Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 14, 1918, War Extra, Page 8, Image 8

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Lodge Asks Body to Oppose
Further Talk Except of
Absolute Surrender
Washington. Oct. 14. —Discussion
of Germany's peace reply In the Sen
ate was opened to-day by Senator
New. ot lndianu, Republican, who
declared that nothing short of un
conditional surrender of the Ger
many army will meet the demands
of the American people.
Senator Thomas, of Colorado.
Democrat, introduced a resolution
stipulating that no peace pact be en
tered into by the United States with
Germany without a specific recogni
tion of the rights of self-government
for the Slavonic and Polish peoples.
Republican Deader Dodge to-day
introduced a resolution to declare it
the sense of the Senate that no fur
ther communication be had with the
German government on the subject
of an armistice and that no commu
nication be had with that govern
ment except on the question of un
conditional surrender.
Senator Dodge made no comment
on the resolution at the time of its
Fire Destroys Section of
Newport Tanning Works
Newport,' Pa., Oct. 14.—A tire
which for a time threatened to
spread beyond control of the local
fire-fighting forces and caused the
town council to call upon the
Friendship Fire Company of Har
risburg to send aid. about 10.30
o'clock this morning began in the
dressing room of the liquor cooling
building of the Elk Tanning Com
pany and completely destroyed the
The building was about 40x10 feet,
of frame construction. No one was
in it when the Art started. Seventy,
men usually are employed in the
building, which is on the north side
of West Second street. The loss is
$15,000, a company official esti
mated this morning. Resides a stor
age room for the tanning liquor
used in the tanning of leather, it
bouses the carpenters' room and
men's dressing room. The clothes
of many of the workmen were de
stroyed in the fire.
The fire was started, it is thought,
when a workman changing clothes
dropped a lighted match or cigaret.
The fire was kept under control by
the local fire company and the rail
road chemical company The call
for the Harrisburg company was
cancelled after the local companies
got it under control.
Yank Troops Reach
Every Objective in
Drive Along Meuse
With the American Army Xurtli
west of A'erdun. Oct. 14.—"The Amer
ican troops on both sides of the Meuse
have obtained their objectives," was
the official characterization of the
Saturday's operations.
The total prisoners taken since
September 26 is 17.659.
Secret Orders
Member Gives
Strong Praise
Harry Minahan Expresses His
Thakfulncss For Great
Benefit Received
Harry F. Minahan, of 2144 Green
wood St., Harrisburg, Pa., prominent
in the Knights of Malta, and Inside
Sentinel of Order of Woodmen of the
World highly recommends the mas
ter medicine to his lodge brothers
•and to all who are run down.
He says: "I was miserable. I
felt all tired out and run down so
that I could hardly drug myself to
"But as soon as 1 begun taking
Tanlac I began to spruce up. I got
to feeling better and better and now
I am full of pep. 1 eat hearty -and
enjoy every bit and I am gladto be
alive. I'm as different to what I
was a little while ago as day is front
night and I can truthfully say that
this great change was brought about
by Tanlac. That's why I urge every
body to take it."
Tanlac is now being introduced
here at Gorgas' Drug Store.
Tanlac is also sold at the Gorgas
Drug Store in the P. H. R. Station;
In Carlisle at W. G. Stevens' Phar
macy; Elizabethtown, Albert W.
Cain; Greencastle, Charles B. Carl;
Middletown. Colin S. Few's Phar
macy; Wuynesboro, Clarence Croft's
Pharmacy; Mechanicsbui g, H. p.
The genuine Tanlac bears the
name of J. I. Gore Co. on outside car
ton of each bottle. Look for it.
Look Young! Bring Back Its
Natural Color, Gloss and
Common garden sage brewed into
a heavy tea with sulphur added, will
turn gray, streaked and faded hair
beautifully dark and luxuriant. Just
a few applications will prove a reve
lation if your hair is fading, streaked
or gray. Mixing the.Sage Tea and
Sulphur recipe at home, though, is
troublesome. An easier way is to get
a 50-cent bottle of Wyeth's Sage and
Sulphur Compound at any drug store
all ready for use. This is the old
time recipe improved by the addi
tion of other ingredients.
While wispy, gray, faded hair is
not sinful, we all desire to retain
our youthful appearance and attrac-;
tiveness. By darkening your
with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com
pound, no one can tell, because It
does it so naturally, so evenly. You
just dampen a spronge or soft brush
with it and draw this through your
hair, taking one small strand at a
time; by morning all gray hairs have
disappeared, and, after another ap
plication or two, your hair becomes
beautifully dark, glossy, soft and
This preparation la a delightful
toilet requisite and Is not intended
for the cure, mitigation or preven
tion of disease.
Text of Germany's Note
Washington, .Oct. 14.—The text of Germany's, note as received
by official channels here. Is;
In reply t othe question of the President of tho United States
of America, the German government hereby declares:
The German government has accepted the terms laid down by
President Wilson in his address of January 8. and in liis subsequent
addresses on the foundation of a permanent peace of Justice. Con
sequently its object In entering into discussions would be only to
agree upon practical details of the application of these terms. The
German government believes that the governments of the Powers
associated with the government of the United States also take the
position taken by President Wilson in his address.
The German government. In accordance with the Austro-Hun
garian government, for the purpose of bringing about an armistice,
declares itself ready to comply with the propositions of the Presi
dent in regard to evacuation.
The German government suggests that the President may occa
sion the meeting of a mixed commission for making the necessary
arrangements concerning the evacuation.
The present German government, which has undertaken the re
sponsibility for this step toward peace, has been formed by con
ferences and in agreement with the great majority of the Reich
stag. The chancellor, supported in all of his actions by the will of
this majority, speaks in the name of the German government and
)f the German people. SOLF
Berlin, Oct. 12, 1918. / State Secretary of Foreign Office.
(Continued From First Page)
troops, contrary to all the practices
of war, have been systematically
murdered, and civil populations in
discriminately massacred, solely to
spread terror. A regular system of
ingenious terrorism has been direct
ed against civilians, as horrible as
anything in the history of civil or
I religious wars. Darge and populous
cities have been, not once, but
twenty, thirty, forty times, bom
barded and burned, and the women
and children in them wantonly
slaughtered, with the sole object of
inflicting suffering. All this has
been done, not in license or passion,
but by the calculating ferocity of
scientific soldiers. And lastly, when
the last chance of saving Paris was
| gone, and it became a matter of a
| few weeks of famine, they must
j tire and shatter a city of two
I million souls.
I " 'Let us remember that all this
[ was done and carried on for live
I months after France had sued for
| peace in the dust, and had offered
i what was practically everything ex
cept her national independence and
i the honor and self-respect of every
| Frenchman.'
Lost Wo Forgot
"Yes. let us remember it all, and
particularly the last sentence. It is
instructive at this time.
"There were those at that time
who clearly defined the future and
warned other countries what might
be expected if this dynasty were per
mitted to trample upon France and
remain contrivers in European af
"Let us understand that the thing
with which we have to deal is a liv
ing, scheming. powerful human
agency, "arbitrary, military, fanati
cal," bent upon the destruction of
free government, an "armed sys
tem" sustained by a somal and mili
tary hierarchy not to be bound by
any treaty and respecting no right,
human or divine.
"We do not think the same
thoughts or speak the same lan
guage of agreement"—and we can
not negotiate or come to terms with
such a power, neither can we have
anv companionship with it. St.
Helena still holds her solitary place
in the midst of the sea, safe asylum
for all those mad with the delusion
of world dominion. This is not ven
geance. it is not hate, it is not even
impartial retribution —it is simply
the first step for permanent peace,
it is simple justice for the millions
of men and women who have sacri
ficed and suffered in the cause of
freedom and for the millions who
are yet to guard and preserve it.
l*rcsident Tart's Views
Ex-PresidentTaft says to-day: 'All
the nlans which our people have
been" formulating in their minds for
the settlement of this war need for
their fultlllment an unconditional
surrender. They are calling Ger
rnanv to the bar of world justice.
Were the present proposal accepted,
the criminal convict would be invit
ed not to the dock, but to the coun
cil table.
"The President is under no obli
gation to yield to the proposal be
cause of his message of January 8
or because of his last note. The mes
sage of January S was written to
state general objects, and not to de
fine stipulations to accomplish these
objects. It was written nine months
ago. and Germany's conduct since
then has placed her outside the pale
of negotiation."
Senator Lodge Speaks
United States Senator Lodge com
menting on Germany's answer, says:
"Mr. McAdoo and some of the
press speak of the German note, .f
authentic, as a complete surrender.
It is nothing of the kind. It is just
the reverse. It is not a surrender
and it is highly conditional. If we
accept that note it means that Ger
many has failed to conquer the world
at this moment and that we have
lost the war.
"Our only assurance for what may
be agreed to after weeks of discus
sion would be the German word and
the German signature—both worth
less. The President has said: 'We
cannot accept the word of those who
forced this war upon us.' The gov
ernment of Germany has not
changed. The Chancellor has
changed. Changing the Chancellor
no more changes the German gov
ernment than the President chang
ing his Secretary of State would
change our government. It is the
same government with which the
President said, 'We cannot come to
terms.' In that statement he was
absolutely right."
Trying to Halt Defeat
The military critic of the New;
York Times concluding a review of
the situation, says:
"Germanv. seeing the processes of
destruction at work, begs for time,
her petition coming to us in the na
ture of a peace proposal. She wants
an armistice. Without going further
into the matter, it may be stated that
two results will doubtless flow from
a (essation of lighting: The first is,
that, no matter what may happen,
even should we discover at the last
moment that the German proposal
was but another hoax, another lie,
another example of a plighted faith
broken, once the fighting is stopped
for any appreciable time the war
will be over. It is hardly possible to
conceive that, once arms are laid
down, they can be taken up again.
The heart of the soldier, his morale,
will be gone. There will no longer
be the spirit for fighting of which
victorious armies are made.
> "The second point is that, if Ger
(tnany is granted the time she wants
and for which she will do anything.
flive anything, say anything, prom
se aything, she will utilize it in
withdrawing her arms, her moun
tains of supplies, her artillery, her
shell, and her men. to a much shorter
and much more powerful line, a line
possibly behind the Meiise, through
the French and Belgian Ardennes, be
fore Metz and down the Vosges
Mountains, and there she will stay.
She will have shortened the battle
front over- a hundred miles and will
be able to hold it with a million less
men. Everything that we have donr
since July 18 will thus be scrapped
Our losses will have been for noth
•Either we shall atop fighting atid
make a patched-up peace, or the war
j will continue for two more years, if
not longer. It may, therefore, be
said, as a logical conclusion, that if
I we grant an armistice before we are
j ready to make peace, a military deci
sion will have been averted and we
shall have lost t v e war."
(Continued From First Page)
itees which are to comb the city went
|to work to-day. The campaign last
jweek was apparently only half-
| thorough cursory in its thorough
ness. Many homes were missed. Many
(men of means were permitted to
Jrush to banks, buy a $5O bond, get
'a flag and button and a reputation
'for being "real."
Ilnnks Ask For Information
I The hanks of the city are to be
jasked for complete details as to sub
scriptions. They may not "come
through," but it' is desired to know
'just who "slipped through" with a
'small bond purchase who was able
to buy bonds in large quantities,
j Salvatore Oonoscenti, a track
j watchman employed by the Penn
sylvania railroad near Lancaster,
! makes many Harrisburg people
j "look sick" through what he did for
jthe loan. He bought a $l,OOO bond
(and paid for it in cold cash.
Knola Has Pinch Hitters
J Foreman H. G. Hussler, of Enola
jcarshops reports the formation of
("The Pinch Club." composed of
workmen who are going to bat again
(for the Liberty Loan. All of the
I "pinch hitters" have already bought
'bonds, but so tiiat the district will
!not fall down they are buying again.
This Is in direct contrast to the
unpatriotic action of tlioir-amls ol°
people in the district who refuse to
buy bonds even once.
"Pro-German stuff"
I There were reports to-day that
(some Harrisburg people have re
fused to buy bonds "because peace
lis near." This thought is declared
!ridiculous by men close to the heart
:of things.
| "Peace can't possibly come before
[late next summer," said one of the
executive committee, "and in the
|meantime this $6,000,000,000 has al
ready been spent—so what's the use
'of talking."
"Devil" in Hail Comiiany
Many! congratulations were tender
ed John A. Marshall representing the
Harrisburg district of the Baltimore
ILife Insurance Company for his suc
cess in having assigned to the local
drive $30,000 of the company's loan
(purchase. In writing to Mr. Marshal
'concerning the matter the president
lof the company, YV. O. Mac Gill said:
j " "We want to do our share to drive
(the devil out of the Hun as the devil
! has no business associating in such
bad company."
| At the Harrisburg Pipe and Pipe
[Bending works are many foreign
|born employes among others former
citizens of Austria, Bulgaria and
'other countries in the war. In the
I present drive several of these men
| have shown their loyalty to their
[adopted country by making large
subscriptions to the loan. Among
these is one Austrian, a naturalized
American who subscribed $2,000, one
Bulgarian, $1,500, and one Armen
ian $2,200. These subscriptions rep
resent the savings of these men for
the last two or three years.
Not Pneumonia, but
Pneumonic Plague,
Physicians Declare
Philadelphia, Oct. 14.—Physicians
of \he highest repute, confident that
the hundreds of deaths attributed to
pneumonia within the period of the
recent epidemic, have been caused by
| a strange disease which is not a true
type of pneumonia, are conducting
exhaustive investigations, not only in
Philadelphia, but in every large city
in the East.
There is a theory that the disease
; Is the pneumonic plague, which nav
; aged Manchuria and the East five
1 years ago, but this has not been veri
fied officially. It is, however, defi
nitely known—according to Surgeon
General Rupert Blue, of the Unit'd
States Health Service—that the epi
demic came out of the East, Wtm i....
sia and Germany the first of the
European countries to be ravaged.
The peculiar conditions which have
followed death have emphasized the
impression that death is due to some
does wonders for sick skins
lB k jn t '\ at '* r °"Bh> reddened, Resinol Ointment contains medic
blotcned or disfigured by eczema, sore inal agents that act directly upon the
spots, or other eruptions, needs at- skin, heal its hurts and help it to keep
tention. . healthy and attractive.
Let Resinol Qintment help you to Resinol Soap aids and quickens the
get nd of these annoying, unsightly action of Resinol Ointment,
affections of the skin. . ,
At all dealert.
Huge Paths of Flames Sweep
Over Wisconsin and Min
nesota Timberland
By Associated Press
. Dulutti, Oct. 14.—A large section 1
of Northeastern Minnesota —three
days ago a busy and prosperous busi
ness and farming country—to-day
was a smouldering ruins with hun
dreds of bodies of men. women and
children, many of them burned be
yond recognition, strewn about the
countryside, as the result of the
disastrous forest fires which swept
this territory Saturday and Sun
; day.
Latest estimates place the death
1 list at close to one thousand, al
though no official figures were avail
able early to-day. Hundreds of per
sons are more or less seriously burn
ed, thousands destitute and home
less and the property loss will run
• into many millions of dollars.
At least a dozen cities and towns
were destroyed. The worst blazes
were at Moose Lake, Kettle river and
Cloquet. In Moose Lake and imme
diate vicinity, it is estimated more
than three hundred persons perish
ed in the flames. Between 300 and
400 coffins have been ordered sent
to this town alone.
Twelve thousand homeless and
penniless refugees, all in need, more
or less, of medical attention, are
quartered in hospitals, churches,
schools, private homes and in the
armory here, while doctors and
nurses sent front surrounding com
munities attend them, and nearly
every able-bodied man in the city
has been conscripted to fight the
flames which now are reported to
be dying away.
Reports that the holocaust result
ed front the working of enemy
agents were circulated here last
night. Definite confirmation was not
available but incendiaries were
driven away from a local ship yard
when the fires in Dulutli and Su
perior were burning at their height,
according to F. J. Longren, fire mar
shal, and other city and state offi
Reports reaching here by courier
told of widespread destruction, but
it was evident that in most cases the
fury of the flames was spent. Du
luth and Superior are in no further
danger. Virginia is safe and Brain
erd was untouched. However peat
bog fires now are said to menace
the later city. Bermidji reported
only a small loss.
Greatest loss of life and property
damage is believed to have occurred
in the Cloquet region where a num
ber of town i have been destroyed
and all semi-rural settlements vir
tually wiped out.
A special train of twenty coaches
brought 1,500 refugees from Cloquet
and Clarleton. They confirmed re
ports that many persons lost their
lives in those towns.
Cloquet was a town with about
7,500 population. More than 4,700
persons were brought to Duluth and
Superior from there alone.
The list of dead will not be defi
nitely compiled for days, perhaps
weeks. Hundreds of panic-stricken
people have gathered about the nu
merous lakes in the burned area,
and those reported missing may be
among them.
The town of Twig, on the Miller
Trunk road, was wiped out.
Other towns reported as being en
tirely destroyed ipclude Rice Lake,
Brookston, Brevator, Corona,
Adolph, Thompson, Arnold, Moose
Lake and Wright.
There is no community within a
radius of thirty miles which has not
sustained more or less damage and
each has Its quota of dead and in
(Continued From First Page)
er wreck the peace of the world
"I think we folks at home should
gladly do everything we can, be
cause no sacrifice we can make will
equal that of the boys who have
"We are now being asked to loan
our money to the United States—
that's all. Lots of people haven't
done it—l don't know why. I don't
understand them.
"When the boys 'get the order to
go over the top they don't stop to
ask themselves if they can afford it
—they go on over'.
"I think it is terrible that our Gov
ernment must plead with us people
of Harrisburg to buy Liberty
Bonds. I don't know what some
people mean—l think they should be
"My boy is dead, but he is still
with the Americans—l mean the
hundreds of brave boys who have
died and are watching us to-day,
and who are glad when we do what
we can to win the war, but who
must be very sorry when we do not.
"Does your heart beat right?
Show it by buying Liebrty
"Mrs. Elizabeth K. Sullivan."
Artillery Supports Infantry,
Bringing Small Hun Of
fensive to Halt
With the American Forces North
west of Verdun, Oct. 14—Violent
artillery actions were in progress
to-day along the greater part of
the American front. Little change
was made in the line, but the Ger
mans late last night laid down bar
rages that were preparatory to
counterattacks of a small but vicious
The most determined effort made
by the enemy was on the left, across
the river Aire between St. Juvin and
i St. Georges. The Germans advanced
tin open order and fought with a
steadiness that indicated fresh
| troops. Within an hour, however,
| the American artillery, supporting
Ithe line of infantry with machine
I guns, had brought the little offen
sive to a halt.
Huns Anxious, Says
Viscount Northcliffe
l.oiiiluii, Oct. 14.—"The speed of the
! German reply is indicative of the
J anxiety the Germans feel for the
j safety of their rapidly retreating
! army," said Viscount Northcliffe to an
j Associated Tress representative last
j night.
"You will remember, at ,the time
they were being questioned about
the Lusitania, they played for delay,
delay, . delay," he continued. "Now
they are fighting to gain days, even
hours. As 1 read their reply, it is
neither candid or straightforward. It
consists of evasions. These evasions
are made for the purpose of unbal
ancing the minds of simple folks in
Allied countries and for the purpose
of convincing the discontented sec
tion of the German people that the
Allies will not accept what is de
clared by them to look like a reason
able offer or peace.
"The character of the answer shows
the atmosphere of equivocation in
which the German government lives
and moves. Germany, in fact only
•declares" ready to comply. She does
not comply. she has not accepted
the President's terms. She only says
-—untruly—that those terms have
been accepted.
"If we grant an armistice we shall
be providing material for a great pro
longation of the war. If we leave
the matter to Marshal Foch he will
end the war. Bulgaria is out. Tur
key is going out. Austria-Hungary
is very near a revolution.
"The combined efforts cf Ameri
cans. associated with the armies of
France, Great Britain, Italy and Bel
gium. will end this struggle, and put
a stop .to any possible recrudescence
of the war."
150 Are Killed by
Porto Rican 'Quake;
Damage Is Severe
San Joan. P. R„ Oct. 14.—One hun
dred and fifty lives were lost in the
earthquake in Porto Rico, it was esti
mated by Governor Yager. Almost
every town in the island reports
damaged property and scattering fa
There are unconfirmed reports here
of great damage in Santo Domingo
from the earthquake.
Reports from the interior are com
mg in slowly because of broken com
M :
"W® -
j A Stern Task For Stern Women
a There is everything to inspire coolness and courage and sacrifice on the part of American
C women. J
/ A stern task confronts our women—not only trained women, but untrained women. C
1 ijThe housewife, the dietitian, the nurse's aide, the practical nurse, the undergraduate nurse ,
1 and the trained nurse herself—all of these are needed.
J Lives Depend Upon Their Answer
C <J Capable, though untrained, hands can lighten the burden of the trained ones. There are 1
C many things intelligent women can do to relieve the situation, working under the direction '
1 of competent nurses
% To physicians and to the nurse-employing public this appeal is made: C
C Unless it means life or death, please release for service all nurses attending chronic cases. %
I Physicians should not employ nurses as office or laboratory assistants during this emer- C
The 23 Peace Points
Set Forth by Wilson
Following nro the fourteen points,
containing essentials for peace, put I
forward In President Wilson's ad
dress to Congress on January 8 lust:
I.—Open covenants of peace, open
ly arrived at, after which there shall
be no private International under
standings of any kind, but diplo
macy shall proceed always frankly
and in the public view.
ll—Absolute freedom of naviga
tion upon the seas, outside territor
ial waters, alike in peace und in war,
except as the seas may bo closed in
whole or in pu.-t by international ac
tion for the enforcement of interna
tional covenants.
lll.—The removal, so fur as pos
sible, of nil economic barriers und
the establishment of an equality of
trade conditions among ull the na
tions consenting to the peace and
associating themselves for its main
IV. —Adequate guarantees given
<nnd taken that national armaments
will reduce to the lowest point con
sistent with domestic safety.
V. —Free, open minded, and abso
lutely impartial adjustment of all
colonial claims based upon a strict
observance of the principle that in
determining all suclt questions of
sovereignty the interests of the popu
lation concerned must have equal
weigh#, with the equitable claims of
the gvvernment-whose title is to be
Vl.—The evacuation of all Russian
territory and such a settlement of nil
questions affecting Russia as will
secure, the best and freest co-opera
■ tion of the other nations of the
world in obtaining for her an un
! hampered and unembarrassed op
i portunlty for the Independent deter
j initiation of her own political de
l velopment and notional policy, and
\ assure her of a sincere welcome in
: to the society of free nations under
| instructions of her own choosing;
I and, more than a welcome, assist
: ance also of every kind that she may
| need and may herself desire. The
treatment accorded Russia by her
i sister nations in the months to come
will be the acid test of their good
■ will, of their comprehension of her
needs as distinguished from their
I own interests, and of their intelli
' gent and unselfish sympathy.
1 VII. —Belgium, the whole world
! will agree, must be evacuated and
restored, without any attempt to
limit the sovereignty which she en
joys in common with all other free
nations. No other single act will
serve as this will serve to restore
confidence among the nations in the
laws which they have themselves set
and determined for the government
of their nations with one another.
Without this healing act the whole
structure and validity $f inter
national law is forever impaired.
VIII.—AII French territory should
be freed and the invaded portions re
stored and the wrong done to
France by Prussia in 1871 in the
matter of Alsace-Lorraine, wlich
has unsettled the peace of her
world for nearly fifty years, should
be righted, in order that peace may
once more be made secure in the
interest of all.
JX. —A readjustment of the fron
tiers of Italy should be affected along
clearly recognizable lines of nation
X.—The people of Austria-Hun
gary. whose place among the nations
we wish to see safeguarded and as
sured, should be accorded the
freest opportunity of autonomous
I development.
Xl.—Rumania, Serbia and Monte
negro should be evacuated: occupied
I territories restored; Serbia accorded
j free and secure access to the sea;
! and the relations of the several Bal
kan states to one another deter
mined by friendly counsel along his
torically established lines of allegi
ance and nationality; and interna
tional guarantees of the political and
economic independence and terri
torial integrity of the several Balkan
states should be entered into.
Xll.—The Turkish portions of the
present Ottoman Empire should be
OCTOBER 14, 1918.
iiSHUred a secure soverolgnty, but the
other nationalities which are now un
der Turkish rule should be assured an
undoubted security of Mfe and an
absolutely unmolested opportunity of
autonomous development and the
Dardanelles should be permanently
.opened as a free pannage to the ships
and commerce of all nations under In
ternational guurunteea.
I XIII.—An Independent Polish State
| should be erected which should In
! elude the territories Inhabited by ln
i disputiUdy Polish populations, which
' should be assured a free and secure
| access to the sea, and whose political
> and economic Independence and ter
ritorial Integrity should be guaran
| teed by International covenant.
I XIV.—A general association of na
| tlons must be formed under specific
i covenants for the purpose of afford
j ing mutual guarantee of political in
| dependence and territorial integrity
\ to great and small states alike.
The "Pour Points" of Pel>. 11
j These are the four points cited by
the President in his address of Feb.
11. lillS:
First—That each part of the final
' settlement must be based upon the
I essential justice of that particular
I case and upon such adjustments as
j are most likely to bring a peace that
■ will be permanent.
I Second—That peoples and provinces
i are not to be bartered about from
I sovereignty to sovereignty as if they
Ilwere mere chattels and pawns in a
game, even the great game, now for
ever discredited, of the balance of
power; but tha,t,
; Third—Every territorial settlement
involved In this war must be made in
the Interest and for the benefit of the
populations concerned and not as a
part of any ipore adjustment or com-
I promise of claims among rival states;
i and,
j Fourth—That all well-defined na
i tional aspirations shall be accorded
| the utmost satisfaction that can be
! accorded them without Introducing
I new or perpetuating old elements of
| discord and antagonism that would
I be likely, In time to break the peace
I of Europe, and consequently of the
His September Declaration
| In his speeclf of Sept. 27, at the.
j Metropolitan Operahouse, in this city,
I the President set forth these prin
ciples as "representing" this govern-
I ment's interpretation of its own duty
with regard to peace:
| First—The impartial justice meted
j out must involve no discrimination
: between those to whom we wish to be
1 just and those to whom we do not
| wish to be Just. It must be a justice
, that plays no favorites and knows no
j standard but the equal rights of the
iseveral peoples concerned;
t Second—Nt special or separate in
| terest of ally single nation or any
; group of nations can be made the
j basis of any part of the settlement
i which is not consistent with the com
■ nion interest of all;
! Third—There Can be no leagues or
; alliance or special covenants and
j understandings within the general
i and common family by the League of
j Nations; ,
Fourth, and more specifically—
j There can be no special, selfish eco
j nomlc combinations within the league
' and no employment of any form of
j economic boycott or exclusion except
I as the power of economic penalty by
I exclusion from the markets of the
| world may be vested in the League of
! Nations itself as a means of disci
l pline and control;
Fifth—All International agreements
land treaties of every kind must be
I made known in their entirety to the
| rest of the world.
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