AUSTRIA GIVES WRECKSFORMEN Italians Suffer Terribly Under Hun Rule; Need Wel fare Workers Paris, Sept. 28. (By Mall)— Ex- Y_JJOged prisoners of war como back Italy byway of Lake Como, and i>f all the sights of this war, that of arrival of exchanged Italian prls vViers Is the most pitiful. !n Italy Austrian prisoners are well cared for, well treated, well fed. They go home well and strong. In opens at 9 a. m.-ci.osf.s at r™ The Strongest Combination in Merchandising Circles in this , 1 Kaufman's Anniversary Sale Linked to Kaufman's Friday Bargain Sate® Leather Goods Men's Odd VMTFM AM'C <£\ IssLsL /S> If AIIFM AMT 169 Fine Voile I' 159 Pairs I and Small Wares PANTS I StT Women's - Misses ||| . A, -4r7r+h // ' • // / WSUSt UL / / High Grade | Friday, 6 spools for . ( O/IQ # /JJUW M# /§ jf 8 / For Friday gmt Winter ~"; 27c l— loymwiwzciflj SHOES 1 LADIES' IMITATION STRAP A{\ ll \ M / U\ fth W h nr* RJ LADIES- STRAP prRSFs further in this wonderful \\ \ / J town will awaken to-morrow waißts ~ ln a Krpat varlety and Sale Friday "J lIRSLS, Slzee 30 to 42 Wnl.t Measure A 1 1 .• 1 W \ / 1/ tOWn Will aWaKen 10-mOrrOW in all sizes. Some are slightly Only, Pair ... hi Friday 4fC j n c fi e viots. worsteds and cas- Anniversary celebration by \N. . 7/ to the finest lot of merchan- mussed from display. All go in II II j n are b ro wn snd II LADIES' HAND BAGS, q a bringing to the front for Fri- dise the 1918 Fall and Winter the Ba,e on Frlday at one prlce ' "Sg sh a e n p{| HEARTS AND FLOWERS, aesirable merchandise at dous savings. _] gh Ss| a fine toilet soap, 3 23c| rr, il7 . — 1 1 S |j KID CURLERS, smaii To.? I 1 . 24c W °me n 's Women's Gloves 73c f Women's Gloves J4c Handkerchiefs 5c Women's Vests 1— [I liH size; Friday, pack... Women's ribbed cotton pants, I ' (FOR FRIDAY) (FOR FRIDAY) (FOR FRIDAY) * (FOR FRIDAY) (FOR FRIDAY) A j[U Sjl ! fleece lined, ankle length. I Children s black ribbed hose, I Yvomen's collars, assorted | Women's white silk double- I • Women's white chamoisette I Women's one-corner embroid- I Women's ribbed miirm Si iJIJ _ Kaufman a, flnt Hour. J slight Imperfections. I ♦ 2.' splendid I tipped, two-clasp gloves In self I gloves, two-clasp, double tipped I ered handkerchiefs; assorted col- I fleece lined, high neck fnntl hi I ,tu, CORSET Hce S Women's Unon nils 1 -23 S A '*• -* j gi 5-Y AKI) CORSIi/F JACJbS, M AT KAUFMAN'S ,/ ——————— til extra quality; E_ (FOR FRIDAY) Cftj p§| I ,z;r.*** The Savings In New Fall Suits, Coats Dresses Here Sjtj spools; assorted colors; 0_ Kaufman n, MrM !• loor. --.*17 J / j . . ..... „ I cut fu H and good fitting gar- 3 lijj I'lhiuy, spool ; will crowd this big y busy ready-to-wear department to its utmost capacity* tomorrow* Friday I S htly impcrfect: ali |{fi n! ' in I nr . I . Kaufman's, Flrat Floor. 1 M SOLID BACK HAIR BRUSH, vVOmen S Vests % C \ ./ S I * rSlj llj white and black bris- 1A- ovU l!®, „ AT- L | BuU| tlfcs: I,Y ' | fes MASON'S SELF-POLISHING handkerchiefs. Special, 3 for 10c. I .W l / A > Jf . i _ _ i W, C """" ' tt /n The Amive " ar y Salt to ln I* Anniversary Sale J Ol Women's Hosiery IC.| h i Friday, bottle *' C / A. / ' i / / ■ J \ \U (FOR FRIDAY) * W 1 „.V„ rtß.sms Women's Gloves %( (V . / $ / \A xA\\ hi ' '• 'i,' I _ plain tailored, fur IF/ \\\ Women s Hosiery / w fig h All Wool Pnnlin Suits til \\ < FOR FR,,,AY > !l hi v-\ • >alt 1 Hasp . f ,/if Vkl \ Kaufman*, Hr.t I-loor. I \ \/ ,\ m /Y/Y Velour, Pompom, Cheviot ous woman can be made of soft all-wool pop- —————• UJ vVUI O L I/O S (' e\ \ I J) r~m r I 111 and kersey Coats, misses' suited; sand beet- lln, in black, navy, Afrl- K P* ()() 7\\\ ... , .... - - €T| F* IJJ and women 1 ! sizes; black, root, burgundy. can brown and burgundy, r A r% ,vyly / ) i\ WflDlMl < NIIK nOIF hi 5S . . . , , _ f _ A n \U S j T navy, taupe, burgundy, rose, taupe. Pekin Good models for women or /. . 1 \\ iraiuca uiu nose l ll ) y |sj 100 in this lot /V flu | n t n f Rraeciavos w i Vl green, Pekin and reindeer; khaki, plum and misses', and in all sizes, in Mam >B (FOR FRIDAY) *• I'U Go Into This IB IT DidSSlcrcS t Best we've ever shown. the frosted effect all colors. „ N Ladles' white fiber silk hos.J Till c . t- . (FOR FRIDAY*) ' > ' double sole and heel, slight im-1 J[IJ hi £> ' rlle on £ n - Zw all A Halted quantity and not I f \ r \ / \ r v perfections I Hi dayat ' Pair Erijr^LH 26 ' 11 Satin Dresses I Z-Oo] {Jersey Dresses O-75 [Panama Dresses *7.95 [Serge Dresses 11.75 " U E(J The makes in this offer are Kaufninn'M* Scroml Ploor. 18 A o i / f M / /r i "™" mm ■■ |*t*| among the best on the market. >• Anniversary Sale XV/ Anniversary Sale Anniverary Sale m Anniversary Sale X haM Women's Silk Hose / it* 1^ M r hes ? e " taup A // ic . an V°? ,n ' Jersey D'resses, complete and size as- Made of all-wool navy blue Panama Serge Dresses, pure wool, men's wear (FOR FRIDAY') iIU Si styles, new, clean and fresh U-,,-- JY flfll - ,, — a l- algh l eff ® c,a - tunics. sortment. sand, taupe, beetroot, Pekin in the desired straight-line effects with serge, excellent style assortment In -... „. ... . f|i iCI stock. Friday at 95c a pair. 11OUS6 UTCSSGS all sizes foi Women and beigre, beautifully embroidered. Stun- smart plait, in sizes 16 to A very black, navy and brown, sizes for Women Ladies fiber silk hose, double I ktiuruiKm r„ .J. Misses—elegant models. ning values. fine value In this sale. and Misses. sole and heel, silk lisle tops; I gfe I M KAlr MAN'S—Flrit Floor. (FOR 1 HIDAI ) V. / v v , black, white and colors. I rill SS, TAn.i, , 1 it ~ 1 V Koufmnn's, JFlrst Floor. I IIIJ K1 ■ Dark and light nerralea. full I . / IS? - cut. well made, checks and I MHMHHHM mmtmm M.I OID f l.oou i 7 g>| V? '^=====^================ = rj stripes; all sizes 26 to 44. I Ii 500 Yards Silk "°° r ' 49c SUk Petticoals 2 Musli Gowns AO m nA < F "K FRIDAY) (FOR FRIDAY) vi/V I *** w/M \ ls| It --- J s Girls' Dresses Here's an opportunity. In- Made of taffeta silk in as- Women's muslin night gowns g iTlClclV I I I I || J FIJ MAI IS IS |) 77.9 1 1. 1 , t „ Miniv, OVV fonts' white sizes 6 sorted colors. Well made along in a one-day Friday Sale at this J & g \ ■ irBMHI tf 1 g IU Hi„i, t- i , months to 2 years. Pretty em- the prevailing lines. Worth a price. Assorted embroidery trim- J ■ — m r> j 6 R girls V llil f ° r rda y •jC _ pattern's and foUra!"" 8, K °° d I Kuufmnn'., Second Floor.'., Second Floor. Kaufman'., Second Floor. J £ Furniture and Outing Flannel Granite Buckets # fill Sfe: v. i Kimfnian'w, Second Floor. I —■—> Floor Polish . 39c p ai *h Outing? j Good, heavy granite Buck- % hi at, Yard ... ' *7T 7Z AA pr / I*> 1 C Quart bottle Oil of Cedar for ISclfe° 8 ° wide mnant ' enßthS - " ets, 10-quart aize. Ifjl [i 500 >; r ds Ribbons in fancy CZT TT "o 1 Infanls Sweaters J|Sc Flannelette Gowns 7Up Bungalow Aprons In? J PHday o spectaf ise Friday, yard Friday, each fijj warp prints; moires, satins and WOmen S ApTOnS ill* (FOR FRIDAY) (FOR FRIDAY) "W (FOR FRIDAY) \ \ ' J V V / C fijj ° f e ' / F K FRIDAY) aAV Good warm sweaters, in white, A lot of girls' flannelette night- Made in plain and striped ma- I, Y, yC hi üble "to 7 inches B A, i ou l ) 1 f o 0r n , dred j" the ' ot i cardinal gray and brown. Sizes gowns in sizes 4to 14 years. terials, some bound on the ff Gas Heaters \ If , if Muslin Sheets J |fl K AI'FM AY'S—First Floor bottoms,' pockets; assorted™ coN Frida° y onry 0 ""' B P licefor Well made, splendid materials. edges; light and dark. Limit, E The, Hot-flame Gas Heater, Cj&S HeatCr 72x90-lnch Muslin Sheets; 3- M IvAir MAY S I loor. ors. Limit two. i i may oniy. Limit 2. two to a customer. B combination heater and cook- inch hem. IK] hi Kaufman'., Second Floor, Knufmnn'., Second Floor. Knufmnn'., Second Floor. er. Lots of heat at smaM cost. Frirlaveach #1.19 S? nj ; N '•— *' S *' A F"riday special ... #1.98 I [| ~~ , ; fp, f f qq | 1.60 J Friday, yard, 38ej B, llhlMSHillULWiiPliH MrsßSlianßßlßßSßiaa^i THURSDAY EVENING, return for them Austria sends back human wrecks, horrible to see. It sends back men mutilated, hten wasted by starvation and disease, men who have Buttered the most horrible cruelties, As each arriving train comes In half the returned prisoners have to be carried off In litters. Not because they are wound ed, nor til, but because they have been starved. Kach train Is met by the Ameri can Y. M, C. A, with clgarets and such things as the soldiers want, Y. M, C. A. secretaries pass among the poor fellows giving them what comfort they can and what assis tance Is possible. Secretaries repre senting the "Y", Knights of Colum bus, Y. YV. C. A., Salvation Army and Jewish Welfare Board are do ing wonderful work among the pris oners. The sight of tho men Is like the sight of a famine. Men are literally reduced to skin ajid bone> They are walking horrors. From far and near friends and relatives of the prisoners come to meet them, —hoping, hoping that their loved ones will be In the con signment, One poor old mother, liv ing In a distant province of Italy, walked to Como no less than four times, vainly waiting for her only remaining son. At last the govern ment took notice of her, and pro cured transportation on the rail road. At last her son came. All the returning prisoners were off the train and It loked as If her sixth visit were In vain, but presently a litter was carried off the last car. She had not been prepared for this, for her.son was still pictured in her rrtlnd as the strong, hearty boy who had gone awav from her. Supported by a Y. M. C. A; man iHAmUSBIXFIG TELEGRAPH she drew near hesitatingly, but turned away her facei She could not bea£ to look, Neither she nor her son had been fortified against Such a meeting, But the boy rose to the emergency, He stretched out his emaciated hand and grasped hers and drew it against his cheek. "Mother," he said In Italian, "I haven't but one eye left and only one leg—but I'm your son yet. I love you as much as if I were whole. Aron t you glad to see me." She burst Into tears—tears of grief and of joy, and threfv herself upon his body, mumbling his name, cud dling him. And so they come. Skeletons, horrors, monsters, "mutlles" sent back by Austria In exchange for well-fed, healthy, happy Austrians. 1 The contrast is one that speaks with an eloquence not to be forgotlen. Loss of Colonies Worries Dr. Solf Amsterdam.—Dr, W. B, Bolf, Ger man Colonial Secretary, who hss been mentioned as a possible suc cessor of Count von Hcrtllng, the retiring Chancellor. In a lecturo be fore an audience In Munich which included King Ludwlg of Bavaria, said the national Importance of Ger many regaining her colonies far sur passed any other task. Substitutes for raw material, he said, could not suffice for peace re quirements. The supply of row ma terial was tho weakest point In Ger many's world economy, he paid, hence the need for colonies. Dr. Solf argued that Germany must have colonies to prevent her commercial isolation. He said the policy of tho open door must bo one of the most Important demand; at the conclusion of peace. Ger many had no thought of militarizing Africa, he contended, but desired to prevent the employment of colored men In Europe. Unsightly pimples and blemishes on the face are sure signs that the skin and blood need the purifying and strengthening action of BEECMMS FILLS. Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World Sold evorrvrhere. In Boxes, 10c., 2Sc. OCTQBER 10, 191^. i I EDUCATE FOR BUSINESS! ■ Because business needs you and offers splendid opportunities to Kg jj the young man or woman who Is thoroughly prepared. DAY OR NIGHT SCHOOL % S, Bookkeeping. Shorthand, (hand or machine). Typewriting, end R ■H their correlative subjects. I SCHOOL OF COMMERCE I Harris burg's Accredited llualno* College 15 South Market Square g|i I lIEII 3^ rl,e ' ~b0" e • * r C " U F °* Fu,th " O.AI. 4303 R CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE i Watch Thi Space For Reopening Date B 5