Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 02, 1918, Image 4

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i tailoret
;ciate si
: button
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arket we would 1
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In Floor.
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i the Ne
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e curtains mad
mely trimmed witl
i ecru, ivory and
elaborate design
pair, $1.75 to s(}
irtains in handsom.
1.50 to $12.00.
long—full width; I
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, in brown, blue, ri
and upholstery pu
A It n gs outs
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J Hid
I Bs no better a
all ilve KMMRI llPjpj
A New Serial of East and Westr •
By Virginia Trrhnme Van de Water
;ht, 1918, Star Co.
!n was moving nervous
dining room when But
peth entered,
f* she complained, "it's
my Pa gets upset about
sard him just now out
Ished giving that Pole
ing to. I don't know
ter was. but Talak does
s him dreadfully."
| iband is going to dis
l soon, I think," Butler
he is!" Mrs. Ohapin
~mr did like that poor
V anyway—although I
kinder sorry for him.
I ionsible."
1 ipoke soothingly. Well,
I lehr Mrs. Chapinj Come
1 at the table and begin
■matron agreed, "there's
■rig for Pa. He'll come
and not till then,
a sigh, as the trio took
"I get sort of tired
of life. There's work
summer, and then quiet
to see all winter."
d like the city better?"
On glanced at the door
, filler husband was not
ft want Pa to hear me
v e, but I really would
in the city, near Cllf
i him more and more
3ut The Pores
Zuticura Soap
fresh complexion, free
[ or rouglinesa. Pirn-
Ily caused by clogging and
he pores. Smear them with
aent. In a few minutes wash
tra Soap and hot water.
' W by Mali. Address post-curd:
vIOA. Bosun." Sold cTorywhcre.
Lent 25 and We. Talcom 25c.
Your Duty to the Boys "Over There"—BUY LIBERTY BONDS
old smith's Special jgf fj
.Christmas Gift jSpf 1
■ Service 1
We are ready for Christmas. Are jj
Our Christmas stocks are now being j J j) j§
iowu. If your problem is a gift for a [J n
oman, here you will find a dainty 5 "ST "TIJ ||
[esk, a charming little sewing table 0 fj
r a fetching tea wagon that will oer-
delight her. * V jj
] If it's a man you must choose for here yon - li
\ay select a well designed smoking stand, a f] '
;rviceable chifforobe or an easy chair that will J^PV
ppeal to his comfort. /> - §
In conforming with the suggestion of the Na- 1\
onal Council for Defense to buy your Christ
las Gifts EARLY we announce for your conven- =
snce a Special Christmas Gift Service which per- <P
hits you to
, Select your Christmas Gifts NOW. 3
/ n
Make weekly or monthly payments
3 until wanted. H
No extra charges for storage until sP
Christmas. H
Delivery asspecified assured.' 111 II 1
i By buying now you'll be sure of getting II at jfij =
\ just what you want, for after present * fiv! |* fit B
stocks are sold duplicates will be practi- |1 fi 4 H
i cally impossible to secure. ■ J| * *
" North Market Square §1
"Of course you "do," Elizabeth
sympathized. "Well, perhaps some
time you will go out to Chicago to
keep house for him."
The mother shook her head. "No.
Pa won't hear of it. I didn't used
to mind so much, when Pa was
younger and liked to go about more.
But,he's changed very much in the
last year—this summer in particu
lar. I'm sure he's not well, for ho
never used to be so testy as he is
Notice to Talak
A step on the porch silenced her.
A moment later Amos entered. His
face wore an annoyed look and ho
spoke fretfully.
"So you have commenced without
me, have you? It's just as well, for
I was kept late, having another
set-to with Talak. There was no
need of everybody getting a cold
supper on that account."
"I hope your supper's - not cold,
Pa," his wife ventured conciliat
The farmer made an effort to
speak more pleasantly, glancing at
Elizabeth as if to learn what her
moftd was.
"That's all right, Martha. I guess
the supper's gopd enough anyway.
I suppose. Lizzie, you'll be. glad to
know that I've given Talak notice
lhat he can go when his month's
The girl replied indifferently. "It
doesn't aflfcet me one way or tho
other—oxcept that he has frighten
ed me when he was drunk. But I
am on my guard now, and I do not
walk , on tho roads about here
"Well, if he's all that worries
you, you can go alone to your
heart's content soon," Amos re
marked. "Talak's month's up a
week from to-day, but he swears
he's going away to-morrow, I'll
make him understand if he does
that he'll not get a cent of his
Butler looked up surprised. "But
you can't avoid paying him up to
the time he leaves, Mr. Chapln."
"Legally, perhaps I can't," the
farmer admitted with a sly grin.
"But the poor fool doesn't know
that. There ought to be some law
to protect employers. If a man
leaves before his month's up he
ought to lose money by it." *
"Suppose we turn it the other
way around," Butler argued. "If a
man discharges an employe, should
gflAaEB) m&m 0 *)
(CY.^W S
Hot water<
KK_3Wi Sure Relief
Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1918, International News Service kly M.CJVICLffIIS
ROCK- - HER" TO ' (ohTI v _ d&M Y °° ANY '
"THE NEW MMO Tl-lAT j M " .% ///y [ ' TA<P ' 1 fcISCOITb? [
UVr Hl^ D " \ 'J.
the employe demand his wages to
the end of his month?"
"Of course not," Amos growled, j
"You know as well as I do that we
can't trust such matters in the hands
of ignorant hirelings. They'd im
pose upon us if we did."
A Poor liulc
"It's a poor rule that work ;
both ways," Butler observed. "What
applies in one case, certainly should ,
applv in the other—tot my way of
The farmer frowned. "Well, you
yourself were in fafvor of my dis
charging Talak, a while back," he
accused. "Yet now you are standing
up for him."
"*Not only was I in favor of your
dicharging Talak," Butler admit
ted, "but I disapproved entirely of
his ever being on the farm in the
tlrst place. Still, now that he has
worked here, and is going away. I
do not hesitate to say that he should
be paid up to the time of his leav
"Oh, well," Amos pretended that
he had not been in earnest in threat
ening to withhold the Pole's wages,
"of course I'll pay him what's com
ing to him. I'll do the right thing
by him, since I've put up "with him
so long. The only reason I kept him
was that I could get more, work out
of him for less money than I could
out of any other man."
"I am sure that is true," Butler
remarked dryly.
The conversation changed to more
agreeable topics and 'Butler for
got it until later in the evening,
when, hearing loud voices down at
the barn, he strolled in that direo- ;
"Go to-morrow, then, if you want
to!" Chapin was saying angrily, as
Butler drew near. "But you'll not
get a cent from me if you do—un
From the Pole's voice Butler
fancied he had been drinking.
"Well, if I don't get my money I'll
Harribburg tklegrafh
! get you!" ho shouted, walking to
] ward the barnyard gate.
! To which threat the farmer re
sponded by a coarse laugh and an
j oath. >
Tiutler returned to the house
| without making his presence known
i to either of the actors in the' little
| drama. Much as he disapproved of
jl'hapln's policy, he was aware that
iin his own heart he was glad the
, I Pole was leaving.
(To Be Continued)
Americans Join With
Allied Troops; Take
• Seltsko From Soviets
Archangel, Sept. 30.—(Delayed)—
' American, British, Russian and
French troops occupy villages
on both banks of the Dvlna river to
a point 123 miles north of Kotlas In
the government of Velogda. They
have advanced miles in the past
two weeks and now are about 375
miles southeast of Archangel, Amer
icans are among /the forces odfcupy
ing the important town of Shonkursk.
The Americans captured Seltsko.
11,918 Pupils Enrolled
in City's Public Schools
Attendance reports from the city
I school buildings show that t(iere are
i 11.MS pupils enrolled in all the
schools this year, 256 more than in
I l!' 17, or an increase of a little more
than, two per cent. In the Central
High School there are 1,103 stu
dents, of whom 76 are boys and 1,027 j
I girls. At Technical High .School]
He i e are 874 boys, making the total i
high school enrollment 1,977, as com- I
.pared witlx 1,753 in 1917, an increase |
nt almost thirteen per cent, despite >
the incrfasing overcrowded condi
! tiona
In the grade schools this year there.
] are 9.54S pupils as compared with '
i 9,57s iu 1917; continuation school
' 2H9 this year, 165 in 1917; open air
school, 94 "this year; 84 in 1917;
, teachers training school, 17; back
-1 ward school, 55; special school, 12.
The reports also sho wthat when
, school closed there were 10.568 pu-
I pils in attendance in June, as com
| pared with 11,662 on the lists lln
j September, 1917.
10, COO Men to Lose
Jobs in Breweries
] St. Louis', Oct. 2.—Nineteen brew
i eries employing about 10,000 men,
I tire expected to discontinue business
j in St. Louis December 1, when the
Food Administration's order prohib
iting manufacture of beer and other
malt liquors "goes into effect.
Nut only will the proposed closing
of the breweries release 10,000 men
fot other employment, but 400 of
| the 1,800 saloons now in St.
arc expected to be closed by Janu
ary 3. The remainder probably will
be ei oS ed in a few months after that
date. It is estimated that the beer
or. hand when the breweries close
will last from two to four months.
Hcrsliey, Pa., Oct; 2.—Speaking at
P big patriotic meeting held in the
Y. W. C. A. rooms last night, Mrs.
Lyman D. Gilbert, president of the
Harrisburg ejiaptcr, American Red
.Cross, urged the purchase of Liberty
'Bends. "Get behind our boys in
the trenches," she declared. "Help
1 theni to whip the Hun."
In addition to her work as head of
j the Harrisburg Red Cross chapler,
I Mrs. Gilbert is state chairman of thfe
Y. IV. C. A. section in the United
I \Vtir Work Drive. f?he appeals for
! support of this campaign which will
| be launched ir. November.
! T'ne famous Squad" of the
: United States Army, was present at
the meeting, presenting an exhibition '
I drill.
The principles of Christian Science
! ami Its relation to the war, will be
| discussed by John W. Doorly, C. S. 8.,
I of r.oeiis, England, who will lecture i
jin the Orphcum Theater to-morrow
I night. Tills lecture will be under the
] auspices of the First Church qf Christ
Scientist, of Harrisburg.
' As a member of the Board of Lec
tureship of the Mother Church, th'e i
First Church of Christ Scientist, Mr.
Doorly is prominent in denomination
By Associated' Press
Amsterdam, Oct. 2. —The Turkish
cabinet has decided "in all circum-!
stances to adhere to the alliance with
the Central Powers," according to a
telegrani published t}y the Cologne
The large drawingroom In the home
of Mrs. Lyman B- Gilbert, 203 North
Front street, is to be turned Into a
| classroom for Red Cross classes. It
I was stated to-dav. Tt Is understood
I that classes in surgical dressings will
'be taught In this room. Mrs. Gilbert
Is chalrm an of the Harrisburg Chap
ter. American Red Cross.
Washington, oct 2 - — Thre e thou
sand teachers and schoolchildren
were dismissed from attendance
here to-day for observation of pre-
I ltmlnary symptoms of Spanish in
fluenza. The Board -of Health to
day | orde re d that street cars should
be I onerited with all. windows
454 More Vessels Are *
Needed in War, Hurley
Tells House Committee
Washington, Oct. 2.—Construction
of 454 vessels of 1,800,000 dead j
weight tons is the additional pro- |
gram of the Shipping Board dis- |
AS the builder of flesh and bone growing children, young folks and ||j|j
and muscle, think how much old folks, "*
value and real nourishment , lf§|
there is in a bowl of Kellogg's Kellogg * requires no s , ugar^
M Toasted Corn Flakes and Milk. ° wmg to / he and flaV ° r M
g|g developed in, the Kellogg Process.
sgl Kellogg's contains the protein pl§
•ill starches and other carbohydrates— ost people ey say Corn
588S mi . c • ii Flakes" mean "Kellogg s —the Original &S3
ggs milk gives the tats, mineral salts, , , . , ~ . ~
Sgsg . . . f —the Flakes that are delicate and thin, ESS
gg Vltamines and the casein which with a flavor and their own.
|lg| corresponds to the lean of meat. •
§lll Dont merely ask for " Corn Flakes."
You can serve a family of four Specify Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes and
U • people with Kellogg's for the price Look for l&sf//f/ /iff *
of one egg. the Signature— gg
||§i It is an all-year-'round food for It identifies the Original Corn Flakes §|j|
* '7 . - r *
II *I 4 **
| closed to-day to the House Appro
priations Committee by Chairman
I Hurley is explaining his request for
additional authorizations of $484,-
000,000 for the present fiscal year.
The program contemplates the
building of 210 steel and 244 wooden i
ships. Some of the larger vessels
I would cost more than 1.0Q0.000 each.
| but the average cost would be about
| that amount.
. % \
1 •
OCTOBER 2, 1518 L
Btickhnnhon, W. Va. t Oct. 2. —A
romance which had extended over a
half a century culminated here yes
terday when Mrs. Olive Wilson Cox.
of Berlin, Lewis county, a blushing
bride of 76 years, and J. J. Reynolds,
of this city, 84 years old, were mar
ried rU the parsonago of the Rev.
Curtis Robinson.
German Officials Get
Out From Under in War
Amsterdam, Oct. 2.—A1l the Im
perial German secretaries of stato
have resigned and tho Prussian min
isters intend to .resign, according to
the Berlin Tageblntt, a copy of
which has been received hero.