Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 22, 1918, Page 3, Image 3
1128 NAMES ON CASUALTY LISTS; 144 ARE KILLED Twelve Pennsylvania Soldiers •live Up Life in War i on Hun Washington, Oct. 22.—The two -asunlty lists made public to-day by the War Department contain 1128 aantHk one hundred and forty-four * : f whom were killed in action. Of tno latter, twelve were Ponnsyl- A Wartime Recipe For Gray Hair Gray, -Jreaked or faded hair can be immediately made black, brown i jr light brown, whichever shade *ou desire, by the use of the fol •owing remedy that you can make at home: Merely get a small box of Orlex powder at any drug store. It costs very little and no extras to buy. Dis solve it in water and comb it through the hair. Full directions for mix ing and use come in each box. \on need not hesitate to use Or lex. as a SIOO.OO gold bond comes in each box guaranteeing the user that Orlex powder does not contain silver, lead, zinc, sulphur, mercury, ani l line, coal-tar products or their de rivatives. It does not rub off, is not sticky or gummy and leaves the hair fluffy. It will make a gray haired person look twenty years younger. RHEUMATISM LEAVES YOU FOREVER Deep Seated Uric Acid Deposits Are Dissolved and the ltheuniatlc Pol son Starts to Leave the System AVlthln Twenty-four Hours Kvery druggist in this county is authorized to say to every rheumatic • sutYerer in this vicinity that if two bottles of Allenrhu, the sure con queror of rheumatism, does not stop all agony, reduce swollen joints and do away with even the slightest twinge of rheumatic pain, he will gladly return your money without comment. Allenrhu has been tried and tested for years, and really marvelous re sults have been aceomulished in the most severe cases where the suffer ing and agony was Intense and pite ous and where the patient was help less. Allenrhu relieves at once. Imme diately after you start to take it the good work begins. It searches out Die uric acid deposits, dissolves the secretions and drives rheumatic "ol son out of the body through the kidneys and bowels. It's marvelous how quickly it acts, messed relief often comes in two days, and even in cases where the sintering Is most painful all traces disappear in a few days. G. A Uor gas can supply you. Jf c , ~ WW T* 1 New Store of JP ORE WM. STROUSE! ■ pT close 530 pm l LEADER SINCE 1894 | The Distinctive Touch 1 | Stratford Clothesare ji 1 jj| known among discriminat- jfi . m ing dressers, for value, fit, v* fij workmanship and fabrics. ( / I II Also because of the positive fiffh S distinctiveness. \Uf\ I i The "fine touches" are | k jj| noticeable in Stratford Clothes Extia care is taken in the choice of the j| ra woolens and linings and the wearer B ' jjj| appreciates these points for he knows Jl flj the guarantee of high grade fit 1 When you purchase \ f\ | j| one of these Suits or Overcoats 1 9 you get the snap, life and ginger which \ 9 all men expect when they buy "up-to- >" \ 9 the-minute" models. Such models are '/ / wfifk \ 'tl shown at the New Store of Wm. Strouse ftffA I | look over our fall and winter ' fyf\ I Finest Overcoats and Suits 1 $25 to SSO • I The Distinctive Touch Also applies to our j ~ Boys' Clothing g We use the same care in selecting Suits and Overcoats for the boys that is used for his big brother or father. Our Boys' Suits have that I snap and pep that gives the boy that mannish effect. | Boys' Suits and Overcoats $8.50 to S2O Bradley Sweaters Dent's Gloves Lewis Underwear Vanity Hats The New Store of I WM. STROUSE TUESDAY EVENING, vunians. TJic summary and lists follow: Killed In action 144 Missing in uction llti Wounded severely 372 Died from wounds 48 Wounded slightly 4 5 Died front accident and other causes 3 Wounded, degree undeter mined 322 ;Died of disease 54 ; Prisoners 21 ! Total 1,128 KII.LEUnIN ACTION Corporal Peter Rossi, Hazleton. Privates , Henry V. Bailey, Connellsville. j James J. Costello, Pittsburgh. I Roy Perkins, Cory. MISSING IN ACTION Sergeant Joseph S. llcAdoo, Reynoldsville. Privates Theros Catranis, Pottsville. Peter I.a Russa, Johnstown. Joseph Lyhonna, Philadelphia. George Edward McClintock, Pltil jadHphia. Clair Richwine. Gardners. Kenneth Saehrtson. Erie. John F. Spagcl, Erie. Stanislaw Stanathy. Erie. Marry L. Wilson, Philadelphia. WOCXDKI) SEVERELY Private Jeremiah T. O'Brien. Carrick. SLIGHTLY WOl M>Kl Private Leroy C. Lewis, Shippensville. DIED OF MOUNDS Privates , Raymond Chester Brumbaugh, | Huntingdon. i John >F. Kenelian. Scranton. WOUNDED (DEGREE UNDETER MINED) Captain John M. Gentner, Philadelphia. Lieutenants Harry J. Kulp, Norristown. PAINLESS JOINTS The Country Is Full of Them Since Druggists Commenced to Soli "Neu trone Prescription !>!•'• There is nc reason on earth why any one should suffer another day I with painful, inflamed, swollen joints or muscles of any kind arising from rheumatism, when you can get a | large bottle of "Neutrone Prescrip tion 99" for 50c and SI.OO the hot j tie. Not u liniment mind you, to clog i up the pores, but a blood-purifying, soothing and healing internal remedy that takes out all soreness and pains and leaves the muscles feeling fine and comfortable. You may be so sore and crippled ; that you cannot get around, but take ; a few weeks' treatment of "Neutrone , Prescription 99" and you will enjoy entire freedom front rheumatism. Use "Neutrone Prescription 99" ' for chronic rheumatism, for gout, for the kidneys. Use it when you feel an i attack coming on and you will be | mighty well pleased with the result. • For sale in Harrisburg by G. A. Gorgns, lfi North Third street and P. It. It. Station.—Adv. John H. Litschert, Philadelphia. Sergeants James J. Dorhey, McKeesport. James L. Fallon, Danville. William B. Frederick. Sharpsburg. John P. Greene, Philadelphia. WHmer W. Hartman, Philadel phia. Christian Heisler, Pottsville. George C. Huber. Scranton. William S. Jopson, Philadelphia. Joseph D. Kennedy, Philadelphia. Frederick Longsdorf, WiUianis port. Harold Miller. Reading. Frank R. Moore. Philadelphia. Charles J. Opperman, Lyndora, Butler county. Joseph Payne. Port Perry. Reily A. Smith, Bloomsburg. Corporals Charles W. Bleakney. Rose Point. Charles C. Bream, 121 Hoerner st., Harrisburg. Michael Buckwich, Wilkes-Barre ! George T. Campbell, Barnesboro. Cambria countf. Frank R. Clough, Chester Morris Cohen, Philadelphia. Hugh J. Cook. Philadelphia. Harold I>. Miller, Clarks Summit. William 1,. Corwell, Philadelphia. Robert J. Fcelev. Scranton. John Franco. Philadelphia. Anthony F. Grande, Philadelphia. George H. Hafner, Philadelphia. Harry H. Harrington. Berwick. Charles A. McLean, Philadelphia. Frank Martin, Philadelphia. Philip Patterson, Philadelphia. William M. Sapper, Philadelphia. I,evi A. Seigfreid, Berwick. James JilcGowan Shearer, New Rioomfleld. Calvin O. Sterner, New Ringgold. Bugler William J. Ross, Scranton. Mechanic Edward A. Gledhill, Philadelphia. Horseshoer John H. Gordon, Taylor. Cook Vincenzo Carpino, Knoxdale. Privates [ Martin F. Acton. Pittsburgh. Kostyn Aleslti, Throop. John Asliton, Philadelphia. John D. Barr, Kittanntng. Charles Belveg, Scranton. Snlvatore Coceo, Reading. Thomas C. Conroy, Philadelphia. Denny Cornelius, Mount Union. Charles Dougherty, Philadelphia. Frank B. Dunlap, Philadelphia. James J. Flanagan, Philadelphia. Philip Joseph Grace, Philadelphia. Charles Graziano, Old Forge. Edward Hack, Philadelphia. Charles W. Heim. Trevorton. Harry L. Inch. Philadelphia. Alfred J. Johnson, Chester. John A. Keenan. Philadelphia. Harry W. Kirkwood, Clarion. William Kirschner, Philadelphia. George W. Knell, Pottsville. Ralph Hunslcker Kraft, Schwenks ville. William P. Allen, Moosic. William J. Becker. Reading. Charles A. Beers, Philadelphia. Joseph W. Besselle, Philadelphia. Albert J. Bochinsky, Simpson. Peter M. Boone, Lime Ridge. Clyde J. Bradley, Bloomsburg. Horace P. Burns, Philadelphia. Alfred M. Campbell, Philadelphia. Marion M. Crewe. Collingdale. Charles B. Crist, Duncannon. Wilmer E. Crossley, Schuylkill Haven. Cornelius M. Daley. Pittsburgh. Reuben F. Date. Philadelphia. Martin J. Fahey, Philadelphia. George J. Ford, Philadelphia. Emiel Fritsch, Philadelphia. 1 Luther M. Gilbert, Berwick. Frank B. Gillcn, Philadelphia. Samuel Glenn, Philadelphia. HJLRJRISBTTRG CFISK TELEGKXPEC Albert N. Goodlander, Wataon town. Emery T.' Greenley, Mlllvllle. William P. Grleßer, Pittsburgh. Leroy Heffner, Ashland. Evan Hill, Danville. Alfred Hogencamp, Honesdale. Clarence Grant Hoover, Williams town. Harry A. Jenks, Philadelphia. Harold M. Jordan, Philadelphia. Albert Kurash, Taylor. John J. Larbo, Pittsburgh. Willis D. Lauver, Arendtsville. Wayne H. Lewis, Philadelphia. William Longenberger, Allentown. Howard H. Lutz, Sharpsburg. Bernard J. McGlone, Philadelphia. James J. McLaughlin, Philadel j phla. • William Markey, Scranton. William M. Merz, Lunsdowne. Leonard Miller, Philadelphia. Edward Moroski, Philadelphia. John J. Morrow. Philadelphia. George A. Mulhern, Wilkes-Barrie. ! James K. Man ley, Archibald. | Rol>ert J. Murphy, Philadelphia. | Edward (''Byrne. Carhondale. John H Paul, Mechanicsburg. j Andrea Pisani. Shitniokin. I Peter Povalitus. Mahanov City. I Llewelyn H. Price, Hryn Athvn. ! James J. Keilly. Bloomsburg. i Ben Richards, Scranton I George \V. Klnehart, Ridley Park. John B. Roche, Philadelphia. William Rudy. Gleason. Calvin Shaffer, Lock Haven. James Smith. Wissinoming. Stanley Stankevtch, Dubois. Pete Tripodi. Avella. Setmstanio IXzzardo, Philadelphia. James Watkins, Pittsburgh. Richard Watters, Norristown. Clair E. Wechtcr. Reading. } Howard Wertz. Schuylkill Haven, j Clarence S. Wommer, Schuylkill ■ Haven. Alfred C. Young, Jr., Philadelphia. DIED OF DISEASE .Mechanic Charles W. Stoops. Midvale. Privates William E. Bennett, Pittsburgh. Leo A. Hopkins, Scranton. George Lewis, Mount Pleasant. By ran H. lteis, Philadelphia. PRISONERS Privates Arthur E. Boyer, Philadelphia. John L. Burr, Washington. Jefferson Craig, Uew Castle. Joseph Rogers, Jr., Scranton, Pa. Stanley Wisnefsky, Mount Carmel. The following casualties were jgiven out by the War Department | this morning: KILLED IX ACTION' Sergeants Frederick K. Bauer. Philadelphia. George W. Mell, Philadelphia. Herbert Reese. Unityville. Privates Ralph J. Dull, Lewlsburg. John Yarasnuas, Scranton. Herbert A. Zittinger, Baltimore. MISSING IX ACTION Corporals Deforest Lawson, Erie. Sylvester John English, Erie. James Bailor, Newville. John J. Fitzpatrlck, Dußois. Joseph Grabinsk.v, Natrona. Heber Lee Hazlett, Carlisle. Mervin Frank Helfletlnger, Car lisle. ♦ William Elmer Hershey, Carlisle. Charles Hoffsess, Boiling Springs. Charles Byron Lewis, North East. Raymond Sylvester McLaughlin, Erie. Michael Thomas Payne, Erie. Ernest Allen Saphore, Boiling Springs. James A". Scalisc. Warren. Claude W. Sell. Catasauqua. Howard J. Shaffer, Brookville. Kussell W. Silverihorn, North Springfield. Fred J. Simmons, Erie, i 'hristensen Snyder, Columbia. Frank Szoszorek, Erie. Martin Luther Weaver, Scalp Level. Charles Wesley Wheeler, Lincoln | ville. Robert Wilson, Philadelphia. WOUNDED SEVERELY Sergeants Thomas C. Brown, Philadelphia. Harry A. Kurtz, Lebanon. Albert Z. Myers, Jr., Philadelphia. Corporals Andrew Plivelich, Greensburg. Woodruff C. Warren, Philadelphia. Stanley I. Giltner. Tamaqua. Philip K. Howard, Reading. Calvin L. Madara, Reading. Kenneth Wertman, Muncy. Mechanic j John H. Miller, Pine Grove. Wagoner i Frederick W. Hagenah, Pitts- I burgh. Privates Dorf. Birehfield, Philadelphia. 1 Daniel Calvert, Washington, j Joseph Gebovige, Shenandoah. | Henry N. Grove, Delta. | Nathan Kanowitz, New Kensing- I ton. | George W. Laniack, Chester, j Harry Lang, Philadelphia. | Peter McDevitt, West Philadel jphia. [ Elmer L. McKeone, Allentown. William E. Myers, Freeport. Walter J. Radz, Scranton. Alfred B. Sherlock, Media. William G. Stein, Allentown. Cdlonel N. Stover, Emelton. Calvin A. Young, Lancaster. August Carl Bolinger, De Lancey. Thomas J. Daily, Philadelphia. Elmer A. Etzel, Pittsburgh. Sewell P. Gillam, Huntingdon. Creston F. Hallowell, Philadel phia. Joseph Lamb, Philadelphia, j Leslie McKinle.y, Philadelphia, j Edward F. McNeil, New Albany. Jose R. Olivera, Gracedale. Robert A. Roth, Allentown. Samuel I. Rowland, Williamsport. Earl S. Snyder, Rathmel. Robert H. Campbell, Pittsburgh. Harry H. Hoffman, Pottsville. Raymond E. Kraus, Pittsburgh. David C. Shilling, Sharon. Charles W. Smith, Smtthfield. DIED OF WOUNDS RECEIVED IX ACTION Sergeant Ambrose C. Karcher, West Etna. Privates Lawrence Delaney, Philadelphia. Clarence Leo Hinkle, Chambers burg. Louis Karpatva, Philadelphia. Raymond L. Lamm, New Castle. Clifford A. Sheppard, Mount Pleasant. Colored Soldier Tells of Work on the Front j The Harrisburg Telegraph has re ceived the following letter from William B. Luckett, first class pri vate, of Headquarters Company, 351 st Field Artillery, now serving in France. Many of Harrisburg's colored soldiers are serving in this unit. The letter follows: "The 351 st Heavy Field Artillery, colored, of the United States Army, better known by the restless Huns as the "Fearless Black Devils,,' is making a great name for itself on the Western Front in the Allies' last drive against those ruthless Huns who are now retreating before our victorious Allies. There are clean, brave men, fearing nothing, daring everything. They are very strong and stout hearted. The regiment is made of mostly High School and College young men. "Dauphin county Is well represen tlve in the 351 st F. A. They are dreaded by those restless Huns, who are nearing the Rhine for safety, but they shall never be safe until our Allies will have subdued them, and by the grace of God, we hope to conquer them soon. All of the boys from Dauphin are well and send heartiest wishes." M ' MIDDLETOWN NEWS Middletown Subscribes $91,000 More Than Quota Chairman E. S. Gerberich, of the Fourth Liberty Loan committee, has completed his report for the quota of Mlddletown's $284,510. The re port follows: First ward, First pre cinct—George Core, captain, $500; Mrs. James Covan, captain, $250; Second precinct—B. W. Kurtz, cap tain, $2,350; Mrs. John Groupe, cap tain, $3,850; Second ward, First pre cinct—-A. G. Banks, , captain, $16,- 350; Mrs. C. Z. Moore, captain, $2,- 550; Second precinct—J. A. Karmer, captain, $130,400; Mrs. D. W. Huntz berger, captain, $11,950; Third ward, First precinct—A. 11. Luckcnbtll and Mrs. A. H„ Luckenbtll, captains, $12,350: Second precinct—M. 11. Gingrich, captain. $1,900; Miss Anna Eby. captain, $7,600; it oval ton—H. T. KautTman, captain. $1,250: ltoyal ton P. K. It., $5,800; Middletown. I'. R. R., $6,600; Rombcrger Hosiery Mill, $5,000; A. S. Ki eider Shoe I Company, $10,900; Wincroft Stove, Works, $6,550; Middletown Cai Company, $14,250; Kojralton Shale l Brick Company employes, $1,850, j Farmers Bunk, $20,000; Farmers Bank, unsolicited, $4,500; Citizens National Bank, $10,000; Citizens Na- ' tional Bank, unsolicited, $6,700;] Middletown Y. M. C. A., $3,800; ] Middletown Ordnance Depot, $3,800; Middletown Aviation Depot, $2,000; Boy Scouts, Wlliani ■ Moore, $850; Boy Scouts, Hoover Brothers, $1,050; Boy Scouts. Revere Updegraph, SSO; Jednota, $22,300, Shale Brick Com pany, $500; Middletown Car Com pany, main office, $75,000; Middle town, personal subscription, $7,560; Conewago township, $12,500; Lon donderry township, $12,250; Lower Swatara township, $8,350; total, $376,350, oversubscribing quota by $91,840. The funeral of Ernest Fletcher, who died after a two days' illness at his home in Market street, was held on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Rev. W. A. Flamer, pastor of the A. M. E. Church, officiated. Burial was made i the colored cem etery, East Middletown. Word was received in town yester day from Philadelphia announcing the death of Mrs. John Keever, aged 62, from heart failure. Mr. and Mrs." John Keever were former residents of town and moved to Philadelphia several years ago. About three weeks ago her son, Clarence Keever, died at Philadelphia. The body will be brought to town for burial. . Thrf' names of Mrs. A. T. Nicely, of Harrisburg; Mrs. H. M. Peck, of Philadelphia, and Mrs. R. H. Her man, of Harrisburg, daughters of the late Mrs. Mary Ann Brestle,were un intentionally omitted as survivors; ulso one sister, Mrs. M. H. McNeal, of town. The funeral of Miss Annie Heagy, who died at Chester on Saturday, was held from the home of her Store Closes Regularly Store Closes Regularly On Saturdays at Six Mm On Saturdays at Six DELL 1901—2350 UNITED HARRISBCHG, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1918. FOUNDED 1871 Like a Good Neighbor, A Store Appreciates /Mvt\ Your Co-operation /l/rfxA ( y ®. When your next door neighbor has one, two, three, or \j, \ even more cases of sickness in the home you do not hesi- j tate to extend a helping hand, even at the risk of your I . \ own health. When you and yours are sick you are grate- / 1 \ ful for every assistance kind neighbors can give, especial- / 1 \ ly so when hired help is not available at any price. C, !_J A store is like a large family. When Uncle Sam needs 11 \ I men it leaves vacancies here and there throughout the 11 \ \ j store. Others are hired but another draft comes and ill claims still more. Then comes the Influenza and with- \\\ out discrimination holds women as well as men in its \\\ 1 dreaded grip, and a far greater number of vacancies re- A When you buy you pay for service and arc entitled to it, but in no line of business is service as efficient to-day as formerly. Therefore, under present conditions a store *1 1 • needs and appreciates the helpful co-operation of its I£l 1 I J* valued customers, and Every Small Package Carried Is Patriotic „ . ~ , and Neighborly Co-operation. n Semi-tailored Su.ts m the following materials: Borela, & j r poplin, broad cloth and serge. Some have staight lines while others are belted and button trimmed; both of these makes V • • r 1 ' have l ar K c ar >d notched tailored collars in all the leading Draperies in shades of the season. Such as: Brown, green, burgundy, E- taupe, navy and black $35.00, $39.50 and $45.00 d n rl Pdt'l'F'f'riC Plain Tailored Suits in men's wear serge, cashtnere, velour, V>UIUI 3 clllVJ 1 II LloLlv, X <X L LV-^I |J J pouret twill, gabardine, tricotine and silvertone. These are ' . manish tailored models. Some have plain notch collars, while Voile and Marquisette Curtains in white, ivory, and ecru. others have the long roll collar of self material or velvet; still 2Yi yds. long in plain and lace trimmed, pair,.. .$1.75 to SB.OO others are fastened high around the neck. Madras and C henille and tapestry portieres in the popular shades of rose, blue, green and brown. Beautifully made. The coats have the long straight line so desired— Pair, $5.00 to $22.00 a tailored suit. The skirts are button trimmed with neatly Marquisette, scrim and Madras curtain materials—plain tailored pockets and belts. In brown, taupe, pekin, burgundy, hem ana lace borders. Some with colored figures. Yard, oxford, navy and black $49.50 to $95.00 „ , _ . .„ . ..... C BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. Couch Covers in full length and width; in worsted and Tapestry. Each $2.00 to $9.00 ~ ~~~~~ " " Large assortment of the newest weaves and patterns in L 1 T7" 1 T lace curtains for any room in the house. White, ivory and oC3SOH.3.DIC V 2.IUCS 111 ecru. Pair, $1.25 to $12.00 Our stocks of cretonnes for all purposes was never more complete. Both domestic and foreign patterns; 30 and 36 T ntHTrlnth ntld N/itticnnb inches wide. Yd., 30c to $1.98 . BOWMAN'S —Second Floor. . . English Long Cloth, 8 yds. to a piece, ... .$1.50 per piece Dresses and Rompers 1 a En P^ h L .°. ng . ao, . h ' g !°: e . Sn !! h '. • 1 -r* English Long Cloth, 36 inches wide, splendid quality, 10 in stamped Patterns yds to a piece 513 50 per pie ? e ~~ ~~ * New Maderia Nainsook, 39 inches wide, 10 yds. to a Children's Stamped Dresses and Rompers in all piece I ...$3.00 per piece colors with long sleeves. Sizes, 6 months to 8 years, • $2.75 and up. Japanese Nainsook, 36 inches wide, 10 yds. to a BOWMAN'S —Second Floor. piece, $4.75 per piece ' ' mmmmm ———___ BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. j i . • ;j parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Hcagy. j State street, this afternoon at 21 o'clock. The Rev. Jumcs Cunning-1 ham, pastor of the Metli'odtst Epis-j copal Church, officiated. The pall-! bearers were Harry Shott and Joseph | Kluntz, two brothers-in-law; Levi | Heagy Jr.. Lenius Heagy, Elmer j Heagy an % William Heagy, four | brothers. Burial was made in the Middletown Cemetery. The funeral of Mrs. Mary A. Brestle, v."hj died at the home of her son, Edward Brestle, North Spring street, Sunday night from complica jtlon of diseases, will be held on I Wednesday afternoon at the home at 1 2.30 o'clock. The Rev. O. M. Kruy bill, pastor of the Church of God, of wheh she was a member, will offici ate. Burial will be made in the Mid dletown Cemetery. The funeral of Mrs. Minnie Core Huntzberger, who died at her home, State and Catherine streets. Monday morning, will be held on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Rev. James Cunningham, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which she was a member, will offl : elate. Burial will be made In the | Middletown Cemetery. I, A. It. Mctoalf received a telegram I from Qulncy, Fla., that his sister. Mrs. Bertha ltoach. died Sunday j 'night. He left for Qulncy last eve j ning. j Mrs. Catharine Zimmerman, aged 82, died at her home in Ann street [yesterday morning fvom Influenza, f.'fter being ill for tho past two weeks. She is survived by two sons, Frank Zimmerman and John Zimmerman; two daughters, Miss Carrie Zimmer man. at home, and Mrs. Harvey Foltz, Elizabethtown; two brothers, John Sweeney, Newville, and James Sweeney, Harrisburg. Fire caused slight damage to the barn of Mrs. J. W. Rewalt, North Union street, on Sunday afternoon. The blaze was discovered by Grant Marshall. It was extinguished be i fore it was necessary to call the bor ough fire companies. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fishburn, of town, received a telegram yesterday announcing the death of their daughter, Mrs. Salome-Kroft, at York Haven. Russel Fornwalt, of the Tenth In fantry Machine Gun Company, Camp Custer, Mich., Is spending some time In town, having been called here on account of the illness of his child. Mrs. Daniel Palmer, of York, was called to town on account of the ill ness of her husband. Principal S. C. Peters, of the Emaus Orphans' Home, where there are thirty-two boys and girls, has issued orders not to allow any visit ors at the home during the influenza epidemic. Miss Charlotte Weidncr, a trained nurse, has been secured by the local Red Cross and the Board of Health to visit homes in the borough. Any one needing her services should re port to W. J. Roop, secretary of the Board of Health, or leave word at C. S. Few's drugstore. The Red Cross chapter members arc making masks to be used by those who are taking care of any cases of Influenza. OCTOBER 22, 1918. RETURNS WITH PRISONER Detective Harry White has return ed from Columbus, Ohio, where he went to get Walter H. Hetrlck, alias Walter MabDonald. who is wanted for breaking Jail here two years ago. ;He was paroled from the Columbus ijall where he was serving a sen tence on the charge of stealing an | automobile. | (iBX. IIAHNKTT SERIOUSLY ILL. Washington, Oct. 22. 'Major-Gen eral George Harnett, of the United I States MurUie Corps, Is seriously ill with influenza at Brest. France. In formation of his condition reached I Washington yesterday. A Health I Builder For Weakened Lungs After being weakened by a con tinued cough the lungs need the most careful attention. In many cases EOKMAN'S ALTERATIVE!, a cal cium salt preparation, with many more than twenty years' successful use, has been found very beneficial in strengthening the lungs and helping to restore health. WOo anil 51..Ml Hetties nt nil druggists or from innnufneturrr, postpaid. ECKMAN LABORATORY, Philadel phia. Mothers! Read the Signs! If you will learn to give Cascarets, the candy cathartic, to your children, instead of castor oil, calomel and pills, you will save money, and avoid lots of worry, coaxing and sickness. Truly! When one of the kiddies has a white tongue, a fainted breath, sour stomach or a cold; when bilious, constipated, feverish, remember, a sweet candy Cascaret to quickly "work" away the nasty bile, sour fermentations and poisons should always be the first treatment given. Children really love to take candy Cascarets and they nevei gripe the tender bowels, never injure, and never disappoint the worried mother. Give Cascarets to children one year old and upwards. Each 10 cent box contains full directions fot children and adults. }to remove dandruff) Get a small bottle of Danderlne at any drug store for a few cents. % pour a little Into your hand and rub well Into the scalp with 'tliei finger tips. By morning most, It! not all, of this awful scurf will hava i. disappeared. Two or three applies-* tions will destroy every bit of dan druff; stop scalp itching and fall-* i ing hair. ■tt Bi-nesia Relieves Sour Stomach In Five Minutes or you can have your money back fop the asking. If you suffer from gas tritis. Indigestion, dyspepsia—if food lies liko lead in your stomach and, you cannot sleep at night because of the awful distress—go at otico to Geo. A. Uorgas or any other good druggist and get a package of 81-neala Tablets. Take two or three after each meal or whenever pain is felt, and you will soon be telling your friends how you got rid of 'oinach trouble. Be sure to ask for 111-nrHln, every genuine package of which contains a binding guarantee of satisfaction or money' baek. 3