BLUE TAGS FOR STATEHUNTERS Next Year They Will Be Green; Many Men Take Out Licenses These Days Pennsylvania V\ \ ff //) hunters who will arm tags to indi hunters' ' 1 i cense 11 Jfviiwmtnitf ter btrds and cot. tontails this fall, green colored 11. censes next year. Last year they wore a salmon pink arm tag. The approach of the opening of the small game season, which will fall on October 21, has caused a stimulation of the demand for li censes and it is believed that some of the counties will go ahead of last year in spite of the fact that many To Relieve Catarrh, ~ Catarrhal Deafness And Head Noises Persons suffering from catarrhal deafness, or who are growing hard of hearing an'd have head noises will be glad to know that this distressing af fliction can usually be successfully treated at home by an internal medi cine that in many instances has ef fected complete relief after • other treatments have failed. Sufferers who could scarcely hear have had their hearing restored to such an extent that the tick of a watch was plainly audible seven or eight inches away from either ear. Therefore, if you know of someone who is troubled , with head noises or catarrhal deaf- ' ness, cut out this formula and hand it to them and you may have been the means of saving some poor ■suf ferer perhaps from total deafness. The prescription can be prepared at home and is made as follows: Secure from your druggist 1 oz. Parmint (Double Strength). Take this home and add to it Yt pint of hot wa ter and a little granulated sugar; stir until dissolved. Take one tablespoon fttl four times a day. Parmint is used in this way not only to reduce by tonic action the in flammation and swelling in the Eus tachian Tubes, and thus to equalize the air pressure on the drum, but to correct any excess of secretions in the middle ear, and the results it gives are nearly always quick and effective. Every person who has catarrh in. any form, or distressing rumbling hissing sounds in their ears, should give this recipe a trial. Itching, Scratching, Skin Diseases That Burn Like Flames of Fire Here Is a Sensible Treatment That Gets Prompt Results For real, downright, harassing, discomfort, very few disorders can approach so-called skin diseases, such as Eczema, Tetter, Boils, erup tions, scaly irritations and siAilar skin troubles, notwithstanding the lavish use of salves, lotions, washes, and other treatment applied exter nally to the irritated parts. No one ever heard of a person be ing afflicted with any form, of skin disease whose blood was in good condition. Therefore, It is but log ical to conclude that the proper method of treatment for pimples, THE GLCIBE Store Closes This Saturday at 6.30 P. M. THE GLOBE THE GLOBE is co-operating with City Health Officer Raunick in stamping out Spanish influenza—our store will close Saturday at 6.30 P. M., as requested. We ask our patrons to kindly do their shopping as early as possible during the day. \ * Buying GLOBE CLOTHES a Service Investment Every man who accord with the programme of the is expected to practice constructive ECONOMY. [£ serv * ce m clothes buying is only possible a I® gett ' ng va * ue or y° ur money. To get full value, 11iff m IfflT you must pay a moderate price—for in these days low ' I.' \P pr ' ce cannot mean el e but LOW QUALITY. h jMßafcMßt jßff BB[ %\ The men who buy GLOBE CLOTHES get certified^ security of • ' iSjff yw Hi \ an d full va lue at any price they choose to pay. s2 ° s2s s3 ° s3s s4 ° s4s to se ° The Right Hat Is Here For You— W e Want Every Boy to Have 1 here s many a fine-appearing man AUTT AU • who owes his reputation for "good looks" I ni*il f TVI About to his good judgment in choosing his hats #*****.■. UlCli flijfrfij Our Plan at THE GLOBE. Stetson's, Schoble's, Boys' Corduroy Suits, $7.50 to sls Young's and other best makes to select No boy can be too rough with GLOBE : You are reading every day of our boys over there—of Pershing's divis ions charging into the blasting fire of the Boche trenches; of small de- W~ tachments smashing their way from H house to house through ruined vil- | | j lages; of single-handed deeds of sac- | J rifice and valor. I I .1 One thought, one itnpulse only fills their souls—to fight and keep on | 1 fighting, until the war is won. They know that all America, is back of I them; they know that they can count on us at home to send them all the guns and supplies they need to win. There is only one way we can do it, All of us must work and save and buy Liberty Bonds , with our whole souls, the way our men are fighting over there! * a No less will win. There is no other way to provide the money the Gov ernment must have. Nootherstand- J ard can make the Fourth Liberty | | Loan a Success. • I I , | |. Lend the way they fight— | | Buy Bonds to your utmost j ia ✓ ' I This space contributed to winning the war by 1 Clark's Cut Rate Medicine Stores | I - 300 Market St. - 306 Broad St. I ' ' " J jjj OCTOBER 11, 1918. MISS ANNA LVDWI6 DIES Mnrysvllle, Pa., Oct. 11. Miss Anna Ludwig, of Pittsburgh, who has been visiting at the Ltghtner Farm, died - yesterday of tuberculosis. She was 20 years old and is survled by her father and a sister. The body will be sent to Pittsburgh. where funeral servlves will be held. SIX CALLED FOR SERVICE Mnrysvllle, Pa., Oct. 11. October 15 a call will be issued for six men from this county, one to go to State College ,one to Carnegie Tech, and four to Pittsburgh University. BOY IEL, WITH DIPHTHERIA Camp Hill, Pa., Oct. 11. Louis Fischer, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fischer, of Camp Hill, is ill at his home with diphtheria. DIES AT CAMP LEE Marrsvllle, Pa., Oct. 11. Oscar D. Staples, of Juniata township, who left the Army and was returned under guard recently, died this week at Camp Lee, Petersburg:, Va. He had enlisted a year ago, but left the Army and again entered the service as a draftee last June. BELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Druggists refund money if it fails. 25c 15