Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 03, 1918, Page 16, Image 16

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Flying With Shaffer
Escadrilie Sped 38,
Seeteur Postal 340,
G. C. 22,
August 21, 1918.
Dear Mother: —Now that I am right
where the big, battle was, near Cha
teau-Thierry, 1 have plenty of
chances to see just how much dam
age artillery given free rein can do.
It's a beautiful country hereabouts
and even Ihe passing of temporary
war clouds was not sufficient to dim
the scenery. 1 had ample opportu
nity to view some of it the first day
we arrived, for as we had flown to
a new "piste" we naturally had no
arrangements made for being fed.
Army Lives on Stomach
Our stomachs soon made tis agree
with Napoleon that un army lives on
it's stomach, so the whole escadrtl'.o
piled into a truck and away we went
to hunt some grub. Following a
road that followed all the curves
and twists of the Marne river was
a sight almost beautiful enough to
make one forget his hunger —almost,
hut not quite. Evidence of the bom
bardment was on every hand here
several houses demolished, and again
a thick wall which commanded an
open stretch of road would be cut
full of business-like holes for ma
chine guns, and apple orchards with
nary an apple in their shady depths
were simply masses of barbwire. a
use that their owner, I am sure,
never intended them for. ery tew
of the villages were inhabited, al
though a few had returned to their
partly demolished houses. We finally
arrived at a fair-sized village .thickly
populated with half a dozen different
nationalities ot soldiers and many
Fair Sex. but— '
I even saw some American can
teen girls. And while I am on the
subject of American girls—we passed]
one Red Cross girl on the road. She
was driving an enormous truck and;
doing it well, too, but she sure did;
get the "vazzoo" from the French
men, for she was the toughest look
ing specimen I have ever seen of the
angelic sex. In my opinion, it was
not so much Ihe girl's fault as her
work, for such rough work will have
its effect even on a man.
Tho Democratic French
Well, we had a wonderful dinner,
and had it with the officers, an event
that would probably cause a court
martial in any other army, but it
just goes to show how close French
officers keep to their men, and yet
they are as much respected as in
any other army. There even hap
pened to be a pretty girl left in the
town bombardments generally
leave the ugly ones —and she waited
on the table, serving us with a six
fcourse dinner, which is pretty good
considering how close we were to the
front. > The first course, as usual, j
consisted of the whole fish cooked
"a la naturale," head, entrails,
scales and tail being removed by the
diner. Don't look so sick! It really
is very good after one gets the cam
ouflage off. And while I am helping
your appetite for dinner, I better
tell you how the cook took a black
ing brush to get the dust oft our
bread for the supper. It had ac
quired quite a coating en route, and
after he had brushed the dust off
and handed il to me, he matter-of
faetly began brushing his coat and
shoes with the same brush. It tickled
me considerably, and I left out a
hearty laugh, which was a bigger
surprise (o that Frenchman than a
5-frano tip.
Wine Better Than Water
To come back to the dinner,
though, the water given us was ab
solutely unfit to drink. Looked
more like milk in color, and as for
the taste—ugh! t had to drink
something, and since wine was all
that was nroeurable, I took some of
that, for I had drunk nothing all day I
and was indeed in need of some
thing wet. The Americans dining in
the same restaurant looked at our
commander in awed admiration, for
he was wearing all his medals, and
it did indeed make a most imposing
display. Another officer with us
also had all his on, and he having
some ten Huns to his credit had con
siderable; therefore, as an escadrilie,
we made considerable splash.
Tablecloth For Napkin
Everyone was in quite a merry
humor and since no napkins were
served the officers began allotting
each other rart of the tablecloth as
a substitute. 1 was out of luck
again, as the cloth just about
leached the edge of my place, which
was embarrassing to say the least.!
What would I do if they passed the i
tingerbowls? Fortunately, that ca
lamity did not occur.
Chateau de Shaffer
The inhabitants of Shaffer's
Heights are not the only ones who
can boast of a bungalow! You
should see my war bungalow! Of
course, I only use one room .and
that, as a blase clerk would put it,
is "second ficor front," no baths or
electric lights and don't stretch too
quickly, you'll break something, and
Ihe Boche have done too much of
that already. It's quite a nice room
for one who is hunting the simple,
old-time effects. I even have lace
curtains on the window and there
are actually three windowpanes left
—I counted them, and to make sure
tho other throe were paneiess pushed
my hand through them. It's so iong
since I have locked through a pane
of glass that I wasn't quite sure
whether it was a mirage or not. And
would you believe it, an iron bed
with a real mattress? It's a fact!
1 turned a somersault on it and still
have a bump on my head where 1
hit the celling to prove Its springi
ness, which same, if it does nothing
is relieved of his duty as a citizen nor can he escape
by neglecting to perform that duty. A governmental
is usually daused by good men wickedly neglecting to
and vote. Such have no right to complain at
High Taxes or Public Immorality
All Voters Must Register
Again This Fall
Saturday, Oct. 5
pise, will teach me to confine my
looping where there is plenty of sky
100m. Sad to say, there are two
enormous mirrors, also, so 1 shall
do considerable suffering. since
every time I sec myself I get a pain.
Wonder if others see me thus? Of
course. I know you don't, but moth
ers always are prejudiced.
The former occupant of said room
certainly had a perverted idea of in
terior decorating, for the walls were
plastered with nothing but fashion
plates from La Mode.
The Demon I'TlCs
And you should see our dining
room. It's nothing more or less than
the village schoolhouse, wtth sen
tences still on the blackboard and
charts for the medical class hung
everywhere. Judging from the num
ber of flies, they must have moved
in when the children moved out.
Golly! I never saw so many in all
my life! Yesterday, while eating
my soup, I laid a small piece 01
bread down near my plate for use ,n
the near future, but when I wanted
it I could not find it, so well was it
I camouflaged by hungry flies, and
that isn't all. either. Many beee are
in evidence and several Frenchmen
have already been stung. It way
sound strange, but I have not suf
fered in that way yet—yes, 1 nave
mv fingers crossed and am knocking
wood, for I have not forgotten how
much they loved me in my younger
Hun l oops the Loop
My hunting range will n °w extend
around Soissons instead of Rheims,
and from reports it's quite a lively
sector. The first day ou * a P a * ,?L ,?
our escadrilie got in a fight wiith
biplane and one of them got the su -
prise of his life when he got on the
Boche's tail and began shooting and
the Boche did a loop. The next
thing the Frenchman knew he was
being used for the target.
I give this instance because Its u*-
ceptional for a blplane-a heavy,
two-man plane—to do .. . t
batics. It's, not only
dangerous, as the wings arei 1 .
come off with the unusual st.ai.i_
The -Boche biplane as a rule
a straight dive for home when a -
tacked, but it looks as if the rule s
not followed here. Anjway, Urn
morning my commamier knocked
down one Boche. and a lieutenant
another. What am 1 doing? Noth
inn at present, but waiting for n .
plane to be ready. You see, itwas
having its motor changed, and I
went to fetch it to-day from the
place where I had gone en panne
incidentally. I got lost on t ie way
here and nearly landed in Taris. It
was mv own fault, of course, being
so cocksure that I knew the route
that I paid little attention to my
map, with the result that 1 went
sailing over Chateau-Thierry with
hardly a second look. Soon discov
ering I was lost, I came down near
an aviation field, loaded up with
some more gas, found where I was,
and stat—• hack, soon arriving at
my proper loost.
Chateau-Thierry After
It. was when we went in the autos
to the place from which 1 was to
fly my plane that I actually saw
something that looked like the re
sults of a battle, for we went byway
of Chateau-Thierry. Thus we had a
chance to see the results of shot and
shell in this hotly-contested sector.
We not only saw it- we had it duly
impressed on us, for many of the
shells had landed in the road and |
the newly-fixed holes gave us some
verrific bumps. Hitting a bump with
a' truck —or a Ford—is nothing
amusing, epecially when it happens
often. It's not like getting a bump
in an airplane. There you bounce
up and stay up, but in an auto there
is always a comeback. When you go
u pyou always come down, and the
seat is sure to meet you half-way
every time. However, the novelty of
the sights along the way were worth
the discomfort. Shell holes there!
were everywhere, and villages were]
mostly debris. Trenches zigzagged
through tho clover, oats and rye
fields, and apple orchards were noth-j
ing but barbwlre entanglements,:
while all along the mad there were!
numerous places for battery em
placements. Piles of empty shells
lay in numerous places, and yet in
direct contrast to all this, the farm
ers were cutting their oats and hay
as if nothing like a battle had ever
occurred. Oh, yes, the Huns left
the grain, because they were in too
big a hurry to leave to take anything
Trees All Destroyed
The saddest thing I saw, I think,
were the mutilated, dead and dying
trees along the road. France's roads
are noted for their good construction
but they are also noted for the trees
that line their sides. This not only
makes travel cooler for the autoist
but is pleasing to the eye as well.
Sad to say, many of these big trees
were cut clean off by bullets. Others
shot up so badly they died,
while some of the small forests
we passed through were literally
stripped of branches, so terrific had
been the hail of bullets. Which will
give you a vague idea of what the
American troops went through to
win that battle, which Harrisburg,
Dauphin and Marysville helped to
celebrate. ]
Hunting Trouble
Finally got my plane ready yes
terday and tried it over Chateau-
Thierry. As I was at 2,000 meters I
took a good look around the country
in order to get the lay of the land,
as this Is an entirely new sector to
me, and since there are no trenches
to guide an aviator as to the position
War Results Convince Kaiser
| and Austrian Emperor the
j People Must Dominate
Washington, Oct. 3. —Signs are
mulyplying in reports reaching thi
State Department front various
agencies,in neutral European coun
tries of the rapid weakening of the
despotic control which the military
elements in Germany nnd Austria
have imposed upon the civilian pop
ulation. So extensive and conse
quential are the events quickly fol
lowing one another in Berlin and
I lenna that American officials are
becoming convinced the Im
perial rulers have been forced, how
ever reluctantly, to - the conviction
that if they arc to preserve their
dynasties from destruction they must
yield to the growing demands of
the civilian elements for the rights
of participation in the government
during this crisis.
The military parties have retained
their control only because of their
asserted ability to secure a military
decision that would confirm German
supremacy over continental Europe
and the British Isles as well. Now
that the German armies are being
defeated and driven back into Ger
many, and the nation is confronted
with the painful certainty of an in
vsion and retributive justice for the
wrongs Inflicted upon the French
and Belgians, the influence of the
pan-Germans and military parties
is waning and it is believed that the
two emperors have decided that if
they are to retain the support of
the people they must turn to the
civilian parties that have been de
manding a voice in affairs.
It was pointed out yesterday that
President Wilson repeatedly has de
clared that with the military rulers
of the Central Powers convicted of
broken faith and deceit there can be
no discussion of the peace for which
the Germanic people apparently are
clamoring. Hence the belated at
tempts of the emperors to erect a
structure of real democratic govern
ment through the creation of cab
inets responsible to the parliaments
in the hope that with these the En
tente statesmen will be willing to
confer about peace.
As a half-way measure and in a
desperate effort to save the Imperial
prerogatives, Emperor William al
ready has tried the expedient of
himself selecting leaders of the op
position parties for minor places in
the cabinet and promising to for
ward the enactment of popular
measures. But the Socialists gener
ally have declined to accept any
thing short of absolute control
through the Reichstag of the cab
inet without reference to the wishes
of the Emperor and officials be
lieve that at length they are about
to realize their aspirations.
Such a change in Germany doubt
less would be followed, if not indeed
preceded, by a similar revolution in
Avstrian parliamentary govern
ment and it is fully expected that
as soon as real representative gov
ernment is a fact In the central em
pires there will be an irresistible
movement towards peace even on the
terms laid down by President Wil
i of the line, he must needs keep an
eye on his map. If he loses himself
on his map, be certainly is a gono
goose.. So I flew around looking
over the country, impressing the lo
cation of large forests and rivers in
my mind, as that is all one can seo
at our usual flying height of 5,000
meters. It's almost impossible to
find a road at that height, camou
flaged as they are, tand as for arail
road, I've given up trying to look for
theni, as 1 never can find them. I
had been flying around this way for
some fifteen minutes when I sud
denly saw a big biplane coming to
ward me from the direction of the
A Fresh Humorist
Not knowing whether it was
French or Boche 1 climbed into the
sun to have a look. It turned out
to be French, so I swung around and
continued on my tour of inspection,
when I noticed another big plane
immediately overhead. However. I
knew that w'.s a French plant right
away, but as he was only some hun
dred meters above me, I kept an eye
on him. "It was well I did, for when
directly over me he stood up on one
wing and giving his rudder a kick
came diving head first down on me.
I did not know what the Sam Hill
the big idea was. Maybe he thought
I was a Hun, or he may have only
been amusing himself. Nevertheless
I lost no time in getting out from
under, for with such a big plane
there was no telling whether he was
out of control or playing. As lie
went on down and landed then I
dove for home myself.
Pool Shooting in Clouds
' Coming down over the "piste" I
opened fire with both guns on a
small pool of water situated in the
middle of the field. Golly! you
should have seen the water fly! 1
was particularly interested in seeing
if my telescope sight was regulated
right, also whether my balloon gun
was in good working order. It sure
was, for it was a sight for sore eyes
to see those flaming bullets go hiss
ing into the water. They did not all
go in the pool, of course, some land
ing alongside, setting fire to the
grass in a number of places. The
French pilots are still kidding me
about my marksmanship, saying 1
actually killed two fishes, that being
the number of holes in the target
which was floating in the water.
However, it was not a big pool, and
I am satisfied that if I group my
bullets as well when shooting at a
balloon it will surely burn.
This morning I made my first pa
trol over our new lines. I wasted no
time in looking for Boche, letting
that duty to my lieujenant. I was
more interested in studying my map.
Thus we got down near our old
hunting ground at Rheims, and I
saw my loader suddenly dive. I
promptly followed. looking around
meanwhile to see the object of the
dive. Far, far below I saw four
planes, but they looked like Spads lo
me, which they were, as the lieu
tenant pulled up and started home
soon after, as we had been out over
two hours then.
Guardian Angel on Job
When I arrived at the home roost
T found it was. not the four Spads
the lieutenant was diving on. He h.. I
seen a biplane Boche right over me,
and since his motor was not power
ful enough to pull him up to the
Boche's heights, he dove In the hope
that I would follow and thus get out
of danger. And nil the time I had
been ambling along, all my attention
being concentrated on reading my
map, blissfully ignorant of the men
ace overhead! Truly my guardian
angel has not fallen down on the job
eh Dad?
212 Arc Wounded Severely in
Battle; 27 Die From
Washington, Oct. 3.—ln to-day's
•double list of casualties there are
fn' *£7. °' wh °m were killed
thei latter number
/ e ... wer e Pennsylvanians.
The casualties in the Marine Corps
wnt-i i?ii / fotal 33, four of which
iwere killed tn action. Of tho latter,
two were from Pennsylvania.
| i, ° l '°wing are the casualties re
? fL y ,he coni tnandlng general
|or the American Expeditionary
.Killed in action ]37
Missing in action * f,B
j wounded severely 212
|Died from wounds 27
.Died of disease . 1
jDied of accident and' other
causes 2
T °tal 497
Michael Leonard, Jr., Philadel
David Edgar Maxwell. Pittsburgh.
Samuel C. Shawn,.Philadelphia.
Neil McElwee, Philadelphia.
John P. Flynn, Conneautville.
Frank Kowalkowski, Primrose.
John F. McClelland, Washington.
Chester R. Ramsey, Latrobe.
William J. Brown, Philadelphia.
Charles R. Monaghan, Philadel
James Ratcon, Lancaster.
By Associated Press
Oscar H. Reynolds. Middletown.
Charles Rots, Philadelphia.
John Skalsky, Glassport.
Patrick Clark, Philadelphia.
Harry Linaka. Mount Airy.
Edward K. Marshall, Washington.
William J. Watters, Washington.
Nathan C. Woomer, Tyrone.
William Crute, Philadelphia.
James F. Dinan, Philadelphia.
James J. Donahue, Philadelphia.
Antonio Germano, Pittsbyrgh.
Stonewall J. HoWer, Shamokin.
Harry Kase, Ringtown.
Thomas W. Dempster, Pittsburgh.
Louis Ferranti, Chester.
Hobart G. Gilbert, Freestone.
Charles H. Wood, Philadelphia.
James Cochran, Elk Lick.
Raymond Cooney, Corry.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Thrift Items Announced For Friday
No Friday Specials
Sent C. O. D., or Mail
or Phone Orders
$lO Electric EZfi
Table Lamp W
Good looking designs, com
plete with two Mazda lamps.
Special Friday only.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Ilts Dinner . $9.98
Decorated dinner sets with
blue and gold; 86 pieces. Spe
cial Friday only.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Carpet Sweepers
$2.00 Hygeno Carpet Sweep
ers, broom action. Special Fri
day only ■ $1.49
Round gas heaters. Special
Friday only $1.9
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Men's Underwear
$l.OO heavy cotton ribbed
Shirts, fleece lined. Special
Friday only 79c
Dives, Pomeroy & Sttewart,
Street Floor.
Stair Treads
Corrugated rubber treads—
-25c treads, 9xlB. Special Fri
day only ....10c
22c treads, 7xlB. Special Fri
day only 17c
18c treads, 6xlB. Special Fri
day only 150
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Third Floor..
Gas and Electric
85c Inverted gas lights, com
plete with mantle and half
frosted globe. Special Friday
only c
90c Hy-Lo Mazda electric
lamps, 40-watt size. Special
Fridhy only 59c
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
I Joseph Alonzo Day, Philadelphia.
|* Charles Adam Fidler. Heading:.
I Gilbert S. Pennington, Philadel
Robert C. Adams. Duquesne.
Harry Bush, Scranton.
John L. Carnahan, Saxonburg.
James L, Passavant, Coraopolis.
Patrick Connelly, Clairton.
Thomas J. Baker, Tanguy.
Harry W. Forrester. Altoona.
"William Harry Gradney, Philadel
j Curtis J. Gwynn, South Browns
Albert Harris, McKeesport.
Andrew Irvine, McDonald.
Carl L. Johnson, Frederickstown.
Floyd Katzenmayer, Reading
Robert E. Lopp, Pittsburgh.
Elwer K. Shearer, Vandergrift.
Earl L. Spannuth, Pottsville!
Hugh H. West, Brownsville.
Charles L. Ely, Lebanon.
Vernon F. Mathews, South Bcth-
i Jpmes William Schoonover, Oil
Allen K. Sell, Allentown.
Ray Harry Shoaffer, Landisburg.
Emmett A. Sloan, Wilkinsburg.
Howaud P. Beebe, Youngsville.
Walter H. Brown, Honesdale.
Charles B. Burkett, Osterburg.
I Herbert Calhoun Clarke. Pitts
i Floyd Eugene Cumberland, But
Fred R. Davison, Belle Vernon.
Floyd W. Enoch, Washington.
Harry W. Henning, Philadelphia.
James E. Kenney, Philadelphia.
James L. Mclnerney, Pittsburgh.
William P. Martin, Monongahela.
Roy S. Maust, Fairchance.
Elisha E. Myers. Bloomsburg.
Charles Sohroll, Cly.
Daniel Joseph McConomy, Phila
Clyde Harrison Orme, Trevorton.
Stephen Harold Carey, Marcus
; Paul Droder, Stockddle.
j Edward Einslg, Pottsville.
; George L. Knowles, Philadelphia,
i John Lyttleton, Arnold.
I John William Machulsky, Maha
i noy City.
Jesse Raymond Beatty, Butler.
! Marino Corps Casualties
Hilled in action 4
Hied of wounds received in
action 1
Vounded in action (severely).. 24
Vounded in action (degree un
determined) • 1
Hissing in action 1
j in nands of enemy 1
I Total '. 32
! William I-I. O'Connor, Connells
1 Corpora 1
Men's Union Suits
Egytian cotton ribbed Union
Suits, fleece lined. Special Fri
day only $1.25
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Street Floor.
Women's Union Suits
White cotton ribbed Union
Suits, medium weight; high
neck and long sleeves or Dutch
neck and elbow sleeves. Spe
cial Friday only $1.25
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Street Floor.
Children's Underwear
White cotton ribbec* Vests and
Pants, medium weight. Special
Friday only, each 25c
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Street Floor.
Boys' Shoes •
$1.75 gun metal calf Shoes,
button and lace styles, heavy
stitched soles; sizes 9 to
Special Friday only $1.19
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Street Floor, Rear.
Women's Shoes
$3.00 patent colt Shoes, 8-
inch button and lace styles, nar
row plain toes, light weight
stitched soles with high heels.
Special Friday only $2.15
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Street Floor, Rear.
Children's Shoes
- $2.00 gun metal calf Button
Shoes with black cloth tops,
broad toe lasts with heavy soles;
sizes 8% to 11. Special Friday
only $1.05
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Street Floor, Rear.
Infants' Shoes
$1.75 black kidskin Button
Shoes; plain, broad toes, heavy
soles; sizes 2 to 4. Special Fri
day only $1.40
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Street Floor, Rear.
Cap and Scarf Sets
Girls' 98c Cap and Scarf Sets,
in solid and combination colors;
brushed wool. Special Friday
only 49c
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Men's Store
David B. Foster, McKeesport.
Thomas J Waters, Easton.
Herbert D. Soger, Milwood.
Final Arrangements Made
For Red Cross Carnival
Ladies of Capital City Review, 288,
W. B. A., of the Maccabees, accomplish
their bit for the Harrisburg Chapter
of the American Red Cross this even
ing, weather permitting, when the big
street curnival on Allison Hill, plans
for which have been going on for some
time, takes pluce. The scene of to
night's festivities in behalf of the
worthy cause, will be on Evergeen
street, between Market and Summit.
Should it rain to-night, the affair will
he held to-morrow night.
Many merchants of the city have
generously contributed to the carni
val by donating various goods, which
will be put" on sale. An interesting
feature of the outdoor show will be a
Japanese tea garden and shop, deco
rated in true Oriental style, in the
yard of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Hoover.
The Municipal hand will provide music
for dancing. In addition to the latter
outfit, Gardner's band will he heard,
and patriotic songs will he sung,
under the leadership of Abner W.
Hartman. Miss Florence Ley, soprano,
and Clarence Sigler, tenor, will sing,
with Stewart Black at the piano. The
carnival is expected to add materially
to tho coffers of the local Red Cross.
Mayor Smith Held and
Other Suits May Come
Philadelphia, Oct. 3. Mayor
Thomas B. Smith yesterday was held
in $2,000 bail for court to answer
charges of misbehavior and misde
meanor in office and abuse of his
official power. He was permitted to
sign his bond.
The Mayor was held in connection
with the famous "Gudehus case." If
intimations made by ex-Judge James
Gay Gordon, counsel for the com
plainant in the case, are carried out
others may be involved on charges
of conspiracy. Judge Gordon indi
cated such action might be taken
later, when the Mayor objected to
testimony offered by E. J. Lafferty.
an cx-member of the Board of Re
Blain, Pa., Oct. 3.—Announce
ment has been made of the mar
riage of Miss Nellie E. Book,daugh
ter of David E. Book, of Jackson
township, two miles south of Blain,
and R. W. Paul, of Homer City, Pa.,
which was solemnized at Chester,
September 19. The ceremony was
performed by the Rev. John
Hauser. The bride was a teacher in
the Perry county schAols before go
ing to Chester to teach. The groom
is employed as chief draftsman in
the shipyards at Chester.
boy in the
service, whether he
be abroad or in a camp
getting into shape to go,
will have a stronger pur
pose to do his work if
he knows that the folks
here at home are back
ing him with Liberty
And the more bonds
we all buy the sooner
will our boys finish their
job and come back to us.
Men's Sweaters
$3.85 heavy Jumbo rope-knit
Sweaters, Navy, grey and ma
roon. Special Friday only,
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart,
Men's Store
A Foot Specialist in Our Shoe Section
A member of the staff of Dr.
y Scholl, foot authority, is here to
T show you how to be rid of all foot
jr \ discomforts. Come in and let him
£ —— examine your feet. He can tell the
cause of the trouble in a minute and
* I rX will show you how you can gain
/ immediate relief and rapid correc-
No matter whther the trouble is
corns, callouses, bunions, weak
arches, flat foot, weak ankles or something else, he knows
just what should be done and will tell you. I lis expert
advice is free. Dives, Pomeroy and Stewart. —Street Floor, Rear.
OCTOBER 3, 1918
Realizes That Humanity and
Reason Should Control
Central Powers
By Associated Press
Amsterdam, Oct. 3.—Baron Von
Hussarek in his address to the Aus
trial lower house of parliament on
Tuesday, admitting that the situa
tion resulting from the withdrawal
of Bulgaria from the war was grave
but in no wise crtical, declared the
Teutonic allies had taken com
prehensive military measures for
ameliorating the sltuaton.
| "We are making good progress,"
said the premier, "and according to
[communications from competent
quarters I can declare that we have
done everything to permit us calmly
to face further developments of the
| Balkan affair. On this front our
troops, standing shoulder to shoul
der with the German troops, are
splendidly preserving our unshak
able. alliance.
"As in battle, so we will go hand
in hand to work for peace. Mean
while it is not permitted us to lift
our eyes from the terrible welter of
battle. The dreadful check human
ity is suffering in the march of civi
lization by this prolonged trial is be
coming clearer."
Baron von Hussarek urged that it
was the injunction of humanity, as
well as of reason, that means should
bo sought to adjust the differences
of the contending groups of powers
by a just understanding. This Aus
ria-Hungary had not failed to do
often, under favorable circumstan
ces, in common with her allies.
The speaker alluded to the formal
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appeal of the Austro-Hungariau for
eign minister of Septemocr 14, re*
questing unbinding peace discussion, r-1
as an especially earnest step in tiii-t, .
nnture, and declared that the future
for which all humanity was longing
for the safeguarding of the exist
ence of all peoples "can assuredly
not lie expected of the sword."
The. premier declared that Aus
tria-Hungary did not Intend to
abandon it good right to Bosnia and
Herzegovina, and that it must be
guided by the consideration of the
legitimate wishes of the races con
cerned while also safeguarding Aus
trian interests. .
"Nobody can force us to relin-
qulsli our right," exclaimed the 1
premier. "It can only be done by
negotiation, in which case we shall
know how to carry our standpoint."
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only, yd 81.05
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Colored Dress Goods
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Special Friday only, yd. ... 70c
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cial Friday only, yd $l.OO
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yd 81.05
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yards. Special Friday only, yd.,
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inches wide. Special Friday
only, yd $3.00
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Street Floor.