Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 03, 1918, Page 11, Image 11

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Three Thefts Reported
to Police in Few Days
Two homes in the borough were
gobbed during the last few days and
another resident was relieved of
$3O in bills whtle in the crowd
viewing the War Car Exhibition,
a, Borough police working on the case
as yet have not made any arrests.
The first theft was reported "on
Monday evening when the residence
of Lloyd Jeffries, South Wood street,
was entered while he and his mother
were seeing the exhibits. Mr. Jef
fries. who conducts a small store,
said he put $4O in cash under the
back stairs. The thief who entered
the house is believed to have known
where the money had been con
cealed as the cash was gone when
A Real Hair Saver
and Beautifier
Found nt I.ast—Shows Results at
Once or Nothing to Pay
If your hair is thinning out, pre
maturely gray, brittle, lifeless, full
of dandruff and your head itches
like mad, quick action must be
taken to save your hair.
Don't wait until the hair root is
dead, for then nothing can prevent
Get from Kennedy's Drug Store 1
or any good druggist today a pack
age of Parisian sage—it doesn't'
cost much and there's nothing else
you could use that's so simple, safe
and effective.
You will surely be delighted with
the first application. Your hair will
seem much more abundant and raj
diant with life and beauty—all itch
ing ceases and your scalp feels cool
and comfortable. Parisian sage is
in great demand by discriminating
•women because it is delicately per
fumed, does not color or streak the
hair, and keeps it lustrous, soft and
Be sure you get the genuine Pari- !
sian sage (Giroux's) for this is
guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion or nothing to pay.
In These Strenuous Days
mora than ordinary care should
be exercised to keep the
Rich Pure
The heary ■ train aea an vitality fa#tmt than
It can be replaced by Nature. *o In order to keep
op roar strength. roa cnaat eaeiat Nature with
auch remediea that make mora blood and oarvr
BlocdislNerve Tablets
Iron, Nux Vomica and Gentian
With Other Tonics
making them one of the rleheit of all reitora
tire,. They build dp the wee*, emaciated, cue
Tiiaacaat and overwork.
4# Cents, Special M Cants.
t United Medicine Co.,
224 N. 10th St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Cray Hair
A very meritorious preparation for
restoring natural color to gray or
faded hair, for removing dandruff and
as a hair dressing. Is not a dye. Gen
erous sized bottles at all dealers,
ready to use when you get it. FHILO
HAY CO.. Newark. N. J.
For the Sake of t
/ Our Boys "Over There" |
Buy Liberty Bonds f
Globe Coats f
For Women and Misses I
Set the Style-Pace I
For Harrisburg |
Distinctiveness of mode, correct- t
X ' ness of workmanship and supe- X
X jL, rior quality characterize GLOBE 5
* COATS of Silvertone, Wool Vel- t
X our, Pom Pom, Crystal Cloth, Suede Cloth, Ker- *
X seys and Cheviots. ❖
While some models will delight you by their *
* simplicity and graceful design, others will win *
* favor by their luxurious collars and trimmings of *
* Seal and Beaver. |
<♦ ♦>
a *s*
* All of which are modestly priced. ;>
! $25 to $89.50 I
♦> •>
I i| !
| The Much Wanted SOO I
Silvertone Coats at %S<3OC/
*? x
At this special price present the most attractive
X value in the city, ITiey're smart belted models with ❖
* the new slit belt medium size convertible collar— £
deep cuffs and slash pockets rich silk linings in J
X Japanese effects. The colors are Taupe, Burgundy, *
■J Navy and Brown. J
s 1 |
i Smart, Chic, Girls' Coats t
v ' ' f
8 ► I
* For the little Girls 6to 14 we provide a wonderful as- *
* semblage of charming styles in Corduroy, Burella Cloth, J
X Wool Velour, Mannish Worsteds, Silk Velours and *
* Cheviots. Many with fur collars, others of plush and self ❖
* fabrics. Each style distinguished by natty belts and %
* pockets.
| $lO to $32.50 1
* ♦
♦ T
* .
Mr. Jeffries was returned, while
nothing else had been taken.
Theodore Titus, Pike street, while
in the crowds on Monday evening
lost $3O and reported that a pick
pocket probably took the money.
The latest theft-to be reported oc-
I curred on Tuesday afternoon at the
! home of Ervin Greem, 336 Market
street While Mr. Green was In the
storeroom at the front of the build
ing someone entered at the rear tak
ing a gold watch and $1.60. A short
time ago the residence of John
Souders, Swatara street, was entered
and $9 in cash taken.
Many Loan Subscriptions
The $125,000 mark for the Fourth
Liberty Loan, ef which Middletown's
quota is $235,510, has been reached
Both the local car plant and the shoe
factory will have 100 per cent, rec
ords, the formhr to date having sold
nearly $75,000 in bonds. The Slovac
Home Union, which took $lO,OOO in
the Third loan, is expected will more
than double that amount in the!
Fourth Loan.
The captains and their lieutenants
are working hard every day here, j
Reports from the rural districts have
not as yet been received, but from all
indications the $200,000 mark Willi
be leached by the end of the week. !
The hosiery mill up to last evening
had sold $930 worth of bonds.
A meeting of captains and lieute-j
nants will be held in the council
chamber, North Catherine street, this
evening at S o'clock.
Twenty-five members of Middle
town Lodge No. 268, K. of P. at
tended the reception given grand
chancellor of the state of Pennsyl
vania, Norval R. Daugherty in the
Pythian Hall, Harrisburg, last even
The Middletown school board re
ceived three car loads of bituminous
coal, which was distributed to the
various buildings. The board has a
sufficient supply of coal now for the
winter months.
The funeral of Alvin McNair was
held this afternoon at 2 o'clock at
the home. Union and
the Rev. William Beach, pastor of
the Royaiton United Brethren
Church officiating .assisted, by" the
Rev. James Cuningham, pastor of;
the Methodist Church. BuriaT wag
made in the family plot in the
Middletown Cemetery
The funeral of of Nicholas Negro
was held this morning with high
mass in the St. Mary's Catholic
Church at 9.30 o'clock, the Rev.
Father Jules Foin having charge of
the services. Burial was made in
the Catholic Cemetery, East Middle
Thirty-five members of the Body
of Bethlehem, met in their room in
the Red Men's hall, Ann street, this
morning and from there were con
veyed in the auto truck of A. H.
Luckenbill and A. L. Cobaugh, to
Lancaster, where they attended the
The pupils of the High school
cleared $l5O from their ice cream,
cake and candy festival held in the
Central Market House, last Satur
day evening.
John Kohr, of the Naval Reserve
Corps, who spent the past several
days with his parents at Buck Loch,
returned to Philadelphia.
Starting October Ist, the hours of
the Reading and Pensylvania freight
stations have been changed. Here
after they will open at 8 o'clock in
the morning and close at 5 in the
Shippensburg, Pa., Oct. 3. —Mem-
bers of the Men's and Wimen's Bible
classes of Messiah United Brethren
Sunday school will go by automobile
to the home of Sanriel Grove in
Newville on Friday evening, Oc
tober 4.
Newville, Pa., Oct. 3.—A vegetable
soup supper will be held by Mr. Sny
der's Sunday school of St. Paul's Lu
theran Church on Saturday, October
5. in the McCullough room. Supper
will be served from 4 o'clock on.
German-Bred Pest Discovered
on Patches in the Lu
zerne County District
j Tho European
located by "agents
1 ecSsSsA' °* t * le ® u "
jfjnnnWWßtf reau of Economic
' iy-r —H-. A towns In the an
; thracltc region
1 about HaileJon
according to an announcement made
by the State Department of Agricul
j ture to-day. The department gave
out a statement which said that
state and national government ex
| perts were in the region and that
|to prevent spread an absolute
i quarantine- would have been estah
! lished against potato shipments,
j "The disease is supposed to have
; been brought to this country in a
shipment of potajoes received from
Germany some years ago" says the
statement issued by the department,
which says that the disease not only
ruins potato plants, but infects
Dr. J. G. Sanders, state economic
zoologist, and a corps of national and
state agricultural experts, are now
making surveys In Luzerne, Schuyl
kill, Lackawanna and Carbon
countTes, as the center of the potato
disease seems to be in the anthra
cite region* Ten mining towns be
tween Hazleton and Freeland are af
| fected. Quarantines forbidding
shipments of potatoes will be estab
lished at once and the growing of
potatoes on the infected soil will be
prohibited as there is no known
remedy to get rid of the disease,
; which has been traced in several
countries and against which the
United States government declared
a quarantine in 1912.
To Go Over Top—State Treas
urer Harmon M. Kephart to-day is
sued a statement in which he- said
he had arranged to pay all attaches
of the state government the full pay
at the middle of the month. "This
is done so that the state govern
ment can go over the top on the
Fourth Liberty Loan" said he.
| To Close Bids.—Highway Com
missioner O'Netl will to-day dispose
of the last of the bids for highway
construction. Most of them will be
rejected as the government has ve
toed work and others are too high.
The department Is not asking any
bids now.
Millions Issued.—Certificates of
notification for the following stock
and bond issues have been filed with
the Public Service Commission:
Duquesne Light Co., Pittsburgh,
bonds. $15,000,000; notes $10,000.-
000.000 three years six per cent.
, gold: Penn Puhiic Service Co.. Phil
adelphia, bonds $139,000; Citizens
Light. Heat and Power Co.. of Penn
sylvania, Johnstown, bonds $700,-
000; Penn Electric Service Co.,
Johnstown, bonds. $500,000; Kane
Electric Light and Power-Co., Kane,
bonds $lOO,OOO, common stock,
$254,712.50; Lehigh Valley Transit
Co., Allentown, bonds $185,000; Jef
ferson Electric Co., Scranton, pre
ferred stock, $50,000; Lehigh Valley
Railroad, bonds $27,000,000; Water
Gap Water Co., Delaware Water
Gap, bonds $40,000; South Pitts
burgh Water Co., Pittsburgh, bonds
$7,000; Penn Central Light and
Power Co., Altoona, bonds $125,000;
Penn Central Light and Transmis
sion Co., Altoona. bonds $82,000;
Topton Electric Light and Power
Co., Topton, bonds $50,000; Metro
politan Edison Co., Reading, bonds
$24,500; Lycoming Edison Co., Wil
liamsport, notes $67,500; Eastern
Pennsylvania Railway Co., Potts
ville, bonds $78,000; Somerset Tele
phone Co.. Somerset, common stock
i $30,090; Pennsylvania Water and
(Power Co., Holtwood, bonds $400,-
000; Susquehanna Transmission Co.,
I HOltwood, bonds $32,000; Philadel
phia Suburban Gas and Electric Co.,
I Philadelphia, bonds $27,000; The
i Williamsburg Electric Co., Hunting
j don. bonds $30,000; Allentown-Beth
lehem Gas Co., Allentown, bonds
$129,000; Boyertown Electric Co.,
Boyertown, bonds $20,000.
How They Registered- Major W.
G. Murdock. the state's chief draft of
ficer. to-day issued a table Showing
i how the 1,148,969 men who registered
I in Pennsylvania on September 12 put
down their names according to dis
tricts. Rhiladelphia No. 6. with which
I was consolidated No. 4 district, leads
i with 13,643. Northampton. No. 3, is
second, with 9,710; Philadelphia. No.
I 22, is next, with B.OSB, wdjile No. 35
! has 7.253, and No. 43, 7,171. Washing-
I ton. No. 4, shows 6,864; New Castle,
f 6,835; Indiana. {Jo. 2. 6,744; Beaver,
No. 1, 6,632; Washington, No. 5, 6,552;
1 Mercer, No. 2, 6,467; Somerset, No. 2,
I 6,334. Schuylkill, No. 5, has 6,102, and
1 Chester county, No. 3, 6,130. Eight
) Philadelphia districts have over 6,000.
Culls For Doctors. State Health
Department officers were to-day ask
ed to send doctors and nurses to help
j combat an outbreak of influenza at
' Butler, the first serious outbreak in
the western end of the state. More
doctors and nurses are being sent to
the Jefferson and Indiana county min
ing districts, where serious outbreaks
have been reported.
Hearting Canceled. The hearing
in the exaradition proceedings against
C. Emory Tittman, of Philadelphia,
was canceled yesterday, as his coun
sel withdrew the protest before the
Governor. Tittman, who is something
of a celebrity in Philadelphia, is want
j ed on a charge of grand larceny in
| New York.
Major Griffiths Spoke Major Grif
i ilths, of the State Treasury, yesterday
lhadc his sixth speech of presentation
to an attache ot the State Treasury
entering the service. He presented a
J wristwatch to Herbert D. Harry, who
goes to Fort Thomas, and the sixth
star was added to the department flag.
J Senators Here. Senators James
B. Weaver, of Latrobe, and Samuel W.
Salus, of Philadelphia, were at the
! Discussed Arms. Campbell Rut
ledge. active In the Johnstown Home
I Defense organization, was here yester
i day to discuss arms with the
' tant General, but found that the state
I did not have any to give. It was sug
gested that the Johnstown people do
I as the Harrisburg Reserves have done
! and buy their own arms.
| Ex-Member Dead. —Joseph A. Scho--
I field, former member of the House
from Warren, died at his home a few
day? ago. He was well known to
many here, as he took an active- part
I in the session of 1911.
I X"liester Acts. Chester city coun
cil yesterday enacted ordinances clos
ing every place of amusement in the
city during the influenza outbreak.
John Moltter. of the State Department
of Health, was In the city co-operat
ing with the municipal officials and
extending state aid.
Conference nt liethlehem. Army
officers, .state, county and municipal
officials discussed influenza outbreaks
and precautions at Bethlehem last
evening. Dr. B. F. Royer. Commis
sioner of Health, represented the state
and steps to combat the disease were
Notices of the monthly meeting of
the board of governors of the Mo
tor Club of Harrisburg, to be held
at the club headquarters, 109 South
Second street. evening at 8
o'clock, are being sent out by J.
Clyde Myton, secretary.
German Empire Said
To Be Founded on Lie
Youngstown, o. —"Germany has
adopted the materialistic philosophy
that there is no immortality; that
consciousness is the slow creation of
forces. Accept that philosophy and
you must end with the Germany
Army, Krupps, submarines and |
frightfulness," declared < Dr. F. W. j
Gunsaulus, head of the Armour In- ]
stitute of Technology, in addressing j
fourth Liberty Loan workers here.
"We must either have the super
man of Germany or the divine man
of Gaiilee. Bismarck founded the
German Empire on a lie, and the
German people are standing by that
falsehood." Manufacturers pledged,
following the address of Dr. Gun
saulus. $2,200,000 toward the $ll.-
000,000 Youngstown quota.
Visiting Nurse
Found It Was
a Great Help
Experience Had Proved Eor Her the
Value to the Public
Miss Mamie Rutter, a visiting
nurse whose home is 1333 North
Second street, Harrisburg, Pa., says;
"I was a sufferer from a particu
larly distressing form of stomach
trouble. I used to get up every
morning with a terrible headache.
"I would often get weak, dizzy
"Tanlac was recommended to me
and I can truthfully say that it gave
almost instant relief. Sinfe taking
it my headaches have disappeared,
the trouble in my stomach seems to
have been corrected for 1 no longer
have that sourness or pdin. More
over, I found that Tanlac was a
splendid blood purifier and a fine
tonic for the whole system.
Tanlac is now being introduced
here at the George 'Gorgas Drug
Tanlac is also sold at the Gorgas
Drug "Store in the P. R. R. Station;
in Carlisle at W. G. Stephens' Phar
macy; Elizabethtown, Albert W,
Cain; Greencastle, Charles B. Carl;
Middletown, Colin S. Few's Phar
macy; Waynesboho, Clarence Croft's
Pharmacy: Mechanicsburg, H. F.
The genuine Tanlac bears the
name 'J. I. Gore Co.' on outside car
ton of each bottle. Look for it.
Opens Up Clogged Nostrils, Vanishes
Cold in Head, and Catarrh,
Like Magic
CAMPHOROLE soothes and relieves ca
tarrhal deafness, and head noises.
It drives outcongestion without appara
tus, inhalers, lotions, harmful drugs,
smoke or electricity. Do not treat your
cold lightly; this is pneumonia season. If
you have cold in head, pain in chest, or
sore throat, send to nearest drug store
for a jar of CAMPHOROLE. and watch
how quickly it will relieve you.
Physicians recommend CAMPHOROLE
for colds and catarrhal affections of the
nose and throat, bronchitis.croup, asthma,
stiff neck, sore muscles, lumbago, stiff
joints, headache, frosted feet.rheumatism,
cold in muscles, neuritis, hay fever. Ap
plied to chest it "will check development
of cold and often prevent pneumonia.
You are safe
when you take
Father John's Medicine,
for your cold and *to:
build new flesh and j
strength, becauseitis free j
from morphine, chloro-j
from, codeine, heroin, orj
other dangerous drugs.
Take' it Today. j
f ' I
The saving of coal is
a necessity, not of the
future but of the pres
Begin now. Uncle Sam
bids you do it.
United Ice & Coal Co.
Forster & Cowden Sta.
Marines tn charge of the Marine
Corps Recruiting station at 307
Market street, have announced a
list of applicants who are to report
their order and serial numbers to
the recruiting"office as soon as they
ha\e their classification. '
The men E. Peck, P. A, Rich,
"The Live Store" "Always Reliable"
I (jj J feoctpti; irari (PloH|ra . ro **
i J
This Waist Seam Is a
Popular Departure
It's surprising how much the Waist seam
adds to the effect of a coat. You'll know the reason
for its popularity the moment you slip it on and see your figure
in the mirror. The fact is that most men who do, don't want to
take it off.
Society Brand Clothes
have the style tailored in by hand, so
it will stay in as long as the fabric lasts. That's the
only way that any Society Brand Suit or Overcoat is tailored,
regardless of the model or the price.
All Society Brand Clothes embody one standard
of workmanship, and one that gives you more and better tailoring
than any other clothes that we know. The label identifies the genuine; it is also the
maker's pledge of satisfaction.
Looking over the new Society Brand ideas is as good
* attending a style show. This is the time to come in.
"Manhattan Shirts" "Stetson Hats"
Try the Dependable Doutrich Service
That Everybody Is Talking About
IC. H. Miller. W. E. Buller. M. K.
Kistler, L. W. Anderson, J. T. Diet
rich. K.H. Moyer, C. L. Beck, W. L.
Hein, J. W. Dressier, J. W. Fry
The Rev. C. D. Rishel, South
Enola, shipped eleven bushels of
poach stones to the Ilarrisburg Red
OCTOBER 3, 1918.
Cross to-day. The stones were ship- j
ped in H. L. Hoffman's truck. The
Rev. Mr. Rishel was assisted in
gathering the' peach stones by the |
teachers and pupils of the Adam i
street school. Through his own per>|
sonal efforts the Rev. Mr, Rishel i
also added $640 worth of War Sav
ings Stamps to theeredit of the
Enola district. He is trying to sell I
$l,OOO in War Savings Stapips.
CuticuraStops ML*
Itching and
Saves the Hair $
All druggist*: Soap2B. Ointment 25 £5O, Talcum 26
Sample each free of a Oattewa, Dept. I, iertm."