Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 21, 1918, Page 10, Image 10
10 j MEAD THESE AIS THROUGH. HERE •IS SOMETHING TO INTEREST YQIJ?! - - - ■ • : )j spcaiDS Jan* E. Jones, born April 19, JBS7, died October IS. litis, at tne home ot her parents. 111!) Penn street. We saw her suffering, heard her sigh. With fearful heart and weeping ejc, But now she calmly sleeps at rest, All care, all pain, ail suffering past. Funeral Thursday morning, at 10 o'clock. MOHCIW ails. Anna M. Morgan died on Thursday, October 17, litis. Funeral services will be held on Tuesday morning, at 10 o clock, from her late residence, 1012 .\orui Nineteenth street, the Rev. Clayton A. Sniucker ofllciating. Interment Hai'i'isbui'g Cemetery. KKIKS alary K. Fries, wife of E. L> Fries, died on October IS, 1918. Funeral on Tuesday, at 10 o clock, irom 1829 North Fifth street, fu neral private. Interment private. 11111N lll.l'l Peter Brlndle, for many years head salesman foi.l'lves, Fomeroy X Stewart, died on Octobei IS. litis. „ . , Funeral on Wednesday, at 9 o clock, from 126 Sylvan Terrace. X uncial private. Interment private. Ci \MTA Isabella Uacta, wife ol Cussimero Uueta, died on Octobei IS. Funeral on Tuesday, at 12 o'clock, from 252 Liberty street. tuneial private. Interment private. I'll.l Mill wi William TiUnghatn died on October lit, litis. ~ Ai o ck Funeral on Thursday at Itl o ■ tU . from the residence ol his niece. Green. 6:'.:t South Front street 1- n nerai private. Interment pi Bate. lIA It KB ° ctob f and V i Sulinda Harro, aged 80 jcars ana i Krai on Tuesday October h at, 10:30 A. M.. front la> Sylvan let . race. Funeral private. t it titHl \tiTtt\ —On Wednesday ! m" October 18. 1918. Samuel Bai rington, aged S3 to White | Marsh." Mont gomery eounty, ! made in St. Thomas Cemctei >. be vices and burial pritate. j ' CARD OF THANKS lor ilio B" | to thank their ncighborH and friend, idr u.' .r 1 sympainy and undne . j shown to them uiuing the llineaa death of their beloved daugllter. Mih. j jj.'irit Crosby; also l'or the many tloiaij lr '" UU ' a ni.SHANl. AMI FA 111'". NTS. J " LOST AND IQUND 1-OST - Bunch of keys. Owner'n , name on tag. Howard, call -OSJU. UllEltTY BONDS Six sjo Lib- | i rty Bonds lost between l'ront and . Market and Second reward 1 South Court street. A liberal rewaia j if returned to John H. Gates, lc below Market. | INsTHUUTIUXS j ~ A RIGHT START IS i BATTJLE l*et a THOKUUxi, | MANDARI) course in Harriaburs # j ACCKKi>i"i'l2J-> Business College, school Ot commerce. Troup Building,l6 South Market Square. Bell 185. Dial 4..J3. INDIVIDUAL. PROMOTION in Gregg shortnunu. Typewriting. E bookkeeping. Penmanship, Arit.h., elc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ADD Y DAB. enter uiiy time. Bell 694K, Dial 4016. THE OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL, 121 Mkt. St. Chas. K. Beckley, Prtn. Merle E. Keller, Bus. Mgr. 11D1.P WAN TDD—MALL ! GUARDS WANTED <— Age, 21 to M>, ! neat appearance, Eight hours work, j per month and board. Appiy | v.apta.n oi U. fe. Government Police at , Alaerman Hilton's Office, 2UI aNortu j Court street, between hours oi 8 and | li A. to., -lo 5 M. and 7to'J i\ M., j Yuesday and Wednesday. MAXAUKR A.NM-) BUYER Wanted, for Mens I- urnishlng department. A spienuiu opportunity for a guuu, li\e wire, who uses improved metitoUs. GOOU salary and bonus, with splendid j opportunities . tor advancement. All communications confidential. Address M. & 8., care of Telegraph. j WANTED Young man to act us shipping clerk. une who goes to, senooi and can work half of each day I can do the work if industrious. Ad dress M., 7315, care of Telegraph. WANTED Salesman to represent ] American magazine; new ana exclu sive offer; ss.uu per day for six orders. Bay every day. Apply Mr. Cowan, Boom 21. Spooner Bldg, Market Square. — I WANTED Superintendent for Cigar Fac tory lo be established in Har risburg by a responsible eon- I corn—one who knows manu- j faeturing conditions in Har risburg thoroughly. Excel lent opportunity for right uian. All correspondence will be treated in strictest conrk- I dcnce. Address BOX 7011. Care of Telegraph. WANTED Young man to make blueprints and trace drawings. Good opportunity to learn Mechanical Drawing. Apply Main Office, Harris burg Pipe & Pipe Bending Co. (Ask for Mr. Smith). ANTED Man for shipper for a large corporation, with chance for ad vancement. State age and salary ex pected. Address E, 7472, care of Tele graphy WANTED Two experienced truck drivers, one who can Mo his own re pairing. No others need apply. Will pay good salary to right party. Ap ply at once. Hoffman's Garage, Sev enth and Camp streets. WANTED, CARPENTERS 70c an hour. Eleven hours for eight hours' work. Double time Saturday after noon and Sunday. Apply Royd House Arey Co.. Emporium. Pa. / v A Store Room IN THE Penn-Harris Hotel Should mean success for tile business started there— We have Just one room re maining • for rent —who will be the successful man? Come and see us for particulars. Miller Brothers & Co. AGENTS l.ocust and Court Streets /* Member llhg. Kcul Estate Hoard MONDAY EVENING, , 11L,1.1' WANTED—MALE | i ! JOB PRESSMAN WANTED BY THE F . KEYSTONE PRINTING AND BINDING CO.. HARRISBURG, PA. — WANTED —. A map. or will employ man and wife. to do Janitor and housework. Apply 17U0 North Second ! | street. " j MEN WANTED To load stone. 29 j j cents pei ton. ..Can earn $25 to $35 per 1 week. Appiy Paxtung Quarries, i'ux tang. 1 WANTED Collector anil solicitor. Liberal guarantee and commissions. I Permanent position for right man. j Bell phones 1054 days, 2970J evenings. WANTED—Two good, strong boys to learn a trade. Apply Superinten | dent. The Telegiaph Printing Co, j Harrisburg. YOUNG MAN To solicit advertis-I : lug. Permanent connection. Apply 1 Box S.. 7512. care of Telegraph. j WANTED Timekeepers. Men not j ; subject to the draft preferred. Apply , Bethlehem Steel Co. Employment Of- ! j flee. I WANTED LABORERS FOR | U. S. GOVERNMENT YORK. GOOD WAGES. I TIME AND HALF-TIME FOR OVERTIME AND SUNDAY. OVER ONE YEAR'S WORK. APPLY JOHN A. KELLY CO, . PEQUEA. LANCASTER COUNTY. PA. ; I i MEN WANTED —To learn the au- I I tomobile business and do mechanical ! j work on same. Thousands of men j | are wanted in the United Stutes Army | I for such work as driving and repair- i ing. Aqto Transportation School. 260 j | South Front street. Steelton. . WANTED One first-class barber.! j Apply Tile Barber Shop, 15 North ; ' Market Square. HFl.l' \.V.VH.D—I I,MALE i ! \ WANTED > j GIRLS IN THE FINISHING I AND PACKING ROOM. APPLY TO . ' DEVINE & Yt'NGEL SHOE MANU FACTURING CO., | SIXTEENTH AND STATE STREETS. I . SKa.' -ESS Experienced sew ers. Uood pay. Apply Louis, 414 North Third. WANTED Girls over 16 years old, to work in laundry. Apply Royal Laundry, 1354 Howard street. WANTED Two ludy canvassers for position that pays sju.OU per week I tor only lour orders per day'. Jflxperi | ence unnecessary, us we leacn yod. I Call ltooin 24. .to. 9 -sorm second | street. ! WANTED - A girl for general I j housewofk. No wasuing nor ironing.! I Small family. Apply i South Flout I street. ApuiTmeiu B. I WANTED Three dishwashers. In- ' i quire at Aiva Hotel. WANTED Woman lor general. ! housewora. Goou noiee for u reiiuOlei ; person. Apply 16U9 Green street. j j WANTED—Bright girl for stock) girl in t euuy-to-wear store. 16 years or over. Permanent piaee. Good I opportunity tor advancement. Ad | diess BOX 11, iu3l, cure Telegraph. WANTED -r— Dishwasher. Goud | wages. Apply at once, viourt Dairy Luiicu Restaurant, Court una Straw - | berry streets. i WANTED A reliable woman to keep stuie clean. Appiy Roses, i>ee onu ana Walnut streets, between 6 and 7 m evenings. WANTED White woman, or girl, I j for general housework. Ao laumtry ) work. References required. can. | after 6 p. M, at 5u5 Aorth l'ront street. • WANTED Experienced • hook- j j keeper. Apply, with reference, Kingun | I Provision Company, 421 boutn Second | | street. j WANTED Experienced milliner, j | capable ol taking entire chur a e ot j ) new millinery stoic to oe located at j I A'O. 2 .Willi r ourin street, City, per- 1 manciit position. Excellent chance; lor ambitious woman. aulesiuuies also wanted. Communicate with au- I eieiy rVraid flat Bnop, Inc., 70S Penn! street, Reading, Pa. WANTED Experience waitresses, day and night work. Apply at once, j Crystal Restaurant, 418 ivrarKet street, i WANTED—Young woman typist and general otttee assistant. Address P. O. Box 124. 50 OPERATORS WANTED. AT ONCE Work has begun on the GOVERN MENT CONTRACT, making FLANNEL SHIRTS FOR THE ARMY. Rates have been made high so that experi enced operators will earn $3.00 to $4.50 per day and bonus. JENNINGS MFG. CO., 2014 North Fourth St. WANTED —Maid tor general house work. Inquire at 2138 North Third. . LADY Wanted immediately for sciuuuing and general work. Apply Stouffer s Restaurant. 4 North Court street, GOVERNMENT NEEDS 12,000 WO MEN CLERKS Harrisburg exami nations November 2. December 7. Sal ary, $1,200. Experience unnecessary. Women desiring government positions write for free particulars. J. C. Leon ard (former Civil Service Examiner). 561 Kenols Building. Washington. WANTED Two young ladies for ivniliesses. Must give references. Ap ply - ''a Restaurant. 4 AU. .u Court. ! GIRLS WANTED Experienced or inexperienced, for chocolate dippers. Good wages. Apply 331 Market street. WANTED Woman for general i housework. Inquire at UOl South i street. J | HELP U ANTED—FEMALE j | WANTED Woman to take small , family washing and ironing home. I Address Box V. 7491. care of Tele ggraph. GIRLS WANTED Learners paitto week work. Best prices and bonus : paid. All girls from 14 to 16 with | certificates employed. Call at once. Harrisburg Apparel Co.. Third Floor. ; Cll> etar Laundry Building. Sixtn and : Herr streets. | WANTED Girl, o'r middle-aged | woman, for general housework In ! small family. Good wages. Aply at j once. 2412 North Sixth street, or Bell | ! phone 1776 M. m ' HEI.P WANTED—MaIe and l'Vinalc SILK MILL j Experienced help wanted. Experi enced weavers average $3.50 to $6.59 : per day. Other departments propor- j uonalely, i Beginners wanted also. Best pay i .Couic und earn 39 per 'cent, bonus over I auu above regular wages. Apply HARRISBURG SILK MILL. Second and North Streets. ! MAN OR WOMAN For bookkeep- , j ing and shorthand. One who is etn- ■ (Ployed and wants additional evening; work. Preferably one who has taught < school. Inquire D.; 7647, care of Tele- j | graph. | U. S. Government is appointing ' ' thousands ctqrks. Men—women—gills j lIS or over. Commence $l,lOO year. I Easy, office positions, Washington. ! .D. C., or near home. 7-hour-day. Va- J i cations. Common education sufficient, j ! Experience unnecessary. Harrisburg: ; examinations coming. Very simple, j Write for free sample questions and j coaching lessons. Franklin Institute, i Dept. 403-H, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Several bright, intelligent j High School boys or girls, to j I work after school and Satur day. Can work full time while schools are closed, if (ieslred. Address BOX L, 6947. Care of Telegraph. | SITUATION*. WANTED—MALE ■ WANTED By energetic, young | man. a position as elty salesman, col ! lector or solicitor, who can devote two or three days a week to same. Can furnish A 1 reference and bond. Ad- I dress Box W, 7488, care of Telegraph. SITUATION b WANTED —Female COMPETENT letter and monogram ! engraver wants position ill eastern I ' part ot Pennsylvania. Address S., j I 7490, care ot Telegraph. j •WANTED—Clerical work by young I woman, who has had three years' ex- | i perienee; can furnish very good ret- , j erenees. Address Box E, u662, care of | Telegraph. I '| DOOMS EOH RENT , FOR RENT Furnished rooms, I $2.50 per week and tip; warm rooms; j ! running hot and coid water; light [ housekeeping and private bath. Sv 11-I "son Apartments, No. 143 South Third I street. FURNISHED BEDROOMS FOR j RENT bteant heat, electric lights and use of phone. Inquire at 131 Wal nut street. FOR KENT Third tloor furnish ed front room, between Front and Sec end streets; gentlemen preferred. In quire 128 Walnut street, between 5 and S P. M. FURNISHED ROOM FOR GENTLE MEN Front room, corner property, 12ul Chestnut street. $3.00 per week. H. G. Pedlow, 3 South Thirteenth street. FOR RENT Furnished room, with board, in private family. All conveni ences. Use of Bell phone. Inquire 696 Briggs street. ROOMS FOR RENT. 113 Locust St. | —Well furnished. Conveniences. Bell j phone 2907 W. ______ ; HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Unfur nished, single or communicating kitchenettes; laundry. phone and I bathroom privileges; stoves furnisneO tree. Weekly payments. Inquire 429 j Broad street. i ROOMS FOR KENT Third tloor. front loom, modern improvements. I steam heal, electricity, use of phone and bath, Sixtn street above Maelay. 1 Address P.. 7990. care of Telegraph. iIUOMs W ANT ED THREE OR FOUR unfurnished rooms, centrally located, by young toifpie. small apartment, with bath, | will oe considered. Possession on ot about October I. Can turiilsh excel itnl references. No children. Address [ 8., I4s. care of Telegraph. . APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR KENT Furnished apart- | i inent, second lloor, 5 .rooms. Inquire! j 1395 Market street. Dial phone 4376. i WANTED Nicely furnished apart ment for two. Best of care guaran teed by responsible party. Phone Mrs. Khowles, Bell 1991. BOARDING i WANTED, BOARDERS —ln private ' family. Good coo King. Use of phone, i inquire 431 Hummel street, or Bell j phone 2I4SM. I . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I i*~A DESIRABLE HOME IN PEN-j BROOK A double name house on a ' 90x190 ft. lot. - Water, guig furnace.! i Address 11, 7475. care of telegraph. j THREE LOTS AT OAK LANE, -75 x ' 120, near Government Buildings. Close i to trolley line. Price. $2OO each. Easy ! , terms. I C. 11. CORDER, 1782 Green Street. 1 Bell 560 J. NOW VACANT 803 North Seven- ! teenth street, brick and stucco dwell- j ing. most modernly equipped, well I constructed, ideal location. Key at our office. Bell Realty Co., llergner Building. FOR SALE On Allison Hill. new. I single, brick, corner house. Improve- ! ments. Pantry and porches. Room ! for garage. Easy terms. Call Dial 9525. j "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE. SEE SANDERLIN." STOP PAYING RENT. YOU WILL SAVE FROM $250 TO $5OO IF YOU BUY NOW. PICK OUT YOUR HOME: MOVE APRIL FIRST: BY SO DOING YOU WILL SAVE THE INCREASE THAT IS BOUND TO COME WITH THE SPRING. , OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN WILL SAVE YOU ABOUT TWENTY PER CENT. ON THE AVERAGE RENT. I HAVE HOUSES LOCATED ALL! OVER TOWN THAT CAN BE BOUGHT WITH A SMALL AMOUNT OF I MONEY. BALANCE IN MONTHLY' PAYMENTS. D. A. SANDERLIN. ROOM 1. SECURITY TRUST BLDG BELL 1390. DIAL 3575. FOR SALE Pay as rent plan. Im i mediate possession can be given. All I improvements. Two 8-room brick ! houses, built In pairs. All street car services Inquire of J. W. Kline, 1322 j State street. Bell phone 48J. HA.RRISBURG TELEGRAPH T \ GET IN TOUCH WITH PRO SPECTIVE TENANTS, through ad vertising the house or apartment. A desirable tenant is always to be found —but he does not often just happen to come along and find your house or apartment. Usually he learns about what you have to offer first through your advertising. i * J' w REALI ESTATE FOR SAI.E | OPPORTUNITY f'O OW.v YOUR OWN HOME on our easy-puymeiit plan, auiall j cost payment or Liberty Bono. I Laianci- aa rent. A. P. DORANZ, 1225 North Sixth street." Member llurrisuurg Real Estate Board. '• BRICIv HOUSE ON PENN STREET ! FuR SALE —6 rooms and bath gas —electric light steam ileal con- | crete porch front above Emeruld i street. Price. $3,400. Bell Realty Co., i Bergner . Building. FOR SAI.E— 2217 Penn street. City;: 7-room house; all improvements; hardwood Iloors downstairs. For in formation. call H. C. Shtire, 142 Cata wissa street, Sunbury, Pa. FOR SALE At bargain, ISIO Briggs street, detached corner house and garage. Very desirable location. Immediate possession. A. S. Miller, Eighteenth and State streets. FOR SALE A fine brick dwelling, on North Second street. Possession soon. • Several fine houses on Market street on tlte Hill. Good 3-story brick on South Thir teenth street. Fine home on Front street. Must lie seen to lie appreciated. A. W. SWE NOEL No. 2131 North Second St. FOR SALE Two-story frame. I metal roof. good condition, yard. Cheap home for $l,OOO. Inquire Store. 1117 North Third. f VACANT HOUSES FOR SALE—No. 1503 Vernon street, No. 803 N. Seven teenth street, and No. 1707 N. Second street. Get particulars from Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. NO 602 N. SIXTEENTH STREET will be vacant soon, and is now offer ed for sale desirable property in a good neighborhood. Bell Reulty Co., Bergner Building. $" 600 WILL PURCHASE a frame house witli 9 rooms and bath gas electric light furnace No. 1564 Swatara street. Bell Realty Co.. Berg ner Building. FOR SALE No. 1503 Vernon a , ree t frame house with 9 rooms and hath gas furnace now va cant Inspect it. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. HOMES FOR COLORED FAMILIES We have houses on Fourth. Wallace, Cowden. Muench, Linden. Currant, ceventh. Fulton. Calm. Summit, Cam eron and in Steelton. All of these on monthly payments. LINCOLN REALTY CO.. 1129 North Seventh Street Oueu Evenings Until S O'clock. . Bell Phone. CHOICE BUILDING LOTSs 50x160 At Washington Heights, West En ola, West Fairview, Enola Terrace and Midway. Price, $125 lo $290. Terms. $l9 down. $5 monthly. A good tiiuq lo start your tuture home site. Liberty Bonds taken at par. SEE C. DAVIES, 204 CALDER BLDG.. MARKET SQUARE. BELL 4377. TEN BUILDING LOTS, 40x200 FT. With three-story frame house, 6 rooms, spring water, on Center Road, foot of Pine street, West Fairview. Price, $1,650. $2OO down. $2O ntonttily. Possession Ueeember 1. SEE C. DAVIES, 204 CALDER BLDG., BELL 4377. FRUIT AND TRUCK FARM— -20 acres, York County. Three miles southwest of Dillsburg. s -100111 house, barh 20x69 feel. Hog and chickenhouse. Underground cold storage concrete cave, capac ity 1,509 bushels. tSUo iruit trees): 400 bearing apple trees, twenty-eight varieties, 190 peach, plum, cherry. apricot, quince, pears, also small truits. Annual production, $2,50u. Church, school and store nearby. Fifty minutes from Harrisburg with truck. Price. $6,000. $3,900 can remain. NEAR SHELLS VILLE— Four nnles east of Linglestown on Main Pike. A fine summer home of three acres. S-room frame house, best of water, lots of fruit, out buildings. Bargain price. $660. ONE MILE Southwest of Grantham Station, P. & R. R. R„ York County, six acres fruit and truck farm. 7-room frame house, * barn 26x40 feet, hog and chicken house. spring water at the door. 300 fruit trees. Fine summer home. Price, $l,BOO. C. DAVIES, 204 CALDER BLDG., BELL PHONE 4377 FOR SALE 2 ft-story double brick house, at White Hill 10 rooms each house all improvements eneap. Inquire A. Smith. Camp Hill, 723 N. 19TH ST. 2H-story frame, 6 rooms and attic, in gquu eunduioa, side entrance. Price, $1,650. L W Cai.selt. 1 (44 Regtna St. AN exceptionally well-built two and-one-lialf -story house, size 30x28 ft.; stands back from pavement 35 ft in lot 60x248 ft.; contains eight rooms and bath. Situated on Hamilton street. Camp Hill, Pa., short distance from trolley. Built for residence, not for specu lation. For terms, etc., apply to 11. M. ASKIN, South and Pitt Streets. Carlisle, Pa. A WELL-PAYING KOOMINGHOUSE FOR SALE— IO7 Chestnut street, HOMES FOR COLORED Four thtee-atory brick houses, on Sev enth street near Caider. $l,BOO each. $lOO ca*h. or in Liberty Bonds, and $2O per month. * LINCOLN REALTY CO„ 1129 North Seventh St. ltcai Lstati: For sa.c ououtuati I FOlt SALE 2-story frame Bunga low—new. Located within lour-iuin ! uio walk from Itockviiie trolley at j\v lldwood Lake, containing 6 large rooms, open liuqiluce, guruge, chicaen ! house, large front porcn, one acre of ! land. This property overlooks the river and Wiultvoud latke. Immediate possession. Price, $2,590. Brinton- I Packer Co.. Second and Walnut I streets. HOL ESTATE I'Oli KENT FOR RENT—House in White liin with luige lot ana outoulluings quire William H. Snook, 333 street. j FOR RENT 9-room brick house : gas; electricity; steam heat; uli con veniences. Rent, $6O. inquire ut u.ii Nor 111 sixteen ill street, or uun p UuIJU FOR RENT Tne entire third fioor Brick Buiiuing at Brouu anu Curiam I streets. About 2,7 69 sq. ft. ii uu i i space tor storage or maiiuiaotu, ni K ; purposes. Inquire Keystone Iron | Metal Co., Broad and Currant street™ FURNISHED HOAIE FOR FlOlll and CulUel, $9O per ino.ith AO I ply D. A. Caley. iOi Kunkoi Blug. iKn ; pnone 559. I ! FOR REN 1' 929 North Slxteentl | street; 3-100111 hrita house; gus, elee -111 Icily anu .-team neat, nent, $59. Call Ben phone 2912. ULA L. kalitit.—lor Sale op Rent HOUSES AND GARAGES at Filth • anu Curtin streets. Possession 01 some oi me nouses 011 Unity uav "uucts. Fred C. Miller, 31 North See unci. Bell pilone 307 J. HEAL hsmtb WANTED ! HOUSE Wanted, to buy. north ol Market street, uioueni, s or lo rooms iNo agents, -vdurt-ss cox a. 7476 l-m,*, jot Teiegraph. <-"it WANTED To RE.M. HOUaE— No vember 1, improvement,; iilu terred; small ramiiy; rent uuvaimL Address Box H, 13iu, care 01 Tm graph. Acle- WANTED, TO RENT Three-story house 111 BEST SECTION 01 city—tuV nisned preferred. Will PA 1 vv'e, V tor suitubie accommodations. Ininm oiate PC.—cksiom. state tun parueu lara. Box D. <914. care ot Teiegrapn. HOMES FUR CUEORED PKUPI e it you want to sell your lioiue ior cash or pa> ments, let us hear 1. you. oul LINCOEN REALTY CO. 1129 Norm Seventh Street. Bell Phone. 1 HAVE BUYERS wailing tor prop erly 111 any section ot the city if chuap. What have you lo oiler' elia, Adter, 1992 Nortn Third streec EAK.HS FARMS On hund; any size wTth st r reeC UU ° Ut lU * THE late Dr. Fritchey's tann hTI cated 011 Einglestown trolley line 'con taming about llu acres, improved bv a large truine house, large bank burn ; large cow barn, two silos, several lurge chicken houses, running waLm through house and barns. canu in high slate of cultivation. Price on application. Brintoii-Pucker Co Sec ond and Walnut streets. FARMS FARMS FARMS I HAVE FARMS ot all sizes from I to 200 acres each, from 4 to lo miles from Harrisburg. Terms reasonable C. H. > UKDER. 1722 Green Street Harrisburg. Bell 560 J. . FOR SALE Farm, containing 92 acres, located in Dauphin County, 9 ntiies from city, one mile from Rail road station, and one nnle from state Hignway. improved by a 2',4-story frame dwelling, frame bank burn, all necessary outbuildings, running water. Price. $7,699.99. Bmuon- Packtr Co., Second and Walnut streets. ECHI SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE—Home-raised potatoes delivered to all parts of tne city. Guaranteed to be good, mealy pota toes. Bell phone, A. B. Davis. Pen brook, Pa. COLLIE PUP FOR SALE Four months old. Black and Tan male. Cheap to quick buyer. inquire 1807 Penn street. FOR SALE Coal range and heater. 000U as new. Inquire 17uzv North Fifth street. FOR SALE Two-glass show cases, good condition; also coal range. Cheap. Apply G. r, Huro Trustee, 317 Chestnut street. EDISON Diamond Point Amberoia Phonograph, with hne cabinet and 20 records. Excellent condition. Will sacrifice for $25. Terms to suit. P. o Box 668, City. FOR SALE Good home-raised po tatoes by 6 or 10-busnei lots, $2.30 per busnel. Guaranteed cook mealy, inquire W. J. snuoauer. Front street and Keel's Lane, City. Delivered to your cellar. Or call Rell phone 978 J. FOR SALE- One double-heater In good condition. Will sell cheap. In quire at 408 Strawberry street. PAWNBROKER'S SALE A big lot of unredeemed overcoats to be sold at the very lowest price. NOTICE To those bviiuiii. pawn tickets for overcoats and otiier winter articles shoulu please come anu redeem litem or they will be solo without turtnei notice. N. BRENNER, 1215 NORTH THIRD ST. I EOK SALE—MISCELLANEOUS I APPLES FOR SALE Grimes, Gol | den, with a Banana, Stayman Wein | sap. Jonathans, York imperial, etc. Some ol these apples are very hne. COll.O i-iiU see them at it. A. Vvicker | sham's Orcnard, one-half mile east of j Mechanicsburg, Pa. Trolley car stops , j at Orchard. . | REFRIGERATORS AND COOLERS I one Meat cooler, 8x6x19, Hill make Une Meat Cuoier, 6x1x8)4. Utten j homier make. i One Grocer's Refrigerator, 50-inch 1-by 28-Inch, by 89-incn., MoCray Make One llesiuuruiit Refrigerator, 64)4- ) inch by 35 V*-inch, by 78-inches, Mo -1 Gray make. WRITE McCRAY REII.IGU.KATOR CO 2602 DERRY ST.. HARRISBURG. PA. ! FOR SALE A hot-air furnace.. A. jW. Swengel, No. 2131 Aol'lh Second | street. j FOR SALE Une 6-bottle Soda i Founialu, with fixtures complete : (new). Price right. Must sell. Call, >or write. H. B Kline, Blum, PeiTy j County. Pa- BARGAINS! BARGAIN'S! The store across 110111 Y. VV. C. A. offers you u.o Biggest and Best Bar gains in Men's ana Boys' Suits, Over coats, Makinaw Coats, Underwear, Hals. Caps and Shoes. We are fam ous tor t-ow trices. Uive us a trial. OUTLET CLOTHING CO., 23 North Fourth street. 1, ——_ I I TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR I Caai: ALL MAKKS ivisWl Eu | EXCHANGED. GEO. P. T'ILLUTSON, ! 205 LOGUoT STREET. OPP. OR PIIKUM THEATER, j BOTH PHON ES. WANTED Bids for large quantity of used lumber, und about 8,599 6-inch by 12-inch by 12-lneh tile. Apply PENN-HARRIS HOTEL, NATIONAL FIREPROOF AGENCY, j FOlt SALE Largo quantity ot ; used lumber from t-uo.i-Hams Hotel. I Also 1D, 999 6-uicn tile. Apply Na tional f ire-Proofing Go. at Pciui-Hur ris Hotel. ! ~ OFFICES AND bl'OKUKOu^lh I FOR RENT Storeroom ut 24 I North Tnird street. Newly remodeled land new trout. Also otnees for' rent I 111 same building. Apply next dour— j 'The William B. Schleisuer Stores. ! LARGE STOREROOM FOR RENT— I Suuublß for automobile display rouin jor other wholesale or large retail j business, 1191-1193 North sixtn street. 1 ! Apply to Louis, 414 North Third. 'I FOR KENT Desk room in office! I building on Square. Address Box C. I I 70f2. care of Telegraph. 1 . | OFFICES FOR RENT Furnished I or unlurnislieU, single or ensuito ot I two or three rooms. Apply n. & R. j Guweiiguru, 219 North 'i'turu street. FOR RENT j in the Commonwealth Trust Company . Building. large, 1 uuiuy offices. Apply to COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO, 222 Market Street. WANTED —.UISCEHGAN LU U H | HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all I kinus of Junk, uet our prices before ; selling. Call Beil phone 936, 01 urop ) us u postal uiiu our wagon will euR. I Keysiu-.e iron w Metal Go, Broud and j Curium streets. I WANTED, TO BUY A new or second-hand pony_ wagon. state .j price. Auuress 1., 6664, care of Tele graph. GLU'THING, SHOES, FURNITURE— Buugul at highest cusii prices and sold reasonable. S. Refitm, 497 Biuaui street. Ben piione 3370 J. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all klnus ot empty bun els anu jumt. Call Bell pirohe 4276. B. Abrams <lt Son, 824-822 Norm Seventh street. MORRIS SAYS save money buying new uno secoiio-fiano furniture here. High prices paid tor furniture. Morris Senmeriz. 1939 Market. Beii 3971 R. EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA! L. Cohen & Co, York and Asit ave nues, have opened up a place. Whole sale and retail scrapiron, metals, rub ber, und rags, paper stuck. All grades of junk und uarrels bought. Pay j highest cash prices. Senu postal or ! call Bell phone 3221 W. Will call. MAX SMELTZ j Second-huuu furniture oought arm I sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call 1 Bell 1381 or Diul 5847, or drop a pos tul lo Mux Snieltz, iulo Market street. Will call, city or country. 1 : BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RESTAURANT BUSINESS FOR SALE Active and up-to-date busi ness in central part ot city; excellent opportunity for live wire. Owner called to military service. Do not miss this apportunity. Bell Realty Co, Bergner Building. BUSINESS PERSONALS Diamonds bought tor Cash; appraisers for estate. P. H. Caplan Co, 206 Mkt. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Single edge, 25c doz.; oouble edge. 25c doz.; old style. 25c each. Gorges Drug Store. QUININE —Look out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUlt LAXATIVE PHOSPHO-QUININE will stave it off if taken in time. Gross Drug Store. 119 Market street. RELIABLE ELECTRIC AND LOCKSMITH SHOP GENERAL REPAIRING. 1393 N. SIXTH ST. BELL 3995. DIAL 5854. Money to Loan MONEY WE LEND MONEY in accordance with laws of STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA If you need money in a hurry come to see us. All business strictly confidential. EMPLOYES® LOAN SOCIETY, ROOM 296 DERUNEK BLDG, THIRD AND MARKET STREETS. LICENSED AND BONDED BY STATE. / MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate by the East Harrisburg Building and Loan Association, Thirteenth and Market streets. New Series of Shares Opens November 1. Monday. Wednes day and Friday until November 1. WE LEND MONEY In compliance with Act of June 17. 1915. to indlvldu als In need of rea ly cash; small loans a specialty; buslneas confidential; payments to suit borrower'a conven- 1 lence; positively lowest rates in city 1 PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO, I 1 132 Walnut Street. 1 OCTOBER 21, 1918, Money lo l.oan • MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security in any amounts, and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174. Harrlsburg, Pa. Musical FOR SALE A brand-liew S.RI u piano, never used. Will sell at u sac riDco to quick buyer. Call uud see It. Inquire 1504 State street. PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED by a skilled tuner only. Oyler's. 14 south Fourth street. TALKING MACHINES promptly and carefully repaired by an expert only. OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth street. IF your Talking Muchlne needs re- j pairs. Just cull Bell Phone 3242 J. An i expert will be at your service at once. | | Or bring machine to 1213 North Third j street. ; TALKING MACHINES of all kinds! lepaired by an expert. AH work i ' piuniptly uoiie and guaranteed. Call I Bell 2304 it, or 1504 Howard avenue. I HORSES .VXD CARRIAGES j I FOR SALE Driving horse, liar | ness and Jcuuy Llnd. Reasonable to | quick buyer. Apply this week be tween 4 and 3 P. 11., to P. L. Wolfe* j Shireiuanstowu. Pa. 1 HORSE, HARNESS AND WAGON | ] FOR SALE On account of chunging t delivery to trucks, (.ail at 4uu south j Second street. Henry Gilbert & Son. HORSE FOR SALE Apply Eck- I ert. Long street. Camp Hill. Pa. i limiting antl Moving AUTO HAcUMi Local and long- ' distance. Furniture moving a spec ' laity. Hates reasonable. Prompt aor j vice. Call Bell 623 J. I HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy equipped for furniture, freight and piano mov ing. No distance too far. Careful driver. Bain and dustproof body. J IF. Grubber's Truck Service. irvln i Aungst. Manager, liershey, Pa. Bell phone 15R-6. ~ LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE | I HAULlNG—Furniture moving. Prompt I service. Ernest Cortin, 836 Calder | street. Both phones. Bell 363GJ. Dial I 3683. Hauling and Moving GENERAL HAULING AND FAST EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns with auto trucks. Only experienced and careful drivers. Call Beil 3326. or Digl 2265. , LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Prompt service. A. & B. Motor Express, 617 Capital street. Bell phone 1635 J. ! ALL KINDS OF HAULING AND MUVLNG LvJ.t j CONRAD BROS., 341 KELKEILST. BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3518. HICKS & HOPKINS Local and Long-distance Hauling. 424 Reily. Both phones. . AUTO HAULING Local or long distance. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer. 817 Capital street. Both phones. I'KTS AND LIVESTOCKS FOR SALE —A pair of full-broken 'coon dogs, rabbit and fox proof. Can try before buying. W. F. MeDaniel, 1418 Herr street. WHERE TO DINE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HUME OF SATISFACTION. STOUFFER'S K.irTAURANT—Home cooking served lo Businessmen und Ladies in separate diningroom. Storage STORAGE —413 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. private rooms at reasonable rules. Also haul | lug of uli kinds. D. .Cooper & Co. Both j phones. STORAGE—In brick building, rear 403 Market. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. G. Diuner. 463 Market street. STORAGE Private rooms for household goods in nreproot ware house. (3 per month anu up. Lower storuge rates in non-tircpioof ware house. Harrlsburg Storuge Co.. 437- 445 South Second street. UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLER, , FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 13X2 Deny St. BELL 1956. DIAL 2133. | DAY AND NIGHT• CALLS promptly I attended to. H. M. Hoffman, Funeral Director. 310 North Second street. RUDOLPH K. SPJCEU, Funeral Director and Einbulmer, 511 North Second Street. I "BELL 252. DIAL 2145. | | Cleaners und Dyers IT PAYS to have Clothes Cleaned. Pressed, Dyed or Repaired at the best place in t( wn. Cull and deliver. Goodman's. 1366 Vi North Sixth. Both Phones. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES INDIAN MOTORCYCLE Like new. Bargain at $95.00. Horst, Ling lestown. Pa. BICYCLES. BICYCLEs] New and rebuilt bicycles at very at tractive prices; guaranteed repair ing; come here and get a square deal. H. F. ESTERBROOK. 612 N. Third Street Dial 4990. HENDERSON MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE 125. 1916 Model. 2-speed Good machine. Call 24 Cnestnut street Steelton. s ONE faIREE-SPEED INDIAN MO TORCVIILE FOR SALE H L. Enders.-lAuto Supplies, 239 South Caint erou street. Dial 5938. BICYCLE REPAIRINO BY AN EXPERT. * ALL WORK GUARANTEED DORY SHANER, WITH ANDRED REDMOND 1507 NORTH THIRD ST. INDIAN. 1916—Good as new, $120.00 Good tires —one new. Bargain. Horst Garage. Linglestown, Pa. WE BUY old bicycles, coaster brakes, and frumen. Call Dial <996. Eslerbrook. AUTOMOBILES SMALL FLANDERS TOURING Like new. 8376.00; 1919 Mitchell. Lib erty Six and Chevrolet Tourings. Also Truxton Trucks. Horst. Linglestown. 6-PASSENGER TOURING CAR Very powerful. tires. Com pletely overhauled. Good us new. Ex-' | ceptlonally tine condition. Cash or ! easy terms. Frank Rlttase, 1630 Nau daln street. FOR SALE One seven-passenger eight-cylinder Cadillac. Call Bell phone 4667. MAGNETOS All types; 4 and 6 i Bosch high tension, Elsmann, Dixey I Splitdorf. Mea, Remy and different!- makes of coils, carburetors, eto. A i Bclilffman. 22.24-26 North Cameron i •treat Bell 8638. # I 1 ~ £✓ AUTOMOBILES WILLYS SIX (Sporting Model), five-passenger touring car. Equipped with wire wheels, two extra wheels and tires. Car practically good as new. A bargain to quick buyer. For demonstration or information call Bell 10 DAYS' SALE ON MOBILE OIL 10 gallons A or Arotlc. gallon 65c 5 gallons A or Arctic, gallon... .70 0 If you furnish the can. Gallon cutis Moboiloil, A. B. E or Arctic, gallon DAYTON CYCLE CO., 912 N. Third St Dial 4990. FOR SALE One 1917 Ford, run only 800 miles with speedster body and regular I body. Easily changed. ! One 1917 Oldsmobilo, 8-45. Run 6,000 j miles. In A 1 condition. Cord tires Original paint, j UNIVERSAL HOSIERY MIT.T. i Murysville, Pa. | WANTED All kinds of used auto I tires. We pay highest cash prices. |No Junk. H. Esterbrook, 912 North I Third street. Dial 4990. GARAGES ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS NATIONAL RUBBER TIRE FILLER ' i ride like air. No punctures. No blow [ outs. Sold on a guarantee by (j. E. Anderson, 801 North Eighteenth street Dial 6458. , "MAC'S GARAGE" FORD —1915; roadster; newly painted demountable wheels; extra tire; per fect condition. PACKARD—ROADSTER.' " 1 FORD—I9I7; roadster; Just painted; 1 demountable wheels. I OVERLAND—BO; new tires; engine In I tine condition. I MAXWEIiL — 1916; 5-passenger; one j man top; demountable wheels; extra tire; newly painted; bargain. MAC'S GARAGE, 117-119-121 SOUTH THIRD ST. BELL PHONE 3777. DIAL 2413. SECOND-HAND MOTOR TRUCKS FOR SALE CHEAP Consisting of variety of Ford cars, with rear-end one-ton capacity; Vims, Buick, Reo a lid Mack, with power hoist, dump body. All are good burguins. Inter national Harvester Company of America Truck Dept.. 619 Walnut street. AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re paired by specialists. Also lenders lamps, etc. Best service in town. Har rlsburg Auto Radiator Works, 865 North Third street. WM. PENN GARAGE ' 304-6 Muench street. Limousines for funeral, parties und balls; careful drivers; open day and night. Bell 4564. KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. H All sorts of auto top and cushion work done by experts. Also repair work. Reasonable rutes. 1019 Market St. SUNSHINE GARAGE Auto pairing by experts. Road Jobs 'a specialty. Charges reasonable. Both Phones. Sunshine Garage, 27 North Cameron street. UP-TO-DATE GARAGE Expert repairing. Storage space to rent. All accessories. Prices reasonable. Muff Bros.. Garage. 244 S. Front St. Steelton. I AUTOMOBILE WANTED Prefer ably a Light Six Buick or Velie, or one of this sort. Must be in good con dition. No dealers. Late model. Ad dress Box B, 7487, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE 1917 Dodge Touring car. in A 1 condition. Also an elegant sate. Will sacridce to quick buyer. Apply Mack's Dental Parlor, 310 Mar ket street. Second Floor. FORD TOURING, 1914, automobile. Good condition. Price, |275. Apply 519 Emerald street. FOR SALE Rco 6-cylinder, 7-pas senger, late model, mecnanically per fect, looks like new, extra tire. Price 81,166.66. Apply Saturday, after i P. M., 13/9 swatara street. Bell 723 M. FOR SALE One-ton Studcbaker Truck, slightly used. Elegant condi tion. Also Ford light delivery. Good condition. Crispen Motor Car Co., In ternational Truck, 163 Market street. Service Station, 29 North Cameron street. MAXWELL Touring car in A 1 shape. Must be sold, owner was dratted. This car is like new. A lot of extras; wheel with new tires. Ap ply at 125 South Eleventh street. FOR SALE 1911 Maxwell car In A 1 condition. Good tires. Price Is right. West Fairview Garage. Both phones. 1916 MITCHELL 5-passenger Tour ing Car. A 1 shape, 8456.00. A real bar-, gain. Inquire Camp Hill Garage. 1914 ivNOX Racing Car, in good con dition. 1916 Chalmers Roadster, in AL con-, dltlon. SUNSHINE GARAGE. Both Phones. FOR SALE One 1918 Chevrolet Roadster. Cheap to quick buyer, 147 South Cameron street. Drlscoll Car Company. FORD. 1917. 8385.00, no less. Dodge. 8850.00. Flanders Roadster, positively O. K., $185.00. Indian motorcycle, $90.00. Other Bargains. Horst, Ling-, lestown. Pa. ONE NEW CONESTOUA TRUCK Covered body, 1,000 lbs. capacity. A bargain. Inquire of Philadelphia Quick Lunch. FOR SALE One 1917 Hupmobile, Owner expects to be called In the ser vice. Apply Sunshine Garage, 27-29 North Cameron streeL TOURING Flanders. $360.00: Fords. $21b.00 and $350.00; Overland. $7(0.00; Regal, $600.00; Palmer, $376.00: Maxwell, $726.00; ' Oakland, $376.00; Dodge. $986.00; Metz, $500.00; Req Roadster, $250.00. Horst, Linglestown, Pa. 1318 DODGE $985.00 1916 Overland 8700.30 1914 Ford 8266.00 . 16 Indian Motorcycle JIZO.Uj * Other Bargains. HORST, Linglestown. Pa. EXIDE BATTERY SERVICE ' All makes of batteries recharged and repaired; work guaranteed. Auto repairing; electrlo work a specialty. EXCELSIOR AUTO & BATTERY CO., 11th and Mulberry Eta. OLD AUTOS Wanted: used, wrecked or oldtlmers. In any condition. See me before sac riilclng elsewhere. Chelsea Auto Wrecking. A. Schlftiiian, 22,24.21 North Cameron streeL Bell 3633. — Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page