Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 15, 1918, Image 1

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* \ s|je otor-Insc|icn&cnt.
President's Answer
Shows Allies Are
to Dictate the
Final Terms
r och to Rule With
a Military Fland
What Foe Toes
By Associated Press
Washington, Oct. 15.—1t
was Ffeld Marshal Von Hin
denburg himself and not the
supposedly pacifist premier,
Prince Maximilian, who
caused the German govern
ment to accept President
Wilson's peace terms and
seek an armistice, according
to advices which reached I
Washington to-day through
official sources byway of a
neutral country.
Washington, Oct. 15. Un
conditional surrender by Ger
many was the interpretation put !
on President Wilson's answer toj
the German plea for peace by <
both American and Allied mili
tary officials here. Only by ab
solute surrender, they said, can the
enemy now prevent the terminating
evidence of his defeat invasion
of Germany.
There is no doubt among officers
that sooner or later the enemy will
lie compelled to accept these un- j
compromising terms. The German
army is being pounded to death in i
the field, they declare, and the only
ihing Germany can hope to save
from the wreckage is to prevent the
war being carried across her border.
And that can be accomplished only
at the price of putting herself as
utterly at the mercy of the victors
us did Bulgaria.
Foe Gets Nothing
Military opinion appeared to be
in full agreement that in enunciat
ing the policy that absolute safe-'
guards and guarantees of the "pres
ent military supremacy" of Amer
ican and allied forces must control ,
any armistice agreement. Presi
dent Wilson had placed it beyond
the power of Germany to reap" any
benefits from an insincere move to
ward peace.
The question of the agencies to
i.e employed in framing armistice
conditions naturally will come up
only when Germany has compiled
with the President's other require
ments. It seemed probable to offi
cers, however, that the military ;
board of the supreme war council
at Versailles would be the natural
agency. The council itself is com- i
posed only of the premiers of the
allied nations and President Wil
son. The military and all other
boards of the council are advisory
only and their recommendations
must be ratified by the council to be
come effective.
I'p to Fooh
Without question Marshal Foch.
the supreme commander, and the
field commanders. Generals Petain,
Haig, Pershing and Diaz would be
fully consulted and the resulting
definite terms of surrender in all
probability would te at once rati
fled and laid before Germany as .the !
only price for respite from attack.
The general elements of the
terms appear to all officers. It was
pointed out that it was the situa
tion of to-day at the front that con
stituted the supremacy of which the
President speaks, the situation which
must be edequately safeguarded. As
competent military judges see that
situation, the German army is in
[Continued on Page 4.1
For Harrlsbnr* and vicinity. Fair,
continued rool to-night, with
heavy froati lowest tem
perature about 40 degree*) tteil- '
neotlay fair, warmer. C
For Eastern Pennsylvania: Fair ,
to-night, with heavy frost)
slightly warmer In north por
tion) Wednesday fair and
warmeri light, variable winds.
The Susqaehnnnn river and all It*
hranehes will raatlaae to fall
Temperatare) a. m., 40.
River Stager 4.4 feet above low
watee mark.
.Yeaterday'a Weather
Highest temperatare. 0.
I.sweat temperatare. SI.
Mean temperntnre. S6.
Normal temperature, Sft.
The President's Answer J
Washington, Oct. 15. — The text of the President's
answer follows:
"The unqualified acceptance by the present- German
government and by a large majority of the Reichstag
of the terms laid down by the President of the United
States of America in his address to the Congress of the
United States on the eighth of January, 1918, and in his
subsequent addresses, justifies the President in making a
frank and direct statement of his decision with regard to
the communications of the German government of the
eighth and twelfth of October, 1918.
"It must be clearly understood that the process of evacua-]
tion and the conditions of an armistice are matters which must
be left to the judgment and advice of the military advisers
of the governments of the United States and the Allied Govern- i
ments and the President feels it his duty to say that no arrange
meru can be accepted by the governrrient of the United States
which does not provide absolutely satisfactory safeguards and
guarantees of maintenance of the present military supremacy
of the armies of the United States and the Allies in the field.
••lie feels confident that lie can safely assume that nothing but
this will also be the judgment and decision of the allied governments.
"The President feels that it is also his duty to add that neither the
Government of the United States, nor. he is quite sure, the governments
with which the Government of tlte United States is associated as a bellig
ciont. will consent to consider an armistice so long as the armed forces of
Germany eontinmi the illegal and Inhumane practices which tlicy still pels
sist in.
"At the eery time that the Gorman government approaches the Gov
ernment of the United States with proposals of peace Its submarines are
engaged in sinking passenger ships at sea: and. not the ships alone, but
the very Isiats In which tlieir passengers ami crews seek to make tlieir
way to safety: and in tlieir present enforced withdrawal from I'lundcrs una
Urnncc the German armies are pursuing a course of wanton destruction
' H liich has always been regarded as in direct violation of the rules and
practices of civilized warfare. Cities and villages, if not destroyed, are
lieing stripped of all they contain not only, but often of their very inliub
i ttants. The nations associated against Germany cannot be expected to
agree to n cessation of arms wbile acts of Inhumanity, spoliation and
desolation are being continued, which tbey justly look upon with horror
1 aiul with burning hearts.
"It is necessary, also, in order that tllere may be no possibility of
misunderstanding that the President should very solemnly call the atten
tion of the government of Germany to the language and plain intent of
one of the terms of iieacv which the German government has now accepted.
It Is contained in the address of the President delivered at Mount Vernon
on the Fourth of July last.
"It Is as follows: "The destruction of every arbitrary power any
where that can separately, secretly and of Its single choice disturb the
peace of the world; or. If it cannot be presently destroyed, at least its
reduction to virtual impotency.'
"The power which lias ldtlierto controlled the German nation is of
the sort here described. It is within the choice of the German nation
to alter It. The President's words just quoted naturally constitute a condi
tion precedent to i>oaeo, if peace Is to come by the action of the German
people themselves. The President feels bound to say that tlic whole
process of peace will, in his judgment, depend upon tlie deflniteness and
the satisfactory character of the guarantees which can be given in this
fundamental matter. It Is. indispensable that the governments associated
against Germany should know beyond a pcrndvonture with whom they are
"The President will make a separate reply to tlic Ro.val and Im-
IK'rlal government of Austria-Hungary.
"Accept, sir, tlic renewed assurances of my high consideration
"Mr. Frederick Ocderlin.
"Charge D'Affaires, ad interim, in charge of German interests in the
United States."
Second Largest Troop Ship
Founders Without
By .Associated Press
Hobokeu, X. J.. Oct. 15.—-Shortly
before the American troop transport
America, formerly the German trans
, Atlantic passenger steamship Amer
ika, was about to sail to-day for
! Europe with soldiers and supplies.
• the vessel foundered at her pier
i In the early morning darkness,
while the troops aboard were sleep
ing. the America settled with her
keel in the mud. leaving only three
of her eight decks, together with
parts of her funnels, abovs water.
So far as was known up to noon,
there was no loss of life. Earlier
reports were that between .thirty
and forty of the crew had perished
after being trapped in the boiler
■ room.
Sinking a Mystery
The cause of the accident re
, mained a mystery to Navy Depart
, ment officials. The submerged
I America, next to the largest of the
Government's transports, was within
, sight of persons crossing the lower
| Hudson river on ferry boats. The
vessel appeared to be resting on an
even keel.
The America, of 22,622 tons gross,
has a capacity for carrying 8,000
troops and a crew of 1.200 men. Of
the troops it was said that only 200
| or 300 were on board at the time.
t A large number of pneumonia jae- i
kets were made last night by forty j
i members of the National War Aid
Society. The efficient work being
. one by the Red Cross auxiliaries
f -hid greatly in the present epidemic.
Even Limited Sale of Booze
Deemed Inadvisable During
Influenza Epidemic
The State Health Department, in
a letter issued to-day, declines to
allow a modification of the order
forbidding the sale of intoxicants
during the influenza epidemic, as
request by the Wholesale Malt and
Liquor Dealers' Protective Assoc Uf
, tion of Western Pennsylvania.
The letter is addressed to P. H.
Keefe, director of the association,
at Pittsburgh and is signed by Dr!
(B. Franklin Royer, acting State
Health Commissioner, and in reply
!to recommendations of Mr. Keefe
; for a limited re-opening of drinking
places, says: "Your argument is not
(convincing and the plan you suggest,
; which is in effect a request that the
closing order be abrogated so far as
the liquor interests are concerned, is
.in our opinion contrary to the in
terests of public health. The order
closing all places of public enter
taipment, including theaters, mov
ing picture establishments, saloons
and dance halls, was put Into effect
solely as a health measure- and has
met with the approval of Pennsyl
vania citizens. Under such circum
stances my duty to the common
wealth conipells me to decline your
request." The letter adds that no
other Industry or Institution affected
:Is complaining. Tho promise is
made that the closing order will be
(lifted as soon as health conditions
. warrant.
Sharon, Oct. 15. Sharon's two
\ dally papers, the Herald and the Tele
giaph. will advance their price on No
j \ ember 4 from 2 cents to 3 cents.
Harrisburg Expected to Meet
Its Quota by End of
This Week
Smaller Communities Show
ing the Way "Over
* the Top"
While no figures were obtainable
to-day. Liberty Loan headquarters
declared thatthe renewed drive on
the Harrisburg front is being pro
ductive of results: and before the j
campaign ends on Saturday the city
district will have purchased the SI.- i j
600,000 needed to make up the
"But it will be a long and a hard
i pull," said Chairman Andrew S.
1 Patterson. Mr. Patterson believes
I that the city will get over if its en
ttire population awakes to the fact;
(that disgrace stares the Capitol of
j Pennsylvania in the face.
Here is the statement made by ;
i Mr. Patterson this morning:
' "Steolton lias made its quota aiul
Is piling up a big oversubscription to
the Fourth Liberty Loan.
"Hersliey luis made its quota and
is piling tip an oversubscription.
■ j "So are Linglestowii, Pnxtoniu. J
Marysvillc, the Fort Hunter-Heck ton
district. Landislitirg anil Plketowii.
"The quota for these places were
scaled in the same manner as that
of Harrisburg.
•, "Almost every other community in
; the district is Hearing its allotment.
• HIM).
' "A total of $1,000,000 is'needed at
once. We must buy bonds to that
amount and we must buy theni this ,
\ week.
"If you have bought bonds buy
; again. Don't think that because tlic
amount you buy is small that it docs
1 not count. Every $5O counts.
1 "If you lutvc not yet bought 1 Kinds
I buy to-day.
? ■ "The Huns arc still on French ami
- Belgian soil.
> "Hun submarines are still itiurdcr-
I ing women and children.
"Even if it were over every cent of
the money would be needed to bring
r the boys home.
'"Uncle Sam Is not asking you to |
f I GIVE him your money. He wants
you to lend it to him. He pays you
" better interest tliati the banks,
i "Buy bonds if you have to stop
; buying everything else except food (
" and fuel."
Announcement that the city banks !
* .will loan folks money with which to!
f'bify bonds —and loan them this
i money at 4 -12 per cent, interest, '■
•Which is the interest the bonds,
i bring, has sent dozens of people to
; the institutions to-day.
1 Here is the idea:
■i ; Harrisburg men and women can '
I go to the banks, sign a note for 90
- days for the amount of money they
(need for their bond purchase, anu
[Continued on Page 1.1
| Berlin Proposes That
Bombardment of Towns
Be Stopped by Allies
By Associated Press
Amsterdam. Oct. 15.—The Ger
jtnan government has proposed to
(France that, in common with her
iallies. France undertake to refrain
from bombarding large towns of
Northern France and enter into an
aigreement with Germany to permit,
at any rate, a portion of the popula- j
(ition of Valenciennes to pass into the
'French lines, says an official state- i
Iment from Berlin. *
The Berlin government, in making
!this proposal, represents itself as un
' able to prevent the eastward flight of
the population of Valenciennes, j
owing to their fears that the allies j
would bombard the town. The pro- :
posal was made through the Swiss !
j government.
i' ——
• •Heavy Pall Hangs Over Entire State, but Wardens Are Ln- '
able to Detect Any Blaze of Considerable Extent
e i
* | A dispatch to-day from the district
* warden of Cambria 'county to the
s 'State Forest Department said: "Our
* county is so smothered with smoke
r blowing in from the conflagration in
■ Minnesota and Wisconsin that a
t number of false alarms have been
s sent out and we enclose bill for fl
-] nances used In investigating the
.'false alarms. There are no forest
.flres in this county."
r ; The Forestry Department is at
, a complete loss to account for the
1 generai presence of huge volumes
of woody smoke which camouflage
. almost the entire state. Fire ward
• ens always report instantly any sug.
s gestlon of a blase, but not a report
•has come in to show that any spot
in Pennsylvania is burning. The
only conclusion reached therefore is
same one as proclaimed In the
[.Cambria countj dispatch, namely
that high and persistent winds are
r ; \Ji
Everybody His Own
Quarantine Officer
Says Dr. Raunick !
DR. RAUNICK. city health !
officer, said to-day: •
"It has been suggested that j
we quarantine all houses in which j
influenza exists. We have con- t
sidered this. It would be a good |
measure if we could enforce the I
quarantine, but there are more
than sevenstliousand cases in the
city and it would be impossible
to enforce the regulations without
quarantining the whole city. Bo
sides. there are many houses in
which the sick are being attended
by neighbors, who. in the emer
gency, aie the only nurses avail- j
"But I strongly urge that every
person suffering with a cold re- !
main within his home or on the
premises. Every employer should
send home every employe suffer- ',
ing with a cold or symptoms of I,
influenza. i
"The department is overcrowd- ~
ed and greatly in need of help.
Volunteer workers or those who 1
have automobiles to lend are p
urged to report to the Red Cross. 1
which is looking after this part j
of the work.
"We can't enforce a quarantine ,1
at this time, but by the co-opera- !i
tion of all people we can just as i
effectively prevent a spread of the i
disease. Everybody must be his <
own quarantine officer." m
I !
Saves Enough to Buy Bond
i From Meager Govern
ment Allowance
Out of the allotment she received
- from the United States Government j
in the last eight months Mrs.
.Charles J. Simpson, 1409 Liberty!
street, wife of a Harrisburg soldier j
in France, has bought a $5O Fourth
issue Liberty Bond and paid cash
1 for it.
Simpson, a member of Company
M, One Hundred Ninth Infantry,
„ [Continued on I'age 1.1
1 American Troops Push For- 1
ward Despite Desperate
With tin* American Army North- j
'west of Verdun, Oct. 15. —Tanks)
were brought into action by the
Americans to-day to break a way j
through the enemy wire entangle- ,
ments west of Roniagne.
Despite German resistance the pro- j
gress of the Americans, early re- ,
ports said, was satisfactory to-day. I
The Germans apparently were !
ready to contest the ground as stub- i
bornly as they did yesterday. The j
enemy artillery was being used free- :
ly to hold the Americans, but the!
Yankee gunners were doing much to!
break down the German resistance. |
From east of the Meuse to the vi- |
jcinity of Grand Pre. American forces]
I chopped a series of fresh notches in |
]the German line yestqrday. They,
kept up their swinging blows at the i
enemy from early morning until late
; afternoon.
j While the Germans resisted with
[grim determination, their decision to
| hold till the last the portion of the
! line before the Americans may open
| the way to swifter disaster
: carrying east the smoke from burn- i
|ing forests ?f the West.
! Duluth, Minn., Oct. 15.—More
, than 800 bodies of persons burned
! to death in the forest flres which j
, swept over Southeastern Minnesota I
last Saturday, had been recovered'
to-dav and it was expected this num
' ber would be increased by three
i hundred and possibly by four hun
Chicago, Oct. 15.—Property dam
age by the forest flres in Minnesota!
• amounts to $75,000,000 and the In
i surance will total $25,000,000, ac
cording to computations made to
day by Insurance men here. Their
estimate does not Include the stand
ing timber and the other property
which was destroyed which was un
insured and the consensus of opln
• ion In Insurance circles is that the
loss to insurance companies is the
.heaviest since the San Francisco ;
■lire ln 1906.
k 9
| No Noticeable Decrease in the j
1 Number, of Victims or
Death Rate
Physicians Overworked by
Constant Demands For
Their Services
No noticeable decrease in the
number of intluenza cases develop
ing in the city is expected before
next week City Health Officer J. M.
J. Raunick said to-day. The situation
has become decidedly worse in the
last 24 hours, health officials an
i nouncefl.
Thirty more volunteer nurses'
aids are need before the end of the
; week in order to give necessary med
lical assistance to sufferers from the
!disease. Additional Curses are need
ed also and all who are willing to as
sist should report at once to Red
Cross headquarters. Dr. Raunick call
ed attention again to the urgent need
, for automobiles for transportation of
I nurses.
' More than thitry patients are now j
' being treated at the Emergency
! Hospital. Fifth and Seneca streets, |
and accommodations have been pro
vided so that at least 100 more can |
be treated. Two more wards were j
! opened there yesterday. Among the]
physicians who have volunteered j
Itheir services at the hospital during]
j various hours of the day are the fol
lowing: Drs. Charles S. Rebuck, I
'John F. Culp, Samuel Z. Shope and I
•Ralph Moffatt.
Dr. L. M. Shumaker and Dr. W. A. I
'Streeter two local physicians died
'last night from pneumonia. Dr. !
Streeter was a staff assistant at the j
' Keystone Hospital.
Dr. Raunick has urged all resi- ]
dents of the city in making calls for ;
■ physicians to do so early in the day. ;
so that the dfctors will know how
'many calls they must make. Co- ■
'operation in this way will be of j
'much help Dr. Raunick said, and will i
'give the physicians an opportunity '
to their, visits and save !
much time.
Eight army surgeons have been j
sent into Dauphin county to help ;
[Continued on Page 12.] j
■Mayor to Introduce Drastic
Ordnance at Request of
State Bureau
| An ordnance to define the exact
! meaning of "slaclcerism" and loafing,
and to bring to justice, the men who
i make it a practice of working a few
j days a week at the present high
; wages and loaf the remaining time.
I likely will be presented by Mayor
! Keister to City Council within the
j near future, it was said by the Mayor
l to-day.
! The ordnance would be the result
j of correspondence with Jacob Light
i ner, of the State Employment Bu
i reau, of the Department of Labor and
' Industry, who suggested that the
| city in common with every city and
I borough of the state pass ordnances
| to put a stop to the practice of loaf
ing during times when the manpower
! of the nation is needed ot prosecute
! the war.
I Mayor Keister suggested to Mr.
Lightner the advisability of having
a uniform law throughout the state,
so that the city officials would not
jbe hampered in their effort to en
: force it. Accordingly, Mr. Lightner
[ stated that through the Pennsylvania
i Council of National Defense a law
] would be drafted to be submitted to
1 the executive heads of the cities and
boroughs of the state. Mayor Keister
said he would lay the ordnance be
fore City Council as soon as he. re
ceived it.
! Mayor Keister has been active in
prosecuting cases which come under
1 the vagrancy act, but this does not
include those men who are reported
| to work a few days and remain idle
i during the rest of tse week. Large
i industrial establishments, especially
(the railroads, appealed to Mr. Light-'
, ner to. take the step.
Judge Bonniwell to Meet
Friends at Bolton House
j Friends and well wishers of Judge
' Eugene C. Bonniwell, Democratic
nominee for Governor of Pennsylva
|nia. will have a chance, for a hand
shake and brief chat w'ith their fa
jvorite for gubernatorial honors this
'evening at a public reception to be
'accorded the Judge at the Bolton
j House from 7 to 10 o'clock.
| It will be an informal affair and
there will be no speechmaklng.
Three men who were arrested by
J. B. Lightner. state game warden
on the charge of chasing rabbits with
dogs in Wildwood Park Sunday after
noon, were fined $25 each by Alder
man Murray last evening. The men
! are William Washington. W. Stewart,
.and U, Hawkins, colored.
'Unconfirmed Rumor Says British Have
Landed Big Force on Belgian Coast;
American Armies Pushing Ahead
By Associated Press
In Flanders and from the Oise to the Meuse the Allied troops
continue their vigorous blows for important gains. As the French
press on in the Laon-Aisne region, the Allied offensive in Belgium
and the American operations west of the Meuse are being renewed
to-day with success.
Smashing through the network of railways in Western Flan
ders, the Belgian, French and British forces under King Albert
now are within two miles of the important rail center of Courtrai.
The Allies also dominate with their guns the railroad running
from Lille to the Belgian coast byway of Courtai and thus
hamper, if they have not cut off, all communication between
Ostend and Lille.
Germans Getting Out of Belgium <
The German resistance in Flanders appears to be only for the
purpose of delaying the Allies until the evacuation of Belgium
can be completed. The enemy is reported to be evacuating Ostend
and to be sending large boat loads of troops away from the coast .1
Between the Oise and the Argonne the French arc pressing
the enemy hard. East of the Oise the French are within a half
mile of the Serre along most of its length and have advanced
j between five and six miles from Laon. Even the Aisne is fast
! being lost to the enemy as a means of defe|>se. The French now
[Continued on Pae 4.1
< ' - E iOING WELL i
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I • 1 1
I •' - • V- -'<rr n< . II
American Expeditionary Forces in Siberia, |
I tl
* W'-
B Ifast Mdeejay—Five more American r.oMiet.s. T Q. n
- cht •• 'r.c J. Cl:ft. r., V.- V H
J. Marshall, al} artillerymen, have died from pneumonia
contracted at'the time the transport Otranto was v J
Harrlnburg. . %