Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 02, 1918, Page 12, Image 13

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? ire Destroys Rubber ]
r Factory at Halifax j
Halifax, Pa., Oct. 2.—Yesterday |
kfternoon fire destroyed the plant of j
the Halifax Rubber Company here
with a loss of about $7,000. The j
building was owned by Cornelius j
Koppenheffer. Valuable surgical
goods and a large quantity of gaso- 1
Ine were burned.
located at 16 South Second street.
Harrisburg. Pennsylvania, at thu close
of business. September 21. 1918.
Reserve Fund:
Cash. specie
and notes . $106,722 00
Due from
Ap pr oved
Agents ... 555,610 02
Nickels and cents 1,302 16
Checks and cash items .. 16,583 90
Due from banks, trust
cos., etc., excluding re
serve 13.34S 85
Commercial paper pur
chased: Upon one nume, 118,509 30
Commercial paper pur
chased: Upon two or
mure names 859.977 12
Time loans with col
lateral 132,753 41
Call loans with collateral, 871,503 23
Loan secured by bonds
and mortgages 36,285 19
Bonds, stocks, etc. 616,34 1 50 |
Mortgages and judgments
of record 453 16,
Other real estate 176,50u ou
' Overdrafts ... 20 00 I
Total $3,535,942 84
Capital Stock $400,000 00
Surplus fund 6UU.OOU 00!
Undivided profits, less ex
penses and taxes paid, 34,670 04
(exclusive of trust
Deposits sub-
Je c t to
check $1,532,229 08
C o 111 111011-
wealth of
Penn's. ... 219,181 S3
U. S. Postal
suvings ... 0,315 S9
I e r t i t i e d
checks ... 911 23
clusive of trust funds)
Pitue certificates of de
posit 644,470 23
)ue to banks, trust cos.,
etc., excluding reserve, 99.01S 54
Dividends unpaid 116 00 1
Total $3,535,942 84
Trust funds:
Mortgages $991,613 59
Other investments, etc., 2,821,315 SO
Cash balance 316,501 53
Total Trust funds ~..54,129,430 92
f Total amount (i. e. face
r value) of Trusts under
deeds of trust or mort
gages executed by Cor-
I porations to the COlll
- pany as Trustee to se
cure issues of corpor-
K ate bonds, including
■ Equipment Trusts ...$23,941,400 00
■ Total amount of securl
■ ties deposited by Cor
f porations with the
F Company as Trustee
to secure issues of Col
lateral Trust Bonds.. 122.655 00
State of Pennsylvania, County of
Dauphin, ss:
I, George G. Carl, Treasurer of the '
above named Company do solemnly
swear that the above statement is
true to the best of xny knowledge and;
■ belief.
L (Signed) GEO. G. CARL,
■ Treasurer. |
I Subscribed and sworn to before me 1
■ this 30th day of September, 1918.
■ | Notarial Seal] Notary Public. l
correct —Attest:
1 (Signed) R. G. UOLDSBOROUC H. ;
I I'ANY, located at 222 Market street,
I Harrisburg, Henna., at the close of
I business September 21, 1918.
I Reserve Fund:
■ Cash, specie and
■ notes, $142,141 90
■ Due from Ap
i; proved Re-
Agents. , V .. e 374.125 50
and cents 612 06
and cash items, . 46,951 64
'Due from banks, trust
cos., etc., excluding re
serve 250,830 55 j
Commercial paper pur
chased: Upon one nume, 415.511 47
Commercial paper pur
chaser Upon two or
more names 362.879 05
Tune loans with collat
eral 98,784 72
Call loans with collat
eral 509,187 60
Loans secured .by bonds
and mortgages 57,956 25
Bonds, stocks, etc., 1,036.585 65
Mortgages and judgments
I of record 77,122 75
I Office building and 10t,.. 146,75 i 34
Other real estate 60,653 02
Furniture and fixtures,.. 4i.ouU 00 ;
Overdrafts 1.266 97
Other assets not Included
in above, 1,226 92 '
Total $3,683,733 29
Capitsl stock $250,000 00
Surplus fund 500,009 ou
Liuutviued profits, less ex
penses and taxes paid,. 89.562 21
(exclusive of trust
Deposit sub
) e c t to
check $1,468,603 95
D e posits,
C o 111111 on
wealth of
peiin'a 545,496 03
, Certified
checks 16,101 64
[ Tr e a surer's
checks out
w standing, .. 55,555 07
" 2,085,756 69
(exclusive of trust
Time certificates of de
posit, 283,464 43
Due to banks, trust cos.,
etc., excluding reserve, 404,217 39
Book value of leguH re
serve securities below
I par 842 84
F \ Other liabilities not In
cluded in above, 69,889 73
Total $3,683,733 29
Mortgages $2.915,508 37
Other investments, etc., 2,049.379 93
Cash balance 241.256 99
Overdrafts . 16.046 18
Total Trust funds, ..$5,222,491 47!
Total amount (L e. face
value) of Trusts under
deeds of trust or mort
gages executed by
Corporations to the
k Company as Trustee to
.\ secure issues of cor
porate bonus, including
Equipment Trusts, -..510,510,000 00
Total amount of secu
rities deposited by
Corporations with the
Company as Trustee to
secure IBSUCS of Col
\ lateral Trust Bonds,., 982,400 00
Stale of PennsylvauiaTCounty of Dau
phin, ss:
I, W. H. Metzge •. Treasurer of the
Above named Company do solemnly
■wear that the above slatemeui is
true to the best of uiy knowledge and
(Signed) W. H. METZGEK,
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 26th day of September, 1918.
(Signed) G. L. CULLMERRY,
INutui iul Seal.) Notary Public,
k Correct —Attest:
L (Signed) W. O. HICKOK, 3RD,
1 (Signed) W. T. HILDKUP. JR..
■ (Signed) WM. JENNINGS.
\ Ci mm—.
Chandler Brothers and .Company,
members of Netv York and Philadel
phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar
ket Square, llairisbuig: 336 Chestnut
street, Philadelphia; 34 Pine street.'
New S'ork —furnish the following ,
quotations: Open 2 p. ni.
A His Clialmcrs 29 29
Amor Beet Sugar 68% 68% '
Amerieian Can 45% 45'.,
Am Car and Foundry ... 86Vi 86
Amer Smelting 7814 "8
American Sugar 10S% JIoSI
Amer Woolens 5514 55%
Anaconda 69 % 70
Atchison 86% 86%
Baldwin Locomotive .... 87% 87%
Baltimore and Ohio .... 53% 5314
Bethlehem Steel 77% 76%
Butte Copper ; 25 7 8 251s
California Petroleum ... 211, 21 la 1
Central Leather ......... 70 69% |
Chicago 1? I and Pacific . 26 26
Chitio Con Copper 40 40 ;
Corn Products ~i 43 14 43% I
Crucible Steel 62', 621- '
Distilling Securities 50 48 " !
Erie S .' 15% 15%
General Motors t 134 12<
Great Northern pfd 91% 91%
Great Northern Ore subs 31 .31 1
Hide and Leather 19 19% !
Hide and Leather pfd ... 90% 91%
Inspiration Copper 55% 55% i
International Phper . . 34% 31%
Kennecolt 33% 34
Kansas City Southern ... 19 19
Lackawanna Steel 80% 80%
Lehigh Valley 59% 69.1,
Maxwell Motors 29% 29% '
Merc War Ctfs 28 28' a j
Merc War Ctfs pfd' .... loC 107% !
Mex Petroleum 113 116% j
Miami Copper 28 ' 25% j
Midvule Steel 50 So 1 ', .
New York Central 74Z 74 % I
NY N H and H 40% 40% ;
Norfolk and Western ... 101% 104'% j
Northern Pacific 88% 88", j
Pennsylvania Itailroad .. 43% 43%
Pittsburgh Coal 51% 51%. j
Hallway Steel Spg s 67% '
Hay Con Copper 23 23 " '
Heading 5 9% gy j
Hepublie Iron and Steel . 90 90% !
Southern Pacific .'. 87% 8S '
Southern lly g% 8
Studebakcr 34% 34% i
Union Pacific 126% 127 I
U S I Alcohol 10% 108% ;
U S Utibbcr 61% 61 % j
U S Steel 109% 110 ;
U S Steel pfd 110% 110% :
Utah Copper 84% 84% i
Virginia-Carolina Chent . 55 55 1
YVestinghouse fflfg 44 43%
Willys-Overland 21 20 % i
Western Maryland 13 43 j
Pllll.ADKl.i'til \ STOCKS
Philadelphia, Uct. 2. Wheat j
No, ), mil, leu, t-.ia, .\o. 2, 1 eu, $2.21,
No. 2. sou, red, $2.22.
Bran The market is steady; soft :
winter, per toil, $4U.5U®'47.00; spring
per ton, $44.0u ® 4 5.00. i
Corn The market is dull; No. 2. |
i. i. s J." H'aUe and location. 1
$1.0001,<5; No. 3 yellow, $1.6001.75. I
Oats The market is lower;
No. 2 white, 81%®S2C; NO. 3, white,!
Butter The market is firm; I
western, creamery, extras, 62c; near- :
by prints, fancy, jt>7 69c.
Eggs Market steady; Pennsylvania!
• .''rLuiois, Iree eases, 1
slo.JO® 1b.2! per case; do., current re- !
ceipts, free cases, sls.Bo®lo.bu; per j
case; western, extras, tirsts, free cases, I
$15.90® per case; do., firsts, free
cases, $15.30015.60 per case; fancy,
selected, packed, 58® 60c per dozen.
Cheese The market is higher;
New York and Wisconsin, full milk
31 % @ 32c.
i. eoncd Sugars Market steady;
powdered, 8.45 c; extra fine granulat
ed. 7.25 c.
Live Poultry—The market is steady;
fowls, not leghorns, 30®>40c; fowls,
leghorns, 25®2Sc; young suftmeated
roosters, 24®25c; young, staggy roost
ers, 24®.' 25c; old roosters, 24®)25c;
spring chickens, not leghorns, 27® 31c; 1
leghorns, 25®28c; ducks, Peking,
si ring, 32 ® 34c'; d0.,01d,304)320; Indian
Kuoiier, 2®i3oc; spring ducks, Eong
Island, i>u®37c; turkeys, 37®38c;
geese, nearby, _s®;26c; western, 25@
26c. w
Dressed Poultry—Higher; turkeys,
nearby, choice to fancy, ; flue; do
lair to good. 32®;37c; do., old, 37®3Sc :
do., western, choice to fancy, 37®3sc;
do., fair to good, 32@36c; do., old toms
30c; old, common, 30c; fresh killed
low Is, fancy, 37%® 38c; do., srfialler
sizes,33® 37c; old roosters.2s%c; spring
ducks, Long Island, 38®'39c; frozen
iow is, lallcy, 3a (f) 3. %c. do., good to
choice, 32@34c; do., small sizes, 28®
30c; dressed Pekin ducks higher, 34®
36c; old, 30®32e; Indian Runners, 27®
27% c; broiling chickens western. 38®
40c; roasting chickens, large, 35®:36e;
roasting chickens, medium. 30(ii34c. '
Potatoes The market i.s lower;
New Jersey, No. 1, sl.ou®l 15
per basket; do.. No. 2. 50®75e
per basket; do.. 150-lb. bags. No. 1
$2.65®3.00, extra quality; do., No. 2
$1,001)2.25; Pennsylvania, 100 lbs"!
sl.3o®i.#o; New York, old, per 100 lbs '
$1.55@1.75; western, per 100 lbs., $1 25
@1.55; Maine, per 100 lbs., $1.60®
I.80; Delaware and Maryland, per 100
lbs., 90c@$1.10; Michigan, per 100 lb
$1.50@1.70; Florida, per barrel"
$2.00@4.00; . lorMa, per bushel'
hamper, 75@85c; Florida, per 150-lb
bafts. $1.50@3.00; ftorth Carolina, per
barrel, $1.50®4.00; South Carolina, per
barrel, $1.50® 4.00; Norfolk, per bar
rel. $2.00®4.75: Eastern Shore, per
barrel, $3.00®5.00.
Flour Dull: 'nter wheat, new.
100 per cent, (lour, $10.00@10.30 per
barrel; Kansas wheat, new, slo.7s®
11.10 per barrel; spring wheat, new
$10.75® 11.10.
Hay Market firm; timothy.
No. 1, large and small bales, $36.00®
37.00 per ton; No. 2. small bales. $34.00
@35.00 per ton; No. 3, $28.00032.00 per
ton; sample, $12.50* p K r ton; no
grade. $7.50@11.50 per ton.
Clover Light mixed. $32.00®
34.00 per ton; No. 1. light, mixed,
$32.00@ 32.50 per ton: No. 2, light mix
ed, $28.00®33.00 per ton; no grade
$lB ("'@20.00 per ton.
Tallow The market Is firm:
prime, city, in tierces. 18c; city
special, loose, lS%c; prime country
17% c; dark. 16@16%c; edible, in
tierces. !0@20%c.
Chicago. Oct. 2. (U. S. Bureau
of Markets). Hogs Receipts,
13,000; market 15c to 25c lower than
yesterday's average. Butchers. $19.25
Si 19.65; light, $19.00019.50; packing,
$18.15® 19.00; rough, $17.50® 18.00;
pigs, good to choice, $17.00® 18.00.
Cattle Receipts, 12.000; steers
strong to higher; butchers' Cattle un
evenly to 10c to 25c higher; calves
Sheep Receipts. 42.000; lambs
slow, but steady; fat sheep dull.
Chicago, Oct. 2. Board of Trade
Corn November, 1.29%; December.
Oats November, 68%; December
Pork October, 37.30; November.
Lard • October. 26.57; November
Bibs October, 22.65; November,
NOTICE letters Testamentary on
the Estate of William H. Dum. late
of Harrisburg. Pa.. Dauphin County.
Pa., deceased, having been granted to
the undersigned residing in Harris
burg. Pa. all persons Indebted to said
Estate ore requested to make Imme
diate payment. and those having
claims will present them for settle
ment. to
Or Executrix.
NOTICE Is htreby given that appli
cation will be made to the Harrisburg
Light and Power Company on October
7. 1918. for the Is. ue to the under
signed of a certificate for one (1)
share of Preferred Capital Stock of
said Harrisburg Light and Power
Company in lieu of certificates lost or
Boston, Mass.
-Can't They See She Needs Rest?
'lff V -U- 1 Vi
/ v A p\ O
jp, \ A\
lg% ■ V •;' W E - h
m i/f >T
This City Example For Others
in Purchase of Liberty
Bonds, Dr. Rowo Says
"Harrisburg stands at Washing
tion as an example for communi
ties elsewhere throughout the Unit
ed States in the matter of Liberty
Bond subscriptions," said Dr. L. S.
Howe, assistant secretary of the
United States Treasury, speaking
before the noon luncheon of the Har
risburg Chamber of Commerce to
day. "And Washington has no
doubt," he continued, "that Harris
burg will in the Fourth Liberty Loan
take one step in advance' of the
place it established when it over
subscribed the third loan."
. Dr. Rowe was introduced to the ]
Chamber by President Andrew S. |
Patterson, as Secretary AlcAdoo's j
chief assistant at Washington. He j
is an authority on finance and has j
spoken in may parts of the coun- ]
try on behalf of the loan. "When I j
was speaking in the South last
spring," he said, "where only one or |
two per cent, of the people had sub- :
scribed, I wished I had with me the j
statistics of Harrisburg and other '
communnties in which the indivld- j
ual subscribers averaged fifty or j
sixty per cent, of the whole popu- i
Should lie Widespread
"One of the best things you have i
done here." Dr. Rowe continued, "is ;
to see to it that a large number of i
people buy bonds." It is not good
for any community, he added, to !
have ail the bonds bought up by a j
few men.
Germany begins to-day its ninth
j Liberty Loan, Dr. Rowe continued,!
and it will be interesting and im- ;
portant to observe the manner in
which ouf own Liberty Loan goes as
compared with the German loan.
The present loan, he said, will regis
ter the opinion of the American
people as to whether they are really
in earnest about the prosecution of
the war to a successful conclusion.
Its success will be noted In Berlin,
the speaker continued, where affairs
in America are being watched even
more closely than developments
along the battle lilies of France, be
cause Germany realises that Amer
ica is the vital factor in this war
ar*l that upon our determination to
go on to a victorious conclusion, as
registered in our subscriptions to
this loan, 'hangs the fate of the con
flict and the hope or despair of the
German military clique to bring
about la German peace.
Taxes Up to the Limit
Dr. Rowe said that the taxes im
posed by i.hc eight-billion bill now
in Congress have been placed as high
as they can be with safety and that
the financing of the war, without
grave danger of financial and indus
trial depression following it, hangs
upon our ability to meet other war
expenses through the medium of
loans. Failure would discourage out
soldiers and cur allies and would
wonderfully hearten the Kaiser. The
government wants the loun dis
tributed as widely as 'possible, he
said, and payments for bonds to be
made out of the savings of the peo
ple. "Save the price of your bonds
out of your earnings," he advised.
"You help the government most
when you economize to invest in its
He also warned the public against
trading bonds for worthless or
doubtful shares in companies and
urged everybody lo hold liis securi
ties at least until the war is over.
Cnptain Bent Speaks
Captain W. G. Bent, of the Royal
British Field Artillery, who though
ten years beyond age, enlisted as a
private the day the war broke out
and huß been in it ever since, going
to France with the "First Hundred
Thousand," was .the second speaker.
He warned the audience again3t un
fale optimism. Germany is still
strong, he said, and hopes to make
peace before she is utterly cruah
■ v.. •'
cel. "Pon'l underestimate the en
emy," he continued. "We have a I
big job ahead of us and it i notj
nearly over. "They say a snake does!
not die until the sun Roes down, and j
T think it is only about halfpast fourj
for the Kaiser."
P. D. Wagoner, the new president!
of the Elliott-Fisher Company, was;
present at a Chamber of Commerce j
luncheon for the first time and was]
introduced hy Mr. Patterson, re
sponding with a brief appeal for the
success of the loan.
Bretz Asks For New Trial
on Ground That Act of
1878 Is Unconstitutional
Attacking the constitutionality of'
the Act of June i 2, 1878, under]
which Harry M. Bretz, lawyer, was|
convicted on charges of embezzle-1
merit as attorney, O. G. Wicker- 1
sham, as his counsel, to-day filed]
motions for new trials in the four!
cases in which the jury returned I
verdicts of guilty.
Mr. Wickersham, In giving his 1
reqson for asking a retrial states
that under the Act of 1878 the term]
"attorney" is used in referring to HI
lawyer acting as agent Tor a Dank I
or other corporation and not in -pri- ]
vate legal business. He declares that!
for tliis reason it does not apply to!
the indictments under which Bretz!
was tried and that they should have!
been (plashed. The court refused to |
quash the indictments when Bretz j
was called for trial and refused a 1
separate trial in each case. These,
points are raised also as reasons for |
a new trial.
The motion for a new trial may j
he listed for the session of argument;
court to he held next Tuesday.
Nine Mifflin County Homes
Robbed of Food and Money
Lewlstown, Pa., Oct. 2.—Nine
homes in Bratton and Oliver town
ships. Mifflin county, have been vis
ited by a band of burglars within a
few nights past.
In Oliver township the home of
George Kimberly was visited and a
pig and $8 in money was stolen. In
Braiton township the rohbqries com
mitted were: Home of Charles Brat
ton. 12 cans of fruit; at the home
lof Arthur Grassmyer, the burglar
stole his wedding coat and $8 in
money; at Jacob Byler's home
canned fruit was stolen and a large
quantity of canned tomatoes were
emptied on the kitchen floor; at the
residence of John C. Swigart a qan
tity of picked grapes were stolen; at
the home of Roger Powell, chickens
were taken; Ell Staybrook lost a
1 number of articles; canned fruit was
I stolen at the Ephraim Moist home,
jand canned fruit at the home of C.
] Harshbarger.
„ Dlllsbiirg, Pa., Oct. 2.—Harry E.
1 Ensmlnger, aged-40 years, died yes
! terday morning at his home here
I after suffering for several years from
jan affection of the heart. He was
i a member of the Methodist Church
; and was the choir leader for several
years. Ue was associated with his
| father in the firm, known as En
i sminger & Son, meat merchants,
i Ho was married several years ago to
Mijis Alice liritcher, daughter of
! George 1,. Britcher. of Dillsburg. Af
-1 tcr he retired from the firm of En
sminger .v Son he was employed as
! a traveling salesman. Ho is survived
] by his wife and a son, Henry B. En
smlnger, a'no hy his parents. Mr. and
. Mrs. S. M. Ensmtnger, and one
brother, S. Ensminger, of Lewis
j berry, and four sisters, Mrs. Ralph
! Harding, of Beading; Mrs. Ira L.
I Heiges, of lullsburg; Mrs. Fred VV.
; Floyd, of Harrisburg, and Mrs. V. C.
! Kline, of Mount Alto. Funeral ser-
I vices will lie held to-morrow after
! noon at the. home. Burial will he
| made in the Dillsburg Cemetery.
Last week, while Colonel Hem
ming, of this city, was muklng a
1 geological survey of coal lands In
I West Virginia, he located enough
spruce timber to construct more
i than 10,000 airplanes. The spruce
for airships lias been brought to
I date almost entirely from the State
|of Washington. A report to the
I government has been made of this
j valuable discovery.
Rig Success Enjoyed by Or
pheum Audiences; Sec
ond Visit Here
Complications, vgri-natured and ex
tending over the greater period of the
two acts of "Oh, Boy," highly satis
| tied a ntirthfpl audience at the Or
j pheum last evening. A full house of
I Harrisburgers went home so highly
pleased with the second production
I of this lively comedy in this city, that
a successful visit might again be made
here with the production,
j Opening up a triile slowly, the first
I few numbers on the program (fragged
[ slightly and received scant commen
| dation trom the critical audience.
I But, by the time the fourth musical
selection had been reached the action
was becoming more lively and win
ning over the audience and from that
I until the end, each part was greeted
I with hearty anplause.
' Miss Marie Carroll, playing as 'Lou
Ellen Carter," gained intimate access
, to the hearts of her hearers, quite na
-1 turally and deservedly so, and carried
i away the greatest applause for her- 1
| self, receiving many encores in her
; musical renditions. Especially did the
I hearers like her presentation of "An
I Old-fashioned Wife," and "Words Are
j Not Needed."
But Miss Anna Wheaton. as "Jackie
I Sampson," an actress, gained almost
j as much applause as the leading wo
man. A difficult part to plav. Miss
Wheaton presented it with all its per
; fections. Her wild antics and esca
; pades did very, very much to keep the
j audience smiling.
Charles Compton, as "George Budd "
, the newly wed, finding himself by
I many complications continually in
"hot water," spends much time in
making explanations and his difficul
ties bring quantities of sideache-pro
ducing laughter. "Jim Marvin," his
weU-meaning friend, played by Hfir
°ld Crane, awakened much interest.
Harry Quealy, as "Briggs," the
valet; Stephen Maley, as "Constable
Slmms; "Jack" Raffael. as "Judge
Daniel Carter;' Augusta Haviland. as
Mrs. Carter;" Edna May Oliver, as
Miss Penelope Budd," and "Jack"
Merritt, as a waiter, all play import
ant parts in adding real merit to the
Girls, oretty ones, to the number of
fourteen, in ultra fashionable and rich
array, make up a chorus whose pleas
ing selections rank well with those
heard in Harrjsburg this season.
Catchy musical selections added ma
terially to the effect. Among the best
received of these might be mentioned:
Un n .Hte* J 0 ! 1 '" " Till the Clouds
Roll By, •,tolled Into One," "Nesting
Time" and "Flubby Dubby, the Cave-
I Man.
I A specialty dance in the second act
by Miss Ethel Forde and Ralph
I O'Brien, received much 'well-earned
,| applause, which drew the artists back
| for several encores.
i [Continued front First Page.]
| county prison warden, William A.
j Mcllhenny, to furnish men in Jail on
j sentence, as laborers for road work.
. Mr. Mcllhenny consented and at once
| took the proposition before the board
I prison inspectors who also approved
' as they have for months been urging
j employment for the men in Jail. A
' few days ago the prison officials
| were notified to have a gang of men
j ready to work at Speeseville.
t Clothed For Work
Clothing for the outf-door work in
cluding heavy shoes was furnished
to each of the men sent out. Each
day they will be taken by truck lenv
j ing about 7 o'clock in the morning
I and returning nt 5.30 o'clock in the
| afternoon. Together with the six
I men now employed at the county
j almshouse there are 25 prisoners at
work for the county and state.
Under the act which was sighed
I July 11 of last year the State High
way Department may call for county
| prisoners /or such purposes and may
pay the men put to work ' not. less
j than $.40 nor more than $.60 a day.
[Prison Inspectors here' favor the plan
I but are also making evfery effort to
I have a law passed at the coming
I Legislature which will permit the
I county t use prisoners for repair
. Ing and building highways.
Public Meeting to Be Held in
November by Rotary Club
to Consider Navigation
.'lajor William 15. Gray, who re
cently voiced the opinion that the
deepening and damming of the Sus
quehanna to make it a navigable
stream could be accomplished at
comparatively small coat, will be in
vited by the Harrlsburg notary Club
to address a public meeting on a
date to suit him in November at
which the project will be discussed
at length.
This decision was reached at a
meeting of the club last evening in
the otilces of John lleathcole. man
ager for the Metropolitan Life In
surance Company, in the Telegraph
building. Mr. Henthcote and David
Shotwell, just returned from Y. M.
C. A. war work in Mesopotamia,
were the speakers. Mr. Heathcote
said that his company had .asked
him and his agents in this city to
sell $200,000 worth of War Saving
Stamps this year, and that he was
pleased to announce that he had
already passed that figure by $7,000
and that the company had asked
him to make the total sales for the
year $400,000. "If you find it im
possible to do this and keen up your
growth in business," the order read,
"it must be the business rather than
the sale of the stamps that suffers.
"Hut Mr. Heathcote and his men
have been able to show good busi
ness results in addition to their
Thrift Stamp sales."
Work in Mesopotamia
Mr. Sliotwell told of the difficul
ties of army life in Mesopotamia,
where the soldiers have to remain
under canvass during the heated
hours of the summer days in order
to escape sunstroke, and of the vast
service the Y. M< C. A. has hc(m
there in keeping up the morale of
the soldiers. "But conditions there
are rapidly Improving," he said.
"The British are building railroads,
roads, canals, churches, houses,
schools and arc rapidly transform
ing the country. They are evidently
there to stay."
The matter of inducing all stores
to open at 9 in the morning and
close not later than 5.30 in the even
ing, in order to conserve fuel, was
discussed by P. G. Diener, David
Cottercl, Captain George F. Luml)
and others, and the Public Affairs
Committee was ordered to take the
matter of general observance of the
new regulations up with the Cham
ber of Commerce in an effort to
bring all merchants into line.
Pastor's Successful Year
at Florin U. B. Church
Florin, Oct. 2.—The United Breth
ren Church here has jiyst closed one
of the best years in the history of
the congregation. The final meeting
of the officials was held Monday
evening when all the financial obli
gations were met, with a handsome
amount left in the various treasuries.
The pastor, the Rev. O. G. Romig,
and the lay delegate, H. L. Stoll, left
on Wednesday morning for Myers
town to attend the sessions of the
annual conference.
The following is a brief summary
of tbe pastor's annual report: New
I members received, 4; members died,
4; present membership, 123; ser
mons preached, 122; funerals con
ducted, 10; pastoral visits made, 180;
| conference benevolences, $110; gen-
I eral conference benevolences, $110;
! Lebanon Valley College, endowment
fund. $767; self-denial for missions,
$15.25; Qutncy Orphange, $18; Ar
menian sufferers, $14.30;. Woman's
Missionary Association, $112.85;
Sunday school for missions, $48.28;
preacher's aid special, $2 5; collect
ed for local Sunday school purposes,
' Dauphin, Fa., Oct. 2.—The Mite
Society of the Presbyterian Church
held its first meeting after a recess
of the summer, at the'summer home
of Dr. and Mrs. T. M. Poffenberger.
The evening was spent in a -loclal
way tihd refreshments were served
to: Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Greena
walt, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman C. Ger
berich, Mrs. J. D. M. Reed, Mrs.
George A. Gilday. Mrs. W. P. Clark,
Mrs. Bion C. Walker. Miss Margaret
Brooks, Miss Mary Umberger, Miss
Elizabeth PofTenbergcr. Miss Ethel
Forney, Miss Mary Poffenbergor,
Charles Shaffer, Paul Gilday and Dr.
and Mrs. T. M. Poffenberger. The
next meeting will be held at the
home of Miss Elizabeth Poffenber
Liverpool, Pa., Oct. 2.—The Rev.
H. B. Ritter. pastor of the United
Brethren Chlurch at Diverpool has
been returned to this charge for an
other year by the Central Pennsyl
\ania Church, which met last week
at Srottdale. A reception will be ten
dered the pastor and his family dur
ing the week.
* [Continued from First Page.]
using the remarks of Mr. Wicker
sham as one of the reasons.
Evans was tried twice before
Judge A. W. Johnson, specially pre
siding, and was convicted of first de
gree murder at both trials. At the
first trial it was claimed the court
erred in the charge to the Jury.
Judge Johnson at that time granted
a motion for a new trial and heard
the case a second time during the
criminal court session last week.
Evan's attorneys claim that when
they closed the defense Mr. Wicker
sham remarked: "I am surprised!
Your Honor will excuse me for a
moment." He struck a table or a
chair with his hand, arose and
strode out of the courtroom to an
other room used by attorneys.
Evans' counsel state the jury may
have been prejudiced by that re
mark which to them sccpied to in
dicate Mr. Wickersham was surpris
ed Evans was not sent to the stand.
In giving other reasons Mr. Ear
nest ancl Mr. McCarrell allege the
court erred in # a • discussion of
whether testimony was to tie ad
mitted when it said: "The court
would get into an error and we
would have to try the case over
again," a remark which ma." have
influenced the Jury to believe a
conviction would lie returned in the
T-he attorneys also declare there
watPtto comnlcte ob'lteratPn of the
verdict at the first trial with the ex
cept in of a pie c of - mp< r pasted
over the return of the jury and
nothing to show that this was a sec
ond trial. The motion may be argued
>t next week' 3 session o? argument
i jourt.
OCTOBER 2, 1918.
Red Cross Turns Out an In
creased Amount of Material
For Fighting Army
To complete immense quotas
j facing tile Ha rrishurg chapter
of the American Hot Cross scores
I of volunteer workers are needed
I to contribute their services on
| working days through the entire
! winter. Mothers, sisters and
j sweethearts of boys who arc giv
j ing their lives for democracy,
! have contributed their services.
Workers may register in the
! basement of the Public Library,
j Are you doing your share?
While Harrlsburg's brave soldier
lads are rushing the Hinden'iurg
line, their wives and mothers and
sweethearts back here In Harrisburg
are doing lied Cross work as their
way of lighting the Hun. This is the
evidence presented in the monthly
reports of the Shipping Department
and the Women's Bureau of the Har
risburg Chapter, American Red
Cross, made public this morning
over the signatures of Miss- Anne
McCorntick, director, and Mrs. G. H.
Orth, executive secretary. Accord
ing to the reports, Lady Harris pro
duced 30,692 articles during the past
month. It is a record-breaking pro
duction which Rod Cross oitlclals
view with pride. Forty-eight cases
containing 33,119 articles were sent
on their way to the trenches during
Included in this grand total of
materials shipped are everything
from abdominal bands, cotton pads,
front-line parcels, gauze compresses,
to convalescent robes, operating
gowns, hospital hedshirts, pajamas,
underdrawors, comfort bags, hand
kerchiefs, hot water bag qpvers,
pneumonia jackets and weight bags.
Other articles sent include helmets,
ear tabs, socks and wristlets. The
summary of departmental contribu
tions includes the following totals:
Surgical dressings, 28,737; hos
pital supplies, 1,311; soldiers' ar
ticles, 1,604.
In the report of the Women's
Bureau, which has charge of all pro
duction, there is shown a production
of 610 sweaters, 1,539 socks, 33 hel
mets, 267 wristlets, 34 scarfs, 7 robes
and a wash rag as the product of the
knitting department. A total of 7,-
343 front-line parcels, 6,558 com
preses, 3.245 pads, 428 rolls, 14
wipes, 243 pneumonia jackets, 921
bags and 691 bandages is reported
by the surgical dressings depart
ment. Li: .ed as miscellanous are
461 .cdmfort kits and 269 house
Hospital garments and supplies in
clude 44 convalescent robes, 143 hos
pital bedshlrts, 31 lied jackets, 308
French pajamas, 4 9fi American pa
jamas, 350 undershirts, 33G under
drawers, 50 scultetus 2,-
061 straps and buckles, 3,650 shot
bags, 188 heel rings. For the French
and Belgian refugees, 8 layettes,
272 petticoats and 11 pairs of bed
socks were made.
Behind this work are the busy
women working with the grim reso
lution that the Kaiser must be
downed and downed quickly. As an
illustration ol this officials cite just
one instance. At the beginning of
July they were ordered to furnish
3,000 pairs of socks in three months.
Jt w is looked upon by Harrisburg as
an impossibility, but in the three
months just ended, 4,000 pairs went
on their way to the laddies in khaki.
Among the many large allotments
now confronting the workers are two
which must be produced very quick
ly. Under the chairmanship of Mrs.
Walter A. Dearth, workers are busy
on 1,500 comfort bags, while in the
local workrooms a huge order of
cotton bags is keeping the sewers
busy. There is but one thnig lack
ing in Red Cross work, it was ex
plained by an official. That essen
tial is more volunteers. "We need
them every hour of the day! If they
could realize the helpful influence
of the Red Cross they would surely
help us in every way," said the
Authorities Unable
to Identify Prisoner
City commisisoners upon return
ing from their inspection trip to the
piggery of Hagy Brothers, contract
ors for garbage collections in the
city, expressed dissatisfaction be
cause of th econditions existing
there. Some of the officials who
had been to Wilkes-Barre and had
seen the sanitary methods used
there in handling the garbage and
keeping the pens clean showed dis
appointment when they saw the
frame sheds and muddy runways at
the piggery and the bottles, tin cans,
bones and other rubbish scattered
I was badly ruptured while lifting
a trunk several years ugo. Doctors
said my only hope of cure was an
operation. Trusses did me no good,
finally 1 got hold of something that
quickly and completely cured me.
Years have passed and the rupture
has never returned, although I am
doing hard work as a carpenter.
There was no operation, no lost time,
no trouble. 1 have nothing to sell,
but will give full information about
how you may find a complete cure
without operation, if vou write to me,
Eugene M. Pullen, Carpenter, 265E
Marcelius Avenue, Manasquan, N. J.
Better cut out this notice and show it
to any others who are ruptured—you
I may save a life or at least stop the
misery of rupture and the worry and
aanger of an operation.
A Guaranteed Treatment That lias
Stood the Test of Time
Catarrh cures come and catarrh
cures go, but Hyoniei continues to heal
catarrh and abolish its disgusting
symptoms wherever civilization exists.
Every ytear the already enormous
sales of this really scientific treat
ment for catarrh grow greater, and
the present year should show all rec
ords broken.
If you breathe Hyomel dally as di
rected it will end your catarrh, or it
won't cost you a cent.
If you have a hard rubber Hyomei
inhaler somewhere around the house,
vet it out and start it at once to for
ever rid yourself of catarrh.
II C. Kennody, or any other good
druggist, will sell you a bottle ol
Hyoniei (liquid), start to breathe ii
and notice how quickly it clears out
the air passages and makes the entire
head feel line.
Hyoniei used regularly will end ca
tarrh. coughs, colds, bronchitis or
asthma. A complete outfit, Including
a hard rubber pocket inhaler and bot
tle of Hyomel. costs but little. No
-toinach dosing: Just bteathe It. It
k lis til • germs, soothes and heals the
1 Inflamed membrane. —Advertisement.
| ' t< Kit 1743
I Chas. H. Mauk 'V/ru 1 '
(i'HIV ATii. AiliiUlvVJiiCji I'UUNIvS
around the place. Earlier In the
year the contractors explained that
they had trouble in getting a large
enough force of workmen to carry
out all their plans-for improvements
lat the. piggery.
If Poslam holds any comfort, any
satisfaction for you in being the
means to relieve and eradicate eczema
or uny stubborn skin trouble, let it
bring you these benefits at once. They
will seem ever so welcome if you have
suffered long. There is no risk; Pos
lam cannot harm; its work is known
to he highly successful. Soothes,
stops itching, brings quick improve
ment. A little does much because it
is highly concentrated. Clears red, in
flamed complexions overnight.
Sold everywhere. For free sample
write to Emergency Laboratories, 243
West 47th St., New York City.
Urge your skin to become clearer,
brighter, healthier by use of Poslam
I Soap, medicated with Poslam. —Adver-
j tisement.
Receiving War Cross
tThe patriotic
spirit and devo
:ion with which
American wom
en have so- far
performed war
service work
and made sac
rifices has never
been equalled in
the history of
any country.
Mothers, wives
and sisters sup
port this burden
with strength
and fortitude.
But those who
ore already mis
erable from the
complaints and
weaknesses which are so common to
women, should take the right tonic
for the womanly system.
If a woman Is borne down by pain
and sufferings at regular or irregu
lar intervals, by nervousness or dizzy
Jpells, by headache or backache,
"Favorite Prescription" should bo
taken. "Favorite Prescription" oan
now be had in tablet form as well
as liquid at most drug stores. Send
to Doctor Pierce's Invalids' Hotel,
Buffalo, N. Y„ for ten-cent trial
package of tablets.
For fifty years Dr. Pierce's Pleas
ant Pellets have been most satisfac
tory in liver and bowel troubles.
t Philadelphia, Pa.
—"I was in a mis
erable condition.
I bad pains all
I over my body and
) would have hot
flashes and dizzy
spells. The doc
tors' medicines
gave me so little
relief that I start
ed to take tlie
'Favorite Pr e -
scription,' which
' —taken with oxcel
lent results, and
in a very short while my pains left
me and 1 was feeling well and strong.
'I feel exceedingly gratefnl for what
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has
done for me. and I reccommend it to
other women at the critical times of
life."—Mrs. Fni.ua Grimes, 3011 Am
ber St.
? , 31 YEARS OLD
I ROOM 10, f
? 202 Walnut Street I
1 . ...... ♦
Man or Woman to Teach
Bookkeeping and Gregg
Shorthand, evenings.
Box O 2434
Care of the Telegraph
If you work, keep house and
pay your bills, consult us when
you need money.
Legal rate loans, sls to S3OO,
made on personal property, real
estate or guaranteed notes.
Weekly or monthly payments
arranged to suit your convenience.
Loan & Investment Co.
204 Chestnut Street
Under Stute SupervUlon
! ■ -
[ ' <•
usually most admire monuments
of simple dignity and good taste.
We are proud to say that very
often memorials of our making
' .are selected by visitors as tho
finest of all they have seen. Yet
our work is not expensive. You
will'learn upon Inquiry that you
can procure a monument here
! for a surprisingly small sum,
; considering quality of stone and
505-513 N. 13th St.
I*, i i ' *