Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 12, 1918, Page 4, Image 4
4 PERSONAL AND SOCIAL ITEMS ILL ORGANIZE GIRLS'RESERVE isigaiu of New Unit to Be Blue Y. W. C. A. Tri angle Miss Gertrude Prack, secretary of fl's work for the east central field the Y. W. C. graduate of Wash- Iton University with headquarters Philadelphia. Is planning to or nize girl reserves in Pennsylvania, iryland, Delaware and District tf lurabia. She Is making an effort standardize club work and bring gether tho numerous small or nlxatlons now in existanee. Her work alms to aid mentally and ysically girls of the grammar tool ago AS well as students and mini of high schools and opens many opportunities for young wo rn wishing to help in the reeor uctlou work. rfte insignia of the Girl Reserve the blue triangle of the Y. W. C. A. d In the code the girl pledges honor God and her country. Miss Praek will begin her tour of innsylvania at the Eaaton Y. W. A. as soon as the guarantlne Is 11ft arshmallow Toast For Party of Young Folks A party of young folks, chaperon by Mrs. Olive Zeigler and Miss jllte Kline, held a marshmallow ast along the creek near Oysters ilnt. From there the following ked to Meehanlcsburg: the Misses ara Farner, Gertie Kline, Hattie line, Rosa JFountaine, Mollie Kline, ith Stoner and Mrs. Olive Zeigler, iorge Germer, James Acrl, Russell lenoworth, George Albright, Albert llllipelli and Clarence Buxton. Master John Franklin Culp, 111, tst Liverpool, Ohio, announces the rival of a sister, Eleanor Jane' lip, Sunday, September 29 Mr. d Mrs. John F. Culp, Jr., were rmerly of Steelton. blowers i SYMPATHY It's one of the big words and often so difficult to ex firess. But flowers always do t and It's such an easy way | to send a correct word of cheer to the home of bereave ment. Just telephone us and we'll do 'lie rest. Bell Phone 37UU.M. dhoßerryhiil LOCUST ST. AT SECOND , Avoid the "Flu" Keep away from crowds. Don't expose yourself to contagion. Keep premises clean—disinfected and well ventilated —fresh air and sunshine are very essential. Sleep under plenty of cover. Keep the hot water bottle convenient. Avoid exposure to drafts, dampness and decided changes of temperature. Take good care of your general health. Insist on members of your family covering the • nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing— if the symptoms are serious send at once for your physician. Leading health authorities say: The best pre ventive is the use of a good nose and throat antiseptic. CDD A V Your Nose and 1 Throat With Petrin Inhalent GORGAS A superior antiseptic and one of the best pre ventatives of colds, grippe and influenza, • 50c When You Feel a Cold Coming Take O-PAAC Knocks a cold over night. A useful remedy for the Grippe and Spanish Influenza. Small tablets, easy to take. Keep a box on hand. 25c Gorgas Iron, Quinine and Strychnine Will build up your health to resist contagion. It is the best tonic for those convalescing from colds, grippe and influenza. BUILDS BLOOD, STRENGTH, FLESH 50c and $l.OO Gorgas' Drug Stores 16 N. Third St. Penna. Station SATURDAY EVENING. Market Square Red Cross Auxiliary Very Active j The Red Cross auxiliary of the Market Square Presbyterian Church reports the following finished ar ticles for the year 1917-1918: Muslin Department—7l sheets. 128 American pillow cases, 26 Triangle bandages, 25 T bandages, 56 heel rings, 112 shot bags, 656 French pil low cases, 28 sculteteus bandages, 245 comfort pillows, 466 pillow cases. Surgical Garments 24 nightin gales, 116 pairs bed socks, 38 oper ating sacks, 12 surgeon's caps, 24 surgeon's coats. 24 surgical shirts. 24 bath robes, 24 pairs pajamas. 24 sets underclothes. 10 helpless case shirts. Surgical Dressings—l,3Bl Bxl2 irri gation pads, 24 12x2 irrigation pads. 53 4x4 wipes, 3,005 2x2 wipes, 142 pneumonia Jackets. Government Packets—2,672 No. 2 front line packets, 368 No. 3 front line packets. Miscellaneous—l 3 cretonne covers, 36 comfort kits, 1 baby layette, 13 knitted sponges, 33 wash cloths. 127 property bags, 8 convalescent blankets. Knitted Articles—224 sweaters, 333 pairs, socks, 40 helmets, 98 pairs wristlets, S6 scarfs. Miss Harle Entertains at Fourth Street Home i Miss Agnes Harle. 2141 North Fourth street, entertained last night in honor of Miss Marie Gordon, of Scranton, and Miss Grace Hebson, of Chicago. After an evening at cards the guests enjoyed a delightful musi cal program. Invited to meet Miss Gbrdon and Miss Hebson were: Miss Ruth Dasher, Miss Anna Reese, Miss Gail Metzger and Miss - Mary Fletcher. MERCER B. TATE, JR.. ENLISTS Mercer B. Tate, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Mercer B. Tate. 218 North Sec ond street, a member of the Junior class at Lehigh University, hap left (■school to enlist in the Cpast Artillery, j He will report for duty next Wednes day at Fort Hamilton. Mrs. Edward W. Biddle, of Phila phia, was the guest of Mrs. James I. Chamberlain, 323 North Front street. RECOVERING FROM INFLUENZA William E. Gastrock, 1611 Forster street, who has been confined to his home the past ten days with Spanish influenza is able to be about. TO HELP HARVEST CROP Two more Technical High School students, Carl Gingrich and Rudolph Miller, have gone to Mt. Alto to help harvest Franklin county's apple crop. SEAMAN VISITS HOME Thomas S. Reese, of Pittsburgh, at tached to the U. S. battleship North Dakota, now in an Atlantic port, is visiting at the home of his.urtcle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Myers, Washington Heights. AID RED CROSS A party given early in the week at the home of Mrs. Harry Baker, resulted in a contribution of J8.25 for the American Red Cross. ENTERTAIN AT THEIR NEW HOME Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Pettingill Hosts to Young People 1 Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Pettingill, | whose marriage was a recent event, | entertained .at their new home at i Fourteenth and Verbeke streets for a few of their friends. The young I people who enjoyed dancjng, games jand music during the evening were: | The Misses M Slimm, Ituth Sauder, I Oro Stoneiser, M. Shaner, Ruth ; Stevick, Grace Stevlck, Mabel Hoov |er and Helen Gilman; 'Charles j Seasholtz, Samuel Mcllhenny, J. Mc | Mannis and Mr. and Mrs. Pettingill. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sponsler and 'daughter, Mrs. E. Curzon Fager, 25 South Front street, have returned home after a motor trip to Blue Ridge Summit. Miss Pearl Forrer is ill at her home, 2448 North Sixth street. D. Vernon Widder, 1516 Derry street, is home for several days from Aberdeen, Md., where he is employed in Government work. Miss Charlotte Crabbe Entertains at Her Home Miss Charlotte Crabbe entertain ed informally for a few of her friends at her home. 1931 Whitehall street. The girls spent the evening in knitting and dancing. Miss Crab be's guests were: Miss Lois Coons, Miss Betty Howard, Miss Elizabeth Lloyd, Miss Dorothy DeVout and Miss Helen Kochenderfer. Word has been received from Pro fessor C. A. Ellenberger, who was called to Detroit by the serious ill ness of his son-in-law, J. D.- Griffin, that the crisis of the disease has been passed and that he is Improv ing slowly. • F. S. Stevick, 1011 North Third street, is improving after an attack of pneumonia. . Miss Elizabeth Watts, a student of Dickinson College, is at her home. Green and Herr streets, during the quarantine period at her school. Martin M. Keet, formerly connect- | ed with the editorial staff of the I Telegraph, left the home of his sis- I ter, Mrs: J. F. Rees, 1845 Regina street, where he was spending a few days, to go to Washington, D. C. Mr. Keet is now secretary 'of the j Chamber of Commerce, Kansas City, | Missouri. Dr. Frank L. Wertz, of Lewistown, j was in Harrisburg yesterday on ! business. l'\ M. Leader, district manager of the Leslie-Judge Company, spent yesterday in Lewistown. Mrs. I'rank Y. Kinase and daugh ter, Margaret Kittase, of 153* Nau dain street, are the guests of W. F. Kittase, York, Pa. Miss Flo Sipe, of York, has re turned home after a visit with friends in this city. Harold Zook, of Lewistown, spent yesterday in Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ruhl, of Read ing. motored to Harrisburg to-day where they visited Dr. and Mrs. Cherrick, Westbrook, at Melrose. William E,. Gastrock, 1611 Forster street, is recovering from a severe attack of influenza. H. W. Pettingill, Fourteenth ami Verbeke streets, left to-day for a j visit of several days in Baltimore. Miss Gertrude Edwards, Miss Helen Rinkenbach and Miss Flor ence Rinkenback are spending the week end at the Rinkenbach cottage, Onoka, at Mt. Gretna. Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar Eberts, Miss Charlotte M. Crabbe, Miss Mary Kinzer, Miss Doris Rothert and Dun bar Eberts, left this morning for a day's motor trip. CITY TO CLOSE TIGHJ AT 6.30 (Continued From First Page) Saturday evening, will not be started out this evening, and some Enola cars will be taken off. Xew Cumber land will get half-hour Instead of fifteen-minute service. With 6,000 local cases as his esti mate, and twelve persons dead dur ing the past twenty-four houj-s as the result of Spanish influenza, Dr. J. M. J. Raunick, city health officer, declared last night that the situation in the city is no better. Dr. Royer, State Health Commissioner, declared last evening that the epidemic is only approaching its crest. The present needs of the city. Dr. Raunick said, are physicians and women willing to care for the influ enza patients. With the establish ment of a hospital in the open air school at Fifth and Seneca streets, influenza patients are assured ade quate and proper treatment, but more mftses are needed to handle i the patients. Dr. Raunick said that women are needed to work under the supervision of competent nurses. Specialists, too, were called upon to | give their help to the already over worked practicing physician? who are at the breaking point, due to the i unusual strain of the past week. Open Air School Well , Fitted as Emergency Hospital The new Open-Air school at Piftli and Seneca streets has been trans formed over night by Dr. Raunick and his assistants of the Harrisburg Board of Health into a model mu nicipal hospital for the treatment of influenza and pneumonia patients. The first ambulance load of suffer ers, convalescents from the over crowded Harrisburg hospital, were admitted about noon today. "We can care for 175 patients of both sexes at one time," said Dr. Raunick.' Dr. Royer, Acting State Health commissioner, who visited the hospital, was so well pleased with what he found that he sent six of his assistants to see what we have done here as a model for other com munities." Harrisburg is fortunate in having the Open Air school at this time. C. Howard Lloyd, the architect, who visited the building today, was com plimented by Dr. Raunick, who said that if he had himself laid out the plans with the idea of an emergency hospital in mind he could not have done better. - Ideal Pneumonia Ward The big open air room in the east wing of the structure has been di vided in halves by curtain partitions and rigged up with nearly 100 hos pital cots, equipped with respiratory shields to prevent patients from spreading germs when they cough. This big ward has windows from floor to ceiling on three sides and is ideally constructed for the treatment of pneumonia cases. In the west wing are located a nurses' restroom, and separate wards for convaescent male and fe male patlentSi all completely equip ped. The office in the 'center of the building will be in charge of Mrs.' HARTUSBTJRG frfUftf. TELEGRAPH Frank Zelgler, who haa volunteered as Red Crosa repreaentatlve to do the work. The kitchen and dining: room, both large and thoroughly equipped with every modern conven ience, will be in charge of Miss Marian Williama aa dietician. She haa already aupplied her pantries with a week's suppl'es. Hot end cold shower baths i*iU be at the dis posal of the physicians and nurses. The nurses will *be divided into three shifto, with M'*s Helen J. Roth, city superintendent, the other two eight-hour shifts will be in charge of Miss Florence Hellor and Mrs. H. A. Carskadden. Through the Red Cross-volunteer nurses have betn obtained who will -vorl; In eight-hour turns under the direction of Ihese professionals. The First Patients The ilrst patients were convales cents from the Harrisburg hospital, j but it is likely that before night the j state will transfer a number from its emergency hospital north of the i city. Dr. Raunick has received of , fer of the services one-half of each day of one of the throat specialists of the city and other doctors are also volunteering. So far as possible Dr. Raunick will contine the up town hospital to the milder cases, preferring the older hospitals to take care of those of a more aerions I nature. However, he is in position | to look after any contingency that I may arise. Up to noon to-day only five doc- I tc-s had made returns to the Health | Department and the reported the de : velopment of 138 new cases of lnflu | enza during the past 24 hours, with I most of the patients getting along well. The Town Will Be Tied Up Hard and Fast Tonight "Every place, of business will be closed this evening at 6.30 o'clock," said Dr. Raunick this morning in response to inquiries. "The only ex ceptions being drug stores and eat ing pluces which may remain open. The churches will all be closed to morrow and I recommend that all people refrain from congregating in any way." Harrisburg Hospital Crowded With Victims of Influenza Harrisburg hospital physicians see little hope that the Spanish in fluenza epidemic Will soon abate. With four more deaths since yester day afternoon, and twenty .admis sions. The hospital is more than filled to capacity. Fifty-two cases were under treatment there this morning. The following are the deaths: Mrs. Violet Hawk, 434 Kelker street, died at the age of ,20 years, at 9.30 this morning. Mrs. Reuben Royster, aged 36 years, died at 10.30 last night. She lived at 1728 North Seventh street. Mrs. Samuel Bordanaro, aged 16 years, died at 3.30 yesterday after day afternoon. She lived at 118 South Second street. Ellis N. Kremer, Jr., aged 35 years, 204. Chestnut street, died at 5.30 this morning. He was the son of the Rev. Dr. Ellis N. Kremer, pastor of the Reformed Salem church. Mrs. Hawk is the wife of Clar ence B. Hawk, whose left arm was crushed and body injured in an aeroplane accident at Alabama, Montgomery, where he was sta tioned as a member of the 879 th Aero Squadron. They have a little son. The young soldier was called to his home by the death of his wife. Health Board Thrown Out by Commissioner, Royer A special dispatch from Mt. ant. Westmoreland county, contains the following: | Five members of the local Board of : Health were "fired" by telephone by [ State Health Commissioner Royer after they had refused to permit the Elks Club to remain open unless other clubs were permitted to do likewise. Police of the borough are guarding the Elks Club, with specific orders to see that it is not opened. The fight started when Dr. J. W. Shelar, president of-tha board, asked for advice from Commissioner Royer regarding the Elks Club, which, he re ported, was selling liquor. Dr. Royer told Dr. Shelar to "put a padlock on the door, and, if necessary, put three on." Dr. Shelar padlocked the door. Meantime District Attorney Cort com municated with Dr. Royer, and an order to reopen the club followed, with the provision that no liquor was to be sold. Dr. Shelar called Comrais ' sioner Royer on the telephone and asked permission to open all other clubs. Dr. Royer refused and Dr. Shelar. it is said, informed the Com missioner that he would not permit the club to be opened unless the same permission was granted to all other clubs. During the conversation, it is al leged, Dr. Royer said to Dr. Shelar: "The other places are ail booze hoisting clubs. Just open the Elks; the others remain closed." Dr. Shelar refused to do so and Commissioner Royer said: "Y'ou are fired and your board is set aside." Dr. W. M. Horner, a member of the Elks, was appointed president. Percentage of Deaths Is High Throughout State According to reports received at the State Department of Health the spread of influenza through the state continues and percentages of deaths have been high. Reports coming from a number of places, including Philadelphia te'.l of bodies unburled. In addition to the appeal to the army authorities for additional doc tors from Camp Crane, in which Gov ernor Brumbaugh, Adjutant General Bcary and Commissioner Eoyer joined army commanders have been asked for soldiers to help bury dead. The Department of Health has de clined to make any statement as to when the anti-congregating order will be revoked. Delegations repre senting liquor dealers have not been given any satisfaction on that point. If violations by small saloons con tinue the aid of Reserve Militia may be invoked. ( Saloonmen Arrested For Violating State Closing Order Thirty-five members of the State Police force are dowi| with influenza according to reports which reached Captain George C. Lumb, the super intendent. and two have died since the epidemic began. In the anthra cite region men have been ient from the barracks to act as drivers of ambulances and to assist doctors in getting patients to emergency hos pitals. Numerous arrests of saloonkeepers have been reported by state police: men as having been made in LUzerne and Lackawanna counties, the viola tors of the anti-closing law being chiefly owners of small bar rooms in the anthracite regions. Tf>-day Cap tain Lumb ordered state policemen in s the western part of the state to in vestigate reports that liquor was be ing sold in Charleroi and othei' places. Reports of active co-operation with the state authorities on the part of Red Cross organizations throughout Pennsylvania reached F. C. Morgan, representative of the Pennsylvania- Delaware division of the Red Cross at the State Capitol to-day. Bu reaus have also been Instructed to assist in investigation of housing conditions and to secure free means of transportation for doctors and nurses and also fqr the care of nurses who are on emergency duty. 1 Mr. Morgan aald large amounts of supplies had been furnished to af flicted districts from the warehouse at Philadelphia. The~ State Council of National De fense through Its county councils Is also providing cars and assisting medical men in the anthracite and other affected regions according to reports conning to its special ofllce here to-day. This ofllce is located at the Capitol in charge of W. Grant Rauch. - • Capitol Closed to French Heroes by Dr. B. F. Royer Dr. B. F. Royer, acting commis sioner of health, who was very much provoked yesterday afternoon when the Foreign Legion under escort of a committee of Liberty Loan work ers visited the Capitol, last night suid that It had been "a mistake" on the part of the committee to have permitted the crowd to go into the i building in the face of the quuran i tine order against crowds. "I sand by the order," said ,the i commissioner, who is understood to I have personally berated B. Boyd Harrington, who was in charge of the automobiles which conveyed the guests of the city to the State House in the afternoon. The Legion gathered in the ro tunda where clerks from • the de partments came out and applauded them. Then they went through the building, a few remaining in the ro tunda, where they were surrounded by quite a crowd, wherein attaches of Dr. Royer's office were conspicu ous. Finally word was gotten to I members of the committee by a Cap itol policeman that Dr. Royer was ; on the warpath and that they had better get out of the place. By that time the French veterans were in the I governor's office and they beat the first retreat on record. Red Cross Sends Nurses to Homes of Stricken Families Under the direction of Miss Mar garet Ringland, social worker in the Home Service Department of the lo cal Red Cross chapter, good work is being accomplished in the line of trained nurses furnished for soldiers and civilians' fumilies. Yesterday Miss Ringlund visited 42 families, many of these having a number of ill members. In one family she found six sufferers, in several four and in almost every family two or more. Assisting Miss Ringland are Mrs. Sara DeHaven, Miss Ruth Payne, Miss Jlargaret McCormick, Miss Mary Jones, Miss Beulah Books, Miss Mildred Astrich, Miss Miriam Goshorn, Misses Dolores and Clara Seigelbaum, Miss Anne McCormick. Invaluable service has also been given by John Houston- Miss Anne McCormick has kindly loaned her truck, and it will be used tomorrow in caring for the wants of the suf ferers. Special permission is being obtnined for the use of the car. PRAISES- NEW HOSPITAL, Mrs. Lyman £). Gilbert, chairman of the Harrisburg chapter, Ameri can Red Cross, returned this morn ing from an inspection tour of the new City Emergency Hospital. She gave high praise in an interview with a Telegraph representative, to the splendid work being done. "You can't say too much," she stated. "Everything is ready for the emerg ency." FOl'U GO TO UNIVERSITY Hummel h town. Pa., Oct. 12.—John M Strickler, Joseph Cassel, George Ludwig and Christian Shifler, of this place, will leave on Tuesday, October 15, to undergo training in the auto branch of the United States Army at the University of Pittsburgh. HEItSHEY BEATS QUOTA Hershey is already $3,000 ahead of the Liberty Loan game, having at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon sub scribed $335,000 to the Fourth Loan with a quota of $332,000. This puts that borough in the coverted 100 per cent. American class. Standing of the Crews HARRISBURG SIDE •Philadelphia Division The 103 crew first to go after 3.30 o'clock: 127. 122, 117, 120, 106. 131, 113. Engineers for 127, 120, 106, 113. Firemen for 20, 113. Flagmen for 122, 120. Brakemen for 127, 117, 12C, 131. Engineers up: Ream, Karr, fctauf fer, Klineyoung, Brodacher, Grace, Giger, Anderson. Firemen up: Sheets, Bradley. Bar cley. Able, Smith, Aston, Straw. Brakemen up: Andrews, Singleton, Christ, Arndt, Myers, Morgan. Middle Division —The 39 crew first to go after 1 o'clock: 27, 19, 254, 248, 17, 240, 29, 36, 16. Engineer for 39, 36. 16. Firemen for 39, 17, 36, 16. Conductor fqr 17. Brukeman for 16. Engineers up: Asper, Leftard, Tot terman, McMurtrle, Baker, Cope, Blizzard, Beverlin. Firemen up: Holsingor, Myers, Arndt, Hoover, McLaUgnltn, Kauff man, Naylor, Weaver. Conductors up: Call, Biggane. Brakemen up: Kelstcr, Long, Roush, Dare, Linn, Prough, Stewart. Yard Uonrd—Engineers for SC, 4- 7C, 5-7 C, 2-14 C, 5 -15 C. 6-15 C. Flagmen for 10C, 1-14 C. 2-15 C, 5- 15G, 6G-IGC, 165 C, ISC, 26C. 32C. Engineers up: Bicver, Esslg, Ney, Shipley, Revie. Ki<emen up: Lau 'or. Carpenter, Phambaugh. Manning, Lynn, Eckcn rodo, Taslck, Bu ts E.YOI.A SIDE Philadelphia DlDvisiuu The 238 crew first to go after 3.45 o'clock: 230, 255, 256, 201. Engineers for 255. Firemen for 230, 256. Flagmen for 30, 35. Brakemen for 56 (2), 01. Middle Division—The 113 crew first togo after 2.40 o'clock:-111, 117, 101, 114, 110, 116. Engineers for 113, 111, 117, 101, 114, 110. Firemen for 118, 111, 114, 110. Conductors for 111, 117. Flagmen for 101, 110. Brakemen for 101, 1166 (2). Yard Hoard—Engineers for Ist 126, 3d 126. 4th 129, 118. Firemen for 3d 1266, Ist 129, 3d 29, 4th 129, Ist 102, 109, 112. Engineers up: Bickhart, Smith, Brown. Huggins, Books, Zelders. Firemen up: Wendt, Shoffner, Lightner, Ready, Ashenfelter, Coff, 3ittlng, Shover, Jenkins, Sanders. PASSENGER SERVICE Philadelphia Division Engineers up Osmond, Kennedy, Smeltzer, Hall. Firemen up: Shaffner, Bleich, Cope land, GllUurhB. Middle Division Engineers up: Crane. Buck, Alexander, Keiser, Rob ley. Miller, Graham, Keane, Spotts. Firemen up: Stauffer, Kuntz, Fletcher, Sheats, Snyder, Ross, Ben der, Kerber, Simmons. THE READING The 66 crew first to go after 2.30 o'clock: 67, 94. Engineer for 66. Firemen for 66. , Brakemen for 60, 67, 11. Engineers up: Beecher, Griffith, Lackey, Bream, Anders, Frauenfeder. Firemen up: Saul. Deardorff. Speck. Conductors up: Daub, Hall. Flagmen up: Moss, Fillmore. Brakeman up: Hock. Holders* of Railway Shares Will Protest Holders of railroad stocks, who have had their dividend checks de layed, are preparing to make a con certed protest against the system used by the Government in arrang ing for dividend payments, accord ing to reports widely.circulated in! Wall Street In many cases, it wns declared, railway dividend cheeks j were due and overdue. Part of the dividend trouble, it ! was pointed out. was due to the I delay of some'of the railroads thern -1 selves in signing the Government | contract, which calls for annual in-, come equal to the average for the three years ending June 30, 1917. ■ in some cases the railroads while I agreeing to the income guaranteed Iby the Government, are protesting j against the terms of the contract: | in other instances railroads have not i signed the contract because of pend ! ing negotiations to secure special ; allowances to cover unusual operat j ing conditions during 1915, 1916, or ! 1917, pr to. cover money spent in I improv ements after June 30, 1917. However, under the law. until the j contracts are signed, each , company is allowed 90 per cent, of the annual income guaranteed by the Govern ment. But the funds thus allowed can be used only for payment of ordinary operating expenses. As the Government took over all cash balances of the railroads, in order j to make dividend payments, money | must be borrowed by the railroads j either from bankers or the Govern | ment. Uncertainty over securing I the funds necessary to meet divi dend payments, has made railroad directors reluctant, it was declared, to take the ordinary advance action j In declaring dividends. Railway ffividerids are usually de- I clared by the directors from six to j eight weeks in advance of actual payment. Such advance action is necessary to complete all details. , CHILD FALI.S OFF IIHIDGE I Halifax, Pa., Oct. 12. On Thurs day while playing on the cement I bridge near Mich's schoolhouse in Halifax township, Marlin Rummel, 7- year-old son of Charles 1. Rummel, | toppeled off the bridge and' fell sev eral feet into the creek below. His I head was bardly bruised and it re- I quired prompt work On the part of i tlie teacher, Mrs. John H. Chubb, of i Halifax, who went into the water j and rescued the child, who was badly j stunned by the fall. | MRS. WILLIAM KMBICK DIES New Cumberland, Oct. 12.—Mrs. Sarah 8., wife of William Embick, | died yesterday morning at her home jin Reno street. She was ill for the > past eight weeks with a complication of diseases. Mrs. Embick was sev | enty years old and has lived in New ■ Cumberland for thirty years. She | was a member of Baughman Me morial Methodist Church. Her hus band and the following children sur vive: Mrs. Joseph Bates and Harvey Embick, of New* Cumberland, and Howard Embick, of Harrisburg. Announcement of the funeral will be I made later. > . COL. .MILI/AKI) HUN SICK KK DIKS London, Oct. 12.—Colonel Millard Hunsicker, who for many years was connected with the United States Steel Corporation, died at Harrow gate in Yorkshire. Why I designed my Store lj like this . r—i jj • rjIEN years' experience here A \ /A | J_ in Harrisburg and a study \ / ify of the finest shops in New \ / IM: York, decided me on the-plans ~~] [~ of this store. p"| , Every piece of merchandise is B b |ng| enclosed. The letters 8.8. rep- |§|| resent the blouse and lingerie LJ I 1 departments. In letter D. all |VJ of my fine cloaks, suits and c |||i| dresses are hung, away from ~ Jf?] I all dust. In letter E. the mil- IpJ finery is displayed. c d (U The windows A. A. will serve |j§>j at all times to give you a hint c | I as to what is inside the store. a* j In five fitting salons, letters C. C ' ij|| C, C. C. C. you have commo- H— i jBSI dious, roomy quarters with the IW positive assurance of no inter- - E 3hVI ruptions and you are shown i||f just what you want to see n §lg| privately. " : |ljj The entire store was designed * jM| to help you select a hat, cloak, F G fH furs, suit'or lingerie, just as ' though I were showing them to f-Cn you in your own home. ? W) The immediate success of this store can be attributed to:— j jji 1. The finest merchandise obtainable at very modest prices and— £Wf ♦ - 2, A store arrangement" that gives you the utmost of comfort and iTO convenience while you are here. s P. S. I have been compelled to use letter G. for our ship- ||j ping room. My tailors are in two rooms upstairs. IJ| * atjfy. 210 , '| j \' .• * - ; • . a OCTOBER 12, 1918. SEVEN DEATHS "AT TOWER GITY Spanish Influenza Takes Big Toll in Schuylkill County Mining Town Tower City, Pa.. Oct. 12. Span ish influenza is causing much havoc here. In this short time seven persons have succumbed to the disease and j about fifty persons are at present suf- | forlng severe attacks. Among those ; who died are: Oliver Thompson, who is survived j by five daughters. Mr. and Mrs. James Barry, who are; survived by two small children. Mrs. Snyder, survived by two . daughters at home and a son and son-in-law in France.. , j Robert Laudermilch, who was lately appointed tax collector of Tow er City, and who is survived by his sister. Mr. Irving, who Is survived by his wife and six small children. In some homes as many as rix are afflicted at the same time. Dr. Knauber is confined to his home and that makes it necessary Cor Williams town doctors to visit patients in this valley as there are too many for Dr. Stutzman. The owners of the Palace Hall of fered it for use as an emergency hos pital. The girls employed in the shirt factories went to the hall and with buckets and brooms made it spotless ly clean. They also canvassed the town in the evening for white rags to be used for various purposes. Cots were installed and two nurses secur ed. On Thursday morning three pa tients were taken to this hospital. Columbus Day Is Quietly Observed in City Because of the Influenza Quarantine To-day was quietly celebrated as Columbus Day in many homes and business places in the city. Owing to the fact that all meetings are tabooed because of the Spanish in | l'luenza epidemic, there were no ; gatherings ot speeches to pay trlb- I ute to the discoverer of the West | ern Hemisphere. i Many residents of the city made • the day an occasion to Increase I their subscriptions to the 'Fourth | Liberty Roan. At the request of j President Wilson, the day was ob- I served as Liberty Day throughout (the country, and Liberty Bond work ers redoubled their efforts to in i crease the subscriptions toward the loon total. ATTENDS CONFERENCE I Slili'cmaiistown, Pa., Oct. 12.—The j Rev. H. C. Kottler, of Hershey, pas tor of the United Brethren Church here, and George K. Eshleman, of I West Main street, delegates, are at- I tending Conference at Hagerstown, | Md. : r v Funeral Flowers SPECIAL A 'Demit If til Spray 98c A llandaioiiic Wreath 93.98 KEENEY'S TWO FLOWER SHOPS 814 N. Third St. 157 N. Front St. Harrlnburv Steelton * PREPARE RESERVOIR ON WATER FREEZE * .Winter preparations about the reservoir are almost completed by the local Water Department and al ready a brick splash wall has bcjn built around the reservoir to keep it clean of foreign matter which or dinarily findp its way Into the basin with disastrous results sometimes. A. general clean-up of the grounds is going on. Nos. 1. 2 and 8 roughing tllters have been completed and tho department will start? similar opera tions on the slow sand Alters. | HOY niRS FltOM PNEUMONIA | liuiiinu-lNtotvn, Pa., Oct. 12. —■ I ltalph Ettcr, aged 16 years, son of | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Etter. of West i Main street, died from ppeumonta ! about. 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. | He is survived by his parents and two I brothers. Funeral services will \<& I held on Tuesday morning at 9..:* ; o'clock. Burial In tho Hummelstow : Cemetery. TAKEN SICK ON VISIT- Hnniiiielston-n, Pa., Oct. IS. j Edwin 11. Blessing is 111 with pneu | monln at the home of his wife's rhc- I tlves at New Bloomtleld. Mrs. Bles>- mg and children have been visiting there for some time. Mr. Blessing ] went to see them and was taken sieS so suddenly that he was unable to r turn home. , m We offer you n guaranteed ,1 ■ pair of perfect vision glasses, D I first .cjuality spherical lenses, I ISeehnst, $3.00 jj Eye Sight Specialist 9 N. Fourth St. (2nd Floor) I Over Five Yeare at This Address I | SALE EXTRAORDINARY | \ By inventory we And we I have an over-supply of A I solid gold spectacle frames B \ of the smaller type. X In order to reduce this A ' I excess stock, we are offer- e V ing YOU this great advan- .J r t A solid-gold Frame, 1 | Lenses and our Scien- | £ tific Examination for -J $4.50 f (LfNN than the price of 1 £ Kold-tllled.) A ! I Make an Appointment With y | % Our Optometriat . P. G. DIENER I I 408 MAIIKKT ST. |j X _ ' I