Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 12, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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"Donnerwetter!" grasped the lat
est German chancellor, as ho woke
up and read the morning paper.
"Vere is our Gott? Ve lose all our
friends and now dere is no allies!"
Big Bill Edwards, who Is raising
money to buy footballs for our sol
diers in France, received an un
expected contribution at Jamaica
yesterday when he was booming the
Liberty Loan. He ran across Harry
Tobin, a former Dartmouth College
player, in the clubhouse. Tobin has
two sons in the Army, both gridiron
"Here is a $5O bill, Mr. Collector!"
said Tobin. "I hope it will buy some
footballs for the boys over there!"
Edwards accepted the gift with
manv thanks and said that the foot
ball "fund was steadily increasing.
Huns again, we bet. Colonel Jacob
Ruppert, of New York, who is one
of the leading breeders of St. Ber
nard dogs in the United States, has
lost many of these dogs, which were
among the best bred and most valu
able dogs in the country. The cause
of the malady, which resulted in the
destruction of about twenty of these
animals, still is puzzling the veteri
narians. Whether they were too
highly fed or not has not transpired,
but a skin affection broke out among
them in the country kennels and it
proved too much for the veterinar
Colonel Ruppert had planned to
present most of these dogs later
to breeders in Europe, who have
been compelled to give up the work
of producing the St. Bernards dur
ing the war. Practically all the ani
mals destroyed were young ones. t
The best runners in the world are
said to be Indians living near the
Gulf of California, and known as
Seris. The race numbers only some
400. The" men attack and capture
antelopes, deer and wild buffalo.
The swiftest horse cannot outrun
these fleet-footed Indians, who per
form on foot thee same feats as the
cowboy on his broncho.
Scranton, Pa., Oct. 13.—William
Coughlin, former manager of the
Scranton team of the New York
State League, and ex-Detroit third
baseman and captain, left for New
York yesterday, prior to sailing for
France, where'he is to begin work
as an athletic director , for the
Knights of Columbus. He expects to
leave for France within the next
ten days. Coughlin received his
passports from Washington Thurs
day. Before leaving for New York
he purchased a $5OO Liberty Bond
at the Traders' National Bank here.
Lebanon, Pa., Oct. 12. Roger
Hornsby, the forrtjer premier short
stop of the St. Louis Cardinals, has
become a member of the Lebanon
team. Bethlehem Steel League, and
will appear this afternoon in
the local lineup against a team of
former big league stars in the clos
ing exhibition game of the local sea
son. Hornsby at the close of the
big league season accepted essential
employment at the Harlan & Hol
Country Club Golfers
Finish First Round
of Annual Tourney
Challenging the "flu," Harrisburg
Club golfers finished the first round
yesterday of their annual tournament
and the play in general was very
clever. A number of matches went
by default, players being laid up, but
the men who reported made good.
The result# were as follows:
First Sixteen
Hain lost to McGuire by default.
Sweeney lost by Nissley by de
Donohey won from Devine.
Owry won from Wright.
Sides won from Baldwin.
McCreath won from Ryder.
Evans won from Brumbaugh.
Keister won from Herman.
Second Sixteen
Drake won from R. Hlckok by de
Leonard won from Dull by de
Starkey won from Orr.
Armstrong won from Gaither.
Miller won from W. Hickok by
Wertz won from Hershey.
Neal won from Witman by de
Bingaman won from Evans by de
Third Sixteen
Moorhead won from Allen.
Forsythe won from Haldeman.
Todd won from Snyder.
Fager won from Hoffer.
Carl won from Pessup.
Three matches in this sixteen have
not as yet been reported to the tour
nament officials.
tVaynesboro. Pa., Oct. 12. Miss
Maude R. Monn. of Sunnyside,
Waynesboro, and W. F. Daily. Potts
ville. were married Wednesday at
Hagerstown, Md.-; by the Rev. Ott, of
St. Mark's Lutheran Church. The
bride is a popular young woman, and
the groom is a member of the State
Constabulary, and is now stationed at
Gettysburg. They will live in this
Fair and Horse Show
Sixty-Second Anniversary to be Held at
October IS, 16, 17, 18, 1918
The Great Inter-State Educational Institution
For Premium List, etc., apply to •
D. H. STALEY, Secretary
12 North Jonathan Street Haffcrstown, Maryland
llngsworth plant of the Bethlehem
Company at Wilmington, but recent
ly was transferred to the Reading
works, which is a part of the Leba
non plant. Consequently he will play
ball with the Lebanon team next sea
London Times prints a cable
from The Hague saying that the
Kaiser during his visit to Briey and
Conflans distributed 400 iron crosses
to the men who fought against the
Yanks in the St. Mihiel sector, ad
dressing them as follows:
"You, gentlemen, know that we
stand here confronted, perhaps, by
hard battles. You know also to
whom you stand opposed. In Amer
ica yonder the word has been utter
ed that the Americans intended to
•make a present from their own hand
to the French Republic of Alsace-
Lorraine, which the French could
not conquer themselves. It would
appear that great efforts are about
to be undertaken to associate deeds
with this big talk. You also, with
my troops, will, when the right hour
comes, give our adversaries the right
answer to their audacity."
Tito stupid old Boast of Berlin
Will soon got a kick on the shin;
For Yankee audacity
Knocks H— front loquacity.
And the bayonet is sharper titan sin.
Lieutenant Van- Horn Wolfe, a
foamer Penn athlete and a brother
of Bill Wolfe, the present Red and
Blue guard, has been killed in ac
tion, according to a wire received
here yesterday. Lieutenant Wolfe
was leading his men in an attack
when a mustard gas shell broke ovep
him and he was virtually burned TO
Lieutenant Wolfe played tackle on
Penn's 1913 football team and also
rowed on the crew. In the spring
of 1914 he was stated at No. 4 in the
'Varsity shell.
Reports received by the Army and
Navy Training Camp Commissions
from athletic directors at the va
rious cantonments and training sta
tions throughout the country indi
cate that football leads all other
sports in pepularity among the ser
vice men. Such men as Sol Metzger,
By Dickson, Bill Hollenback, Andy
Smith, Lew Young say the gridiron
game easily has the greatest call,
and they declare that but for the in
terruption of football work by the
influenza epidemic the service teams
this year would have been even bet
ter than those of a year ago, despite
the fact that many of the star play
ers who shone last season on the
naval elevens are not available now,
having been.transferred to active sea
service. The "flu" has upset things
among the service elevens, however,
just as it has among the college
teams. At many of the camps foot
ball is all up in the air, as on ac
count of the epidemic it is hard to
get men out for the various teams
and it is impossible to arrange
schedules at present, for few of the
college teams are able to book games
with any degree of certainty.
Mitchell Was High Gun
at Bethlehem Steel Shoot
Bethlehem, Pa., Oct. 12.—Mitchell
was high gun yesterday at the spe
cial shoot of the Bethlehem Steel
Gun Club, breaking 139 out of 150
targets. In the doubles he broke 22
out of 25. Summary:
Twenty-five Targets McKnlght,
20; Mitchell, 23; I. C. l4;
Hanley, 20; Walsh, 13.
Twenty-five Targets—Boyer, 21.
Ward, 13; Haney, 13; Mitchelll 24;
Walsh, 15.
Twenty-five Targets—Haney, 21;
Ward, 15; Schaffef. 19: McKnight,
20; I. C. Norwood, Jr., 15.
Twenty-five Targets—Boyer, 17;
Mitchell, 23: Vogelitz, 22; Haney,
20; MsKnight, 24.
Twenty-five Targets Boyer, 19;
Mitchell. 22; Ward, 18; Vogelitz, 19;
McKnight, 17.
Twenty-five Targets—Boyer, 21;
Schaffer, 20; Mitchell, 25; Ward, 20;
Vogelitz, 22.
Twenty-five Targets—Vogelitz, 23;
Mitchell, 22.
Special Double Match of Twenty
flv'Targets—Mitchell, 22; Vogelitz,
19; Boyer, 20. '
No Game at Lancaster;
Swarthmore Quarantined
Lancaster, Pa., Oct. 12.—Football
here has been given another setback
by the influenza epidemic. An
nouncement was made yesterday
that the game between Franklin and
Marshall 'and Swarthmore College
has been canceled because bf the
malady. Swarthmore has been
placed under quarantine and ten of
the F. and M. players are out of
the game because of the disease.
Lancaster High will also remain
idle to-day. A game had been sched
uled with Millersville Normal, but
the closing of city schools made It
impossible to keep the High school
team intact.
S noodles By Hiingerford
Moral - 4 ' )
"Johnny Get Your Gun," Pleads
Tom Marshall; M AII Must Shoot"
The art of wing shooting was
taught at an early date, when feath
ered game abounded In this country
in such unlimited numbers that a
bag limit was an unheard-of possi
bility, and a closed season was a
monumental Joke. .
Sjjortsmen during that period did
not contemplate the ultimate disap
pearance of those feathered aces of
the air, neither was the marked de
crease due to Excessive bags killed
by the hunters. The march and en
croachment of civilization, the cul
tivating and reclaiming of swamp
and pasture lands, the cutting off of
the timber and replacing of rail and
hedge fences by the land-conserving
barbed wire, eliminating in a great
measure the nesting, breeding, and
resting sanctuaries, has been the real
cause of game disappearance.
In some instances the use of mod
ern firearms and ammunition has
been cited as one of the reasons.
Protective legislation, the enactment
of stringent state and county laws,
governing the season and bag limits,
are keeping pace with improvement
in firearms. It makes no difference
what weapon is utilized in killing
the bag limit laws are respect
ed as regards excesses. It is posi
tively the man behind the gun who
is responsible for the killing of game
as a field novice is never destructive
of wild life.
Change in environments has been
the means of forcing all species of
wild life into restricted localities,
which for the most part have been
pre-empted by purchase, lease and
conversion into game preserves and
sanctuaries, where shooting clubs
are permitted to hunt under restric
The establishing of clubs has ma-
I terially assisted in the preservation
| and propagation of game. Natural
i lakes and swamps have been per
petuated; on many preserves arti
ficial game resorts have been crea
ted. Had this property remained in
the possession of Individuals. the
enormous increase in land values
would have certainly induced drain
age and reclaiming, thus driving all
game to state and national preserves
or large bodies of water. The major
portion of the shooting clubs ana law
respecting sportsmen, who religious
ly conform with, all laws, while their
limited membership Is a guarantee
against the killing of excessive
amounts of game at any time.
The Duck Island Club on the Illi
nois river, under the guiding hand
of Uncle Dan Voorhees. the "Tall
Sycamore of the Illinois," are most
punctilious in their observance of
rules and regulations. During the
closed season, as designated by the
federal law, the preserve becomes a
game sanctuary, under the supervi
sion of the caretaker, whose duty Is
to feed, guard, propagate, and pro
tect. This is the policy of most clubs
who assist materially in the con
serving of wild life against the en
croachments of civilization.
The gradual disappearance of game
has forced the would-be wing shot
into other channels for experience
and practice. The inahlmate target,
upon which there is no closed sea-
190 New Cases Reported
in Cumberland County
Mccbanlsburg, Pa., Oct. 12. Dr.
Harvey Basehore, county medical in
spector, reported yesterday the fol
lowing cases of influenza in Cumber
land county, over which a strict quar
antine is held: Carlisle, 100; Newville,
10; ShippenSDurg, 16; Normal School,
23; Mechanicsburg, 5; Mount Holly
Springs, 50; New Kingston, 5; Shire
manstown, 2; Enola, 20; West Fair
view, 15; New Cumberland, 15; Camp
Hill, ,6; Boiling Springs, 10, and Le
moyne, 5, making a total of 190.
Mechanicsburg, Pa.. Oct. 12. The
frame dwelling house and lot. with a
frontage of eighty feet and depth of,
200 feet, situated at 131 East Slmpson(
street, and owned by B. F. Meckley,'
of Harrlsburg, was sold this week at
private sale through the arency of
Happle and Swartz, to John W. Eauck
and Mary D. Lauck, of Mechanics
burg. •
Mechanicsburg, Pa., Oct. 12. Leon
Swartz. son of A. H. Swartz, rural
mailcarrter from this place, has
promoted to second lieutenant of the
Engineers' Corps. He received his
commission,yto date from August 10,
1918, while on duty overseas.
Mechanicsburg, Pa., Oct. 12. Har
ley Surface, son of former State Zoolo
gist H. A. Surface, and Mrs. Surface,
about two miles south of Mechanics
burg. Is lying in a critical condition
with pneumonia, at his home.
Waynesboro, Pa., Oct. 12.—The $lOO
fine collected from Merchant Grove.
Shady Grove, for violation of the food
laws, by Ed. S. Myers, was turned
over to the Greencastle Brandh of the
Red Cross, as It was said that Shady
Grove was in the Greencastle terri
Waynesboro, Pa., Oct. 12. The
Ringgold Community Club has called
oft its community show, which was to
have been held to-day, and also the
hog cholera meeting, which was to
have been held this week, due to the
influenza epidemic.
Wayneaboro, Pa., Oct. 12. The
executive committee of the Wdynes
boro Red Cross Branch met yesterday
afternoon and decided to hold the an
nual election of offlcerp on Monday,
October 14, at the Red Cross Head
quarters. between the hours of 1 and
3 o'clock.
son or bag limit, manufactured from
pitch, clay, and whiting, molded
into the form of a four-ineh saucer,
to be thrown from a trap a distance
of approximately 50 yards, at a di
versity of angles, in flight very much
resembling a bird upon the wing.
This flying object is to be crushed
or broken in mid air, with a re
stricted load of IVi ounces of No.
7ts shot, three drams of powder,
from a twelve-gauge gun. Thiu
"piece de resistance" when shattered
by an aspirant for wing shooting
honors, gives all the sensations and
thrills experienced afleld, when in
pursuit of those feathered beauties;
the only absent pleasure is the cul
inary finale.
Trapshooting has been endorsed by
Uncle Sam and instructors placed in
cantonments and ground schools. This
great patriotic pastime is certainly
destined to become the major sport
in America.
As a conservation of the all-es
sential element in the winning of the
world's war—time— every man with
in the limits of the draft age 18 to
45 . should immediately learn to
shoot. This admonition also applies
to the Home Defense Guard or pros
pective members. Every boy of re
quisite age to become a Boy Scout
should learn to handle a gun and
shoot. Every woman should be able
to protect home and person.
Americans should become an army
of expert shots. Preparedness in
sures permanent and perpetual peace.
What in your judgment is the best
12-gauge load for duck shooting?
Moline, 111.
Jake Gustaveson.
For all round shooting both decoy
and pass, use 314 drams of bulk er
26 grains dense powder, 1% ounces
of No. 6 chilled shot.
Is trapshooting being taught in
soldiers' camps? What good is it,
Huns don't have wings. Pittsburgh,
Pa. Mike Carroll.
Right you are, Mike, the writer
agrees with you—they do not have
wings; if decorated in the future,
they would have trouble keeping
them from being singed. Wing
shooting is being taught because it
is especially Useful in aviation work.
Shotguns when used in trench work
and properly directed are most effi
cient. Don't* criticise, Mike, you will
find that Uncle Sam is making very
few mistakes, which are easily cor
rected and never occur a second
Do you think there will be prose
cutions under the late Federal Duck
law? Would it be safe to shoot next
spring? Philadelphia, Pa.
James Cruzen.
Those in authority say there will
be aggressive prosecutions under the
Federal Migratory Game law here
after. The lyv is logical and should
be respected. Don't transgress. The
sport to be derived will not justify
the chances you .are taking when
conflicting with government edicts.
You'll Learn
sooner or later that there is
nothing gained by paying
spot cash (or your clothing
—became that same garment
can be purchased here at
the same price or perhaps
Usa on the
Pay As You Earn Plan
That is, instead of patting
down one big lump sam
for your wearing apparel
all yoa do beta is pay •
small amount down and take
your purchase right home
with yoa and jroa can
arrange to pay off the bal
ance a Iktle each week, every
two weeks or monthly.
We Clothe The Family
Carl Beck Stars 'For
Tech in Lebanon Game
The Tech football athletes kept
Harrisburg on, the map yesterday in '
a magnificent football battle at Leb
anon which resulted in a 13-0 victory,
and satisfied the Harrisburg sharps
who watched the event that Tech,
under Coach Smith, has a champion
ship team. The machinery rumbled
along like a flock of tanks' wading
through Hunland. Lebanon / was
helpless as a one-armed paper hang
er with the hives. She could only
get- in the way occasionally when
Carl Beck was recovering his wind
for another plunge." And even then
Tony Wilsbach generally occupied
the moment with one of his resist
less plunges. With "Buddy" Lingle
in the battle line chances are that
Lebanon would have suffered more
Beck braced his mighty shoulders
as the whistle bley and fire glinted
from his porcelalne-blue orbs, which
denoted that C. Beck intended to
emulate some of his brother's stunts.
And he did. In precisely 30 seconds
from the start Carl was reposing on
the enemy turf behind the goal lines
and Tony Wilsbach curved the pig
skin neatly over the bar.
game was divided into four
quarters and the ball was in Tech's
territory three-fourths of the time,
and yet Lebanon was so determined
that only two goals were registered.
Once Frank broka away and ran
forty yards to the goal, but Tech/
TeclVs offside play brought him
back. Neither was Tech proficient in
her forward pass stuff; also she fail
ed on placement kicks, so there is
great rdom'for improvement.
Beck starred brightly again-in the
third quarte'r, recovering his own
fumble and after successfully evad
ing Lebanon's backfleld made a run of
more than twenty yards for the sec
Nona *
' S
The • Present Price of
■ 7c
Yoii wijl note that we have emphasized the And, as we've decided that K. O. quality
word Present. and # quantity shall never be sacrificed,
Some months ago we were confronted with there s only one thing to do—
the question of increasing the price—or
reducing the size and quality of King we " ave increased the price again.
Oscar Cigars. .... . , J
With constantly changing conditions,
And we came to the conclusion—once and there's no telling how long we'll be able
for all time —that the same regular qual- to maintain the present price.
ity that had been maintained in old K. O.
for 27 years would not be sacrificed— We'll do it just as long as we can continue
come what may. 1 King Oscar regularity at that price.
So we moved price up to 6 cents —6 4 . .
cents, because that price would see us We may have to increase it again we don't
through with market and labor condi- know.
lion. a. they were then. But the PRESENT price of King Qcar
And as these conditions grew steadily worse cigars is 7 cents. V
we hung on as long as we could. ft
\ And the quality and the quantity is—as it
Now it's again a case of cutting the size and always will be—THE SAME—and al
quality—or increasing the price. ways good.
John C. Herman & Company
Buy MORE Liberty Bonds
* e #
\.~ * A
Jr- ■ " • v
_ j .if.... i :w\ A. •
ond and last tally of the game. Wils
bach made a fine attempt at the goal
kick but attempts count for nothing
in 1918 football scores.
Lineup and summary:
Tech Lebanon
Kohlman R.E Boyh
Frank R.T Mish
Connors R.G Carpenter
Blhl C. - Kase
Luster L.G German
Peiffer L.T. .......Burden
Bell L.E Jones
Ebner (J.B Homan
Hinkle L.H.B Hartlelb
Wilsbach F.B Trout
Beck R.H.B Miller
Substitutes: Hoerner for Hinkle,
Mallck for Bell, Garrett for Bihl.
P -Touchdowns: Beck, 2. Goals from
touchdowns, Wilsbach, 1. Houch, ref
eree, Pratt, umpire. Kelchner, head
linesman. Linemen, Lingle and
Smith. Timekeeper "Fat" Sober.
Quarters 12 and 10 minutes.
downs: Tech, 17: Lebanon, 12.
Herr Won Trophy
at Lancaster Shoot
Lancaster, Pa., Oct. 12. —F. E,
Herr won the trophy slioot at the
i Lancaster Gun Club yesterday with
a clean score of fifty out of a pos
sible fifty birds. The day was an
Ideal one for shooting and high
scores predominated. The scores:
F. E. Herr, 50; J. W. Ault, 49; E.,
J. Esheltan, 49; W. T. Hambright,
49. J. K. IJerr, 49; J. P. Brenne
man, 48; H. Miller, 48; H. Blotcher,
47; Dr. J. P. Brenneman, 46; Dr. J.
C. Bolton, 46- A. W. Weiler, 45; W.
R. Shenk, 42; C. M. Hess, 39.
OCTOBER 12, 1918.
Calls Out Six of the Crack
Football Players For the
Officers Training Camp
Uncle Sam handed University of
Pennsylvania an awful Jolt yesterday
when he handed in a list of the stu
dents accepted for the officers camp.
A full dozen, either active in Red
and Blue sports or with the manage
ment were in the roster. >
The exception is Alexander Farma
kls, the football player, who is suf
fering from an attack of pneumonia,
which followed epidemic Influenza.
His condition is said to be critical.
Fnrmakis played end for two years
at Central High School and also star
red at center for one season. He en
tered Penn last fall and earned a
place on the freshman eleven. He wrfb
counted upon to fill a 'varsity berth
this year.
The students who have been listed
to go. other than Farmakis, are
Harry Kellar, oarsman; Dick Supplee,
Harold Kamerer, Red Ellson, Bill
Wolfe and Sylvan Friedman, football
players; Bill Beard and Harry Kobb,
soccer players; Jack Stinson and O.
M. Pollard, crew managers, and Dutch
Peck, the star basketball guard. Earl
Van Vliet, the editor-in-chief of the
Pennsylvanian, also has been so'ected.
All the students will go to Camp
Gordon in the infantry school ex
cept Supplee and Pollard. The former
will enter the axtlllery school at
Camp Taylor and Pollard will see
service at Camp Hancock with the
machine gunners.
The loss of the six football men.
Including Farmakis, is a severe blow
to Penn's chances on the gridiron.
The Lpe will be stripped of five ex
cellent prospects, Supplee, Farmakis
Ellson and Wolfe were virtually birv.
of positions and Kamerer had a good
chance of landlnK a regular Job.
Friedman would have made a gcod
second string back, as he was the
fastest mad on the squad.
Two Millersburg Men Die
of Influenza at Camp
MlUersbnrg. Pa.. Oot. 12.—Robert
W. Orndorff, a young Millersburg
man, a private In the National Army,
died at Camp Lee, • Petersburg, Va.,
of Spanish influenza on Wednesday,
and Robert K. Kline, a son of George
W. Kline, of Renter street, a limited
service man. died at Camp Wrights
town, Dlx, !{. J., on Thursday of tho
same disease. Both bodies will be
brought home for burial and the fu
nerals will probably take place Sun
day or Monday.
Liverpool, Pa., Oct. 12.—Word was
received here yesterday of the death
of Eugene Broslus, due to Spanish
Influenza. Mr. Broslus Is a member
of the firm of Broslus and Company,
general store at Dalmastia, and is
well known In Liverpool, having
married Miss Ada Bair, of Liverpool,
several years ago. The body will be
brought to Liverpool for burial. Be
sides his young wife, Mr. Broslus is
survived by a two-year-old son, his
parents, sister and two brothers.
Lewlstowti, Pa., Oct. 12.—Mahon
Corbett, a member of the Brooklyn
Fire Company suffered some painful
burns while fighting a Are.
Hiram Yeatter, Is In the Lewis
town Hospital with a broken leg
due to a fall from a motorcycle.
John Fulton is sufferihg with a*
laceration of the foot received whlli
cutting wood with an ax.