_ • ' ~ I" ■ xammmm SHM alaM— m> BMnninisßiiiaßMM r THE PLOTTERS A New Serial of East and West By Virginia Tcrbnaa Van 1* Water CHAPTER XLIV Copyright, 1918, by Star Piiblkhing* Company Elisabeth \\ ade was appalled bv John Butler's outburst. She had thought she had prepared herself for his disapproval of her brother's scheme, but she had hoped that when she explained the reason of the plot he might understand and pardon it. Now, as she looked at his pale face and noted the agitated twitch ing of his mouth, her hearth sank. \ et why should the information that Clifford Chapin had given him dis tress him to such an extent—even if Clifford had told him that she was not Lizzie Moore, was not re lated to the Chaplns, and that Dou glas Wade was her brother? She attempted to summon her startled wits. "Mr Butler," she begged, "please let me explain. Clifford Chapin could not have told everything to you, because he did not know it all. He did not know why Douglas had tne come here under an assumed tame." The man did not reply, but stood gazirg at her with an expression of painted incredulity. A Real Economy AWAITS YOU AT OUR STORE A Wonderful New European Product churned from Nuts and Milk, which takes the place of Butter and saves you 25c on every pound. Benefit Brand Sweet-Nut Butter POUND OO POUND PRINTS PRINTS SIMPLY NUTS AND MILK TOMORROW, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 We make the following Special Combination Offer 1 lb. Sweet Nut Butter 33£ 1 Sheffield Silver Butter Knife.. 25e BOTH QQ FOR OOC SWEET-NET BETTER is as pure as snow and richer than cream. Let us tell you how it is made. The ripe cocoanuts, imported from the Philippine Islands and Ceylon, are crushed and refined into a cream-white butter. It is impossible to think of anything sweeter, purer or rich.r. This cream of nuts, which does not contain a trace of water, is then churned with pasteuried milk. WTien it leaves the churn it is worked and salted in the same way as butter. Sweet- Nut Butter does not contain a particle of animal fat, consequently it is entirely free from lardy or oily flavor. It serves every purpose for which creamery butter is used—for the table, on hand or hot biscuits, and in every form of cooking, in pastry making, frying, etc., and for use on broiled meats. FREE DEMONSTRATION AT OUR STORE Tamsui Tea Company WHERE YOU SAVE BY SPENDING 331 MARKET ST. HARRISBURG, PA. • "':-- :■.,% i BI^KMiWBHBWWBi^^BHHSBHHS§BMMfIW^Miy*'-; P' IHB®™ l ™ illH^^™, "* ,e ®'®*®BS&iliaHßlMHHßS9f®Bßßffir^v |W A Grand Piano Adds l|i Distinction to the Home Hf The ideal in pianofortes is the Grand—lt dom- UWR inates the living room—it confers distinction, ft i? £&A No musician, no one who delights in music, no : l- k WfijiL one who makes any pretensions to social favor but , ffijß 2 MM* must feel the want of one most keenly. Why not buy it now? Never will there be a more favor- j i\ , able opportunity to secure an exquisite Chicker- jig ■ | ing, Sohmer, Mehlin or Brambach Grand in a size (suitable to or home. See them m J. H. Troup Music House B|| FRIDAY EVENING, i "I tell you I did not believe what he said," he muttered. "Bput," gently, "I am not Lizzie Moore." Then, with an effort to steady her trembling voice. "You must believe that." "I do." "But you can't believe that I" She got no further, for Butler checked her by a passionate ges ture. 1 don't believe another word that he said!" he burst forih. "Nor will 1 ever believe it unless you, yourself, tell mc it is true. I will not Jet any one else mention the matter to me." A sound at the door made them both turn. Amos Chapin stood on the thresh old of the parlor, watching them. His face was dark and his voice dis approving. "What are you two talking about?" he demanded. "You both seem very much excited." Elizabeth attempted o laugh, but on'y succeeded in perpetrating a hy •derlcui giggle. Not a Bit Excited "Wl y no, we are not excltsd," she said. "We were only talking over a Bringing Up Father ,*™" Copyright, 1918, International News Service By McManus I wwmtTcSJ? I w k ?n E " > VEU-TELL | xes-wr-oot I she tolo me to [_ •;, * .2S 2b I ! t\ . *.t) ,? • ; z 4 * 2s. v u * 1 I4b 47 * • s§ I ♦6 51 rssi il I • 45 * ~ ' „ It '8 Jo w • *5*54- •' ' .7 SI. 50 • .3 Can ypu finish this picture? Draw from one to two and so on to the end. Little Talks by Beatrice Fairfax ' 1 During one of the hottest days of the last hot spell in Washington a woman noticed a little girl select a shady patch of the pavement and be gin to aet her lunch. The lunch consisted of a large green pickle with two ice cream cones, and the little girl regarded the feast with the eye of a connoisseur. The woman, having children of her own who got sick sometimes, even on the most vigorously approved rations, tried to dissuade the reckless young epicure from what appeared to be sudden death. But her arguments, like those of every reformer, prere coldly received. "Eats um every day, sometimes 's two pickles 'n one cone—sometimes this"—and she bit into the pickle and the cone alternately. The woman listened with the re spect that "last words" from any source receive. And the little girl ex plained the family history that ac counted for the quaintly balanced ra tion. "Daddy's over to France, fightin' 'n rfiomnier works in a laundry all day. She gives me fifteen cents to buy m' lunch—git cones and pickles, stale pie Monday lef over f'om Sattiday in bak'ry. Gee —1 do have good things to eat, I do." "And don't they ever make you sick?" inquired the woman whose children got sick sometimes on the most carefully supervised diet. "Nope—but they kilt out my little brother; he died of a Friday, buried Sunday." Evidently the young epi cure represented the survival of the fittest. The humane woman then asked if the little girl wouldn't like to visit her in the country and drink all the nice milk she wanted. The young epi cure considere'd dubiously for a mo ment or two. then said "Nope; I don't think much o' milk 'less it's in shakes, 'n then I like sodas and cones bet ter." Did an Amount of Thinking So the woman went back to her place in the country where her care fully supervised children awaited her and did an amount of thinking. Here was a waif whose father was fighting, whose mother worked, and who ran the streets and ate pickles and ice cream cones meantime. Such emergencies have been met to a great extent in New York City by patriotic women working in connec tion with various war and civic or ganizations. But as far as the rest of the country is concerned this high ly necessary branch of war service has been practically neglected. And yet, why should such condi tions be tolerated? The war waif who races the streets and dines on pickles and doubtful ice cream to day, is to-morrow's citizen, soldier, or mother of a family. And how mftch loyalty and good citizenship do you think a child brings to maturity when the state has proved to be such a casual stepmother? In our headlong desire to win the war we have mobilized about every thing that the country has produced —everything but the idle rich women who salve their consciences with a little detached war work or knitting. But why should the woman slacker escape when her made counterpart i has been told that he must either I work or fight?. And why, in this eventful year of 1918—known as the children's year—when we propose to salvage one-third of our doomed 300,- 000 babies, should not this work of j looking after soldier's children be come nation-wide? The weighing and measuring of babies is of little practical benefit if, when we get them past those first difficult seven years, they are allowed to roam the streets and eat any un wholesomeness their pocket money "will buy. A Great Duty Near Home If the dozens of girls and women who write to me inquiring how they may get to France in any capacity would only give this matter of the war waifs their serious considera tion what miracles of efficiency might be accomplished? Why is it that the duty near at hand always lacks the magic of the duty several thousand miles away? France lures and beckons —a beauti ful adventure. We sec her in our dreams a sort of promised land, where we ride as crusaders. In vain we are told that every ounce of food in France is precious; that she has her full quota of sympathizing friends, and unless we are trained workers the Hanlon Drives Poisons Away In Quick Time Hummrlstown Garage Man De scribe Hiss Successful Fight in Detail. Walter Hanlon. of Hummelstown, Pa., near Harrisburg, thought the oils and greases with which he worked m i> garage there were the 'causes of the eczema and water pimples which a icted him. "I learned different, though," he said. "I was all broke out on the hands, arms and face and tried all kinds of ointments to get relief, but nothing helped me. I saw a Tanlac ad and in despair decided to try it. I'm not despairing now, though, for Tanlac certainly reached whatever was the cause of my trouble and drove it out Instead of being the oils and grease outside, as I though!, I it was inside, but it didn't stay long! when Tanlac was sent after it- Tan- i lac also built me up and made me| feel find all over." Tanlad now is being specially In troduced and explained In Harris burg at the George Gorgas drug store I kindest thing: we can do for that valiant country is to remain at home. Still, they won't tak* "no" for an | answer; girls of 16 or women of 60. with no special training in any direc- I tion. feel they can win the war if they j only get the chance to stand on French soil and be sympathetic. Now if these women sympathizers outside of New York, where this question seems to be intelligently dealt with, would only get together and form some sort of an organiza tion for the purpose of caring for war waifs what a magnificent work could be accomplished. No vague, far-away adventure of doubtful benefit to everyone concern ed. but something practical and con crete, the immediate results of which would concern ourselves. For we shall be averting the dangers incur red when we permit these child Apaches to roam the streets and be *come accomplished students of crime before they have tlnished cutting their second teeth. Why not start a society for saving the innocents at home, instead of furnishing material for several new volumes of "The In nocents Abroad?" Advice to the Lovelorn A BIRTHDAY GIFT FOR A YOUNG MAN DEAR MISS FAIRFAX: I am a girl of IS. and have many ; friends. Now, Miss Fairfax, as there Fashions of the Hour f There's real economy p*rlP* in the quality of the gar- * ijk /lb I ments to be found here, v $' - w / / as well as in the prices, U? r,Br at which we have marked • \ them. \ou will realize >.'> I ® \ the force of this state- l/T\ ment if you will inves- Pljjgjk \ Poplin Suits I \ $18.95 I \ i ! At Exceptional Value 7~r-- .A J J Made of all-wool American / I VA poplin, with belted coat, lined fa / \ / 1 1 throughout; pockets, velvet col- l^w / iii lar - button neck; in navy, ' * * n I r brown, black and plum. / / \ Other big values in any and LJ ls.\ l All tTyr\s\l every fabric and color desired, V 001 including velours, tricotine, sll- I r J • iI r • i vertone, oxford, broadcloth, gab- All Wool roplin and Manisll ardine, whipcord and silver tipped velours, in many smart, Poplin Coats Serge Suits p,ain and fur-trimmed models. $18.95 $24.95 $29.95,t0 $89.95 Made of all-wool American . Two striking values in all- poplin; belted model; assorted wool American poplin and man- at T" I shades. nish serge: belted models; silk / V PlI) li If) 11 Q > lined; in navy, green, black and 11/Uot/O Vel °ur Crepe de Chine ( oats New Dresses Blouses $26.95 In all wanted fabrics and $2.95 Smart belted models, plain C ° tones ' includin B serges, Plain embroidered and and velvet trimmed; assorted poplins and jerseys, striped crepe de chine waists, shades to choose from. jn ir x atnn r- V-neck, satin-trimmed sailor 514.95 to $29.95 and roll collars. Broadcloth ' _* Georgette Blouses Will, Fu'lTurCollar SklftS h if v.„,c. nc Ballor co ? lar8 -. $02.9 d Wool and Silk s tin I^^*. Beautiful model, lined through- Fnhrir Slrirtc out; all desired shades. ....... $4.95 ,j n a u„ woo i no velty plaids, XT . , Cnnte silk Poplin, silk faille, satin, ew arri y a1 ' hlghand low KjUUIS charmeuse; in many models, nceks, flesh and white, tal • In silvertone. silk velour. sil- some with overskirts and lored models, ver-tip velours, etc.; plain and *7' en ,, Ch P n f lB = most| y blues, fur-trimmed; in a full range of blacks and taupe. . - Wailts in many mode?e. g $39 Sst $59.95 UM '°*' S !>5 W-9S U4I2M t ladies § BUY • '• DUY wisely 8-10-12 S. FOURTH ST. ELY SEPTEMBER 27, 1918 is one young man with whom I have gone about for one year, and whom I am quite interested in, I want to know if it would be proper for me to make him a gift for his birthday. ABICE. As you do not mention being en gaged to the young man, I conclude you are rot. "'herefore, it would not be iti good taste for you to give him an expensive gift. Books, candy ~nd "ewers are always permissible as of ferings to friends. You might give him something for his writing desk like an inawell or a leather-bound desk blotter, or you could make him Didn't Care What Happened "I became a, physical wreck from stomach trouble and was a fit sub ject only for the operating table or graveyard. Being discouraged, 1 gave way to drink, which made things worse. I got so I didn't care what happened and wanted to die. Mayr's Wonderful Remedy has cured me of everything. Am now in fine condition and feel 25 years younger." It is a simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflammation which causes prac tically all stomach, liver and in testinal ailments, including appendi-| citis. One dose will convince or money refunded. Garments of Quality a necktie or two. Some girls make these very beautifully of silks they know would be becoming, and the compliment is a delicate and subtle one. Stomach Bead Man Still Lives People who suffer from sour stom ach, fermentation of food, diatresa after eating and indigestion, and seek relief in large chunks of artificial di gestors. are killing their stomachs by inaction lust as surely as the victim of morphine is deadening and injur ing beyond repair every nerve in his body. What the stomach of every sufferer from indigestion needs is a good pre scription that will build up his stom ach, put etrcngth, energy and elas ticity into it. and make it sturdy enough to digest a hearty meal with out artificial aid. The best prfscrlptlon for indiges tion ever written is sold by druggists everywhere and by H. G. Kennedy and Is rigidly guaranteed to build up the stomach and cure Indigestion 01 money back. This prescription is named Mi-o-na, and is sold in small tablet form in large boxes, for only a few cents. Re member the name, Mi-o-na stomach tablets. They never fail.—Advertise ment. 9