Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 02, 1918, Page 7, Image 7
iVONBUELOWMAY BE THE KAISER'S 'MAN OF DESTINY' Former Chancellor Thought! to Be Held For Time" When 1 Peace Is Needed -y London, Oct. ?.—Prince von Bue low. former German Imperial Chan cellor, is believed to be the "strong , man" on whom the Kaiser relies to | guide Germany in the hour of disas ter. Dispatches from The Hague to the I "Daily Mail" state there is a per- j sistent demand for somebody pos- j sessing 'the confidence of Germany I and her Allies to replace the present | military oligarchy. The need for a man of this char- | acter is felt by those in authority I following the peace demonstration j which took place in Berlin on Sat- j urday, according to news received I J here. The cheering crowds assembled I j In front of the Bulgarian Legation | The World's Best Music, 10c! -poE? and Peasant—whether you pay 10c I—- lor GOcfor the sheet music—isstillthesame li'w tu 'A P°et and Peasant—why pay more than 10c, *Jb*2g"l \\ the Century Price? jr"Tiaecj—- i "JJTjjiigK Ul Century Edition includes the world-famous gM/ •• fl music—the historic masterpieces, certified I FfPssfflstjSfl llM'i-jjf in H and guaranteed to be authentic and correct, " __"T imiql. IBMESSI j! printed on the best of paper, with beautiful I|l title pages. You couldn't buy better music \I at any'pricc—and Century is only 10c a copy. \\ \] Why this wonderfully low pri<'e? Bceai -* when * '"a _ | you buy Century you are not asked to pa; /for the lil!- — f | fame of the selection or the renown of (ie com. | .-.urPpogT I 1 H?Sss\jd( I poser. You buy paper. You buy note printed i I JlllSSSsaJtiil thereon. And Century prints these notes in tho If— — 1 1E fAIMS 1 most economical, time-saving, labor-saving, money- f liSSSfW"' f "*E W' 1 saving way. Century buys paper by the car-load— II and sells millions where others sell thousands, con- 1 m i tent with a small profit. B J ■■ 2000 Masterpieces in Century Catalog I 1 That is why you pay but 10e for such great master- f i'eil flinvivt! I .'1 11 pieces as the twenty-two selections illustrated. Anvil [ H' j t'BJ Chorus, Barcarolle, Con Amore. Rigoietto. Humorcsque, I / A Q j\ La Fontaine, La Paioma, Air do Ballet, Miserere, Sex- !1/ ifaSjjSffißga ■r i! tette from Lucia, Shepherd's Dream, and such popular J lEi ■'■ ytfotfl 1 pieces as Alpine Flower, _ Album Leaf, Angel's Sere- V Inf 'amiTU.Vx'r— f nade. Awakening of the Lion. Carmen, Convent Bells, t ■"' m > j a I The Flatterer, Fra Diavolo, etc.—all authentic, certified [I | fff,,.. / ij interpretations of the masters who wrote them. j I JUWjg* H Think of it—any ten of these beautiful selections for i iB I] I one dollar! Only a tithe of what another edition, no J IliSjs. DII j tnvtson I better and most times inferior, would cost! For per- 1 IlllTTili 11 ' slushes I feet music and perfect economy, insist upon Century I 111IIgif II dIX I at your dealer's. 1 jjy jl jil I ■-—■ j If your dealer haen't Century,'send ue hie name W . and get complete catalog, free. e ' r Jl'Tiiein Tern nil f>m • CenturvCer- benefited because they can'afford to buy tUUOIt iCUUIUO' tified Music and learn many more pieces. Thousands of ia sold only through stores. Tho low price successl'ulstcachera use Century Certified 'at which it is retailed docs not permit us to Music exclusively bocauso they know par sell to you teachers for less than ten cents cnts appreciate the saving and realize that a copy. While there is nothing in it for you it identifies them as having the pupil's inter to sell Century, your pupils are greatly est conscientiously at heart.— The Pttblieher. CENTURY MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., 235 W. 40th St., New York City HOME SHOE POLISH quantities of SHINOIA are pur chased by the Government to he sold to the Soldiers and Sailors. We aim to make SHINOIA cost the men " serving their country and the public hack of the men, as little as possible. War conditions turn men's to profit making. We believe friends and users are more valuable than the profit of the moment That is why you can buy SHINOIA at the same price as always. * f BLACK-TAN-WHITE—RED —BROWN WEDNESDAY EVENING, at* the German capital, necessitating police intervention. The rioters, according to the in formation, got the upper hand of the authorities and committed excosses. A- number of statues in the Berlin squares were destroyed. ■ President Meets His First Defeat on War Measure When Suffrage Loses | Washington, Oct. 2.—President Wilson yesterday met his first de feat at the hands of Congress on a war measure. With the support of the Democratic leaders the Senate defeated the woman suffrage amend ment to the Federal Constitution by a vote of 54 to 30, which was less than the \ds majority neces sary for its adoption. Administration leaders, as well as tho other Senators who have been opposed to women suffrage, remain ed firm yesterday and voted against the Susan B. Anthony resolution in opposition to the direct request of President Wilson. Characterizing the defeat of the amendment resolution as "only tem porary,"supporters of the measure to-day began preparations to- force another vote, probably after the No veihber elections. WOMEN MEET TO PLAN MISSIONARY WORK IN FIELD 260 Delegates Here For Big Four-Day -Con ference With delegates constantly arriv ing of which there were a total of 200 to-day besides a number of un official visitors, the second day of the four-day conference marking the forty-eighth annual meeting of the Woman's Foreign Missionary So ciety of Iho Methodist .Episcopal Church, Philadelphia branch, open ed this morning in the Fifth Street Methodist Episcopal Church of which the Rev. A. E. Pyles iB pastor. The meeting was auspiciously in augurated yesterday afternoon and evening, tho piogram at the latter meeting being of a stirring, patriotic nature, featured by an address by the vice-president of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, Mrs. E. R. Graham, who spoke on "Mission ary Patriotism." . This morning's session got under way at 9 o'clock with a devotional service followed by the conference report read by Mrs. A. S. M. Hopkins. After the minutes of the Philadelphia branch were read by Mrs. W. T. Cooper, branch corresponding secre tary, a resume of the year's offering to the foreign field was given by Mrs. Curtis Sooy, branch treasurer. One missionary of the church and one outgoing missionary. Miss Au gusta Dickerson, of Hakodate, Ja pan, and Miss Grace Kilburn, whose contemplated field of activity is In dia, addressed the meeting briefly this morning, their talks probably being the program's most important contents. Miss Dickerson, who gave the long er address of the two, brought a message of appreciation and hope from the Mikado's empire signed by the president of. the Board of Edu cation of Hakodate, which city has been the scene of the missionary's labors for a number of years. "Think twice," urged this speaker, "before you accept as true the criti cism you hear of Japan particularly as to its real feeling towards chis country. Most of it which touches its regard or rather disregard for the United States is of German origin." Other salient points of this in teresting address were that 90 per cent, of the inhabitants of Japan arc minus any religion at all though, said the speaker, this 90 per cent patronizes, with due formality, the temples of their native land. Such religion, spoke Miss Dickefson, was of the most perfunctory kind and lacked the sincerity of the real thing. This, she said, was obvious to the foreigner who studied the spiritual habits of that people. That Japan as a whole is financially poor and not rich as commonly under stood was another statement of the missionary. Only a fraction of one per cent ot its inhabitants are wealthy, she averred. That there was a pressing need in Japan for physically and spiritually virile American manhood and womanhood was the concluding statement of Miss Dickerson. Miss Kilburn, speaking on "The Waiting Multitude," drew, for her audience, the vivid expectations she entertained of her future missionary labors in India. One community alone in that, country, she said, num bering 45,000 souls, had repeatedly asked for the ministrations of the Christian religion but were unable, collectively, to get it. The picture of India's greatness as a field for missionary activity, this speaker said, was quite too great to describe. Concluding the morning session, the church communion was observ ed, which function was in charge of the Rev. Morris E. Swartz, district' superintendent, with local Methodist pastors assisting. Adjournment of the session occurred at 12 SO o'clock. * Interesting elements of the pro gram of the society for this after noon are addresses by Mrs. William Frazier McDowell, president of the 1 Woman's Foreign Missionary Society and wife of Bishop McDowell, who speaks on "The Greatness of the Task," and Miss Helen R. Pershing, of Wilkinsburg, Pa., branch secre tary of special work, a second cousin of General Pershing, the topic of whose address is "From the Least to the Greatest." To-night's meeting Vill be devoted to the young people > rf the society beginning at 7.45 o'clock. Mrs. H. H. Campbell, branch superintendent of young people's work, will preside The special program provided for to-night Includes an unique partici pation b>< "The Standard Bearers " a prominent young woman's society existing within the larger organiza tion. Boy Scouts of Harrisburg of the Methodist communion, will ct as ushers j|t this service. Noteworthy among the "by-pro ducts' of the annual meeting is an exhibition of Chinese handicraft and other things Chinese in the parlor of the church brought from Western C hinti by Miss Lcnu, a church missionary who addresses the con ference at, to-morrow afternoon's session, Miss Susan C. Lodge Is pro siding officer at all meetings of the conference. The Committees The local committee handling an nual meeting of the missionary so ciety ares v Chairmen, Mrs, H. L. Yost, 1827 Sunquehnnna street; Mrs. E A Pyles, Mrs, J, R, Smith. Registra tion, Mrs, Percy MoGlnnlaf Informa tion, Mrs, W, Zelgler; Courtesy, Mrs, Hurry Leonard; decorations] Mrs. Beth Barnhart; reception, Mrs, D Wise; muslo, Mrs, Frank Smiley; en tertainment, Mrs, W. Yocum; post office, Mrs, E, Wood; check room, Mrs, Violet Seldlpi rest room, Stan dard Bearers; literature. Mrs. J, S, Malilbbln, Kiwanis Club Gives Way to Liberty Loan Work Because members of the Klwanls Club of Harrisburg will be busy on the Liberty Loan campaign next week, the weekly meeting scheduled for next Wednesday at noon will be cancelled and the next meeting will bo hold two weeks from to-day in the assembly yoonv of the Y, M, O, A, This was the decision made to-day at the weekly luncheon. J, Q, A. Rutherford won the attendance prize, a credit of 810 in trade at the business place of any Klwanlan. Frank Morrow, who played a num ber of banjo solos, won the rollcall prize, a basket of flowers. P. Ma garo, of the Regent Theater, was in troduced as a guest at the meeting. It was announced that Charles IL Boas will present the members at the next meeting with a beautiful silent boost, Following various an nouncements, VicePresldent L. F. Neefe made a report of his trip to Lancaster where he attended the Kiwanis convention. A. N. Stroup, of the OverlandHarrlsburg company, addressed tho lunchedfi on the man ufacture of uulemofeilMt L _v" bABJRISBURG TEUEGHZAJPS BAKER IN LONDON TO ARRANGE FOR A BIG WAR PROGRAM Transportation of Troops Only Possible With Aid of British Ships, He Says By Associated Press London, Tuesday, Oct. 2.—Newton D. Baker, American secretary of war, issued the following stutement here last night: "The primary purpose of my visit to London was to arrange for fur ther co-operation in the matter of whipping tb carry out the enlarged military program upon which Amer ica has embarked. "Transportation of the vast army of Americans now In France has been possible only because of the as sistance rendered by British ships. "Thet-isit gave me the opportunity to visit camps, hospitals and other facilities provided' for us here. The story of what has been done in the United Kingdom for American sol diers will form another bond of friendly feeling between the peoples of those two great nations." Extinguish Small Blaze in Pennsylvania Yards The Pennsylvania Railroad station bell began tolling a fire alarm, (Station 5), soon after 12 o'clock last night, on account of a small blaze in the vicinity of the freight ware house; but the signal "all out" was made as the company's two small hose carriages were on their way to the scene. One of the carriages was overturned crossing a track, break ing off a wheel, and hurling one of the men to the hard rock ballast. Total loss S2O. Standing of the Crews HARRISBCktG SIDE Philadelphia Division The 115 crew first to go after 3.30 o'clock: 104. 21. 101. 118, 132. 123. Engineers for 121, 101. | Fireman for 115. Brakemen for 101, 118, 132 (2). Engineers up: Gunderman, Blnk !.'•>. Illankehpnr, Gacckler Anderson, Beir.houer. Firemen up; Graham, Crum, Gibble, Fry, Kreiser, Reich, Cramer, Neff, Frank, Hatton, Gara, Sheets, Clark, Clark. Grove, Malone. Brakemen up: Helfin, Hughes, Wil liams, Clay. Middle Division—The 223 crew first to go after 1.30 o'clock: 39, 18, 19, 304. 37. 26. 28, 12. 250, 5, 242, 239. Engineers for 39. Flagmen for 39. 26. Brakeman for 37. . Engineers up: Earley Hawk, Kreiger, Baker, Veverlin, Corder, Tetterman, Smith, Dunkle, Toper, Leppard, Lelb. Firemen up: Kauffman, Benson, Acker, Swartz, Barton, McLaughlin, Burkheimer, Gingrich, Arndt, Gilbert, Myers, Ewing, Weaver, Over. Conductor up: Corl. Brakeman up: Fleck. Yard Board—Engineers for 4-7 C, 5-7 C, 11C, 1-14 C. Firemen for 2-7 C, 1-14 C, 2-15 C, 16C, 17C, 18C, 32C. , Engineers up: Eyde, Keever, Ford, Klerner, Crawford, Boyer, Hamilton, Miller, R. B. Miller, Riffert. McCart ney. Firemen up: Cunningham. Bartley, Lake, Stapf, Myers, Kistler, Shaw field, Mummaw, Rhine, King, Rein, Rheam, Kell, Nichol, Yost, Hilmer, Cordes, Shaub, Weaver. ENOLA SIDE Philadelphia Division The 210 crew first to go after 2.15 o'clock: 830, 231, 217, 256, 240, 221. Engineer for 230. Firemen for 256, 240. Condu-..0r for 217. Flagmen for 30. 47, 256. Brakemen for 210, 47 (2). Brakemen up: Bruehl. Flowers. Middle Division —The 111 crew first to go after 2.15 o'clock: 102, 114, 247, 248, 228, 219, 119, 255, 303, 216, 105. Engineers for 111, 102. Fireman for 119. Yard Board —Engineers for 3d 126 149, 152, 112. Firemen for 3d 126, st 122, 2d 132 152, 102, 2d 04, Ist 104, 109, Engineers up: Liddick, Waller, Smith. Bickley,- Wertz, Fenlcal. Firemen up: Lutz, Lime, Boger, Weaver, Koth, Capp, Loady, Brodish Felin. PASSENGER SERVICE Philadelphia Division Englneor up: Smeltzer. Firemen up: Cover, Everhart, Cope land, Spring. Middle Division Engineers up: Graham, Crlmmel, Crane, Buck. Firemen up: Snyder, Reeder, Y'on, Stephens, Fletcher, Slieesley. THE HEADING The 52 crew first to go after 2.30 o'clock: 22, 54, 20, 11, 65, 1, 24 18 62, S3. Engineers for 54, 55, 18, 22, Firemen for 54, 65, 18, 20. 22. Flagmen for 62, 65, 62, 1, Brakemen for 62, 55, 62, 1, 18 2' 23. ' ' Engineers upj Hoffman, Beecher, Bates, Linn, Herr, Lower, Jones, Mon." roe, Moyer, Firemen up: Sohwarta, Weigard Elsley, Slough, McKeever, Noggle' Speck, Cooper, Saul, Brakemen up: Slier, Lymer, Cook. Flagmen up: Slier, Lehmer. Use McNeil's Cold Tablets, Adv, surely did relieve that eczema! Pack up some Resinol Ointment in his "old kit bag." Nothing is too good for him, and he will need it* "over there" where exposure, vermin, con tagions, and the exigencies of a soldier's life cause all sorts oi skin irritation, sore feet and suffering. Reiinol Ointment stops Itching almost Instantly. It heals little sorts before they can becema big ones. It assures sldn comfort. Far tola hy all Molars. BATTLES RAGE IN FRANCE OVER 100 MILE TERRITORY Germans Fall Back All Along Line Between Aisne and Rheims By Associated Press French Headquarters In France,! Oct. 2.—Four battles are now in t progress from Flanders to the j Meuse. They cover a total of 100 j miles and occupy the Germans to such an extent that they have been obliged to give up the benefits de rived from shortening their lines, If j the hypothesis is true that they did; so In order to obtain reserves with! which to constitute a maneuveringj force. Instead of employing these re-1 serves in an effort to regain the lni- I tiative In certain positions, they have | been obliged to call upon them to | reinforce the troops in line at poluts ] successively threatened and to re- j place depletfed divisions. The enemy has been forced to | abandon the plateaux between the Aisne and Rheims and has fallen back along the whole line. The French occupied Maizy and Concev reux on the south bank of the Aisne. General Berthelot's troops, widen ing the front of attack yesterday af ternoon, made further gains, occupy ing important observation points that give them Views eastward upon the group of hills northwest of Rheims and northward toward the Chcinin Des Dames. Three thousand prisoners were taken. HELD ON THEFT CHARGE Richard Vincent was arrested by Detectives Humane and Carson on the charge of stealing two blankets from the Women's Clonk Shop, con ducted by Moses Mall, in North Sec ond street. It is said he stole the blankets Monday. He will get a hearing to-day. STDMftCH UPSET? Pape's Diapepsin at once ends Dyspepsia, acidity, gas, indigestion. Tour meals hit back! Your stom ach is sour, acid, gassy and you feel bloated after eating or you have heavy lumps of indigestion pain or headache, but never mind. Here is instant relief. Don't stay upset! Eat a tablet of Pape's Diapepsin and Immediately the Indigestion, gases, acidity and all stomach distress ends. Pape's Diapepsin tablets are the surest, quickest stomach relievers in the world. They cost very little at drug stores. f ~ \ Everyone Should Drink Hot Water in the Morning .Wash away all the stomach, liver, and bowol poisons before breakfast. To feel your best day In and dSy out, to feel clean lnslde> no sour bile to coat your tongue and sicken your breath or dull your head, no consti pation, bilious attacks, sick headache, colds, rheumatism or gassy, acid stomach, you must bathe on the in side like you bathe outside. This is vastly more Important, because the skin pores do not absorb Impuri ties into the blood, while the bowel pores do., says a well-known physi cian. To keep these poisons and toxins well flushed from the Stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels, drink before breakfast each day, a glass of hot water with a teaspoonful of lime stone phosphate In It, This will cleanse, purify, and freshen the en tire alimentary tract, before put ting more food Into tho stomach. Get a quarter pound of limestone phosphate from your pharmacist, It la Inexpensive and almost tasteless, fcxoept a sourish twlftge which Is not unpleasant, Drink phosphated hot water every morning to rid your sys tem of these vile poisons and toxins; also to prevent their formation, To feel like young folks feels like you felt before your blood, nerves and muscles became saturated with un accumulation of body poisons, be gin this treatment and above all, keep it up| As Boap and hot water act on the skin, cleansing, sweeten ing und purifying, so limestone phos phate and hot water before break fast, act on the stomach, liver, kid neys and bowels, —Adv, Surprised at the Good Results From Three Bottles of Tonall ■'My appetite was bad, had pains in the back and limbs, was dizzy in the head and had headaeheH, and was unable to work," says Florence Will iams, a well-known lady of Berlin, Maryland. "I paw' Tonall advertised In the Berlin, Advance, and got a sample bottle at Harmonson's Drug Store, and after using three bottles was surprised nt the good.results [ got. Have no headaches now, dizziness all gone, my appetite Is good, sore ness in limbs and back left me. and can't find enough of work to do. Tonall will surpise others who are ailing, If they once begin using it." Thts testimonial was given Sept. 10th, 1918. Tonall fs sold at Oorgas' Drug Store, Harrisburg, Hershey's at Her shcy. and Mart* at Steelton. Authorities .Unable to Identify Prisoner Prison officials are unable to learn the resldenco of an Italian who elves his name aa Antonio Brune und who was arruatod about two weeks ago in Elizabethvllle. Brune cannot speak English and to-day when questioned by another Italian acting as interpreter could only tell his name and that, he was a shoe maker. No definite marks of identi fication were found on him with the exception of his name "A. Brune" on his undershirt and In one shoe; the wlla® .1 G ' * la r pel \'' ! n his trousers with the number 44" above it* and the letters "E. N. I." also on his un derclothing. Officials believe ho wandered away from some institution When placed under arrest lie was in a weakened condition from ex posure and lack of food, appeared 2? i a blisters on his feet, indicating that he had walk ed a long distance. He said that he had been lost but his eiTorts to toll be interpreted could Vol "The Live Store" "A Iways Reliable" Society Brand Clothes Civil and Military ' . This Waist Seam Suit is a popular | Society Brand model that has a two-fold advantage— g | it gives a smart effect to the coat, and is most appropriate in | these military times. To be sure that you get hand tailoring of a superior grade, look for the label ''Society Brand." It's our a pledge to you and unqualified satisfaction. !! I ALFRED DECKER & COHN, M.iken In Ctnxlt, 80CIETY •BRANU CLOTHE 3, Umticl CHICAGO HEW YORK MO.H SEAL j| STYLE HEADQUARTERS (/• - *t s where (SXuSftgs sum J~ AIL makers can buy the same woolens, but it is the tailoring that makes the big difference in clothes. Society Brand Suits and Overcoats embody the highest grade of workmanship that your money can buy. And if that's what you want, don't accept anything else. Come In and look 1 them over—the 3iyle that you sse ?n the mirror is built in—not n pressed in—and will stay in as long as you wear these clothes, ' I 304 MARKET STREET HARRiSBURG, PA. m T" —i-r"tirr imr iibi —nw —r~— —in—n—-trrrn • -trnr—~n ■■ m OCTOBER 2, 1918. Dedication of Lutheran Church at New Cumberland New Cumberland, Pa., Oct.-2.—The program for dedication of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, tho Rev. David 8. Martin, pastor, on Sunday next fol lows: Morning service at 10.20; an them, "I Will Praise Thee, O Lord," J. B. Ferris choir; Invocation; scrip ture lesson; Hymn No. 292: solo, Frank Entry; dedicatory sermon, the Rev. Dr. H. W. Weber; report of building committee; dedication. Community service at 2.30 p. m.; anthem, "Beek Ye The Lord," Rob erts' choir; Psalm 8.; Hymn No. 284; address by local pastors and visit ing clergymen; solo. Miss Mary Reedy; remarks, the Rev. Dr. J. Bradley Markwood, pastor of Bethle hem Lutheran Church, Harrisburg; Hymn No. 286. Evening service at 7.30 o'clock; Hymn, "I Will Lift Up My Eyes," William Myers' choir; scrip ture lesson; Hymn No. 88; solo. William Harry Baker; sermon, th* Rev. Dr. M. P, Hockor, D, D.; Mld dlctown: Hymn No. 294. Monday, 7.45 p. m., sermon, th Rev. L. A. Rush, pastor. Trinity Luth erun -Church, Demoyne; Music by th Church of God choir Tuesday, 7.45 p. m. Patriotic Rally, speaker to be announced; music by the United Brethren Church choir. i Wednesday, 7.15 p. m., sermon, th hev. Dr. A. R. Sttck, pastor. First Lutheran Church, Carlisle; muslp, by the Methodist Church choir. Thursday, 7.45 p. m., t Fellowship service, visiting clergymen. \ Friday, 7.45 p. m., entertainment by the Girl's Orchestra cf Tressler Or phan Home, Loysvllle, Professor Claude Maxwell Stauffer, director. Building committee, the Rev. David h*. Martin, chairman; J.' Albert Cad-, walader, secretary; William Miller, trcasur.er; John la>ach. Joseph Llvr ingston. H. G. Young. H. G. Zimmer man. Contractor W. E. Bushey, Le moyne. * 7