Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 16, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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Published evenings except Sunday by
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By this shall all men know that
ye are my disciples, if ye have love
one to another. — JOHN 13:35.
THERE is a distinct note through
out all the newspaper comment
upon President Wilson's last
reply to Germany's peace proposal
adverse to any further communi
cation with the thugs of Berlin.
Obviously the American people are
relieved, as ex-President Taft has
said, that wc are headed in the
right direction and let us fervently
hope that the President will re
strain a temperamental impulse to
write more frequently than the con
ditions would seem to warrant. He
is mighty nimble with the pen, but
the tendency of all persons inclined
to slinging English is to overdo the
thing. Short, direct and perfectly
understandable language is much
more to the point than Indulgence
in rhetoric that sometimes has a
pleasant sound, but falls short of
conveying real meaning.
From now until the time when
Germany surrenders unconditionally
we shall hope and pray that Presi
dent Wilson will confine himself
to short-arm jabs, the only kind
that the Hun appears to understand
and appreciate.
The most heurtening feature of the
iccent epistolary episode is the over
whelming demand of the peopie of
the United States for *orce and still
more froce until the Kaiser and his
unmitigated hellians are flat on
their backs yelling "enough!"
The late General Simon Cameron
was a philosopher and experienced
in political strategy. He once said
to the writer that a political leader
should first learn in what direc
tion the people were going and then
lead the procession. Public men of
n later day are manifestly observing
that rule of conduct.
TH E Manufacturers' Record
thinks that "the entire cost of
the war to America and the
Allies should be placed upon Ger
many. The Record suggests that this
could be accomplished by the con
fiscation of all bonds that have been
issued by Germany, Austria, Tur
key and Bulgaria for carrying on
this war, and all prior bonds issued
by those countries and held by their
own citizens.
The German people, "who have
gloatingly subscribed to these bonds
in hopes that they would be able to
loot the world," should be saddled
with the burden of this cost, or else
no Interest should be allowed on
those bonds until the Allies have
been fully repaid.
The Record goes farther and in
sists that Germany should be com
pelled to pay a pension to the fam
ily of every man killed in the de
fense of civilization in this war and
of every Allied soldier permanently
, invalided.
"No one could object to the Ger
man people having the opportunity
to work unceasingly for the next
fifty years in paying off this in
debtedness." declares the Record,
which believes that we and our
Allies would thus be relieved of
the entire bonded Indebtedness con
sequent to the war and taxation
would thereby be greatly diminished.
It would also exercise a salutary
effect on any country which might
. have in prospect an era of such un
bridled license, pillage and rapine
as has characterized the German
policy of terrorism for the past four
THE fact that registration In
Harrisburg is approximately
1,000 less than last year Is large
ly explained by the absence of sev
eral thousand men of voting age In
the army, most of whom entered
the service within the past twelve
months. • It is remarkable that the
'registration "has held up as well as
ii has, under the circumstances.
I The number of voters that have
come out Indicates a very healthy
Interest In public affairs..
Our prime interest, of course. Is In
the winning of the war. In thous
ands of homos the chief thought
of the moment Is for the safety of
Borne dear ono In the service. Our
minds are far away. Our vision Is
apt to follow our thoughts. But de
splto all distractions, a very large
percentage of the citizenship has not
forgotten tho duty of suffrage. The
result In November should be the
election of men well Qualified for
tho places they seek.. That usually
Is the result when the electorate
goes calmly" and determinedly to the
polls without the confusion of cam
paign excitement which so often be
clouds the real and vital issues.
THE day of flamboyant oratory
may be past, but not so the
popularity of public speaking.
The more closely organized the
community, the more good public
speakers are in demand. Almost
anybody can talk more or less effec
tively if he has a message from the
heart, but even the man who has
"sold himself" a big idea may be
embarrassed if he is suddenly called
upon to convince a group of his fel
lows by addressing them Jointly
from dinner table or rostrum.
Public speaking is both a gift and
an acquired art. Just as the compo
sition of English may be improved
by instruction and practice, so may
the amateur speaker attain the airs
and graces of the polished lecturer
by study and application.
Nearly every man aspires to ap
pear well before his fellows and even
the humblest envies the man who is
able to give ready voice to his ideas.
These are reasons, probably, why
the Y. M. C. A. class In public speak
ing was such a great success last
year and why the class continues to
attract new students. The man who
can't speak intelligently and fluently
in public when called upon is labor
ing under an unnecessary handicap,
and in these days of many meetings
and conferences the average man has
come to understand this as never
mHE air having been cleared of
the miasma of negotiation with
the Hun, America is now ready
to press forward with ever, more en
ergy than ever before toward the
goal of a righteous peace and the
suppression for all time of organiz
ed murder and pillage- There is a
rising tide of disgust with regard
to any future community with the
Prussian outlaws. The other day a
forceful writer made this observa
tion regarding the last peace pro
posal, which illustrates the attitude
of the average American citizen:
Germany and her vassal, Aus
tria-Hungary, have had the au
dacity to submit another offer to
the Allies for peace negotiations,
and nn armistice. Switzerland
humiliated itself In huudllng the
German stuff, while Sweden per
formed the same noxious service
for Austria-Hungary. The au
dacious elements of both ooze
from every pore, and no more so
than where the infamous Kaiser
expresses his wllllugneas to agree
upon "pence with honor,'* Just as
though the ruling powers of Ger
many huve any conception what
ever as to the essence of honor,
und again, w here lie Is quoted as
willing to "extend his band," as
though there Is any one In the
Allied world who would touch his
dirty hand—the hand already
palsied by Its blasphemous up
ralsnls toward a misrepresented
"Gott"—drilled by the signatures
to broken covenants und treaties,
stained by the blood of millions
of slnlu victims and desecrated
by the ravishment, brutality and
lust, which was encouraged and
condoned, as performed by bis
soldiery. Withdraw the foul bund
you thus extendi It Is nauseous
to sight .and sense, and we will
huve none of It.
Guilty 01 heinous crimes and
without an atom of pity, these men
are a menace to civilization, and
President Wilson is absolutely light
in declaring that there van be no
negotiation with an autocracy such
as has overruled the German people
"to their own utter destruction.
Anybody who has observed the de
crease of arrests by the police de
partment since the closing of the
j saloons must be Impressed with what
would happen in the event of na
tional prohibition. Only fourteen ar
rests last week and but three of
these for drunkenness. It was stated
at police headquarters that it Is not
uncommon for the arrests to reach
a total of one hundred In a week and
there have been scores of arrests on
a single day.
THE present epidemic of influ
enza points the need of addition
al hospital facilities for Harris
burg in no uncertain way. Wo have
been compelled to take over a school
for the treatment of victims who
cannot be cared for at home. It may
be that other schools or clubs may
also have to be utilized. The Harris
burg Hospital, the Polyclinic and
hospitals of a private character are
all full to over-crowding. They are
good institutions In their way, but
they no longer meet the requirements
of the growing city.
< Dr. Raunick, city health officer,
has been urging the erection of a
joint city and county hospital for the
treatment of contagious diseases.
This, too. Is needed, but in consider
ing such a proposal the city and the
county authorities should give due
thought of the advisability of meet- 1
ing the hospital needs of the com-'
munity for many years to come by
the Joint construction of a home for
the infirm, to take the place of the
antiquated and obsolete almshouse,
and a general hospital, with a con
tagious disease building for treat
ment of such maladies as small
pox, etc.
The time Is fast approaching when
the Harrisburg Hospital will have to
be removed from Its present some
what noisy locatioh. It has done and
is doing an invaluable work, but the
city is growing and It is not. Neither
would It he advisable to go on add
ing to the plant us it now stands.
The thing to do, obviously. Is to have
the Harrlsburg Hospital, the city and
the county to join forces and erect,
possibly on the "poor house farm,"
a great metropolitan hospital such
as would meet the needs of all Cen
tral Pennsylvania for years to come.
When We begin to Improve the
hospital facilities of Harrlsburg and
vicinity let Us do It In a really big
way, after a manner that will give
our people the kind and else of hos
pital their wealth and numbers de
• ""petowO-tjCccttua
By the Ex-Committeeman
■—With the epidemic of influenza
sweeping the state and the unusual
war activities at this time the po
litical campaign is cutting a mighty
little figure. However, the senti
ment in Pennsylvania is strong for
the election of a complete Republi
can delegation to the House of Rep
resentatives at Washington. It is
believed in Republican and Demo
cratic circles that the time has come
to unhorse the narrow Southern men
who arc In control of Congress.
Under any other circumstances
many of the things which have hap
pened during the last year would
have been little short of scandalous
but the disposition of the people
generally to accept anything that
looks like supporting the adminis
tration in its war measures has kept
down popular protest. Just the same
Pennsylvania is going to have some
thing to say about the organization
of the next House and it will be up
to the voters on the stli of Novem
ber to express their choice for can
didates for Congress and we shall
not be surprised to see a solid dele
gation on the Republican side.
—Says the Johnstown Tribune:
".The spectacle of the candidate for
governor of a part of the Demo
cratic party running around cam
paigning for votes and camouflag
ing as a Liberty Loan worker, is not
a pleasant one. Judge Bonniwell's
campaign is not creditable to any
self-respecting political party.
—The members of the Democratic
party are not such partisans as to
permit reflection upon themselves
and their party through the mis
guided actions of Judge Bonnlwell.
There Is more at issue in this coun
try than the one idea upon which
Judge Bonniwell bases his candi
dacy. The people, and
Republicans, will not approve of the
spectacle of a candidate racing
around, in the present emergency, l
pleading for votes on an issue which
affects the profits of only a few
—Colonel George Harvey is mani
festly concerned about the where
abouts of the National Chairman,
Vance C. McCormick. In the cur
rent issue of the War Weekly
the Colonel asks: "What has be
come of Dunce McCormick?" The
cartoon in the same issue shows
President Wilson us a school master
punishing Postmaster General Bur
leson, with Daniels and Baker as
interested witnesses and McCormick
occupying a dunce stool concealed
under a dunce cap.
—The situation in York county
where a Prohibition candidate for
the State Senate declines to get out
of the way for the Republican can
didate who is pledged to the sup
port of the Prohibition amendment
and all temperance legislation is an
illustration of the general attitude
of party Prohibitionists. Instead of
supporting the dry Republican can
didate against a wet Democratic
candidate tot the Senate the short
visloned Prohibition bosses prefer to
take the chance of a possible de
feat of the Republican by diverting
votes t<J the Prohibition nominee.
There is a strong Prohibition senti
ment in York county as throughout
all Central Pennsylvania and the
refusal of the Prohibition candi
date for the Senate to withdraw in
favor of the Republican candidate
will probably have little effect In
the result.
—Charles R. Michael, formerly
legislative correspondent for the
Philadelphia Press has written some
interesting signed articles on Wash
ington in war time in which he tells
about the way the cabinet officers
and high army officials receive the
newspapermen. As never before
have the newspapers been recog
nized as agencies of the govern
ment in the titanic world struggle
to keep the people informed of
what is doing in a reliable way, of
maintaining morale and securing
support for such great propositions
as the Loahs, the draft and the Red
Cross. Mr. Michael tells .of the
formality which surrounds Secre
tary Lansing, of the approaohable
ness of Secretaries McAdoo, Daniels
and Lane and in discussing Secre
tary Baker and General March and
their frank ways with accredited
newspapermen draws a pattern for
some men who hold state positions
and who have an exalted idea of
their own importance and a very
poor comprehension of the interest
the people have in what they do.
The open door and readiness to see
newspapermen at Washington is
based upon a realization of what
is due to the people which used to
he the rule here for a time, hut "has
. been forgotten by some officials.
' In all probability one of the radical
changes the incoming administration
will make will be In rcgnrd to ac
cessibility, even in time of stress.
—The resignation of President
Judge Way, of the Allegheny county
court, makes a second Judicial va
cancy for Governor Brumbaugh to
fill. The other Is in Westmoreland
county. The governor has given no
sign of his intentions.
The management sincerely regrets
to announce that all direct commun
ication by rail between Germany
and Turkey has been Interrupted on
account of the war. Such a con
tingency, of course, was not fore
seen. All intending travelers be
tween Berlin and Constantinople,
therefore, are notified that they can
be carried only as far as Nish, with
no prospects of getting any farther,
owing to the refusal of the Bul
garians to grant transfers. And only
yesterday, as it were, Berlin and
Constantinople were almost like
j next-door neighbors.—Christian Sci
ence Monitor.
Sartorial Note
Knlcker —What is the fashion?
I Bocker —Old clothes and fourth
loan buttons.
LUA.SMIN<STOIO TOMIHT- . VCU- S 8-<"- 9 - 2.- AGAIW- J ,, C CT
/ J**. __ _ A THE OLD BEAR '■£
Laon—Prize of First Degree
LAON, dominating the plains of
Picardy from the height of her
steep, isolated rock, 650 feet
above the.level ground, is a military
prize that is the greatest impor
tance, commanding what is called
the "trouee," or gap of the Oise
and the highways and railroads
leading to Paris, says the Christian
Science Monitor.
For the third time since the early
part of the last century, Laon has
endured the bitterness and humilia
tion of German accupation, and for
the third time she has known the
happiness of the hour that freed her.
From the shady promenades that
crown her great limestone rock, on
the site of the old medieval ram
parts, one can imagine her citizens
peering westward toward St. Qucn
tin and tho forest of St. Quentin,
|to see if, perchance, they could dis
tinguish the khaki and horizon-blue
of the liberators.
At Laon, in 1814, Napoleon at
tempted to reorganise the remnants
of his Waterloo army, but in vain,
for after a siege of 15 days the city
was compelled to surrender, to
Blucher. Again, in the disastrous
year of 1870, Laon heroically barred
the way to the- German avalanche
toward Paris. Again she had to
capitulate, not omitting, however, to
exact the priee of admission from
the unwelcome guest: as the Ger
mans marched into the citadel an in
dignant private of French engineers
blew up the powder magazines.
In war time Laon prides herself
perhaps most on her fine military
defenses, consisting of inner works
on the eminence on which she is
built, and of groups of forts that
connect her with Rheims and witli
the Aisne and insure her important
position in the triangle of fortresses
she forms with La Fere and Rheims.
In peace time her chief glory is
her cathedral. Notre Dame of Laon
[N. A. Review's War Weekly]
When Vorwaerts called upon Am
bassador Francis to withdraw from
Russia and Uncle David remark
ed inquiringly that ho was from Mis
souri, not a German soul knew what
he meant.
Germany plunged the world into
war when she was ready for it. We
shall restore peace when we are
ready for it.
j As we were saying, On to Berlin!
If Mr. Hoover could enforce the
old-time Yankee maxim, "Clean
your plate," he would conserve more
food than by all of his orders, regu
lations and impunities combineu.
Now the President slaps the Poli
ticalmaster General a second time by
ordering restoration of the mall ser
vifce, such as it is, to Miss Jane
Addams' World Tomorrow. Quite
right! We think as little of Miss
Jane's doctrines as of the Nation's,
but she is no less entitled to have
her say about things.
We suppose the Sun realizes that
the country cannot "Get Rid of Kit
chin" without getting rid of a Demo
cratic Congress. Can that be what
it really means? Hey, Burleson!
If the Hun wants to talk peace
let him talk while he is running.
We can say all we want to say to
him while wo are charging bayonets
at the double quick.
[From the Savannah News]
Its efforts to find out why New
York women in greater numbers are
not registering in order to vote is
worrying the New York Sun. Al
though the women of the city out
number the men, now that so many
men are in the Army and Navy, the
first two days of registration showed,
out of every 100 persons registered,
77 men and 23 women. Certainly,
it would seem that women who are
enabled to vote for the first time
would be as eager to go through
with all the necessary formalities as
is the average man when he crosses
the 21-year-old dead line, but either
NeW York women are peculiar or
else they don't care so much for
the ballot after all. Can it possibly
be that they wanted it because they
didn't have it, and now that they
can vote if they want to, they don't
care very much about it? Some
pert person is sure to suggest that
if the poll tax should be quoted at
#8 cents on the dollar, every eligl
ble-to-vote woman in the country
would promptly pay up.
is one of the most famous Gothic
cathedrals, its west front, consisting
of three porches, the central one
surrounded by a fine rose-window,
being second to Notre Dame of Paris
only, in purity of type. The cathe
dral of Laon is built on the usual
cruciform plan, but the choir ter
minates in u straight wall instead
of in an apse. Of the six towers
calculated for in the original design,
only four are completed, the square
central forming a lantern within the
church. The distinctive feature of
the towers is the belfry with which
each is surmounted, openworked,
and decorated with gigantic sculp
tured figures of oxen, symbolizing
the days of construction when ox
teams transported the building ma
terial from the plains up the 6teep
hill of Laon. Commenced In the
middle of the Twelfth Century, Notre
Dame of Laon was not finished until
1225. Its loveliness, that places it
foremost in the history of Gothic
architecture, is enhanced by match
less specimens of Thirteenth Cen
tury stained glass. The bishop's see
of Laon was permanently done
away with by the lawmakers of the
Revolution and the bishop's palace,
another fine Gothic edifice, is now
the Hotel de Ville. The municipal
library is renowned for its rich col
lection of manuscripts.
The hill on which Laon rests is
singular in shape, being divided into
two branches, one of which supports
t"he town with the cathedral and the
citadel, the other a quarter, called
des Creuttes, built around the abbey
of St. Vincent. It is difficult to asso
ciate the depression between these
two* eminences, with its smiling, gar
den and vineyard-clad slopes with
the rumble of cannon and the tramp
of marching armies. That small
green valley speaks of the peace and
prosperity that were the share of
Laon before the German came and
whieh the great events to the pres
ent are about to restore to her.
Bicycles, electrical supplies, hard
wares and food products are de
sired in France.
A cognac distillery in Chile is in
the market for bottles, labels, sup-,
plies und improved machinery.
An organization in Italy desires
to purchase shoemaking machinery
[of all kinds for a shoe factory there.
j A new chamber of commerce has
been established at Sanchez, in the
! Dominican Republic, un important
port on Samana Bay. This is the
Ifourth chamber of commerce to be
j organized in the Puerto Plata con
'sular district within the past year.
| There is a decided lack of sheet
music, musical instruments and ac
cessories in New Zealand. The de
!mand for sheet music is greater than
jthe supply.
i American manufacturers will find
i practically no competition in the
I field of metal office furniture in Ar
jgentlna. One or two native firms
. haye made some steel letter files
(for banks but the tiles proved to be
very expensive and do not give as
|much satisfaction as the American
There was a great increase in last
lyear's production of olive oil at
Malaga, Spain, and present condi
tions point to another heavy crop
yield. The increase in prices has
I created a serious problem in the
[olive oil trade.
| The War Trade Board announces
in a new ruling that cheese has been
added to the export conservation
j list.
I Three important cement compan
ies in New Zealand have consoli
|dated, with a capital stock of $2,-
1919,900, and it is proposed to oper
jate but one of the plants until the
I demand for cement increases very
! Several Inquiries have been re
iceived at the Cape Town consulate
'general for the names of American
[manufacturers of machinery and
[equipment for the manufacture of
I starch.
An American consulate is to be
opened at Orane, Bolivia, by the
Department of State, and Ross Haz
eltine has been appointed consul.
Experts of tin plate, terne plates
and taggers tin from the. United:
States during the first seven months'
of 1918 have amounted to 390,805,-
210 pounds.
' Condensed milk and preserved
meats am wanted In Italy.
To the Editor of the Telegraph:
Prof. James Brown Harry, for
many years a resident of Harrlsburg,
and very prominent here in the
work of musical culture, died at
Laurium, Mich., Sept. 15, at the age
of eighty-nine. During the seventies i
and eighties of the last century he
conducted maany singing classes in J
Harrlsburg and hundreds of the men |
and women who read this tribute
were then his pupils.
With Professor Harry music was
more than a science or an art.
During a very long life it was with
him a passion,—his whole being. He
believed that music was one of the
great means by which society might
be elated and ennobled, and to it
he dedicated his whole life.
Naturally with such a father, all i
his children were musical experts al-l
most from Infancy. During the years
of his Harrlsburg residence, th
singing of the bright group of Harry
children was a special feature of
many entertainments. And, oh,
how those Harry children could
sing? Of that brilliant quartet
but one is living to-day, Miss Emma
Viola Harry, a musician and linguist
of rare ability, and a prominent
member of the faculty of the Calu
met, Mich., high school. It was at
her home in the adjacent town of
Laurium, that Prof. Harry died, he
having gone to his daughter in the
Michigan copper belt, three years
ago wheh the advance of old age
prevented him from longer conduct
ing the work of his avocation.
A native of York, a decendant on I
both his father and mother's side j
of illustrious families of the era of |
the American Revolution, Prof.
Harry became a musical missionary.!
very early in life. His greatest work 1
was done in the years prior to the
Civil War. He organized schools ot
musical instruction throughout York,
Adams, Cumberland and the lower
half of Dauphin counties, the princi
pal centers of his activities being
Shrewsbury, Diilsburg, Hanover,
Gettysburg, New Oxford, York
Springs, Fairlield, Littlestown, Car
lisle, Mechanicsburg, Newville and
Middletown. At the conclusion of
each year of musical instruction he
would have, a mammoth picnic of
all his classes which was generally
held in the woods ulong the Cone
wago Creek near New Oxford, Ad
ams county, and which was some
times attended by as high as ten
thousand pupils and their friends,
j Traveling for years by horse and
buggy from town to town, he knew
every road of the four counties.
When, in June, 1863, he encountered
a column of Confederate troops
swiftly approaching Wrightsville, he
hastened, amid many dangers, to
drive to Harrlsburg, and communi
cated his to General
Couch, Commanding the Depart
ment of the Susquehanna, whose
headquarters were in the Brady
House, Third corner of State street,
where now stands the Masonic Tem
ple. In consequence of his informa
tion orders were sent for the des
truction of the Columbia bridge to
prevent Lee's army from gaining a
foothold east of the Susquehanna.
For tills act he was hightly com
plimented by President Lincoln
when' the National Cemetery at
Gettysburg was dedicated, Nov. 19,
1863; and the professor and his
aged mother were invited by the
; President to seats on the rostrum
| during the delivery of his immortal
speech. Ills daughter brought Prof.
Harry's body to his old locality for
burial at Mt. Holly. The Rev.
George Edward Reed being the of
ficiating minister.
To the Editor of the Telegraph:
I I note with much gratilication the
i stand taken by the Telegraph in the
Dickinson-Jefferson incident and as
sure you that your timely exposure of
the gross injustice done these young
men is more widely appreciated and
far-reaching in effect than perhaps
you and the Telegraph management
may suspect.
What Dr. Morgan lacks in appre
ciation for the reelings of the Jef
ferson boys, their parents and the
colored oltizenry of this Common
wealth, he also lacks in taCt and
executive foresight and illustrates
aptly how under present conditions,
the elevation of little men to big
places has wrought woeful Injustice
and almost Irreparable damage both
to the institutions and subjects over
which they preside. He condemns
himself both by the act and his ex
planation of it when he admltß that
the formerly agreeable atmosphere
"might" change for the worse with
the "expected" coming of southern
students to the S. A. T. C. His own
words and acts pave the way for
the propagating of the very element
which a big man would never permit
so enter.
The following may be of interest
In this connection: "Telegram signed
by Emmett J. Scott, Special Assist
ant to the Secretary of War, under
date of September 25—'The War De
partment has not Issued any instruc
tions preventing negro students from
joining Student Army Training Corps
at Ohio State University or any other
institution. Any student mentally
and physically qualified and'accepted
by the school officials is eligible for
admittance into any Student Army
organization. Emmett' J. Scott. Spe
cial Assistant to Secretary of War.' "
Acts such as the Dickinson incident
are common occurrences in the daily
life of the American colored man and
under stress of war conditions he
grits his teeth and swears to bear
the humiliation and insult as his por
tion knowing full well that his part
in this wonderful period of world
historj'is not in vain. Every insult
and stab in the dark brings him a
new champion of the Telegraph type
and focuses the rapt attention of
many fair-minded Americans who
otherwise pay but passing attention
to the rank injustices to which the
colored American is subject.
I would suggest Mr. Editor, that
!; ,r r ' Morgan feels that Dickinson
College at this late date, is bound to
cater to the whims of its south
ern student body in its attitude to
wards its student of color, that the
great organization back of it, change
, the location of the institution to
South Carolina and give Cole Blease
a Job.
It is a great source of encourage
ment and satisfaction to the citizen
of color In this community and state,
to know that there is in Harrisburg
an organ of the influence of the
Telegraph unafraid to tell the truth
in defense of the right. Defending
the colored American's rights for
moral gain is not half so popular as
exploiting his wrongs for material
gain but in the end it counts for so
much more in human progress and
in "making the world safe for democ
Very sincerely yours,
i Bondward, Christian Soldiers
Bondward, Christian soldiers, march
ing on our way,
Though the price be heavy we shall
gladly pay.
On the fields of Flanders stand our
gallant boys,
Raising high our banner 'mid the
battle's noise.
Bondward, Christian soldiers, march
ing to Berlin,
Though the price be heavy we will
surely win.
Scranton, Pa.
Kid Bug—Say papa, who chopped
, [own that lovely palm tree?
; "Should you insist on having A
Irlend precede you In entering a
I sar?"
"1 consider it wise, anyhow. He's
| ipt to pay the fare for both.".
Miss Sweet—
This cold core
doesn't seem In.
V M JwiEHl dined to go
1 don't blamo It.
Huptttttg (Eljat
Olory of October is on the trees
on the slopes of Blue Mountain and ,
übout the York Hills, in Reservoir
[Park, the stretches in Wildwood
Park and along the Reading Pike,
the Riverside Driveway and the
Chambers Hill Road. The trees
have been rather late in turning, but
the colors which have made au
tumn a wonderful time for a drive
or a tramp are to be seen on every
hand about Harrisburg, while the
clear air these brisk mornings seema
to accentuate every hue. The
scheme on Blue Mountain is re
markable and the fact that a few
evergreens remain is now apparent.
Bunker Hill at the mouth of the
Conodoguinet has a score of tints
on the leaves of its trees, while
Wildwood Park is a riot of color. If
one had the time to take a morn
ing walk to the crest of Oak Knob
at the Reservoir the colors that
would be seen would be surprising
for their variety for even the islands
in the Susquehanna are bringing
their message that summer is over.
This is also the time when the dah
lias are in their glory and the pro
gress of the floriculturists' art is
shown by the fact that the deep
red which used to bo the standard
for years, until people in joke used
to say we preferred it around here
because it was the same tint as the
Pennsylvania railroad's passenger
cars, is now subordinated to the
pinks, ochres, yellows, whites and
other colors which have become as
extensive in the dahlia like as they
are with the gladiolli. The nastur
tium, the zinnia and the geranium
are now blooming with wonderful
strength and the morning glory
vines show their choicest blossoms
as if in defiance of Jack Frost. Be
tween garden and woodland nature
has all the colors showing about
Harrisburg now.
Zoologists who have discovered
the very destructive pest known as
the oriental peach moth in orchards
in the southern tier of counties are
getting ready for an energetic cam
paign against the bug which is de
cidedly migratory in its habits and
has a fashion of turning up where
least expected. What makes the
pest so destructive is that it does
not confine itself to the peach, but
attacks any of the class of "stone"
fruits and obtained its name because
it seemed to have a dangerous affin
ity for peaches ip China. In opin
ion of people at the Capitol what
makes the moth such a menace at
present is that all through the state
on a line south of Easton and New
Castle there has been much plant
ing of peach orchards, especially in
the southern counties and if the
moth gets among these investments
it will be more of a nuisance than
the woolly aphis, the collar rot and
San Jose scale and rank with the
"yellows" as a means of damage.
In the Cumberland Valley region
and in western counties where peach
orchards have been set out men will
be given special instruction on
means to tight the pest. Prof. J. O.
Sanders, the state zoologist, is
studying experience of other states
and countries and reports of the
damage done. in this part of the
• * *
The Pennsylvania hog is going to
put a considerable amount of money
into the pockets of farmers and
truck gardeners who have been
feeding pork on the side. Accord
ing to reports which have been com
ing to the State Department of Agri
culture there are an unusual num
ber of pigs being raised in the
this year and quite a few boroughP
have relaxed their local regulations
so that they could be fed and used
to increase the food supply while
getting rid of the wastes. In the
iron and coal sections of the state
the pig pens have been next to the
"war gardens" as a development of
the war and the State Bureau of
Markets has been asked a score of
times since the first of this month to
help in selling hogs on a "com
munity" plan. Farmers and country
raisers of pigs have found that the
chances of getting better prices in
large markets if they can make up
a carload lot are improving and
this scheme has been working very
satisfactorily. Hogs have been mob
ilized in half a dozen counties and
shipped by the carload for the first
time in many months.
• • *
Men connected with the State
Highway Department are rushing
things to get highways which it is
believed will be much traveled this
winter into good shape before freez
ing weather comes and by like tokens
contractors on state work are ad
vancing their operations so that they
will not be subjected to the new reg
ulations which will be imposed on
November 1. In a dozen counties
construction and repair work which
must be finished this fall is being
pushed in every hour of daylight.
State engineers and inspectors have
been "speeding up" the conditions.
• •
State game wardens say that they
have had very little trouble in the
matter of the conflict of seasons be
tween the federal and state game
laws in regard to woodcock. The
United States Government, on the
theory that the woodcock is a mi
gratory bird, established an inter
state regulation which permitted
woodcock to be shot from October 1.
• • *
The opening of the state's season
for hunting bears yesterday calls to
mind the fact that only a dozen
years ago a oouple of bears were
sighted out about the Manada Gap
region of our county and that for
several days hunters scoured the
mountains. The bears are believed
to have traveled long distances and
to have come from the western side
of the river. It is not so 'many
years since bears were seen on the
mountains in Perry county and have
robbed hives in Schuylkill county.
—Dr. W. W. Keen, the well-known
Philadelphia surgeon, says he will
not ever again wear or buy any Ger
man made articles.
—Governor Brumbaugh in a letter
to Washington people on the mer
chant marine says the American
flag must go to every port on earth.
—H. E. Paisley, head of the Phil
adelphia Sabbath School Associa
tion, has secured permission for ser
vices to be resumed in some of the
churches of that city.
—Ex-Speaker George E. Alter wpp
one of the men on the program at
the opening of the supreme court
room at Pittsburgh.
—Dr. E. E. Sparks, president of
State College, Is arranging for stu
dent examinations for the army at
the College.
—Rabbi Ell Mayer, of Philadel
phia, will go to Albany. He has
been prominent in Jewish affaira in
that city.
—That Harrlsburg is furnlah
machinery for big coast defense
This city was an artillery repair
base during part of the Civil War-