Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 03, 1918, Page 15, Image 15
FORTUNES ARE M'ABE BY GRASPING TIE OPPORTUNITY AT TIE RIGHT TIME S>eatbs ' k-KOWELL. Mrs. bertha Prowell, Jt wife of George H. Prowell, died at her home. 99 Hummel avenue, Le moyne. Pa., on October 2. Funeral services will be held from her parents' home. 188 Bosler ave nue, Lemoyne, on Saturday after noon, at 2 o'clock. Body can be viewed on Friday evening, between 7 and 9. o'clock. Burial at Camp Hill Cemetery. - SEAHFAUSS On Wednesday even ing, October 2, 191S, John Henry Searfauss, aged 79 years, 6, months and 2 days. ) Funeral on Saturday afternoon, at / 3 o'clock, from his late .residence, k No. 80 North Fourteenth >)*r e ®L ¥ Relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. SHDDR On Tuesday evening. Oc tober 1. 191S, at his late home. 320 Chestnut street. Edward V. snyder, Funeral services will be held Satur day afternoon, at 2 o clock, at *ie lormed Salem Church, Cltostnut and Third streets. Relatives and ft lends are invited to attend. Paxtang Cemetery. Body may be viewed Friday evening, between I and 9 o'clock. SHOOP Anna M. Shoop, wife of Charles S. Shqpp, died at her hom . IUOB State street, Tuesday oveninfe, O at 11:16 o'clock, ased 28 years. Funeral services on F rioay alter noon, at 2 o'clock, at her late res - deuce, the Rev. Mr. Rhoades ofttci . ating. Interment at Shoop s Ceme tery. Relatives and friends are in vited to attend without lurther tice. KnfMEHMAX Aaron A.'/dmmer man. brakeroan on the Division of the Pennsylvania road, died Wednesday •o'clock, at his home, 1950 Derry street, aged 39 years. Funeral services will be held on Saturday, at 2 o'clock, at his late residence, the Rev. Mr. Lyicr. of lh Derry Street-U. B. Church. ing. Interment at Churchtowii Cemetery. Remains may be t lewtd t Friday, between 6 and 9P , _ KERSHNER Wayne A. Kershner P died Tuesday morning, at 1.-& o'clock, at his home. 46 North Sev cnteenth street, aged 34 years. . Funeral services will be held on * Thursday, at 7:30 P. M., at his ate residence, the Rev. Clayton SmucKer ofliciating. Remains w ill be laken to Tamaqua, F'riday mornii;'B' . * 7-55' o'clock, where funeral services will be held at the home of his father, John D. Kershner. at 130 P. M., Friday. LVTEK On October 1. 1918, Cathe rine E. Li ter, at her late residence. 1940 State street, aged 4j years and 10 months. _ . u F'uneral on F'riday, at 9.30 A. M. Further services at State Street U. B. Church, at 10 o'clock. Interment East Harrisburg Cemetery. Body may be viewed Thursday evening. - between I and 9 o'clock. and friends are invited to attend without further notice. MOVER Mrs. Catherine Mcllhenny Moyer, In her S4th year, at her late home, 3518 Derry street,.Paxtang. F'uneral services will be held Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. services will be held at hhoop s Church, at 3:30 o'clock. Intermept in Shoop's Cemetery. Relatives and , friends are invited to attend witn- , out further notice. j k IiANSHAW On September 30. 1918, j ' "Emma Naoma Hanshaw, aged 17 years. , Funeral on Friday afternoiwi, at z U o'clock, from the residence of her ▼ father, Charles E. Hanshaw. 1600 North Third street. The relatives and friends are invited to attend. Interment Harrisburg Cemetery. LOST AND FOUND lOST Small, black traveling bag, September 23, containing patent papers and clothing. F'inder communi sate with A.. 6815, care of Telegraph. LOST A white F'rench Poodle dog. Answers to name of Tiney. License No. 3666. Reward if returned to 1506 Briggs street, or Bell phone r$327W. V INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL, PROMOTION in Gre#g Shorthand, Typewriting. English Bookkeeping, Penmanship, Arith.. etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL. ALL YEAR. Enter any time. Bell 694R,Dial 4016. THE OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL 121 Mkt. St. Chas. R. Beckley. Prm. Merle E. Keller. Bus. Mgr. ARRANGE N6\V for your business course with the school giving courses approved v% ** the United States Bureau of Education. Fall Opening, Septem ber 2. School -of Commerce. Troup Building. 15 South Market Square. Free catalog. Bell 485, Dial 4393. „ _ FRENCH AND SPANISH Private and in class. Evenings. Harrishurg Academy. I CASSIO POMAR. ' HELP WANTED —MALE WANTED Intelligent, elderly or young man, familiar with street loca tions, for night clerical position. Op portunity to learn telegraphy. West ern Union Telegraph Co. PAPERHANGERS 60 cents per hour. Steady work guaranteed. H. A. Bodmer. 826 North Third street. WANTED A janitor to take care of medium-sized building. Good op portunity for man with small family, as living quarters and heat are fur nished. Address U., 6613, care of Tele grapji. EXPERIENCED SALESMAN want ed to clerk in store. Salary. $20.00 per week to start with. Give refer ence and state age. Answer L., 7571, care of Telegraph. WANTED An automobile washer. Apply Harrishurg Taxicab and Bag gage Co.. at Strawberry and Aberdeen streets. s A Buy Liberty Bonds i Own Your Home f Two synonymous terms When you buy Liberty you can own your home When you own your home you can buy Liberty Every good citizen should do both, and Liberty Bonds should come first during the drive. Miller i>ro£iters & Co. I Locust sod Court Its. Member Hbg. Real Estate Board I THURSDAY EVENING HELP IViU lcii —MALE ENGINEERS WANTED At Ninth Street Plant ,of the Harrisburg Light and Power Co. Apply UNITED STATES EMPLOY MENT BUREAU, Third and North Sts. FIREMAN WANTED At Ninth Street Plant of the Harrisburg Light and Power Co. Apply at UNITED STATES .EMPLOY MENT BUREAU, ; Third and North Sts. I WANTED Two strong boys, for ! work In laundry. Good wages. F'ifty four hours per week. Apply Sanitary i F'amlly Laundry. Sixteenth and Elin | streets. WANTED, AT ONCE For perma nent positions, office clerk, bartender, cook, kitchen man. Apply to Manager, Hotol Weimar, Lebanon, Pa. WANTED Painters. Inquire at Gohl & Bruaw, 310 Strawberry. WANTED Man as timekeeper. Must have grammar school education. Apply Hickok Mfg. Co. WANTED, CHAUFFEUR —NONE BUT COMPE TENT MEN WHO CAN FURNISH REFERENCE NEED APPLY. THE AT LANTIC REFINING CO., 2207 NORTH SEVENTH. WANTED Boy, 16 or 17, In an In surance and Real Estate office. No experience necessary. State reference and salary expected. F\. 7371, care of Telegraph. - : DOUBLE-ENTRY BOOKKEEPER— Who can qualify in a responsible po sition. State experience and salary expected and give reference. Apply to P. O. Box 124, Harrisjiurg. WANTED, MALE Over or under draft age, competent. Industrious man. acquainted with running International Truck and helping around store. Must be sober, honest qnd a steady man. Apply Bates & Co., 110 Market street. WANTED Young man to repair bicycles. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third. ~r WANTED Man for ice plant. Good, steady. Inside winter's job. Apply UNITED ICE & COAL CO.. Forster and Cowden Sts. ( MAN To clean cellar and cut wood. Apply at 819 North Seventeenth street. TWO YOUNG MEN WANTED—Age 17 years and over, to learn clothing business. Good puy to live wire. Ap ply Budd Tailoring Co., 187 South Front, Steelton. YOUNG MAN To solicit advertis ing. Permanent connection. Apply Box S„ 7612, cure of Telegraph. WANTED, SEXTON—Large church, centrally located, wants a competent and reliable man for sexton. Give ad dress, with references, stating ago. Reply to A. B. C., care of Telegraph. MEN WANTED To learn the au tomobile business and do mechanical work on same. Thousands of men are wanted lu the United States Army for such work as driving and repair ing. Auto Transportation School, 260 South Front street, Steelton. WANTED—Two good, strong boys to learn a trade. Apply Superinten dent, The. Telegraph Printing Co, Harrisburg. BRIGHT BOY. Over 16 years of age, to learn printing trade. Apply H. A. FRY. Telegraph Composing Room. MEN WANTED To load stone. 29 cents per ton. Can earn $25 to $36 per week. Apply. Paxtang Quarries. Pax tang. i . WANTED A man, or will employ man and wife, to do janitor work or work on farm. Apply 1700 North Sec ond street. GOOD AUTO MECHANICS WANT ED, AT ONCE Pay no object. Ap ply Mac's Garage. 117. 119. 121 South Third street. TWO MEN For outdoor, work. Permanent positions. Good wages. Apply to Mr. Mailey, Harrishurg Light and Power Co. HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED Young lady for cleri cal position. Apply Postal Telegraph Cable Co. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Small family. No washing. Apply 2002 North Third street. OPPORTUNITY We need several salesladies for our outside force. Pleasant work and exceptional pay. All or spare time. Call W. H. Walker, 114 South Second street. WANTED —, Two girls, over 16 years of age, to learn amateur finish ing. $6 per week to start. Rapid ad vancement. Apply rear of Second Floor, Swab Building, Thirteenth and Market streets. WANTED Girls to assist at soda fountain in the evening. Must be 21. Good salary. Apply Rose's. Second and Walnut. WANTED Stenographer and typ ist. Permanent position. Write to P. O. Box 193. SALESGIRL WANTED To clerk in store —one with experience pre ferred. Salary, $lO.OO per week to start with. Give reference and age. Answer H., 7570, care of Telegraph. WANTED Girls, between ages of 18 and 30. A rare opportunity for girls. We can use a number of girls on various classes of work in our fac tory office and manufacturing depart ment. We train raw recruits for specialized work. No previous experi ence necessary. Good pay while learn ing. Aply Elliott-Fisher Factory Em ployment Bureau. South Cameron street. 1 HELP WANTED—FEMALE HOUSEKEEPER Widower, with two children, residing in suburb, de sires housekeeper. Address L, 0982, care of Telegraph. COMPETENT WOMAN—Who wants day's work 2% days weekly, apply at 819 North Seventeenth street. COOK WANTED—No washing; ref erence required. Apply Mrs. R. G. Goldsborough, 821 North Front street. WANTED, STENOGRAPHER High-grade young lady wanted for factory office. Salary, 820 to 825 per week. Belgrade Knitting Mills, New Cumberland. Pa. PATRIOTIC, steady, well-paid em ployment in your own home. Knit urgently-needed war socks for us on the fast, simple Auto Knitter. Full particulars to-day. 3c stamp. Auto Knitter Company. Dept. C-821, 821 Jef ferson, Buffalo, N. Y. WANTED Girl for general house work. Apply 130 West State street. WANTED A girl to wait on candy trade. Must be over 21. Apply Rose's, Second and Walnut. WANTED Young lady to learn tha florist's business. Apply Keeney's Flower .Shop, 814 North Third street. WANTED GIRLS AND WOMEN For SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS Experience unnecessary, as we will' teach you to be an operator In a very short time, and will pay you 81.25 per day while learning; here Is your op portunity to learn something which will enable you to earn good wages at pleasant work. We are also em ploying' experienced operators. Bonus is paid every payday. BLOUGH , MANUFACTURING COM PANY, INC., Reily and Fulton Streets. GOVERNMENT CLERIC EXAMINA TIONS in Harrisburg in October. 12,- 000 women clerks needed at Washing ton. Salary, 81,200. Experience un necessary. Women desiring govern ment positions write for free particu lars. R. E. Terry (former Civil Ser vice Examiner), 467, Columbian Build ing, Washington. WANTED Two young ladies for waitresses. Must give references. Ap ply Stot: , r's Restaurant, 4 North 1 Court. GIRLS WANTED Experienced or Inoxperienced, for chocolate dippers. ' Good wages. Apply 331 Market i street. LADY Wanted immediately for I scrubbing and general work. Apply : Stouffer's Restaurant. 4 North Court 1 street. MILLINERY APPREN TICES WANTED—Wages, 83.00 a week while learning. Astrich's. 308 Market street. QIRLS WANTED Learners paid week work. Best prices and bonus paid. All girls from 14 to 16 with certificates employed. Call at once. Harrlsburg Apparel Co.. Third Floor City Star Laundry Builoing, Sixth and Herr streets. IIELI' WANTED—MaIe ami Female WANTED A middle-aged man and woman, to clerk in grocery store. Good wages. One with experience pre lerred. Apply M. Brenner. Herr and Wallace streets. SILK MILL \ Experienced help wanted. Experi enced weavers average $3.50 to 60.50 per day. Other departments propor tionately. Beginners wanted also. Best pay. Come and earn 30 per cent, bonus over and above regular wages. Apply HARRIS BURG SILK MILL, Second and North Streets. SALESMEN WANTED OPPORTUNITY We want several live men to manage and solicit in nearby towns. Good pay, pleasant es sential work. Insurance and news paper, men should answer this ad. W. <fc H. Wallter, 114 South Second street. Call or address. SIT Li ATI ON S WAN TED—Female WANTED Woman desires nurs ing; can furnish best of references. Call, or address, 1443 Vernon street. WANTED Young woman wishes day's work. Call at 036 Fox avenue. WANTED Young girl wishes po sition as housekeeper for widower in refined family. Address 8., 6616, care of Telegraph. WANTED Experienced stenog rapher wishes position; best of refer ences; take position at once. Apply N., 7590, care of Telegraph. WANTED Woman, who has a child three years old, wishes position as housekeeper for widower. Inquire at 1116 Kittatinny street. WANTED Colored woman wants work cleaning offices. Apply 1229 Cowden street. ROOMS FOH ItENT " FOR RENT Pleasant, front room on Front street, near North, $4.00 per week, for gentleman. Phone 4526 or or 678 W. TWO furnished third lioor rooms, for light housekeeping; also one sec ond floor front room, for one or two persons; all conveniences. 223 Briggs.i FOR RENT Third floor, furnish ed room; steam heat; all conveniences; use of kitchenette; also Dial phone. Inquire 1253 Market street. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms on third floor. No objection to light housekeeping. Inquire 814 North Sixth street. 433 SOUTH THIRTEENTH ST Two third-floor rooms, furnished for light housekeeping; steam heat; gas range; no children. FOR- RENT Large, furnished front room, facing River Park. Inquire 609 North Front street, between 6 and 8 P. M. /- FOR RENT Newly-furnished rooms, with private bath, also running water in room, electric lights, steam heat, comfortable and good location Inquire Hess' Cigar Store. Thirteenth and Market streets. PLEASANT ROOM For gentle man, next to bath; steam heat; hard wood floor; electric light;-beautiful open surroundings and best car ser vice in city; strictly private. Bell 834 or address R., 7354, care of Telegraph! 1601 GREEN Combination sitting room and bedroom, with or without light housekeeping privilege; all con veniences and use of Bell Phone. A LARGE, cheerful front room, fac ing river with all conveniences. ' Ap ply 9 North Front street. ROOMS FOR RENT All conveni ences. Apply 311 Walnut Btreet. HARRISBtJRG TELEGRAPH Buy Liberty Bonds YOUR CLASSIFIED AD Will get the interested attention of those people who have decided that they must solve the home problem through buying property. Sometime in their lives nearly everybody reaches that decision. It is not always acted upon. Sometimes there is a failure to find the place that's wanted or the terms of payment are too difficult, and the prospective home-owner goes on renting. If you have an offer to make to such people, now is a good time to make it. t Buy Some More Liberty Bonds ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Comfortably-furnish ed rooms, with all Improvements, steam heat. Board If desired. Call /1125 State street. -• FOR REJIT Rooms completely furnished for light ' housekeeping; t.ath; hot and cold water; steam heat; good location. Apply 20 North Seventeenth street. UNFURNISHED Light house keeping rooms; separate and private; home privileges; Improvements; stoves furnished free; elderly people pre ferred; daily inspectton invited. In quire at 429 Broad street. LARGE, well-furnished third floor front room, all conveniences, located on North Second street; private fam ily. Will rent to one or two genUe > "ii. Rell nhnri" -1406 M. ROOMS WANTED THREE OR FOUR unfurnished rooms, eentrally locuted, by youug couple. Small apartment, with bath, will be considered. Possession on or about October 1. Can furnish excel lent references. No children. Address 8.. 7458, care of Telegraph. APARTMENTS FOR RENT ONE elegant apartment, containing 5 rooms, bath, balcony and porch. Ideal location, modern in every re spects Applicants state size of fajnily and business engaged in. References exchanged. Answer A. B. C„ No. 1, cure of Telegraph. APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED Four or live-room apartment, with bath and heat, cen trally located. In reply, staffe price, InquireR., 6984, care of Telegraph. BOARDERS WANTED WANTED, BOARDERS Private fariiily. 431 Hummel street. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE Market Street, No. 1425 9-room brick house, with all modern improvements and in go®d re pair. A very rare bargain at 83,600. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR SALE Hoerner Street. No. 120 Vacant house, brick and frame, 7 rooms and bath. Price, $2,750. J. E. Gipple, No. 1251 Market street. FOR SALJ3 S. Fifteenth Street, No. 227 —3-story corner brick house, with hot and cold water. Price, 82,500. J. E. Gipple, No. 1251 Market street. FOR SALE N. Seventeenth Street, Xo. 66 Modern 8-room brick house, with all modern improvements, front porch and side entrance. Price, $3,500. J. E. Gipple, No. 1251 Market street. FOR SALE Chestnut Street, No. 1622 9-room frame house, with all modern improvements, front porch, paved street, side entrance. Price re duced to $2,800. J. E. Gipple, No. 1251 Market street. 1810 BRIGGS STREET, s3,soo—De tached, corrter house and garage. All improvements. Very desirable loca tion. Immediate possession. A. S. Mil ler, Eighteenth and State streets. "IF IT'S "REAL ESTATE, SEE SANDERLIN." MOVE AT ONCE Into a 2%-story, 7 rooms with all im provements; pay same as rent. 2030 Kensington street. SOUTH SEVENTEENTH ST.." 628 3-storv. brick, 9 rooms wtth bath and all improvements; small amount of money required, balance in monthly payments. See this before buying. I have houses located all over town that can be bought with a small amount of money. Balance in monthly payments. D. A. SANDERDIN. Room 1. Security Trust Bldg. Bell 1390. Dial 3673. CITY PROPERTIES FOR SARE BY C. DAVIES. Real Estate. Rents Col lected and Roans. Three-story brick, North Third s t re et : Apartments and storeroom. Corner property. Modern. A 10 per cent, investment. Price, $22,000. South Third Street Apartments. Corner 1 property. Annual rental, 3,200. Price, $30,000. Derry Street New three-story brick Apartments and storeroom. Annual rental. $1,020. Price only $8,250. $5,000 can remain. Curtin Street, Penbrook 2 M -story frame. Rot, 30x190 feet. Possession soon. Price, $2,200. Wee C DAVIES, 204 Calder Building. ' Bell 4377. FOR SARE At three-fourths of Its actual value, a twelve-roomed hniiße almost new. Must be sold at once. ' Call Bell 841R or 2394 J. ANexceptionally well-built two-and ono-half-story house, size 30x28 ft.; stands back from pavement 35 ft. in lot 60x248 ft.; contains eight rooms and bath. Situated on Hamilton street, Camp Hill, Pa., short distance from trolley. * Built for residence, not for specu lation. r I t l? I M S ASKiN ?PPIV l ° South and Pitt Streets, Carlisle, Pa. HOMES FOR CORORED FAMIRIKS Four thiee-stdry brick houses, on Sev enth street near Calder. $l,BOO each. $lOO cash, . or in Riberty Bonds, and $2O pe ' L \™"yLN HEARTY CO., 1129 North Seventh St. PROPERTY FOR SARE At 1824 State street has been reduced $2OO. Now held at $3,800. Inspect this nroDertv It may be whit you are after. H. G, Pedlow, 3 South Thir teenth street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE NORTH SECOND STREET New brick house; slate roof; lawn; all im provements; immediate possession; steam heat. Price, $5,000. Address H.. 7207, care of Telegraph. COTTAGE AT WASHINGTON HEIGHTS 6 rooms, porch, garage, possession soon. Price, $2,500. Cottage on Allison Hill * Garage for three cars. All improvements. Liberty Bonds accepted. "3-story concrete block houses on Sixth street; all improvements; side yard. Small payment. Pay as rent. Fine home on all im provements. • Liberty Bonds Accepted. C H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street, Bell 560 J. IF 'IT'S REAL ESTATE, SEE SANDERLIN. DESIRABLE 3-story brick Second street residence, south of Herr street. 9 rooms and, bath. Lot 24x 125 to alley. Desirable residence or for apartments. Must be sold to settle an estate. Price $9,000. Ad dress Box D 7372, care Telegraph. HOMES FOR COLORED FAMILIES We have houses on Fourth. Wallace, Cowden, Muench, Linden. Currant. Seventh. Fulton, Balm, Summit. Cam eron and In Steelton. All of these on monthly payments. LINCOLN REALTY CO.. 1129 North Seventh Street. Open Evenings Until 8 O'clock. Bell Phone. 723 N. 19TH ST. 2%-story frame, 6 rooms and attic, in good condition; side entrance. Price, $1,550. I. w. Cassell, 1444 Regina St. FOR SALE. VERY CHEAP An apartment on Market street, Allison Hill, paying 12 per cent, on the in vestment. Rents for $ll6 per month. Price. $9,500. Will accept $2,000 in cash. Balance can remain. I think this is one of the best investments in the city. Inquire of H. G. Pedlow 3-A South Thirteenth street. FOR SALE Two-story frame, metal roof. good condition, yard. Cheap home for $l,OOO. Inquire Store. 1117 North Third. ■ ■ , VACANT -.3-story brick, all im provements, frOnt porch, on Market street, near Eighteenth street. Also 3-story brick on Green street. Vacant. Very cheap. Liberty Bonds accepted. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street, Bell 560 J. POSSESSION SOON Two-story brick houses; all Im provements; drive alley; front porch; bay window; 7 rooms and bath. $10(1 to $2OO down, balance as rent. Also 3-story concrete block houses on Sixth street. $3OO down. Pay as rent. Liberty Bonds Accepted. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Gyeen Street. . Bell 560 J. OPPORTUNITY TO OWN YOUR OWN HOME" on our easy-payment plan. Small cost payment or Bond. Balance as rent. A. P. DORANZ. 1225 North Sixth Street. Member Harrisburg Real Estate Board. I Real Estate For Sale—Suburban SEVEN-ROOM BRICK BUNGAI.oU —All improvements, gas, lot, 50x175 on Chestnut street, Camp Hill. Cash or terms. Apply Dial 5646. j. p. Henipt, Camp Hill. HEAR ESTATE FOK KENT FURNISHED HOME FOR RENT Front and Calder, $9O per month. Ap ply D. A. Caley, 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell phone 589. FOR RENT Vacant house at Pen brook; all improvements; 15 rooms* suitable for apartment house; double garage. Appljt C. H. Corder. 1722 Hrgen street. Bell phone 560 J. HEAR ESTATE—For Sale or Hcnt HOUSES AND GARAGES at Fifth and Curtin streets. Possession of some of the houses on thirty davs' notice. .Fred C. Miller, 31 North Sec. ond. Bell phone 307 J. , ec HEAR ESIATLI- WANTED WANTED. TO RENT OR DBASE— \ Moving. Picture house, with privilege of buying. Address Y„ 7441, care of Telegraph. HOMES FOR CORORED PEOPDE If you want to sell your home for cash or payments, 'let us hear from you. DINCODN HEARTY CO.. 1129 North Seventh Street. Bell Phone. I HAVE BUYERS waiting for prop erty in any section of the city, if cheap. What have you to otter?, clias Adler. 1002 North Third street. OFFICES AND STOHEKOOMS ' OFFICES FOR RENT or unfurnished, single or ensuite of two or three roorps. Apply H. & r* Rowengard, 210 North Third street. RARGE STOREROOM FOR RENT Suitable for automobile display room or other wholesale or large retail business, 1101-1103 North Sixth street Apply to Rouls, 414 North Third. FARMS ~ == == FOR SARE 20 ACRES (No Improvements) 1 mile east of Ringlestown and the Trolley. Fronting on the State Road Very productive. The wood on It wlli go far In paying for this ground $l/275 is a very low price. Call at Care's Grocery, Ringlestown. or 409 Market street. Harrlsblurg. c. B Care. FARMS ON HAND Any size you wish, with' or without stock. Call 107 Chestnut. John A. Durand.* 1 FARMS : FARMS OF' 112 acres in Cumberland county. Price. 83.800. Call at 107 Chestnut street. FOR SALE 4 acres on old State Road, 6 miles from Square, 3 minutes' to trolley; 10-room house, bank barn, in good condition; 9-ft. concrete porch ail around house; large shade trftes; plenty of fruit. If looking for an ideal country home, look this 4 over. Price right for quick sale. Address Owner, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS AIREDALES Six puppies from Champion bred stock, some future bench winners. John Bridges, Car lisle, Pa. FOR SALE Airedale pups. Inquire Dr. J. H. Oylor, Veternarian, 305 Blackberry avenue. PAWNBROKER'S SALE 'A big lot of unredeemed overcoats to be sold at the very lowest price. NOTICE To those holding pawn tickets for overcoats and other winter articles should please come and redeem them or they will be sold without further notice. N. BRENNER, 1315 NORTH THIRD ST. FOR SALE Old-fashioned secre tary in very good condition. Call Bell 4R. RABBIT HOUNDS AND BEAGLES for sale from $lO.OO to $30.00. Call at 107 Chestnut street. SHAVINGS plentiful now. None later on. Better put in your stock now. E. C. Snyder, Eighteenth and Holly streets. FOR SALE Bloch baby carriage, in excellent condition. Price. $lO. In quire 326 Crescent street. FOR SALE Portable engine and boiler, thlrty-liorse-power, practically new, made by Bay City Iron Works, Erie, Pa. Apply Harrisburg Shale Brick Co., Cameron street, above Ma clay. , GO-CART FOR SALE At reason able price. Call 817 R. FOR SALE -f- Large quantity of used lumber from Penn-Harris Hotel. Also 10,000 6-inch tile. Apply Na tional Fire-Proofing Co. at Penn-Har ris Hotel. FOR SALE A china closet, used but a short time, in good condition. Price. $25.00. No dealers need apply. 1008 Green street. FOR SALE One Baldwin Refrig erator, in good condition. Can be seen at 131 Paxtang avenue, Paxtang, Pa. FOR SALE Oak store fixtures good as new; 7-ft. McCray refriger ator; 10-ft. wall case; 5-ft. display counter; 4 small tables; 16-in. elec tric fan, Master Cutter Chalfless cof fee mill. Call or uddress, Sanitary, Coffee Company, 1638 North Fourth street, Harrisburg, Pa. BOOKS 20,000 new, old and rare books, 5c up. Aurand's, 925 N. Third. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED. GEO. P. TILLOTSON. 205 LOCUST STREET. OPP. OR PHEUM THEATER. ' BOTH PHONES. FOR SALE One safe. Outside measurement 25 inches by 27 inches by 34 inches. one wallpaper cutter. Apply 2000 State between 9 A. M. and 6 P. M. THE STORE across from the Y. W. C. A. is where you can save money on Men's and Boys' Clothings Furnish ings, Hats, Caps, Shoes. We are famous for Low Prices. Give us a trial. Men's Suits $9.90 up Men's Overcoats $7.90 up Boys' Suits $3.98 up Boys' Overcoats $4.98 up Men's Heavy Union Suits $1.98 up Men's Cordruroy Pants $2.50 up Boys' Pants 79c up Men's Pants $1.50 up Men's Shoes $1.98 up OUTLET CLOTHING CO., 23 North Fourth Street. OPEN EVENINGS. Suits to Measure, $20.00 up. WANTED —MISCELLANEOUS CLOTHINfS, SHOES. FURNITURE— Bought at highest cash prices and sold reasonable. S. Refkin, 407 Broad street. Bell phone 3370 J. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of empty barrels and Junk. Call Bell phone 4276. B. Abrams & Son, 824-832 North Seventh street. MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris Schmertz, 1030 Market. Bell 3971 R. MAX SMEDTZ Second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 1381 or Dial 5847, or drop a pos tal to Max Smeltz, 1016 Market street. Will call, city or country. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES THIS TERRITORY OPEN For Rive Distributor | HI-SPEED TRAILER CARS 1,400 and 2,000 lbs. capacity* Instantly attached or detached to or from any pleasure car, from Ford to Packard. RIBERAR INDUCEMENTS Address "DISTRIBUTOR," 319 Heed Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. v BUSINESS PKHSONARS RERIABRE ERECTRIC AND ROCKSMITH SHOP GENERAR REPAIRING. 1303 N. SIXTH ST. BEDD 3995. DIAD 6854. Diamonds bought for Cash; appraisers for estate. P. H. Caplan Co.. 206 Mkt. RAZOR BRADES SHARPENED Single edge, 25c doz.; double edge, 26c doz.; old style. 26c each. Gorges Drug Store, formerly at Henry Gilbert and Sons. QUININE —Rook out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR DAXATIVE PHOSPHO-QUININE will stave It oft if taken In time. Gross Drug Store, 119 Market street. Money to Roan MONEY TO ROAN on Real Estate security in any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174. Harrlsburg, Pa. WE REND MONEY In compllanoe with Act of June 17,,1915. to Individu als In need of ready cash; small loans a specialty; business confidential: payments to suit borrower's conven ience; positively lowest rates In city. PENNSYRVANIA INVESTMENT CO., 182 Walnut Street. , OCTOBER 3, 1918. Money to Loan PAYMENT OF BILLS Need not worry you if you do not have the ready cash. We loan money In any amount on furniture or other good securities so that you can meet any emergency. All our trans actions are strictly confidential. Call and see us to-day. EMPLOYES LOAN SOCIETY Room 206 Bergner Bldg, Third and Market Streets. Licensed and Bonded by the State. * Musical TALKING MACHINES promptly and carefully repaired by an expert only OYLER'S. 14 South Fourth street. IF your Talking Machine needs re pairs, just call Bell Phone 3242 J. An expert will be at your service at once. Or bring machine to 1213 North Third street. TALKING MACHINES of all kinds repaired by an expert. All work promptly and guaranteed. Call Bell 2804R, or 1504 Howard avenue. , HORSES AXU CARRIAGES HORSE" FOR SALE Apply Eck ert. Long street. Camp Hill. Pa. Hauling and Moving AUTO HAULING Local and long distance. Furniture moving: a spec-! ialty. Rates reasonable. Prompt ser vice. Call Bell 623 J. ALL KINDS OF HAULING AND MOVING DONE. CONRAD BROS., 341 KELKER ST. BEL*, PHONE 623 W. DIAL, PHONE 3518. HICKS & HOPKINS Local and Long-distance Hauling. 424 Relly. Both phones. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE' HAULING Prompt service. A. & B. Motor Express, 317 Capital street. Bell phone 1635 J. AUTO HAULING Local or long distance. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Litre Transfer, 917 Capital street. Both phones. HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy equipped for furniture, freight and piano mov ing. No distance too far. Careful driyer. Rain and dustproof body. J. E. Grubber's Truck Service. Irvin Aungst. Manager, Hershey, Pa. Bell phone 15R-6. GENERAL HAULING AND FAST EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns with auto trucks. Only experienced and careful drivers. Call Bell 3320, or Dial 2265. ~ ~ WHERE TO DINE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. STOUFFER'S RESTAURANT—Home cooking served to Businessmen and Ladies in separate diningroom. Storage STORAGE—:4I9 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. Both phones. STORAGE —In brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. G. Diener, 408 Market street STORAGE Private rooms for household goods in fireproof ware house. $3 per month and up. Lower storuge rates in non-fireproof ware house. Harrisburg Storage Co., 437- 445 South Second street. UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLERT FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 1312 Derry St. BELL 1956. DIAL 2133. RUDOLPH K. SPICER, Funeral Director and Embalmer, 511 North Second Street. BELL 252. DIAL 2145. Cleaners and Dyers IT PAYS to have Clothes Cleaned, Pressed, Dyed or Repaired at the best place in town. Call and deliver. Goodman's. 1306 % N. Sixth St. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE, CHEAP Hudson 6 54 speedster good runnning condi tion new battery two, extra tires —all in good shape. Bargain. Inquire P. O. Box No. 686. 1916 MITCHELL, 5-passenger Tour ing Car, Al shape, $450.00. A real bar gain. Inquire Camp 11111 Garage. OVEHUND ROADSTER, IN GOOD I RUNNING CONDITION. PRICE, $275. C. A. FAIR, EAST END MULBERRY j STREET BRIDGE. ! HUDSON Super Six Speedster, Al mechanically; Al paint; Al tires. Will be sold this week. Hudson Sales , Agency, 1137 Mulberry street. Bell | 1396. OVERLAND ; * USED CAR DEPARTMENT Four Good "Pedigreed" Cars ' offered this week at Special Prices. ! 1918 Model light four Overland Touring, refinished throughout. Can hardly be told from new. 1918 Model big four Overland 5-pas senger Touring Car. This car has never been sold but used by us as a demonstrator until we were unable to obtain more cars of this Model. It is refinished, looks like new and carries the guarantee of a new car. The price IK less than present dealer's cost. Reo Touring, 5-passenger, in good mechanical condition, refinished throughout in original paint color Worth $250.00 more than we are ask ing. USED TRUCK DEPARTMENT Ford Extension Truck, 1-ton ca pacityt 1918 Model Ford & Redden Truck Makw with express body and cab. A splendid opportunity to buy a real Truck at a low price. • Convenient payments can be arranged. THE OVERLAND HARRISBURG &0.. 212-14 North Second Streefc FOR SALE One seven-passenger, eight-cylinder Cadillac. Call Bell phone 4667. TOURING Flanders, $350.00: Fords, $275.00 and $360.00; Overland $700.00; Regal. $600.00; Palmer. SCTS.OO: Maxwell, $725.00; Oakland, $376.00; Dodge. $985.00; Metz. $500.00; Reo Roadster. $250.00. Horst, Linglestown, Pa. 1918 DODGE $985.00 1916 Overland (700.00 1914 Ford :.. $265.00 16 Indian Motorcycle $120.00 Other Bargains. HORST. Linglestown, Pa. AUTOMOBir.raa MAC'S GARAGE B .„ Vo S^ D , CAB DEPARTMENT tlon '"Passenger. Good oondl- F&dlJft Roadster*' o ' oo Now4s0 K 0 O 0 ad * tOr - C ° Bt ,I ' Boo ' oo ' F °r r ims 1917 chassls - Demountable Maxwell 1918 Touring. Used only two months. Owner in draft. Bar gain for quick buyer. Ford 1914 Touring, $275 00. M s4so e oo. Touri,,t '' condition. Ford ioiS Delivery; 31x4 tires. Those Cars are real values, and now Is the time to buy. Open Evenings MAC'S GARAGE. 1 i, 7 '., U !ti 21 South Third Street. Bell 3i77. Dial 2413. FOR SALE Ford Touring Car Cheap to quick buyer. Owner leaving city. Inquire Federal Square Garage Court and Cranberry. FOR SALE Four-passenger. 1918 Country Club, made by Overland peo ple. Has been run about 1,100 miles S., 6617, care of Telegraph. OLD AUTOS " Wanted; used, wrecked or oldtlmers in any condition. See me before sac rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto Wrecking. A. Schiftman, 22,24,26 North Cameron street. Bell 3633. EX IDE BATTERY SERVICE All makes of batteries recharged and repaired; work guaranteed. Auto repairing; electric work a specialty. EXCELSIOR AUTO & BATTERY CO., 11th and Mulberry Sts. SEVEN-PASSENGER REO. 1917 model. First-class condition. Can be seen at Muff and Householder Gar age, Steelton, Pa. SMALL FLANDERS TOURING Like new. $375.00; 1919 Mitchell Lib erty Six and Chevrolet Tourings. Also Truxton Trucks. Horst. Linglestown. 10 DAYS' SALE ON MOBILE OIL 10 gallons Aor Arctic, gallon... ,65c 5 gallons A or Arctic, gallon 70c If you furnish the can. Gallon cans Moboiloil, A, B, E or Arctic, gallon 90c. DAYTON CYCLE CO., 912 N. Third St Dial 4990. MAGNETOS All types; 4 and 6 Bosch high tension. Eismann Dixey Splitdorf, Mea, Remy and different makes of coils, carburetors, etc. A Schiffman, 22,24-26 North Cameron Street. Bell 3633. SECOND-HAND MOTOR TRUCKS FOR SALE CHEAP Consisting of variety of Ford cars, with rear-end one-ton capacity; Vims, Buick, Reo and Mack, with power hoist, dump body. All are good bargains. Inter national Harvester Company of America Truck Dept.. 619 Walnut street. FOR SALE Model 32 Hupmobile; excellent value; mechanically perfect. Special Price 8400.00 HARRISBURG AGENCY CO.. 103 Market St. S 4 1914 KNOX Racing Car. In good con dition. 1916 Chalmers Roadster, in A 1 con dition. SUNSHINE GARAGE. Both Phones. WANTED All kinds of used auto tires. We pay highest cash prices. No Junk. H. Esterbrook, 512 North Third street. Dial 4990. GARAGES ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re paired by specialists. Also fenders, lamps, etc. Best service in town. Har risburg Auto Radiator Works, 805 North Third street. WM. PENN GARAGE 304-6 Muench street. Limousines for funeral, parties and balls; careful drivers; open day aftd night. Bell 4564. KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. All sorts of auto top and cushion work done by experts. Also repair work Reasonable rates. 1019 Market St. SUNSHINE GARAGE Auto re pairing by experts. Road Jobs a specialty. Charges reasonable. Both Phones. Sunshine Garage, 27 North Cameron street. UP-TO-DATE GARAGE Expert repairing. Storage space to rent. All accessories. Prices reasonable. Muff Bros., Garage, 244 S. Front St. Steelton. "MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES INDIAN MOTORCYCLE new. Bargain at 395.00. Horst, Ling lestown, Pa. HENDERSON MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE $125. 1916 Model. 2-speed Good machine. Call 24 Chestnut street' Steelton. ONE THREE-SPEED INDIAN MO TORCYCLE FOR SALE H L. Enders, Auto Supplies. 239 South Cam eron street. Dial 6938. BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT ALL WORK GUARANTEED DORY SHANER. WITH ANDRED REDMOND. 1507 NORTH THIRD ST. INDIAN, 1916—Good as new, $l2O 00 Good tires—one new. Bargain. Horst Garage, Linglestown, Pa. WE BUY old bicycles, coaster brakes, and frames. Call Dial 4990 Esterbrook. BICYCLES. BICYCLES New and rebuilt bicycles at very at tractive prices; guaranteed repair ing; come here and get a square deal. H. F. ESTERBROOK, 912 N. Third Street. Dial 4990. t LEGAL NOTICES " NOTICE is hereby given that appli cation will be made by J. E. Rice to the Board of Pardons of Pennsylva nia, on Wednesday, October 16, 1918, for the benefit of the commutation law under Act of Assembly of Pennsylva-, nla, May 11, 1901. Said J. E. Rice is now servWig sentence in the Dauphin County Prison under Indictments Nos. 43 and 44. January Term. 1917. WILLIAM A. McILHENNY, Warden. NOTICE is hereby given that the Auditors Appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County to audit the accounts of the School Dis trict of Harrlsburg, Pa. Summary as follows: Receipts $1,269,752 80 Balance on hand at the close of the last fiscal year 1,619 00 $1,271,371 80 Expenditures .... 804,004 36 Balance In the hands of the Treasurer 467,367 44 Assets ~..$2,474,312 81 Liabilities $1,656,348 36 That the aforesaid Auditors' report was presented to the Court of Com mon. Pleas of DauphJn County, on Sep- * tember 27, 1918, and by the said Court ordered to be died; that the said re port was filed on September 27, 1918, and will be confirmed absolutely un less an appeal is taken within thirty days after the filing thereof. CHARES E. PASS.' jM Prothonotary. 15