![ MANY ARE TIE OFFORTDNITIES LISTER IN IEEGRAPH WANT ml S)eatbs ! PHOOI* Anna M. Srihoop, wife of Charles S. Shoop, died at her home, t /1908 State street, Tuesday evening, at 11:16 o'clock, aged 26 years. Funeral services on Friday after- j noon, at 2 o'clock, at her late resi dence, the Rev. Mr. Ithoades offici ating. Interment at Shoop's Ceme tery. Relatives and friends are in- | vited to attend without further no- j r tice. ZIMMERMAN Aaron A. Zimmer man, brakeman on the Philadelphia . Division of the Pennsylvania Rail -1 road, died Wednesday morning, at 5 o'clock, at liis home, 1950 Derry I street, aged 39 years. Funeral services will be held on Saturday, at 2 o'clock, at his Jate i residence, the Rev. Mr. Lyter, of the < Derry Street U. B. Church, officiat ing. Interment at Churchtown j Cemetery. Remains may be viewed , Friday, between 8 and 9 P. M. KERSHKGH Wayne A. Kershner | died Tuesday morning, at 1:26 | o'clock, at his home, 46 North Sev- ; enteenth street, aged 34 years. Funeral services will be held on Thursday, at 7:30 P. M„ at his late residence, the Rev. Clayton Smuc-kor officiating. Remains will be takqn to Tamaqua, Mriday morning, at 7:55 o'clock, where funeral services will be held at the home of his father,. John D.•Kershner, at 1:30 : P. M„ Friday. I 111 Al\ 111, On October 1, 1918, M. ! Anna Hinkel, wife of H. J. Hinkel, : aged 37 years. Funeral oti Thursday afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock, from her late residence, i 1121 Green street. Further services, Saturday, from the home of her [ father, M. B. Kitch, 345 Walnut street, Columbia, Pa. The relatives and friends are invited to attend ■ without further notice. I LVTEII On October 1, 1918. Cathe rine E. Lyter. at her late residence. ; 1940 State street, aged 45 yjars and' 10 months. „ ... Funeral on Friday, at 9:30 A. M. j Further services tvt State Street I . j Ft. Church, at 10 o'clock. Interment I East Hart isburg Cemetery. Body , may be viewed Thursday evening, i*- between 7 and 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends are invited to attend , without further notice. ! MOVER Mrs. Catherine Mcllhenny Mover, in her S4tli year, at her late home, 3518 I terry street, Paxtang. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Further services will be held at shoop s Church, at 3:30 o'clock. Interment in Shoop's Cemetery. I H.v.vsirvw On September 30, 1918, Emma Naoma Hanshaw, aged 1 < years. • Funeral on Friday afternoon, at - o'clock, from the residence of her father, Charles E. Hanshaw. 1600 North Third street. The relatives | and friends are invited to attend, j interment llarrisburg Cemetery. C . •*! LOST AND FOUND LOST Small, black traveling bag. ; September 23. containing patent papers and clothing. Finder communi sate with A., 6815, cure of Telegraph. , KEYS LOST Bunch of keys. Sat- ; virdaj'. Finder notify Bell phone; 5661. Reward. i LOST A white French Poodle I Slog. Answers to name of Tiney. 1 License No. 3666. Reward if returned to 1506 Briggs street, or Bell phgne > 332 7 W. LOST Probably on Enola car. j lady's olack Morocco purse, contain- i ing about Four Dollars and some very | valuable keys. Telephone llarrisburg ; Academy, Bell phone 13.1.1, Reward offered. __ | IXSTKVCTIOXS j INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg I Shorthand. Typewriting. English Bookkeeping. Penmanship. Arith., etc. | DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL Y EAR. > Enter any time. Bell 694 R. Dial 4016. , THE OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL i 121 Mkt. St. Chas, R. Beckley, Prin. | Merle E. Keller. Bus. Mgr. j ARRANGE NOW for your business | course with the school giving courses approved v -* the United States Bureau j of Education. Fall Opening. Septem ber 2. School of Commerce, Troup Building. 15 South Market Square. | Free catalog. Bell 48J. Dial 439... , HELP WAXTKH-MAI.E j PAPERHANGERS 6 cents per j hour. Steady work guaranteed. H. A. Bodmer. 826 North Third street. WANTED A janitor to take care of medium-sized building, fiood op portunitv for man with small family, as living quarters and heat are fur nished. Address U., 6613, care of Tele graph. EXPERIENCED SALESMAN want ed to clerk in store. Salary, *20.00 per week to start with. Give refer ence and state age. Answer L., mil, care of Telegraph. WANTED An automobile washer. Apply Havrisburg, Taxicab and Bag- j gage' Co., at Strawberry and Aberdeen : streets. i WANTED Male stenographer and clerk, by large company engaged in war work. Require neat typist for reports, able to handle some dictation. Good chance for advancement. Advise age, education, experience, salary ex pected. Address M., 6614, care of Tele graphy ENGINEERS WANTED At Ninth Street Plant of the Flarrisburg Light and Power Co. Apply UNITED STATES EMPLOY MENT BUREAU, Third aind North Sts. WANTED Warehouse men. Em erson-Brantingliam Implement Co., Tenth and Market streets. Buy Liberty Bonds Own Your Home Two synonymous terms When you buy Liberty Bonds | you can own your home j you own your home you can buy Liberty Bonds— Every good citizen should do ! both, and Liberty Bonds should come first during the drive. Miller Brothers & Co. ** . Loent and Court Sts. Member libs. Ken! Rntate Hoard i WEDNESDAY EVENING, • HELP \\ iDu^ —MALE . FIREMAN WANTED At Ninth Street Plant of the llarrisburg Light and Power I Co. Apply at ' UNITED STATES EMPLOY MENT BUREAU, Third and North Sts. ! WANTED Two strong boys, for i work iti laundry. Good wages. Fifty four hours per week. Apply Sanitary r Family Laundry. Sixteenth and Elm streets. j WANTED, AT ONCE For perma i ncnt positions, office clerk, bartender, cook, kitchen man. Apply to Manager, I Hotel Weimar, Lebanon, Pa. WANTED Painters. Inquire at Gobi & Bruaw, 310 Strawberry. WANTED —• Man as timekeeper, i Must have grammar school education. : Apply Hickok Mfg. Co. WANTED, CHAUFFEUR —NONE BUT COMPE TENT MEN WHO CAN FURNISH REFERENCE NEED APPLY. THE AT LANTIC REFINING CO., 2207 NORTH SEVENTH. I WANTED Boy. 16 or 17. In an In i suranee and Real Estate office. No I experience necessary. State reference I and salary expected. F.. 7371, care of | Telegraph. i DOUBLE-ENTRY BOOKKEEPER— J Who can qualify in a responsible poV ! sit ion. State experience and salary j expected and give reference. Apply to P. O. Box 124, Flarrisburg. i WANTED, MALE Over or under j J draft age, competent, industrious man. ! ' acquainted with running International I Truck and helping around store. Must I be sober, honest and a steady man. i Apply Bates & Co., 110 Market street, j 1 WANTED Young man to repair) bicycles. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third. | T I WANTED Man for ice plant. Good, steady, inside winter's job. Apply UNITED ICE & COAL CO.. Forster and Cowden Sts. L i MAN To clean cellar and cut wood. Apply at 819 North Seventeenth) street. WANTED Man to work in drug | store, registered or ono having had ] experience. Good wages. Apply Muhring's Drug Store. Fourth and I Feffer. TWO YOUNG MEN WANTED—Age I 17 years and over, to learn clothing | business. Good pay to live wire. Ap- i ply Budd Tailoring Co., IS7 South | Front, Steelton. CASHIER WANTED, IMMEDIATE-! ' LY' Must be in deferred classifies- ) j lion and thoroughly competent to i ] handle a big job. Good salary to the I right party and permanent position j j assured. Apply Swift & Co.. Seventh j and North streets. : WANTED Girls to assist at soda ! fountain in the evening. Must be 21. | Good salary. Apply Rose's, Second j ; and Walnut. YOUNG MAN To solicit advertis ing. Permanent connection. Apply j Box S„ 7512, care of Telegraph. | WANTED. SEXTON—Large church. 1 j centrally located, wants a competent! ! and reliable man for sexton. Give ad i dress, with references, stating age. j : Reply to A. B. C., care of Telegraph. I I _ | | MEN WANTED —To leatn the au- ; j tomobile business and do mechanical | i work on same. Thousands of men | 1 are wanted in the United States Army; for such work as driving and repair- ' j ing. Auto Transportation School, 260 | South Front street. Steelton. WANTED T\Vo competent truck drivers. Good wages. Apply Fink Brewing Company, Forster street. WANTED—Two good, strong boys to learn a trade. Apply Superinten dent, The Telegraph Printing Co., Harrisburg. BRIGHT BOY. Over 16 years of age. to learn printing trade. Apply H. A. FRY. Telegraph Composing Room. MEN WANTED To load stone, 29 cents pel ton. Can earn $25 to $35 per week. Apply Paxtang Quarries, Pax tang. WANTED A man, or will employ man and wife, to do janitor work or work on farm. Apply 1700 North Sec ond street. GOOD AUTO MECHANICS WANT ED. AT ONCE Pay no object. Ap ply Mac's Garage. 117. 119. 121 South Third street. TWO MEN For outdoor work. Permanent positions. Good wages. I Apply to Mr Mailey, Harrisburg Light i and Power Co. HELP WANTED —FEMALE i WANTED Stenographer and typ- J ist.- Permanent position. Write to 1 P. O. Box 193. I SALESGIRL WANTED —To clerk !in store —one with experience pre -1 ferred. Salary, SIO.OO per week to I start with. Give reference and age. I I Answer H.. 7570, car? of Telegraph. ( I HOUSEKEEPER Widower, with I two children, residing in suburb, de sires housekeeper. Address L., 6962, | I care of Telegraph. ! COMPETENT WOMAN—Who wants! i day's work 2% days weekly, apply at! 819 North Seventeenth street. COOK WANTED—No washing; ref-' erence required. Apply Mrs. R,