I Am Public Opinion * =* ' A ' 1 ' §All men fear me! * declare that Uncle Sam shall not Jgg go to his knees to beg you to buy | JBI his bonds. That is no position for ! W m f9- If a man. But if you have A- AM th e money to buy, and do not buy, yAjjm I will make this No Man's Land 1 w iH judge you not by an allegi- ImP/|yy ance expressed in mere words. ' 1 Jud £ e y° u not y° ur mad (I ' /A,.Wf cheers as our boys march away to i jy whatever fate may have in store fSy - I will judge you not by the warmths ' tears ou s b ed over t b e H sts i wit /A/Zf/Ml of the dead and the injured that i - y/ - AAA/ /'Mjffh ■\\ come to us from time to time. \W/ ////, MW§m.SMtb I will judge you not by your uncov ////A/As - ered head and solemn mien as our ■ 'mm I h a * mec f * n i k atde retum to ° ur But, wise as lam just, Iwill judge • you may live and move I warn you—don't talk patriotism °Tki r k ei^ e ' urdess y° ur money is I judge, all men stand or fall! Buy U. S. Gov't Bonds Fourth Liberty Loan Contributed through Division of Advertising United States Gov't Comm. on Public Information This Space Is Contributed by dSbatmaxZ . ■ i to Help Win the JVar . * # \f 1 "< r < ' ' * ' . THURSDAY HARRISBTJRG {(£!& TELEGRAPH: OCTOBER 10, 1918. 9