4 Social and Personal News YOUNG PEOPLE ENJOY HIKE Mrs. C. W. Graeff and Mrs. H E. Dunkle Arc Chaperons on Hike to Spooky Mrs. C. M. Graeff and MIA H. E. Dunkle chaperoned a party f yung folks, mostly pupils of the eighth grade of Camp CurUn school build ing to Spooky Hollow. Friday even-j ing. A marshmallow toast and corn-1 roast were enjoyed. The party in- j eluded: Misses "Dot" Allen. Helen Graeff.| Mabel Potteiger. Ruth Silks. Midge, Quinzler, Jennie Fcnicle. Ruth Seitz. | Pearl Pearson. Mary Long. Virginia) Wertz. Beatrice Smedley, Saraj Spangler. Mae Murlatt. Odessa Smith. Edythe Mann. Fanny Stuart.. Fannie Scheffer, Naomi Roll. Mar garet Raffn. Helen Liddick Earl I Wolfe. Marlin Burd. Jlarold Snied ley, Lament Seitz. Harold Leihy, Robert Elder. Cameron Gordon. Am mond Siple, Clarence Snyder, Roy Blair. Fred DeShong. Dick Johnon. John Shuman. Russell Asper. Clyde Sheeslev. Clarence Fry. Ross Mel-: chor. Harry Seitz. Harold Hollen-) baugh. Roland Gray. Harry Leonard.) Harvey Swiler. James Burns. Clair, Bax. Fred Patterson. Robert Dobin. ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Charles Irwin, of 2128 Green street, annunce the mar-1 riage of their daughter. Miss Helen; B Irwin, to Charles Williams, of j Philadelphia, on Saturday. Septem ber 28, 191S, at the Church of the! Savior, Philadelphia. "To know what feellrga to exprraa | and how to express them." Voire Culture and Interpretation H. S. KIRKLAND Lessons Resumed WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 2 STI'DIOi 1010 North Second Street Bell 791-H V. — / TUNERAL FLOWERS , SPECIAL A Beautiful Spray 9Se A Handsome Wreath 93.99 KEENEY'S p SHOPS hit N. Third St.. Harrisburg 157 X. Front St.. Steeltou Money "While in New York City a few ! years ago. visiting a brother op- j Itometrist. a gentleman who owns one of the large office buildings on Broadway near Wall street. ; valued at nearly a million dol lars, came into his office. The optometrist, after introducing us, told me that if I could fit his friend with glasses which would enable him to read a newspaper. | the title to the building would be .cheerfully deeded to me. which I was verified by the gentleman himself. I examined his eyes and had to say. "Impossible." The other op tometrist knew, the gentleman knew, and I was certain, that he alone was to blame. Wearing cheap glasses and careless atten- 1 tion to his eyes in the beginning were the cause of his helpless ! condition. Can you afford to take the ' same chance that this man took for the sake of buying cheap ! glasses, when for a little more ; money I will examine your eves and fit your eyes with glasses that j will help and preserve your sight? My prices are very low the service I give you. .MssQaßaß*' 12 N. MARKET SQUARE Second Floor Open Saturday Evenings, 6 to 8 o'clock BUY LIBERTY BO^DS MY STORE WILL NOT BE OPEN 1® ON SATURDAY EVENINGS 7 o conserve fuel and light, the Gov- ?fn ernment suggests that evening busi- c pfy ness should be restricted to necessary ? j§| H lines. / feel sure that the women of 511 Harrisburg will be glad to do their lm shopping during the day in conform- \H| ity with this suggestion. I B I Daytime selections or clothing are more likely 5 1 S 10 satisfactory than evening purchases, as i (Xi'A |ss > customers and salespeople are not fatigued. i M < coat or gown of good quality represents a 2 SOe sss ? considerable investment in these days, and it ? HI s=s i } s \° the interest of everyone concerned that >ss g I 11 should be chosen under the best conditions. j m I STORK HOl'ltSt Rally Except Saturday, 9 A. M. j j to 5.30 I'. >l. Saturday*. 8A.M.t06. P. M. MONDAY EVENING, hajfufusbttrg TELEGRAPH SEPTEMBER 30. 1918 Red Cross Chapter Has Social Evening The members of the Red Cross Chapter of lmmanuel Presbyterian Church and their families enjoyed a hike Frday evening. They gathered round a large tire in Fishburn's Woods, and roasted corn and wlners and toasted marehmallows. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. John Myers. Mr. and Mrs. George Wirt. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gourley and son. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Meikle, Mrs. Joseph Rehn. Mrs. Kinnard. Mrs. Ritchie. Mrs. Heftzler and daughter. Janet. Mrs. Stewart and son. Charles. Mrs. Crans and son. Roland, Mrs. Robert, Stauffer, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. John Guyer, Miss Mary Rehn. Miss Anne Bradley. Miss Iva Miller. Mrs. Mar garet Gerhart, Frank Van Kirk and i Allen Fritz. SPENDS DAY AT CARLISLE Rabbi Louis J. Haas, of Ohevl Sholem Temple, spent the day in Carlisle, where he visited the United j States Army General Hospital and Dickinson College, in the interests of, the Jewish Welfare Board. United' States Army and Navy. Mrs. G. W. Speakman and daugh- j ter. Geraldine. of 709 North Seven teenth* street, spent the week endj at McAlisterville. DISTRIBUTING CENTER The Harrisburg Post Oftice has bean designated as one of three in the state which will distribute supplies to all Post Offices in the state. Former ly Harrisburg supplied nine counties, but the system worked so well that it has been decided to have the Post Offices at Philadelphia. Pittsburg and Harrisburg supply the Post Offices of the entire state. TO SUBSCRIBE HERE Harrisburg will receive a share of j the Liberty Loan subscriptions of the National Biscuit Company. Sales ] Agent J. S. Brissman. of the local ! branch of the company, has just re ceived advices from the New York office that the company proposes to distribute its subscription to the Fourth Liberty Loan among all the cities of the country where it main tains manufacturing or selling branches on the basis of business en- . joyed by such branches. j When Were You Born With a family record the ans- B wer is always forthcom ing. Isn't it a pleasure to be j able to consult an acccuratelv compiled rec ord, neatly , j printed in clear ; type, with suit able headlines an d subdivis ions, and tell j your inquirer at a glance where either yourself or any of your family had their birth place. Get the information to gether and have us print it for you print it in a way that will please you and be an evidence of your good taste in coming here. The Telegraph Printing Co. Printing—Binding—Design ing—Photo Engraving—Die Stamping Plate Printing 218 Federal Square HARRISBURG, PA. HARRISBURG AT TOP SPEED FOR QUOTAIN LOAN J Eager to Pay Off Debt to j Foch, Man Buys SSOO Bond Here j PAYING DEBT TO FOCH i! "I want to pay something on .; account on my debt to General . i Foch." said a man who went into •! Liberty Loan headquarters this : morning. "Your debt to General Foch?" asked Secretary J. Clyde Myton. "Yes: I think I owe him .a ! great deal—and as a part pay ment I want a I Ti.ei.dny " „ 23c I 1 25,'1 30c Value 13-inch Crocheted I Ilair Brushes, I I' 'Vic Value lcads. j Tuesday 250 I Tuesday . age I 1 1 '"-s'lay 23c I i - „ —...... r rr: 25c Value Stamped Ovals. I, r , Hai,u Mirrors I "V ar Um " s - . with floss. I Tuesday 25c 1 1 " ps ""> " Sc ' Tuesday 2 for 25c siimiiiiii- it'irs i I 39c Value Suspenders, I , ' ' — r —*' ■ 1 " Tuesday 25c I Fancy Combs. I 35c Value Belts. I I Tuesday 25c I I Tuesday' 25c I _ _ _ Dress Shields. | | 39c Canvas Working Gloves, | O • 1 I I I Tuesday 3.1 c I bpCCialS 1 Tu,sd,yV'wH S ".'l' MW .. C ?!*... 3.-.Q I 38, Cuba- Middy Blouses. 6 ' Tuesday 25c _ f Fancy Hound Garters I n I Tuesday, pair 2.~>r I I 38c Value Babies' Heavy Caps. I I Tuesday 25c I Choice of I Tuesday ß !^.2.ic I " "Waiting," "Roses of | 35c \alue Ladies' Wash skirts, I Picardy," "God Bring 35c Value ID-inch Pmhroidcry - 5 " I You Safely to Our Arms ♦ Flouncing. A train." Tuesday 25c 3oe \ alue Children's Percale Aprons. - Tuendhy °so 35e Value While Nets. I 1 _ rr—: : —„ . , I Tuesday ""c I 50c \ alue Stamped Made-up Oriental lairs._ | • Tuesdny. 2 yards Joe I , I .. ... iii.... i 3'Ji; Value Folding Lunch Handkerchiefs. 39c Value Veiling, Tuesduy 2 for 2.5e ! Taesday 35e_l ■. . 25 e i v alue Venice IM'dnirs i 50c Value Stamped Cushion I Tuesday ..... ...... f* 25e | Value Cantor Sets. Tops, with hacks, nickel silver. . Tuesdny 25c 1 ■ . Tiifmiay 27ic Corset Covers, . — T— ■— : 7-7- ; Tuesday r 25c ... . . —— . ?5c Value Shepherd Cheek — 35c V alue Tin Coilec Cans, Suitings. ————————— Tuesday 25c | Tuesday. ')"■" > Vrd'° o .'. XaiU "°2.se I Tuesday 25c " rr —rr—; s rs j I 75c Value White Voiles, i - -- I ' . •><,• Value Stamped Corset Tuesday. >A yard 2-... 35c Value Ladies' Initial Covers, with floss. f ' ' ' 3 " Handkerchiefs. Tuesday ar.c , Tuesday 0 fr 25c j 75,' Value White Madras. I Tuesday, '/4 yard 25c 12 , / <.e Value 1 Jidles Colored ; WlflljP —— Handkerchiefs, __ IfJltftC UulKlllco I 0-lneli Vnbleaelicd Sheeting. Tuesdny 3 for 25c I | Tuesday, '/& yard 25e to 39c Value Ladies' Linen | ¥*L I_ | 3-in, li Bleached and Handkerchiefs (fancy) .'3UV • LilDCYl\ MJOHCLS Unblcnchcl Sheeting. Tiifmlw.v 2d' * Tncwtlnv. ynril Many Suprises Await s You Here In New Millinery Surprises in the wide selection—surprises in the smartness of the models—surprises in the savings that are made possible by oui- prices. v Ladies 1 Misses 9 and Children 9 s " . t Trimmed and Untrimmed Shapes ' in every desirable model from the strictly dress hat to the knockabout for general util ity. Trimmings, too, are here in wide array. Lower-Than-Elsewhere Prices Prevail /S\ SOUTTER!S h -O* BSijl 25c Department Store ftwnayif Where Every Day Is Bargain Day 215 Market Si Opposite Courthouse A, A A A A A .,' • / '