Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 12, 1918, Page 9, Image 9
I USE BONDS FOR | CASH SAYS BROWN i Attorney General Sends Im r portant Letter to Banking Commissioner Lafean loan associations wherever possible 1 Hk? MQ<3 s\' General Francis I WKWBWtofI Shunk BroWn in i j ng commissioner K3 M .1 Daniel L. Lefean in response to an inquiry from the commissioner as to how associations should proceed. 4 If the present holdings of Liberty Bonds was made because the build ing and loan association believed it ■ had the legal right to so invest under ' the act of 191" and thatdhe amount so obtained and held does not affect ♦ the ability of the association to meet present demands, you should not in sist upon their disposal of such bonds," says the attorney. "But should suggest that wherever pos sible they should be used in distribu tion in lieu of cash. In such cases where such holdings have absorbed the assets of the association to such an extent that demanding stock holders can not obtain moneys to which they are legally entitled and will not accept such bonds in lieu of cash, the association must produce the money. But I can not too earnest ly suggest that wherever associations have bought they should be used •wherever possible in lieu of cash in the transaction of its business. Mr. Lafean said that associations had been writing to him asking for rulings. Buckwheat Is In—Ths buckwheat crop is commencing to come in from the farms of Pennsylvania and of ficials at the State Department of Agriculture expect to see Pennsyl vania which has been seesawing with New York for the leadership of pro duction take a definite lead this year. There has been a very largely in creased acreage compared to that sown the last half dozen years. It y Insists That Frail, • Nervous Women Can Speedily Become Strong and Vigorous A Vigorous Healthy Body, Sparkling Eyes and Health- Colored Cheeks Come in Two Weeks, Says Discoverer of Bio-feren. World's Grandest Health Builder Costs Nothing Ur.l ess It Gives to Women the Buoyant Health They Long for. It is safe to 6ay that right herd In Vjis big city are tens of thousands of 'steak, nervous, run-down, depressed women who in two weeks' time could make themselves so healthy, so attrac tive and so keen-minded that they would compel the admiration of all their friends. The vital health building elements that these despondent women lack ere all plentifully supplied in Bio-feren. If you are ambitious, crave success in life, want to have a healthy, vigor ous body, clear skin and eyes that show no dullness, make up your mind to get a package of Bio-feren right ' away. It costs but little and you can get an original package at any druggist anywhere. Take two tablets after each meal and one at bedtime—seven a day for seven days—then one after meals till all are gone. Then If you don't feel twice as good, look twice as attractive , and feel twice as strong as before you itarted, your money is waiting for you. It belongs to you, for the discoverer of Bio-feren doesn't want one penny of it unless it fulfills all claims. Note to Physicians! There Is no secret about the formula of Bio-feren, It is printed on every package. Here it is: Lecithin; Calcium Glycero-phos phate; Iron Peptonate; Manganese Peptonate; Ext. Mux Vomica; Powd. Gentian; Phenalphthalein; 01eore3ia Capsicum; Kolo. /a t™ 1 Promise* to keep ' I Teeth clean: to J help cure een sitivc. bleeding Jr I AND DOES IT! w 1 Ask your Dentist, L I he knows. On sale A m atall druggists and DENTISTS ■ toilet counters. FORMULA Auto Truck Cabs -T ops-Bodies si^aL, Built to Your Order We can make any size or of truck body, cab or top on short notice and give you a guar- C. A. FAIR AUTO & CARRIAGE WORKS En<* ~ r SATURDAY EVENING. Is not thought that much damage was done by the frosts. Governor Has Visitors —Governor Brumbaugh is spending the week end in Harrisburg with his house guests at the Executive Mansion. Many Fish Shipped —Shipment of fish for stocking of streams is under way at practically everyone of the state's tish hatcheries and in spite of the labor shortage and the diffi culties of transportation. Commis sioner of Fisheries Nathan R. Buller has reported good results being ob tained. "Trout shipments this fall have exceeded expectations," said he. "At the middle of August we did not expect to be able to do much, but we have accomplished results and placed trout in streams where I am surb they will provide excellent sport for the first time in years. This is in n great measure due to the interest sportwnen are taking. We have sent out over a million young trout, all from three hatcheries and the re ports are uniformly good. Bass and bluegills are being distributed in large numbers and Torresdale has started shipping out cattish. Tho bass we have sent out are fairly well grown and I look for good results. We have been pretty successful in hatching bass and have been for tunate in getting men who were in terested to receive shipments and distribute the tish to best advan tage. Pleasant Mount is now ship ping out bass, while Union yjity is sending-out trout and bass." Work Goes Ahead —Repair work on the Lincoln Highway is being rushed by the whole force of the State Highway Department. The worst places have been found in , Fulton, Franklin and Bedford coun 'ties. ! Board Meeting Changed- —The Oe [ tober meeting of the State Board of I Pardons fixed for October 16, was ! to-day postponed until Tuesday, Oc tober 29. "It has been deemed wise | because of the prevelance of influ j enza to postpone the meeting," said i Secretary George D. Thorn, to-day. j should Re-cxaminc —Major W. G. j Murdock to-day issued this notice ! to all local and district draft boards: j "The attention of Examining physi ! eians is called to the fact that when i registrants are called for exantina i tion after the epidemic of influenza, some of them may present one or | more of the after effects, especially I in the lungs. Where registrants pre- Isent such temporary defects the men [should be called for a second exarn- I lnation at a later period." i Need Army Doctors Adjutant ! General Be&ry to-day called upon | the bommandant at Camp Crane at jAllentown for additional medical of- ■ : licers. Over a dozen army doctors I were detailed to assist the state in : righting influenza in the coal fields ' I yesterday, but it is understood that ; the state authorities are asking for ! seventy more. The state arsenal last night sent out on rush orders from General Beary tent hospital units to Tremont, Tower City and Pottsville, the orders being the second for the | two latter places. Candidate Withdraws—Victor E. j Francis, Prohibition candidate for the House in the Second Fayette dis trict. has filed his withdrawal. ; Now Sergeant—Harry K. Weider | has been appointed sergeant in the 'quartermaster department of the Keserve Militia. Women Notaries—More. women [ have been appointed notaries public lin the last year than ever known : in any similar period at the State | Capitol. The number of notaries | named has also increased and at the i same time many whose terms ended j this year have been recommissioned, | Officials at the State Department say I that the chief reason for the in crease was the war because it has j increased the needs for notaries ow ing to the draft and other work I where affidavits are required and i because women are needed to re | place men who have gone into the j military service. There will be an unusually large number of notaries' j names sent to the next Senate for | confirmation. Plione Calls Chit—Appeals to peo ple connected with the State Govern ment to use the telephone as little as I possible because influenza has made telephone exchanges short handed j has, resulted in a material reduc tion of telephone calls from the [ State House this week. Many ! messages which heretofore went by ' long distance telephone have been j sent by telegraph. CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chlctigo. Oct. 12. tt T . S. Bureau I of Markets). Hogs Receipts, ; 8,000; market fully steady on good [hogs; packing grades dull, about I steady with yesterday's close; good pigs 50c lower. Butchers. slS.ls<§> 15.60: • light. $17.60 <}> 18.50; packing, $16.75 ft 18.00; rough, _5_16125'g>17.25; pigs, good to choice, $15.50@ 16.50. 1 Cattle Receipts. 3,000; compared with a week ago. beef and butchers' : cattle 75c to $l.OO lower; calves, $1.50 j to $1.75 lower; stockers and feeders. 5c to $l.OO lo.wer. Sheep Receipts. 3.000; compared with a week ago. fat classes of iambs and ewes mostly steady; fat yearlings and wethers 25c lower; best feeding 1 lambs 50c lower; others and feeding j and breeding sheep unevenly 50c to ! $1.50 lower. NEW BILL RESTRICTS POWER OF PRESIDENT Washington, Oct. 12.: —A bill de signed to put a stop to granting ["slacker commissions" in the army iand to prevnt indiscriminate award ing of commissions, was reported from the Senate Military Affairs } Committee yesterday with a favor i able recommendation. The bill amends the new man power bill, so as to require that all | commissions hereafter shall be ■awarded by the President and must receive th indorsement of the Sen ate. WOMEN nELP FARMERS Shiremanstown. Pa., Oct. 12.—The women folks at this place are assist ing farmers in this section to husk i corn. SCORE OF STATE SOLDIERS LISTED IN CASUALTIES 702 Names on List Reported to War Department from Battle Fronts Washington, Oct. 12. —The cas ualty lists given out by the War Department today contain "02 names, 137 of which were killed In notion. Twenty Pennsylvanians fig ure in the -fatalities. Seven cita tions for bravery carrying distin guished service crosses were award ed men from Pennsylvania. The lists follow: . , Killed in action 137 Missing in action 28 Wounded severely 267 Died from wounds 116 Died from accident and other causes, 4 4 Died of diseases, -107 Died from airplane accidents... 3 Total, t . 702*| KILLED IX ACTION Sergeants Clay Webster Donne, 518 W. Sav ory St.. Pottsville. Pa. Waid J. Taylor, Brockport, Pa. Corporal Melvin H. Stumbaugh, Ridgway, Pa. Privates Joseph J. Lozoskle, 313 E. Beech St.. Hazleton. Pa. Frank A. Slpe, 338 S. Court ave.. York, Pa. Oliver Vogel, 324 4th St.. Brack enrldge. Pa. Harry William Withers, 568 West King St.. York, Pa. Jeremiah, Zerbe. R. F. D. 1. Leba non, Pa. Walter A. Frank, 14 Hancock st., McAdoo, Pa. William McKinley Neff, 244 Col lege Hill Road. York, Pa. Dontinico Petraroia, 13S Lajid St., Greensburg. Pa. John Yarmecky, 297 Harold ave., Johnstown, Pa. W. C. Suiter, 92 7 Orange St., Sha mokin, Pa. DIED OF WOUNDS Sergeants Robert Burleigh, R. F. D. 1. New I Stanton, Pa. Corporals j Nyman Benedict. 2330 S. Franklin St., Philadelphia, Pa. Robert C. Dornon, New Alexander, ! Pa. I Allan K. Gabler. Greensboro, Pa. Privates Alex Goldberg, 222 Hamilton st„ | Greensburg. Pa. Jacob Kazinetz. 614 Cross St., Phil adelphia. Pa ! DIED OF DISEASE Corporals John A. Scanlon. 3970 Terrace St., Philadelphia, Pa. Wagoner Thomas J. Cleary, 1113 Tenth ave., I Beaver Fall, Pa. Privates I William McK. Cashman. 3012 j Spruce ave., Altoona. Pa. | David Jones, 34 Summers St., Pittsburgh. Pa. Ruben R. Reichard, 35 Third St., Ashland. Pa. WOUNDED SEVERELY Sergeant Harry McLaughlin, 5 Buttonwood Ist., Norristown, Pa. Horseshoer Peter Youngcourt, 15 W.< Tama rack St.. Hazleton. Pa. Privates , William Cline. 712 X. Eighth st„ Philadelphia. Pa. Louis Congileo. 16 S. Main st., ; Lambertvtlle, Pa. I Peter Costanzo, 53 Prospect st., ! Xanticoke, Pa. Amiello Giannijietro. 7222 Heger -1 man St., Philadelphia, Pa. j Robert B. Gilmore, 2149 N. Sec ! ond St., Philadelphia. Pa. Antony Gudusky, Pittston, Pa. Nelson James Shonts, R. F. D. 1, Grand Valley. Pa. Alex John Barbour, 19 Center St., Smethport, Pa. | Lvnn W. Daniels. 7318 Susque thanna st., Pittsburgh, Pa. | George Peterson Dewey, 107 Sea ward ave., Bradford, Pa. I John Charles Boland, 607 Beaver 1 st., Hollidaysburg. Pa. George W. McAllonis. Sonman, Pa. Elmer Marshall McCaslin, R. F. D. 3, Coraopolis. Pa. William Smoker, 910 May st., Philadelphia, Pa. Arthur B. Potter. 209 Trenton ave.. Wilkinsburgh, Pa. Joseph Nelson Skiles, Perryopolis. Pa. Nicholas Weiss, 12 Orphan St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Preston Charles Welsh, 310 Car lisle St., York. Pa. John Daniel Withers, 568 W. King st., York. Pa. MISSING IN ACTION Privates William Burns, 437 Breckenbridge st„ Phoenixville, Pa. James A. Pacheli, 13 W. La Fay ette st., Morristown, Pa. John Thomas, 115 River St., Scranton, Pa. The following Pennsylvanian's re ceived citations for bravery with, dis tinguished service crosses: Captain George E. McGinnis, Am bulance Company one hundred ten, one hundred sanitary train. For ex traordinary heroism in action at Fisemette, France, ninth, tenth Au gust nineteen hundred eighteen. During the night of ninth of August Captain McGinnis with coipplete dis regard of his personal safety made 'a reconnaissance under fire and lo i cated a line of evacuation for arn ' bulance from Fismette and on the | morning of tenth of August under shell Are he personally repaired the bridge between Fismes and Fismette thereby making possible the evacu ation of twenty-eight wounded men. Home address: Mrs. Mabel O. McGinnis, Clarendon, Pa. Wagoner, Harry E. Roach, Am bulance Company one hundred ten, one hundred third Sanitary Train. For extraordinary heroism in action near Fismes. France, tenth, eleventh August nineteen hundred eighteen. Because of the destruction from shell Are of ten of the thirteen am bulances of his company Wagoner Roach worked for forty-eight hours driving through a shell swept and gas infested area, thereby making possible the evacuation of the wounded. Wagoner, Origines P. Biemueller, Ambulance Company one hundred ten, one hundred third Sanitary Train. For extraordinary heroism in action near Flames, tenth, thirteenth August nineteen hundred eighteen. Because of the destruction from shell Are of ten of the thirteen am bulances of his company, ••Wagoner Biemueller worked for seventy two hours, forty-eight of them without rest driving through a shell swept and gas Infested area and thereby making possible the evacuation of the wounded. Home address: Andrew Biemuel ler, father, Tyrone. Pa. Private James B. Brown. Ambul ance Company one hundred ten, one hundred third Sanitary Train. For fIARRISBUAG TELEGRAPH extraordinary heroism in action near Fismes. France, tehth-thlrteenth Au gust nineteen hundred eighteen. Because of the destruction front j shell fire of ten of the thirteen ant- i bulances of his company. Private Brown worked for seventy two hours, forty eight of them without . rest driving through a shell swept and gas infested area and thereby making possible the evacuation of the wounded. Home address: Grace L. Brown, mother, 2131 North Seventh st„ , Philadelphia, Pa. First Sergeant Anthony Scanlon. Company F, One Hundred and Sixteenth Infantry. For extra ordianary heroism in action near Soissons, France, July 21, 1911k Although himself severely wounded he displayed exceptional courage and leadership by reorganizing his Bat talion under fire when all of its offi cers had been killed or incapacitated by injuries. Home address: Mrs. Anna Con way, R. F. D. 2, Lost Creek, Pa. The casualties below issued by the War Department this morning: KILLED IX ACTION Lieutenants Daniel William Brooks,' 1909 i Wayne st.. Rwissvale, Pa. G. H. Zellers, 143 E. James st., i Lancaster, Pa. Albert Harrison Crane, 109 Spring . St., Carbondale, Pa. William S. Crlpps, 6617 Charles st., Philadelphia. Pa. Roy E. Faulkner, 222 Franklin ave., Scranton, Pa. Mechanic Private Norman P. Michel. 115 N. Laurel st., Hazleton, Pa. DIED FROM WOUNDS , Corporals Charles Rizzo, 512 N. 64th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Fred H. Miller. 619 % Idaho st., Farrell, Pa. Privates Harold Carey, Wayneshurg. Pa. William A. Keller. 209 N\ 12th St.. Philadelphia. Pa. Edward J. Kono. Hokes. Pa. Andrew J. McCloskey, Lehigh Gap. Pa. Charles A. McCormick. 2'42 3 Nau dain St.. Philadelphia. Pa. George Innatz, 732 N Washington I st.. Wilkesbarre. Pa. I Clarence J. Wagner,' Hamburg, i Pa. Walter Marshall.- Sarve. Pa. Adam C. Wetzel. Kutztown. Pa. DIED OF DISEASE Privates Tom Kapunihana. 208 N. Marshall st.. Philadelphia. Pa. John J. McCall, 23 Coles Village, | Mahanov City. Pa. _ _ Warren 1,. Thomas. 152 W. King st.. York, Pa. DIED FROM ACCIDENT AND OTHER CAUSES Wagoner Jesse Lamce Meredith, 393 Moore St., Johnstown. Pa. Privates Claude E. Shiffer, R. F. D. 2, Her shey. Pa. _ Michael T. Joyce, 700 Gross St., Pittsburgh, Pa. WOUNDED SEVERELY Sergeants * Carl Mattison, R. F. D. 3, Box 33, Kane, Pa. ... _ ... James W. C. Lindsay, 101 Zaitlei | ave., Punxsutawney. Pa. Corporals William B. Redding. R. F. D. 2, I New Brighton, Pa. ) Wayne Bennett, Laceyvllle, Wy- I coming Co.. Pa. Wagoner i Ernest C. Tipton. R. F. D„ 5. York, Pa. . • Privates Frank Bardociewiz, 218 Fritz St., S Tvm™<l h A P 'c..ner, 8.1 Hlchl*. 7 Center ave.. East McKeesnort. Pa. Joseph E. McCormick 5813 Mignonette St., Pittsburgh, Pa. James C. McQuillan. 343 Dunms v town ave.. Pittsburgh. Pa. Clarence Peter Malkemas. 110 Blackman St.. Wilkesbarre Pa. Jefferson D. Matheny, 12 Summit ave.. Uniontown. Pa. Walter Winkler. Schenley,P. Joseph Evanlckey, Box 164, Don- Dan Gaceemo. 1211 Tube \ oorhes. McKeesport. Pa. Thomas J. Gllmartln. 118 York ave West Pittston. Pa. Anthony Hatchett, 314 Carver St.. Pittsburgh. Pa. Lawrence C. Lavelle, 1628 Con cord ave., Carrick. Pa. Wayne Quay Taylor, McConnels burg. Pa. MISSING IN ACTION Private Andrew Senlck. Eckley, Pa. The following Pennsylvania' s re ceived citations for bravery with dis tinguished service crosses: Private C. L. Stewart. Company Ft Seventy Machine Gun Battalion. For extraordinary heroism in action at Chateau Thierry. France, thirtj first May to fourth June, nineteen hundred eighteen. As a motorcycle rider he worked steadily for twenty four hours without rest He was struck bv shrapnel which wounded v.Yrr, in the neck, back and in both legs, but he continued on duty_ in snite of these injuries. Home address: Mrs. Nancy Stew art mother. R. F. D. No. 2^erona. K. J- Harbison. Company K Twenty Sixth Infantry. For ex traordinary heroism in action-west Tj.r-v.L.e-Sec, France. July 20, -1,18 Although severly wounded in the-ieg by machine gun fire he re fused to "go to the rear, bandaged M. mvn wound and advanced with his platoon until, its final objective Wa Nexrto e kln: Mrs. Alnie Harbl son. 2037 East Arizona St.. Phil adelphia, Pa. How War Ends More Important Than When It Closes, Lodge Declares Washington. Oct. 12. JT on the " e "®" States Senator EasrsiJ'' 3- ii? srbrr e r v , r; make reparation for her crimes i" Bei gium and France? There is nothing in the fourteen terms about repara tion. but that is one of the details vital to a peace settlement. Germany must be made to pay for her devasta tion. Personally. I should like! to see her forced to pay for the lives of Americans lost on the Lusitania, and for our lost merchant ships. "The best diplomats In France to day are the armies of America, Eng land, France and Italy. "When the war ends is pot nearly so important now as how it ends. It may conceivably end in a way to make us hang out heads In shame. As a Re publican and speaking for all those about me, I say we have given and shall give to the President our loyal support, but we are supporting laws, not men. . - "The higher allegiance we all share is to the country and the cause, and to that all else must and will be subordinated. My own belief Is that the American people want uncondi tional surrender and dlcated peace, and I shall stand for that In public and In private. In any field, at any time." I Steeiton News Items , REDCROffiIS HOSPITAL Folf~ AIDING DOCTORS I GRIP VICTIMS No Let Up in Number of New Cases of Influenza * Reported Yesterday the entrance of j Steeiton Chapter, American Red J Cross, into the fight against the "flue," almost their first step being to call for volunteers to war on the disease which appeal was responded liberally. A registration station for receiving volunteer workers was established yesterday at Fairlamb's i store, Front and Market streets, j Some registered there in person and 1 some by telephone all during the j day. each offering such service as Ihd or she is fitted for in the estl- I inallon of the Red Cross, j Tlie new Cottage Hill Emergency j Hospital has thirty-five cases al ready, and twenty-five new ones are expected to-day. Assisting the doc tors there supplied by the state are a squad of volunteer nurses and at tendants under the supervision of Mrs. Imhoff. Men who volunteer will be used for night work at the hospital as attendants. To-day ex j'tra ward t£nts will be put up on the athletic field. Miss Carlene Barrett has charge of the cooking at the Emergency Hospital, assisted by a coterie of volunteer workers. * A house to house canvass of the in fluenza situation already started by the polite, will • furnish the most complete data on fhe same so far obtained. One third of the borough was covered by them yesterday which resulted in recording the names of 902 sufferers from the dis ease. In one house visited ten cases of influenza were found out of eleven living there. Some other houses vis ited by the police had five, six and seven cases of the disease. That all estimates of the number of sufferers from the disease will be shattered is the view of Chief of Police Grove, who said that ther were no signs of the epidemic subsiding yesterday. The latter put a ban on roller skat ing last night as well as coasters and express wagons until the disease col lapses. Though the open air is good for the kiddies, complaints have come to that official that the noises from these pastimes disturbs the sick and on this account they will be prohibited until things are nor mal again. The total deaths reached ten yes terday when three persons died from the disease. The latter were Patrick Kearney, 50 years old; An tonio Donatella, 19 years of age, and Mike Serafina, 38 years old. The first two'died in the Harrisburg Hos pital yesterday morning. Fifty-Six Colored Men . Are Called to Service Fifty-six colored registrants qual ified for general military service were selected yesterday by local board for Division No. 1 of Dauphin county who will leave for Carrtp Green. Charlotte. N. C.. "October 18. They are: Winfred Toliver. Walter Toliver, James Taylor, Fred Grant Hervev, Fleming Skipwlth, Henry McNahan, William Branch, Floyd McDaniel, Eppie Wilson. Johnnie Bratcher. "Jim" Thomas, Roy Daw kins. Hope Clinton, John French, Charles Douglas Freeman, Roy Bankston, Clarendon Carlisle John ston. James Moon, Luther Root, James Roberts, William Ed Sum mers. Lloyd Pettyjohn, George Lee, George . Broadtc, John Bates, Jr., William Anderson, Thomas Lee Al len, Andrew Powell, John S. Gray, Rufus Hunter, Willie Jackson, Clarence Jos, Elwood Sneed. Frank Washington Ellis, Marion Kelly. Emerson Brown, Wade Hall, Alfred Boone, Earl Brown, George Meh ley, George McAfee, Willie Priest. Earl Foster Banks, Arthur Green, Willie Alvin .Vaughn, William Car ter, John Jackson. Lorenzo Evans, Leroy -Yancy, Johnnie James, Wil liam Henry Wilson. James Lee Hawkins, Asberry Williams, Robert Pitt, Lewis Morgan. Will Hall. Ar thur Grav, James Johnston, Bunnie Gurnett, David Williams, HatTy Fred Hadley, Jeff Suber, Charles Austin. John Baptists Smothers. -Lit Watson, Wesley Elder, John Rich ardson, Burrell Bates. MRS. MARION B. LINGU! Word was reoeived in this city early to-day announcing the death in Philadelphia of Mrs. Marion Barth Lingle, formerly of Harris burg and Steelton, who died of pneu monia'at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Barth. 110 Beau mont avenue, that city. Mrs. Lingle, it is said, had enly been 111 with the disease, contracted after an attack of influenza, a short while and her death came as a shock to her fam ily and friends alike. Surviving the deceased besides her parents are fier husband, Lieutenant John Lingle, in active service in France, and a brother. Carl Barth, of Philadelphia. Funeral services for Mrs. Lingle have not yet been announced. I ~— if Take Notice: The price of Bethle hem Motor Trucks will be advanced soon. Let us have your order now at today's price and save that extra sum for yourself. The OverlanchHarrisburg Co. Harrisburg, Pa. Bay More Liberty Bonds and Help Harrisburg ' Go Over the Top Thirty Beds Made Ready For Sufferers in Borough ' Epidemic The official personnel of the staff of the new Emergency Hospital at Cottage Hill was announced this morning. It is headed by Captain 11. C. Battley, who has complete command of the temporary institu tion. Dr. W. J. Middleton is chief of the staff of physicians. Assistant to Captain Battley in the capacity of safety engineer is W. E. Chick, upon whose shoulders will fall a large share of the executive respon sibilities of the hospital The State Board of Health has sent one of its best-equipped nurses to Cottage Hill in the person of Mrs. Mitchell, who will have supervision of the rilirsing staff at the hospital. The Emergency Hospital is now eqtiipped with 100 beds, thirty-nine of which are already occupied by I patients. Hereafter, it is announced, all I prospective hospital patients will j first have to undergo an official j diagnosis of their cases by physi- j cians before they will be permitted j entrance to the improvised hospital, j Such a ruling has been found lm-1 perative owing to the fact that many | here who are suffering from minor ailments wholly outside the in-1 fluenza'class are seeking admittance! to the institution when neither j their condition nor the character of I their complaints warrant their ac- j ceptance there. The hospital is j strictly for sufferers from the epi-! |demic and none but these will be j ! admitted. f Local doctors combating the' I scourge have asked Superintendent! lof Schools L. E. McGinnis to Issue j i a call for volunteers among the | j teachers to help in stamping out i | the disease. Such teachers as re i spond will be put to work as ! nurses' aids. Another move some- j j what in the same direction was that i !of Charles Davis, principal (jf tile Steeiton High School, who called! | for volunteers among the students to iact as helpers on ambuhinces. I Many of the boys responded to the I call. 1 Physicians here have sent out j urgent requests that all professional I calls on them be made as early as possible in the morning. POSTAL TAKES $5,000 I The Postal Telegraph Cable Com- I pany to-day notified the Liberty jLoan committee through C. E. Diehl, 'manager, that the company would I subscribe for $5,000 Liberty Bonds in Harrisburg. , REALTY MEETING OEE There will be no meeting of the j Harrisburg Real Estate Board on I Monday evening, owijig to the state health board ruling. The annual meeting of the board will be held on | October 23, if the ban Is lifted. Scores at Funeral of Aged Canary Bird ' Moorestown, N. J., Oct. 12. 'Scores of persons attended the fu- Ineral of a canary bird at the home |of Harry Chambers, in East Main street, yesterday for the bird was 25 j years old and many grownups had known the bird since they were chil- Idren. | It had been a songster up to a jfew weeks ago, despite its unusual jage. A little silver box was used to ibury the bird. J DILLS Balm of Life (Tor Internal and External Use) is the one remedy that should always be on the home medicine shelf. Invaluable when used externally for Neuralgia. Soreness Sprains, Rheumatism An emergency remedy that you can obtain now at your druggist or dealer in medicine. Use internally at once accord ing to directions that come with the bottle for indigestion and internal pains. Use as a liniment for rheumatism, soreness, etc., and notice its quick effects. Prepared by The Dill Co., Norristown, Pa. Also manufacturers of those tried, reliable Dill's Liver Pills Dill's Cough Syrup Dill's Worm Syrup Dili's Kidney Pills ' Ask jrour druggist or dealer in medicine The kind mother a I way a kept OCTOBER 12, 1913. Minersville, Stricken, Calls For Martial Law' . I'ottavllle, Pa., Oct. 12. —The influ enza, epidemic situation at Miners ville Is nppalllng. Application was made to the state authorities for mar tial law and It is expected the town j will be under full military control ; Iby night. The local authorities sijy ; the situation Is entirely beyond them, j Dead are being found In houses who ' have been dead several days without | attention, and sick and dead are be ■ lng found In bed together. It is ex | pected to conipletely isolate the town. [ Graves cannot be dug fast enough lon account of the scarcity of labor t ! and friends and members of families | j are being called upon to perform : ! this labor. Undertakers have been I summoned from Reading. Three Soldiers From Near Here Captives! Washington, Oct.'l2.—Pennsylvania j soldiers held as prisoners of war at I various camps in Germany include the following: At Rastatt—Eugene Gibson. Co lumbia; John W. Carl, Newport; Leon H. Ktse, Columbia. At unknown camps Harry L. Northeimer, Reading; Arthur Reeder, Trevorton. APPONYI APPROVES PEACE PROPOSALS Amsterdam, Oct. 12. —Count Ap ponyi, the Opposition leader in the I Hungarian Parliament, has approved |of the peace proposals of the Cen jtral Empires, according to a Krank ifort dispatch to the Nteuwe Courant (of Rotterdam. I "It is not we who bring about the I fall of the dual monarchy," he is i quoted as saying. "It has collapsed ! of itself." 'HUGHES AIR INQUIRY TESTIMONY ENDED I Washington, Oct. 12.—Hearings in j the investigation of airplane produc- Ition by the Department of Justice (Virtually were completed yesterday, land final drafting of the report will I begin next week. Charles E. Hughes, I who is conducting the investigation, 'declines to say how long it will take (to complete the work, but it is un- I derstood two or three weeks will be | required. RuAtors that the report al | ready hid been sent to President j Wilson were denied by Mr. Hughes. I ' 1 Automobile Accessories AND Supplies We carry a complete stock, j Our aim is to give etire satisfac- I tion and the best service. M. Brenner and Son Motor Co. Third and Hamilton Sts. "Ixxik {or tlic Red Sentry" STEPHENS SALIENT SIX • A " *,#sS - '*4^- PRICE, sl67f> \ >.?"*- J" F. O. B. MOI.I.VE X # VI-X IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES J. S. Sible, Jr. THIRD, AT CUMBERLAND ST. BELL 1555W Copyright registered. 191S Your Battery's Lease of Life Your battery's usefulness depends on the way you treat it, but even the best of care won't make a poorly insulated battery stand up through a long busy life. , The Still Better Willard, with ordinary care gives a good deal more than ordinary service and a great deal longer than ordinary life. One of the reasons why this is so is that this battery has Threaded Rubber Insulation —which indefinitely postpones need of re • insulating. Ask for the booklet "A Mark with a Mean ing for You." Front Market Motor Supply IpjF 109 Market Street jgl|M WhenYouFight -FIGHT \ right na tlip American sol diers fought at Chateau- Thierry. "Tliey covered themselves with glory"—of course, they Ui(l— they are Amerieans. Now let ns show the stuff that's in lis— buy buying 4th Liberty Bonds to our very utmost. ■ Let us supply you with Tires. Largest assortment in the city. Every size. Goodyear, Sterling, Kelly- Springfield, United States, Ajax, Perfection. Goodrich in Cord or Fab ric; Also Supplies, Acces sories, Gas, Oil. Free Air. Keystone Sales Go. 108 MARKET ST. Harrisburg's Leading Tire Emporium Bell 4458 J summimmmsmmm For Better Service Try The Rex Garage Third and Delaware Sts. Auto Storage Motor Oil Racine and Goodyear Tires Gasoline Repairing WE KNOW HOW L. L. SHETTEL MANAGER Both Phones i i I Use McNeil's Cold Tablets. Adv. 9