Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 02, 1918, Page 8, Image 8
8 i HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH A NEWSPAPER FOR THE HOME Founded 1831 ■ W — 1 . Published evenings except Sunday by THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. Telearraph Building, Federal Square ', E. J. STACKPOLE President and Editor-in-Chief F. R. OYSTER. Business Manager GUS SI. STEINMETZ, Managing Editor A. R. MICHENER, Circulation Manager Executive Board J. P. McCULLOUGH, BOYD SI. OGELSBY, F. R. OYSTER. GUS. M. STEINMETZ. Member of the Associated Press —The Associated Press is exclusively en titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local iiAvs published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. Member American Newspaper Pub 'iTi,, "M tion, the Audit Bureau of Clrcu lation and Penn- WSySngSanig sylvania Associ • efiS 55 lu ated Dailies. Mm Q6S SB SOB IBS Eastern office. lEgsSSSi-QI Story, Brooks & SB§ 53 fiBB ral Finley, Fif th , •** • [£S Avenue Building IJwB iB.IBBi flf New York City: ' Western office. rjj Story, Brooks & "Olp Gas ' Building. - Chicago, 111. Entered at tho Post Office In Harrla burg. Pa., as second class matter. By carrier, ten cents a *, week; by mail, ,$5.00 w 'i2>- a year in advance. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER, 2, 1918 Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. — 7. Cor. 10:12. = DEAD SOULS IT is most regrettable that reports should be reaching State draft headquarters and the offices of; the State government that men have been charging Pennsylvanians called under the selective service act for making out their questionnaires. This is against the very spirit of the I American people in the war, and the! Congress and the officials charged j with administering Ihe draft pro- | vided for legal advisory boards and j boards of instruction to give aid and | advice to the registrants. And yet i there are men with souls so dead ! that in war time they aro charging j drafted men for making out their papers. In one county a charge of $1 is reported for helping a regis trant. In another, fifty cents seems to be the tax. In Cumberland county It is reported that a man charged a registrant $1.25. Happily, the latter case has been reported to authorities and the name of the man L may soon be known. There is no legal or mpral right for a man to charge a registrant for helping him on a questionnaire. If the man asked to help is too busy he can slide out of it by sending the : registrant to a lawyer. He ought j not to be too busy. But to charge him is not the spirit of Pennsylvania j In war time. And, similarly, while aldermen, I Justices of the peace and notaries have authority to charge for admin istering an oath to a registrant It is to lie hoped that, in the language of a letter Issued by tho Attorney Gen eral's Department, there are not many so unpatriotic as to do it. Isn't it about time for the Allies to warn the Kaiser as to what is going to happen to Germany if the Ger mans don't stop burning towns? READY TO FIGHT THE men of the United States, with few exceptions, aro ready to fight whenever Uncle Sam ' shall say tho word. Army life no longer holds terrors even for tho most timid. If the truth could be known it would probably be re corded that in his heart of hearts the average man at homo is bemoan ing conditions that prevent him from joining in the great adventure. Little more than a year ago, when the first draft numbers were drawn, selective service was an untried ex periment. We had just turned from, ways of peace to a state of war, and it was not without many misgivings that men thought of throwing up their Jobs, Jostling themselves out of the old, easy, soft ways of living nnd donning the uniform for service overseas. Now, however, all Is different. Letters from friends, newspaper stories of daring deeds and stirring experiences have torn aside the veil of uncertainty and shown us an op portunity for high service and for great experience such as Americans of this generation have not known. The period in which we live Is one of constant and tremendous change. We no longer dread the thought of breaking old ties or tho difficulty of establishing new connections, once the old are broken. We are con vinced that the draft law Is fairly drawn and honestly administered. Therefore, we go serenely about our dally work, content to let the draft hoard set for us tho date upon which we, shall lay down the tool \or the pen and take up the rifle. Our changed state of mind Is no Ner Illustrated than by the Jndif . X® ot the public to the drawing numbers for the third draft Ny at Washington. When X lottery was held little \ar ago, crowds stood '/paper bulletin boards ' yt and eagerly purchased / Had their positions in WEDNESDAY EVENING, the draft and the order In which they expected to bo called. Of courso, this present lack of Interest is partly due to the fact that the draft numbers do npt mean much pow. In the first place, men from 19 to 21 and from 31 to 37 will be first to go under tho new act, and these will be classified and only class 1 men will be summoned. After that, class 1 men from 37 to 46 will be taken. The only value the draft numbers now have, there fore. is to designate the order In which class 1 men will be sum moned, for It Is not expected that the war will go to the place where deferred classes will have to be called for active service. But even men who know they will be among the first to go showed so little Interest that the government made no effort to give out the num bers as they were drawn. The men of the nation are far more intent upon what is being accomplished on the other side than they are in the date of their call to service. They are to fight any time and, if truth be told, mighty glad for the excuse when Uncle Sam , says the word. If you think you have a hard Job. Mr. Liberty Bond Solicitor, just think of the job of the poor German who i has to go out and sell war bonds. DON'T BE DECEIVED DON'T be deceived* by tho good news from Europe; the war is not over, nor nearly over. The danger of the moment is that we shall become too optimistic. The war may run through another year. Certainly, it will continue for many months, if we pause in cur efforts now, or fail to support the Govern ment with our money, the war may be indefinitely prolonged, for armies cannot continue to win victories without supplies, and supplies can not be purchased without money. Indeed, there is more reason than ever that we should pour out our dollars more liberally at this moment j than if the fighting were at a stand still. The tremendous efforts of our armies over the seas aro costing mil lions upon millions of dollars every j day. Armies in action are far more ' expensive to maintain than armies j occupying fixed positions in trenches. ! They are burning up immense quan tities of ammunition every day, and this must be replaced, and replaced again and again, as often as con sumed. The harder the fighting the more money the Government must have. The nearer to Germany our armies get the more support they will need. This is no time to falter. This is no time to conclude that the war is nearly over and victory secure with out further efforts on our part. This is a time for all good, loyal Ameri cans to get together and push the Fourth Liberty Loan over the top, just as the men in France are push ing the Germans out of Franco and Belgium. We must put our dollars behind our soldiers in such a vast heap that they will never lack for a single necessity. We must make the bullets for thorn to shoot. If we permit ourselves to be lulled now into a sense of false security we shall rue it bitterly. It we fall in this loan we will find ourselves fac ing the necessity of subscribing to many more issues. Let us make this one so big that history will write it down not as a Liberty Loan but as a Victory Loan. Imagine yourself as the man whose duty It Is to come into tho Kaiser's headquarters and report: "All Highest, I have to announce that tho German armies are in full retreat toward the Rhine." STUDY OUR CODE Dn. JOSEPH KALBFUS' ruling that men may not shoot wood cock In Pennsylvania before (he opening of the season' specified In tho State game code, notwith standing the fact that tho federal authorities havo established a season starling twenty days earlier, is ap parently sound. Wo are willing to overlook many things to win tho war and to keep to ourselves opin ions on noma matters of an essential character In which rights are cur tailed for the general benefit. We can settle them after the war. But here we have an Instance where the United States authorities proceed to fix a season for game dif ferent from what we have specified In our game code. Our code Is the result of many months' study and careful deliberation,. And It Is done without much consultation with State authorities, It would net be a bad plan for the federal officials In charge of garno laws, beoause hlrda are not well ac quainted with geography and fly over State lines, to study our gumo code and try to help us In conserva tion and regulation, instead of set ting up a collection of rules whlch are in collision with those of a State on a subject which has nothing whatever to do with winning the war, Germany la talking of a dictator. We thought that is what the Kaiser is, . gy,. i 'fUUicfi Ik "^^KK^ificCLKUl by tho Ex-Committeeman Certification of tho nominations fcr the November election will begin at tho Department of tho Socretury of the Commonwealth within tho next ten days. The final form of the ballots will be passed upon by Secretary of the Commonwealth Cyrus E. Woods this week and as soon as tho proofs are finished tho official copies will be printed. Ono will be sent to each county. It will contain all state nominations ! and party squares. The ballot will ! also contain the two nonpartisan I tickets, tho Supreme and Superior Courts, and also tho Constitutional Amendments, two of which are to' be voted on. it is expected that the changes In the congressional, senatorial and legislative nominees which have been under way because of withdrawals of men who got scattering nomin ations or because of the McAdoo order will be completed soon. The Democratic State Executive Committee will meet soon to fill va cancies. —Attorney General Brown is about ready with his opinion to the; Adjutant General and Secretary of: the Commonwealth in regard to com missioners to take the votes of sol-1 diers from Pennsylvania. The At torney General will outline what the Pennsylvania law requires and the Governor will name commissioners. Whether any go abroad or not de pends on the War Department, it is the intention to send them to camps in the United States. -—The Philadelphia Inquirer gives this interesting sidelight on Senator Sproul: "Members of the Wild Life League, tho United States Sports men's Association and kindred or ganizations throughout Pennsylvania are taking a keen interest in the candidacy of Senator William C. Sproul, the Republican nominee for Governor, by reason of the fact that in addition to his being recognized as the leader of (he good roads move ment lie has been a consistent and sturdy advocate of legislation calcn-I lated to tonserve the natural re-' sources of the Commonwealth and to promote the propagation of game) in every form. lie has been un-j tiring at Harrisburg in support of legislation designed to extend r.h6 ; game preserves owned or controlled i by the state, in promoting tile devel opment anil expansion of forests, the restocking of all streams with fish, championing the restriction of hunting or fishing when it has been deemed advisable to extend the clos ed seasons, and in strengthening of powers of tho fish wardens and game protectors to meet evils which have; been encountered from time to time." —Pittsburgh Republicans evident- ' ly do not intend to be caught nap- I ping in the general slump in regis tration. Meetings are being held by Chairman Charles H. Kline at which 1 all party workers are being urged to j speed up registration affairs. Satur- j day is the last day and tho Pitts- j burgh organization seems to be very I much on the job! —lncreases of pay asked of Phil- i adelphia city councils now amouni ! to over $2,000,000 and the Philadel phia Record says that with these de- 1 mands and the chances that Phila delphia will lose $1,900,00'0 in liquor licenses when things go "dry" the . proposed decrease in the tax rate is "a dead issue." " —Senator Sproul is spending to day on some automobile visits, but is not making any political'speeches. He is talking Liberty Loan now. —"The Republicans are going to win all along the line this year and the state ticket is going to have a fine majority, but the Republicans of Pennsylvania should not take any thing for granted. They must get out on the firtng line and help roll up the vote," said State Chair man William E. Crow on his visit here yesterday. Tho situation looks very well, but the greatest danger to nice situations is always overconfi dence. We intend to get out every Republican vote and I am going to call on every member of the State Committee to keep that in mind." —The pleasant state of affairs in the Pennsylvania Democracy, reor ganized at so much expense and widely advertised in the last few years in this city, is illustrated by the followng extract from the Demo cratic Philadelphia Record's account of the meeting of officers of the State Firemen's Association at Philadel phia yesterday: "Mr. Palmer was denounced as a slanderer and Judge Bonniwell was exonerated of all charges associating him with an at tempt to procure the support of the state's firefighters for Senator Wil liaf C. Sproul. The leaders of the association eveji went further and declared that Judge Bonniwell has never permitted party politics to en ter Into the activities of the body and the members are asked to re sent tlie condemnation by Palmer "so that proper, action may be taken to chastise men who seek to vilify the big outstanding men of out great state who at all times make sacri fices for their country, state and communities." —As the State Firemen have aban doned their convention this year the officers and big chiefs mot In Phila delphia yesterday and elected Bonni well president again. —Chostes city Republicans aro ar- Vanglng for'a giant registration as a compliment to Senator Sproul. The Senator's friends say he will receive a tremendous vote. —Scranton Republicans are or ganizing a Sproul club, which Is ex pected to include n huge member ship. • —This is Westmoreland county's day at tho State Capitol, hut there is not much assurance when a Judge will be named. —Prothononry H. F. Walton, of the Supreme Court, Is being congrat ulated on his birthday to-day, —-Defeat of the suffrage amend ment was the theme the Capitol to-day, but everyone was very care ful about opinions on It, .—The Philadelphia Ledger Is out with ft demand for a careful and de liberate revision of the state consti tution and oppones what it calls "tinkering" with it. To Re Read Rapidli/ Former Queen Lllluokalant'A gen ealogical chart has been considerably smeared up by one Jonah Kuhoi Kol lanlanole,' delegate to the United States Congress- from Hawaii, who says that I.tlluokalanl's Hawaiian cognomen is Kahakautlakelltmoc walowalaulla. meaning, tn plain En glish, "flash of lightning of the chief who sleeps along the streams of the Walaulla." Lll was aoclally known as Mrs. Nawahte. —.From the Sayan-1 nah New®. j teARJRISBrTRG TELEGRXPHf | -4 HANDY MAN AROUND THE HOVSE BRIGGS ;<J THeee'S A~\ ILM I I (UATFIX V/ \ DRAFT - WON T J- LffWA I r H . T , M / SOME IOOLS,- • I \ MM"M"" M I y I Too FIWD IT AlOt> / R<tJ\/ 'V _ _ ( KiooiaJ whata. 7, V - J J 1 ' E T° MINOTS I Hi (, 0H A6Wes!J| l-jr; L >! e& /i~w6ht H/s\ /y f\\ L K -S-ur LETTERS TO THE EDITOR | AS TO BASS FISHFNG To the Editor of the Telegraph: The letter published in recent date I of Telegraph written by Peter Wil- j liamson declaring that Mr. Buller or; any one else could not catch eight| bass in the river from Kelker street | to Rockvilte bridge is as true as gospel, and there is no one in Dau-; pliin county knows mote about lish-j ing in that old Susquehanna than, just Pete Williamson, being one of; the very best fishermen along the 1 river. I know him. 1 fished with i him over thirty years ago. Now there are several good rea- i sons for not many bass in the river. | Ir, the first place the protected cor- j poration that maintains a dam across the river prevents any fisli from coming up the river. The protected; eels and carp enjoy eating the young fish and spawn. Old rivormen will tell you that; when shad were in tho river and spawned that in the fall the eels caught invariably had from one to four young shad in their stomach. ; Now since no set nets, no giging and rotten water there is not any bass worth going after. In a few years there will be no place where | cols are protected. Why, years ago; before the dams were in the river, | it was a common sight to see people j out on the old Market street bridge; in the spring watching school afteri school of shad and other fish going up the river. Yon can stand there! a month now and not see a dozen; fish. Of course, there was no mine wa ter ran into the river. No chemicals! emptied into it. It was a grand clean river nee-ling no filtration plant to; make it fit to use. But the laws made for a few is re garded as good law. protect the fish J from the poor and let the rich mur der them by the thousands. I enclose you an extract taken \ from* the Halifax Gazette of several! weeks ago, headed: "Hundreds of; Fish Being Poisoned:" "Almost daily! hundreds of fish can be seen float-! ing down the Susquehanna river past i this place—dead. The fish have been ' poisoned hv acids emptied into the river hv industries located up state. ln a short time the few remaining fish in the Susquehanna will be killed off by *llO lawbreakers who are ap parently not molested by the llsh commissioner and his deputies." There you have it in a nutshell. Yours truly, V. H. WIESTI.ING. CAUTIOUS JOHN [From the Saturday Evening Post] Mr. Roberts, a banker in a West ern town, v.a3 very bald, and was in the habit of wearing his hat In the bank during business hours as a protection from flies in warm weather and from cold breezes ;n winter. i Every week a negro employe of j the bank presented a check and drew his wages. Onp day, as he was put ting tho money in a worn and greasy wallet, tho banker chanced to pass by. and asked: "Book here, John, why don't you let some of that money stay in tho bank and keep an account with us?" "Well, sah," replied the negro, leaning toward the banker and gaz ing curiously at the Panama hat he wore, "T's always afenrd. You see, sah, you look like you was al ways ready to start somewheres." Over the Rhine They're riictht in saying "Over the Top" is passe since the fighting is now out In the open. The new cry should be "Over the Rhine.—Spiker, France. LAROR NOTES Knoxvlllo Clenn.) molders have secured a nine-hour day. Canadian farmers are forming co-, operative associations. Minnesota State Department of Igibor Hnd Industries reports that there were 9,6X0 accidents in the State during July, as compared with 2.15S during the sam? period last year. Representatives of the Pan Fran cisco Irfiundry Workers' Union and the Laundry Owners' Association have agreed to a general wage in crease of $3 a week for employes, re gardless of classification, The newly-organtzed union of teamsters at Akron, Ohio, already has mßdo substantial progress, hav ing increased tho wages from 920 to $25 per week and secured the adjust ment ef other grievances. President's Speech Offers Way to Permanent Peace THE Philadelphia Public Ledger sets forth at length and most com pletely a digest and discussion of President Wilson's New York Lib erty Loan speech. The Telegraph has not always agreed with Pres ident Wilson. On many issues it differs with him most radically. But his New York address sets forth so clearly the American view.of the only terms upon which we can make peace—as .previously proposed by Ex- President Taft —that it promises to be one'of the basic documents upon which a permanent peace will be laid. Tho Ledger, reflects the spirit of the President's views in the following editorial: "President Wilson has, in a single address, tremendously hardened the hopes of war-sick humanity that the mighty struggle whose very magni tude has led us to call it 'Armaged don' may open a blood-stained door to a real millennium of permanent peace. Permanent peace was but the other day the unsubstantial vis ion of a few far-sighted idealists. The President's courageous, concrete and comprehensive program has given the vision substance—has brought it within sure reach of hu man hands —has gloriously lit the future with the light that never was on sea or land. "If humanity does not shut the doors of the Temple of Janus as it closes this war, and seal them with the seven seals of eternal justice an'd brotherly love, it will fail voluntar ily from lack of stern purpose, united councils and universal good faith. It will not fail from lack oi' knowledge; for President Wilson has stepped out in front of-tho forward thinkers of all ages and furnished the knowledge of how this miracle may be wrought. He has made per manent peace possible—and no finer encomium could be served beneath the name of any man. "This is characteristic of the President's idealism. He transmutes it into reality. He sees visions and ■dreams dreams, if you like; and h comes forward with a considered ami highly practical plan by which they may be distilled into appliablo j panaceas for the healing of the na tions. "His statement of the issues which this war is to settle could not be clearer or more complete. It is sim ply that right shall always and everywhere be right, and shall not depend On the amount of might be hind it. That, as an abstraction, has been preached by moral philoso phers from time immemorial. The advanced thinker has always as serted it; and then the man of male volent, selfish, sinister and unscru pulous Might has swept it aside with a naked sword. If President Wil j son hn*l paused with its simple reas- I sertion, he would have added noth ing to humanity's material basis of hope. But he did not pause there— he proceeded to propose a practical 1 plan by which superior Might could bo enlisted in the service of ascer tained Right. "Ho took the League of Nations out of the toy shop of speculative statecraft and presented it to us as a workable tool and weapon with which the police power of organized civilization can be put squarely be hind the informed, impartial and just judgment of civilization. He sees that to make peace without making simultaneously a League of Nations to protect it would bo like driving a band of bandits out of a village they were looting, without providing any police, law or armed force to keep them from coming back again. He is no impractical visionary fondly fancying that the .world can be ruled as vet without force. His slogan is 'force, force to the utmost,' when force is needed. But he does believe —and this is where he leads the best thought of the world at this moment —that force can be recruited into the unselfish service of law, order and justice, and employed to pro tect a peace based In every nation —even the weakest —on the content of the peaceful. "The puzzling problem of the League of Natlpns has been how to get along either with or without Germany. A League without her would mean two Leagues—with Ber lin always plotting, intriguing, con spiring to break the grip of the world's police upon her shoulder. The Allied League muht remain armed to the teeth, ever ready to re new the war at a moment's notice. But a League with Germany as a member—how Is that thinkable? "President Wilson furnishes the answer. He says that "the govern ments of the Central Powers * • are without honor and observe no covenants.' He says that 'the Ger man people must by this time be fully aware that we cannot accept the word of those who forced this war upon us.' There will be no com promise, • 'conversations' or cove nants with the military autocracies who have misruled the German and Austrian peoples, broken faith again and again wtih foreign nations, in cluding ourselves, and betrayed every helpless race that trusted to their pledges. "But the Wilson League of Na tions will be based upon absolute justice to everybody, including the peoples now at war with us. 'The impartial justice meted out must involve no discrimination between those to whom wo wish to be just and those to whom we do not wish to be just,' says President Wilson. 'lt must be a justice that plays no favorites.' There is a fair and square offer to the enemy peoples. Get rid of oyru governments that we cannot trust, or compel these governments to give us binding guarantees, and the peace desired and imposed by the Allied nations will not be a punitive peace: a peace which will work wrong to conquered people: an Alsace-Lorraine peace; a Brest-Litovsk peace; a German peace. It will be a just peace—an American peace—a peace broadly based upon the people's will in every nation affected by it; a peace which alone possesses the elements of per manence; a peace acceptable to the peoples of the whole world. "As it is a people's war, it will be a people's peace! "The President's passion for plain speech—and what better service can any man offer the Allied cause at this critical and perhaps perilous juncture, on the eve of a fierce and desperate bombardment of peace shells, than, to speak plainly and bravely?—leads him to suggest that perhaps the plain people throughout the Allied world have not always been satisfied with the statements of war aims made by iheir leaders. And he himself would clearly relish a little more clarity. Common thought, he says, does not express itself in 'terms of territorial ar rangements and divisions of power.' (So he expresses the hope that 'the leaders of the governments' with which wc are associated will speak, as they have occasion, as plainly as T have tried to speak.' If. on the. other hand, thoy believe that the President is wrong, he clearly in vites open criticism. Obviously the terms of this people's peace are to be discussed publicly before the peo ples affected, and not by diplomats behind closed doors. "It -vt-ill be universally hoped that the President's invitation is ac cepted. The chief reason for such an acceptance is no trivial desire that America's lead be taken, but the very serious practical point that only in that way can the German and Austrian peoples know for cer tain that they can surrender at dis cretion and then surely receive the treatment outlined in President vv,ll - self-denying, ordinance, which contains his five-point program. It might easily be the longest step pos sible toward a prompt and perma nent peace." LET'S PRETEND I name my brothers in a prayer, Who are upon the sea, Lynn, with brown and tumbled hair, Lloyd and Deak, the three. O the days we whittled boats And sailed them on the sea! The sea was running past our door, A mountain brook and clear. And little bays we scooped and shaped To keep our fleets from fear. Each bay wo named: each ship we named. And launched it with a cheer. O little whittled boat that went So slowly round the bend, O happy days of make-believe! When will this anguish end? Tears in my eyes? lam not now So good at. "Let's pretend." —Reprinted from Mary Carolyn navies' "The Drums In Our Street." Copyright. 1918, by The MacmlUan Company. ' OCTOBER 2, 1918, EDITORIAL SCRAPS [From the Ohio State Journal] With ho much green grass, 70-cent butter ought to be ashamed of it self. , The watermelon season did not make itself sufficiently important this year. The court that allows a $lO law suit to run up a S2OO cost bill is a scamp itself. The little Belgian army should lead the march into Berlin. If you cannot pronounce Czecho slovaks, call them Bohemians. Shoulder the high cost of living these days and be patriotic. All creation will be here when Roosevelt comes. How thrilling the good old martial music sounds these days. ■% Ninety cents a dish for chop suey is a nart of the H. C. L., but hash is just as good. Instead of "for the war," the pro hibition law will keep on forever and forever, amen. To win the war—put beer and cig aret money into Liberty bonds. The Sunday Autoist The gasless Sunday automobile appears furtive even from the rear. The driver is always in a hurry to Ret away to another place. His pas sengers take no pleasure tn the sights along the way. They do not like to look to the side. —-From the Phila delphia Evening Ledger. OUR DAILY LAUGH 'jj A TERRIBLE Sald Mrs " Smith, s 2 u a . m 6 _Jra!l Fashion, Is a maiden Nj I I scarce can" get ; wlj a, bonnet \ \li holne Before it's out , ■malFolfrrni n 0 f ttyle. j I*** 1 "" "*HUI FAITHFUL I PIS UNTO DEATH. —;£/f I r First Waiter / —What were A, tho last words Second Walt- jj' er —Don't glvo THIS WINTER. SfcL pipo burst? Yes, and the fT y landlord charged extra bocause it ALWAYS I iliTtLwJl ATTRACTIVE. I have some I <Jgs? | moßt attractive 1 pose so. Any how I've never seen a stock J / certificate that (] wasn't a beauti- f aTs your hu band a member No, but from in, he must be a charter member r- ,1 lEuentng (Eljat Harrisburg does not take alto gether kindly to the excess tare cer tiorates established because of the litigation river the six-cent fare on the Harrisburg Railways system and some people refused to take them when offered by the conductors. The conductors wero told to have the certificates handy and passengers wero given to understand that they had to ask for them just as they do for free transfers but some of the\ riders refused to be bothered when told by conductors that they could have them. One conductor report ed several handed back to him and issued them again. Under the rul ings of the Public Service Commis sion placards announcing the new certificates must bo posted and this will bo done- Indications are, how ever that many passengers will r.ot bother about the "penny slips", as they have already been dubbed. The Railways Co., expects to have to issue millions of the certificates as over 22,000,000 persons were haul ed last year on the lines. Money will bo set aside to meet the certi ficates which will be redeemable if the company loses the right to the increased fare On the Valley Rail way system many workmen asked for the slips whieh will represent the two cents in litigation on that sys tem and started to keep them like they do tobacco coupons. * • While there are some men who equal the record of Dr. Joseph Kalb fus as an officer of the State Com mission for a quarter of a century in other parts of' the Capitol the veteran Game authority has a rec ord of almost thirty years in state service. He was connected with the Department of the Secretary of the Commonwealth for some years prior to the establishment of the Game bureau. From a handful of men in an office the Game Commission has developed to a big agency of the state government in the time the doctor has been connected with it, one of 'he most notable features being when it was put on a self sustaining basis by the Jiunters' license act. • * * There are now six service stars on the State Treasury flag. Her bert D. Hurry, of this city, is the latest attache of the department to enter the service and he will leave in a day or so for Fort Thomas, near Cincinnati. To-day he was pre sented with a wristwateh by his as sociates In the department. Mr. Harry was formerly commission clerk in the Governor's office and is well known all over the state. • "Saluting the flag is not a. reli gious matter but something of plain every day patriotism" said Dr. Nathan O. Schaeffer, State Superin tendent of Public Instruction, in talk ing about, the visit paid to him by two Montgomery County Mennonites asking him to rule that children of their denomination need not salute the flag at school. "I told them that where lliete is a rule that it must be obeyed and that I would not rule that they did fiot have to I solute the flag where there was no rule. I think children should salute the flag and I made it 'pretty plain. I was surprised when I was request ed to make such a ruling for Penn sylvania people." • • • Some notaries public are having very uncomfortable times as the re sult of changing registrants for till ing out questionnaires and swearing them, judging from letters which are coming to the State Capitol. In some of the letters men complain that people are saying unkind things to them and ask what is tho law. Most of the answers which are go ing back are that while notarial fees are chargeable few people are charging soldiers and that charges for filling out questionnaires are un justifiable. • * Apropos of the reports that Dr. Charles R. Penrose, chairman of the State Game Commission and well known to many here, is to become the president of the American Academy of Natural Sciences at Philadelphia as successor to his friend of many years, the late Dr. Samuel G. Dixon, the Philadelphia Inquirer says: "Dr. • Penrose, like his brother Boies, the senior United States Sen ator from Pennsylvania, is a great lover of out-door sport, and is num bered among the most prominent of the big game hunters of the county. He helped in the passage of the lat est game laws of this state, and as president of the Zoological Society, which in Fairmount Park is con ducting lhe greatest garden of its kind in the world. Dr. Penrose is given credit for the establishment there of a modernly equipped path* ologieal laboratory, where records are kept of the autopsies made upon every animal in the collection, and elaborate reports are made thereon for scientific purposes. It was while on one of his trips with his brother Boies, in the wilds of Wyoming, that Dr. Penrose, had the most thrilling experience in bis career and almost mot his death." • * "The removal of the buildings in the Capitol extension district has given people of Harrisburg an Idea ,of the splendid State House we have in our city and,l hope in time this park will he lined with handsome edifices like Technical High School, the new Hotel Ponn-Harris and the Y. W. C. A.", remarked Dr. Henry M. Stine, county commissioner. • * * Appointment of James M. Cam eroh to keep a hand on the various building and construction projects in Dauphin county the remainder of the war as the representative of the federal authorities and the State Council of National Defense, seems to have met with very general favor in this community. Mr. Cameron is exceptionally well informed on activ ities In Harrisburg and the boroughs of the cotiply and thoroughly in touch with business conditions. WELL KNOWN PEOPLE —John U. Gans, the Connellsvllle editor, has been named on the pro duction committee of the fuel admin istration In Fayette county. —T- A. Hay, of Easton. named for senator in Northampton, used to be the leader of the Bull Moose in that section. —Henry C. Niles, York lawyer and puhiielst, has been in almost every political movement on the sidelines in twenty years. Varies M. Schwab subscribed for 1100,000 of bonds for the ship, builders. DO YOU KNOW •"" —That Harrisburg hook type writers are being nsed to keep the big army records? HISTORIC HARRSBURa The first Presbyterian services In , Harrisburg were held under trees at Second and Cherry streets where e church waa later erected.