Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 18, 1918, Image 1

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W * * IT ""*• T mr ' f-' -t * ' <*„ • #•' .-, •", „ . *- , "•*
- :; Austria 12 12 /.w.r :."*<! j
. \ ' ' Sfee ofac-ifokpcftdenl.
Only Three-Quarters of a Mil
lion Shy of Goal Sri
For Harrisburg
Farmer Won't Buy Bonds Be
cause Minister Has In
timidated Him
Harrisburg city and Dauphin
county were still struggling to-day at
noon to get within hop-over reach
of their Liberty Loan quotas, and a
couple of hundred men were fran
tically combing the town in an ef
fort to round up laggards and to se
cure larger subscriptions from men
and women who were coming for
ward as "pinch hitters."
The totals at noon were:
Previously reported .$5,283,850
To iiooii to-day 71.(100
City quota $0,188,0-10
Bonds sold 5,857,850
"Shy" $775,700
Among the subscriptions reported
to-day was an additional $lO,OOO
frotu the Pipe and Pipe Bending
plant, which has subscribed many
thousands of dollars since its orig
inal subscription of $400,000.
Public Service Commissioner John
S. Rilling to-day bought $5.00P
worth of bonds.
Interesting reports have been re
ceived at. headquarters on scores of
farmers who come to Harrisburg
iharkethouses each week. These are
being tabulated and an interesting
"deadly parallel column" may re
sult, showing how some agricultur
ists "come through clean," and some
not come through at all.
Liberty Loan headquarters to-day
issued this statement:
"Harry Miller, of the Central
Hotel, says that he bought "bonds'
of the three previous issues of the
Liberty Loan. He did. They were
each for $50."
liuliviitiiul Total Large
The number of individuals who
have bought Liberty Bonds in the
fourth loan campaign is now much
larger than the total in the third
loan, which in turn was much larger
than the lirst and .second. There are
Liberty bonds in the majority of Har
risburg homes, it is declared, and so
rapidly are folks responding to the
. emergency call that before Monday
Liberty Ixmn flags will be appearing
in windows for unbroken blocks on
the majority of city streets. There
are still numbers of men found on
street cars and on the streets who
do not have the bond buttons, and it
is noticeable that those are men who
have what is popularly kno.vn as
"white collar" jobs.
Mr. McCormick Hopeful
"1 am confident that Harrisburg
and Dauphin county will get their
quotas," said Donald McCormick
this morning. "I am hopeful that
Juniata county will give us a big sur
prise before to-morrow."
William Jennings, chairman for
Dauphin county, spoke hopefully of
ids district.
"Dauphin county outside of Har
risburg will have a surprisingly good
record if the present ratio of bond
purchases continues," he said.
A letter was received from near
McAlListerville this morning from
one of the "plain people."
"If the government says I must
buy Liberty Bonds, T will do it," said
the writer, "but X am afraid of my
He was informed that the propo
sition i* one strictly for his own con
science to settle.
"If you think," he was informed,
"that you are standing by the gov
ernment of the United States, and
standing back of the boys in France,
by refusing to buy bonds, that is a
matter for your conscience."
Just what his church authorities
would be able to do for this man if
the Germans came through his sec
tion of the country, none seemed to
("nils For Subscriptions
' "State and federal officials should
immediately subscribe to the Fourth
Liberty Loan an amount equivalent
to the federal income tax on their
salaries from the payment of which
th<ty will he relieved by th Senate
Finance Committee's action yester
day," suggested Chairman Ainey, of
the Pennsylvania Public Service com
mission and former member of Con
gress, to-day.
This would in flic main affect sal
aries above two thousand dollars,
and if immediately responded to
throughout the United States would
produce a large sum in aid of the
Fourth, Liberty I.oan.
44tate' officials have nowhere asked
to be relieved from the tax. but now
they are likely to be, they have
opportunity of supplying
the government with the cash equiv
alent by prompt subscriptions to the
Fourth Liberty Loan.
For Ilnrrlnhurß nntl vicinity! Knlr
■ nil somewhat cooler 10-lIIKIM.
with lowest temperature liliout
45 degrees! Saturday fair, con
tinue)! cool.
For Eastern Pennsylvnnln: Fair
anil slightly coolrr to-nlglit nnd
Saturdays moderate northeast
The Susquehanna river nnd all Its
brunches will continue lo full
slowly. A stage of iiliout 4.1
feel la Indicated for Harrisburg
buturduy morning.
,—\ i I
Liberty in Balance '
SUBSCRIPTION'S reported nnd estimated up to noon Tliursduy
amount to four billion dollars, leaving at least two billion dol
lars to complete tlic Fourth Liberty Loan. Only two days arc
•el't within which to raise tills vast sum. No country on earth but
America could raise so vast a sum in so short a time. America can
tlo it ami must do it. The destinies of the world and the hopes of J
civilization are centered upon America, Wc shall fall in everything
we have fought for ami hope to gain in this war if the Fourth Liberty
Loan is defeated. Let every true American citizen to-day examine
• himself under the white light of patriotism and say whether or not
lie has done Ids utmost in tills emergency. The highest obligations
of duty ami patrotisin command every true American to go Immcdl- 11
ntcly to Ids bank or to Ids Liberty Loan committee aiul subscribe j
to the limit of his ability to the Fourth Liberty Loan.
Don't delay. Don't wait to lie urged. Be as quick to do your
part in this Fourth Liberty Loan battle as our soldiers in France |
are quick to obey the orders to charge the enemy.
Buy Liberty Bonds oil the instalment plan if you cannot buy tlioni
for cash. Fvery patriotic bank will help yon. If every patriotic
cdizen will do his duty to-day \Jctory for the Fourth Liberty Loan
is certain. The continued victories of our armies in Europe, the
certain defeat of our enemies and the glorious triumph of the cause
of liberty depend upon what the American people do in the remain
ing two days of the Fourth Liberty Loan campaign.
v :
Hungarian Diet Torn
By War Discussion
Uproar So Ureal Presiding Officer Is Obliged to Adjourn
Silting; Throne in Danger; Address to the King
By Associated Cress I
j Basel, Oct. 18. —Scenes of tumult ,
I prevailed at the meeting ot' the!
i Hungarian Diet yesterday during]
which demands for peace were made j
land it was announced that Austria
jwas being organized on a federal
! basis. So great was the uproar that
ithe presiding officer was obliged to
lud j our n the sitting. The disorder
] continued, however, the deputies
jealling each other "blackguard, liar,
j traitor, slave," etc.
i Dr. Alexander Wekerle, the Hun- ,
jgarian premier, said the federal .
; states which will be formed in Aus
tria will organize their economic and |
.military polici.es on an autonomous]
and independent basis. He made an |
[appeal for united action by all !
I parties.
j Count Michael Karolyl, president I
| of the Hungarian Independent party,
'who followed Dr. Wekerle, demand
led that immediate peace negotia
tions be begun without regard to the
icommunity of interests arising from
the policy which has heretofore been
I followed, according to advices from
' Budapest.
: Count Stephen Tisza, the former
Hungarian premier, who on Wednes
day had a narrow escape from a
would-be assassin, attacked Count
Karolyi, yelling "you arer Entente
jagents." , ,
I Martin Novassy, one of the mem-
Take the Cote Chatillon; Long
Bitterly Defended by
the Germans
By Associated Press
j With (he American trniy North-;
; west of Verdun, Oct. 18. In com- j
| plete control of the Cote Chatillon, i
i the Americans now hold the key to
| the great stretches to the north and I
I northeast. The hill is. in fact, the i
linal of three keys, all of which have 1
long been bitterly defended. The ]
I first was Mamelie trench outside of
Romagne, which, when won, gave ac-!
] cess to the equally vital Dame Marie,]
I and that position in turn gave access
I to Chatillon.
From the latter position the great I
mass of German defensive positions;
| to the northwest can also lie con
trolled and the line can he exploited.
] farther without organized attack, he-J
cause each position is on a sloping;
! hill that can be swept with an en- i
! blading fi?e.
I The- Americans took to-day as pris- ]
oners from the Germans two Russians
who had been forced to labor in work- ]
I ing battalions close behind the front
I line. ;
! *
Booze as Antidote
For "Flu" Condemned
by Phila.'s Doctors
Philadelphia. Oct. 18.—Booze as'
an antidote in lighting the epidemic
of influenza was condemned hy
the opinion of some doctors, the epi
demic would have been more wide
spread if the saloons had been open
; ed, and Ihc mortality rate would]
have jumped to even greater i
"Keep the saloons shut tight," is
the cry of doctors who have taken
part In combining the spread of in- j
] fluenza. Undermining of the eonsti-
I tutions of many persons as a result
j of the indiscriminate use of whisky
is occurring during the epidemic,]
] making them more susceptible to
] succumbing to the disease, according
to the consensus of opinion of the
Washington, Oct. 18.—The Senate]
: llnanco committee in revistng the j
! war revenue bill yesterday struck 1
■out Houso provisions taxing the sal-]
] urles of the President, members of ,
I tlio Supreme Court and Superior!
Courts and state officials.
| hers of the Diet, answered "we are I
I friends of the Entente."
, Great disorder ensued in the I
| chamber.
When Ihe sitting was resumed aft- j
let- a brief postponement, a draft of]
I the address to the king was read. |
It said the result of the war had I .
been such as to place the throne in ] 1
danger. It stated that Hungary must
have full autonomy.
"Hungary feels herself to be in'j
full accord with the ideas spreading !
[throughout the world along the lines '
of the noble principles of President]
| Wilson's address," the address con- ]
tinned. "Hungary must be com- |
Ipletely independent, must have gen- '
leral electoral suffrage and the re-j
jlations between nationalities in the j
| country must be governed by the '
principles enunciated by President i
"Hungarians in danger of inva- i
sion. Hungarian troops must be I
brought back and non-Hungarian
troops sent away."
Count Karolyi was ruthless in his
criticism of submarine warfare and
said the main mistake of the Cen-;.
utral Powers was in underestimating
America. Dr. Wekerle, the Hungar- ]
ian premier, in replying, justified the '
conduct of the government and said ;
it had created in Germany a senti- L
ment favorable to peace. j'
County Commissioners to Col-,
lcct $2 on Every Liv
ing Canine i
Constables in the county districts!
will be required to enforce the dog i
laws requiring owners to take out It
licenses, the county commissioners
declared to-day. Refusal to do so !
will result in enforcing the provi- 1
sion of the law imposes a line I
of $2 on a constable for each dog '
in bis district which is not licensed I
and which has not been caught and '
This decision was reached to-day !
by the commissioners and notices j
will be sent to all the constables]
calling their attention to the law. i
The question was raised when some
of the constables asked what could!"
be done with persons who harbor I
unlicensed dogs and refuse to pay ]
the tux, which was set at the mini- j
muni rale by the county officials.
The commissioners will notify the
constables who made • reports that
a person who harbors an unlicensed
dog and defies an officer in his at
tempt to get the animal or compel
the payment of a dog tux, is liable
to prosecution and upon conviction
to a fine of $lOO or a 30-day jail sen
tence or both. Constables in the ,
following districts reported these
names to the county commissioners,
alleging that tlvey had been harbor
ing unlicensed dogs: Lower Paxton
township. Aaron Gipplc, Daniel
Brightbill; West-Hanover township,
Chris Simmons; East Hanover town
ship, S. G. Louderrnilch and S. S.
stables will be notified to prosecute
Bushore. It is likely that the eon- j
them on a charge of violating tlie
dog tax luw.
The commissioners also said they
had reports that In a few districts
constables were refusing lo enforce
the law. Drastic action will bu
taken in these cases unless tlie co- '
operation of the officers is assured, I
the commissioners declared. I'
Big Cities and Enemy Bases j
Captured From German
4,000 Huns Are Captured by
the British in One
London, Oct. 18.—Zee
brugge, the port of Bruges,
and the second important !
German submarine base on |
the Belgian coast, has been
occupied by Allied forces.
Bruges, seven miles south ,
of Zeebrugge, has been
evacuated by the Germans,
according to information re
ceived at the Belgian army
headquarters. Belgian in
fantry forces have entered
the city of Bruges.
London, Oct. 18.—Turcoing, aj
city six miles northeast of Lille, j
lias been entered by British;
troops, according to the Evening!
Between the Sensec canal and]
the Lys river the British are con
tinuing their advance on tlic
whole front.
More than 4,000 prisoners
were captured by Field Marshal
Haig's forces yesterday in their
offensive in the Bohain-Lc
Cateau region, the British War
Office announced to-day.
The German withdrawal from
Western Belgium and the coastal
region shows no signs of halting.
The Allied forces are pressing rap
idly after the retiring enemy and
additional cities and towns huve been j
occupied. ,
From L'lle southward the German I
retirement is not so rapid, but the !
British maintain strong pressure all!
along the line to east of Cambrai. j
Farthei south -he enemy is retiring]
from the angle between the Oisc and i
the Serre.
Const Being Freed
Zeebrugge, the second and last of j
the submarine bases the coast, !
is reported occupied by British!
forces, probably naval units, and the ]
enemy is reported to have evacuated ]
Bruges, which Belgian cavalry is am- ]
proaching. In the center the French j
and Belgians continue to advance
toward Ghent byway of Tliielt.
In the Lille'region the British are]
working eastward toward Tourcoing |
and Roubai.t sand the fall of these |
cities would appear to be a matter |
only of hours. East of Douai Field i
Marshal Haig is marching toward i
Valenciennes, in the operations soulh '
of Valenciennes Thursday the Brit- j
ish took 4,000 prisoners.
Enemy in Pocket
The German retirement between
the Oise and the Serre was made!
necessary because the enemy was in j
a pocket, the sides of which were;
being pressed in by the French. The]
French arc advancing northeastward
from the junction of the two rivers
and have laken Anguiloourt, two
miles east of the Junction and north
of .the Serre.
Northwest of tlie Argonne forest
General Gouraud is battling forward
against stubborn resistance and the
lighting front west of Grand Pre has]
been extended to Vouziers. In the;
ncighborhod of Vouziers the French j
have carried out an important stroke ;
by crossing the Aisne river. Evi-|
dently the French aim to advance j
j northeast from Vouziers and otit
] frank the Germans in the Boiilt for-|
jest. This would be of great us.si-t- I
[ ance to the American advance cast
■ of the forest. I
Because ol' the cxlioi'bitnut
prices being charged by a num
ber of druggists In the city when
lilling physician's prescriptions
for whisky. Dr. J. M. .1. Kaiuiiek,
city health olliccr, announced tlic
following arrangements to pro
vide a supply for worthy fami
Persons needing whisky for
sickness arc requested to go to
a reputable physician, get a pre
scription for tlic quantity needed,
which must not exceed eight
ounces (one-half pint), then cull
with the prescription at any one
of tlie following places: Harris
burg Hospital, Emergency Hospi
tal. Hod Cross headquarters or
City Health Bureau, and the
whisky will be furnished free of
charge. A number of wholesale
liquor dealers have donated a
sufficient supply, and it will be
available to-morrow morning.
By Associated Press
Zurich, Oct. 18. —Official state- j
| incuts issued hy tlic Entente war ;
] offices no longer arc published in I
! Germany. I
] Rumors reaching here are to | I
I the effect tlial there have been j
] outbreaks among tlic soldiers at !
1 the front.
Allusive placards concerning
] the Emperor, Crown Prince, Field j
I Marshal von lliiidciihprg and ]>
i General Ludendorff have been ! k
] posted in many railroad stations ]
in Germany. j j
J Abandoned 'Small Machine. 1
•For Large Touring Car,
Also Stolen (
With the arrest of William Mur
phy, who gives his home as Fall j '
River, Massachusetts, police think ] 1
the identity of the persons who j •
] broke into Martz Brothers hardware I
] store, 21 South Third street; A.!
] Krentzman's cigar store at 341!
] South Camerop street, and Weldon !
I Mark ley's garage, 446 South Thir-j t
i teenth street, is discovered. | >
Four revolvers, a number of hunt-( '
| ing knives, two boxes of shells and ! ', J
] between $8 and $9 in nickels and j.c
dimes front Martz Brothers; one ' •
sweater valued at $lO, a dollar in ] r
change, ard a quantity of cigars I c
and tobacco from Krentzman's! i
store, and a large touring car front j i
Marltley's garage, besides another 1
automobile from D. J. Morgan, 427 t
Chestnut street, is the loot said to i
have been secured by Murphy and t
a companion during the night.
The alleged thieves gained en- t
I trance to both stores by prying open c
a rear window. The money, stolen ]
from Martz Brothers was rifled from j 1
the cash register. The money said . t
to have been stolen, and two of the '
knives were taken off Murphy when j
he was arrested.
Patrolmen Schellias and Painter]
arrested Murphy. According to po
j lice, the enterprising thieves were!
first seen driving a stolen car apiece, j
|At Thirteenth and Berryhill the ]
i driver of the small car got into the 1
I large car stolen from Markley, and [
! abandoned the small car stolen from 1
j Morgan. At Cameron and Berryhill,
Schelhas and Painter, at 2.30 o'clock ]
I this morning, arrested Murphy. ,
j When the two men in the automo
| bile saw the patrolmen approaching |
j they jumped from the car and ran. ]
I Murphy was arrested, but the other ;
j fellow made his escape.
Traffic in Coffee and
j Sugar Is Suspended;
Action Deemed 'Precedent' j
| By Associated Press !
I New York, Oct. 18-—All trading!
in coffee and sugar futures wus sus- !
j pended to-day by the board of man- i
] agers of the New York Coffee and j
! Sugar Exchange "pending the re- j
] suit of negotiations wih the Fed- j
i oral food administration at Wasliing
ton." I
I An hour's notice, it was said, |
i would be given prior to the re
• sumption of trading. The exchange]
' authorities said it had been deemed .
] "prudent" to take the action de- j
i cided- upon. '
l Emperor Charles Proclaims j
New Organization Plan
For Austria
By Associated Press
I guidon, Oct. 18.—The evacuation j
of the territory of . Serbia Albania ;
and Montenegro by forces of the Cen- |
tral Powers has been begun, accord
ing to a dispatch from Vienna for-j
warded by the Amsterdam corre- ,
spondent of the Central News.
The Allied troops in Serbia con- |
tinue successfully their advance
]northward from Nish. A statement
'front the Serbian war office an
nounces that the Serbs have captur
jed Kruchevatz, thirty miles north
] west of Nish.
Vienna, Oct. 18, via Basel—Steps
for the organization of Austria on a
federalized busis were proclaimed by
Emperor Charles to-day. Ihe plan
does not include the union of Aus
trian ' Poland with "the independ
ent Polish state," the emperor declar
ied The city of Trieste and the Tri
] eiste region will be treated separa
bly, "in conformity with the wishes
'of its population/]
I In to-day's casualty list Benjamin :
Franklin Foose, 2401 Berry street,
previously reported wounded in ac- j
tion, Is now reported as having re- ]
tnrnflti iu lite service. A
Five Per Cent, of Victims
Have Died, Health Offi
cer Reports |
Undertakers Hav6 Difficulty
in Finding Coffins to
Bury the Dead
With more than 100 patients
being treated for influenza and
pneumonia at the Emergency
hospital, and 15 more to he
taken there during tlic afternoon.
Dr. J. M. J. Raunick, eiiy health
officer, is considering plans to
open another unit in the city.
More nurses and nurse<#ftids are
needed at once to care for the
patients lie said, and volunteers
should report immediately to
Red Cross headquarters. At the
Harrisburg hospital there are al-'
most 100 patients also.
Physicians in the city to-day were
too busy to call the city health de- |
department to give the number of i
new eases they had been called to j
attend with the result that at noon '
no figures showing developments to- i
day in the influenza epidemic, were I
available. Since 4 o'clock yesterday I
afternoon there have been twenty- ■
one deaths reported, four caused tli- j
rectly by pneumonia and seventeen |
following complications after illnees i i
from influenza. Yesterday there i
were eighteen deaths, fifteen from
influenza and three from pneunio- ]
Dr. J. M. J. Raunick, city health]
officer, said to-day that there is no ]
change in the epidemic situation.
More than 8,000 cases of influenza
have developed in Harrisburg since
thti disease began to spread accord- j
ing to Dr. Raunick, and il is esti- ]
muted that until it is checked about '
fifteen per cent, of the population ;
will have been victims. The ileutli •
rate is about five per cent, of the
persons who become ill lie said.
81 at New Hospital
The second death since the emer
gency hospital was opened, was re
ported to-day, 3-year-old Annie
Monzeany. Showers street, succumb
ing to pneumonia. There are 84 pa
tients at the institution now. Six
were discharged to-day. At pres
ent the building is almost filled but |
if necessary room will be made for ;
additional beds.
More than 8,000 eases of influ
enza have developed in the city since
the epidemic began according to Dr.
Raunick, and it is estimated that by
the time the diseuse is checked about
fifteen per cent, of the city's popu
lation will have been victims. The
death rate according to Health Offi
cer Raunick is about five per cent,
of the persons who become ill.
Tlie call for baby cribs for the
Emergency Hospital was generously i
responded to she nurses and aids in
charge there report. Medical assist
ance. including more nurses and
nurses' aids, are still needed, health
authorities said. They should re- i
port at once to Red Cross headquar
ters. Dr. Raunick praised the work
of the medical corps and ass'stants j
at the hospital, declaring that they ]
deserve much commendation for
[Continued on l'age 12.]
| Dead Elms Along River to Be
Replaced With New
Fall planting to be done this year ]
]by the Park Department will be ]
| started by the employes next week,'
i according to officials. Plans are '
! being made to replace elms along
! River Front which have died, and
! a number of these trees will be
taken from the city nursery and
planted in the stretch of parkway j
from Calder to Division street. Otli
er work in preparation for the win-*:
ter season is being done at the nur
It Is likely that shrubbery will be
planted at Front and Market streets,
where the curb lines have been I
changed to provide for increasing
To provide adequate accommoda
tions for tools and supplies of the
department the sinull building used
by the Robert Grace Construction
j Company at the time tlif new Cum
berland Valley railroad bridge was
j erected, has been purchased. It
1 was placed adjoining the bleachers
9 n the lower athletic field and lias;
een repaired so thut it could fie;
| used to house supplies for the shop ,
A work. tl
Climax of Three Months of
Battling Bring Glorious
Victories to the Allies
By Associated Press
PARIS, Oct. 18.—Lille, Douai and Ostend,
three great cities, have been delivered from the
enemy. This is the most glorious day for the
Allies since the battle of the Marne, and it fit
tingly terminates a wonderful battle of three
months, which was opened by General Mangin's
victorious counter-offensive on July 18.
Many cities have been liberated and hun
dreds of suqare miles of territory retaken. The
British, south of Le Cateau, have broken into
the German positions and now threaten the
Hunding line. The whole German defense
system eastward to the Meuse is in peril.
The first result of forcing the Germans back
to the Ghent-Tournai-Val.nciennes line during
yesterday's fightnig has been to sap the enemy's
[Continued on Page 12.]
I Harrisburg—The industrial committee of the Liberty 9H
Bond drive in Harrisburg, under the leadership of George
I '
' tions today, amounted to $52,350, making the total bonds
turned in to-day was a personal subscription of $25,000, ' vjH
, ,
' I
f ,>
T $
!* i 1
T i
a *
i | Amsterdarh—Huge fires have been seen in the direc- -|9
* . I
tion of Bruges, reports from Flushing say. The flame. jV j
, • 'reading. } J
i - 1
( L A
I enemy on the Flanders front to-day with the object of
I leutting off his retreat to Ghent. The artillery is fo k
' \
.swiftly and carrying out a vigorous bombardment with
J I ,i
- | Belgian coast southwest of Zeebrugge was occupied by
< ,
' <■>
I I ! f
i i
instructions to all submarines to return to their bases. |
' ?
i Philadelphia—The epipdemic of influenza continues to
recede in Philadelphia. For the 24 hours ending at 11 ,sfl
a. m. to-day 1,435 new cases were reported, a drop cf
453 as compared with the same peri ad yesterday. Ther; .yW|H
were 6034caths from influenza and -123 fi >m pneu: :oni ~ ; Jg
an increase of 35; msl
Holier! T. Knrvfr, Falpfns oounf.v, Vf. mi Killflh 11. lifrap,
WtiahinKfiu). I>. C.i iifnrtsr W. I iMlcjsrolT and Ainiiniltl K. Ilitur-
ntock, Nen Cumberland. ?
. I;