2 IMPORTANT NEWS OF TOWNS IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CROWN PRINCE'S ARMY NOW IN FULL RETREAT [Continued From First Pago.] crushed caused them to decline battle. The Crown Prince has moved his headquarters from Mezieres in hot haste. THE German lines along the Suippe river, in the Champagne sector in France have collapsed. Progress made by the French yesterday apparently indicates the enemy's retreat north ward is more of a flight than an orderly retirement. French forces are reported to have reached the Retourne river be. i, tween Houdilecourt and Sault-St. Remy. Houdilecourt is less than four miles east ot Neufchatel, one of the principal German bases back of the Champagne front. This ad vance brings the French to within twq an done-half miles of the Aisne river and threatens the railroad line i that parallels that stream. Farther east the French have made good L progress. Near the Argonnc forest, General Gouraud's men are officially report „ ed to be less than two miles from b ■ Vouziers, an important railroad fc junction. They have almost reach ed Sugny and Machault. French and Italians have moved i rapidly along the Chemin des Dames y and northward from the Aisne. They have reached the vicinity of ' N Ailles, which is on the crest of the ridge between the Ailetto and the ' Aisne. southwest of Laon. Villages Ablaze in Oise Valley Blazing villages in the valley of the Oise are reported in last night's French war office statement. This refers to the section near I,a Fere, where the first German retirement was reported yesterday. These fires MERCHANTS AND CLERKS DISAGREE Chamber of Commerce Try ing to Work Out Problem of Closing Time EARLY SOLUTION LIKELY Capt. J. L. Gault, Tyrone Offi cer, Home From France as Camp Instructor Tyrone, Pa., Oct. 12.—Interest is intense in town over the friendly light being waged between the mer chants and their clerks. While the latter are not "union" in that they are affiliated with any labor organi zation, they have an organization of their own, and their ideas of the time to close the stores, and as to what nights during the week they should be open, do not coincide with the ideas of the merchants. At pres ent some of the others are doing as they see tit, the decision being made by the owner. An amicable solu tion of the entire affair is apparent, and that soon, us the Chamber of Commerce is working the matter out to a fair and equitable conclusion. —Five men left for the army this week, all of them being of the "limited" service classification. They were sent to Camp Thomas, Ky. One of the number was Frank K. Trout vine, a young lawyer—Captain J. L. tlaunt, who before his entrance to 'an officers training camp a year ago, was the superintendent of the pub lic schools of Tyrone, passed through T> rone recently enroute from New York to San Francisco, CaL Captain Gaunt has been in France about six months and has been sent home as an instructor. —A. Wareham Flenner, a lifelong resident of Tyrone, has purchased a farm near Media, Dela ware county, and will move there with his family in the near future. —Paul Reese, a resident of Tyrone for about live years, and who was assistant ticket agent for the Penn sylvania railroad here, has been transferred to Altoona. —Charles F. Zcrbe, of Scranton, visited with hiß mother, Mrs. B. Zerbe, this week. — Mrs. C. C. Benstoter, of Brookville, Pa., and Mrs. W. A. Burkenstock, of Parkersburg, W. Va., are guests this week of Mrs. W. E. Grafflus.— Mrs. Harry Goodman of the clerical force of the government at Washing ton, D. C., is spending several days with her family here.—William F. McGovern, a sergeant m the United States Army, stationed at Camp Mills, N. Y., is home on a furlough. ■ —Mrs. Harry B. Wolfe has returned from a visit with relatives at Pitts- Durgh and Bolivar, Pa. Claude Watson, a welfare worker for the Y. M. C. A., located at Camp Lee, Petersburg, Va., is spending sev eral days' furlough with his parents here. —-Mrs. Robert P. Koons is visit ing her parents at Reading.—Cap tain and Mrs. R. W. Cook, of Everett, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Sill. —Mrs. Richard Fisher, whose hus band was killed in France in the last month, left Tyrone this week for Pitcairn, where she wil make her future home—Misss Helen Atherton of Vandergrift, Pa., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mathers. MRS. JOHN STOXESIKER IHES Huinnielstowii, pa., Oct. 12. Mrs John Stonesifer, aged 28 years, died from pneumonia at her home in East Main street, on Thursday and was buried this morning. Mr. Stonesifer and two children, aged Ave and two years, are also sick with the disease. MRS. FRANK I.BONE DIES Halifax, Pa.. Oct. 12. Mrs. Frank Leone, aged about 27 years, a daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Lee, of town, died on Wednesday night at her home at Steelton. of pneumonia- She Is survived by her husband a'nd four children. REICHSTAG SETTS OCT. 10 Basel, Switzerland, Oct. 12.—The Frankfort Zeitung announces that the Reichstag will be assembled Oc tober 16. PASTOR RETURNED Halifax, Pa., Oct. 12. The Rev. Ira D. Lowery lias been returned to the pastorate of the local United Brethren Church for another year. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL DIAL 4016 ENTER ANYTIME 694-R Two Night School*! Monday, Wednesday, Friday Nights—Tuesday, • Thursday Nights BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE THE OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL 121 MARKET ST. CLOSED TEMPORARILY By Order of Board of Health WATCH PAPFRS FOR REOPENING DATE SATURDAY EVENING, are regarded as evidence that the enemy is preparing to abandon that region and the high, wooded mas sif of St. Gobain, to the south. Roar Guards Resist East of St. Quentin and Cambral the Britisn and Americans still are moving eastward, but their advance is being retarded by German rear guards. The Allied progress, how ever, threatens serious results to the German armies to the south, which also are menaced by the collapse of the enemy lines in the Champagne sector. Advance Over Wide Front Between Lens and Douai, the British are sweeping forward over a wide front and have moved up to within striking distance of Douai and Lille. From the Argonne forest east ward to the high ground east of the Meuse, the American Army that has broken the Kriemhild line is con tinuing its blows. New progress has been made near Grand Pre Farther east, the village of Romagne now is close to the American line. German resistance here and east of the Meuse has been desperate. Allied troops have been attacking the Austrian positions in the moun tain sector of the Italian front. RED FLAGS AS TRAFFIC GUIDES Standards Placed at Street Intersections in Mechanics burg Prevent Accidents BONDS C.O TO AFRICA D.B.Hoerner, Boiling Springs, Buys For Two Daughters in Mission Field Mccliniiiesburg, Pa., Oct. 12.—1n order to avoid accidents with auto mobiles and vehicles at the square, standards bearing a £ed flag have been placed to the right of which the drivers must go. They are prov ing statisfactory.—D. B. Hoerner, a patriotic citizen of Boiling Springs, bought Liberty Bonds for his daugh ters, the Misses Jessie and May, who are engaged in mission work for the United Brethren Church in Africa. Mr. Hoerner intends sending window cards and buttons to his daughters to exhibit in that far-off country.— Corporal Edward T. Dornan, in service at Camp Lee, Petersburg, Va., has been promoted to sergeant. He is a nephew of Mrs. Thomas Winston, of West Main street.—Cor poral Carleton Stutenroth, who oper ated a linotype at the Thomas Print ing Office, has arrived overseas, ac cording to word received here. —Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hardenberg, of Scranton, spent some time with the former's aunt, Mrs. R. A. D. Frehn, West Main street.—Among the peo ple who were on the sick list and now recovering are: Mrs. H. Hall Sharp and son, Martin: Miss Etta Miller, J. H. Berkheimer, Harley Surface and Mrs. Albert Smith.— Lieutenant H. H. Mercer, of Camp Upton, Yaphank, N. Y„ spent the weekend with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. H.Mercer. West Main street. —Robert A. Bucher, of Pittsburgh, a former Mechanicsburg resident, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Ployer, South Market street.—Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Zimmerman were Carlisle' visitors on Monday.—Mrs. Sarah Nesbit, an aged resident of West Simpson street, had the mis fortune to fall down the stairs at her home, where neighbors found her in a semi-conscious condition. Her injuries were not serious.—Mrs. William Diveler, of Philadelphia, visited her sister, Mrs. C. E. Um berger, of South Market street.— Mrs. Frank Bigler, of Washington Heights, visited friends here on I Wednesday.—Mrs. J. R. Shipe, who was taken suddenly ill, is slowly improving.—Russell N. Biddle was ! a visitor at Carlisle on Monday.— Miss Clara Kast, who teaches in Mahanoy township high school, and Miss Helen Kast are at their home in South Market street. George ! Ruth, of Camp Lee, Petersburg, Va., is ill witlv influenza. Williamstown Teachers Volunteer For Nurse Work Willlamstown, Pa., Oct. 12.—Wil liamstown Chapter Red Cross went over the top In its donation of cloth ing to the Belgians. The quota was 1,500 pounds and 2,715 pounds was the shipment made. —At a special meeting on Wednesday evening President J. B. WiOyorth appointed the public school teachers volunteer nurses to assist the professional nurses expected here to care for the influenza patients. Many families are stricken with the disease and an emergency hospital is being provid ed with cots in Dr. H. A. Shaffer's building to more adequately care for the most serious cases.—Mrs. Rufus Klinger, nee Miss Maude Lewis, died from pneumonia on Thursday. She was 32 years old. Burial will be be made to-morrow afternoon In Fairview Cemetery. 2,300 POUNDS OF CLOTHING SENT Mifflintown Red Cross Auxil iary Makes Contributions to Nedy People of Belgium MEMBERS MAKE CLOTHES Many Visitors Spend Pleasant Fall Days in Twin Towns Along the Juniata Mifflintown, Pa., Oct. 12. The Red Cross committee on the drive for second-hand clothing lor the Belgians sent off 2,300 pounds of good clothing. Ninety pounds were garments made In the workroom by several members of the Red Cross. In all 1,836 garments in good con dition and 212 pairs "of shoes were shipped-—Mrs. George L. Russell and daughter, Mrs. Milton.B. Moore, of Lewistown, visited at the C. W. Mayer home In Bridge street. —Miss Erma Hower, who is teaching school at Hershey, is home on account of the closing of the school during the influenza epidemic—Mrs. Ralph W. Hills and son Bobby, of Washing ton, D. C., are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Crawford. —Mr. and Mrs. James' M. Beale, of Driftwood, are guests of relatives in the twin towns —M.'P. Crawford, in come tax collector, stationed at Johnstown, spent Sunday at his home here. —James Mathers, of Co lumbus, Ohio, attended the funeral of his cousin, Mrs. Charles Cherry, on Tuesday.—Miss Emma Robison, of Danville, is visting at the home of her uncle, B. F. Burchfield. — Lieutenant B. F. Schweyer, stationed at Annapolis, Md., is spending sev eral days with'his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilburforce Schweyer.—Miss Helen Keller, a student at Irving College. Mechahicsburg, came home on Friday on account of -sickness. — Mrs. Henry Scholl, after visiting three weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Carl F. Espenschade, at Pittsburgh, has returned to her home here. J. H. M'FARLAND ON HOUSING BOARD (Continued From First Pa#e) | Br is—jsp*'' Msm J. HORACE McFARLAND since its formation in 1904. The appointment is taken as a gratifying recognition by the government of the value of organized civic endeav or, looking, as does *he work of the American Civic Association, toward making American communities bet ter places to live in. A very careful survey of condt , tions preceded the determination of i the Secretary of Labor to have such I a commission formed. The new ! commission is expected to work I through existing agencies so far as I possible. Its organization will prob ' ably include specialists on many re ! lated subjects dealing with the | amenities of life, but particularly on ! recreation, education, public utili | ties, public safety and health and j sanitation. I. Its activities will radiate from j Washington in order that they may be co-ordinated without confusion ' or waste effort with existing govern | mental efforts in the same direction. Newville Red Cross Branch to Make 150 Property Bags Newville, Pa;, Oct. 12.—The Red Cross work room will remain closed until further notice owing to the ruling of the Board of (Health re garding the closing of all meeting places during the prevalence of in- I fluenza. An urgent request for pieces of cretonne, any design and coloring, 12x16 inches in size, is made by the Red "Cross branch. The cretonne is to be made into property bags for soldiers ill in hospitals. The local quota is 150. All donations for same may be left lat Swigert, Spangley's or Heffel llnger's dry goods- store.—The Rev. E. L. Dtizler, who served the New ville *Church of God for the past year, has been returned by the el dership for another year.—The Oc tober meeting of the Civil Club will bo postponed in accordance with the request..of the Board of Health.— Word has been received here of the arrival in France of Harry Koser and Harry Bowman.—Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Hoover were called to Balti more on Monday on account of the serious illness with pneumonia of their son, Wilmer, who is in train ing* at Camp Holabird. —Mrs. Edgar Stratford, 'of Camp Hill, spent a day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Woodburn.—James A. Starver is visiting his brother, Charles, and family, att Pittsburgh.—Mrs. W. R. Lobb, of Alverton, was a guest at the home of Mrs. Mary E. Landis over Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. John Wheeler, of Harrisburg, visited Mr. and Mrs. St. Elmo Getter. SHIPPING RIVER COAL Marysville, Pa., Oct, 12. —Over a million pounds of coal have been shipped frpm this place during the past three weeks by Cohen & Leiby, who have their dredges below the island. The coal is unloaded at the old ferry landing -near Fishing Creek. WEST FAIRVIEW WINS FLAG West Fairview claims an Honor j Flag in the Fourth Liberty Loan. With a quota of $30,450 a total of ! more than $34,000 in subscriptions i was announced this morning. More 1 than 400 citizens signed applica- ITTARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Pleasant Birthday Surprise For Perry Co. Fruitgrower . JOI 4 xY * ipf v ? GEOROE A. WAGNER Imidisburg, Pa., Oct. 12.—George A. Wagmer, for almost sixty years a ; successful nurseryman and fruit j grower near Landisburg, Perry coun- j ty, had a pleasant surprise on Sun- | day, October 6, it being his 78th j birthday. Those present were: Mr. ! and Mrs. Herbert Lebo, 71 Reservoir j street, Harrisburg; Mr. and Mrs. ' D. M. Thornton, and son, Paul, of j Camp Hill; Mrs. Rebecca Billman, | and daughter, Mrs. John Comp and! two children, of Delmont, S. D.; Mrs. j Jemima Rice, of near Mount Zion, I Perry county; Mr. and Mrs. D. W. j Wertz and daughter, Thelma, of l Landisburg; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neily, j of Landisburg; Mrs. Frank Kennedy! and daughters, and Mrs. Harry: Foose and daughter. Mabel, Martha, Edna and Dolly, of Alinda, Perry , county. A large cake with the colors j and candles representing his 78th j birthday was presented by his daughter, Mrs. I. S. Billman, of Lo cust Grove, Perry county. PAGE 1 REPUBLICAN IN 1 YORK CO. FAVORS DRY AMENDMENT Party Nominee of the Prohibi tionists May Endanger His Election, It Is Said Special to the Telegraph York Haven, OcA. 12.—The stupid- I ity of certain alleged supporters of i the prohibition cause is emphasized jin a situation which has developed |in York county. It seems to be the i policy of the professional prohibi tionist in Pennsylvania to deliberate ly do the things which obviously he ought not to do because of an ex aggerated sense of superior wisdom. It is believed here and throughout the district that in the event of the defeat of .the Republican candidate for the State Senate, who is an avowed advocate of the prohibition amendment, that the responsibility must rest upon the Prohibition can didate for Senator who hopeless of election himself insists on remain ing on the ticket even though in do ing so he may endanger the success of the Republican nominee. There is no doubt that the real fight on the prohibition amendment will be in the State Senate and on the election of one candidate may hinge the success of the cause in Pennsyl vania Notwithstanding the unfor tunate attitude of some of the Pro -1 hibition leaders, and especially their candidate for the State Senate, it is believed that the strong temperance sentiment in York county will result in the election of the Republican candidate. Marlon Favors Prohibition George Mariow, of York, the Re publican nominee for Senator in the 28th senatorial district, prior to the primary declared that if nominated and elected he would support the na tional prohibition amendment, state | wide prohibition and local option measures. He was nominated with out opposition. Subsequent to the nomination he was called upon by a committee of the Prohibition'party of York county and again pledged him self in writing to support the nation al prohibition amendment, he having been led to believe that the Prohibi tion candidate, M. F. Fishbaugh, would withdraw from the Prohibition ticket and his nan* (Marlow's) be substituted therefor. The local Pro hibition committee of York county, notwithstanding this position taken by Mr. Marlow and the admitted in ability to elect Mr. Fishbaugh, have not succeeded In substituting Mar low's name for that of Fishbaugh. The Republican nominee because of his position on the liquor question, will without doubt defeat Henry Wasbers, the Democratic nominee, I who has always been and is now re garded as a wet candidate. Those who are sincerely interested in the election of a Senator who will vote for the prohibition amendment are disappointed at the action of Mr. Fishbaugh in declining to get oft the ticket. They allege that if he is sin cerely for prohibition he should not hesitate to withdraw and have the name of Mr. Marlow substituted for hij own, thus guaranteeing to Mr. Marlow the additional vote of the Prohibition party of York county. Many sincere Prohibition men among the Republicans are begin ning to doubt the sincerity of some party prohibitionists. Finance Page, Ist Ed, Must | STOCK EXCHANGE CI-OSED | New York Stock Exchange is closed to-day because of this being a legal holiday. Therefore the Tele graph does not publish any quota tions. DIES AT CAMP LEE llnllfnx, Pa.. Oct. 12. Paul D. Lebo, of Halifax township, died on ! Wednesday morning at Camp Lee, Petersburg, Virginia, from Spanish Influenza, aged about 22 years. Sur viving are his wife, one child, his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lebo, of near McClellan, and several brothers and sisters. Young Lebo went to Camp Lee several weeks ago with an Upper End contingent. DR. YVIENER STILL VERY ILL Dr. Hymen R. Wiener, a pneumonia patient at the Harrisburg Hospital still is very seriously sick. No i change was noted in" his condition; to-day. 364 PERISH IN CRASH OF SHIPS (Continued From First, Pago) dozens of the % boys floating around me, all dead, with nothing but their blue faces out of the water.. Soldiers Throw Rope "A big roller carried me into a kind of a cleft in the rocks and I was thrown upon the side. I must have passed out. When I came to I saw two British soldiers on the other side of the ravine. They threw me a rope which I made fast and crossed hand over hand." Joseph Pollock, said he believed many more of the soldiers would have been saved but for the steep banks of the cliffs. In one little cove twenty-eight bodies were counted. Grateful to Islanders All the Americans voiced their deep gratitude to the islanders for thetender care they gave the men. The survivors were put to bed in private houses and were so well pro vided for in every way that no one wanted to leave when the relief ship arrived. As was the case with the victims of troop ship Tuscania the loss of the Otranto's papers prevents the army authorities from learing the names ! of the missing. All tfie names of the survivors are being cabled to Wash ington where they will be checked | against the full list kept at the port from which the vessel sailed. In this way the dead will be ascertained, i The Otranto struck the rocks Sun jday night south of Saligo Bay, Islay j Island, an uninhabited section where Uhe coast line in many places rises i straight out of the water to the | rocky peaks many feet above. | Soon the ship began to list, and the soldiers and crew, under per- I feet discipline, moved in a body to | the other side, thus preventing the vessel from capsizing. Suddenly | through the mist loomed a small 1 destroyer which had picked up the I Otranto's distress signals. The de stroyer herself was partly disabled Iby engine trouble.* Seven of the i Otranto's boats were lowered to the I water to as a buffer for the de j stroyer, which with wonderful sea- I manship maneuvered close to the I steamer's side. The order to abardon ship was" given and the officer commanding the troops instructed the men to remove their overcoats and" shoes. Scores then began leaping from the rails, forty feet above, to the de stroyer's deck. A's the destroyer neared the side of the Otranto the men began to (jump from thirty to forty, feet from jher decks. The more experienced sailors of the crew of the steamer 'nad better success than the soldiers, I many of whom had never seen the sea until this trip. As the destroyer steered toward the side of the steamer many of the men leaped too quickly and missed their reckoning and dropped between the boats. Some of these disappear peared in the water, but others of | them were caught and crushed to death between the boats and the lifeboats which had been lowered to act as buffers. The destroyer was badly battered. The captain of the destroyer, each time it was brushed away from the side of the Otranto, again would push near enough for many more To the People ofHarrisburg: 1 THE Board of Health is doing everything in its power to check the serious INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC. A breakdown in the Telephone service would be a cat astrophe and we have learned that the system has been - depleted over one-third, due to illness, and that the rest - of the operators are remaining at their posts though much fatigued from overwork. The Telephone service is handled by trained operators and vacant position at the switchboard means, poor service. Too many vacant positions means a breakdown in the service. The con dition is becoming more acute each day and the public must realize the seriousness of the situation and lend their co-operation in the crisis and place only very essen itial calls, for a breakdown in the Telephone system, es pecially at this time, would prove fatal. The Board of Health, therefore, requests the public to place calls only of the most important nature. i John M. J. Raunick, M. D. City Health Officer ✓ * mm mmmmammmmmmmmmammummjtm men-to jump to the deck of his ves sel. He described as a veritable rain the number of men landing on the destroyer. Many of those who reach ed the decks of the vessel suffered broken bones or otherwise were hurt. Those who missed the deck of the destroyer -went to almost instant death. Four times the battered destroyer came alongside, and each time the previous scenes were repeated. At the end of the fourth trip she had 310 Americans, 236 of the crew, 30 French sailors, and one British of ficer on board. The boat was full, and having done all possible, she started for port. The survivors saw the Otranto drifting helplessly towards tho rocks as they pulled away toward the Irish coast. The destroyer barely had time to send a brief message when her wireless was carried away. The little overloaded vessel had a rough trip to port. One of the American troops on board the Otranto pictured the scene when the vessels collided. Sol diers lined the dfceks as though on parade, and at the word of command stood at attention like statues. They never wavered, remaining there in military formation, exemplifying during the crisis the noblest tradi tions of the army for heroism and discipline. The same thing, said the soldier, applied to the seamen, i Numbers of bodies to-day were be ,ing washed up rapidly on the shore, lit was reported that 176 had been ! counted at noon and nearly all of !them had been identified. I Further details of the work done by a British destroyer in taking off from the Otranto and landing safely hundreds of soldiers and sail ors brought to this port accentuate the remarkable daring and skill of the rescuing craft. Even after the ■ survivors had reached the deck of the destroyer, their position con tinued desperate, for mountainous waves repeatedly broke over the lit tle vessel and, according to reports, swept about thirty persons over board. For nearly twelve hours the survivors, all wet through and many badly injured, were effposed to the fury of the wind and the waves until the destroyer made port. Fifty-five were hurried mto wait ing ambulances and rushea to hos pitals. Others were taken to a British barracks, where the Ameri can Ked Cross quickly fitted them out with a complete change of clothes and all were given hot food and stimulants. Private Raymond Simpson died on the destroyer from injuries and was buried to-day. The Otranto was the flagship of a large convoy including the Kash mir, which, as the result of a heavy gale, became unmanageable. A thick rain closed in on the convoy Sunday morning off the north coast of Ireland, and at about 9 o'clock the Kashmir rammed the Otranto amidships. Although the Otranto's com mander realized the ship probably was fatally damaged, he ordered the other vessels to proceed, including the Kashmir, which was able to con tinue under her own steam and eventually made port. The Otranto's case seemed hopeless. The gale was then at its worst and the seas run ning seventy-five feet high. There was no chance of launching the boats, and as the engines had stopped as a result of the fires being put out by the inpouring water, the big vessel was at the mercy of the waves and drifted rapidly before the storm. OCTOBER 12, 1918. JUNK BOX SOLD FOR RED CROSS Old Rubber, Rrass and Iron Gathered in Greencastle Brings $13.55 AMBASSADOR AT HOME Henry P. Flcjcher, U. S. Am bassador to Mexico* Spends Weekend With Father GreencastJc, Pa., Oct. 12.—A week ago a junk box was placed in Center Square for contributions of old rub ber! brass and .iron.-The contents of the box was sold this week and amounted to $13.55, which was given to the Red Cross.—Henry Prather Fletcher, ambassador to Mexico, was a week-end visitor with his father, L. H. Fletcher, in South Carlisle street. Mr. Fletcher received a warm welcome, for there is no one who has ever gone out of Greencastle who has more friends in his old home.— Miss Ruth Crider, of East Baltimore street, has accepted a position as an operator in the Cumberland Valley Telephone Exchangl.—-Mrs. A. A. Morganthall spent part of the week at Harrisburg.—Dr. Bowman Metz, a Waynesboro druggist, came to Greencastle on Sunday to visit his .sister, when he was taken ill with symptoms of typhoid fever. —Dr. T. 11. Gilland, who recently volunteer ed his services and received his com | mission as a first lieutenant, has [been ordered to be ready to report .for duty within twenty-four hours' j notice. Dr. Gilland has a large prac tice in Greencastle. —Charles Gel iwicks and Walter Gelwicks, of Phil jadelphia, were guests at the home |of T. J. Clary, Center square.—Mrs. |S. M. Martin, who has been seriously iill for the past two months has en tered the Merklein Hospital, at Chambersburg.—The first death from I influenza in Greencastle occurred jthis week, Dr. Chester Neal, of Phil adelphia, came here September 29 |to spend the week end with friends. !The next day he developed a serious |case of influenza which terminated ]in pneumonia, and his death occur rd on Sunday evening. Dr. Neal for 'a number of months had been sta itioned in one of the Southern camps, jbut had been retired to recuperate I from a nervous brakdown.—William iH. Long was the victim of a serious [accident recently. He was hauling [wheat to Rankin's Mill, and got off I the wagon to lead the horses up the Hong hill leading to the mill, when | he tripped on a stone, fell and broke ihis right elg. Because of his advanc jed age of 74, ho was taken to a hos jpital at Chambersburg to have the jbone set.—Mrs. Frank Conn and !son have returned from an extended Ivisit at Baltimore.—Mrs. Earl Show ialter who underwent a surgical oper ation the past week, is rapidly re gaining her health.—Mrs. M. N. ;Holme9, Richard City, Mo., is visiting 'her mother, Mrs. Susan Palmer.—A letter has been received from former Assistant Postmaster Luther Koser, stating that he has arrived In France, but that the voyage was a very rough one, 90 per cetn. of the soldiers being se isick. Miss Ethel Rounsley Accepts Bank Clerkship Mlllcrstown, Pa., Oct. 12.—Miss Ethel Rounsley left Tuesday for Emaus, where she will visit her sis ter. Mrs. J. Utls Charles, for several weeks. Miss Rounsley, who has serv ed as a clerk at the posfc office for several years, on her return, will L accept a clerkship in the Millers-JA town National Bank.—William F. RoUnslcy, of Penbrook, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Rounsley, Tuesday.—Miss Myra Ear ner, who is teaching school at Hunt er's Valley, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Ear ner. —Mr. and Mrs. James Rouns- ( ley spent several days with Mrs. I Samuel Hain at York.—Mrs. Wil j liam Bollinger was called to Harris burg on Tuesday by the illnenss of I her mother, Mrs. D. A. Snyder.— ! Mrs. John Ritzman was a Harris j burg visitor Tuesday.—Mr. and Mrs. i Harmon Kipp of Pfouts Valley, spent J Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chester I Ulsh.—Chester Steele, of Duncannon, ; was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. ; Edwin Morrow, on Sunday.—Miss i Anna Rowe of Harrisburg; Mr. and Mrs. Martin Rowe and son Earl, of Newport, and Mr. and Mrs. George Stackpole, atid baby,'of Lewistown, were weekend guests of their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Rowe | Miss Stella Collins visited relatives i at Lewistown over Sunday.— Mrs. | Lloyd Shuman, of Thompsontown, j visited D. M. Rickabaugh and fam- I ily on Monday.—Miss Stella Grubb, ' I of Newport, spent Sunday with her father, T. T. Grubb.—Foster Bolling er was at Baltimore on Sunday. Lewis Cox, of Pittsburgh, was a visi tor ill towji on Saturday. Mrs. James Brushart, of Harrisburg, is spending some time with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Menghes. —Arthur Kipp visited his wife and daughter Louise at the home of Mrs. Martha Pretz, Sunday.— Miss Alice Alexander was at New Ger mantown on Tuesday and Wednes day in the interest of the Liberty Loan campaign.—H. M. Beck, of Minersville, came home on Satur day evening ill with Spanish influ enza.—Mrs. Mary Pines of Harris burg, spent Saturday with Mrs. Wil liam Walker.—Mrs. Milton Attic, of Tyrone, was the weekend guest of 1 Peter Attic and family.—Miss Helen Martin, who had spent several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Martin,-has returned "to her stud ies at the Millersburg Normal school. s:wo FOR RED CROSS Berrysburg, Pa., Oct. 12.—Tho Red Cross festival netted over $3OO. —Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Daniel were Mr. and. Mrs. George Copenhaver and son, of Hershey; Joseph C. Daniel, of Phil adelphia, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hartman, of Harrisburg. Moody Raker spent a day with his mother, Mrs. Kate Raker.—Mrs. Chestr, of Sunbury, is visiting her aunt,- Miss Kate Deibler.—Mrs. Harry Ancfress and two children and her mother in-law, Mrs. H. Andress, Sr., have returned to Philadelphia after spending a week with the former's parents.—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doib le.—Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Daniel, Miss Kate Keboch and Mrs. Paul Huyett and daughter, Jeanette, vistied at •Elizabethville. —The Rev.. Paul Huy ett attended conference at Cata- j wissa. 00