only One New Patient Deaths reported at the Harrisburg !Hospital since yesterday follow: ' Mrs. Mary Spriggs, 36 years old, 1563 Shaffer street; Antonia Loretto, ! .40 years old. 33 4 riouth Second (street; Mrs. George Butts, 22 years old, 1066 South Ninth street, and Airs. J. A. Snyder, 30 years old, 1422 I Hunter street. J. A. Snyder, husband iof the last named patient, is also at (the Harrisburg Hospital, in a Serious | condition. | At the Emergency Hospital only lone new patient was admitted yes jterday. Several were reported to be lin a critical condition. < Governor Hopes Quarantine Can Be Lifted Without Delay j Plans whereby decisions can be reached when to lift the ban against meetings and public amusement (places and saloons are being worked out to-day at the State Department 'of Health and will be announced in (a day or so. Governor Brumbaugh said to-day in regard lo the matter "I am hoping to see the ban lifted ;early through local authorities. A I plan whereby deaths will show when (the danger point is passed is being worked out." The State Department of Health j announced to-day that special in | vestigations are being made into the ■value of serums for prevention of i influenza and that inquiries into housing conditions are under way. . In places in Allegheny, Lackawanna and Luzerne counties where housing !conditions are bud, said Acting Com ! missioner Royer the percentage of ■deaths has been high. The rate of ' deaths In the state is estimated at (live per cent, of the number rtl cases, | although figures are not complete. |ln some localities it went up to | twenty per cent. Reports were received to-day of I spread of the disease in Allegheny county and of many deaths In the hard and soft coal regions. It is feared now that the death rate for the month In the state will go over 20,000. There are now 117 emergency hospitals in operation. Conditions were reported worse at Bethlehem. The State Council of Nation De fense office here in co-operation with I the state authorities sent out a let- f the Hostess Houses in camps at home More than 3,600 separate build ings have been erected or rented. More than 16,000 uniformed work ers are in service on both sides of the Atlantic. More than 500 cons ot supplies go to France every week for the organizations to dis tribute to ,the boys. More than 16 miles ot motion picture film goes to France each week for the boys' entertainment. Wherever a soldier or sailor or a marine goes, HOME goes with him. through the j medium of one or the other ot | these seveu great co-operating or iganizations. Iter urging members of the councils lin the counties to work to prevent I profiteering by doctors, druggists, | undertakers or others and to bring I any eases to attention of authorities. Three Deaths at Hospital From Influenza Plague ' Three deaths at the Harrisburg j Hospital have .occurred since mid -1 night last, due to Spanish influenza, j Fifteen patients have been admitted during the twenty-four hours pre | ceding noon to-day, and eighty-two i patients now are in the hospital under treatment for influenza. The deaths are: John Snyder, aged 34, 1314 Hunter street. He died at 11 o'clock last night, three hours after the death of his wife, who also died of Spanish influenza, Wiliam Spangler, 2130 North Sixth street, died at 4.30 o'clock this | morning. He was aged 23. William Olsen, a soldier at Camp ! Colt, Gettysburg, died after several | days' illness at 3.30 o'clock this ' morning. He was on his way home on a furlough, and while stopping ! at the Central Y. M, C. A., Second I and Locust streets, wus taken ill j with influenza and removed to the j hospital. He was aged 24. i Nighf Report Shows , Increase in West | A statement issued at the Depart ment of Health last night said: i "l'p to 6 o'clock to-night, 4,183 incw cases of influenza were report led from thirty-fivo counties. The dis pense shows a steady increase in Al legheny, Armstrong, Cambria, West jmoreland, parts of Fayette, Somer- I set, Bedford and Elk county, St. (Mary's, Elk county, now has a total jof 1,000 cases. The estimate number lot cases in Luzerne county is 10,-000. I "There are apparent signs of sub sidence of the epidemic in Delaware !county; Chester county, with the ex ception of Coatesvllle; Philadelphia, Montgomery and 1 ,ycoming counties. The total number of deaths, includ ing delayed reports reaching us over the week-end and arriving at this office up to 1 o'clock to-day is 18. 271 deaths from influenza and 0,283 from pneumonia, a total of 18,504 since October 1." Belgians Will Celebrate Deliverance Oct. 26-27 Washington, Oct. 23 —Deliverance of Belgium from the Germans will be celebrated at Havre, October' 26 and 27, the anniversary of the first [battle of the Yser, under the aus pices of p\o Belgian government. An official dispatch to the Belgian legation said Belgian refugees at Havre and in the surrounding terrt i tory would be present to give ex-1 jpression to their great Joy over thej j liberation of the sea coast cities. I W II.SON DECOIIATES MILITARY LEADERS : Washington, Oct. 23. Marshals i Foch, Joffre and ( Halg and Generals Petain, Diaz, Pershing and Gillian, chief of staff of the Belgian Army, ' were awarded the distinguished ser vice medal to-day by X'resident Wil | son, acting as commander-in-chief of j the United States Arnjy. BISHOP BKOOKK DEAD | Chicago. Oct. 23. —Bishop Francis I Key Brooke, of the Protesunt Epis copal Church of Oklahoma, died at I the home of a daughter here to-day, after many months of ill health. He iwas born in Gambler, 0., November 2, 1862. CHICAGO BOARD OK TRADE By Associated I'ress 4 lilc-ngo, Ocvt. 23.—-Board of Trade closing: j Corn November,'l.27l4 : Decem ! her, 1.24. i Oats November, 69Vj: December, 69. ! Pork November. 35.00; January, ; 37.70. Lard November, 24.40; January, | 23.10. I Ribs November, 21.07; January, 30.32. OCTOBER 23, 191$. DOUGHNUTS ARE FILLING A VOID; Soldier Boys in France Even Eat 'Em For Break fast I'nrlM, Oct. 12 (by Mail). —Search through tlie American Expeditionary Force fails to disclose any man who sees nothing to the doughnut but the hole. Every tighter over hern might have been born in New Knglund, where they eat 'em for breakfast, so profound is the reverence for the Oreat American Doughnut. Its popu larity has been made unanimous by tlie Salvation Army, the K. of and the Y. M. P. A., the battletield repre- j sentatives of the seven service agen cies combined in tho United War | Work Campaign for $170,600,000. To I impart a suggestion of what dough nuts mean as gastronomic delights to American fighting men, let the story I | of Jimmy be told. Jimmy hadn't eaten a doughnut i since he left America, of rather since he had left the ancestral shades of' I Pike county for training camp, lie: I had dallied witli a chunk of indigesti btlity camouflaged under that nume j in a restaurant of tho town near his i cantonment just before embarking for | I France. It looked like a doughnut, I but it was a terrible thing, all weight i and no Joy. j But Jimmy was in France now, in a : large base town that swarmed with I people strange to his ulien eyes and j jhe was Homesick for America, for j Pike county and the folks who had ! known him from the cradle up and j | who had pampered his tastes in food j with loving understanding. Even the I restuurant doughnuts wouldn't be so bad now he thought, for the system atic exercise and healthful life he hud led since joining tho Army hud trans formed his usual vigorous appetite into a continual obsession for food— then more food. . There was plenty of "chow" at mess, but he craved the . liner manifestation of the chef's art. Doughnuts, for instance. As he stood there, a vagrant breeze wandered into the kitchens of the Y. M. C, A. cafe a few doors down the street and out again. It enveloped Jimmy in a fragrant cloud and his senses reeled. Could it be? No, he was simply delirious and soon an am bulance would come and take him away, but he would enjoy that delic ious odor of doughnuts while the fun tasy lasted. But the frangrnncc did not evaporate; it grew stronger, and unable to stand the suspense any longer Jimmy elevated liis nose and followed that aromatic trail as un erringly as any pointer in pursuit of a fat flock of quail. It led him into the Hrd Triangle hut down the street and there—oh! unbe lievable sight was a large platter of delicately browned, plump doughnuts reposing with proud confidence among other platters of comestibles such us only Americans can concoct. A real American girl stood behind the coun ter and passed out cakes, pastries, cream puffs and doughnuts to the hungry mob of doughboys who lined the stand three deep. Between bites of the luscious com pound Jintniy talked with the Kill who told him about I lie efforts of the Y. M. C. A. to make life more enjoyable for the boys in olive drab by running: a cafe, maintaining: readinK and writing? rooms, and gttgin( a movie or a vau deville performance every night. Of course, there are no records of individual sales but that night there was one well-known representative of Pike county who was willing to admit, with the amiability born of a | sntisfied stomach, that for once in his life he had hncj enough doughnuts. Senators Drop*Kitchin's Dual Tax on Profits Washington, Oct. 23.—The Kit chin war profits taxes and excess profits taxes went by the hoard yes terday and has been predicted many times the Senate Finance Commit tee substituted an altogether new plan for taxing business profits. The committee also completely revised thesurtax rates on individual in comes. lation to taxes on business is believed The Senate committee's plan in rc by the committee to bemore in con formity with theideae of the Treas ury Department than was the Kitch iin plan. It is also their belief that it will be in a general way less bur densome to business and will meet much of the criticism levelled at the taxation scheme of Mr. Kitchin. Tho committee did not eliminate either the war profits tux or the excess prolits tax. It has worked out a com bination of the two along what it believes to be more equitable lines. The effect is to lighten the burden materially on ordinary business prof its while still heavily assessing swol len prolits. in tumbling over the edi liee erected by' Mr. Kitchin the com mittee has invited a stiff light in con ference, as the excess prolits sched ule revised yesterday was one of Mr. Kitcliin's pet projects, and the majority leader of the House is cer tain to make a determined effort to secure its retention in the bill as it jflnally was agreed upon. Under the Kitchin plan the excess prolits rates are 3D per cent, on the amount <of net income exceeding the credits allowed and not exceeding 15 per cent, of the invested capital, 50 per cent, of the amount of net in come between 15 per cent, and 20 per cent, of the invested capital and 70 per cent, of theamount of the net income exceeding 20 per cent, of the invested capital. "r , Let The Types Help You THERE is no need to wony about next month's business if you call in the services of the printer. Get your facts together the things you want to say to the public—and have / them printed in a folder or booklet. Facts well told in good printing have saved many a businessman worry about the future, for they carry your thoughts, your prices, your location, the bargains you may want the people to know about, to the public that has the money. The rest is easy. The types simply can't help bringing business to you. We'll help you < ,• all we can to make good printing carry your message. The Telegraph Printing Binding Photo Engraving Designing—Die Stamping—Plate Printing 216 Federal Square HARRISBURG, PA. - .-J) Sees Continuance of War if U. S. Refuses to Treat With Hun Chiefs London, Oct. 23.—Theodore Wolff, in the Tagcblatt, of Berlin, says grent difficulties will be caused if Presi dent Wilson or the Allies refuse to negotiate for an armistice as pro posed by Germany. "In Par.s, New York' and London there Is now talk about military nec essity," Herr Wolff continues. "We won't deny our own politicians spoke with violence in the ni ctreJn when they thought' possession of Paris was in night." * The article concludes: "ShWhld President Wilson demand the impos sible we must reckon with a con [ tinuution of the war." Lancaster Is Leader in Wheat Growing Lancaster county leads the state in j wheat production this year with 2.- I 7111,025 bushels, York being second I with 1,868,392, according to figures is sued to-day by the State Department of Agriculture. Berks ranks third, j Franklin fourth, Cumberland liftli and Adams sixth, each having over 1.000.- ! 000 bushels. The total production for the year is given us 26,02.3,67-1 bushels. Berks leads In tho rye production with 366,233 bushels out of 1.676.500 raised in the state, Northampton coun ty being second. Bucks third, follow ;ed by Dehigh, .Schuylkill York and | Montgomery. I Berks is ulso the banner county in j oats production with 1,971,855 bushels j out of 44,103,21 1 produced in the. state. Westmoreland. Somerset. Erie and ! Bradford follow. Other counties hav ing more than 1,000,000 bushels are: Bucks, Butler. Chester, Cumberland, Dycoming, McKean, Tioga, Washing ton and Y'ork. Sailor Discards Uniform; ! Takes Benefactor's Clothes G. L. Hardinger, a sailor who dis appeared front the room of Maj |thew Stretcher, 109 South Third I street, last night, wearing a suit of j Stretcher's clothes after he had dls- J carded his sailor uniform and left it | behind, is being sought by the police. Stretcher said ho gave Hardinger a night's lodging when hornet, him on | the street and he claimed that he was without money or lodging. SUES FOR 1810,000 I Counsel for Eva Boldosser this i afternoon tiled a suit against Charles Crisswell for slo,ooo damages alleg ing that he made slanderous remarks about the woman. <137 WOUNDED KETI'RN HOME Washington, Oct. 23.-—Sick and wounded landed in the United I States from the American expedi ' tionary forces during the week ended October 18 numbered 637, tho i War Department to-day announced. FRANKLIN I BUILDING AND : ILOAN ASSOCIATION; . 31 YEARS OLD i I SITII SERIES STARTING ' f HUNDREDS HAVE SECURED IIIONIES THOUSANDS HAVE iSAVED MONEY HAVE YOU? f STOCK CANCELLED ANY TIME I 0% INTEREST PAID I I j ROOM 10, , | 202 Walnut Street -j> 'ESSENTIAL LOANS If you work, keep house and pay your bills, consult us when I you need money. Legal rate loans. sls to S3OO, made on personal property, real estate or guaranteed notes. Weekly or monthly payments arranged to suit your convenience. Co-operative Loan & Investment Co. 204 Chestnut Street BUY MORE LIBERTY BONDS V. CITIES SERVICE Perftatent demand from tnaldara has canned A perpendicular rlee in Cities Service Common. Be arts specialist* in Oil Stocks We recommend onlj Oil Btocka of Premier Quality. STANDARD OILS CITIES SERVICE MERRITT OIL i and others The unprecedented era of Oil la Just berinninc. Wc would be pleased to eseemte vour l order# to buy or sell. Writs note. Secunti#* : !43 Exchange Place New York J