Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 07, 1918, Page 12, Image 12

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Flying With Shaffer
Escadrille Spud 3S.
Secteur Postal 102,
G. C. 22.
Dear Mother:
Since 1 wrote Dad a long letter
vesterday. I must needs write you
one also, else there might be jeal
ousv and strife in the heretofore
peaceful Shaffer household.
Some people might call this a
aood day to write letters, for it is
; rainy and, of course, flying is im
possible. At least 1 hate the time,
but you are probably aware that
rainy days never did improve my
disposition any. Not only that, but
it's very chilly, even if I have a
war bungalow to stay in. for there
are onlv three panes in the window
and the other three missing panes
give nie a pain. Ventilation I have
in plentv. but one can overdo any
thing. as Dad is fond of saying.
This is an excellent example and 1
am doing my best to cope with it.
But a candle don't give much heat
and also is pretty expensive fuel.
Stove 1 have not. but. believe nie.
just as soon as my punishment is
up. I'll sure hie nie to town and get
one. Yes. I have been punished.
French Discipline
No. not by going to prison, but in
the usual original way of the *
was given eight days arrite.
ninv well look puzzled, and so did I
when 1 read it. It certainly did not
mean prison and 1 could not thin
of anvthing else it might mean.
Soon, however, it was explained to
me that for eight days I was to be
allowed no permission avvav from
camp. Since aviators can alwa>s
get an auto and permission to near
by towns on bad days, you can
see where the punishment came in.
However, .not being a Frenchman,
the punishment amused me. be
cause there wits nothing I wanted i
town, except a stove: so I can s.
I have suffered so very much. .
for the cause of all thts. I had for
gotten to remove my altimeter, com
pass and watch from my Plane when
1 went "en panne at Melette. Re
suit: Someone took the watch and
the fault was laid to me for not re
moving it: but since the camp I
had landed at was where m> old
escadrille 1156> was stationed. I
thought it was not necessary. The
captain understood this when I ex
plained it to him. but said he gave
the punishment not so much for the
loss as for the lesson it would teach
me. It did. too. for a day later \
started out to hunt balloons and
lost my propeller and part of. m.
engine'in the air. Believe me. w'hen
1 got down I lost no time in prying
every instrument off in sight, even
using a cold chisel on the compass,
and then requested a captain stand
ing nearby to have three men guard
the plane. ~ .
Since the loss of niy propeller
happened so soon after my punish
ment for the loss of the watch, the
Frenchmen had quite a lot of fun
predicting how many days 1 vvouid
get for losing the propeller. They
still jokingly refer to it every time
I go up in the air. Just the same, j
losing one's propeller In the air is
no joking matter, especially when
there is nothing to land on but shell
holes. But this incident just goes ;
to show how aviators as a class re- i
gard a "close shave.
Flying With Madon
The narrowest escape is always
the most amusing—if one gets away |
with if: if not. his folks get a no- I
tiee and he gets a "croix de bois ;
instead of a "croix de guerre.
I am just beginning to realize |
what an honor it was to fly with
Madon and his lieutenants, the time
I knocked down my Boche. Of
course. Putnam often flew with him
when he was in the escadrille. and
he was only a "sergeant." but he
was one of the few exceptions, for
as a rule he flies with his officers
as only one of them. Thus you can
see that a pilot who is not an offi- j
cer must have something to rec- j
ommend him before the great
Madon takes him along on his hunt- .
In? trips. And the only thin? I had (
to recommend me was being an ■
American, which seems to be quite
sufficient, as this particular "ace"
has a very high opinion of an Amer
ican's fighting ability. The fact that
I knocked down a Boche during the
tight raised his already high opin
ion of Americans another notch.
Reallv. I was more elated at up- ,
holding his ideal of an American
than in getting the Boche. for if
you will remember. I did not see
"the Boche "crash." which would
at least have been a fitting reward
for my pains.
Officers Great Help
The officers, though, are all very
nice to me. and now that both the ,
other Americans in the escadrille
are on permission, one to America
and the other in Paris, I am literal
ly thrown on my own resources,
as far as speaking French is con
cerned. anyway.
It is here that the officers are a '
creat help to nie. for I can under
--•-.nd them where I cannot under
stand others. Naturally, they are
1 rtter educated as a rule than the
l—ual run of corporals and ser
nts. As for the mechanics, after
♦hey get done chewing up several
.• "vases I don't know whether they
—e diking Chinese or Hawaiian. It
really remarkable the difference
*h which the different classes of :
n speak this language. I sup
•se the difference between a Bow- !
e y tough and a Boston professor
would be a good comparison. Truly,
t seems so to me at times, for in
studying the books I have, natural
ly I acquire the pure, unadulterat
ed French, and then I go out and ;
try a conversation, with the result
that in less time than five minutes
I'm in over my ears and lost as com- i
pletely as the proverbial needle in j
the haystack. So often has this oc
cuxred that I finally gave up study-1
ing books, because in talking both
conetructlon.of sentences and words
are so entirely different. Quite I
true, often very tingrammatical. but |
spoken. Now. I simply carry a
pocket dictionary around with me
and when a word pops up that is
unfamiliar I beein "chercher" right
away. The Frenchmen are not
abo* taking advantage of this hab
it, and often chuck several sen
tences of French slang at me.
"fflßaerad!" is all I can answer to
then sallies, for naturally I don't
get a word, and the Frenchmen
would Mke to die laughing at the
■ta&k expression on my face. T ad-
Untt It's comical, but you should
>eur them try to pronounce "thir
teen." "the" and "thirty." One
lieutenant in the escadrille spoke
very good English, and another lieu
tenant. becoming ambitious to learn
the American language, he volun
teered to teach him. Two days la
ter I heard some of the results. He
,*■ had been specializing on the num
bers and, not being able to get the
pronunciation of "twelve" Just right,
his French comrade, manlike, gave
him the expression, "to hell," as an
aid to the difficulty. He was Just
as original about "eight," which also
i stuck on his tongue, telling him it
j was pronounced like "egg." You
| would have to be present to really
know how funny it was. but you
! can imagine how I laughed when
i he said "twenty eggs" for 26.
Plenty or Carrots
The Boche may be efficient. We
hear enough about that character
j isile of his anyway, but he cer
tainly fogot a most important thing
when lie came through here —not a
; doggone carrot has been disturbed.
! and as far as my observation in this
j vicinity goes there is going to be
a record crop. Thus 1 can see a
hard winter ahead of me, for you
' know how much I love carrots. Only
yesterday we had some of this dis
' appointing vegetable for dinner.
The cook tried to make theni tasty
; by putting a milk dressing on them,
which was about as successful, in
my estimation, as mixing water with
"pinard"—it don't help the "pinard"
any and only spoils the water. I
called it a disappointing vegetable
* because it looks so much like a
I sweet potato, but it certainly donT
] taste like one. Golly! what wouldn t
I give for a sweet potato, and to
think that not a one has passed by
my mbuth since leaving America.
Just received that magazine you
promised me and which you re
marked would please me so much.
II was wondering at the time I read
i your letter just what there would
;be in that magazine that would
please me so much. Having read
the article 1 know now. It could be
no other than the one written so
humorously by Irwin S. Cobb on
"The Advantage of Being Homely."
I get the point, mother, but you
needn't rub it in. for Cobb is sure
right when he says it's an advan
tage—especically in war. Curtain
it is that battle sears could spoil
no beauty of mine.
After the Huns
Sorry 1 cannot give you any thrills
in this letter. Former letters should
give you enough to last awhile any
way. Besides nothing has happened
j of late except one tight. 6vhose ab
sence of result made it of no im
portance.—However, it may inter
est you. There were seven of us.
which is quite a bunch of fighting
planes to maneuver in a body, and
after some chasing a'round over the
"piste" wc finally headed for Sois
sons. grouped fairly close together.
' Arriving at that place we headed
| east and soon were over Rheims
1 where we ran into some Huns, flying,
as usual in one of their efficiency
formations. I had heard of this
! particular type of formation before
but had never actually seen it.
The Boche were arranged in lay
ers. five flying very high, four 1,000
i meters lower and six more very low.
Even you can see the advantage of
1 this arrangement, for the only ab
j solutely safe patrol to attack was
i the high one. and that would not
! be doing any good, because all the
i time the lower patrols would be
carrying out their missions. So we
i started down on the middle layer,
! but the usual gun jam occurred in
| my case and I pulled up to fixed it.
: As it required all my attention 1
I had lost my patrol by the time it
I was fixed, but the air seemed to be
I as full of Spads that night as Boche:
1 and I soon ran plunk into an es
cadrille whose noses were painted
| blue—ours are red—and with them
| attacked the lowest patrol of six.
i Guns worked all right, but although
| I made an awful allowance for that
Boche's speed my bullets seemed to
' have no effect. On coming up from
1 this dive I found my red-nosed com
rades again and we started home.
When we arrived there we were giv
en quite a lecture by the patrol
leader, who is a very officious
Frenchman and delights in laying
1 the law down to us. Anyway, we
were balled out for losing the patrol
j during the fight and to prevent it
j happening again, hereafter each
s pilot will have a position assigned
i to him as to his place in the forma
-1 tion. and no matter where they go
!he must keep that position. Such
' being the case. I can see where I
1 either cut somebody's tail off trying ,
: to keep in position, or be so busy
following the leader I won't have
time to shoot. I brought down a
biplane Boche the other day with a
lieutenant's plane. Both guns work- .
'ed perfectly, never jamming onco. ]
1 In fact they made so much smoke
I lost the Boche. He crashed though,
which makes my second official vic
tory. Truly Dad, you can stick your
| chest out now and crow a little
! louder. Looks as if the prophecy
i Edgar Forney wrote to his mother
.at Dauphin is coming true, part of
; it anyway, as to my coming back
1 all decora .ed up. Already I have
been decorated twice, having re
ceived a "Croix de guerre" with two
palms—at least I will be when the
I citations come through.
The Jamming Gun
Speaking of guns jamming, here
is a little incident about a pilot
from an escadrille near us. This
; Frenchman had attacked a balloon, i
and as you put It his gun jammed
at the critical moment, but he had
come ten miles into Germany to
get this "target practice" and he i
was going to make that balloon burn ;
if it took both wheels and a wing.
It nearly did, too, for, still diving
steeply at the balloon and naturally
goiog at a terrific speed he pro- j
eeeded to fix that exasperating gun. j
He gave all his attention to it, too. '
Therefore he did not notice the .
| balloon was getting almighty close. '
The next thing he knew he ran into
: it. That a man could do such a 1
! thing and live to tell about it sounds
! incredible, but he brought the black |
1 cross, which is painted on the side !
of every Boche balloon, back on his j
I plane. This tale came from the cap- '
tain of our group, a man whose
I word I would never doubt. How's f
1 that for a cure for a jammed gun,
! eh Dad? Sure he got the balloon,
1 but would you advise me to follow
| the same line of action the next
' time my guns go on strike? I'm
i not so sure but I might do the same j
fool thing, for having gone after
balloons several time I know Just
how a flyer feels when the balloon
burn. After one has taken all .
that trouble, to say nothing of j
dodging innumerable "Archies," in J
getting there and then to have some- ,
thing happen to prevent his reward ,
—a Boche bonfire. Truly, it's enough
to make a saint lose his religion. j
Tells Shaffer's Fortune
One of the feminine readers of
my letters writes me vert- regularly
Just to show you how cheering she
is I Insert part of one of her letters.
She here endeavors to tell my for
tune from facts gleaned from read
ing my letters. Read it and tell me
how close she came to reading n,y
true character. I am curious to
"Your health is excellent, only
trouble Is a slight brain storm
from the amount of French it con
tains. Life line broken and patched
seems to indicate "vrilles" and
forgotten 'safety belts.' However
'you'll live until you die.
j "Humor bump well developed. Ad
: vice is, marry girl who wouldn't
1 know a joke If she bumped against
j it. She'll ask you if that's funny
[ when you tell your best. Disposition
sweet. This, however, is cultivated
by a close application to candy and
—and—Us it possible I read this
line aright ?—tulips. Liable to be
grouchy when there are no letters,
or the 'lieutenant balls him out. In
the main is rather i\bove the aver
age.' "
If it wasn't for the fear of being
considered egotistical I would say
that was pretty good—all except, of
course, the "tulips" part. What do
you think? As the exact time of
my death is given you should be re
assured. WALTER.
Sergeant Cy Heckert has been pro
moted to lieutenant, and transferred
from Camp Hancock, Go., to spe
cial duty at Camp Forrest, near
Chattanooga, Tenn. Lieutenant
Heckert was assigned to Camp Han
cock with the Pennsylvania National
Guard fourteen months ago. but on
account of the nature of the work
to which he was assigned he did not
sail overseas.
Earle E. Renn. 1605 Market
street, was promoted from first lieu
tenant to captain in the United
States Tank Corps, a message to his
wife states. Before the war Captain
Renn was an attorney at the Dau
phin county bar.
Divefy, Pomeroy& Stewart
Smart Suits and Cozily Interlined This Is Home Craft Week
Coats Are Featured in a 1° i —muMmrnmrn
Ci *1 f~\ i I pn • tllc home—and the other is to feature those things
bpeciai uctober bhowmg make "* ■ comfort a „d ii rii
§ P rac tical from shoulder to shoe top , Can you imagine the gloom of waking MbM
are the favored groups of Suits and realize' f S °' y ° U c - an
Coats which we have gathered for worn- dow and give its decoration IncT oTher T -
en and misses—but their practicabilitv drapery needs of the home due thought I
takes nothing away from their smart- Home Craft Week features the beautiful things | i^iit
ness. The fabrics are beautiful woolens, diat have been made to beautify windows, door V ~-
soft and luxurious, and the tailoring is doorways, cozy corners and decorative
to their lines, which means added scrv- 'h e designs are woven into these wonderful win
ice mid appropriateness at any duty of a j'lj^ JciVkn 1 !wjj 1 t jr^ t - v ( a '" 11 " c
and M/VpS Da p"aTn eJU^ott.™^.™' 1 narrow Tee X* QU f" Cu \ Uina -, fancy wlth
mill IVJL looCo yd , 50c and 85c small roses, lace trimmed edge, pair ... 81.00
_ ... . Filet Net in ivory 54 inches for drapery or lun- Fine Allover Pattern Net Curtains, hemmed edge
r-specially attractive models are developed c-? be °v sets ' yd 81.50 with narrow braid trimmings, pair $0.50
of finest quality wool velours, duvet de laines, 'pattM-n 1 through'center vd™' plai .?. , e< l se ; scroU , English Net Curtains, scroll mesh with black pat
silvertones, suede velours and Other favored Plain Selvedge Net with* large "pa'tte'rn th'rough tern and border scolloped edge, pair 82.50
woolens. In every one of these is to be seen . center - fi n® mesh, yd 75c, 85c to SI.OO Many dainty patterns in curtains in ivory, ecru
a tvpe of front and back designing"- that is 1 Sc ?j c i Madra s in many patterns, cream ground and white, plain hemmed edge or braid or lace
not'to ho found rrdinaril\- Vu 11.1 ■ , an.™ 10 !",®' 1 patterns in bluc ! Pink and gold, trimmed, pair 81.00 to 87.50
lound ordinarilv and With all their I > d oe. allover patterns, 36 to 42 wide. In the less expensive curtains arc styles of soft net,
smartness of detail, and their skilful tailor- i 39c > aoc " a,,< ' '3° 2% to 3 yards long, pair 5i.25 to ss.oo
nig the> a e of a price range that is very j Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor
satisfying, borne are belted, some have slen-
der belts appearing at the sides onlv, some |
xarassKp-"" | Harrisburg Women Are Asked
All women planning their Fall and Winter
coats in this Special OctoLrSh^win^ 8 aml t() GIVG 18,000 TOW6IS FOY
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor
AQ L -F M ' RFIT >Q 4? Overseas Service
Ol IVIGn S S/TICI Boys bOlt 1 And it is safe to predict that they will go 'way over the top in this new
j drive of the Red Cross, which opened to-day.
VA/ "I Y"> 4~ A~y TTqFC; 1 C? 1 "IT O* An /\yvi IAD was t ' ie wor ' c Harrisburg women which crowded those store rooms last week
V V 111 LCI I.ldLks X I UlIllollli with clothes for Belgium and France and it was the tireless work of women which classified
• the thousands of pieces and sent them on their way overseas.
That Are Unusual A S° Harrisburg's Towel and Linen Allotment Will
>, Soon Be Raised Through a Timely Sale
A prominent hat maker's entire plant has just f —\ Which OpCRS TOHIOrrOW
been taken over bv the Government for the mak- S r- j . . , , „
• Good towels arc very scarce in the market because the Government has commandeered
ing ot soldiers garments, and in order to give adc- Y t ' ie nia i or hy of the linens for war purposes.
equate room for storage purposes the manufactur- ¥ ■' ur s * oc ' <s re P resent purchases of months ago, and in every instance the prices named
. ' in yjfc**/' are interestingly low.
er s complete stock of hats had to be disposed of. f jSjTgSP For example:
The lot came to us at a price which permits our Men's J&r Turkish Towels Huck Towels | All Linen Hucks
-1-1- „*„t, „ „„1 t • . t* 18x38. white ribbed; each. 85c 15x22 figured Huck Towels, 29c These are exceptional in val
ea stoclv t0 present a sale Ol unusual importance All white, or with red and Plain Huck Towels, 35c and 59c j u <> because no linens are being
C\l -s\ TT 1 A • blue- each so.- ..n.l 19e Fancy all-linen Irish. Guest turned out; duplicates ol present
$7 lO VnlllPQ Arp Hu <* Towels 75c stocks cannot be made—
tyl.UU V LllUCb Slit ~ - - - - - - OtfC Heavy, all white Turkish Bath * 18x34 plain hemstitched Hucks.
Towels 09c Linen and Cotton Hucks 9c
$2.00 and $2.50 Values Are - - 95c T T h B ST T extr4 . heavy T!! Hem.utch.d HU ck 8 9 C 2T^\TsmTd d HXTSi 7 25
W VA r tAICAOO HJ C. Turkish Bath Towels 7oc Hemmed Huck Towels, 39c. 45c 18x30 extra fine Hucks? 81.00
TI.„ „ u- ' TL i< . .... Fancy Turkish Towels, in all Figured hemstitched Huck All linen Irish hemstitched
c/ill ' a ' ne w th '! seas °n. I here are crushed and soft roll brim models in colors a nd checks, stripes and To ' velB -- 59c HucH Towels, of extra quality, In
bcotch Mixtures, leather combinations and subdued colorings. • rtpßien , Extra heavy hemstitched cot- designs that are beautiful and
Come in tomorrow ee if vnnr interest irninserl „„ .. . on and linen (Union) Towels, unprocurable to-day,
luniurrovv, .ee it jour interest rs aroused 09c, 75c, 81.00, BUS and $1.50 29x39, with Greek border . .pi.oo $1.50, $2.00, isiso and $3.00
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. . Dives; Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Fashionable Black Silks of Cotton Dress Fabrics That -Mr (w, Wc ' vt been told ' and we
T- A ... . T 7 . TTT >% / believe it, too, that Lib-
Fine Quality in Various Weaves Ar6 EL Mixture of Half Silk erty Bonds spell fight in
Destinctive black silks make up a most charming display , twenty-two different lan
in our silk section. There is an unusual demand tor these " e Sl '* { S ives them the sheer and delicacy that makes ,
rich fabrics of deep tone and lustrous texture them dress cottons of rare charm. Four destinct weaves guages. That means that
Black Messaiine. 36 inches; yard $1.65 and $1.75 of this character are briefly described. 4.U-,.. n
BSJSaagSK-UISKgs: Sit •-"=->' -"M. n German de "
nS'ch''SHn T >?!££? "IS* 1 "": .-.v.v.v.v.v.v.v SS „££ SS*- " '" cl "' ha " -=• £s36®
Black Satm Superior 40 inches; yard 4 .. . $3.90 Siik'Plaids. 36 inches Wide! in'good color's' yard 75c . Don't Wait tO find OUt
Black Crepe ChaTmeise "vard ,3 °° and o SUk Fiber ,n white founds witUneat or /■!!'-
jmmmmk ho ?r nyBond ' ,he : ,h
-' W™ lobes'(or* bath' rob4s 'and "baby 'blankets.' ex'tra'he—vy "wooJ J" y° UrSlf . a " d
btripe \ oile, 40 inches, >ard $3.50 finish, in Indian design and figures; yard 59c yOU 11 have a TCCOrd tO be
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor I Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. | proud of. '
Marrisburg telegraph
Meeting at Myerstown Is
Brought to an Abrupt
Myerstown, Pa.. Oct. 7. —Obeying
I the State Health Department's order,
although no direct request to do so
had been received, the 119 th annual
conference of the East Pennsylvania
Conference. United Brethren in
Christ, came to an abrupt close Sat
j urday. It was the opinion of Bishop
! W. M. Bell, who presided, that the
j strictest observance of the rule with
I respect to the campaign against the
spread of intiuenza be followed.
| Ordination of candidates for el
j ders' orders was held, all Sunday ap
! pointments canceled and the follow
ing appointments announced:
Allentown, Linden Street, G. A-
Richie: Sixth Street, C. Mease; Ann
\ille, S. F. Daugherty, D. D.: Balti
more. Otterbein. P. B. Gibble; Avon.
' H. E. Schaeffer: Bellegrove, E. E-
Bender; Berne. R. S. Arndt; Birds
horo. A. Williams; BrunerviUe, R. S.
I Heberlig; Cntawissa, S. A. Ranch;
Chamber Hill. C. L. Early; Coates
! ville. I. W. Funk: Columbia, I. H.
Balsbaugh; Cressona, L. R. Kramer:
Denver. O. G. Romig; Elizabethtown,
I. N. Seldomridge: Ephrata, C. A. I
| Mutch: Florin. M. H. Miller: Grant-1
ville. G. W. Hess: Halifax, I. D. Isyw-'
ery; Harrisburg. First, W. E. Daugh-J
erty, D. D.; Otterbein, S. E. Hupp,
D. D.; Derry Stret. J. A. Lyter,
D. D.; State Street, H. F. Rhoad;
Sixth Street. J. L. Jones: Hcrshey,
R. It. Butter-wick. D. D.; Highsplre.
M. H. Wert; Hillsdale, E. F. Cas
tettcr: Hopeland, N. 1. Fake; Hum
melstown, A. S. Lehman; Inter
course. M. V. Freidinger; lona, W. E.
Shoop; Jacksonville. H. 11. Fertig;
Jonestown, H. A. Crlm.
Lncaster, Covenant. G. D. Battorff,
D. D.; North Queen, C. H. Holzingcr:
Laurel Street, J. R. Bowerntaster.
Lebanon, Salem, H. E. Miller, D. D.;
Trinity, B. F. Daugherty, D. D.;
Memorial. M. H. Jones, D. D.; Beth
any, G. W. Hallntan; West, R. C.
Spangler; Hebron. O. T. Ehihait:
Pleasant Hill. I. H. Albright, Ph.
Lebanon Circuit, H. K. Geiger; Ling
lest own, L. D. Godschall; Lititz, C.
S. Miller; Lykens, S. L. Rhonds;
Manada Hill, E. M. Rhoads; Lykens
Circuit, G. W. Rotherniel; Manheim,
A. L. Haesseler; Manor. M. Groft":
Middletown. E. A. G. Bossier; Mil
let sburg, O. Mease; Montclair, J. E.
Keene; Mt. Carmel, J. C. Deitzler;
Mt. Joy, C. A Snavely; Mountville,
It. E. Long: Myerstown, I. M. Hcr
shey; Neffsville, S. G. Kauffntan; New
Holland, C. E. Rettew.
Northampton. I. B. Koons; Ober
tin, H. S. Kieffer; Palmyra, First, E.
O. Burtner, I>. D.; Second. O. B.
Longenecker; Paradise, A. G. Nye;
Penn Brook, H. M. Miller; Peqiies.
M. K. Groff: Philadelphia, First, C.
Y. Utrich; Second. X. I- Linebaugh;
Third, A. K. Wier; Pine Grove, R.
F. Morgan; Pottstown, J. A. Keiper;
Reading Zion. C. E. Boughter; Trin
ity. H. F. Boeshore; Salem, D. D.
Buddinger: Rocherty, W. Kriek:j
Royalton,' C. R. Beittel; Sloverdaie,
. E. Oliver; Schuylkill Haven, G. M.
your pay envelope with that or
, ; our soldier in France. He nets
only 933 a month. He sacrifices
. I his home, position and good wages.
that you shall never know the
,j despotism of Hun rule.
i What sacrifices will you nvtke
to help him win the war?
What will you subscribe from
J your pay envelope for the Fourth
| Liberty Loan? Buying Liberty
Bonds is only a loan to your gov
| eminent: you'll get your money
| back, with interest paid twice a
The time to save is NOW when
you have the money and
wnen your government most needs
your support.
\ Richter; Shnmokln, First, H. J.
| Behney;; Second, J. F. Brown; Sha
mokin Circuit. H. P. Light; Stcelton,
I J. F. Daugherty; Sunburv. J. M. Wal
ters; Tower City, S. G. llans; Tre
j mont, B. F. Goodman: Union, 1. It.
I Mac Donald: Valley View, H. M
; Mentzer: West Willow, B. M. Bren-
I naman: Wiiliamstown, C. A. Sollen
[ bcrgei ; .
j Reading was selected for the 1919
| conference.
One German alien woman was
j registered at police headquarters
Saturday under the law requiring
every enemy alien female over four
-1 teen years of age who resides within
, a half mile of a .munitions plant or
government plant, to register.
OCTOBER 7, 1918.
U. S. Not to Distinguish
Between Nonunion and
Union Telephone Men
I The Cumberland Valley Telcphono
| Company has received notice frbm
; Postmaster Burleson that represen
j tations which are being made
, throughout the country that it is
the desire of the government that
| employes of the telegraph and tele
| phone companies should join various
i unions are fnlse, and that in its
! operation of tho telegraph and tele
| phone systems the Post Office De-
I partment will not distinguish be-
I twt;en nonunion and union employes,
but will employ men solely because
of the fitness for the positions which
they seek.
At the same time, announcement
was made that a committee, com
posed of William S. Bryan, assistant
(superintendent. Division of Post Of-
I lice Service; John B. Colpoys, spe
cial iiKent, Department of L,abor;
I Union N. Bethell, first vice-presi
j dent, American Telephone and Tele
i graph Company. F. B. MacKinnon,
I United States Independent Tele-
I phone Association, and Miss Julia S.
I O'Connor, representing the organ
ized telephone workers of the coun-
I try. has been appointed to investl
| gate the working conditions and
j wages paid to the employes of tele-
I graph and telephone companies, and
report as to what improvement
I should be made in their working
j conditions, what wagps should be
paid to various classes of employes
and the feasibility of standardizing
' their wages.
Liberty Loan Rally in Reser
voir Park Is One of Suc
cesses of Campaign
A great crowd of Italians wi*h
hundreds of Americans assembled
in Reservoir Park yesterday after
noon to see the squad of thlrty-tlvei
Alpine veterans and fourteen buglers
from the Italian Army, under tho
command of Captain Lampugnani
and a junior officer. With them were
two American soldier interpreters,
and the whole squad was under the
command of Captain Moriarity, of
the American Army.
Tho following speakers addressed
the crowd at Reservoir Park: Cap
tain CJ. Andrew Moriarity, Captain
Ernest tluy Lampugnani, l.ieuten
ant Barbotti Rettino, Captain A. W.
Ingram, of the British Army, and
F. Fiscar, vice consul of the Ital
ians in Pennsylvania. The speakers
were introduced by Peter Magaro.
The Rev. Ben Samn, of Steelton,
opened the meeting with prayer.
After the meeting tho foreign sol
diers paraded to Steelton. and at
8.55 le f t the city.