GAS AND FLAME BATTERY FOR TY COBB; COACH SMITH PREPARES STEAM ROLLER FOR FO Tech Gets Up Steam to Roll Over Wilkes-Barre \. The Technical High School football eleven hold another strcguous prac tice over 90 tho Island last evening In preparation the Wilkes-Barre game Saturday afternoon. With an other clear day. the management Is looking for a record orowd. Coach Smith has been putting on a head of steam to run the steam-roller over the visitors In ruthless fashion. At last night's practice both Bill and JCohlman were on the field fol lowing the practico, and becoming familiar with the new. plays. but neither player 'was In uniform. It is probable that both will appear in the lineup.. Lauster and Arnold are also depended on to play an important part In the game with the Coal Bar ons. The new cheer leaders and the band lender will make their first appearance. Fine Eat* For Apple Pickers Principal Charles B. Fager, Jr., re turned yesterday from tHe Adams county fruit belt where he saw more than 100 of the Tech boys located in sanitary Liberty camps and start their work of harvesting the largo crop of apples. The principal reports that apples are very plentiful and selling at a low rate. Ten of the boys went to Camp Waynesboro, near that place. They nro living at a farm house. One of the student-pickers sunt back tho word "We are having fine eats." Camp Quincy, also In Franklin county has 22. boys, who AROUND THE BASES •'u. .iciieioi a cei i.i.tiiy uro kicking to-day." informed tlio car starter. | "They're .lust good and hot." "If that's the case." observed the superintendent, who could always spot the stiver cloud, "It will save us putting In heat for a long: time." This Is the stuff. Silas Page, cham pion pole vaulter, who made his reeorcL at State College, 11 feet it Inches, hu-4 been commissioned and will start im mediately for the front. Silas ought to go over tlio top by a good margin. An old bueiineer id Yucatan, Slashed anil riddled as any man Who'll led n life of naughtiness* Was passing his checks on the crim son shore To the booming dirge of the ocean's roar. When he splcil n Yankee journalist. "I.ny to, there, hearty: back y'r yards: l.ets ns f'r n minute lie good pards." He piped Ills eye nppealingly. "Here's a yarn yo c'n publish from pole to pole. It'll rattle the bones and shiver th' soul." Ills twisted lips grinned ogreishly. "I'm the Inst of the pirates that sailed the Main: We cruised from Rio to Cndtz, Spain. Crimes! We wallowed in hlnod. Teecb and England and Cnp'n Kidd Was mates with me in tjie Roving Cld. Take my pleture, son, I'm going. "I've • • (One thousand walk the pstnk. And frisked their pockets before they sank; llnn't tremble, son, don't tremble. I've looted, pillaged and put to sack; • I've—." ''Prunes, old top; be seat ed, way hack." lie journalist was laughing "I'irato, chf" And he turned a grin. "Why you never knew the Beast of lierlln. How Cobb Has Led in Every Feature Save Sacrifices SINGLES 1909 Hi! 1911 *lO9 1912 * 167 1915 161 1917 151 DOUBLES 1908 *36 ,1911 1" 1917 11 TRIPLES 1908 20 1911 24 1917 -23 HOME RUNS 1903 ® STEALS 1907 13 1909 7'! 1911 ..! 8 3 1915 '96 1916 68 1917 , 55 TOTAL HITS 1911 *2 48 TOTAL BASES 1911 347 RUNS , 1911 *147 FIELDING 1 1011 Chances accepted ~t. 400 ♦League record. | Play Safe — I Stick to . * KJ osc ' CIG because the qualit it was. They wil you. 6c—worth it JOHN WEDNESDAY EVENING, are fed by a cook who Is "on the job." Camp Goodyear with 25 more pickers is well located, and working conditions are good. A number of the upper-classmen who are 19 years of age, have already been called for their physical exam inations. Thelj qucstlonnaries have beei\ filled out and they have receiv ed their classification cards. llliiekHinlthN Busy The Tech shops are doing much of the work- to fit out the industrial shops of the several Junior high schools. More than 600 bolts are be ing made in the blacksmith ' shop under the direction of Professor Shaeffcr. Freshmen In the metal department ara learning to make soldering seams, and read blue prints. The director is Professor Weisbrod. Elect Hand Leader To-morrow The candidates for the band will meet with Mr. Rees to-morrow after noon to elect a leader. The band will play at each of the football contests on tho Island. Military Drill Members of the Harrisburg Re serves drilled the Juniors and Sen iors yesterday mornjng from 11 to 12. After the drill the directors ate lunch in the tech lunch room. The thirty-five clubs of the school will hold their second meeting to morrow morning, meeting with the teachers of the Faculty. — 1 i>u never uiu/iiivcil the niotocr ami ] . chllil, li'Vcr m,le nations killed iind de fllctl! <:h, no, there's Halvutiun for }'ou; just respond; l.cnvc all that you hate for a Liberty Ilond." Ninety minutes each day is the time ■ allotted for football drill at Pcnn. Coach' Fohvell has a largo squad at [ work and all indications poini to a I successful season which early in the I | year appeared blasted. Teams that , will probably comprise Pcnn's sched ' tile are: Franklin and Marshall, Buck nell, Pittsburgh, Lafayette and i Georgia. ! Although Cornell has abandoned j athletics for the year and presumably i lor the duration of tile war. Dr. At 1 Sharpie and "Jack" Moakley aid to remain at Ithaca. Moakley is already j engaged as physicial director ol the ! aviation ground school and it is likely that Sharpe will be retained by the ! Cornell University authorities in eon junction with the military command ! ant as physician in charge of the is. j A. T. C. Strange thing how that demon, j pneumonia, gets the strong as well as I the weak. News to-day tells of the i deatli of "Jim" Stewart, once heavy i weight contender, and recently Y. M. C. A. instructor at Camp Dix, by this | cruel disease, and "Bill" BrennanT Irish heavyweight, is at the point of death from the same cause. * . How would "you like to suddenly come l'nto 16,000,000, that you never ' knew anything about? This is the 1 uncommon experience of "Tiger" . Smith, formerly a well-known middle weight fighter. "Ti-er" was about at the end of his financial string, when ; a good, old grandfather out in Den ver. passed him this amount. True to liis name. "Tiger" immediately leaped , into active service and put the whole I ?6,000,000 in Liberty Bonds. Yank Fighters Will Have Plenty of Football Togs ; New York, Oct. 2.—"William H. ! "Big Bill" Edwards, former Prince i ton gridiron star and collector of in ' tcrnal revenue for this district, an nounced to-day that he was organiz ; ing a committee of football men from all parts of the country to supply 500 football suits for use by the Amer ican Expeditionary Force. Asserting that lie had just receiv ed from "Johnny" Evers, the former ; baseball player, now overseas as a Knights of Columbus athletic direc tor, an appeal for the suits, Mr. Ed wards said that among those named on his committee were: Walter, Camp, Percy Haughton, : "Al" Sharp, F. H. Yost, "Bob" Fol ! well, "Tom," Thorpe and Glenn War ner. SERGT. MAJOR WAGNER HERE | Sevst. Major Allen C. Wagner, formerly of the Front and Market Motor Supply Company, Is spending a few days visiting Mrs. Anna Den nis, 1013 North Second street. Ser , goant Major Wagner formerly was a I member of the Twenty-ninth di vision, but now is stationed at j Camp Grant, 111., as a hayonet in- I structor. ROBERT M. DENNIS CALLED . CALLED TO THE NAVY Robert M. Dennis, 1013 North Sec i ond street, who enlisted In the Navy about six weeks ago at the naval re • crutting station in Philadelphia, has j been called for active service apd | reported at the United States Naval | Training Station. Puget Sound, | Washington, immediately. Mr. Den- I nis is widely knojvn in the city. N C WSr -iMTM i. W—ol :ak ARS : y is as good as ever I please satisfy C. HERMAN & CO. Makers S noodles There Was Only One Thing For Him to Do in a Case Like This By HiingerforaX """ ' i ~ snooduls* ! : T /v ~H—T \73 7 1 '1 rTTTTirrri *. 1 have yoo BHEN fighting >—v 1 \IA WILL- * AGAIN 7 DIDNT YOUR- //' X Y£S. MOMMY- / 1 Will. L ' I • SUNDAY SCHOOL teacherA > \ J>(>; £/ BOT SCEWFOO-T \ Va f -feu. You whew \3>r?r f \ (w 'Ti A Fht me on mv I L U-' // VOO ARE STRUCK ON ONEp A \ AM O SES ] /C Vis \ NOSE AN' I .. CHE OA "" Y S£ "l' | * * * ■ ■ ■ . ' . "I ■ ■ *• -J Ty Cobb Ready to. Face Gas and Flame Battery Ty Cobb, world's greatest hero in baseball, took a flying leap into fur ther fame yesterday when he signed ui to enter Camp Humphreys, Va„ having been commissioned ; n the chemical war-fare service, most dan gerous of all. Cobb has faced every kind of battery there is in the Na tional game but he will be up against something new this time. Gas-and-flame soldiers usually go into action ahead of the attacking waves of infantry. The flame men carfy tanks on their backs and ad vance against the enemy x under cover of artillery barrage, squirting flames of liquid fire from nozzles attached to tanks of the fluid whicjj they carry on,their backs. The gas men, when advancing to the attack, carry a sack of gas-filled bombs which they hurl into the ttvnclies and dugouts after the fashion of grenade-throwers. When the wind is right gas offensives other than those in which shells are used, are launched by burying gas tilled drums in front of the sectors to be so attacked and loosing the deadly fumes when the wind' direc tion and atmospheric conditions are most favorable. The preparation of such offensives involves so much labor that they are rarely resorted to nowadays especially in view of the fact that if the enemy learns of them in advance his troops put on their gas masks or arc removed from the front lines until the attack is over. 4 • Training experts are predicting to day that Cobb will never be the same star after he goes through this ser vice. Cobb won't ha:} his speed. Ho would have lost some of that, any way. He may nor have the same nervous energy, the gas service, as said, being one is rifted espec ially trying on men's nerves. In his caje, and in the cases of other high ly strung athletes, there will be a reaction that wid unfit them for baseball more than any mere phy sical deterioration. Cobb is 32 years old and h'e-is bid ding good-by to the game as the star of stars. In 191S he could do most of the things that ho did when he was 21. in a year when he gave an all time all-round performance with ex treme speed ess.-niial to most of this comeback, then he certainly must be WESTMORELAND MEN ON THE HILL Address Governor on Qualifi cations of Three Men Men tioned For Judgeship Governor Brumbaugh, who listened for two hours to friends of men men tioned for thtj vacant judgeship in Westmoreland county speak in their behalf, told a delegation of over forty residents of that county, that the con trolling factors in the selection of a judge would be interest in the social and moral progress of the comunity and in the spiritual welfare of the people. ' He said that he would also have to be honest in business and a devout believer. The" Governor also remarked that from what he had heard, the courts of the county were not suffering because of the vacancy. The hearing was arranged, so the Governor said, that there might be "a frank and free" discussion of merits of candidates. Speakers for Judge C. 1). Copeland, of the Orphans' Court, who aspires to the Common Pleas va cancy, included James H. Moorhead, who said that eighty of 112 active lawyers had signed a petition for him. and that attorneys away on "govern ment service hud wired to be allowed to sign; ex-Congressman C. 11. Gregg, A."H. Hell, P. K. Shaner, R. IX Laird , and A. M. Wyatrt. For N. W. Wliitten the speakers were; C. D. Scanlon, sec retary of the Dry Federation of Pennsylvania; the Rev. E. J. Knox, C. K. Heller and E. E. and for Representative IX J. Snyder, who would Vie eligible to appointment at the conclusion of his term as a legis lator in December, the speaker was the Rev. H. D. Whitlleld. The latter Insisted nothing w°uld be lost if the ! appointment was delayed and tnat J 90 per cent, of the clergymen wanted him. Speakers for Mr. Whitton con fined themselves to his personal quali fications and high ability as a lawyer, whidh is widely recognized in Western Pennsylvania. Formill orders were Issued by the 'Public Service Commission to-day for the Harrisburg and Valley Railways ! systems to Issue excess fare certifi cates. Thtr commission heard com- ; plaints ngainst the WUlow Street i Turnpike Company in Lancaster coun ty, brought by the Lancaster Automo bile Club, and against the Lewistown and Klshncoqulllas Turnpike Com pany, in Mifflin county. Thq readi ness to nerve clause of the 'Atglenl Gas Company schedule was attacked | at a hearing by residents of that : town. Secretary-of the Commonwenltb Cyrus E. Woods was the speaker on' the part of the state at. tho Induction day exercises at the University of Pittsburgh and Duquesnn University*, at Pittsburgh, yesterday. Attorney General Brown tvent to j Philadelphia to-day without making any formal ruling as to election com missioners for the soldiers. E*-Reitre*entntlve James A. Dale, of York, was at tho Capitol. MRS. REBECCA V. FHOMM Mrs. Rebeeca Yeager Fromm died at her late homo In Philadelphia. Tuesday morning, Rha was for many years a resident of Harrisburg and was a slater of William and Mary Broddeck, Harrisburg, She Is sur vived by two sons. George Yeager,. Philadelphia, end Charles Yeager Harrisburg, The body will • he brought to Harr'sbtirg t.o-morrow. .Services will be held al 1 o'clock to-morrow afternoon at the Harris burg Cemetery. \ • T . ; HARRISBUBG TETLEGRAPH -V. s TYRtIS RAYMOND *?OBB cl.iv"' as one n: " having gone ever the ridge. , , IDs 1918 work was really the more remarkable. In 1911 he had wounu ii|i his 40-straig'.it qireak at an ear lier date than he started to make his' climb for the .So> mark this year. He was a sick m m when he began hig climb. He worked on nerve. To a ct > tain extent, he has always clone this. And In the avow V \vrl< that he is taking up the same nervous strain will cdntiiiuc. The pan ser vice is one in which the fighting is of mental strain mora than of mam tta.. Cobb himself is something of a fa talist. He doub.s That lie will come back—hut in a sialic other tliar. the one being discussed. Perhaps he l!g --ures that he will be qnable to re strain himself from his old chance taking, and that the battlefield will not be so kind to h!".n as the ball fiel-i has been. STATE FIGHTING THE INFLUENZA Nurses detailed and Tents to Re Sent if Necessary io Care For Patients Dr. B. F. Royer, State Commis sioner of Health, to-day asked Ad jutant General Beary to furnish use of armories and to send tertts to the Chester district to take care of influenza patients. Dr. Royer stated that he had received reports of nu merous fresh cases from Chester and that the' conditions in some of the lodging houses were reported as un favorable for .caring for patients. The military end of the state govern ment will co-operate in measures for relief. Last night fifteen nurses from the Department of Health's Dispensary Service, and Dr. Karl SchufTie, chief of the Turberculosls Dispensary Service, werp sent to Boston by Com missioner Royer to render service to Massachusetts in her time of dis-- tress. The nursing corps was head ded by Miss Alice M. O'Halloran, chief dispensary nursq, and Miss Anna L. Hart, of the dispensary di vision, and they were accompanied by Catharine Berntheisel, nurse for Perry county; Elsie B. Hatfield, of the Lancaster dispensary: Frank ford Lewis, of the Harrisburg dis pensary; Nellie C. Loftus, of the. Wilkes-Barre .dispensary; Marie Wit tig, of the Mount Carmel dispensary; Anna M. Lafferty, of the Reading dispensary; Mary -E. tirua, of the Lebnnon dispptisnry; Eleanor V. Cul bertson. of' the T-ewistown dispen sary; Mary Evans, of the'Towanda dispensary; Marlon D. Good, of the Hazleton dispensary; Lucy Shellon berger, of the Carlisle dispensary; Lillian Brown, of the Norristown dispensary; Hannah P. Guthrie, of the Phoenixville dispensary. Outbreaks of influenza were re ported to the State Department of Health during the day in the soft coal fields nt Wishaw, Jefferson county, and Coal Run , Clearfield county, two hundred and seventy five cases being reported among three hundred employes. Miss Sarah Dunsmore, of the Dubois dispensary; Roby Thompson, of the Clearfield dispensary, preceded by Caroline llensel, of the Punxsuta wney dis pensary, were- sent to this vlistrlct. with Dr. P. Meigs Beyer, county modical inspector for Jefferson coun ty,- and Dr. ,T. Moore Campbell, of the central offices of the department. An outbreak wns reported in In diana county. The HenKh Depart ment nurses detailed for service Jiere wero Miss Nellie Brookbark, of the Johnstown disnensary; Miss Nora Hurst, of the Turqntum dispensary, and Miss Viola Lnwson. of the Kit tanning dispensary, Other nurses will follow nH ned develops, DIRECTORS TO MKET The nnnunl meeting or the stock holders of the West Harrisburg Market House Company for the elec tion of directors and other business, will be held in the market building* in- Verbeke street next ' Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. F. AND 1. CANNOT MEET THE EOF P. Military Restrictions Cancel Game but Penn Will Open With League Island No university in the country will have livelier football this season than Old Penn, which opens on Sat urday with the League Island eleven, coached by Hyron Dickson, ex-Penn star and coach. This was the game scheduled for Franklin and Marshall which had to cancel by reason of military requirements. The sea soldiers should prove worthy opponents for Iho Red and BJue, as their personnel contains a number of former collegiate stars, i not a ftnv of whom were of All- American caliber in their day. Wein stein, the former Dickson star; Pete and Charley Garlow, the Car lisle lineman, and "Tom" Dough erty, of Penn, are a few of the playp ens that will cavort about Franklin Field on Saturday in marine uni forms. All the other games, those with Bucknell on October 12, Swarth more, October- 19; Lafayette, No vember 2, and Georgia Tech on No vember 16, are sure. A missive from Captain Beazley, of the Bucknell S. A. T. C., was,received yesterday and confirmed the date of October 12 with Penn. The Army ruling in regard to overnight trips will not affect Buck nell for the trip from Lewisburg can be made on the day of the contest. Captain Beazley, who is a Penn graduate, class of 1915, is enthusias tic about the game between his proteges* and his Alma Mater and is doing all in his power to pave the .way for the staging of it. Because of the Students' Army Training Corps' rulings that no col lege team may take an overnight trip during the month of October, the Pittsburgh contest, sceduled for October 2ii, will be moved back to Saturday, November 9. The Pitt contest was Penn'S sole ! game away from home. At first it was thought that a dispensation from the terse military order in re gard to overnight trips could be secured, but the old slogan, "Orders is orders." prevailed. The Smoky City representatives take the date formerly held by Dartmouth. | The concellation of the game with I the Big Green team comes as a big | rfhock to many Penn followers, for j tills contest was always regarded as I one of the best of the season. How ! ever, no word as to whether Dart mouth will have a representative eleven has been received at Penn yet. The same condition prevails wi,th Cornell. Little Chance For Sleep With Big Guns Going Some of the most interesting let ters from the front come from local j boys who request that their names !be not used in publication. Under date of August Hi one writes: "Over here: I am, nevertheless, ] pony again end though it moans the! | same old thing i am, glad to be buck. There is a big sun] ! right behind our billet which barks i at through Ihe day and j night. To-night X think Fritz wasjl I trying to find it with some of his I | heavies. Jufft as I was washing | I my mess kit after supper a shell hit | too close for comfort hut we did not. show any signs of immediate action. Thirty seconds later another came over and knocked down a house some seventy-five yards away. You should have seen things move then. Mess) kits disregarded the law of gravity l and every man tried to set out in all i directions at the same time. Bust-1 ness picked up wonderfully and the| halt, lame and blind were cured as*: by a miracle. Tiie company has| been in some pretty bad places dur ing the last few weeks and many of j the men are a little more nervous I than they used to be. As 1 write now! there is a little counterbattery work! going on and the big gun behind ine is exchanging compliments with one of the enemy's guns." ATTENDS CONVENTION At a meeting of the retail dry goods and department store repre sentatives to-day and to-morrow held under the auspices of the I Chamber of Comnterce of the United i i States in the new Willard Hotel. In Washington, William H. Bennethiim. Sr., of 2009 North Third street, will I represent the local Chamber of Commerce. The creation of a war service committee to represent the dry goods and department stare In terests before the War Industries Board nfld other branches of the government is the object of the t\yo day conference. Colored Attorney Coming Back to Stand Trial That he will return to this city i next Monday and submit liltnselTf-ln i court to lie held tinder hall for trial Is the nssuraneo J. Robbln Bennett, j colored attorney, wanted on an em - f bezzlement Indictment, has glveA in 1 a letter to Robert Stucker in asking the latter to represent him, Bennett, according to Mr. Stucker, states In his letter that he has a de fense to make nnd that the money he is charged with embezzling has been paid hack to tho prosecutor. He also writes that when he returns next week to give himself up the court-will be asked to fix boil for his appearance for trial nt ft special session or the January session St I criminal court r - | * '' ' FARMERS WILL • FORM BUREAU Plan to Apply For Loans j From Government as Per- j mittcd by Recent Laws j Msnomann Farmers of l y dauphin county! Die organization ilHfflKi applications can fl!ii WinS: ' )0 niade for se- 1 | B curing mon e y WTIIIB ■ HI MM from the govern iii. m until i a recent Federal statute.! "Thy meeting first was held in the offices, of Wlckersham and .Metzger, j but later the farmers went to the! Courthouse. William D. KTaston, of Elizabeth-1 town, who recently purchased the Bossier fnini near Royult'on and wilL move there soon* was the principal | 1 loader in arranging for the organ!-, j ration. A meeting will he held soon' i at which a permanent bureau will | j lie officers elected. Ac-j I cording to !b< farm loan law farmers : must apply lor funds through a io-j cap bureau and the bureau will then i apply to tho nearest bank authorized j •to make such a loan. The nearest | I one foY this county of the twelve! ) bunk* named is at Baltimore- After j | the application is made an appaisnl' j of the farm property of the appli-1 j cant will be made and if a satisfac j tory report is returned the money' i will be advanced. Atynrd Contracts. —Bidding much! I lower than the proposals of the last j few years the Kutztown Publishing ■ Company to-day was nwarded the j contract for printing 45,000 official - and 11,000 specimen ballots for the • general election a!t the rate of $8.35 | a thousand. The bid was $1.40 low i er than ihe Weilers' printing house, j Heading. The Telegraph Printing ; Company received the contract for | election supplies and will furnish [ 128 secret $1.40 each. J. A. Thomp ' son was tlio only other bidder for | supplies. Ciller Clerk III.—Ed. H. Fisher, • chief clerk to tho county comniis j sioners, is ill at his home. ; Letters on Estate. —Letters of ad | ministration on the estate of Alvin I McNalr, late of Middletown, were j issued to-:luy by Register Danner to j P. son. Harold V. McNair. i Holler Now nt Home. Arthur j Holler, sot} of Deputy Attorney j Henry F. Ho'.ler, who was injured on board a ship when a depth bomb exploded prematurely, was brought I home by his father last evening after [ being under treatment at the Brooks ; lyn Naval Hospital. He -VvUl remain i at his home in Hummelstown until the expiration of a thirty-day fur lough. Reading Officials Probe Boiler Blowup | Assistant Superintendent C. E. j Chamberlain and Road Foreman of j Engines Peter Schuyler, both of the ; Philadelphia and Reading Railway j service, went to Lebanon yesterday | to probe the explosion of a freight ! engine which resulted in the deaths • f two employes yesterday morning. Mr. Chamberlain returned to the city j to-day. The locomotive is wrecked [ beyond repair, ns the crown sheet ; was torn from the flue sheet to the firebox door. Yesterday's was the third locomo tive explosion that lias occurred in Lebanon on the Reading*-Railroad.' jAn explosion occurred on October i 15, 1906, at 4.30 o'clock p. ni„ when I the boiler of the mate of Engine No. ! 1519, which blew up yesterday, was | exploded in practically tho same i manner. At this time several men | were also Injured seriously, espe j cially Edward Wholly, who is the I assistant yurdmaster at present. About twenty-six years', ago En gine No. 948 also exploded near Fifth. street shortly before the noon hour, when the crew, consisting of Lebanon men, were killed, on Mat 1. 1892, the date the * cornerstone was laid for the Good Samaritan Hos pital with special , ceremonial in charge of the Grand Lodge of Ma sons of Pennsylvania and an address by Governor Pattlson. Tells of Bombardment of Paris at Long Range Here Is tlir> way a Pennsylvania soldier writing to some friends ut Philadelphia described tho shelling of Parta by the big German long range guns: \ "Night before last T went to a barber shop and had a rcgulitr French haircut and shampoo, I wouldn't lef the barber do all the things ho wanted to to my hair and face, but even then I smelted up to heaven when I cume out —like a lilac bush—and it sot me back five fruncs. As I walked to my hotel for dinner —-it being about 7p. m.—bung; went Bertha about a block behind, I couldn't help but think thnt I should ■ have wasted five perfectly good paper francs hud It blown rrty sweet smelling head off One can't be too careful how he spends his money over hero, us accidents sometimes happen, even at seventy miles." CHIEF WETZEL GOING Edward J, Wetzel, chief of police, will attend the meeting of the com mittee of the chiefs of pojlco who are taking action on the establish-, ment of a clearance police head quarters, The meeting will be on October 15, In Philadelphia, OCTOBER 2, 1918. VETERAN OF WAR PLACES UNIFORM IN BELGIAN BAG j Givers of Clothing For Rcfu-j gees Thanked For Go ing Over Top | Closing of the campaign for ctoth | ing to be sent to the Belgian and ' French refugees clid not close the • draweVs which Father and Mother I Harris have been ransacking. From ! bureaus, wardrobes and closets came a flood of clothing which con tinued through last week and still j i was flowing into the headquarters, : Fourth and Market streets, this 1 ; morning.' The workrooms have be ! come hives of industry, corps of j workers hammering boxes shut while other workers continue to assort the inflow of clothing. An old veteran of the Civil War | was among to-day's contributors, .bringing with him a faded uniform ] of blue with its brass buttons intact. "Perhaps some Belgian can wear j it. They need it more than!" he ex i plained to the workers. "By little bronze button will Iden ; tify me anyway!" A picture of a soldier taken in I Paris was found in the pocket of a I coat. Because it is though someone | will valtie the picture it was kept out j of the packing and if the owner de^ IBdEcTt^FOr'" BUSKSESsI Because business needs you and oilers splendid opportunities to R] the young man or woman who is thoroughly prepared. DAY OR NIGHT SCHOOL Bookkeeping, Shorthand, (hand or machine). Typewriting, and their correlative subjects. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE! IlarrlNlitirK's Accredited lluMiucsi* College 15 South ftiarket Square Lsl Write* Phone, or Call For Further Information i Don't Waste Coal just to get the Bathroom Extra-Warm , You do like it extra-warm for a bath. Surely. But isn't it wasteful to fire up the furnace just to get that one room warmer than the rest of the house ? For such j occasions and any occasion that calls for extra heat in any room you need a Perfection Oil Heater. I . PEREffariON OIL/M-EA^ERS are a wonderful help in saving coal and cutting down I fuel expense. They are small in size but big in heating capacity. With very little attention your Perfection *< is ready at all times for the living room after the fire is fixed for the night; for getting-up time when the bed room is still chilly. You'll find use for it somewhere in the homo every day of winter. Of course, one of the finest features of a Perfection Is that It burns kerosene—an economical fuel That means money saved But all kerosenes do not give the same kind of results in a Perfection, It'e n matter of quality So, to he sure of getting perfect satisfaction from your Perfection always Insist on getting Atlantlo Rayollght Oil. It Is so highly refined and purifier! that it gives a steady, radl | nfing heat'without smoke, smell or sputter. Ask for it by name, f And now Is tho best time to buy your Perfection Oil Heater. Don't (! off. Your dealer should have a good supply on hand now but h there is going to be n big demand later, They are reasonably priced I —46.05 to SIO.OO. The Perfection la safe, The Atlantic Refining Company j f. . Everywhere In Penneylvarrla and Delaware M fill Ravgjfoht ■ , MSMMSw . sires the picture he may secure lt> If I calling at the headquarters. [ ' While assorting the clothes Mri Wilson, 1519 Penn street, found a. gold signet ring, which may be se cured if the owner will identify it at Mrs. Wilson's home. "Tell fhe people of Harrisburx we j thank them," said Mrs. W. G. Gipple land Mrs. William Strouse. chairmen jof the drive. "We knew they wonld hell) us to go over the lop in this campaign!" Hick-A-Thrift Class to Hear Prominent Speakersl Prominent speakers every other week are promised members of t£o Hick-A-Thrift Sunday school class of the Pine Street Presbyterian Church this winter as the outcome of a meeting of the class Mondas evening in the John Y. Boyd Memor ial building. The topics to be dis | cussed by the speakers who will ad j dress. the class during the wintei months will be mostly touching the : war. . • ; Arrangements are under waj through J. Harry Messersniifh to se j cilre a prominent Frenchman t)o ad j drc'ss the class on the history and ' causes" of the war. Other speaker! ' of authority are also on Mr. Messer | smith's list of prospects.. At the meeting last night a letteq I was read from "Ben" Whitman, | former head of the Hick-A-Thrift class, who is now doing "Y" work in France, a copy of which will be sent to all .members of the class who are i engaged In the service of tJncle Sam. A service flag honoring mem bers of the Hick-A-Thrift class who are with the colors will be made as soon as their names can be compiled. 11