Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 19, 1918, Page 11, Image 11

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New Yrk. Oct. 19.—Wall Street—
Another vigorous Hie in prices ac
companied the very active opening of
to-day's stock market, even the war
group, recently under pressure, scor
ing-substantial advances. Oils again
were in the foreground. Mexican Pe
troleum adding twelve points to yes
terday's 25-point gain. Coppers and
rails also supplemented their many
substantial advances of the previous
'session and U. S. Steel, which opened
at a gain of one point on a sale of
5.000 shares, soon increased its ad
vantage. Shippings rallied one to
two points from their moderate re
versal, Ahe motor group alone dis
playing heaviness.
The ilnal session of the week on
the Stock Exchange was character
ized by another outburst of bullish
enthusiasm, although the energies cf
the financial community were mainly
directed toward the successful con
clusion of the Liberty laian. Ac
tivity again was most pronounced in
the "speculative issues, notably ous,
♦-which were rather eriatic. however,
as a result of heavy selling for prof
its. Hails, steels, evaipnients, cop
pers and shippings contributed to the
extensive dealings at the wide range
of an-- to twelve oointr. Gains were
' mostly reduced at <P.e end. a fe.v
leaders losing all their advantage.
The closing was irregular. Hales rp
p'oximated SOOtfOO shires.
Liberty Bonds were steady. J- ina.
prices on Liberty Bonds were: 3%5.
99.90: first con 4s. 97.54; second vs.
97.22; tirst con 4%5. 97.75: second
con 4%5, 97.22: third 4%. 97.34.
* Chandler Brothers and Company,
members of New York and Philadel
phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar
ket Square. Harrisburg. 336 Chestnut
street. Philadelphia; 34 Pine street.
New York—furnish the following
' quotations: Open. Close.
Allis Chalmers 28% 29
American Can 46', 46%
Am Car and Foundry ... 86% 86%
Amer Loco 65% 68
Amer Smelting 93 90%
American Sugar 113'- 113%
Anaconda "3% 72%
Atchison 35 95%
Baldwin Locomotive .... SO 82
Baltimore and Ohio .... 56% .">6%
Bethlehem Steel .. 71% 70S
Butte Copper 25% 26%
California Petroleum ... 24 23%
Canadian Pacific 172', 171*,
Central Leather 68% 67%
Chesapeake and Ohio ... 59% 60%
t Chicago R I and Pacific . 28 27%
Chino Con Copper ....... 43', 42 5 ,
Col Fuel and Iron 45% 44%
Corn Products 44% 44
Crucible Steel 56% 58
Instilling Securities .... 46', 45%
'Erie - 16% 16%
General Motors 125 133%
Goodrich B. F V.. 59 58*,
Great Northern pfd 93% 94
Great Northern Ore subs 32% 33 %.
Hide and Eetaher 16% 16%
Hide and Leather pfd .. . 82 s * 82 s ,
Inspiration Copper 58 56%
International Paper .... 34% 34%
Kennecott 38 37%
Kansas City Southern . 19% 20
d^ckawanna Steel 76% .♦%
TLehigh Valley 61% 62%
Maxwell Motors 37 36%
Merc War Ctfs 31% A'%
Merc War Ctfs pfd 118% 11S
Mex Petroleum IS6 17t
.Miami Copper 29% 29
CMidvale Steel 47% 47
New York Central ..... 78% 77%
N YX H and H 42% 41%
New York and West .... 22% 22%
Norfolk and Western ... 108% 109
Northern Pacific 94% 94 ■
Pennsylvania Railroad .. 46% 46
Pittsburgh Coal 53% 52%
Railway Steel Spg 68 68%
.Ray Con Copper 25 25%
• Heading ...7 92% 91%
Republic Iron and Steel . 87% 87
Southeqj Pacific 99% 98%
Southern Ry 32% 31%
Studebaker 65 % 67%
Union Tacific 4 136% 135
T S I Alcohol 102% 102%
I" S Rubber 4... -67% 80%
V S Steel 114 110%
1" S Steel pfd 11l 111%
Utah Copper 93 91%
A'i rginia-Carolina Chem . 58% 58
"Westinghouse Mfg 45% 45%
Additional Classified Ads
on Opposite Page
condition. Full electrical equipment,
extra tires, etc. Bargain. C. A. Fair,
1131 Mulberry street.
Like new. 3375.00; 1919 Mitchell. Lib
city Six and Chevrolet Tourings. Alsoi
Truxton Trucks. Horst. Linglestown. '
Very powerful. New tires. Com- ;
pletely overhauled. Good as new. Ex
ceptionally tine condition. Cash or
easy terms. 1 rank Rittaae. 1530 Nau
dain street.
FOR SALE'— One seven-passenger,
height-cylinder Cadillac. Call Bell
. phone 4667.
The Knight motor improves
with use and has never been
known to wear out. It is the i
only type of motor which im
proves in power and perform
ance as the carbon accumulates.
This week we will otter a 5-
passenger Willys-Knight, with
wire wheel equipment, in splendid .
mechanical condition. Price, 6975.00.
We are now overhauling and re
painting a one-ton Buick Truck.
t Complete, with electric lights,
storage battery and generator.
Will be ready for delivery Oc
tober 18. A sturdy, powerful
truck. Equipment consists of
open express body arfd cab.
For quick sale 8650.00 |
Convenient Payments May Be !
212-214 North Second Street. ]
MAGNETOS All types; 4 and 6
Bosch high tension, Eismann. DixOy,
Spiitdorf. Mea, Remy and different
'makes of coils, carburetors, etc. A.
Schiffman. 22.24-26 North Cameron
street. Bell 3633.
WILLYS SIX (Sporting Model)
five-passenger touring car. Equipped
with wire wheels, two extra wheels
and tires. Car practically good M
new. A bargain to quick buyer. For
demonstration or information call Bell
2175. '
10 gajlons Aor Arctic, gallon... ,65c
5 gallons Aor Arctic, gallon... ,70c
If you furnish the can.
Gallon cans Moboiloil. A. B. E or
Arctic, gallon 90c
DAYTON CYCLE CO.. #l2 N. Third St.
Dial P0.
One 1917 Ford, run only 600 miles,
with speedster body ana regular
body. Easily changed.
One 1917 Oldsrooblle, 8-45. Run 6.000
miles. In A 1 condition. Cord tires.
Original paint.
Marysville. Pa.
WANTED All kinds of used auto
tires. We pay highest cash prices
No junk. H. Esterbrook, 912 North
Third street. Dial 4990.
Willys-Overland 25% 25
Western Maryland ....*. 13 13
By -4 si octet cd Press
Philadelphia. Oct. 19. Wheat
No. 1, soil, leu. a2.z5; ,vo. 2. led. $2.34;
No. 2. soft, red, $2.22.
Bran The market Is steady; soft
winter, per ton. 846.50047.00; spring,
per ton. $44.00045.00.
Corn The market is dull; No. 2.
snu. to grade and location.
$1.55® 1.70; No. 3. yellow. $1.55®1.70.
Oats The market is steady;
, No. 2. white. 80®S0%c; No. 2, white,
' 7J® 79% c.
Refined Sugars Market steady;
i powdered. 5.46 c; extra fine granulat
ed. 7.25 c. a
Butter The market is firm;
western, extra. packed Icreaniery.
, 69c; nearby prints, fancy, 84®66c.
i Eggs Market firm; Pennsylvania,
unu odivi nearby rtreis, free cases.
$16.50® 16.80 per case; do., current re-
I ceipts, free cases. $16.20 per
vase; western, extras, firsts, free cases,
$16.50® 16.80 per case; do., firsts, free
cases. "$16.20 per case; fancy,
selected, packed. 60®62c per doren.
Cheese The market is firm;
New York and Wisconsin, full milk,
82® 33% c. *
Live Poultry Market higher:
fowls, not leghorns, 34®37c;> white
leghorns, 32® 34c; young, softmealed
roosters. 2s® 26c; young, staggy roost
ers, 24®25c; old roosters, 24®25c:
| spring chickens, not leghorns, 34® 37c:
I white leghorns. 30® 32c; ducks. Peking
spring, 27® 28c: d0.,01d.30® 33c; Indian
1 Runner. 25®26c; ducks. Long
i 1.-iano. 66®37c, turkeys. 37®3c;
s'-.ase. nearby. -.">W.'6c; western. 25®
! 26c.
Dressed Poultry Steady; turkeys,
nc-arby, choice to fancy, . i-;0c; do,
fair to good. 32®37c; do., old. 37®38c;
do., western, choice to fancy. 37®38c;
do., fair to good. 32® 36c; do., old totns,
30c; old. common, 30c; fresh killed
fowls, fancy. 37%®35c; do., smaller
sizes,33® 37c; old roosters.29%c; spring
ducks. Long Island. 39® 40c: spring
lowls. tunc*. 35*1...%'-. do., good to
ducks, Pennsylvania, 39® 40c; frozen
clioice, 32®34c; do., small sizes. 28®
30c; dressed Pekin ducks higher. 34®
36c: old. 30®32c: Indian Runners. 27®
27% c; broiling chickens, western. 31®
40c; roasting chickens. 35c.
Potatoes The market is weak;
i New Jersey. No. 1. $1.0001.1S
per basket; do.. No. 2, 500 65c
per basket, do.. 150-Ib. buss. No. 1.
' $2.5002.50. exfra quality; do.. No. I.
SI.OOO 2.26; Pennsylvania. 100 lbs..
$1.3001.65; New VorU. old. per 100 lbs.,
$1.5501.75; western, per 100 ibi. $1.25
4.J 1.55; Maine, per 100 lbs.. $1,600
1.50; Delaware and Maryland, per 100
j ibSj. 9Oc0$l.lO; Michigan, per SOO lb.,
I $1.50$ 1.70; Florida. per barrel.
$2.00® 4.00: Florida. per bushel,
hamper, 75055 c; Florida, per 150-tb.
i bags. $1.5003.00; North Carolina, per
barrel, $1.5004.00; South Carolina, per
barrel. $1.5004.00: Norfolk, per bar
pel. $2.0004.75; Eastern Shore. per
barrel. $2.5005.00.
Tallow ine market ts firm;
• prime, city, in tierces. 184 c; city
special, loose. 194 c; prime country,
18c; dork. 164 c; edible, in tierces.
:214 0 22c.
Flour Dull; winter wheat, new,
100 per cent. Ilour. $10.00010.25 per
barrel; Kansas wheat, new. SIO,OOO
10.85: per barrel; spring wheat, new.
Hay Market steady; timothy.
No. 1. large and small bales. $37,500
38.00 per ton; No. 2. small bales, $36.00
@37.00 per ton; No. 3. $29.00033.00 per
i,.n; sample. J!2.sy' >" per ton; no
grade. $7.50011.50 per ton.
! Clover Light mixed. $35,500
! 36.00 per ton; No. 1. light mixed.
4.005 i 34.50 per ton; No. 2. light tnix
; ed. $30,000 33.00 per ton; no grade.
116.uu020.u0 per ton.
By Associated Brest
Philadelphia. Oct. 10."—Stocks closed
: strong.
; Baldwin Locomotive 544
General Asphalt ...... 36
; General Asphalt. Pfd 72
I-ake Superior Corporation .... 174
Lehigh Navigation 68 4
Lehigh Valley ,62
Pennsylvania Railroad 46_
Philadelphia Electric 247 i
(Philadelphia Company ......... 32
Philadelphia Company. Pfd 26
! Philadelphia Rapid Transit ... 27 4
Reading 924
Storage Battery 55 4
Union Traction 384
t'nited States Steel -11 l
Fnited Gas Improvement .. ... 694
York Railways 74
York Railways. Pfd SI 4
The Central Y. M. C. A. to-day an
nounced a subscription of S2OO for
j Liberty Bonds of the fourth issue.
I The money is the income derived
i from a fwquest recently made by the
i late Catherine Chandler to the as
-1 sociation. One hundred dollars of the
! income was invested in bonds of the
i third issue. The remainder went
(-into bonds yesterday.
i •
AUTO MO BILK TIRES, slightly used,
at a great saving.
26.\54 .Motorcycle Tires $lO 00
30x3 Tires and Tubes 8 00
31x4 Goodyear Tire 8 00
32x4 Buckskin Tire 700
33x4 4 Firestone Tire 8 0U
■ 33x4 Morgan Tire 15 06
'34X44 Federal Tire 18 00
j 34x5 Miller Tire 20 00
34x4 Goodrich Tire ......... 5 00
• 35x5 Goodyear Tire 800
36X4 L cniied states Tire 6 00
36x4 4 Batavia Tire 12 00
40X4 4 Tires and Tubes 26 00
912 North Third St.
ride like air. No punctures. No blow
j.outs. Sold on a guarantee by C. E.
I Anderson, 801 North Eignteenth
street. Dial 5418.
FORD —1915; roadster; newly painted;
demountable wheels; extra tire; per
fect condition.
FORD —1917; roadster; just painted;
I demountable wheels.
I OVERLAND—BO; new tires; engine In
hue condition.
i MAXWELL 1916; 5-passenger; one-
I man top; demountable wheels; extra
| rire; newly painted; bargain.
117-119-121 SOUTH THIRD ST.
BELL PHONE 3777. DIAL 2413.
FOR SALE CHEAP Consisting of
variety of Ford cars, with rear-end
one-ton capacity; Vims. Buick. Reo
and Mack, with power hoist, dump
body. All are good bargains. Inter
national Harvester Company of
America Truck Dept, 619 Walnut
AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re
paired by specialists. Also fenders
lamps, etc. Best service in town. Har
risburg Auto Radiator ' Works, 80S
North Third street.
304-6 Muench street. Limousines for
funeral, parties and balls; careful
drivers; open day and night. Bell
All sorts of auto top and cushion work
dons by experts. Also repair work.
Reasonable ratea. 1019 Market St.
pairing by experts. Road jobs a
specialty. Charge* reasonable. Both
: Phones. Sunshine Garage. 27 North
Cameron street.
repairing. Storage space to rent. All
accessories. Prices reasonable. Muff
Bros.. Garage. 244 S. Front St. Steelton.
Corp. C. A. Shoffner Dies
of Wounds Received From
Bombs Dropped by Boche
Corporal C. Albert Shoffner. of
West Fairvievv. anil Uorpoml Or
lando Newcomer, of Boiling Springs,
the former previously reported
wounded in aotton in France, lias
since died of his wounds, and the
latter was killed in action on July
10. Newcomer, who was 22 years
of age. is survived by his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William Newcomer, and a
sister, Esther, and a brother. Paul.
He enlisted May. 1917. and sailed
overseas the tirst of May.
Details of Corporal ShoPfner's
death were contained in a letter re
ceived by Mrs. Margaret Murry, of
West Fuirview. grandmother of the
soldier. yesterday, from Captain
Robert A. Mcßlain. of Company A,
tne Hundred and Third Supply
Train, in France. In it Captain Mc-
Btaln says that Corporal Shoffner
met his death shortly after midnight
August 3 when he was struck in the
famr and about the chest by flying
pieces of steel from an exploded
aerial bomb dropped from hn enemy
plane. Corporal Shoffner had been
out on duty with his truck to one of
the American Infantry Regiments
when the fatality occurred. He was
a member of the same company as
Captain Mcßlain.
The dead soldier, the letter states,
was given a decent. Christian burial
by the men of his company' who
made, with their own hands, a splen
did casket of hard timber for the
body. The chaplain of the hos
pital assisted by a Y. M. C. A, worker,
conducted the funeral services.
War Department
Asked For Doctors
The United States government was
to-day " asked to detail sanitary de
tachments from Army posts and
camps to assist Pennsylxania phy
sicians in fighting influenza in Alle
gheny. Cambrai and Westmoreland
counties, while the big railroads were
also asked to turn their surgical
staffs over to the local relief organi
Orders were issued to-day can
celling all football games at Pitts
burgh. tSate College and Altoona and
local oragnizations urged to secure
use of high school buildings of the
newer type for use as emergehcy
William H. Mullin, of Carlisle, was
to-day appointed a justice of the
By Associated Press
t hit-ago. Oct. 19.—Board of Trade
Corn—November. 1.224 : December.
Oats November, 67; December.
Pork November. 34.50: January.
Lard November, 24.20; Januarv,
Ribs November. 21.00; Januarv.
By Associated Press\
t hiciigu, Oct. 19. <U. S. Bureau
of Markets I. Hogs Receipts.
II.000: market mostly 25c to 50c lower
than yesterday's general trade: some
mixed and pacing grades showing 75c
decline: early top. $18.15: practical top
late. $18.00: butchers. $17.25018.15;
light. $16.75017.90: packing, $15.25®
17.00; rough. $14,500-15.25; pigs, good
to choice, $14.00® 15.25.
Cattle Receipts. 3.000; compared
with a week ago. better grades of
medium and western steers. 25c to 40c
higher: common, light. 25c lower;
beef cattle and canning stock un
evenly steady to 25c lover; bulls. 25c
to 50c lower; calves, 75c to SI.OO
lower; feeding cattle closing 25c
Sheep Receipts, 15,000; compared
with a week ago fat classes 25c to 50c
lower; feeding and breeding stock un
evenly 50c to SI.OO lower, ewes declin
ing most.
new. Bargain at $95.00. Horst. Ling
lestown. Pa.
New and rebuilt bicycles at very at
tractive prices; guaranteed repair
ing; come here and get a square
912 N. Third Street,
r Dial 4990.
SALE sl2s. 1916 Model. 2-speed.
Good giachine. Call 24 Chestnut street,
Enders. Auto Supplies. 239 South Cam!
eron street. Dial 6938.
INDIAN. 1916—Good as new. $l2O 00
Good tires —one new. Bargain. Ho'rat
Garage. Linglestown. Pa.
WE BUY old bicycles, coaster
brakes, and frames. Call Dial i 990
NOTICE Whereas letters of ad
ministration to the Estate of Sol
Meddlngs. late of Harrisburg, Dau
phin County. Pennsylvania, have been
granted to the undersigned, all per
sons Indebted to said estate are re
quested to make immediate payment,
and those having claims or demands
against the estate of the said de
cedent will make knokn the same
without delay to
310 South Second Street,
Harrisburg, Pa.
Or his Attorney,
RUBS Building.
Harrisburg. Pa.
NOTICE—Is hereby given that L
W. Kay lias withdrawn from the
Metropolitan Lunch Co. and will not
be responsible for any bills for the
above firm after this day. All bills
doe now will be paid by L. T Kay.
Alp amounts due to the above firm are
to be paid to the said L. W. Kay,
■By .Is.tft'iated Press
New York, Oct. 18. —The Amer-
I ican steamship Luciu, equipped
I with buoyancy boxes and sup
i posed to be uqsinkable. lias been
i sunk, according to word received
j liere to-day- in shipping circles.
J She was torpedoed by a submarine
i in the Atlantic, but details as to
i fate of the ere ware lacking.
| the date of the sinking and the
Auditor General and Penrose
• Act With Richards and
Urgent representations made to
Senator Boies Penrose at Washington
by Auditor General Charles A. Sny
der and statements by W. J. Rich
ards as to conditions in the anthra
cite coal field backed by statements
made to high Army officers by Adju
tant General Frank D. Beary last
night brought about the issuance of
'• the order by the War Department
I cancelling the movement of drafted
| men from Pennsylvania to Camp
j Greenleaf scheduled for next week,
j Under the schedule as prepared 6,-
'7 40 men would have gone from
! Pennsylvania to the southern camp
on five days of next week and the
War Department in postponing the
I call unUl further notice took the
! same steps as in the Camps Bee and
Humphreys cases.
General Snyder presented the
situation in Schuylkiil county very
forcibly, representing that there are
many men ill and that drafted n\en
would go front infected homes,
while lie said that coal production
was being menaced. Senator Pen
rose at once submitted the facts at
the War Department and when Mr.
Richards, one of the coal experts of
the country, and General Beary also
got into touch the military officials
decided to annul the movement.
Schedules for seventeen trains to
move the men had been prepared.
No time has been fixed for the move
ment to be undertaken.
In fourteen days the State Arsenal
force, often working at the rate of
twenty-two hours a day, has shipped
oxer 7.500 cots with nearly 1,000
dozen blankets, sheets and other
equipment and many mattresses, to
135 plaees to aid in the state's tight
I against influenza. In addition to the
j cots stored in the Arsenal for 'the
I Reserve Militia the Adjutant Oen
ieral's Department bought hundreds
of cots and mattresses in Philadel
- pliia and other cities. Over 100
t hospital, mess, kitchen and other
' large sized tents have been shipped
to various places for open air hos
: pitals in the fight against influ-
I enzu- This is the most extensive
I relief work ex-er done by the Adju
j tant General's Department during an
| epidemic.
j Situations existing at various
! camps which have reported to Adju
tant General Beary the number of
j Pennsylvania citizens in military
I service within their limits will be
i presented to Gotenor Brumbaugh on
' Monday and it will then be decided
I what to do about taking the sol
: dier vote. Some of the 262 canips
'or stations to which letters were
j sent asking as to the number of
- soldiers have established quarantines
j and some have reported many men
| sick. The plans have been made
1 lo send commissioners with special
j ballots and supplies and to hold elec-
I tions as in 1916 and 1917.
[Oontinucdi from First Page.]
-Tournai and Valenciennes and al
! ready have advapced more than six
miles along a front of more than
| thirty miles in this region. The Brit
ish are approaching Chereng, less
than eight miles west of Tournai.
Several scores of villages have been
liberated. ,
Southeast of Cambrai the Allies
have made'a wide breach in the Ger
man lines along the lower Selle and
the Sarnbre canal and continue to
push eastward. The British and
French war offices report the cap
ture of more than 4,200 prisoners in
the fighting and over a score of vil
lages. including Wassigny, Bazuel,
Hennaphes and Tupigny have been
takem- 7
Foe Withdraws
On thenorth the British are with
in two miles of the Sambre canal at
C'hatillon. The French have taken
Andigny. forest and have reached
the canal on a front of aearly nine
miles south of .the bend in the Oise,
north if Xoyles, three miles east of
the railway junction of Guise.. The
allied wedge makes pockets t'o the
north and to the south. The Germans
are withdrawing from the southern
pocket with the French in close
pursuit. East of Retliel the French
have reached the Aisne on a wide
front and captured Ambly-Haut. ,
It has been learned from a resi
dent of Cambrai that German cavalry
officers were giving a ball there cele
brating the return of peace on the"!
night the city was taken. At the
middle of the dance, British infantry!
which had broken through the de- j
fenses to the west stormed into the
town and the German cavalry dan
dies had to run.
Lille is fast being left behind by j
the advancing Fifth British army, i
In spite of German posts established
north of Roubaix and Turcoing,
these rich manufacturing cities have
been taken. The Germans blew up
the bridges leading into Bruges and
left strong rear guards there, but
these forces were sacrificed by the
enemy while the main body of his
troops moved eastward from the
city and those near the coast hast
ened to escape.
Bclgiun Airmen Work Havoc'
Belgian airmen have worked great
.havoc among the enemy forces flee
ing through the gap between Bruges
and the Dutch frontier.
More cannon have been brought
up and all of Thursday night and
yesterday they have been pumping
shells into the bottle neck through
which the Germans are retreating.
The number of Germans killed in
this ara since yesterday Is believed
to be tremendous.
To-day's reports include masses of
captured documents which have
fallen into the hands of the Allied
soldiers. They treat of all subjects
but one in all they contain a sub
current or despair.
Waldersce Foresees Defeat
Count Von Waldersee, of the Fifty
ninth reserves infantry regiment,
wrote that he knew his regiment
was going to be attacked and warned
his men the attack must be broken
down. Incidentally, the assault re
fered to resulted in the smashing of
that regiment.
In many of the towns and localities
where the Allied troops have swept
past, celebrations over their deliver
ance from the Germans were carried
on all day to-day by the people. In
Lille there were crowds in the
New Figure Enters Automo
bile Case; Robbery Mo
tive Advanced^
A new element of mystery has
entered into the murder of George
J. Bushman, well-to-do Gettysburg
garageman, whose body was "found
along the\ river bank at Lucknoxv
|Thursday morning with two bullet
: wounds in it.
Until this morning. detectives
here and at Gettysburg, gave cred
ence to the report that a man and
! woman left Gettysburg with the
! murdered man when he started on
the fatal trip to Harrisburg. It de
x eloped to-day. as the result of in
vestigation by Diaries Wilson, coun
jty detective at Gettysburg, that
; Bushman left Gettysburg an hour
,and a half later than was supposed,
after he had discharged the man and
woman, who were seen later riding
in his motor car before 7 o'clock.
The element of mystery now sur
rounds the identity of a man who is
said to have emerged from nmong a
group of men in the Gettysburg
Square, and requested Bushman to
take them on a trip. This was at
5.30 Wednesday evening. Former re
ports say lie left Gettysburg with
the man and woman at 7 o'cloyk. His
cur was seen at 8 o'clock and after,
parked in the square at Gettysburg.
The identity of the man who hail
ed Busliman, and the man and wom
an seen in his car, remain a mys
A report that Bushman had been
seen a few days previous to his
death with $2,700 in his possession,
gave rise yesterday to the opinion
in the mind of Detective Wilson that
robbery might lie the motive of the
crime. Twenty-rive dollars was found
in the possession of Bushman when
be was found, but detectives realize
that this amount might have been
left as a blind. His watch was gone.
Mrs. Bushman, wife of the dead
man. said she knew nothing of his
trip to Harrisburg, and could shed
no light on the identity of the mys
terious passengers who accompanied
hint. She said she knew of no 'af
fair" on the part of her husband
jwith any other woman. .Neither did
she know of any enemy of her hus
band. she said.
Undertaker Bender, of Gettysburg,
came to the city last night for Bush-
Oman's body. It was taken to Gettys
burg last night.
The first list of subscriptions to
I the fund for children made desti
tute by influenza, was made pub
lic this morning by the looil Kcd
t'ross. The following are the eon
; tributors:
.1. Brant Schwnrz $25
11. L. Coltun 25
Airs. G. \\". Reily ! 25
Mrs. Ilenry M. Stine 25
A friend 5
A friend 5
A friend 1
■lohn Smith " 1
| C. A. Clement 5
Total $11"
j V *
j streets, singing, cheering and throw
| ing roses everywhere.
' In the neighborhood of TurcoinV
and Roubaix more than 100,008
' civilans have been liberated.
I BRITISH and American troops;
fighting forward into the Hun
ding line southeast of Re Ca
teau advancing quite rapidly in
ispite of the desperate resistance of
ithe enemy. It is reported that 1,200
prisoners and 120 guns were captur
ed by the Allies yesterday. Since the
fighting began on' Thursday morn
ing the Germans have been forced
back more than four miles.
Warships Shell Germans
British warships' have Come to the
assistance of the Allied land forces in
Belgium and are shelling the Ger
mans who .are Ikying to escape
through the narrow neck of land be
tween Bruges and the Dutch fron
Relentless pursuit of the retreating
Germans in Belgium and down along
the battle front eontinueg as far as
the area just to the west of Valen
ciennes. Virtually all of the coast
has cleared of the enemy and
Allied patrols are east of Bruges.
Kncmy Lines Bent By Attack
There is a probability that the Ger
mans by flooding the country east of
Bruges will be üble to delay the ad
vancing Belgians for a time, but ap
parently their line is some bent, by
the furious onslaught by the Allies
in Flanders, that it must be readjust
led for a long distance down into
j France.
1 Allies Advance Toward Hirson
French and Americans 'along the
lOise river forged ahead slightly yes
terday. Germans are holding their
line stubbornly While the forces and
material in the Laon salient are
moved back in safety. The advance
here, however, seems to be gaining
.n momentum toward Hirson one of
the principal railroad junctions be
hind the German lines.
Lftmlon, Oct. 19.—1n continuation
of the offensive south of Le Cateau
Field Marshal Haig's troops have
captured the village of Wassigny the
British commander reported last
The village of Ribeauxville, north
of Wassigny, also has, been taken
and British troops have entered
Bazuel, still farther north. More
than 1200 prisoners and a few guns
were taken in the day's 'fighting.
The statement says:
"Fighting their way forward de
spite heavy resistance, our troops
have once more driven the enemy
from the positions taken up by him.
We have captured the villages of
Wassigny and Ribeuuxville and
enterd Bazuel, where fighting still
is taking place. Over 1200 prisoners
and a few guns have been taken,"
The joritish' now are more Hum
three miles south east of Lille. Cm
the Belgian coast, British warships
are shelling the retreating Germans.
10,000 Aircraft Are
Worth 500,000 Troops
Washington, Oct. 19. Ten thous
and airplanes now are worth more
than 500,000 ground troops. Germany
can be brought to her knees by air
force. This is the message to the
■ American people from Lord Syden
ham, who, as Major George b. Clarke,
of the British royal engineers, is rec
ognized'as a great authority on forti
Four revolvers, a quantity of cart
ridges and shejls stolen from Martz
Brothers' Hardware Store. 21 South
Third street, • and a number of ar
ticles stolen front A. Krentzman's
store, in South Cameron street, be
sides some wearing apparel bearing
the labels of a Trenton. N. J„ store,
were located in the bushes in the
t neighborhood of Thirteenth street
and the Reading Railroad this after
noon. by a young man who was pass
ing there. The registration card of
William Murphy, Fall River, Mass.,
who was held under $1,500 bail for
court yesterday, was found in the
pocket of the coat in which the ar
-1 tides war* wrapped _ 1
Pfforo Bv Ro^/fort
Positions Held Against Su
perior Forces For a Week;
Gunboats Barred
Archangel, Northern European
Russia. Oct 19.—Allied forces on
the Dvina- have been withdrawn
slightly more than six miles in the
face of an attack by greatly superior
forces, which had been reinforced
from l'etrograii and apparently com
manded by competent officers. The
withdrawal was successful under a
severe bombardment.
At last reports, the Bolshevik re
inforcements were reported advanc
ing and the Allied forces were under
a hail of shrapnel shells and "pom
poms." Occasionally a six-incli shell
from a Bolshevik gunboat or a land
battery would strike.
The positions abandoned by the
Allies were held for a week against
greatly superior forces. The Allies
operating along the Dvina and Vega
rivers have been handicapped by a
fall of the water, which left boats
stuck on sa Ad bars and barred pro
gress by gunboats at critical times.
American Removal Wounded
One of the l'eats of the evacua
tion was the removal of the Amer
ican wounded from a hospital i#i the
zone of fire to a hospital bout. The
American doctor commanding the
vessel three times Slipped up the
river in the darkness through the
zone of tire before he succeeded in
getting the wounded axvay. The first
time,, the land forces were unable
to remove the wounded oxer the
rough and muddy ground and down
a cliff to the ani'-'orage. In the sec
ond attempt the bout remained all
night at a point agreed upon, but the
stretcher bearers were unable to
reach it and the vessel was forced
to move doxvn the stream at dawn
in order to escape the Holshexik
shells. The third attempt was suc
cessful and the removal xvas carried
out so quickly that the en qui y did
not tire a single shell during the
concentrating their efforts on an
attempt to drix'e the Russian and
Allied troops from the Dwina he
fore ice closed the river.
[Continued from First Page.]
xvork qf the nurses and aids at the
hospital is worthy of much com
mendation as the success of the
health bureau in handling the cases
sent there, was brought about by
their splendid co-operation.
It is estimated that about,3so new
cases were treated yesterday by phy
sicians, although complete reports
were not made. Health officials said
the situation is well under control
noxv and are anticipating that in the
j course of a few days there will be a
drop in the number of nexv cases.
| . "HUE arrangement to furnish
| whisky fijee to those who could not
| pay the high prices being charged
for it at drug stores, which was made
yesterday, was carried out to-day.
According to Dr. Ruunick the suppiy
which is to be distributed will be
only for medicinal purposes and any
person attempting to get any of it
lor any other use will be prosecuted.
Not more than eight ounces will be
given to one person and no prescrip
tions will be refilled.
No I.iquor to Cliildren
In explaining the plans for fur
nishing whisky free to those xvho
can not pay the price asked by drug
gists Dr. Ralrnick said .that any
person with a prescription must
get the physician to write on it the
name and address of the patient. A
quantity not exceeding eight ounces
xrill be furnished and doctors are
urged not to prescribe a large quan
tity as the health officials said they
will not fill the order. Children
should not be sent with the pres
criptions as it is illegal to gix'e any
intoxicants to them even for delivery
purposes. The same hours will be
observed to-morrow as to-day for
furnishing the whisky free. Dr.
Raunick said.
More Nurses Needed
! To get a supply for medicinal use
i persons must first get a prescription
from a physician. This will be .filled
if it is presented at the Harrisburg
Hospital, Emergency Hospital, City
Health Bureau office, or Ked Cross
headquarters, from 12 to 2 o'clock
in the afternoon or between 5 and 6
in the evening. In emergency cases
application should bp made at the
Emergency Hospital.
PhysiCiajis for night duty, nurses
and aids are needed at Emergency
Hospital, where more than 100 pa
tients are being treated. In the baby
ward, which has been opened there,
thirty-one children are being cared
for, the youngest only about three
months old.V
This evening all stores and other
business places In the. city, with the
exception of drugstores and restau
rants. jvill close at 6.30 o'clock. Dr.
Kaunick again culled the attention of
druggists and proprietors of restau
rants that they may not sell any
other commodities than drugs and
food. To-morrow all churches and
Sunday schools w{ll remain closed,
health officials announcing that the
epidemic has not abated sufficiently
yet to permit any large gatherings.
$2,500 Seeded to Care
For Destitute Children
Up to noon to-day Harusburg had
contributed sll7 toward n required
total of $2,500 which will be used
Xor the support of children made
OCTOBER 19, 1918.
Francis A. Ery, Publisher of
News. Taken Sick on Train
Going to Wlliamsport
Newport, Pa., Oct. 19.—-Francis A.
Fry, editor of the Newport News,
died at a WiUiamsport Hospital yes
terday morning after two days' ill
ness of pneumonia. He was taken
sick on the train on his way to Wil—
liumsport on a business trip.
Air. Frywas a prominent church
worker, as well as n newspaperman.
He was president of the Pennsyl
vania Weekly Publishers, associate
Soldiers' Orphans, member of the
"Sixteeners" Association.
He is survived by two sons. Color
Sergeant George 'R. Fry, at Camp
l.ee, and David Fry. of Newport, as
sociated with his father in the news
paper business. Two grandchildren
also survive, besides a sister, Mrs.
W. H. Sheaffer, of Junction City,
Kansas, and a brother, George Ira
Fry, a prominent contractor of To
peka, Kansas.
Funeral arrangements have not
yet been concluded pending the ar
rival of his sister, Mrs. W. H. Shuef
for. of Junction City, Kansas. His
j body will be burled in the Newport
[ Cemetery at the side of his wife,
| Mrs. Annie Rltter Fry, who died in
September, 1917. f
Manchester and York Haven
Young Folks at Creek
| MMchmlrr, Pa., Oct. 19.—Misses
| Rebecca Gladfelter, Edith Dutz anil
| Anna Kauffman. Ira Rentzel, Floyd
I Melhorn. George Beck and Lawrence
! Uietz, joined a party from York Ha
ven, composed of . Anna McGready,
l'eachie Repman, Lillian Kephart,
Minnie Kelwlski, Claude Spangler,
Harold Kline, Ellsworth Spangler.
and Kauffman Auspach. Mrs. I. M.
Auspach, of Y'ork Haven, was chap
eron. The party hiked to the Cone
ivago creek where they built a bon
j tire and toasted marshmallows and
j frankfurters. The hike was in honor
of Ellsworth and Claude Spangler,
•! fKyn Alliance, Ohio, where both are
engaged in government work.—Mr.
1 and Mrs. H. A. Kapffman and spn.
William, spent Sunday at Harris
| burg.—The Red Cross workers are
engaged picking oakium to be used
j for padding In surgical dressings, few
| of the oldest members to be thus en
! geged are David E. Good. 86 years
j old, and Mrs. Mary Yinger. 88 years,
j—Manchester borough w'ent over the
top again in the Fourth Liberty Loan.
! in the' Third drive the borough quad
: rupted its allotment and this time
.doubled its allotment, —Mr. and Mrs.
;E. F. Hart man have returned from
Detroit, Mich., where they visited Mr.
I aqd Mrs. William H. Gross, the latter
I their daughter. They also paid a
i visit to their son. Walter, at the
| same place prior to his leaving for
j Oakland, California. Miss Flora
' Hartinan is confined to the house
1 with influenza.—W. G. Good, book-
I keeper for' the Y'ork Haven Paper
, Company, Is confined to his home
iby sickness. —The entire family of
| Alvin Frey, Sir. and Mrs. and their
i three children are sick with influ
| enza. Others afflicted by influenzae
Dire: Ralph Snyder, Austin Miller, R. j
| Spangler, Roniaine Gross, Harry |
, Lutz, Jr., Thelma Everhart and Anna
! Gladfelter.
' homeless and destitute by the rav
iuges of the influenza epidemic. Such
' was the statement issued at liead
! quarters of the Harrisburg chapter,
j American Red Cross, this afternoon,
j The list of contributors included
| men and women prominent in the
| city. It is given elsewhere in to
night's Telegraph.
I The fund was opened several days
' ago following citation in the Tele
| graph of names of families made
destitute by the death of father or
! lnother, and in some cases by both
I parents. When- the local Red Cross
j chapter learned of conditions the
j campaign for financial assistance to
go to these unfortunate tots was im
mediately started. The need is urg
ent and Red Cross officials ask for
| immedialb response from the citi
zens of the Capital City.
Further contributions to the fund
which has as its goal the sum of
$2,500 are invited. Contributors are
i asked to send their gifts to Red
Cross headquarters, in the basement
of the Public Library.
('.rest of Influenza Passed
at Harrisburg Hospital
Hospital authorities are hopeful
that the crest of the Spanish influ
enza epidemic has been passed. Only
ten new cases were admitted yes
terday, and twenty-five sent to the
convalescent hospital. Seventy-five
now are under treatment at the hos
pital. p
Eight deaths occurred at the hos
pital lust night, which is a jump
over the previous day's record. They
1 Theodore Murray, 113 South
Third street, aged 26 years. He is
thetaon of Alderman Murray. He
was employed as a cjlerk in the De
partment of Labor and Industry.
Mrs. David Berger, 1315 North
Third street, died at 10.30 last eve
Luceano Pantano, aged 45, of
Enola. Died at 7.45 o'clock this
< Amos Bell. agAil 59, Hummels
town. died at 11.50 last evening. He
was admitted at 7.30 o'clock last
Meta Xelswender, aged 17, of 49
' North Seventeenth street,
3.25 this morning.
Anna Brewer, aged 21. 103 South
River street, died at 2.25 this morn
Raymond Hale. New Cumberland,
aged 15, died at 8.15 last evening.
Mrs. Michael Seels, ugetl 19. of
Clark's Ferry, died at 8.45 last
Quotas to Have Entrained \
Next Week to Remain
at Home
All quotas from ilarrisburg and
Dauphin county, which were ordered
to. entrain during next week for
training camps, were notified to-day
that the movement has been post
! potted for an indefinite period.
Major \V. G. Murdock, state draft
head, was notified in a telegram
from Washlijgton that all movements
of drafted men front Pennsylvania
have been postponed until further *
notice. Spanish influenza is the
cause of the postponement,
i The effect of the telegram will be
(to cancel all arrangements for start
ling the movement of 6,710 drafted
white to Camp Greenleal', On.,
next week. The movement was to
Icover the live-day period beginning
iMonday. Eighty-two men front the
(county and seventy from the city,
I were included in the quotas.
I The fifty-tive colored limited serv
ice men to have been sent >from the
state to Norfolk for service in the
Inavy, also are included in the order,
' In the meantime local hoards were
|f.irected to advance the classification
of registrants of September 12 as
rapidly as possible. The mailing of
questionnaires to ull men of eigh
jteen and those between 35 and 46
years old will be started within u few
I The .classification of men between
ithe ages of 19 and 36, not including
21 to 31, is practically completed,
with the exception of a few deferred
{claims that remain to be considered,
j When the men leave in the pext
{quotas, the boards will have reached
'the point where the men of the
i latest registration will be next in
line for service.
[Continued front First Page.]
| and his brother, John were Joshua
j and Eleanor Shearer Elder, and all
| his life John Elder has lived at the
. old* homestead engaged in farming,
while David was associated with the
| Pennsylvania railroad, and also serv
led as underkeeper at the jail from
I 1880-66.
j In 1858 Dav.id Elder married Miss
I Mary E. Cowden, daughter of the
I late Matthew B. Cowden and a great
I granddaughter of "Parson" Elder.
| She died several years ago in 4his
city. Surviving Iter were three chil
jdren: Wallace Elder, of Pittsburgh;
! William Elder and Miss Eleanor Eld
er, of WiUiamsport.
John Elder, on October 30, 1863,
married Miss Mary J. Rutherford,
daughter of Captain John P. Rutlier
■ ford. Their children were Herbert
\ Elder, Charles Elder and Miss Janet
Elder, all of Harrisburg. There are •
[three grandchildren.
10,000 families
can saite a shovelful of
coal each,etfery daij
Uncle Sam needs the
Use McNeil's Pain Exterminator—Ad.
/ i
?\Vith a family
record the ans
wer is always '
forthco til
ing. Isn't it a j
pleasure to be
able to consult
an acccurately
compiled rec
ord, neatly
printed in clear
, type, with suit
able headlines
and subdivis
ions, and tell
your inquirer '
at a g!lainice
where either
yourself or any i
of your family
had their birth
place. Get the
information to- /
gether and
have us print
it for you
print it in a
way that will
please you and
be an evidence ,
of your good '
taste in coming
The Telegraph
Printing Co.
Stamping Plate Printing
210 Federal Square
> i *
> <