6 INTERESTING PERSONAL AND SOCIAL NEWS BOARD MEETS AT NURSERY HOME Board of Managers Meets; Provisions and Furniture Contributed The board of managers of the Nursery Home held Its regular monthly meeting yesterday after noon at the home, 1321 South Cam eroit street. The following people donated pro visions: Mr. Muntz, Mrs. MacFar lan, Mrs. Alfred Foletcher, of Steel ton; Mrs. Wiseman, Mrs. George Rlter, Mrs. Janis. Mrs. Beltz.' Mrs. Boltz, Mrs. Hawkins. Mrs. Dickin son, Mrs. Patton, Mrs. Turner, Mr. Milier, George King Kcet, Jr., Zion Lutheran Church Harvest Homo. Beans, peas, tomatoes, corn and other vegetables, bread, groceries, wearing apparel, furniture and bed ding and books and toys were among the donations. There were also con tributions in money by Mrs. llurt nett, Mrs. Bishop, Mrs. Dillinger, j Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Jennings. Mrs. | Starkey, Mrs. Dunkle, Mr. Dapp, Mr. Koenig, Mr. Smith, Mrs. Stubbs, Mr. Enders, Mr. Walker, Dr. J. W. Ellen berger. Prank Dußree, Mr. Shafner, Mr. Grey. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kase and daughter, Marie, have returned to their country residence "Rocky Place." after entertaining Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson and daughter. Florence and Mr. and Mrs. Fritz, of Benton, Pa., for the weekend. ✓ > i "To know wlint fecllrgw to express and how to express them." Voice Culture and Interpretation H. S. KIRKLAND l essons Resumed WEDNESDAY, OCTORKn 2 STUDIOi 1010 North Second Street Ucll 701-11 - DOLL HOSPITAL We mend all kinds of jointed dolls. We also supply wigs and all doll acces sories. The MARIANNE TOY SHOP 220 LOCUST ST. I We offer you a guaranteed pair of perfect vision gold Ailed glasses, first quality spherical lenses, for Sechrist, $3.00 Sight Specialist 9 N. Fourth St. (2nd Floor) Over Five Years at This Address "Buy Liberty Bonds" Store Hours to Save Fuel In co-operation with the Federal Fuel Committee for Dau phin county the following hours will be observed at this store: Daily except Saturdays—9 a. m. to 5.30 p. m. FORRY'S 42 NORTH THIRD STREET ■ - Lebanon Valley College STUDENTS ARMY TRAINING CORPS 30 more men wanted immediately. Requirements, four-year high school graduation or equivalent; physical examination; age 18 years or over. WIRE OR WRITE Pres. G. V. Gossard ANNVILLE, PA. Iffi Buy Liberty Bonds pjj IB \ This patriotic reminder is almost ffin jJJ | unnecessary for the people of Harris | burg considering their record on the ||§ | previous loans. I2| m | After the bonds are bought— | M gut s And you come to the subject of necessary ? §=§| ggg| winter wear, remember that this shop s fHf nUIE garments represent the soundest economy— 1 llgß apparel of unquestioned value in style and $ |Plj 3n| material. But before you buy apparel i Ruy Bonds. j§ WED NE S I)A V E V ENIN CJ. LOCAL WOMAN WORKS IN CHILE Mrs. Albert DeHaven Heads Randagua Red Cross Send ing Gifts to America MRS. FREDERICK A. DEHAVEN Lust January Mrs. Frederick I Albert DeHaven, wife of a former 1 Ifarrisburger now auditor for the Braden .Copper Company, owning I the camp at Randagua, Chile, South America, organized a Red Cross chapter in her vlcinilty, which has now grown to lifty members. Up to July 1, a brief time since its formation, the chapter had sent to the Washington Red Cross $6,000 ' in cash and a large quantity of knit ted garments, bandages, etc., so much needed in the hospitals. Mr. DeHaven is a son of Mrs. Frederick'DeHaven. of this city, and his wife was formerly Miss Hazel Bridges, of Greencastle, Ind. Selective Service Dance Held at Hanshaw's Hall Selective Service Headquarters held a dance in Hanshaw's hall, Third and Harris streets. Music was furnished by Braxton's ■ orchestra#' The following attended the dance: j Misses Agnes McCleaf, Hazel | Fralm, Viola Wbitmoyer, Mabelle | Dobbs, Gertrude Ehler, Mae Cole- ; stock, Lizette Sellers, Catherine j Powers, Edna Bowers, Mary Keller, Ann Green, Margaret Boyle, Mary Herbert, Helen O'Brien, Emily Van derloo, Pearl Orr, Catherine March, Pearl , Cratzer, Josephine Dobbs, Robert Hutchinson, Orpheus Lerew, Raymond Snyder, Ralph Stauffer, Edward Gough, Lee Lowengard, J. H. Morgan, John Keune, John Kurtz, Private Keane, William Leisman, Herman Leisman, Samuel Mcll henny. Private Relchett, Casper Wohlfarth, Arthur Findley, C. Earl | Feese, George Shriner, Milo Matter, . William Sullivan. J Mr. and Mrs. Clyde R. Giant, of SXI Muench street, have returned from a month's visit with relatives In Chicago and Attico, Ind. : ON STRAWRIDE OVER THE RIVER Galahads Enjoy Auto Hide With Chicken and Waffle Supper in New Kingston Mr. and Mrs. Edward Arnold. New Kingston, entertained the Gal ahad Recreation Club and their friends at their home last evenlnK- I The house was decorated with fa" flowers, autumn leaves and gay Jap anese lanterns. Tlieparty made the trip In a large auto truck and the event was one of the most enjoyable and success ful outings this season. Ed. McCoy was in charge. In the party thoroughly enjoying a chicken and wallle supper prepar ed by Mrs. Arnold were: The Misses Esther Smith, Mary Heikes, Fern Grove, Marjorie Mc- Givor, Mildred Fisher, Mary Wolfe, Jennie Cassel. Sarah Wonders, Mar tha Arnold. Mrs. S. L. Boers, Mrs. X. A. Bowers, Mrs. R. A. Boehrlnger, Mrs. M. Allen, Mrs. Margaret Gear hart, Mrs. D. C. Hawley, Mrs. Sam uel Arnold, Mrs. Edward Arnold. Earl Stauffer, S. L. Bowers, Harold Gilbert, R. A. Boehrlnger, Allen H. Fritz, Charles Ungor, Charles Rei ver, Bruce Wonders, George Allen, M. Allen, Ed. McCoy, D. C. Hawley, Samuel Arnold, Edward Arnold. For Daughters of the American Revolution Harrisburg chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, Miss Cora I Lee Snyder, regent, will meet on Wednesday afternoon, October 3, at 3 o'clock in the Civic Club. Com mittees will be announced and plans perfected for the annual state con ference, to bo held in this city Oc tober 21-24 inclusive. The conference, which promises vto b6 one of the largest ever held by the Daughters, will open Monday evening, October 21, with a public patriotic meeting in the House of Representatives. Governor Brum baugh will preside, Abner Hartman will lead the community singing, accompanied by the Harrisburg So cial Orchestra, directed by Mr. Springer. Former Harrisburg Girl to Serve in Canteen Miss Helen Neidig, daughter of Mrs. Jacob Neidig, of 233 South street, left to-day for New York. Miss Neidig was the youngest appli cant accepted by the "Y" ofllee in At lanta for service in France. Prior to sailing to serve as a Y. M. C. A. can- j teen worker she will receive instruc-, tions in New York. Miss Neidig received her education here but hus spent the past few doing newspaper work in the westt and south. She wrote for the Cin-1 clnnate Post under a nom de plume and was recently connected with the j Journal, Montgomery, Ala. She spent last week with her! mother in this city, recuperating af-! ter injuries received in an automo-1 Dr. Blair Is Called to Help Combat Plague Dr. Thomas S. Blair, of 403 North Second street, a well-known phvsi clan of the city and editor of the Medical Council, was ordered by General Rupert Blue, acting sur geon-general of the United States Health Service, .to report immedi ately in Boston to help combat the Spanish influenza. Ho left at noon yesterday for the East. Dr. Blair was one of the first of local phyiscians to enter the volun teer medical service corps after hav ing been rejected for the Army be cause of physical disability. Mrs. James B. Mersereau to Attend Luncheon Mrs. James Barr Mersereau, of 1901 North Second street, left this morning ior Philadelphia to attend the luncheon given by the Pennsyl vania State Board of Directors of the United States Daughters of 1812 in honor of tlio national executive board. Mrs. Mersereau is regent of the Keystone chapter in this city. She will also attend the dedication of the memorial vases in honor of George Washington at the Memorial chapter Friday. The vases which cost SBOO werae presented by the Pennsylvania chapter. Announces Marriage of Miss Virginia Drrnin Mrs. Mary Durnin, of Carlisle, an nounces the marriage of her daugh ter, Mis 3 Virginia Durnin. to Alex ander Scribner, of New York •City. The ceremony took place Monday at Boston. Mass. The attractive bride is among the younger set in Carlisle, and is well known hero where she has visited her sister, Mrs. Basil S. Tittle, of 1925 North Second street. Mr. Scrib ner is radio instructor for the gov ernment, stationod at Boston where they will reside for the present. PKNNA. It. It. WOMEN'S BOOTH An attractive booth for the sale of Riberty Bonds has been opened in the Pennsylvania railroad station under the direction of the Pennsyl vania Kailroad Women's Division for War Belief, Department No. 7. The first purchaser of a bond was David Goldberg, the interpreter at the station. Miss Ruth Dennis, 1013 North Sec ond street, hop returned home after spending the summer at Asbury Park, New Jersey. FUNERAL FLOWERS SPECIAL A Beautiful Spray Ode A Handsome Wreath *3.s KKENEY'S KJoweu SHOPS Sl4 Si, Third St., linrrlHburg r "S Star Carpet Cleaning Works Let Us Clean Your Carpets We also do general upholstering and recovering automobile tops. J. COPLINKY Eleventh and Walnut Sts. Uoth Phones ***■" ■" ■ / aAJRRISBDRO I*ELEGRAPE AUTHORS CLUB BEGINS SEASON Literary Organization Begins Its Twenty-Third Year; to Study South America ; President's Night of the Authors Cluo was informally celebrated last j evening with Miss Mary C. Orth, at I her home, 219 Verbeke street. The | program for the coming year on | "South America," was read and dis | cussed and plans for the next meet ing with Mrs. Frank A. Gibson wero ; made. , Mrs. Maurice E. Finney, wife of Colonel Finney and Mrs. Harry Nel >son ltassler, wife of Chaplain Bass ler, both gave talks of their experi ences in southern camps where they I accompanied their husbands prior ;to their going to France. Refresh ments closed a pleasant evening. ! The club officers for 1918-19 In- I elude: Mrs. Mary C. .Orth, president; Mrs. J. E. Garner, lirst vice-presi dent; Mrs. M. T. Thomas, second ! vice-president; Mrs. E. L. Rlnken i bach, secretary, and Miss Anna V. j Crowl, treasurer. On the program committee are: | Mrs. Casper S. Shaak, Mrs. Willard [ Young and Mrs. J. E. Garner. The roll of membership includes Mrs. J. |T. Ralsley, Mrs. H. N. Rassler, Miss i Anna V. Crowl, Mrs. C. C. Dubbs, iMrs. M. E. Finney Miss Lillian | Fitzimons, Mrs. J. Garner, Miss ! l.ile George, Mrs. F. A. Gibson, Miss | Fannie L. Johnson, Mrs. Joseph ; K ilbfus, Mrs. E. E. Lawton, Mrs. J. Horace McFarland. Mrs. H. P. j Miller, Mrs. L. M. Nelffer, Mrs. H. R.' Oinwake, Miss Carrie L. Orth. Mrs. ! E. L. Rinkenbach, Mrs. C. S. Shaak, Mrs. A. E. Shirey, Mrs. M. H. Thorn- I as, Mrs. H. E. Todd, Miss Anne U. Wert, Mrs. H. R. Wilson, Mrs. Wil i lard Young. Birthday Surprise Party For Miss Shanabrough; A birthday surprise party was j j held in honor of Miss Ellen Shana- I i brough Saturduy evening at her I | home, 1210 Bailey street. A delight ful evening was spent with games | and music. At a late hour refresh ments were served to the following : guests: Misses Stella Manning, Leola Beil, Gertrude Reil, Mable Elieker, ! Ressle Montgomery, Med a Fisher, Lettie Conner, Euretta Gotscha.ll, Minnie Clouse, Ellon Shanabrough, Casper Shanabrough, Edward Cole man, Clarence Beil, Robert Eyler, William Conrad, Edward Geistwhite, Elmer Stoner, Charles Frye, Ray mond Conner, David Metzler, Clara Clouse, Mrs. C. H. Bornman, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Shanabrough, Bertha Wltherow. The out-of-town guests were Mrs. A. W. Garman and Mrs. Charles Fetter. Mrs. Frederick H. Marsh, of 229 State street, is home after spending two weeks at Cold Springs cottage Williams Mills, where Mr. Marsh joined her for the week end. Dr. and Mrs. Blair Stewart, of Atlantic City, were recent RUests of Atlantic i.ity, were recent guests of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Blair, 403 North Second street. Mrs. George W. Reily, Miss Mary E. Reily and George W. Reily, 111, Front and Reily streets, have re turned from Eaglesmere where they spent the summer. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kase and Mis 3 Marie KaSe have returned to their summer home "Rocky Place," after a short stay in town. Mr. .and Mrs. Edward Balnbridge went home to Buffalo, this morning after a week's visit among relatives in this vicinity. Lieutenant and Mrs. Andrew L. iScherer, 238 Woodbine street, were the honor guests recently at a small dinner given by Miss Katharine, Fink at her summer home. J*® NEWS [All birth announcements for pub lication must be sent in accompanied by name of writer. The Telegraph maki-a this rule to insure accuracy.) Mr. and Mrs. B. Earl Malseed, 1011 Green street, announce the birth of a daughter, Beulah Elaine Malseed, Saturday, September 28, 1918, at the Keystone Hospital. Mrs. Malseed prior to her marriage was Miss Beulah G. Parks, of Enola, Pa. Mr. anil Mrs. Stewart L. Floyd, 2017)4 North Sixth street, have an nounced the birth of a son. Steward Leighton Floyd., Jr., on Friday, September 20, 1918. Mrs. Floyd was formerly Miss Daisy Dudley, of Charlottesville, Va. Elizabethville Red Cross in New Home Gathers 1,500 Pounds of Clothing h„ Pa-. Oct- 2.—1, ast Saturday was a great day for this borough. It had been set apart . y '"i®'°c*l Ited Cross auxiliary as the time for the gathering of clothing for iho destitute and stricken 2 p '° °f war-ravaged Belgium. Although this community has always gone "over the top" in every d-ivo ... o„ l ? pai K n launched since the beginning of the war, it neVer, perhaps, before manifested such a gener ous anci liberal spirit as evinced in this instance. r 'a estimated that at least 1,500 pounds of clothing and bedding were received at the new Ked Mnin which are now located in the spacious store room of Mrs. J. R. Stump on the corner of u nd target, streets. these u, e local Tro °P- N°- K°' the Boy 8001118 of America, were busy during the entire day collecting niles of 1' articles. The pleasing feature is the fact that all the garments given can be used. The large theae ' a day. Mrs. Hinkle is survived by her husband, H. J. Hinkle, a daughter, Kathryn, her father, and three sis ters, Mrs. George Buckley. Lancas ter; Miss Minnie M. Kitch, Columbia, and. Mrs. J. S. Gabriel, Columbia. MRS. ANNA WOLF Mrs. Anna Wolf, mother of Eman uel Wolf, of 1266 Derry street, died al her home at Bittinger's Station. Adams county, aged 68 years. Tu berculosis was the cause of death. Mrs. Wolf is survived by five sons and a daughter. All of the surviv ing sons with the exception of the Harrlsburg man named, and Mrs. Edward Millheims, the daughter, live in Adams and York counties. MRS. CATHERINE E. LYTER Mrs. Catherine E. Lyter, aged 45 years, died yesterday at her home, 1940 Stale street. Funeral . will he held Friday morning at 9.30 | o'clock from her late residence. Fur- I ther services will be held at the State | Street United Brethren Church at 10 ! o'clock. Burial will be made in 'he | East Harrisburg Cemetery. The ! body may be viewed Thursday even | ing between 7 and 9 o'clock. Mrs. Lyter is survived by her husband, Christian H. Lyter, a son, Meade, I and a daughter, Mrs. T. H. Davtes. Show your good old Ameri-* can red blood by buying Liberty Bonds to the very utmost limit. IT'S only a matter of time until the little de fect in your eyesight will grow to such a size that you will havo hundred fold annoyance with it. Then developments of a serious nature might arise. Let us correct your eye troubles now. J. S. BELSINGER Registered Optometrist Sl2 l.oeuat St. Nest Door to Orpbeom