STATE WARDENS GET FIRE CALL Told to Be on the Alert at Opening of the Game Season State Game, VV\ S //) Forest and Fish \V\ Wardens have structions to be on the alert for the opening of the WjfQBQSQVai small game sea -11 JFralwraTfwttfW son in Fennsyl- SI vania next week w and with the co operation of the State Police to do their utmost to prevent spread of forest fires. Comparatively few lires of any extent have occurred this fall, but the conditions are favor able for serious fires in many of the wooded districts. The State Forest Fire Service has been ex planded in co-operation with people in charge of large tracts of corpor ation and private timber. According to State Game Com mission reports there have been large issues of hunters' licenses and the opening of the bird season next Monday is expected to see many men in the fields and the woods. For the first time in years ruffed grouse may not be shot as a closed season has been declared on that bird until next fall. Deer have been reported as un usually numerous in some sections of the state where they were al most unknown ten years ago. Men Moving—Movement of 2,400 voting men to State College and two Pittsburgh colleges for special me chanical training for the army was reported to State Draft Headquar ters today and commencing this morning the first of the special trains was run to Camp Greene to tare for colored men drafted for general military service. Major W. G. Murdoch, the state draft officer, has issued a bulletin commending local draft boards for making good progress with their work in spite of the influenza outbreak. No Hearings—Executive sessions will be held by the Public Service Commission on the first three days of next week, but it is doubtful whether any hearings will be held before the week of October 28. ttherlflT Appointed. Philip S. D'reher. of Stroudshurg, was to-day appointed sheriff of Monroe county by Governor Brumbaugh, vice the late Fred. Miller. Dreher was formerly Republican county chairman of Mon l oe. Sergeant Tteumly Dead. Ser geant Zoc Reamly, of Troop Q, State Police, Wyoming, died to-day of in fluenza. He is the third victim. Fifty other members of the force are ill and there are in addition fifty vacan cies. Candidates Withdraw. The fol lowing withdrew to-day as candi dates for the House: John L. Mc- Bride, Democrat, Venango: John D. Purtell, Prohibitionist, Washington, and Charles F. Geary, Socialist-Pro hibition, Elk. Food Case Up.—Deputy Attorney General Hargest yesterday appeared for the state in the case of Nolan vs. Foust, involving the constitutionality of the state food law. The case was argued before the State Supreme iCourt at Pittsburgh. Service Flag Hung. A service flag was hung in the office of Audi tor General Snyder yesterday, to gether with portraits of the eight men of the department with the col ors. The address was made by Deputy Auditor General Gabriel H. Moyer. One of the stars is of gold and it represents Robert E. L. Bartlett, who died December 3, 1917. The other stars are for James M. Thomp son. Thomas D. Frye, Robert P. Cox. Flomon D. Kauffman, Phil V. Dunn, William Reynolds and A. D. Ben ninger. THF HI ORF B > request of the Fuel Administrator TIIC fl HDC niL. uwdl our storo hours ns foHows: Int ULUDL Week Days—Open 9 a. m.; Close 5.30 i>. ill. Saturdays—Open 9 a. m.; Close 9 p. in. Gen. Pershing and Our Boys Are Waiting For Your Answer to the Fourth Liberty Loan. They'll Go the Limit. Will You? Is It All-Wool? L Every man has a perfect right to ask this question when buying clothes. To-day, as in normal times, THE . GLOBE sticks to its ALL-WOOL and high-quality standards and we fully Jpf guarantee every Suit or Overcoat we sell, ||i In many instances it has meant a much closer margin of profit, but, after all, to JhjjA | ' 'carry on" should be the patriotic endeavor of every honest business institution. Almost a year ago (purchases for the present season were made then) we fortified ourselves and e YOU against present increased costs of clothing to offer YOU the best values in the Ijyj W9 $2O, $25, $3O, $35, $4O to $6O wH Christmas Gifts for the Boys Overseas Must Be Mailed Not Later Than November 20th Of course, your soldier boy "over there" must have a Christ- /Sfc J9 mas gift—none must be disappointed—forgotten . Think what such a disappointment would mean to him this Christmas! For his sake, come to THE GLOBE'S big military depart ment (first floor), where every soldier boy's needs can be sup- Eg9sk plied. " Don't take chance on delay of delivery. Remember, there are millions to be remembered. Do it NOW. We will arrange packing and forwarding for you. Shirts THE GLOBE Underwear Gloves Hoisery WEDNESDAY EVENING, ttuuusßUßG TELEGRAPH OCTOBER 16, 1918. WHEAT CROP OF STATE IS BACK Corn and Potato Yields Less Than Last Year, Depart ment Says Pennsylvania's wheat crop this year is declared by the statistical bureau of the State Department of Agriculture, which has been secur ing first hand information from more than 700 crop reporters throughout the state to be over 350,000 bushels less than that of 1917. The corn and potato crops are also less than last year, but oats, buckwheat and rye show gains and tobacco is better than usual. The statement by'L. H. Wible, the statistician is that the wheat crop will average 18.3 bushels per acre and aggregate 26,023,674 against 19.1 bushels per acre and 26,386,796 last year. The yield is stated to be "an agreeable surprise" in view of weather conditions, while quality is good. Lancaster ranks first in wheat with York and Berks next, Franklin losing third place. Rye shows 17.5 bushels per acre as an average and a total production of 4,676,500 against 4,573, 259 bushels last year. Buckwheat, in which Pennsylvania is believed to be the leading state, shows a yield of 18% bushels per acre with a total of 6,100,000 bushels against 5,570,000 in 1917. "Late rains improved the ccfrn and the present forecast is that the yield will approximate 90 per cent, of an average crop or 36 bush els per acre," says Mr. Wible, who figures that on this basis the pro duction will be 59,925,000 bushels against 65,260,000. "This is the most valuable cereal crop in flic state. The acreage is probably tlio largest ever planted" says he. Oats is estimated at 39 bushels per acre and a total of 44,105,214 bushels compared with 3 8,800,769 bushels last year. The quality is good and the yield per acre ahead of a ten year average. Potatoes are declared to be the poorest crop of all the staples and will run under a five year average. The estimate is for 21,000,000 bush els compared to 31,653,000 last year. The apple crop is about three fourths of the normal and the peach crop 1,080,000 bushels, a seventy five per cent. crop. The pear crop is fig ured at 358,400 bushels, a "four fifths crop." The tobacco statement says pro duction will be 1,372 pounds per acre and a total yield of 56,444,000 pounds against 51,051,000 last year, Lancaster leading. York ranks sec ond. ALLIES SAVE A BIG CATHEDRAL I'arls, Oct. 16. When Allied troops entered St. Ouentin. they found every pillar in the cathe dral there had been excavated at the level of the ground prepara tory to placing explosives under them, according to the Liberte. The rapidity of the Allied advance pre vented the Germans from carrying out their plan to destroy the edi fice. i Little Talks by Beatrice Fairfax ARE YOU LOOKING AFfKK YOUR DAUGHTER? By Beatrice Fairfax. The other day, a pretty girl of eighteen stepped oft a train at Washington. She carried a suit case, and she beamed a delightful smile of importance to which she had every right. For was she not at last in the national capital about to embark on a coveted war job. Before the train drew Into the station she had been talking to an elderly woman and she started up and hurriedly secured her suitcase, a knitting bag, books and what ap peared to be, from its ribbon trap pings, a box of candy. A moment later she and her belongings were deposited on the platform in rather a scrambled fashion, and the train steamed off. The girl looked rather blank. She had not realized how close she was to her destination when she be gan to talk to that elderly lady; she had it in mind to ask her something about boarding places in Washing ton. But the girl was not In a mood to be long dismayed by anything, so, with equal confidence, she went up to a middle-aged man and asked If he knew of a good boarding house, not too expensive. The man looked her over. She was pretty as a picture, Inexperi enced, evidently from the country or some small town. She also sup plied the information that she had come to Washington to do war work. He said he knew of such a board ing house. Automatically he reached for her suitcase, which she handed over to him with the same confi dence she might have shown to any of her neighbors at home. Now, perhaps the man was just as trust worthy and respectable as one of these home town friends, but the incident had been observed by one who was taking no chances. A moment later, a woman con nected with the Travelers' Aid So ciety had darted up to the couple, taken the girl and the suitcase un der her charge, and the man, who may or may not have been trust worthy, disappeared. The girl then made the startling announncement that she had come to Washington without any idea of where she was going to stop; that she knew no one and had no letters of introduction. \o, She Was Not An Orphnn. i I No, she was not an orphan, nor a foundling, nor a despised stepchild, nor anything like that. There were a mother and a father "back home" and a couple of younger brothers; and they were all devoted and so Interested in sister's coming to Washington to take the war job. But not one of them liad taken the precaution to do the least investiga tion in advance as to sister's board ing place. "Back home" every one knew ev ery one else, and a spirit of kindli ness and neighborliness prevailed, which, apparently, the family re garded as world-wide. This Babes-in-the-Woods point of view in regard to a daughter's wel fare is by no means unusual. There are mothers who never seem to re gard the possibility of lightning striking their own household. They take the most blood-curdling chances in regard to their daugh ter's associates, amusements and environment and when something does go wrong they have a feeling that fate has been unnecessarily cruel in singling out so careful a parent. Ask any member of the Travel ler's Aid Society her opinion of sending young girls into a- strange city when no arrangements have been made in advance for their ac commodation. Out of the fullness of her experience she will tell you some stories that will make you think twice before permitting your daughter to take such risks. Girls of the giggling age invade the movies, in troops, with never a sign of an older person to exercise the least restraint on the innocent but challenging merriment. Before realizing it they are swept away on some current of artificial stimula tion that seems to b" everywhere these days, stimulation that results in tender emotions and the letting down of old barriers Everyone is keyed up to the high est pitch, and any undertaking as sumes the halo of a beautiful ad venture. If there ever was a time I "The Live Store" "Always Reliable" ouar "*i earnest I - - *35 I 'W r n tSBT You can well afford to buy two suits at these |®|| ] 11 ' prices and you will very seriously consider doing so after n ! mm ' you see the excellent fabrics they are made of There's an unusual / 1 H <\) advantage in making your choice from this lot of suits, for it will be a / long while until you see their equal By this we mean when compared C a brics, style, workmanship, plus the service you get at this How such good quality suits can be sold for prices like we are asking is not so hard to understand when you realize the immense number of suits we are able to dispose of at this "Live Store" Naturally ( we can't make so much money during merchandising events of this character, but we < do claim every suit you buy "now" will make a more pleased customer of you because we are able to give these greater values. Clothing manufacturers don't make a big profit on us either for @ we are "close'' buyers we have a reputation for this among clothing makers, they know we are able to handle quantities and would sooner give us the advantage of a few dollars on a big purchase than to waste time and money interviewing half a dozen merchants These advantageous purchases always greatly benefit our customers. tj _j mtnnm m Try the Dependable Service That Everybody Is Talking About "Manhattan Shirts" "Bradley Sweaters" "Visor Sweaters" <****> m~." Stetson Hats" and "Mallory * ! Where did you get that beautiful hat? can always be answered | correctly if you say at "Doutrichs" because, we are "promoters," so far in advance of ? everybody in leading styles that we are always several laps ahead. C Buy Your New Stetson To-day ? LrD, litisiuiMuuKif Frl Reliable a^==t3 . ' i i * in the world's history w'aen the presence of the despised chaperon is required, it is these days when nothing appears in its true propor tions. As far as the soldier boys are concerned, it is only too often a case of "the feinaie of the species is more deadly than the male." Sammy would be content to go his way if the girl did not so often block it with her smiling attentions. The other day in a cafe where the unusually crowded conditions resulted in a group, chiefly stran gers, sitting at the same table, I noticed two girls trying to attract the attention of a good-looking boy in uniform. Completely absorbed in his newspaper, he was unaware of them. They stared, giggled and talked loudly of things they im agined would interest him—but he kept on reading. Finally, when he paused long j enough to turn the page, one oi the girls said; "Soldier boy, don't | you think it rude to read a paper when ladies are present?" He smiled rather gravely, put the paper aside and the girls opened a barrage of small talk. He was po- Lite, but he did not appear to be especially interested. Perhaps he had just said good-bye to some one in whom he was deeply interested. The girls continued their talk, they asked if he knew any one in town; he said he did not, and they finally asked him to take them to a dance that evening. The address they gave was In an excellent neighborhood, and later, through a curious succession of cir cumstances, I discovered that both girls were highly respectable and belonged to good families. I don't know whether the soldier boy took them to the dance or not; his atti tude, while courteous, was distinctly barricaded, and I wondered at ttfe hardihood of temperament that en abled them to court such a rebuff. Ignorance and innocence are no longer synonymous terms, and ev ery girl has a feeling that she can take care of herself; the millions that have come to grief have had it. Let the careful mother reflect on some of the dangers that she es caped in her youth, and if there have been none, she might with profit read the daily papers, then turn them over to her daughters. 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers