Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 30, 1918, Page 9, Image 9
BOILERS WILL BE REGULATED Vow Construction and Instal lation Put Untter New Rule by State Board . j ' Temporary war iTI /7] regulations for v\\A i toilers i" Pettn v\v\ACt> sylvanta establish ments, which have ;\* increased rapidly ihSSv In the last year I HjiWWtßtWw trlal expansion, r wel ' e announced •W" % today by the State ji- -.A Industrial Board, iamtßomSnmSE&tl in the form of an amendment to the code for safety ir. construction and operation of boilers. A written request must be made to the Department of Labor and in dustry before boilers not Pennsyl vania standard may be installed and operated and it must set information concerning history and construction of such boilers in order to determine working pressure. The factor of safety must not be less than live and this factor should be increased 5 each five years thereafter. Regu lations are also made for second hand boilers and when the chemical and physical properlties in the shell plate are not known the tensile strength is to be assumed at certain figures all boilers under that class are to be inspected and tested by a State inspector from the department before being operated. State Wants To Know —Inquiries] | are being made by the attorney gen eral's department of various alder men and justices of the peace who have been reported to State Draft headquarters as charging draft reg-! istrants fo'-m making out question- j naires. Some reports are that as high as a dollar was charged not-1 withstanding the request that such , services he given free. In the case of a notary public who inquired of the attorney general's department whether he could legally charge a notarial fee for taking the affidavit of a registrant he was told that he | could do so, but that there were few so unpatriotic as to the charge. | Increases Filed.—Notices of in- j creases of stock have been tiled ati the State Capitol as follows: Briggsl Machinery Co., Pittsburgh. $3 5,000 to $75,000; Swain-Hickman Co.. Philadelphia, $30,000 to $100,000; Scottdale Ice Co., Scottdale, $15,000 to $50,00o; Canonsburg Gas Coal Co.. Pittsburgh, SBO,OOO to $86,000; Industrial Warehouse and Transfer Co., Philadelphia, $5,000 to $75,000; Industrial Requirements Co., Phila delphia, $25,000 to $75,000; Pitts burgh-Cumberland Oil and Gas Co., Pittsburgh, SIO,OOO to $75,000; Mon roes Coal Mining Co., Philadelphia, $650,000 to $000,000; Penn Hosiery Co., Reading, $6,000 to $20,000; The Howard Anihracite Coal Co., Scran-! ton, SIO,OOO to $150,000; Centralj Coal Co., Scranton, $30,000 to SIOO,-1 000; Kane Gasoline Co.. Kane $50,000 to $150,000; Walk Co., Phil adelphia, $15,000 to SIOO,OOO. The North Chester Realty Co., Chester, filed notice of increase of stock from $5,000 to $138,450 and a bond issue l Of $2,750,000. Checking Up.—Commencing this j week every application for charter papers tiled at the Department of the secretary of the,commonwealth * is being followed up with a notice to the applicants of what the federal government desires in the way of conservation of capital. The federal rulings have been printed and their relation to the state government ex plained. Similar action is being ta ken in regard to notices of author ity to increase stock or bonds filed by corporations. I-ook For Action.—Decisions are expected this week front the War Industries board in regard to the construction of the road links on the Pennsylvania State Highway system, the urgency of some projects having been submitted at Washington last Monday. Highway Commissioner J Denny O'Xeil who was at the Capitoi says that with the State concentrat ing its road repair forces and ma chinery on the Lincoln Highway to facilitate movement of army trucks at greatly increased expense to the department the State should be per mitted to receive materials for build '"■g ol sections needed to help along THE GLOBE THE GLOBE Buy 4th Liberty Loan Bonds Store Hours Have Changed V Do your bit toward helping "our Beginning to-day, THE GLOBE boys' smash the Hun. You can de- ' will be open weekdays from 9A. M. pend on them! ( Can they depend on until 5.30 P. M. Saturday, from 9 YOU? A. M. until 9 P. M. Men Who. Command Want Only the Very Best Uniforms That, s why so many hundreds of officers come to THE GLOBE for their complete outfits. /* Many GLOBE UNIFORMS have seen active service in the [ V S. trenches and have measured up to the highest standards such wM&L i) v' V.\ \ strenuous service demands. \ \ Big stocks of ready-to-put-on Uniforms always on hand. • Made-to-measure Uniforms without extra charge. 41 \ J Serge Uniforms, S3O to 950 Trench'and Raincoats. Moleskin Unifoims ....S2O #£s to #."50 Whipcord Uniforms ....#SO Ihk ° to $28.50 Gabardine Uniforms, $42.50 Stetson Army liats #7 Oveq:oats $45 Field Lockers ..sls to #lB Overseas Caps Bronze lr:s:gnia Comfy Kits Blankets Spiral Wool Puttees Hat Cords Money Belts Regimental Pajamas .j tw— 'r, , _ Extra Heavy Wool Sweaters ' '. ,l L Barracks Gaps Socks Air Mattresses 1 uttces Folding Basins Folding Cots Air Pillows I THE GLOBE MONDAY EVENING, ' fiARRISBTJRG TELEGRAPH SEPTEMBER 30, 1918. the movement of trucks whtcn are relieving railroad transportation und used for general travel. Virtually all repair work of any size has been stopped by the State except on the Lincoln Highway. Some Not Oil.—Analyses of olive oil bought in stores in Pennsylvania by agents of the Dairy and Food Commissioner indicate that some of it never came from an olive and that various samples are called oil largely by courtesy. Scores of samples have been taken by State agents through out the Stute and are examined. Even chemists are puzzled to get the derivation of some of the substitutes which have been offered for sale, while several labels used are all en tertaining study in evasion. Illg Increase.-^-The largest notice of an increase of stock to be tiled at the Capitol in some time came from the William B. Rambo Build ing and Loan Association, of Norris lown, which advanced its authorized stock from $500,000 to $1,000,000. Old Fashioned Grip.—Cases of in fluenza which are so prevalent in several parts of Pennsylvania are declared by Dr. B. F. Royer, the State Health Commissioner, to be nothing more than a recurrunce of the old fashioned grip. Dr. Royer who has been studying cases in var ious cities, says that he is convinced of that fact and that Philadelphia bacteriologists confirm that point of view. Dr. Royer says that Pennsylvania has many eases and as it is short of doctors and nurses for its own people can not give much assistance to other States in treatment of cases. "This is the time to let sunshine into the houses. I notice many awnings are still uk>. That is a mis take. Let the sunshine in," said ho. "Avoid crowded places, entertain ments and churches where there are crowds and keep the open air as much us possible. Sunshine Is what is needed tc keep in good trim." Abolish Crossings.—The Public Service Commission has issued an order for abolition of two grade crossings where State highway routes cross the Black Lick branch of the Clearfield Division of the Pennsylvania Railroad in Cumbria and Allegheny Townships, Cambria County. The proceedings against these crossings were instituted by .the commission on its own motion and they are to he abolished under, plans and specifications prepared by the State Highway Department- These plans provide for a relocation between the crossings in a manner satisfactory to the municipalities In interest. The State Highwuy De partment is to do the work and the cost is apportioned as follows; Pub lic Service Commission appropriate $1,600; Cambria county, $500; Alle gheny township, $100: Cambria township, $1,500 and the Pennsyl vania Railroad $4,150, the State Highway Department to pay the rest. Attending Meeting —Health Com missioner Royer is In Philadelphia attending the meeting of the State Health Department Advisory Board in regard to influenza. Agreement Made —The Scranton Board of Trade has arranged for an agreement on surface support with people in that city. The Surface Pro tective Association does not approve of it, however. Military Instruction —Military In struction has been launched as a branch of the course at State Normal Schools. In some of the schools the girls want to learn to drill, too. Lieutenants have been detailed to in struct the boys. Men to I.cave —Drafted men called to move from Pennsylvania local draft districts this week to Fort Thomas, Ky„ for training for limited military service will go as arranged according to an announcement at State Draft headquarters to-day. The only movements postponed are those to Camps Lee and Humphreys. The Fort Thomas movement will extend over five days. All local boards have been called upon to fill out a pro gress chart showing the number of September registrants examined and classified. By to-night all men with in the ages specified must have re ceived tile questionnaires. ANNOUNCE BIRTH Halifax, Pa., Sept. 30.—Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Runtniel, of near town, announce the birth of a daughter, Carrie Rummel, on Friday, Septem ber 27. 1918. RALLY DAY SERVICES New Cumberland, Pa., Sept. 30. Rally Day will be observed In the Baughman Memorial Methodist Church next Sunday. BULGARIANS AND ALLIES CONFER ON ARMISTICE TERMS Bulgars' Sincerity Shown by Presence of Radeff, Skilful Diplomat, in Parley London, Sept. 30.—Negotiations are proceeding between the Bulgarian delegates and the Allied command at Salonlki regarding the terms of the armistice proposed by Bulgaria, ac cording to a Reuter telegram from Salonlki. It is pointed out that the fact that M. Radeff, former member of the Bul garian cabinet and former Bulgarian minister at Berne, has been added to the delegation, shows that the Bul garian government is In earnest In Its offer. M. Radeff Is one of Bul garia's most skilful and experienced diplomats. An American, said to be the Amer ican charge d'affaires at Sofia, ac companied the Bulgarian delegates to Salonlki to confer with the Allied command relative to an armistice, ac cording to a Berlin telegram received here "by the way of Copenhagen. It It said by the telegram that "he ap parently played a very Important part In recent events. Amsterdam, Sept. 30.—King Ferdi nand of Bulgaria has telegraphed to Emperor Charles of Austria, assur ing him of his loyalty to the Qua druple Alliance, according to the Neue Friele Press which Is quoted In dispatches reaching here. USKUB IS IN FLAMES London, Sept. 30.—Large fifes are burning around the important base of Uskub, towards which the Ser vians are advancing from Veles, ac cording to the Serbian official state ment of Saturday. The Serbians have captured the Important mountain range of Plaehkovitsa, south of Kochana. Standing of the Crews H \lt HI Sill RG SIDF. Philadelphia Division The 103 crew first to go after 3.30 o'clock: 119, 118, 101, 123, 106, 32. 110. Engineer for 101. Conductor for 118. Brakemen for 118, 101, 105, 132 (2). Engineers up: McCurdy, Andrews, Mohn, Firemen up: Bradley, Smith, Pitl gean, Kozler, Adams, Moak, Graham, Dallinger, Myers, Leach, Graver, Mack, Lenard, Deven, Barclay. Brakemen up: Kell, Neigor, Burns, Williams, Hughes, Long, Dorsctt, Hoyer. Middle Division —The 15 crew first tog og after 1.45 o'clock: 22, 31, 220, 240, 237, 16. 258, 221, 451, 25. Firemen for 31, 16. Fireman for 31. Conductor for 16. Flagman for 31. Brakeman for 16. Engineers up: Leib, Albright. Tit ler, KaufEman, Leiter, Rowe, Brink, Asper. Firemen up: Gray, Fortenbaugh, Sunderland, Hartzler, Brown, Book, Naylor, Cook. Conductor up: Bennett. BiHkemen up: Kreps, Trego, Zim merman, Smith, ftegester. Rhea, Bonsell.Dane, Shelley, Beers, Deihl, Buker, Bowman, Fdnlcal, Myers, Shearer. Yard Board —■ Engineers for 4-7 C, 5-7 C. Firemen for 4-7 C, 5-7 C. 11C, 3- 15C, 16C. 17C, 18C. Engineers up: Boyer, Hamilton, Miller, R. B. Miller, McCartney, Rif fert. Waltz, Hall, Blever, Essig, Boyle. Nye, Revie. Firemen up: Soles, Lauver, Car penter, Shambaugh, Wevodan, Man ning. Ellenberger, Hampton. Lynn, Bolan, Galbraith, Neith, Lower, Boy er, Edenrode, Sheets, Graham. ENOLA SIDE Philadelphia Division Conductors for 17, 50. Flagmen for 56, 54, 17. Brakeman for 17. Conductor up: Shirk. Brakemen up: Shelley, Spangler, Flower. Middle Division —The 251 crew first tog o after 2 o'clock: 119, 103, 118, 303. 124, 257, 105, 256. 109, 123. Firemen for 119, 103, 109. FJagmen for 103, 09. Yntd Board—Engineers for 3d 126, 149, 112, 118. Firemen for 2d 126, 2d 122, 2d 102, 118. Engineers up: Liddlck, Zeiders, Bair, Potter, Brown. Blckhart. Wal "The Lr>e Store" "Always Reliable" I ' Quality Is Economy and this "Live Store" is an economy store—We've been talking quality for years but never before have the people in general listened so intently to our quality talk than now. Never before has quality in clothes meant so much to clothes buyers Nowadays dollars don't go as far as before the war People use more care in spending money Thrift and economy are captains of the day Men of good judgment buy only quality clothes and furnishings For every dollar they spend they insist upon full hundred-cents value They realize that value is a measure of comparison between dollars invested and length of service To secure greatest length of service fpr least money invested, is to buy quality clothes. This is a quality store—first, last and all the time. You can select any item of merchandise from our large stock Whether it's a collar button or a suit of clothes and you'll get genuine quality the best value obtainable any where And your selection will represent true economy long service for least investment, if you want to economize on your Fall Suit or Top Coat, make your selection from our splendid assortment of e* Hart Schaffner & Marx 0 Kuppenheimer "Society Brand" ® Clothes Here, too, you will be buying quality—for no better clothes are made —no finer materials, no more careful workmanship —• All of the wahted styles for Fall are represented in our comprehensive stocks lt will pay you to select a good Suit or Overcoat - The long service it will give easily justifies the price. Try the Dependable Doutrich Service That Everybody Is Talking About "Manhattan Shirts ""Monito Hose" . "Stetson Hats" ~'l f ' 304 ■ jlll Harrisburg, Market Street Pa. .'- • , ) • t. * ler. Firemen up: Fink, Fake. Peirce, Ready, Wallace, Perry, Stephen, Gamber, Eshelman, Bruce. PASSENGER SERVICE Philadelphia Division Engineers up Gibbons, Kennedy. Firemen up: Copelund. Floyd, Shaft - ner. I- Middle Division Engineers up: Riley, Robley, Mlller.Graham. Keane, Crlmmel, Crane, Buck, Crum, Alex ander. Firemen up: Snyder. Redder, Yon. Stephens .Sheesley, Fletcher, Ross, Simmons, Gross, Kuntz, Arnold, Stauffer, Sheats, Bender, Dunn. READING CREWS The 24 crew first to go after 12.30 ' o'clock: 64.' 24. 61, 62. 51, 57. 63, 22, 66, 63, 65. 7, 71, 65. 69, 67, 14, 19, 52. 18, 70, 72. Engineers for 54, 61. 69, 71, 18, 19, 22. Firemen for 51, 57, 61. 62, 63. 69. 71, 7, 22. Brakemen for 51, 52, 57. 60, 61, 62, 63, 66, 69, 71, 6, 7, 14, 19, 22. j Flagmen for 61, 66, 71, 7, 24. ' Firemen up: Bricker, Miller, Fitz- Gerald, Whitcomb, Keller. Keim. Eng-ineers up: Chronlster. Hoffman, .Tones, Merkle, Frauenfeder, Glass. Moyer, Sassaman. Grawford, Booser, Moyer, Bates. Bruaw, Lackey. Conductors up: Hall, Helabaum, Hetrick. Flagmen up: Liebtreu, Dahn, Tra vitz. Brakemen up: Leinlnger, Ryan, Heagy, Bowman. Deardorf. 9