Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 14, 1918, War Extra, Page 3, Image 3

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    Morgenthau Tells
Kaiser to Abdicate
New York, Oct. 14.—Henry Mor
genthau has written ft reply to an
article by Theodor Wolff In the Ber
lin Tageblatt, which takes the form
of an Imaginary appeal to Presi
dent Wilson from some friend fami
liar with Europe for example Mr.
-iorgenthau, former ambassador to
Turkey, painting a picture of Ger
ma - y misled by false Pan-German
piMkhets, but loving peaco with Its
soul, and, having learned Its
leAson, now ready for a Wllsonlan
Wash-Goods special Report From Washington—
t "Santa Claus Has Not Been Drafted"
V-J JL JL X* vJ- J. V> Our Cotton Goods jk- ■■ ■ —, 1 # g ■
Whn Y"uV MMEM: e Going t° Be Scarce
T Y llvil -1. V-/vJ- X at the present time. We jjl - ~ , 1 .
ment —in weaves, colors yl \"•\) pM 1 * T Y I* X * I
Winning ssfsssi BiSSra. Long Before Christmas
c — J whatever in securing the '
11.- _ T 7 prices! ° lt modcrate Not a toy department in the U. S. has received much more than 50% # of their Spring purchase for the
13Lly Hueriy 32-inch Ginghams, in \ coming Christmas. I
1 Jd i Vi% and e foresaw this and purchased accordingly, to the effect that at the present time we arc 95% com-
36-inch Percales, very fine grade; yd., 29c, 35c and 50c. pletc.
Hnnds 36-inch iniportclurish'Hnln? d 'ycf 25 sl ' 2s * TOYS CAN BE BQUGHT THIS MONTH to the Government's advantage, and to the customer's
' , | 30-inch costume Crepe, neat figure; yd., 45c. advantage.
32-inch Serpentine Crepe; yd., 39c. We cannot employ an extra force of salespeople to handle the holiday trade, but must endeavor to
32-inch imported Japanese Crepes in stripes and Oriental . 1 . • . r A nt. • .
The proposition is clean and square-cut. Your Uncle \ designs; yd.. JDc and 45c. . spread that business over the ent.re per.od from now to Christmas. .
San, wants Six Billion Dollars. He will pay 4 1-4 per j *££ Wstef THE SPI . RIT OF CHRISTMAS must not be destroyed. ""*7" \ .
cent, for it and give you the United States as collateral. 36-inch Poplin, highly mercerized finish; yd., 69c. Begin your Christmas shopping early and thereby help to equalize the work of distribution and con-
He has been in business 142 years and has never de- H"! 110 ,' 1 ?- a .j c ° tton n £ e f' ?c j . serve manpower to win the war.
32-inch Kiddie Cloth for children s wear; yd., 45c. 1
faulted on a debt. He wants this 6 Billions to determine 36-inch silk and cotton Pongee—good line of plain shades; ; TTZ'II
I Tib-inch fleeced Eiderdown, serviceable colorings; yd., 39c. IVC AW Redd? IVttk ThOUSdndS Of T OJS That Will
r , „ , 36-inch Mouselleine Tussah —complete color line; yd., 69c. ——
William Hohenzollern and Co., and take his orders from 36-inch silk and cotton Crepe de Chine-all good shades; I\/T„l*„ +L * TU+l* T-Jnsiv+c T T/TTl+l* J
, Berlin. There is absolutely no chance of this, if he can yd., 69c. JVIdkC tflC Ltlttl6 LlCCirtS IT itfl JOV
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. ±
get the necessary funds. But he cannot win without —— ——
money. It is a big enterprise and will take big money a ¥ pTlTIf* Wool ' Made in the U. S. A.
to swing it. He asks you to advance him this money /\ IMCW IAJ L U1 1 n HUI ; •
of the" war. If the Hollenzol'lerns come ov
erTey U w°n i Sweaters Specially Priced T-HJ e - A_ Real j Interesting Wooden Toys
take your money anyway, so you might as well lend it to large sailor collars> sol _ J T 0 V Rider ° Ur SeCtio " ° f W °° den tOyS th ' S yC " * attractive ' We
your Uncle Sam and be sure of getting it back. co j ors and sorne combined; these can be had in green, buff, T are displaying an innovation in hand-painted wooden toys,
If you have bought bonds, buy again to your limit. white, maroon, khaki and blue, ranging in price from y1 fc painted by the Lee Lash Studio, of New York, painters of the
<tn nC f 7// O ~ yOU ever no^c finest scenic effects for the best New York theaters who de
(Exchange. Courtesy.) $7*95 tO J>l*tAZ) , with what dexterity voted their spare time in painting toys for the children ot
BOWMAN'S— Third Floor. * ve I two year-old America. Their output was very limited and Harrisburg gets
■Ji even a share through Bowman & Company. There are Doll
" y can over ou ® e Houses, Automobiles, Cradles, Trolley Cars, Fish Ponds, etc.
A or sidewalk* with one • _
g : g of these? tven the • Horses— Big and Ltttle
I 'Stylish Stout Suits J
yZ) r>* •r • 11 • 1 7~TI Nested Blocks, Picture Blocks and Building Blocks. See Iff (P
If'" 7 PMtITI rfl Ilv iMPSIOHPn If) Hif the Tyro Building Blocks—the best building blocks yet put on /b\j(
itnii) iv uiiy jsctfgncu iv ± u g the market( bui]ds a house that is durable and cannot be A
. knocked down, but has to be taken apart. „ lh* ; iu |. —
& Jfwrv TVIJP of JVoman M Then there are auto ~
® Jr / f mobiles Iron Toys Ex- Plush-covered Horses that look like real young ponies, some
• c|| ' .. small enough to pull, others strong and large enough to ride
n§. . A 1 A r T77 • I , Jsh press Wagons, Doll t X, on, Then there is the wooden % Swing Horse that gives the
JIUOVC ylvcrngc In VV Clg ht U .pishes and numerous rider the motion of real riding.
m § BUY NOW AND Games
iy/i A great many women who are so fortunate as to be endowed by Nature with a GET FIRST CHOICE. > *
physique above the average in size, frequently find it difficult to get stylish wearing • # Hundreds upon hundreds—
apparel to fit them without a great deal of alteration or sending for special sizes. This IF hit e Doll FlimttUre instructive and amusing, _ M
M store makes a specialty of providing the newest garments in sizes from 39y' 2 to 51 J/j. - There are many new ones and
W' The following is but a partial list of the many favored fabrics we have in extra- H Made of wood, enameled white as snow—same with brass gome go0( j 0 ]j i reliable ones,
jg; large sizes. Many other Suits are to be seen in the most stylish models, scientifically ( . m chairT, chair, chiffonier, tables and dishes', such as Parchesi, Tit Tat Toe,
frg designed to fit the woman above the average in weight. §3 ' ' etc *
Navy blue poplin semi-fitted Coat, with belt; half-belted; trimmed with buttons; in black and pA fFar ToVS Of JVIanV Ktnds
5 trimmed in buttons; tailored skirt with pockets. Navy. $75.00, yS *- . Books
t|| $35.00. Velour c'loth Suit, with Hudson seal collar; ~- , B
Burclla cloth Suit, plain tailored, with tailored semi-fitted, with fancy sdtchmg; skirt Is one of
M in brown, taupe and Navy.. $37.50. Cashmere twill Suit, in black and Navy; slight- J OPW'
M Burftlla cloth Suit with fitted rnnt • coat haa flared coat ! sk >rt is trimmed in buttons and Tanks that can be pulled and mechanically operated—ma- (rfW^P,iWrnITcLJT
Burella cloth Suit with fitted coat coat has ' . shoot wooden shclls at the rate o{ two - a M/sH
points on hip; collar to be used high or low; strap J v uuu<! A.. -n-ri a..,. ~,;n .• /Al ,
button trimming. $39.50, Broadcloth Suit, with fancy belt en coat and Pj second fir Ics \\/ Fl/ ilv A £■'"
M .. , 1 1/1 1c • • • A embroidered points, also nutria collar, $97,50, §S rom °V ,•
g % C B S T C f r M Smt in, serge, trimmed Velour cloth Suit with fitted coat and embrold- M buc kshot- B°y Raj Can-
with braid; tailored collar m aid in velvet $45.00 C red bottom, n'utrla collar; skirt Is one with M non-Red Cross Ambulances
Trico cloth Suit, with tailored in buttons and n ,..|. <ci 1=; nn —War Games that are in- \ ijiiiffi" -k/*yj " f A /
g fancy stitching. $49.50. panel 9, * Ubm structive-and hundreds of
cS /-v * J C !.L J , J J U U Silk velvet Suit, with embroidered front and 59 others. \V; r
Oxford Suit, with fitted coat; bound in braid; back; the sides are trimmed with fringe lynx col- Sa * jgd ttv
Skn-thas panel sides with buttons down the front. l ar . fancy belt skirt with pockets, $210,00, M RenUtiflll Dolls 1 "If
j|x $65.00. Black velvet Suit with semi-fitted coat and half- • l|| . ■ ' ' .
j| Tricotine Suit with fitted coat; slightly flared, belt, collar of nutria; skirt has pointed yoke,with gu The way tney are selling at the present time proves to us
'bound in braid; skirt has fancy pockets and is narrow belt; 6lzes 39>4 to 51 >4, $135.00, gfl This has always been a strong feature here. We are now that we made a wise selection. They are here for the infant
' BOWMAN'S— Third Floor. go showing dolls of every description, both dressed and un- child to the grown-up boy or girl. There is one that is taking
6 dressed. The doll's face is usually what counts, and, with the boys—it is a book on Aviation, showing the progress
® *• jgj varied expressions we are showing and the dainty lingerie of 0 f these cloud visitors from the start to the time they were
some, there is no doubt but that our doll section'will be al- carrying U. S. mail. Then here are lots of interesting books
g . W\ most'do'll-less long before Christmas. in words of one syllable. . .
Mr. Morgentliau's answer Is as fol
"Theodor Wolff, Tageblatt, Berlin!
" This evening's New York papers
quote you In the Tageblatt as imag
ining me presenting to President
Wilson the picture of Germany mis
led by false Pan-German prophets,
but, loving peace with its whole soul
and having learned Its lesson, as
now ready for a NVllsonlan peace.
All Americans realize fully that
Turkey Is -absolutely helpless and
must surrender unconditionally In a
few days; that Austria will shortly
follow her and that will Isolate Ger
many, which lias been unable to de
feat the Entente during four years'
struggle and Is now almost ex
hausted, owing to her lack of raw
materials, the decline of her man
power and morale and the loss of
all hope of victory.
When your sovereign surveyed the
United States ho only examined the
surface. Ho did not appreciate the
tremendous force whtch was latent
underneath the surface. That force
Is now aroused —all Its wealth and
ist maviwer, which in Itself, with
out calculating our seasoned and
and lndomit.tble allies, is strong en
ough and absolutely determined to
assist them to a real victory.
"If you want to secure prompt
relief for your people, induce your
Emperor to abdicate on his own be
half and that of his sons. If Ger
many has been misled by false Pan
' German prophets to plunge thisl
world into such a terrible war, let
Germany trust them no longer. Com
pel thorn to abdicate and permit a
republic to be formed. If your peo
ple "love peace with all their souls"
show It by persuading the Emperor
and his sons that they must make
the supreme sacrifice of surrendering
their power, thereby sparing the
millions or more of their subjects
who will be destroyed In their futile
efforts to stem the cyclone that is
about to visit them, and also to
avoid th<s devastation that will fol
low 1 In Its .wake. A Wilsonian
peace is a just peace and can only be
made with an authority that loves
justice and not one that has flouted
it as shamefully as the Hohenzol
lerns have. v
"There Is but one escape from the
wrath of his people—voluntarily
yeild to them sovereignty that is
theirs and theirs alone. If you now
almit that you have been misled,
how will the fieople feel when
their country is overrun and they
have to take some of the treatment
they have administered to France,
Belgium, Russia and Serbia?
Peace Furor in Berlin;
Much Talk Against Kaiser
London, Oct. 1 4.—An Amsterdam
dispatch to The Daily Express, dated
ssterday says: G
"The excitement in Berlin is said
to be extraordinary. People are kiss
ing one another in the street, though
they are perfect strangers, and
shouting peace congratulations to
each other. The only words heard
anywhere In Germany ate 'Peace at
"In the present circumstances any
politician or general who would
openly oppose acceptance ofWllson's
terms would be swept away by a
furious mob.
"Once more the question has arisen
in Germany to-day. "What are we
going to do witli the Kaiser?'
Rumors of his early abdication
again spread on the Berlin Bourse
and have even been telegraphed to
irraan firms on the Amsterdam
OCTOBER 14, 1918.
Bourse. In spite of official denials,
the belief gains ground in Germany
that there is truth in the report that
the Kaiser seriously thinks of aban
doning the throne especially as
many persons in Germany, and prob
ably the majority of the working
classes, openly regard his retention
of the throne as the most serious
obsacle to peace.
The annual convention of the Wo
men's Missionary Society of the Lan
caster (Lutheran) Conference, sched
uled to be held at Myerstown, Thurs
day. October 17, has been indefinitely
postponed by order of the State Board
of Health.
| When Itching Stops \
There is one 6afe, dependable treat
ment that relieves itching torture and
skin irritation - almost instantly and
that cleanses and soothes the skin.
Ask any druggist for a 35c or $1 bottle
of zemo and apply it as directed, Soon
you will find that irritations, pimples,
blackheads, eczema, blotches, ringworm
and similar 6kin troubles will disappear.
A little zemo, the penetrating, satis
fying liquid, is all that is needed, for it
banishes most 6kin eruptions, makes
the skin soft, smooth and healthy,
The E. W. Rose Co., Cleveland, O.