Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 03, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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Assembly at Cnfral
"Subsc'be to Argus"
Assembly wa held this morning
*t Central. urged that
all students ce lserv o paper and sup
plies, and sugicsted that paper bags
nd bill postrs be used to do figur
ing on tin nvthrmatics.
Since the last assembly the office
records slow that tarcMness has
slightly dicreased. This change was
do to the drastic measures that Mr.
•Severance threatened to carry out
unless this carelessness was stopped.
The primary reason for assembly
• this morning was to urged a 100
per cent, subscription to the Argus.
I Prof. Karl E. Richards explained the
( subscription cards and offered to al-
subscriptions to be taken on
the instalment plan. The editor-in
chief, Carl B. Stoner.' again urged
the session to subscribe heavily, and
asked for junior candidates for the
exchange, observation and business
<columns of the paper. Louis Riner,
the business manager, was next pre
sented by Mr. Severance, who re
ferred to him as the "High Mogul."
Mr. Severance explained that his
nickname for Rimer was due to the
fact that he was a "six-footer" and
that he was the "big man" on the
staff. Rimer urged each individual
to urge each other individual to sub
scribe immediately. He also stated
that a cheap Argus would not be
published, and that either a large
number of subscriptions must be
taken or the paper would be discon
tinued. The percentage of subscrip
tions by rooms was reported, and
the six highest are as. follows: Miss
McNeff. 31 per cent.: Miss Irwin,
24 per cent.: Miss Stewart, 21 per
cent.: Miss Bowers, 20 per cent.:
Miss Smith, 15 per cent.; Miss Ather
ton, 15 per cent.
Mrs. James Brady and Miss Maud
Bradv have opened their house, at
510 North Second street, after sum
mering in South Bethlehem and the
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jackson went
home to Brooklyn to-day. after a
week's stay among old friends in this
Mrs. George A. Klugh is occupying
her residence after spending the sum
mer at her country place, near High
Miss Marietta Lansing, of Detroit.
Mich., is a guest of her cousin, Miss
Estelle Bright, at her suburban home.
Twelvetrees. just beyond the city.
Miss Pearl Midlam and Miss Grace
Midlam want to Altoona this morn
ing. after a short visit among rela
tives in this vicinity.
A Beautiful Spray OSc
A Handsome Wreath S3.ua
_ KI.OW Ell _
814 \. Third St.. Hurrlsburg
157 X. Front St., Strcltoa
Torts lenses afford far greater
expanse of view than any other
Toris lenses, by reason of
their curved formation, do not
touch the eyelashes.
].et qh show thrin to you
Eyesight Specialist
Sehlelaner Building
' ' ,
f Lebanon Valley College j
- i
30 more men wanted immediately. Requirements, four-year I
high school graduation or equivalent; physical examination;
age 18 years or over.
Pres. G. V. Gossard
These Women's Shoes at $6.50
; j
Set a Standard in Value Giving j
If we had to purchase these shoes in to-day's market,
the price would be much higher, but because we were
fortunate in securing them early, before prices had advanced
to such an extent, you are offered a shoe value difficult to
Whether or not you are in actual need, you most cer
tainly should' secure a pair of these splendid s u oes at this
very moderate Drice.
Buy More Liberty Bonds ' !
• ■ ■ ■ ■ —J
Ellis Laundry Tracks Will Collect For Red Cross
3 X&fSSMBiI 'The Red Cross drive for hand towels.
■MI napkins, handkerchiefs, sheets, etc.. will
Hi *£E£3R start Monday. We have placed our de-
Wompt "ha livery trucks at the service of the local
Ml m division and will make collections. Put
up your bundle and give It to the driver
when he calls for your laundry, or if we
do not call at your home, phone and we'll
gladly come for your donation. "*
Bell 4570 . D '
— X
. ,
| The i'hilonlan Debating Society met j
last evening at the home of Robert i
:W. Crist. 257 North street. Arthur |
; Hibler, Fred Snyder. Milton Potts and j
I Carl Stoner were initiated into the!
j society. Following the initiation re- J
| freshments were served to Clyde j
l Hooker, Stewart Wagner, William
I Mcßride. Gilchrist Brinlnger. Arthur I
| Hibler. Fred Snyder. Milton 1
• Carl Stoner and Robert Crist. The:
! next Philonian meeting will be held \
'• at the home of William Mcßride and j
Richard Quigley, Alton Smith and ]
' George Pulas will be taken in.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Haviland and .
daughter. Miss Mildred Haviland. of J
272 Muenich street, spent the week j
in Cleveland. Ohio.
There will be an "Argus" meet- I
]ing to-night at the home of Editor
i in-\Chief Carl B. Stoner. Although
the full staff has not been appointed
the present staff will-begin work to- t
night in order to publish the first
• issue on October 2S. Miss Mary i
i Rodney, of the junior class, has
: been appointed by the editor-in
chief as assistant editor.
Plans are being' made by Mr. !
Leveranee to wage a Liberty Loan '
drive, starting next week. .A special
assembly will be held and a speaker ;
i will explain how the bonds can be
| purchased by the students.
The J. F. Club, or Jolly Friars, of
1 Central High Sphool held a meeting
lat the home of Leon Neefe. of 1022 j
Green street, last evening. The meit<
bers vied with each other in trying
i to have a good time and do credit i
' to the name they have selected for i
j their club. The evening was spent !
|on the front lawn dancing and sing- :
' ing. beautiful dance was grace- t
\ fully performed by "Benny" Hillegas, j
I accompanied by the whole club. The |
j boys complied with the Food Admin- !
j istration by conserving meat and a j
scalloped oyster supper was served
1 to: William Cleckner. president: ;
! George Hartman, Wessley Stanford.!
I Harold Shearer, Harold Gutshal. Ben- j
i theum Hillegas. Wayne Snyder, Mel
ltnger McClintock, James Craiglow. j
; Leon Neefe.
The W. M. B. Club last night was[
1 organized r.t the home of Kathryn
; McNeal, 20 North Eighteenth street.
I Officers were elected as follows: !
, President, Irene Johnson; secretary.
I Margaret Worley; treasurer. Edith
I Mullen; toastmaster, Ruth Landis. 1
The members of the club are:
I Martha Moltz. Lola Shope. Rutjt
I Landis. Irene Johnson. Helen Haw
; thorn. Jean Motter, Peggy Spencer.
, Mary Levin. Margaret Cunningham,
| Helen Gantt. Irene Wiland. Vlr- 1
j ginla Morrow, Kathryn McNeal,!
i Irene Johnson, Margaret Worley and
I Edith Mullen.
; The next meeting will be held ati
| the home of Miss Helen Gantt, 2241;
! North Sixth street.
The College Club will hold its first I
I fall meeting Tuesday afternoon. Oc-I
[tober 8, at 2.30 o'clock, at the Har- !
trisburg Country Club. Mrs. John C. ,
Stinc. president, is hostess. The sub- i
Iject for the meeting is "Woman in;
j Agriculture." The Country Club bus I
j will meet the 2 o'clock Rockville j
I °ar.
! [All birth announcements for pub- |
lication roust be sent in accompanied !
Iby name of writer. The Telegraph |
makes this rute to insure accuracy.l j
i Mr. and Mrs- Paul Mowery. 14201
j Liberty street, have announced the
i birth of a daughter, Helen Louise |
Mowery. Friday, September 27, 1018. •
I Mrs. Mowery was formerly Miss;
Janet Aukerbrandt.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cookerly,. 216'
| Geary street, have announced the;
birth of a daughter, Marian Velcttaj
1 Cookerly, on Friday, September 27,
1918. Miss Cookerly was formerly!
Miss Carrie Zimmerman.
Industrial Committee
Holds Conference 1
| A conference will be held to-day
; in Boyd hall by the Industrial Com-'
| mtttee of the V. W. C. A. Delegates
| from Hershey, York and Lancaster,
| will be present. At the afternoon
' meeting which opens at 3 o'clock,
j Miss Estelle Lauder will speak on
! "The Minimum Wage." Miss Lois
: G. Scott, industrial secretary of the
! association here, will speak on the
I conference held at Nepahwin last
| June.
At the evening meeting, begin
ing at 8 o'clock, Mrs. Mabel Cronise |
I Jones will speak on "Industrial j
Work" and Mrs. Samuel Semple will j
J have an interesting message on "The !
| State and Industrial Work."
C. A. 0. Society ol 'l7
Meets With Miss Wall
Miss Helen Wall entertained the ,
1 C. A. O. Society of 'l7 at her home. ;
! 909 North Sixteenth street last even- j
: ing. The girls spent the time knit- ,
I ting and singing: Refreshments j
were served to the following guests: j
; Miss Romayne Boyer, Miss Caroline.
Hahn, Miss Evelyn Speakman, Miss j
i Beatrice Bacon. Miss Getha High, j
Miss Katherine Thorn, Miss Mary :
Alma Allen, Miss Lillian Speakman, |
: Miss Gertrude Weston.
Miss Elizabeth 801 l
Hostess to Friends
1 Miss Elizabeth 8011, of 1524 Re- j
jgina street, entertained at her home |
ion Tuesday evening. Refreshments
'were served to the following guests: I
j Miss Agnes Brernan, Miss Dorothy j
Dickert, Miss Helen Wall, Miss :
! Martha Wall. Miss Irene Saunders, .
|Leo McCormick, William Dowling, j
! Frank Cozolie. Mr. and Mrs. John
I Ford, Mrs. W. J. McCormick and I
; Mr. and Mrs. John P. Gallagher.
j The Queen's Daughters held a re- ,
ception yesterday afternoon at the Syl- .
i van Heights Orphange for the 42 new j
• members, which now makes a total
membership of 137. Father Thompson. :
: of Steelton, who spoke on war work, j
! urged every woman to co-operate in I
Red Cross activities. The children's]
Choir sang. Mrs. Bernard Schmidt,
president, presided at the meeting j
and served refreshments to the guests.
1 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Henderson, of •
i 1036 South Cameron street, have an- j
, nounced the engagement of their ]
i daughter. Miss Helen R. Henderson, j
j to Robert W. Campbell, also of this j
city. Miss Henderson graduated from ,
i Central High school, class of 1918. Mr.
Campbell is a graduate of Bucknell
I University, and until recently lived ]
I in Philadelphia.
j Private Harold Eckert. of United
\ States Marine Corps. stationed at
i camp. Edward C. Fuller. Paoll, spent
• a short furlough with his mother.
I Mrs. Myral A. Eckert, of 125 Sylvan
I Terrace. He expects to sail this
• week for, France.
! William S. Miller. Jr., ■ and Jack
| Holle. of Newark. N. J., both serving
I in the United States Marines, spent
j a short furlough with the former's
| parents. Mr. and Mrs. William S.
j Miller, of Paxtang. They are now
| on their way to Ireland to a training
j school.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Heagy, of |
| Camp Hill, have just -received word
jof the safe arrival overseas of their
j son. Richard Heagy. Mr. Heagy has
; been in the employ of the Water
i Supply Commission of Pennsylvania
for the past four years and was re
cently appointed army field clerk
i by the Secretary of War.
Mrs. George Varnun, better known'
'here as Miss Bertha Robinson, of:
I Butler, is t delegate from that place!
j to the convention, being held at'
Fifth Street Methodist Church, and,
j is the guest of her uncle. Dr. E. E. j
Ewing, of 1208 North Second street-j
Mrs. E. A. Nleodemus, who has!
'been summering at ML Gretna ie- (
; turned to that place after spending;
a few days with Mrs. E. E. Ewing,!
of 1208 North Second street.
T. Stewart Blair, son of Dr. nd .
Mrs. Thomas S. Blair, 403 Second |
street, has resumed his studies at the i
Michigan Agricultural School. Lans- •
ing. Mich., and has been inducted into
the Students' Army Training Camp.
Miss Florence Hooker, of Balti
more. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J.
Austin Brandt. 603 North Front street.
Miss Catherine Beidleman. Market
and Evergreen streets, has taken up
i her studies at the Mary Lyon School,
: near Philadelphia. /
Miss Philomela Walters has return
: ed home to Washington. D. C„ after
visiting her aunt, Mrs. William Kins
! ley, of Penn street, for the past
' month.
Miss Edna Ivugler and Miss Cora
1 Snowden. of the Sigler Apartments,
j are home after a vacation spent in
! Atlantic City and Philadelphia.
Miss Catherine B. BrAckenridge,
I 231 North Second street, left yester
• day to enter Goucher College, Balti
! more.
j Miss Annette Steel, of Mechanics
cburg. who prepared for college at the
[Seller School, entered the Washing
| ton National Seminary yesterday, for
• a course of study.
I Mr. and Mrs. David Shetron and
small daughter. Arta May Shetron. of
! Baltimore, are guests of Mr. and Mrs.
j Elwood F. Bates, of North Second
j street.
Mrs. Joseph Claster and Miss Clara
belle Claster, of 801 North Second
streeL have returned home from'
Baltimore where they accompanied
Miss Sylvia R., Claster who entered
| Goucher College.
Mrs. W. L. High, of 9'o Green street,
; has been visiting relatives In Mil
-1 lersburg for two weeks.
] Mr. and Mrs. William T. Hildrup, of
1 this city, are again In New York for
I j the fall and winter and are at the
! Hotel St. Regis, where they will oc
icupy the same suite as last year.
! Mrs. Frank Payne and Miss Ruth
1 j Payne, of 1901 North Front street,
1 | and Miss Elizabeth Knisely, of Front
: and Maclay streets, have returned
home after spending a week in At
i lantic City.
I A. M. Ferguson, of Pittsburgh, for
merly of this city, is spending the
; week here with friends.
I Mrs. S. F. Dunkle and son. Charles
I Dunkle, of Nineteenth and Derry
! streets, left to-day on a ten-day motor
I trip to Philadelphia and Atlantic City.
; Mrs. C. H. Glackin, of 1209 N.
! George street, York, Pa., returned
j home after visiting her sister, Mrs.
!H. S. Wall, of 909 North Sixteenth
j street.
1 Miss Kathreen Westbrook is im
• proving in health after an attack of
| influenza, at Melrose.
Winterdale Dances
15 North Market Square. Sour
beer's Peerless Dance Orchestra Tue
sday, Thursday and Saturday even
ings. Admission 40 and 60 cents.
Big orchestra Saturday evenings.
Private lessons by appointment—
The Study Club Meets
With Its President
The Study Club met at the home of
Mrs. George Edward Reed, president.
2139 North Second street, yesterday
afternoon. The subject of study and
discussion was presented Mrs. j
Reed. The officers for the coming
year are: President. Mrs. George Ed
ward Reed; vice-president. Mrs. L
D. Perry; recording secretary, Mrs.
Thomas Blair; corresponding secre
tary, Mrs. W. Sherman Steele; treas
urer. Mrs. E Frederick Rowe. The
following members are on the pro
gram committee: Mrs J. B. Car
! ruthers, Mrs. Horace L. King, and
I Mrs. L. D. Perry.
Chaperon a House Party.
Recently at Stoverdale
Mr. acd Mrs. T. M. Biever chap
eroned a week end houseparty at
I their cottage in Stoverdale. Hickory j
j Lodge. 'Cards, toasting marshnial
; lows by a camp fire and dancing to
j victrola music made the time slip
happily away.
j In attandance were the Misses'
iMary Laudenslager. Grace Saul,
Esther Denny, Robert Sides. Alvin
jWise. Harrisburg; Mr. and Mrs.
I Walter Sides. Harrisburg; Lawrence
Snoddy, Miss Dorothv Biever and
| Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Biever, of Pen
! brook.
Federation to Hold
Party in Boyd Hall j
; The Federation of Industrial
! Clubs will have a party in Boyd ,
hall, Y. W..C. A., Friday evening, at
8 o'clock. It is the first get-together
.social of the year and all members
are urged to come and bring their
| friends. Games will be part of the
j evening's fun." 1 The committee in
charge is as follows:
j Miss Iva Mauf, Miss Jessie Cum
mings. Miss Margaret Diven, Miss
i Elmira Moyer, Miss Elizabeth El
liott, Miss Mary Shaubauer.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Gibson,
| of 1526 North Second street, have re-
I turned home after a six weeks' trip
j through the west. They visited in
i Chicago and were the guests cf Mrs.
| John X. Beecher, , of Hammond,
I ind. They also took the lake trip,
j while on their vacation.
\ Mrs. William F. MacDowell, wife
of Bishop MacDowell, of the Metho
-1 dist Church, was the guest of honor
'at a small dinner party given last
I evening by the Rev. Dr. George Pres
' ton Mains and Mrs. Mains, of 319
j North Front street.
I Miss Reba Monroe and Miss Goldie
Monroe went home to Pittsburgh this
morning after a brief stay among
relatives in Harrisburg and York.
! Luther Richardson and Philip
Richardson, grandsons of Mr. and Mrs.
Martin L. Wooden, of Market street,
have gone home to Chicago after a
month's visit in the city.
| Miss Nellie Taylor, of Milwaukee,
Wis., who is visiting Miss Grace V.
Henry, of Green street, was honor
guest at a luncheon of six covers to
day with Miss Henry, hostess.
Mrs. Charles Francis Etter, who
spent the summer at Ardmore and
the seashore will soon occupy her
apartments at 208 Pine street, re
cently vacated by Mrs. Levi Brandt,
who has gone to the Belvedere, Sec
ond and North streets.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Jamieson and
small daughter. Clorinda. went home
|to Rochester, N. Y., to-day, atter a
week's visit among friends in town.
Mrs. Warren H. Wasson, of El
mira. N. Y., a former Harrisburger,
will be in the city next week for a
brief stay with Miss Snyder, 1008
North Second street.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Rede, of
Philadelphia, are guests of their
mother, Mrs. Emma W. Reed, in
Miss Martha A. Jones, of New
| York city, is visiting her sister, Mrs.
j Joseph A. Thompson, at Stoneleigh,
• Paxtang.
i Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Adamson,
!of Buffalo, are visiting their rela
! tives, Mr. and Mrs. Charles D.Young,
I of Green street.
j Miss Judith March, of Greens
burg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
i Thomas March, former Harrisburg
t ers. was in town on the way to Bal
j timore to resume her studies at
' Goucher College.
j Mrs. W. W. Jennings and Miss
Mary Jennings, of 611 North Front
| street, are home after a trip to New
York and Philadelphia,
j Miss Sara Elizabeth Moyer, of
; Baltimore, is stopping for a few
days with her sister. Mrs. Wilson
Kennedy, of North Third street,
i Mr. and Mrs. Dana S. Stewart and
Ismail son. Howard Stewart, went
'home to Jersey City this morning
| after a week's stay among relatives
lin this vicinity.
Government Puts Shoe
Prices at $3 to $l2
Washington, Oct. 3.—The Ameri
can people soon 'will be able to pur
chase shoes at fixed maximum and
minimum retail prices, lower than
those now prevailing, and obtain at
the same time shoes of better qual
ity. This announcement was made
yesterday by the War Industries
Board on an agreement it has enter
ed into with the shoe industry.
Under the agreement shoes will be
standardized as to quality and style,
at prices ranging from 33 to $l2 for
men and women, grouped as fol
lows: Class A. from $9 to $l2; class
B, $6 to $8.50; class C, $3 to $5.50.
I Proportionate prices for youths' and
[children's shoes have been fixed in
! each of the three classes.
, The War Industries Board will
; check up on the quality of the shoe
sold at each price by means of a
class number stamped In each shoe.
Policing, officials explained, will be
done by the various State Councils
of Defense, and where the public Is.
in doubt as to what quality it get
ting according to the price schedule,
complaint may be made and the cost
of manufacture traced.
While It is possible to purchase a
shoe for $3 now, under the new
schedule the shoe at that pirce will
; be of higher grade. Officials also said
I that it will be possible to buy better
[quality shcys throughout the three
' classes at less money than at pres
ent. Shoes now retailing for as high
as $2O, they said will retail for the
maximum price of $l2 and be of at
least equal quality.
Pro-Entente Party
Active in Rumania
Amsterdam, Holland.—A further
inkling of significant developfents in
unoccupied Rumania is forthcoming
In the shape of a reference in the
Kolnlsche Zeitung to the fact that
the Austrian press atten
tion, '.n connection with the Bulgar
ian retreat, to the increasing activity
of pro-Entente circles In the unoc
cupied region, as Instanced particu
larly by the foundaiioh of pro-en
tente papers.
It Is Like the Principle Under
lying the Continual Death and
Birth of Cells in a Living Body
—Thoughts Suggested by the
Coming Fnto of High Bridge
High Bridge, whose demolition is !
drawing near, was one of the boasted (
architectural and engineering glories i
of New York in tlie middle of the last !
century and. like the now almost for- I
gotton "distributing reservoir" that !
stood well within the time-range of j
the present generation on the ground j
now occupied by the Public Library !
and Bryant Park, it served as a 1
choice scene for real as well as im- I
aginary romance (see Hoffman's fine
tale of "The Man in the Reservoir").
Its approaching fate draws attention
to the great law of death in life, or of
life in death, which governs cities as
it governs all other organisms. The
buildings of a city are like the cells j
of an animated body—they are con- j
tinually decaying and being replaced !
as long as the organisms of which ;
they are eonstitutent parts grows and :
nourishes, and when it ceases to grow,
and loses its vitality, both decay and !
perish together, the whole dissolving I
because the parts are no longer re
We are apt to take a too senti
mental view of the destruction of an
cient landmarks, blaming the resent
lessness of modern progress, but for
getting that "modern" means simply
actual, and that to allow the relics '
of the past to obstruct the needs of !
the present is as fatal as to have the j
life-blood clogged with dead cells.
We are wronig in also Imagining ,
that the spirit of progress is more j
destructive te-day than it ever was I
in the past. Cities have always grown I
upon the ruins of older cities, as for- I
est grow upon the mold of former |
forests. There/are many Romes un
derneath the Rome of to-day, just as |
there were many Troys under the I
walls and pavements of the Troy of j
the Iliad. Both London and Paris ,
have trampled their dead selves deep [
underfoot. Ordinary motives of sen- |
tinjental interest will not save any
structure from demolition when it !
gets in the way of the requirements j
and conveniences of later generations. ,
Only the strongest and most endur- I
ing historical associations, or artistic I
excellence and beauty' of the rarest
kind, can ward off destruction and in
duce voluntary preservation. It is easy |
to see why the Parthenon and certain i
other Greek temples have been guard- !
od. especially in modern centuries. It |
is because they are exemplers and j
tvpes of an architectural art that the j
world has been admiring, studying and
imitating for many generations. It is
their originality that has saved them, i
If they had been simple imitations of i
the products of an earlier art no such .
protecting charm would have hovered :
over them.
The colossal architectural piles of .
Egypt have remained, partly because
some of them were too massive to be
readily torn down, partly because a j
kind of awe hovered over them in the
presence of the strange and giant
sculptured forms that seemed to
guard them, and partly because the
current of progress turned away from
Egypt and left them, like the water
marked walls cf an nmbandoned can
! yon. whose river lias found a new
| course, to the slow, smoothing hand
I of time.
But the recent fate of the exquisite
temples of Philae. mercilessly drown
! Ed by the dammed waters which mod
ern agriculture exacts from the Nile,
shows how fragile is the mantle of
respect and admiration covering the
art treasures of the Pharaohs.
If an Arabian magician chuld trana-
Rort New York to the banks of the
ile and let It settle down, a vast
human cloud over the site of ancient
Memphis, it would eat up the mighty
pyramids, as once it began to eat the
towering basalt pillars of the Pali
sades. Or if Cheops' stupendous
tomb was saved from the hungry
maw. it could only he through almost
superhuman ability on the part of
some Egyptian preservation society.
The ruins of Tadnoir in the desert
are a long-enduring prey for the slow
devouring winds; but drop Tadmor
down in the midst of 6.000,000 human
ants, and it would quickly go the way
of poor, romantic old High pridge. and
no memory of the heroic Queen Zeno
bia. now defending the wails of her
j wonderful city side by side with her
soldiers and now led a bejewelled cap
tive in the pageant of a Roman tri
umph. could save it for a day.
The glorious Gothic cathedrals are
/safe (except from Huns), both because
they are protected, like the Parthenon,
by the originality of their art and be
cause they are still, after so many
hundred years, more beautiful than
anything that modern builders can
conceive or construct, as well as bet
ter suited to their purpose.
; But now let us ask ourselves, and
answer frankly, the question: "How
many architectural structures have
we that would be protected because of
their intrinsic interest and beauty by
a civilized people of a few thousand
years hence?" Y'ou, reader, may have
a different notion; but for my part I
cannot think of one.
The best would fall in its claim, be
cause thev are all imitations and
adaptations, as far as they are beau
tiful. and where they are original they
are not beautiful. Nevertheless, hur
rah for modern progress! A garden
cannot always bloom, but in the in
tervals of flowering it can always be
made richer in preparation for the
next coming of thg roses.
I make all eye examinations
personally and guarantee
every pair of glasses.
12 N. Market Sq., 2nd Floor
i '
Liberty Bonds
| MANY of Them g
and then come and
enjoy the g
j/ at the Armory on [j
* Oct. 24-25 g
CO Given by the j
< Pythian H6me Com.
{/i Buy Liberty Bonds pa
! To Tell of War at Front
| in Talk at Housewarming
j to Be Given at Y. M. C. A.
How it feels to go over the top
I with the boys in France will be re
i lated by C. W. Sayres. boys' work
; secretary of the Lancaster Y. M. C.
j A. who will address the housewarm
j ing to be held in the Central Y. M.
C. A. building this evening. Known
|as "Pop" to hundreds of Central
] Pennsylvanians. the "Y" secretary is
•| favorably remembered in this vlcin
j ity. He ha#' recently returned from
i France.
The housewarming will be the first
j of a series of fail and winter social
; activities. C. W. Miller, physical dt
| rector, has arranged a series of gym-
I nasium stunts for to-night's enter
tainment which will be supplement
ed by other interesting features.
A "Ghost Party" is scheduled for
October 31, and Henderson Gilbert,
popular "Stuntfest" man, Is arrang
ing r vaudeville show for November
The social work committee which
; had charge of to-night's entertain
j inent includes:
P. T. Barnes, chairman: St. V. Ha-j
zen. Walter E. Dietrich, C. M. Miller,
j R. B. Reeves. John F. O'Neill and
j Ross H. Swopc-
Two City Boards Pass
52 For Army Service
Two city draft boards to-day an
-1 nounced the results of the first phy
j steal examinations of September 12
j registrants, which was conducted
I last evening.
| City Board No. 1 examined 38 men.
j Twenty-three passed for general
military service, three had remedlcal
1 defects, three were disqualified, two
were placed in the limited service
r : classifications and seven held for ex
i , ami nation by the medical advisory
> , board.
; City Board No. 3 examined 33 men.
t I All but four were found fit for gen
, ! era! military service. These four
. J will be sent to the medical advisory
. | board.
: | City Board No. 2 also examined
t some registrants of the September
; 12 registration.
, i
| Bay Here Not Alone Because Prices Are Lower, bat Because Qualities Are Better ,
■ ,
Splendid Values From Many Departments <
That Defy Duplication In Quality and Price -
No one knows in these war times how long prices may prevail. We can
tell you that you'll not enjoy any lower prices for like quality than we are
quoting you now. The thing to do is to
Shop Now While These Bargains Last
Splendid Values in Splendid Values in Splendid Values in
Notions Ladies' and Chil- Dress Silks
J. & P. Coatcs Thread, all num- rlrpn't HnKIPrV Black Taffeta Silk,
bers. black and white 4c u,c " ® 4 ' $1.25, $1.48 and $1.50
Snap Fasteners, card, 5c and 8c Ladies' Hosiery, Black Mcssaline Silk,
Hooks and Eyes, black and 15c, 10c, 25c, 20c, 35c and 50c $l.lO, $1.30 and $1.50
white, card 7c and 8c Children's Hosiery, Black Silk Poplin $l.lO
Buttons, in all sizes, colors and 10c, 25c, 20c, 33c and 30c Black Crepe de Chine ... $1.50
combination colors .... 6c up Boys' Hosiery 20c Colored Taffeta $1.50
* Colored Mcssaline $1.59
Splendid Values in Splendid Values in. * €h£e, |j.|
Ribbon. Reacy-to-Wear
c i ivrr tic • nih Ladies' Aprons, 30c, 45c and 50c Splendid Values in
c trrr nJ satin R,b - fer 29c an<l 50c Muslin Underwear
1215 c, 19c, 25c, 20c, 85c, 39c 39c, 50c, 59c and 69e Ladies' Muslin Drawers,
Fancy Ribbons, stripes and Children's Bloomers, 29c, 35c, 50c and 59c
plaids, 29c, 33c, 39c and 42c 35c, 39c, 45c and 75c Ladies' Corset Covers,
■ 1 1 .... Boys' Bldhse Waists 50c 25e, 35c and 50c
<lrlendid Values in Boys' Pants 50c Brassieres 35c and 50c
apiencia values in Children's Black Drawers,
Household Needs 17c - l 9c > aac, 20c, 35e, 3 oe, 4 8c
Rubber Stair Treads. 15c and 25c „ , _ .L L Splendid Values in
Extra Large Size Yellow Mix- Help StOD the BaTOar- 1/ .... v
'"k nis sue Knitting Yarns
$i.50,%1. 98, $2.48 and $2.08 IQtIS Bay More Bonds Knitting Worsted, khaki, gray-
Fiber and Wooden Chah Seats, . 4 and 8?foW Germantown Yarn.
LU . l o^^.„r°:c e w r ,0 T,2!! o , „ , . Shetland' Floss, skein '.*.*.'.'.*. 29c
H,sc l>aek .. 12 Splendid Values in Vicuna, white, black and colors:
. ...... . np • • ball 50c and 65c
Splendid Values in 1 riTOmingS /\ngdrct, gray, white and black;
Men's Furnishings Black Fringe, yd. Saxony, ail coiors. skein '.'.'. 35c
Men's Hosiery, ' Tassels, black ami ah colors baH 2!*
19c, 21c, 25c, 35c and 50c Bc, l9c, 25c to 59c m t l< Angora, hall .. .. 69c
Men's Suspenders, Drop Ornaments, black and CnlsoHid Vahiec in
25c, 39e, 50c ami 59c colors,, sc, Bc, 12Vie, 19c, 30c apiennid values in
Men's Garters .... 25c and 35c Gold, Silver, Steel and Antique TlsnrllrArekiefc
Men's Work Shirts, Drops 8c to 39c nanuKCrcniCl#
98c, $1.25 and $1.39 Black Soutache Braid Orna- Ladies' Handkerchiefs,
Work Gloves. mcnts 25c, 45c and 50c sc, 10c, 12V£e and 25c
17c, 21c, 25c, 39c and 45c Black and Colored Braids, Men's Handkerchiefs,
Firemen's Caps .. 17c and 25c 6c, loc, 25c and 30c 10c, 12' Ac and 25c
•Hundreds of Autumn Hats Ready in the
Millinery Department
For Friday and Saturday Shoppers
"Overflowing" is the only tyord that will give a fair idea of the wonderful assort
ments which fill the Millinery Department these days.
Untrimmed Hats * New Ready-to-Wear Hats
of shapes HattCTS* PlusH HatS Many models with colored
' * * Smart models with Beaver facings. .
Velour Hats brlms ' M T
Good assortment of shapes • rr- • , TT_. INcW i ams
and colors. A rimmCu Flats In Beaver and Velvets.
New Chin Chin Hats with rK sti*ch, New Panne. Hats
with Beaver facings. and brafds. . with Beaver facings.
New Overseas Hats Childrens Hats
Wonderful Assortments of Ostrich Trimmings, Black and Colors and Two-tone Combinations
All at Lower-Than-Elsewhere Prices __
... 25c Department Store
Where Every Day Is Bargain Day
■, 215 Market St Opposite Courthouse
3, 1918.
Central Pennsylvania Boys I
on the Casualty List
A number of local boys have boen
reported wounded In General Per
shing's casualty lists.
Lieutenant Harry D. Edwards, son
of Mrs. Harriet. Edwards, Wllllams
town, ha 3 been reported severely
wounded In Erunce. Edwards serv
ed on the Mexican border as a pri
vate, and at the outbreak of the war
, was sjnt to an officers' training
camp, after which he was commis
i Half a dczen other Central Penn
sylvania boys in the casualty list are
| reported as having been wounded se
verely. Their names and their next
of kin follow: Moran Elmer De
i lancey, son of Mrs. Elisabeth De
lancey, 42! North Pitt street. Car
lisle: John Albert Edwards, son of
Mrs. Barbara Ella Hennett, 256
Burkhart avenue, Chambersburg;
Clarence Loo Hinkle, son of Mrs.
Mary Ellen Hinkle, Chambersburß.
Dependable Optical
services and glasses
are more 111 demand
to-day than ever be
fore. Men to succeed must possess every
qualification of efficiency and first on the
list is good eyesight. After a consultation
and examination we are in a position to sefyou
right— advise you how to to use your eyes to get
the best results.
(s>ohl .f&nkc nb ach &1&1U3 *
N0.22 N. 4TH.ST.
R. F. D. No. 6; David R. Patterson.
Ickeaburg, Perry county; John F.
Brenneman, Columbia, and Philip
H. Lucas, son of Mrs. William J.
Lucas, 103 East Portland street, Me
Eleven-.vear-old Charlotte Virginia.
Melton, of Hnrrisburg, who has lived
with her aunt. Miss Mozelle Spangler,
2142 Penu street for a number of
years, was the fortunate little girl
who spilt ilie christening champagne
over the bow of the newly-built sub
marine "Onekama" before that latest
addition to Sam's undersea
fleet slid out of her ways at Newark,
New Jersey, last Saturday afternoon.
Virginia's father is J. W. Melton,
superintendent of ways 15 and 16 at
the Newark shipyards and as the
boat launched Saturday went from
way No. 15 Mr. Melton had the say
as to who would stand sponsor for
her. Mrs. Wilson, wife of the Presi
dent, chose the name of the subma