Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 22, 1918, Page 12, Image 12

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Knemy Still Impenitent; Foe
Twists Wilson Condition*;
Only Shuffling
Paris, Oct. 22. —The German re
ply to President Wilson was
eagerly discussed in official circles
ind in parliament. Among deputies
of all shales of opinion the. impres
sion was, first of all, that the reply
betrayed more than previous com
munications the state of depression
and the demoralization of the Ger
man people a tshe result of the
Allies' victories.
As a whole, the note is found to
be equivocal and tortuous and plati
tudinously phrased us to leave the
door op£n for all sorts of quibbling.
Nowhere >8 there evidence in the
reply of a genuine desire to accept
the only way in which peace can be
concluded aceordin gto expression
of opinions here On the contrary,
all that is apparent is the urgent de
sire of the German general staff to
get an armistice at any price in or
der to reorganize its reserves of men
and material. Therefore, it is gen
erally believed that the reply is not
likely to be considered at Washing
Loudon. Oct. 22. — Newspapers al
most without exception view the
German reply to President Wilson
with impatience and distrust. "Ger
many still impenitent," is the cap
tion on the editorial of the Chronicle,
which dismisses the reply as ob
viously inacceptable. The Graphic
is more optimistic and says "ver
bally, the Germans are getting
slightly nearer the point of view
upon which the Allies mean to in
"The nigger in the woodpile," in
the German reply, according to the
Express, is the desire "for an armis
tice based on an elaborate estimate
of the rival forces us they are to
day." This, lite newspaper says, is
a "disingenious twist of the Wilson
conditions," and continues;
• "We dare not consent to a suspen
sion of hostilities unless we can ob
tain in October the terms we shall
■dictate before July to an enemy who
is broken and beaten to his knees."
The German reply to President
Wilson is regarded here as "not
business, but mere argument and
protestation." in government, diplo
matic and political circles the view
is that it ,s not a reply, but simply
a resort to verbiage. One highly
placed official described it as "badly
camouflaged insincerity "
Would Sacrifice Dignity
lleitrv M llyndinan. leader of the
B'i Socialists, said:
- reply is simply another piece
of shuffling. I hope President Wil
son will answer it very abruptly and
briefly. If he were to accept this
reply as a basis for negotiation, in
my opinion he would simply be sac
rificing the dignity of tlte position
he has worthily gained."
Frederick George Kelloway. par
liamentary secretary to the minister
of munitions said: "Only our leaders.
Premier Lloyd George, Premier
i Temeneeau anil President Wilson, on
the political side, and Marshal
Koch, Field Marshal Huig and Gen
eral Pershing, on the military side,
can say if the note means that Ger
many is at Utst prepared to face the
fuels and draw the inevitable con
clusion. The way to make an early
pence is to be ready for a long war."
Liggett and Bullard
Made Lieut. Generals
Washington. Oct. 22.—Major Gen
erals Hunter Liggett and Robert L.
Bullard were nominated by Presi
dent Wilson to lie lieutenant gen
General Liggett commands the
First American Field Army in
France and General Bullard "com
mands the second. They become the
only liehtenant generals on the ac
tive list, their new rank being for the
war period, like that of General
Pershing. General Liggett is a major
general in the regular establishment,
and General Bullard is a brigadier.
When General Liggett arrived in
France General Pershing was at
work on the formation of the First
Army Corps and this task was
I romptly assigned to him. The
American commander-in-chief was
so well satisfied with the result that
l.iggett was given direct command
of tlte First Field Army when it was
organized and led it into action when
in the first major offensive, the St.
Mihiel salient was wiped out in a
German U-Boats Flock
Back to Kiel Harbor
Hv Associated Press
Geneva, Oct. 22.—Kiel harbor is
unable to accommodate all the sub
marines which have returned from
"stend and Zeebrugge during the
past week, and some are Iving off
shore, according to advices received
have a well deserved repu
tation as a safe and effective
remedy for stomach ail
ments. They are
helpful in bilious attacks,
sick headache, dyspepsia,
heartburn and constipation.
They act gently and surely
on the organs of elimina
tion, purify the blood, tone
the system and very quickly
Larvsat Sal* of An? Medicine in tho World.
Sold ovarywkaro. la bK-a*. Ht., 25c.
Evangelical to Be I'sed by the
State Bureau; Live SiocV
to Leave Capitol Park
The three-story ljelc-k building al
Second and lideust streets occupied
for years by .the I'nited Kvangelical
Publishing concern will be occupied
within a few weeks by the uutomo
the registration division of the State
Highway Department. Superinten
dent George A. Shreiner, of Public
Grounds and Buildings,93tated to
day. "The state has leased this
building for a period of years and
will be able ti afford accommoda
tions to the (automobile division
which it has badly needed," suid .Mr.
Shreiner. "The remodeling will not
amount to much; in fact, there will
be very little to be done."
Tlte division of distribution of
documents.'now in the old Gordon
Manufacturing Company building in
Capitol Park extension, goes to the
third ttoor of the Kuhn building in
North Cameron street, which has
been leased, and the State Live Stock
Sanitary board will move into the
first itoor of the Donaldson building
now occupied by the automobile divi.
sion. "The buildings in park exten
sion occupied by these two branches
will lie torn down. We are moving
on with clearing the park and work
out out a pian to take care of all
state offices without trouble," said
-Mr. ShreMter.
Appointment of commissioners to
take tlte vote of Pennsylvania sol
diers in camps in this country will
probably be decided upon to-mor
row by Governor Brumbaugh who
is to-day sending telegrams to all
camps whose commanders have not
replied to Adjutant General Deary's
inquiry as to the number of Key
stone State men in their commands.
The reports thus far show about 45,-
000 soldiers, some of whom, how
ever, are under twenty-one. The
Governor said to-day that he was
seeking further information about
the number of men who might want
to vote.
The appointment of Howard E.
Butz, the Huntingdon editor and
; member .of the Harrisburg district
; appeal board for the draft system,
: to be state lire marshal, was stated
lat the Governor's office to-day to
I have been a purely personul one.
Mr. Butz was a boyhood friend of
, the Governor and also of the late
G. Uhul Port, whom he succeeds.
He will qualify within a few days.
George Franklin Brum. Washing
ton party candidate for Congress in
the Schuylkill county district, to
day filed his withdrawal as a candi
Dr. It. Jinapp. of Forest City.
was' to-day appointed coroner of
Susquehanna county; Frank J. Stahl,
justice for Hughestown and John F.
Zechniun justice for Harris township,
Center county.
Complaints against new rates
were tiled today by H. S, Bomber
ger. of Palmyra, against the Ann
ville and Palmyra Gas and Fuel
Company, and the borough of Scott
dale against the Citizens Water Com
By an opinion rendered to-day to
the State Board of Education the
Attorney General's Department holds
that the board has authority to pre
j scribe equipment for schoolhouses
| necessary for proper hygienic and
I sanitary conditions: school boards
[ have no authority to make con
tracts for new schools unless plans
have been submitted to the state
; board or are from standard plans
prepared by the board and districts
which fail to follow instructions
from state authorities as to building
may be punished by withholding
state appropriations.
The slate optometry board is di
rected in an opinion rendered to
day by Emerson Collins," deputy at
torney general, to make careful in
quiry into charges that temporary
offices have been established by
optometrists before determining
whether there has been any viola
tion of (lie provisions of the code
governing thai branch of licensure.
Misses Margaret l„ Grove and
Katharine Hang, of the Governor's
office, have volunteered their serv
, ices as emergency hospital nurses
I during the influenza epidemic.
The $12,500 liond of James G.
Miles, as deputy register of wills of
Dauphin county has been approved
by the Governor. The Governor's
office to-day stated that no selec
tion of a register to succeed Roy
Danner had been made. Numerous
names are being suggested.
Auditor General Snyder, members
of whose family had been very ill in
the influenza epidemic, returniv* to
the Capitol to-day and took up a
number of departmental matters.
Capitol visitors to-day included:
\V. I). Grimes, Pittsburgh lawyer;
A. K. Jones, Uniontown; Represen
tative H. Atlee Brumbaugh, of Blair
county, and others.
German Army Leaders
at Odds, It Is Reported
New York. Oct. 22.—George Ren
wick, in the New York Times, writ
ing from Amsterdam, says the Ger
man army leaders are at odds. Lud
endorf, it is said, wants peace held
up until he can concentrate his army
along the Rhine, in order to "have
an influence on future events." Hin
denhurg. it is reported, fully ap
proves the peace move.
The cattle and hog survey, to be
made in the twelve largest producing
states under the direction of the local
schools in each district, will be held
November 7. The survey was origi
nally scheduled to be made October
15, It was later postponed until Oc
tober 30, and now the definite date is
Lieutenant George B. Schuyler. En
gineer Corps, U. S. A„ who is station
ed at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indi
ana, is visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. P. J. Schuyler. 1622 Deny street.
Me will be In the city a few days.
_ The captain of detectives Trom
Trenton, N. J., came to Hurrisliurg lo
lodge a detainer against William
Murpliy, aged 10, wanted in that city
on u charge of breaking into a cloth
ing store Murpliy 'was arrested here
a few days ago on a charge of break
ing into tiie stores of Murtz lb-others
and A. KrauLznian.
Commissioner Lynch introduced an
ordinance in Council to-day provid
ing ror one-way travel west from
Fourth to Thrd street, in Blackberry
street. Businessmen along Market
street and Dewberry street presented
a petition to him requesting such ac
Charles Chaney, who was given n
penitentiary sentence on a charge of
slashing his wife, was taken to Phlla
i delphia to-day by Sheriff W. W. C'ald
iv elk
Text of Germany's Plea For Peace
The text of the German note, as
received by wireless, is as follows:
"In accepting the proposal
for an evacuation of occupied
territories, the German govern
ment has started from the as
sumption that the procedure of
this evacuation and the condi
tions of an armistice should be
left to the judgment of the
military advisers and that the
actual standard of power on
both sides in the field "has to
form the basis for arrangements
safeguarding and guaranteeing
this standard.
"The German government
suggests to the President that
an opportunity should be
luought about for fixing the de
tails. It trusts that the Presi
dent of the United States will
approve of no demand which
would be irreconcilable with the
honor of the German people
I anc< with opening a way to a
t peace of justice.
"The German government pro
tests against the reproach of
illegal and inhumane actions
made against the German land
and sea forces and thereby
against the German people. For
I the covering of a retreat de
structions will always be neces
sary and they are carried out
in so far as is permitted by in
ternational law. The German
| troops are under the most strict
! instruction lo spar e private
property and to exercise care
for the population to the best of
their ability. Where transgress
' ions occur in spite of these
Luther L. Newman Dies
After a Week's Illness
Luther 1.. Newman died early Sat
urday morning at his late residence,
26 South Sixteentli street, after an
Illness of eight days, ,ot pneumonia.
Mr. Bowman was born in Harris
burg and was 20 years of age. Hav
ing graduated from the Harrisburg
High School in 1910 he matriculated
at Dickinson College and graduated
from there in 1012 and took a two
years' course in the Dickinson law
For tile past several years he
taught school in the Allison building.
He was a member of the Capital
Street Presbyterian Church. During
his college days he won a number
of trophies as a runner. He is sur
vived by his wife and his father. Fu
neral services will be held on Thurs
day morning at 10.30 and will be in
charge of the Rev. Beverly M. Ward,
pastor of tlie Capital Street Presby
terian Church. Interment will be at
Lincoln cemetery.
Albert Alagnelli, aged IX. son of
Paulo Magnelli, wholesale fruit deal
er. 112 South Second street, died at
tl o'clock this morning from influ
enza. Several other members of the
family are ill with tlie disease. The
deceased is a brother of Theodore
Magnelli, former member >f the local
police force, who is now in the army.
Funeral arrangements are pending
upon advices from the brother as to
whether or not he will be able to
reach home for the funeral.
Mrs. Anna Cope Pastor, wife of
Charles H. Pastor, Sr., passed away
at her home, 10U9 Green street, after
a serious illness of four weeks dura
tion. Survivors are her husband and
the following children: Mrs. Minnie
L. Foster, Harrisburg: Mrs .lames D.
McKeehan, of Sunbury; Charles H.
Pastor. Jr., Cleveland, Ohio; John C.
Pastor, Philadelphia, Pa.; Raymond
F. Pastor, in service 'overseas. Fu
neral services will be held at her late
home Thursday afternoon at 1.30, the
Rev. Harry K. Ulrich, of Milroy. of
ficiating. Interment in Paxtang cem
Charles Kllwood Bailor died at his
home. Twenty-seventh and Wooillawn
streets. Old Orchard, yesterday after
a brief illness. He was aged 15 years.
Funeral services will be held Friday
afternoon at 4 o'clock, the Rev. S.
W. Herman, pastor of the Zion Luth
eran Church, officiating. Burial will
be in the Paxtang cemetery.
He was a,member of '/.ton Luth
eran Church and of the Boy Scout
Troop No. 14. He was also a student
of the Technical High School.
Funeral services for Mrs. Emma E.
Stevenson, wife of Robert R. Stev
enson, 1215 North Front street will
be held at her late home Wednesday
afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. The Rev.
Floyd Appleton. pastor of St. Paul's
Episcopal Church, will officiate. Bur
ial will be made in the Harrisburg
cemetery. Mrs. Stevenson is sur
vived by her husband. Robert, her
mother, Mrs. .1. A. Pennell, a sister,
Mrs. F. S. Kirk, and a brother. W. 31.
To be called home for the funeral
of her brother who was serving in
the army, to contract influenza on the
way to Harrisburg, and finally to die
from the disease which killed her
brother was the sad experience fall
ing to the lot of Miss Mary E. Mar
tin, a nur.se in training at the Provi
dence Hospital in Washington. Miss
Martin was summoned to the city ten
days ago to attend the funeral of her
brother. James B. Martin who died at
the officers training school at Camp
Zachary Taylor. Becoming serious
ly ill onroute to Harrisburg, she was
unable to attend t lie funeral. She
died yesterday. Her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas H. Martin, Colonial
Acres, and a sister, Mrs. Frederick
Oberlander Frederick, Mr., survive.
Miss Martin was aged 18 years.
Funeral services will be held at the
residence Thursday morning at 11
o'clock. The Rev. D. J. Carey, rector
at St. Patrick's Cathedral will offici
ate. Burial will be In Ml. Calvary
Mrs. Mary A. Raine, age 77 years,
died early yesterday morning at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. W. W.
Bevard, of 1323 Green street, this
city. Death was due to a general
breakdown attributable to old age.
The deceased was the widow of
Charles Howard Raine, once promi
nent as a stock broker In Harrisburg.
Airs. Raine was born in Secio
county. Md., but spent the greater
part of her life in this city. She is
survived by five children and five
grandchildren. The former are
Charles E. Raine. Mrs. ('. L Boak
and Mrs. W. W. Bevard, all of Har
risburg, and Albert M. Raine, of
Philadelphia and Wendell P. Raine,
of Washington. D. C.
Frederick If Falk, aged 32 years
died last night at his home, 573
ShoYvers street after a week's illness.
His wife and four children survive.
He also leaves his father and Moth
er. Mr. and Mrs. Chns. Falk, three
sisters and two brothers.
Mr. Falk was a member of the Corn
I Planter No. 61, Independent
instructions the guilty are being
"The German government fur
ther denies that the German
navy In sinking ships has ever
purposely destroyed lifeboats
with their passengers. The Ger
man government proposes with
regard to those charges that the
facts be cleared up by neutrul
"In order to avoid anything
that might hamper the work of
peace, the German government
has caused orders to be rtls •
patched to all submarine com
manders precluding the torpe
doing of passenger ships with
out, however, for technical rea
sons, being able to guarantee
that these orders will reach
every single submarine at sea
el'ore its return."
"As a fundamental condition
for peace the President pre
scribes the destruction of every
arbitrary power that ca.t sep
arately, secretly and of its own
s.ngle choice disturb the' peace
of the world. To this the Ger
man government replies:
"Hitherto the representation
of the people in the German em
pire ihas not been enodowed
wnh nn influence on the forma
tion of the government "
"The constitution did not pro
vide for a concurrence of rep
resentation of the people iff de
cisions ot peace and war. These
conditions have just now under
gone a fundamental change. A
new government has bqen
formed in complete accordance
with the wishes (principles) of
|Order of Red Men. and the John Bar-]
!l is Lodge, No. IH3, Knights of Py- j
i thias.
Mrs. Anna Belle Hoke, aged 38 I
j years, died Friday night at her home, i
i 109 Cowden street. She is survived j
I by her husband, Rqbert C. Hoke, and j
| four children, Robert C. Hoke, Jr.. I
Thelma Hoke, Beatrice Hoke and j
I Edith Hoke, her mother and father, !
i Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Cupples, five j
; sisters and a brother. Funeral ser- j
| vices will be held Friday morning I
jat 10 o'clock from her late home.
I MKS. in:K'l'll A G. SAA EEI.EA
Mrs. Bertha Gentzler Sweeley. wife |
lof Bernard Sweeley, 1207 Walnut I
.street, died at her home Sunday. Her j
1 husband and daughter, Claire, her j
parents and a sister, Mrs. Gertrude I
■ Gratzler, two brothers, Elmer E. j
• Gentzler, of Bushman and W. J. j
j Gentzler, survive. Funeral services i
I will be held Thursday afternoon at!
1.30 o'clock. Burial will be in the !
East Harrisburg cemetery.
Funeral services for .Margaret M. j
Smith, aged 14 years, who died at I
her home, 520 Dauphin street yester- j
day noon, will be held Thursday af- |
ternoon at 2 o'clock. The Rev. I
Father Dailey, of St. Mary's Catholic j
Church, will officiate. B(trial will be.
in Mt. Calvary cemetery.
Democrats Seem ,to
Be For Mr. Kreider
Democratic* leaders of Dauphin, j
Lebanon and Cumberland counties, j
which comprise the Eighteenth Con- {
gressional District, the "home" dis- j
trict of Democratic National Chair- j
man Vance C. McCormick, have been
unable to find a candidate to take '
the place of H. H. Mercer, who with- !
drew at half past the eleventh hour. ;
Several meetings liuve been held, butj
no agreements readied and last night j
a session, marked by much argument j
and tobacco smoke, was held at the j
Democratic slate windmill, in Market!
Square, without any result as far as a
nomination was concerned.
Chairman McCormick is said to be |
j insistent that some one be named, but i
the leaders have been unable to find I
any one willing to be tagged, as the'J
district is overwhelmingly Republican,
and it would lie a very expensive
proposition lo make any kind of a
campaign now.
The general satisfaction with the
j course of Congressman Aaron S.
Kreider appears to extend to tlie rank
and file of the Democratic party.
Children Sell Acorns
to Aid Influenza Fund j
| The Red Cross received $1.22 from |
five wee lads and lassies yesterday, i
to be given to the orohans, the sol- I
diers and the yarn fund. The chil- |
dren sold acorns at a cent a glass. •
Every cent of the proceeds went to |
the chapter headquarters yesterday.
"Please, miss, we want to give I
this money to the orphans who've I
lost their fathers by tlie 'flu'" said I
Mary Black. 711 Green street, and j
Jane Black, 718 North Third street. !
The first brought thirty-two cents
and the seeond thirty cents. Murv
her mite of thirty cents for yarn. 1
Hillie Zeal and Robert White Moor- '
| head brought their Joint proceeds i
amounting to sixty cents, for the I
• soldiers.
Pennsylvanians in
Hun Prison Camps
Hy Associated Press
i \\ iiKhliiKton, Oct. 22. Among tlie]
I eighty-four American in German |
i prison camps are the folowing Penn-I
j sylvanians: At Rastatt, Lieutenant)
Edward Schtnelzer, Erie; at Karls
ruhe. Lieutenant George B. Hadesty.
Jr.. Pottsville; at Limbing. John Leii
hart. Somerset: at Qassel, Agatenio
Destifano, Cannonsburg; at unknown '
camps, Charles E. Behm, Oley; Alex- |
under Chtcli, Reading; Gustave Tevs- i
sier, Coroapolis; William IT. Stafford,
| Pittsburgh.
Courthouse Notes
Inspectors Appointed—Elmer's IS. j
! Kinney was appointed majority in-;
speetor of elections succeeding Emery;
, iteigle, who is in the army and j
'Harry B. Hoffman, named minority;
inspector to succeed Clarence B. j
Good, removed, ifl West London-!
derry township.
Deputy ltoturnH—Deputy P-otlion- ]
otury Henry If Holler, who had!
been confined to his home because!
of illness, has resumed his duties. ]
.Many Got Licenses—More than]
130 hunters' licenses wei'e issued to-1
day by County Treasurer Mark '
Mumma before noon, bringing the!
total for the 1918 season to 5164. |
Guardians Named—The Allison !
Hill Trust Company lias been np
j pointed guradian of Jennie Irene and
(Harry R. Fasnacht, children of the'
j late Mr. and Mrs. John F. Fas-!
nacht. The Union Trust Company!
1 was appointed guardian of Ethel V.
] Eckenrode, daughter of tho late
'John F. Eckenrode.
Moves to N'eAv Home—Prothono
jtary Charles E. Pass removed from
(1 429 Derry street, to his home at
'.Sixteenth and Derry srtreeta, (which
! has been remodeled recently.
I Appoint Assessor—The county
commissioners have upppointed E |
E. Knauss. 24 South Seventeenth
street, assessor In the Ninth ward to'
succed Burton Saltsniun, resigned, j
Professor Knauss Is 11 member of!
the Technical High school faculty. |
Hie representation of the people,
bused on equal, universal, secret,
direct franchise."
"The leaders of the great
parties of the reichslag are
'members of this government.
11l the future no government
car. take or continue in office
without (possessing the confi
dence of a majority of the relch
"The responsibility of the
chancellor of the empire to the
representation. of the people is
being legally developed and
safeguarded. The first act of the
new government has been to lay
before the reichstag a bill to
alter the constitution of the em
pire so that the consent of the
representation of the people is
required for decisions on war
and peace.
"The permanence of the new
system is, however, guaranteed
not only by constitutional saf#-
guards, but also by the un
shakable determination of the
German people, whose vast ma
jority stands behind these re
forms and demand their ener
getic continuance.
"The question of the Presi
dent—with whom he and the
governments associated against
Germany are dealing—is there
fore answered in a clear, une
quivocal manner by the state
ment that the offer of peace und
an armistice has come from a
government which, free from
any arbitrary influence, is sup
ported by the approval of an
overwhelming majority of the
German people.
(Signed) "SOLF."
[Continued from First l'agc.]
President to make any peace with an
(armed Germany.
; The German note seeks to make it
appear that steps toward constitu
tional and governmental reform in
I Germany will be taken to free the
(German government from arbitrary
and irresponsible influences, but ot
hers no real proof that there has yet
been an actual destruction of the
arbitrary powers lodged in rll e kaiser
and the imperial government load
lers, and no evidence is afforded that
|the kaiser Hindenburg, and Lurien
dorff are not to-night as completely
in control of the German military
machine as they were prior 10 the
launching of the German pcaco of
Need Make No Reply
Diplomatic observers point out that
the President is at liberty, with per
(feet consistency, to make no response
at this time, but to await develop
j ments. to await the performance of
(the promises of tjie Germans not to
I torpedo passenger ships, their im-
I plied promise to work no more de
[struction during their retreat from
Belgium and France than military
■ necessity requires, and finally to
await further development of the
political leaven that evidently is
iworking toward the complete over
throw of military and autocratic
power in the empire.
! N'o one believes that an immediate
j cessation of hostilities is in sight.
(The opinion most generally held is
that, if Mr. Wilson decides to make
I a reply,' and if the Entente Govern
| ments agree, the only step possible
at this time would be to sanction ar
rangements to be dictated by Genernl
iFoch in the field for withdrawal of
the Germans without further fight
ing. Such arrangements of course,
would be contingent upon guaran
tees of continued supremacy of the
victorious allied armies, and conse
quently virtually would mean sur
render for the Germans.
| Senator Borah said he looked
I upon the note and the German gov
ernment reforms both as shams, and
doubted the sincerity of the arm
istice paragraph. This is a good time
to end negotiations, he added.
Senator Curtis, after considering
the note, said he still thought we
should demand unconditional surren
ider, after which peace terms could
[be discussed.
| Senator Overman, Democrat,
thought the "way seemed open to
j peace if we wanted to accept" that
[kind of peace.
I Senator McKellar, Democrat, said:
|"I am still for absolute and uncon
ditional surrender."
Senator Harding. Republican,
said: "The note contains no new sug
gestions which we can accept re
garding an armistice."
Senator Smoot, Republican, said:
I "The American people and the gov
ernments of the Allies will never
stand for any sort of a negotiated
(peace. Until the Huns have more
than a taste of defeat there can be
[no peace. Unless the military power
of Germany is broken nothing but a
jpatched-up peace can be made, if
peace that is to last is- to be made,
[it cannot be through negotiations.
[ I must be dictated to Germany. Ger
;many is not beaten yet, und peace
(negotiations now would be a terrible
! Senator Hitchcock, Democrat, said:
("I do not believe an armistice will be
granted until all the terms of all the
i Allies have been accepted and com
plied with."
j Senator Poindexter, Republican,
Isaid: "When German armies have
I laid down their arms and marched
Ito the points designated by the Al
lied high command, then Germany
I will be conquered, and not until
| then."
Bike the first note, this one is re
( garded in some quarters as another
I step in the German plan of bargain
( ing in the hope of securing terms
more favorable than the uncondi
i tional surrender which they are pre
j pared to make Ilnully if peace can
; come in no other way.
j Official comment continued to be
[ withheld awaiting anindicatlon of the
President's views.
Revolution In Germany
I Observers here who are convinced
[that the enemy is beaten Into sub
mission andthat efforts at bargaining
now aremerely a prelude to complete
surrender in the near future, if the
Allies hold firm tothe determination
to accept nothing else, are guided by
confidential diplomatic advices pur
porting to show that there has been
a real political revolution In Germany
and that the people in power are
ready to throw out the Knlser und
all his war lords to get peace.
Troops Get Secret Orders
it was learnedto-day that a pri
vate dispatch from Germany has been
published in a Copenhagen news
paper, stating that the troops on
leave are receiving secret orders not
to return to the front and that to
this extent demobilization has begun.
Military men here, however, re
gard It as inconceivable that orders
would begiven while desperate ef
forts are being made to hold the
American and Allied troops at bay at
certain points on the western front.
M WOK'S SON 11.1.
Mayor Keister has received word
that his son, Simon I* Keister. is suf
fering from pneumonia at his home,
[ in Buffalo, K. V.
OVER 4,500 NOW
State Has Given Many Men to i
the Camps Established in 1
the Colleges bv Army
Over 4,.">00 Pennsylvania young
jnien have been inducted Into the i
students army training camps estab
lished in the thirty-three colleges
and normal schools of Pennsylvania '
I by the War Department in the last
| month and a half, according to tig- I
,tires compiled at State Draft Head- t
.quarters. Three of the state normal
schools. West Chester. Indiana and
j.Manstleld, have opened classes. It is ■
I expected that this number will bo i
.increased within the next ten days.
Major W. G. Murdock, the chief i
!draft officer, has issued a notice to
I idem hers of local boards that they
: may suspend mailing of question
.nuires if in their opinion the mail
ling would spread influenza. Major
i Murdock has also cautioned hoards
jto see that records are kept where
registrants have died from influenza
,or complications during the epidemic
;and also to see that proper classiti-
I cation is given to registrants whose
istatus may have been changed by
I deaths of dependants or by deaths
•of persons whose demise entails obli
gations upon men of draft age.
j A number of local boards have
jtelegraphed that they have reen un
|able to proceed with classifications
owing to the influenza epidemic and
their medical members being engag
ed in caring for sick people in their
Major Murdock has congratulated
local hoard No. 43, of Philadelphia,
which has not only completed classi
fication, but raised $121,900 sub
scriptions for Liberty Bonds among
its registrants.
j The Misses Copelin and Koons, of
I the state headquarters force, are ill
with influenzu.
First Lieutenant Henry M. Gross
has written an interesting letter to
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. 'A. Gross,
telling of his work as an intelligence
officer attached to the headquarters
of the Ninety-second Division. While
on duty he met F. P. Schoonmaker,
formerly city solicitor of Bradford.
Among other persons whom he lias
seen recently are: Chaplain Harry
Nelson Bassler. Colonel Finney,
George Drake and James Wheeler.
[ Boss A. llickok. Dauphin County
Fuel Administrator, who will leave
the city for Camp Taylor. Kentucky,
I early to-morrow afternoon, said to
day that his successor will lie ap
pointed by William Potter, Stale Fuel
Administrator. That successor is
likely to be appointed from among
the membership of the present Dau
| phin County Fuel Commission.
P. A: Kennedy, of the Auditor Gen
! eral's Department, who lias been ill
| at his home, 2135 Derry street, is im
r v v
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
La Camil.le Corsets Posess
Exclusive Ventillo Features k
Without Which Front Lace
Corsets Are Incomplete
/ La Camille corsets have long been preferred by American
' ( / AmJjN ' ! women who believe in the superiority of front lacing system
Wj/MBII llPffiH ' ov£r 1C st 3"' e ' Jac k lacing models. This preference may
fjfH-, | be due to the fact that in no other corset of the kind are the
>l§Eml\ Will Ventillo features to be found. Originally designed for venti
: ™ 1 lation - These features have proven most beneficial from the
JcJf i Iff health-giving standpoint, the back section preventing any un
. 'Z due pressure on the spine.
„ Our expert corsetierre will be glad to show you the La
nffiWVpJ > A Calnille that is best suited for your particular figure. En
sßtß' A I gagcmcnts for fittings may be had at any time.
Prices, $2.75 to $18.50
' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor.
New The Kozy Wrap Combines
01 . , Warmth and Comfort
Shipment Garment For Babies
Of This new garment is adjusted to the size and growth of
the baby by buttoning down the flap on the side. \\ hen
the youngster becomes larger the Kozy wrap may he trans
-r-v . . formed into a little coat by turning under or cutting off [
. Potatoes the flap.
A Kozy wrap combines five wraps in one: an outdoor !
coat, a sleeping garment, leggings and mittens. Protected I
These potatoes arc uni- by this garment any child may be taken for an airing early J
. . u i n the morning, thus getting "the benefit of air which is so j
form v medium 111 size. Bag . .u .( ;„f
essential to the lives of intants.
of 2/ bushels, $5.00 ; Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. '
single bushel, $2.25.
Fuzzy and Furry Tarns 1
Evaporated sweet, tender Tains have come into their own again.
sugar corn, lb sic itXvy* Right on the heels of the velvet tarns
Macaroni and spaghetti 12 \ have come by fuzzy angoras and furry
lOr pkgs ®Bc W / W beavers. There is nothing more girlish
Cane nnd maple syrup, hot- W/£ '"y Lor piquant than a tarn —worn at the right
tie 23c and IBc V' vi " angle, to be sure. Remember how the
Pure clover light honey. 5-lb. "• " "Blue Devils" wore their tarns rakishly
bucket. 52.10; io-ib 3.H ovcr one eye!
I hese new tarns are just what girls and misses want —
India and Ceylon ten, ib„ He ant j | lcrc arc niorc styles than we have had at any time this
Fancy tablo syrup. No. 10 season.
cnn 8c Angora Tarns $3.50 Reaver Tarns .. .$7.30 to $12.00
Plush Tunis $4,011 Chinchilla Tarns $4.00
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Velvet Tains .... $1.23 to $4.00
'Basement., Dives, Pomeroy A- Stewart, S'ocond Floor, Front.
' -j'
OCTOBER 22, 1918.
By Associated Press
l'nrls. Oct. 23.—The rapidity j
of the British drive in Flanders
and northern Franco has caused '
the Germans to realise that the j
Allied forces are approaching the j
Fatherland at a rate that, if not
checked, might before long tind |
their long-range guns pitching j
shells across the Ithine. There
fore the enemy is pulling himself
together with a view to deluying j
to the utmost the Allied advance. :
The civil population of Flan
ders continues to be liberated at
the rate of tens of thousands
daily, now that the Germans have
ceased tx> drive out the civilian
occupants of the places they '
evacuate. Arrangements for min- i
istering to the needs of these |
long suffering people are being I
admirably worked out by the '
armies engaged.
Elizabethville and
Vicinity Give Freely
to Assist Hospitals
Klixnhcthvillc, Pa., Oct. 22.
Through the efforts of the Ellzabeth
ville Red Cross two large truck loads
of provisions and $9.65 in cash were
given by one hundred add twenty
live families of this neighborhood far
the benefit of the Lykens emergency
hospital and the Williams Valley
Hospital, both of which are crowd
ed by influenza victims.
Misses Estella l.ubold, Kllen Mil
ler. Florence Wehr, Edna Zimmer
man, Pearl Rotherniel, Levlna Ben
der and Ella N. Shutt, school teach
ers. volunteered to do the soliciting
and the Boy Scouts made the collec
tions, taking everything to the Red
Cross headquarters, from which
place the provisions were taken to
Lykens and Williamstown by C. F.
Eby and Mark Speeht, by automobile,
under the direction of James E.
Lentz, head of the Red Cross. The
money was invested in butter and
There were 130 patients in the
Lykehs Emergency Hospital und 80
in the Williams Valley Hospital, in
addition to 40 at Millersburg.
House Sidetracks
Bone-Dry Program
I Washington, Oct. 22. National
wide prohibition for the duration of
the war was indefinitely sidetracked
by Congress yesterday and it cannot
be called up until IJecember t the
The rent profiteering amendment to
the $12,000,000 food production bill
was made the medium for sending the
entire measure, to which the bone
dry amendment is a rider, into the
discard indefinitely. The House on
Saturday, by a vote of 23 to 10, re
fused to agree to the recommenda
tions of the conferees on the bill that
this amendment be adopted. The Sen
ate yesterday sent the measure back
to conference and instructed the Sen
ate conferees to insist upon adoption
i of the amendment.
Kaiser's Forces Work Inces
santly to Remove.War Ma
terial; Antwerp Is Calm
By Associated Press
Ainstcrilitm. Oct. 21. German
forces at Brussels are working in
l cessantiy to remove war materia!
| from that city, according to the iVoo
jsendaul correspondent of the Han-
I delblad. He says many regiments
] of German troops are leaving the city
i and that there is much excitement
j among the people there. On the
other hand, Antwerp is very calm
and has not been uffected by recent
I events,
The same newspaper correspond
ent at Boerntond says hundreds of
refugees from northern France are
arriving there, having been on the
road for three weeks. They were
I given only two hours' notice to col
lect their belongings by German of
ficers at Douai, Cambrai und other
cities in the war zone.
Home, Oct. 22.—Baron von der
Lacken, chief of the German politi
cal department at Brussels, has in
formed Cardinal Mercler, primate ol
Belgium, that when the Germans
evacuate that country Lite deported
Belgians and political prisoners will
be spontaneously released, accord
ing to the Observntoro Romano, thr
semiofficial Vatican organ. He told
the cardinal, it is said, that a pait
of the Belgians who were deported
would be free to return to their
country on Monday.
I'nriH, Oct. 22.—Violent demon
strations have occurred in Jassv,
the temporary capital of Rumania,
according to adviecs received here.
A mob broke into the offices of the
lssilor Gazette, the government or
gan, and the printing plant was de
Baltimore, Oct. 22. Following a
quarrel over money matters. Prlvati
Horace Brittingham. 27 years old, ol
Somerset county, Maryland, a mem
ber of the Military Police stationed
; at Camp Meade, yesterday shot and
severly wounded his wife, Catherine
Brittingham. 23 years old. He then
shot himself through the left breast
and died a few hours later.
It Kl) moss MEETS
The Red Cross Auxiliary, of St.
Paul's P. E. Church. Second and Em
erald streets, met to-day for emerg
ency work, with good attendance, al
though a number were kept away by
sickness. Another session WHS set for
thU evening, at 7:3(1.