14 "REMEMBER THE TAMPA," SPURS IN LOAN DRIVE Woodmen of the World Sub scribe .$1,200,000 in Lib erty Bonds Washington, Oct. 10.—In answer to the Insistent question, how is the Fourth Liberty Loan really going, a comparison to-day of records during this campaign with those of the Third Loan showed these facts. The Fourth campaign of three weeks is half gone and 11,791,463,200 in subscriptions, or 30 per cent, of the six billions sought, have been re ported. When the third campaign was half over, 9 1.371.000,000 or 33 per cent, of the total finally reached, had been subscribed. This record in the Third Loan drive, 3420,000,000 less than at the corresponding stage of the present drive, was achieved in two weeks as compared with ten days which have passed in the cur rent campaign. These facts seem to show that pro gress in the Fourth loan is compar able to that of the Third, which was highly successful. • More than 313,000,000 has been sub- 1 scribed in the navy toward the Fourth Loan, Rear Admiral Cowie reported J to-day. DOCTORS URGE PEOPLE TO USE MORE IRON AND! PHOSPHATES They Come Out Strong for Phosphated Iron Leading doctors all over the country are rapidly learning that one of the preparations they can always depend on for all blood and nerve troubles is Phosphated Iron, they have found that it gives results and can be depended upon. Phosphated Iron has proved a real red blood and nerve-builder to so many who are all run down and dragged out. due to lack of fresh air. exercise, good food and clogged, poi soned blood. Scientists say Phosphat ed Iron builds up your body by build ing up your blood and nerves. Many physicians claim there would be few overworked men. nervous women, bloodless old people and pale children were the benefits of Phosphated Iron more widely known. There is no need of anyone going around tired out, all in. nerves on edge, suffering with poor blood and lack of energy when Phosphated Iron will make you feel like a live one, make you look 100 per cent, better, give you restful sleep, brace you up so you can work with ease and enjoy life once again. Get Phosphated Iron to-day and start in right, you owe it to yourself and friends to make Just this one effort to regain health, strength and happiness. To insure physicians and their pa tients getting the genuine Phosphated Tron we have put in capsules. Do not take pills or tablets. Insist on cap sules. G. A. Gorgas and leading drug gists everywhere. Why John Quit Drinking By John's Wife I'm the happiest little woman In all this little town; And my merry laugh and singing. Takes the place of sigh and frown. For JOHN HAS QUIT HIS DRINKING And is like himself once more. And the world is just a paradise With such happiness in store? One day I read some verses— "Mary's Miracle." the name. And I said, that's John exactly. And I'll send and get the same. So I sent for GOLDEN TREATMENT. (As sly as sly could bel And I put it in John's supper And I put it in his tea. And it didn't taste a little bit; Had no odor, so, you see— It was smoothest kind of sailing For little Doctor Me. And I watched and prayed and waited, (And cried some. too. I gtiess). And I didn't have the greatest faith, I'm ashamed now to confess. And John never thought a minute, He was being cured of drink. And soon he's as well as any one, It makes me cry to think! Just makes me cry for gladness, I'm so-proud to be his wife Since he is cured of drinking. And leads a nice, .new life. "Since John he quit a-drlnking!" I can't say it times enough! And hates and loathes a liquor As he would a poison stuff. And when I say my prayers at night As thankful as can he— I prav for John the most of all— Then GOLDEN TREATMENT. Home Treatment for Drunkards OdorlfM nnd TnntelfM—Any Lndy Cnn Give It Secretly nt Home In Ten, CoflTee or Food. Costs Nothing to Try If you have a husband, son, brother, father or friend who is a victim of liquor, all you have to do is to send your name and address on the coupon below. You must be thankful as long as you live that you did it. Free Trial Package Coupon Dr. J. IV, Haines Company, 83 Glenn Hide.. Cincinnati. Ohio Please send me, absolutely free, by return mall, In plain wrapper, so that no one can know what It contains, a trial package of Golden Treatment to prove that what you claim for it is true in every re spect. Name Street City I s ""° THURSDAY EVENING* SdVeCbal "Clean the Furnace " Day FZ/P7(OIZIM///